So the police are saving them from the police. What a twist.
how did he get out did he rip off his hands
He's been shown struggling against the cuffs for a while. If you force it hard enough and don't care for the damage, you can probably scrape your skin and underlying flesh enough to get them off.
Akko will never be a good student. I don't remember her being this hopeless in the OVAs.
She was competent enough to pull off flying a broom and simple magic in the first OVA, and by the second one she could used the Shiny Rod to do some rather magic-intensive stuff, like powering an entire flying ship. But there was still a rather obvious ineptitude that she had, which she made up for with raw power.
Wow they're really not being subtle about Ursula here.
But yeah, I think they went with Akko being totally hopeless to pad out the first season.
I still hope the climax of the first cour has her succeeding at something like flying a broom.
Man those are some snazzy hats.
Oh man parallels.
This series tickles so many of my fantasy funnybones.
That's sort fo -of a dangerous thing to say to some kind of mystical spirit.
And now it's an axe.
Oh they properly confirmed it at last. Guess people can stop memeing about it now.
>>64554 I know eh. Being so affluent that you can own your own little cafe and not care if it turns a profit would be pretty comfy.
bang's new computer
>>64555 It just depends In most cases it doesn't do anything but in some places it does and sometimes it's only during certain times of the day
bang's new computer
>>64556 I mean that part would be good I guess but I'd probably prefer if it were profitable and the main thing I do. I know I'd be good at it, I have quite a bit of experience. The French restaurant I worked at also had an attached Patisserie and Bakery-Cafe
>>64557 Yeah, here some walk lights won't actually change if there's no sign of someone that wants to cross. I think it's convenient to allow cars to just keep driving and people crossing the other way to keep crossing if there's no reason no to.
She's like an old lady who's never had to use a computer before in her life.
>>64558 I'd kind of like to try working in a cafe a bit.
The idea of crafting espresso and coffee drinks is a lot like the idea of craft bartending as well. And I'm really good at being personable and friendly while also being good at service positions. I could probably run an amazing little coffee place Maybe a cafe in the morning and a bar at night That sounds really cool
Like Coffee Cuties?
bang's new computer
there's a lot of cool cafes and bars in japan as well
Yeah, I saw a few walking around. Not many in Akihabara though--at least not at ground level. But that's kind of a different sort of commercial district.
bang's new computer
I imagine most of them would be expensive and catered towards salaried workers
They also are pretty much the only place, aside from famires, that offer you a place to sit down in Japan. There are NO FUCKING BENCHES anywhere in that country.
bang's new computer
that's when you gotta pop out that slav squat
By the end of the trip I had fully channeled my inner Slav and could squat pretty comfortably. But before travelling there I'd been a fair bit of a lazy shit and wasn't used to being on my feet for extended periods of time anymoer. Anymore, even.
bang's new computer
I think Tapris is a cute character but also she's kind of too much
bang's new computer
but it gives more screentime to Vigne being Vigne which I like
bang's new computer
yeah I walk like several miles while at work my job requires me to move a lot
bang's new computer
my job is basically to walk around all the time making sure everything is okay low-wage workers are prone to fuck up at any given moment
They're all so terrible at this.
>>64575 I hadn't been employed for eight months or so before going there, and even then, that job was pretty much data entry and had me sitting for the most of my eight hour shifts. So at least eighteen months of fairly little walking around.
bang's new computer
I wish Vigne would make me takoyaki
bang's new computer
I'm allergic to shellfish though fuck
bang's new computer
wow has it been that long since you last worked
Are shellfish and octopus that closely related that it triggers the allergy?
bang's new computer
i haven't really explored my allergy that much because i'm scared to but octopi are mollusks
scallops and oysters too
i know for sure i'm allergic to shrimp, which usually means all crustaceans, and probably means all shellfish but there's a possibility that i'm not allergic to mollusks
i caught a splash of clam chowder the other day at work though and had a terrible itching and coughing fit soooooooo
>>64581 Guess so. I stopped working when my contract came up for expiration in -at the end of April 2016. I could have stayed on for an extended duration for another couple months, but the team was moving to a different location that would have extended my transit duration from a ~fifty minute metro ride to a rail ride that would have been twice as expensive and probably about twice as long.
bang's new computer
so why haven't you sought work at all? i mean it's not like i would work if i didn't have to but i think it's nice to have a job
I didn't really have to. Since I have relatively little few expenses in my life, I was able to save up a fair bit of money. Not to mention the job did pay pretty well. It's starting to get a little close to skirting the edge of reasonable though. But I'd also like to be able to travel for a week plus change this coming May to road trip with Kirara and Jan and others, and I don't want to deal with work scheduling being a pain in the arse during that.
bang's new computer
that was a good episode do we have one more before the show ends? i hate the end of the season
cute girls do the tourism industry rural girl goes to the city another season of SnK more yowaped
looks like it may be a good season
bang's new computer
Unfortunately for me I'll just end up watching whatever I can. I hope nothing good airs on tuesday or friday morning, i mean so i guess it's what airs thursday and monday
There's a lot of high-quality season twos out next season. Uchouten Kazoku, Hero Academia, Saekano, Shingeki no Bahamut, LWA.
SnK was already moving into that age range where the writing was getting a bit dodgy. But you watch SnK because it's fujobait so I'm sure you'll be right there with me watching it.
>>64607 Watch LWA and Hero Academia for sure. Shingeki no Bahamut is also awesome, you'd probably like it. Watch Saekano if you want some high quality cute girls.
In other words go try it out and see if it works for you.
bang's new computer
>go spend all these hours doing something besides dota and work hmmmmmmmmm
I watched a PV for Kabukibu earlier and found it kind of endearing. It looks like it's DEEN fujobait but it also seemed kind of nice. Might give it a trial run.
It also has character designs by CLAMP, so that also helped in piquing my interest.