Thread #648300
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3D Kanojo Real Girl Bermuda Triangle --Episode 4-7 Black Clover Boogiepop wa Warawanai --Episode 10-13 Doukyonin wa Hiza, Tokidoki, Atama no Ue Egao no Daika --Episode 6-8 Grimms Notes --Episode 3-7 Mahou Shoujo Tokushusen Asuka Meiji Tokyo Renka Pastel Memories Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari W'z --Episode 5-8 Watashi ni Tenshi ga Maiorita! Kakegurui XX --Episode 4-7
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where is ika?
I pinged him but he hasn't responded yet.
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okay any jan tonight?
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black clover tate yuusha meiji tokyo magical asuka pastel memories
I'm checking but don't know.
Ready whenever.
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black clover! okay lets start !
Kuro Kusoba
Yeah, because letting more dark energy flow into your body is always a good idea.
i like fire lady
She really has no filter.
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YEah another filler episode. This show is good when it's not filler.
Not really. no.
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Some of the arcs have been interesting. The event of the night is about to start though.
There hasn't really been an arc from this show that's captivated me. So no, there hasn't been an interesting arc.
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okay tate yuusha okay lets start!
Shielddad Hold on we might be able to get Jan on board for this.>>648320 Damn it Rika I know you were looking at this tab when you were typing that. Give him maybe a few more minutes, I can give him the time if that runs too late. All right, start when you're ready. I'll give him the time if he gets in late.>>648324 Oh neato you made it.
tet>>648320 yatta
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haha I see now! I just instirnctively started when I saw orange ik ika waiting for jan are we still waiting for jan okay lets start!
okay coffee and i scream acquired
That's a nice bracelet. Kind of a little wedding ring-poi.
whoa oh oh
i like the op
It's pretty hype. The visual composition is nice too.
>>648328 yeah it uses alternating color overtones well i like how it goes from showing depressing scenes with purple and blue to combat with red and then finally has the battlefield all red with a green tint for shield dad
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He's kinda merciless.
Yeah, he hasn't entirely shaken the cynicism he developed after the disaster at the start of his journey.
>>648331 it's good to be a realist when the world is full of assholes trying to manipulate each other
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dragon zombie seems like a really high level enemy.
Man Filo is just going ham on it. What's her deal with dragons.
Oh shit.
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oh wow didn't expect that I guess he's going edge now.
edgy dad
Yep time for EDGE MODE
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That looked really bad but I'm sure Filo is going to be okay.
I wonder if the other Heroes have similar Edge Mode functions to their weapons.
>Killing a dragon by fighting out from its stomach Filo is kind of a monstah.
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I wonder when he's going to get his shield's power back. I guess he's got to lose his edge to get rid of her curse.
>>648343 There's a reason why she hatched out of a MONSTER EGG
I was gonna say, if that was the crystal she ate, how she got it out would be pretty questionable.
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oh looks like he's out of edge mode.
No Edge Mode can withstand the absolute goodest girl that is Raphtalia.
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>>648348 shes the perfect attacc gril
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get well soon okay meiji tokyo okay lets start!
time traveling harem
saa saa
She's really become smitten with him over the course of the series.
Wow she's really excited to be hit on by this guy.
Everyone's trying to get on a deito with her today.
This guy sure gets bullied a lot.
Ah now the gang's all here.
Is this some kind of old-fashioned Japanese party game.
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That one with the ponytail is the best boy.
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the wizard is clearly best boy
i like angry sword guy
Well this is sudden.
Oh they're all drunk now.
This ED is kind of ear-wormy to me. The chorus is catchy fun.
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okay pastel memories okay lets start!
sec i downloaded asuka okay
I think the spoof this episode is a really old series.
Fish heads Fish heads Roly poly fish heads
Fucking RIP
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That's certainly a kind of gap-moe.
the foodmaster
i like these classic japanese style restaurants with the galley kitchen and bar seats looks comfy
There's a restaurant kind of like that which I like to visit every now and then. They do a lot of typical cheap Japanese meals for low prices.
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I'm sure we all saw that coming.
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best girl arrives again
I think she looks really cute in her mundane outfit too.
>>648382 the best flavor is CHEAP
The episode already demonstrated the judge guy likes her awful cooking so it feels a little obvious how it's going to go. But I guess evil lady's is similarly awful.
god i can't remember the show this is based off but i definitely watched it arino played a game based off the manga in Game Center CX
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well thanks for anime!
>>648388 It's an older, more niche series, at least on this side of the Pacific. I saw it's name in a thread but I can't remember.
>>648390 yeah i know that much haha it's at least old enough to have an NES game based off of it so finding it again is proving difficult
>>648393 ahh thank you it was really bugging me basically souma's grandpappy
The Wikipedia for this show keeps track of the media the episodes spoof. And yeah you can really feel the elements of it that Souma replicated.
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it also reminded me of this manga with the salaryman looking foodie kind of a generic look but his personality seemed eerily similar
ahh now i'm falling into the GCCX hole again thanks for anime
Arigato yo