>>62566 >>62566 >>62566 Also Harley's character is stupid and wacky and not really a good character in the first place.
I'm gonna have to disagree with you on the Joker 's and Harley's choice of casting Whatever her name is, she has a really big mouth and does a good enough job Jared Leto was suicide squad's biggest redeeming factor
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>62567 Err by that I meant that it doesn't matter that this particular actress was chosen.
They propably did the best they could with the shitty script they were given. or not didn't wisecrack do a good movi about why suicide squad was so bad that explained some quite good points
I don't know I might see if they did
Boomerang and metal band man are gonna die aren't they?
i had this weird dream I was driving on a bridge at night and suddenly a shark fell on the bridge so I stopped and I was like, wtf and then there was this girl there trying to push the shark off the bridge i asked what she was doing and she said she didn't know and i said that i was going to my grandparents house for hotdogs and then clarified that i never called them to see if i could so i didn't actually know if i could go there and get hotdogs and then some other sharks fell on the bridge and she said she was hungry and i thought "she's cute, maybe i should ask her if she wants to get something to eat" and then i woke up
>I'm an idea >a state of mind
Listen, stop harking back to Ledger if you're not gonna be Ledger
At least it displays Joker's abusive relationship with Harley Gotta really look for the silver linings in this
WEll the whole story was >your son gonna kill you so the son was thrown away and raised by others and then hears of tyrant king who he kills and whose throne he claims and takes his wife too and then BAM "supprise you were actually their son" I don't remember how he learnt the truth, but I think it was the gods because greek mythology gods always pop up at those times
People seldom if ever name things after things with full understanding Nazism never contains a fully functioning social welfare system, for example, anymore
Kinda funny how after cronos killed/castrated uranus, it was prophecised the same would happen to him and then he starts to act like a tyrant and killing all his kids so the one surviving kid kills him because he well was a tyrant now
self-fullfilling prophesies are the best, since they aren't really prophesies Had you just ignored the whole shit, nothing would've happened
>>62618 well jokes aside, while I don't believe in dream interpreting or anything. Let's play with this the fish, well shark, obviously represent fish situation in your life and the whole situation just implies that fish will somehow introduce someone interesting into your life.
>>62645 Oh, that's sad. >>62646 Dream interpretation has always seemed so weird to me. >>62647 I might do it! I'm a loose canon! Ready to blow! cannon too
My dream wasn't that impactful. It didn't have any sex or anything that might influence my actions throughout my day! I told Fish about it though and she was amused.
also your grandparents represent the damedame and spreading the happy Clearly.
>>62638 In most iterations of the story, Oedipus actually seeks out the chain of people that lead to him being raised by his adoptive parents, which is how he learns who his parents are, and that he slew his father, the previous king, in an encounter as strangers many years ago.
>>62649 ¨Well dreams are weird, and we have lotsa dreams during life and how repetive our lives usually are, we at times have "prophetic dreams" so, it makes sense how people eventually start to think that dreams might preidct the future somewhat or shit
>>62658 He's gotten well known enough to be considered what people probably mean when talking of a historical ruler And he's just a youtuber
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>62660 Yes but then I remembered how TN and other people always make fun of me for posting links even though no one reads them. >>62664 You can't really tell what the contents are without clicking the link.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
If they don't want to click your link they probably aren't interested in the contents.
I think it's a proof of how influential you are if you're able to overrule a historical figure in public consciousness
>>62663 [link] >something interesting about said link and why it should be opened if you want to know more >optional: a summary of the whole thing if tl;dr mood
Like imagine getting your wiki linked at the top of "Cleopatra" Or Caesar
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>62670 Good suggestion, so "Planes, Trains and Plantains: The Story of Oedipus" is a very funny joke essay summary of the story of Oedipus that is also very inaccurate.
>>62671 well Sargon of Akkad is quite little known figure outside of history buffs
He's not that known to begin with I guess, yeah But still Pretty well done
Yeah he founded the first empire or kingdom ever but most people don't know and care about dat shit they dont care about the myriads of kingdoms that existed through the ages in the mesopotamian region. >>62676 >our archeologiest have found about this ruler from thousands of years before their proper history recording began and then somehow lived all the way to modern times where he began to make "internet videos" about politics and issues
Once we wipe ourselves out with nukes, aliens are gonna be so confused with the culture we leave behind "This ruler went from having control of a whole kingdom to making shitty youtube videos"
Please stop joker you can't laff
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
aliens will love reading about us like "what is wrong with these people no wonder they all are dead"
"Why was a good quarter of all their fiction about killing aliens? Man it is good they are dead, they would've killed us all" >>62680 >every election ever
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>62675 There are plenty of people before him on the Sumerian Kings List, and some of those people are probably not fictional. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sumerian_King_List
>>62682 yes sumerian kings but sargon didn't just took over that kingdom he then took over every citystate kingdom in the region and actually held it all together quite well and made one of the first state armies and all dat shit
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>62683 Your statement "Yeah he founded the first empire or kingdom ever" wasw //was kind of vague so I was just addressing the "first kingdom" part.
>>62684 before his conquest most kingdoms were citystates practically some held several cities, but they usually collapsed when the monarch fell or any enemy invaded akkadian empire lasted quite a while
If you ever visit Chicago you should go to the museum of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, they have a lot of artifacts and what not.
>>62688 >the museum of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago Almost as long as eroge titles
well, technically, it's just the Oriental Institute Museum
>>62689 Eroge don't tend to be as bad as LNs though, eh.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>62691 Yes, but I included the University of Chicago part because if you don't know that its part of U of C you don't
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
fuck, connection dropped Anyways U of C is a very prestigious university so knowing that it is part of it gives you more background information about it I think something is wrong with my brain because I am having trouble putting sentences together.
>>62709 Damn, if/when I get a job I might buy it for you.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
Also Blue, you never told me which game you wanted a Steam key for from that list I sent you. >>62712 Yes actually, he has a pretty decent paying job that I'm still not sure if its full time or part time.
>>62705 Does your friend have money? >>62711 Ah, I didn't. Hm. Amusing that the two games that you said you didn't want I already have. But I didn't take the time to check any of the games on the list to see what I want. That is, I didn't see if // what those games were like or about. I'll go through it soon. I'm searching for albums right now.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>62712 Try to pick two or three just in case one of the ones you decide you want ends up being something i find interesting, also if you aren't interested in playing any of them I'll just give you a $15 one for you to trade for like TF2 crap or random steam trades.
And for the sake of making me sound less ridiculous, here is one of the tracks from that game in question. https://meguca.org/images/src/6d5947a8a9fff8dd86894efaa31e6f8706f0a7a5.mp3 It's completely out of place because they put it in H-scenes but the song itself is awesome.
>>62721 Specific albums. http://mozeen.com/ I am looking for this person's music. Because this seems to be the person who made that track I just linked. It's called banbado
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>62722 they're designed to look and seem exactly like humans because the originals (in the original NieR) were designed to completely fool everyone in the project into thinking everyone was human
>>62736 it is just a shit posty pic but it does make it more amusing I think if you had a method to make people completely forget their position in society, you could form a close to perfect social contract, however the process shouldn't be that long even if you somehow erase everyone's memories of their identities, if they retain some other knowledge they picked up over their lives etc. they might be able to deduce where they might be on the ladder and thus be then biased.
of course the thing is just a thought experiement too and shouldn't be taken seriously, aside the lesson of it a social contract should be formed on the basis, that you might be in ANY role in the society and not just bad or good step on the ladder.
>>62747 You talking about kigus? There are dedicated threads on /jp/ for buying kigus
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>62753 I'm talking about whatever kirara is talking about, also no I am not, kigu disgust me and they aren't mannequins. Wait I'm thinking of /// >>62755 yeah no
>>62750 I don't know, actually. I thought of a good idea, said, "I should see the price of a mannequin" Then I checked the price and realized I no longer remembered why I might have thought getting one was a good idea.
>>62758 Ohh, yeah, I've looked at prices for them before back when I had more money to spend on stupid pranks, the cheap ones on amazon don't look very good.
I don't know what I would wear to my first real /moe/ meetup, but if I'm just meeting Kirara I already have an idea in mind for something to wear. >>62784 I was thinking of wearing a Florida Gator hat, a wife beater tallit and having a big knife on my belt.
>>62789 >nobody cared who i was until i put on the mask
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
Also the outfit minus the tallit is what my dad wore to a weird costume Christmas party that his old company has every year, I forget what the theme was that year. But it was my dad's Florida man costume.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
Jokes aside I probably would be wearing my Florida Gator hat though.
I will bridge the gap between 3D and 2D. The portal to hell will open. I will step off the plane in america and wear some anime kigu andWRRRY. and then get sent back home and banned from america
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>62826 You will probably be stopped from boarding in your country while wearing that.
My drying machine some times doesn't dry things properly, so occasionally I need to run it an extra half-cycle.. So I usually need to be around for about two and a half hours to ensure it gets properly laundered.
>>63087 Strange to see Selena in there, she's regarded as just kinda bad.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Thank goodness for firefox sync but >Computer crashes >reopen firefox >Assume it's giving me an error because the crash and hit ok >It just deleted everything
so ive got like 11 clerics almost all of my 4+ stars are clerics is there a difference between any of them as i understand it, the stat gain is randomized upon the character roll right? so what's the difference between old man cleric or snarky bitch cleric
It's not exactly randomized. You get a random stat adjustment on each character, where one stat will be high and another will be low. So you might get the same unit twice, but with slightly different stats. It just means the high and low statshave different max values at level 40.
>>63112 Well different characters have different stats so even with the randomized adjustment, one character might be focused on RES to resist magic attacks while others could have DEF focus, for example.
Also, different characters have different skills, which changes their gameplay a bit.
>>63113 It's sort of like, a character might normally have 40 HP at level 40, but if HP stat is adjusted low, at level 40, they have 36 HP instead. Or if it's high, they might have 43 HP at level 40 instead.
All the characters pretty much get the same stats as long as they're the same character, it's just minor adjustments to their overall stats.
but the difference is more in the roll and not in the character, provided the characters have the same role?
>>63111 okay so there's a hard stat anchor in the character difference but with a smaller adjustment in the roll?
my merric has like 42 hp at level 25 he's a bitch though
>>63110 Skills. Snarky bitch cleric has uh... well it depends on WHICH snarky bitch cleric but if it's the one on the horse then she has resistance while old man cleric has a skill that heals him as he heals others.
It's been scheduled for the 24th but they suddenly decided to add an early challenge event for just that time. There will be a lvl 30 and lvl 40 map again like with Ursula.
i got home after work got to my room flopped on my bed turned my desk lamp on ADND THERE WAS A FUCKIGN ROACH IN FRONT OF MY FACE this is the second worst thing to happen to me this week
>The private mobile phone numbers of hundreds of federal politicians, former prime ministers and senior political staffers have been inadvertently published online in an embarrassing blunder by a government department. >While in previous years the numbers were taken out of the PDF documents altogether, this time it appears the font was merely turned white - meaning they could still be accessed using copy and paste.
>>63149 i've only driven like 3 times in the last year that i can remember because it's illegal for me to drive i feel like i would be in no real danger on the road tho
Hundreds of people worked on ME:A, and nobody saw fit to mention to someone in charge that the character faces all look like they have some sorta disease
>>63159 both of these faces look unrealistic and uncanny
the EA one is worse though >>63158 why the funny face
>>63160 Yeah but at least one looks sorta pretty The ME:A one looks like how it feels like your face is when you drink too much
>>63159 I know you're kind of trying to be funny, but out of all those people, a very slim percentage of them were probably in any position to see and modify the character models. And an even smaller portion of that worked on the facial parts.
>>63164 Probably not. EA is kind of a shitty place to work, they probably just want to finish working and be done with it.
I never played Mass Effect because it has the EA logo on the box art. That's all it takes for me.
Oh sk rip in peace
>>63169 Hah hah, it's kind of the same for me. Though I didn't even know what the franchise was until shortly before ME3 came out, but by then I was so skeeved by EA that I just gave no fucks.
>>63171 same here man I was like "Mass Effect? Oh, it's by EA who cares" i didn't even know it was in space until ME2 was released
I had a bunch of friends in high school that were super into the Bioware games. And then ended up friends in college with people that were really into them too. So I ended up knowing a lot more about the franchises than I really cared to.
>>63174 I don't have to deal with anyone else's taste in video games much in real life, thankfully. >>63175 let's watch CC I want to go be emo
Well it's not like there was a complete divide in our vidya tastes. We had stuff we enjoyed playing and stuff we didn't, and some times they meshed and some times they didn't. It's not like they tried to force their tastes on me.
They're both good for different things as well. Nioh's storyline is good enough but Nier just blows the former out of the water in terms of storyline and characters. Nioh has a supremely deep and balanced combat system whereas Nier is made by Platinum Games and naturally the difficulty is wonky as fuck but the action is so over the top it makes up for it.
I don't know if Nioh is worth 60 dollars but that's just because I hate video games
>>63214 I got one hundred and sixty two hours of enjoyment out of my first playthrough the game, completing every mission on normal difficulty and the hard difficulty you unlock by beating the game.
>>63215 Is that really worth sixty american dollars, though?
I'm just saying that's how long it lasted me, I think if you like action games you would get a similar mileage. Is $3.60 CAD a good price to pay for fun?
Nioh's totally not an option for me because PS4. I might get around to picking up Nier for PC though.
I spelled ubiquitous right on the first try. I really am the strongest.
It's not really that hard though. If anything if you know how basic English phonetics work you can pretty much sound it out correctly.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
ubisoft more like ubiquitsoft
i spelled ubiquitous right on my first try when i was 8 years old in a grade school spelling bee
I don't think I've ever spelled ubiquitous wrong. Loan words like "silhouette" are much harder for me to remember. AND EVEN THEN I got that spelling of it right on the first try.
i've never spelled silhouette wrong either or schadenfreude
Some times I'll forget there isn't an early 'e' in that word.
i'm pretty good at spelling m-my only strength
I'm far worse at spelling words verbally than I am typing them out. It's just too easy to forget where I am in the word and get caught up.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
For that matter I highly, highly doubt I could do that drunk test of reciting the alphabet backwards whether I was inebriated or not.
Fruit is slang for a gay person, right. Well slur. >>63286 Mike Pence, current Vice President of the United States. He's pretty staunchly anti-gay and has advocated shock therapy to "cure" homosexuality before. In other words, turning fruits into vegetables.
>>63422 Be like the guy that made Stardew Valley. Spend like five years making your engine from scratch, all by your lonesome. At least you'll have the advantage of actually knowing how to code before you start.
>>63461 i consider myself a working member of society lawful neutral lawful good maybe sometimes chaotic neutral but people can't always be the same people
>>63466 What happened to the nacho, you can't give up on your dreams how about about a castle of german forests made out of nachos?
ubuntu bang
>>63463 I don't think it's right If I worked for any of the teams that helped develop the software, I would be unhappy about someone stealing it Probably
look i don't care if you decide you want to do that but i myself feel better not doing that also i'm about to become PRIVILEGED soon going from lower class to lower middle class woo hoo
>>63475 You need avocado. >>63473 That is so nicely peaceful.
and it's $130 so fuck that
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
at least he's class conscious
ubuntu bang
samurai are you saying i should've pirated windows
I'd be kinda conflicted if I needed to get windows on another computer. I don't like pirating things if I can avoid it.
>>63490 I think it has some kind of horrible limitation, like you can only use microsoft apps. And stuff like steam isn't included in the category of things you can use.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
video games cannot exist in capitalism
Isn't there a technically free version of windows 7 online provided by microsoft somewhere. I remember the ISOs ages ago.
i'm just looking for validation after dropping enough money to pay for a concert ticket and drinks this is basically me saying i probably won't go to hippie sabotage in a couple week
I am never getting win 8 or 10 Especially after the forced update shit >>63501 is that gif from that bar game? I want to play that bar game
I wouldn't pirate an OS. If the cost of the software was too much, I just wouldn't buy it, and go for a free OS alternative, or just hold off until I can save up the money for it.
I used to pirate a lot of games I used to own but I now use gog or steam. as for Microsoft OS, I pirate that because the price is high and I never got disks with my PC years ago and I want to stay on win7 for the rest of my life.
I love how microsoft has literally generations of hate for it. like way back when it was getting market dominance people still hated it, people who are know in their around their 50s
Microsoft does somethings really unintuitively compared to linux or other operating systems. I have a hard time understanding a lot of UI choices and limitations implemented by microsoft
>>63522 You can purchase their OS, a product, directly from Microsoft.
>>63526 And also directly from Microsoft. Unless you're going to try and sell me on their own, owned website, is not directly from Microsoft. Which isn't going to happen, sorry.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>retailer of software what a notion
Either way piracy isn't theft Stealing candy is theft Pirating software is pirating
I don't entirely agree with that sentiment fromt -fromt fuck. I don't agree with it man. I feel it's a lame justification for trying to console oneself with willfully avoiding paying for a product.
One day I will live in Japan and instead of torrenting anime I will watch on a TV. I will enjoy cursing at baseball messing up airing times when it runs over.
I don't mind pirating anime because I can't watch it any other way at good quality without supporting a shitty western intermediary crunchyroll can go fuck itself.
I remember back when it was just starting and how to it was basically collecting of tls from pirate groups that suddenly went commercial they stabbed a lot of people in back back then,.
Piracy and theft are definitely two different acts. There's certainly room to feel that both are harmful. They're definitely two different acts though. I wouldn't care if someone cloned my purse and ran away with it as long as they promised not to use my ID for nefarious purposes.
>>63545 The argument for harm with Piracy is that no one will pay for the original product if it can be found for free. I feel like people downloading aren't really the bad ones in this argument but the people giving it out for free in the first place. and further redistribution
>>63549 I think the argument can easily be made that piracy is harmful. I just don't think it can be made that piracy is as or more harmful as theft. Theft has an extra element of depriving the original owner of their property. At best, piracy deprives one of potential profit.
>>63552 I can sort argee *agree with that but If someone makes something that they know lots of people with use and expect a certain return on it to break even, they suffer if it doesn't sell. I feel like it is more than potential profit, it can for small developers be something that means a profitable venture is not viable and they can't get money back that they invested into providing whatever they provided.
I think that piracy is indicative of an overpriced product. Studies have shown that people are less likely to pirate something that they consider to be a reasonable price. Moreover, studies have shown that piracy leads to improved profits in the long-run occasionally as well.
>>63558 The problem with that is, what's overpriced will always be relative. Like, most video games nowadays, at the price they come out at, are pretty much overpriced to me. But they're not overpriced to a lot of people who happily buy them , whether it's in hard copy for consoles or on platforms like Steam.
Likewise, I kind of feel a lot of subscription-based services are kind of over-priced since I don't actually know if I'll even feel like using the service that month. I don't really think whether or not something is overpriced to someone in particular matters.
>>63592 It can be both. I don't usually pirate unless I feel that corporations are trying to take advantage of me or if I don't have a way to obtain what I want otherwise.
You can't run a computer without an OS. It's basically necessary. And you can't operate in today's world without a computer honestly.
It costs $130 for this Windows OS. Social Security Admin says that the median wage is about $13.20 an hour. That means you would have to spend more than an entire day's wages to purchase something you can't operate without. I think that's completely ridiculously priced. I'm a lot less willing to pay for something priced so ridiculously.
>>63625 It comes back on the 24th for a few days and that's where those rewards come from, so it'll definitely get completed by at least 5000 people or whatever the thing was.
Intellectual property holders would like to equate the act of piracy with theft on a 1:1 basis, but I don't think it's that simple. Intellectual property law, or maybe the creation of the concept of intellectual property in general, is a carefully calculated equation that balances the competing interests of free exchange of information with providing incentive to the act of creation.
Theft comes with the added evil of depriving another of what is theirs, but "theft" of intellectual property is the simple act of using another's ideas. I don't think that using someone's intellectual property is an inherently evil act, but theft is.
I also think that at the moment, the equation leans a bit too far in the favor of protecting intellectual property. I think a lot of our intellectual property laws at the moment are more about greed and less about providing incentive to content creators. Microsoft is a good example of a company that is greedy.
A computer for $199 sounds like it would crap. *be
>>63639 Most people are pretty much stuck with windows. There isn't really a choice between Linux and Windows in reality let's be serious. Most people don't even know Linux exists. The fact that computers come with an OS, I don't see how that matters. $130 still looks completely unreasonable. Why does it cost $130? Because Microsoft knows they can get you to waste all of that money on it; they have all the power in the relationship and you have none. They can take advantage of you and will take advantage of you.
That reminds me when I try posting on the phone on moe it leaves a bunch of code near the spoiler button. like in square brackets. {m, whatever and a bunch of numbers }
It doesn't do much at all, just leaves a text near the spoiler button. I am using firefox alt-s is working fine need a better scapegoat >>63696 SUE THEM
ubuntu bang
>mobile firefox
Maybe you have tiny fingers and can't reach alt-s properly
then i would demand to see footage of the tea leaves being grown, third party investigations into the soil contents and climatology along with irrigation sourcing and a full audit of all nutrients used
leading into a comprehensive and fully transparent investigation of the entire tea pipeline from field to my cup