I'm really tired. I've got two appointments and two groups today! Yikes!
It looks like none of my appointments confirmed, though. Maybe I'll only get one.
>>631558 Haha, yeah. Apparently he talked to the producers to get permission after some video begging for it went viral.
I'm not tired yet but I might be before I'm done for the day. I've got a three hour lecture today but it -is- the first week so there's always the possibility the professor might speed through the syllabus and then throw us out. And since I'm not actually enrolled in the class I might even just get kicked out anyway, hah hah.
I should probably get to watching Homecoming eventually. Mysterio is a cool Spider-Man villain so I want to watch the upcoming one.
Kirara, the Cat
Gyllenhaal said mysterio is a hero in the new movie but i feel like he's lying
Well and it would be pretty Mysterio-y for him to think himself a hero.
Kirara, the Cat
Idk about that, but it certainly wouldn't be the first time Mysterio presented himself as a villain, haha err as a hero he is an illusionist, after all
wouldn't their cars be here still unless it happened last night i guess
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>631566 The website said a thing existed so i went all the way to the city for it and it wasnt there. I walked the streets in Heavy track boots and came home emptyhanded.
people are showing up to work now i guess there was a horrible accident on US1 and they shut down the entire highway some guy on a motorcycle got ripped apart
yeah that happens
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
https://www.twitch.tv/loveisabadday hereI go again
Something in my vicinity smells really, really good and I can't figure out where it's coming from.
bit disappointed that hyakkimaru still isn't showing the snarky side he had in the manga but I do love how they are adapting the manga faithfully but doing it in a completely different way
one of my clients in tonight's group was wearing a very loose blouse and no bra so every time she turned, her breasts were just displayed it's so uncomfortable to have to tell a client to wear more appropriate attire
>>631616 what kind of a person wears that kind of clothing to that kind of session it is like wearing thight sweat pants and having a boner
DSA leadership did something so egregiously stupid in bad faith that even im surprised but it's awesome because it's giving me an opportunity to amass support which i can use to conquer the organization and turn it into something useful
at the absolute least, im gonna cut the organization in half and render it inoperable
so the best case is that i steal an organization of 50k people and the worst case is that i destroy it and people just have to join better organizations so it's a win win for me i can't lose
>>631662 they planned to co-opt the organization to use as a platform to get bernie elected and then their internal document they used to plan this got leaked and now everyone knows they've been manipulating the organization so they can turn it into a part of the Democratic party because DSA leadership wants jobs at the dem party
they became cops
the issue is, why didn't they just build a party from the start instead of co-opting a social movement. but that much is obvious
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>631668 cause copting an existing one is waay easier *co-opting
Kirara, the Cat
>>631669 yeah this it's super easy especially if you already have some power to exploit
same reason i want to co-opt DSA instead of making my own org
>>631632 The Japanese trailer has a bit of different footage the English one didn't get. >>>/@SpidermanfilmJP/1085181931438759938 They don't play the Happy/Aunt May bit and instead do a bit more on the teens.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
Anyways that sounds like a really "good" idea, too bad it didn't work out for them. well too "bad"
>>631672 yeah, it's honestly an impressive grift they've been grooming the org to transition into a bernie campaign org for two years now a lot of people had some suspicions tho
>>631674 The orchestral classic Spider-Man theme at the end of it was really good too. I love big, booming orchestralizations of music like that.
Kirara, the Cat
>>631675 bernie is fine, i don't like him personally, but he's not bad DSA as an org being used to platform a political candidate is a complete waste of resources, though DSA has the infrastructure necessary to become an organization that helps people directly and is full of people that are geared towards direct aid work forcing the org to become an electoral organization is just stupid and unnecessary it's just a political power grab there's already like five orgs dedicated to getting bernie and berniecrats into office that they could join instead of trying to undemocratically force this org to do it
>>631677 right? it's so good, i can't wait to see it
a human is doing the "observation". But in reality the way it works is that measuring a property of an electron in of itself interacts with it. But these people make it out to be some big thing about intelligince being important in the universe.
>>631679 >>631681 yeah in fact all observations of it are correct
I'd like to announce that I now love manus but hate dragons like the fucking CHECHNYAN BITCHES THEY ARE I knew it all along fire presents dragons dragons are fire
Age of fire is actually another disguised age of dragons
Only way to end Chechnyans is to end the age of fire
I hope the game allows you piss on the fire to end it not like just little pee but one of those >takes 5 mins to end pee piss your all content unto it so it FUCKING EXTINQUISHES and when someone ages later might try to rekindle it again they will fucking have to deal with my PISS
well, it'll be okay probably im taking my Vyvanse again for a little while until I catch up on my dissertation so I can work on it more easily so I won't get a full night's sleep anyway.
>>631742 if you remove the v from vyvanse it becomes YMCA
Blue put on some ASMR haircut thing when we were driving in Philly so five of us were just sitting in the car, listening to it, and it was one of the weirdest experiences of my life.
ear cleaning is a little odd
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
Ear cleaning feels good, its like getting an itch scratched.
>>631786 btw if you are ever going to do it, don't do it with our western ear bud thingies whatevery they are called they aren't designed for it and will just push our western stuff deeper into the ear
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>631789 >>631789 this sticking qtips in your ears is a terrible idea although really, sticking anything in except maybe an otoscope is a bad idea.
qtips yess that
using qtips just clean the outside and atmost the amount the soft spot of the q-tip fits inside your ear never more
>>631794 you take a scoop and stick it in your ear and scoop out earwax. also another thing japanese ear cleaners are designed for a certain type of earwax east asians have a different type of earwax than westerners so it won't really work properly on you anyways. the japanese market near me sells them though.
also japs have more like ear uhh... dry blocks than wax
they do work for the waxy-runny stuff westernerns have too but you havet o be careful
Kirara, the Cat
just get your ears vacuumed or wait for it to naturally clear out
>>631798 no that doesn't also work for all for me it would permanently make me deff
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>631798 >wait for it to naturally clear out so uhh wait for the earwax in my corpse's ears to rot?
and for >wait for it to naturally clear out >be bothered by ear wax for days to weeks on no end
>>631795 aw I get blocked ears on rare occasion and I have to get my ears blasted with water very uncomfortable experience
Kirara, the Cat
>>631800 ???? earwax naturally goes away it breaks off and falls out and stuff
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>631804 if I don't clean my ears they fill up with wax
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>631804 yeah but you'll always have some of it left in there
>>631808 I just clear our the shit with my finger and if that isn't enough or well I know it isn'tenough use a flat tool thingie I have for it that is soft to clean around same region my finger can reach, index finger that is and then finish off qwith a q-tip if i remember
and that takes care of it for few weeks or a week depending on time of the season
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
ughh I need to go to bed but my laundry isn't done drying yet
>>631833 I like this alice >>631834 Just lay the ground about the thing in the most brutal way you can think just in the case you have your wedding and I show up
I mean even over the internet I am a character
>>631834 It's also one of the most atrocious things we're still watching, so you've got NO IDEA how nice it is.
>>631838 Sacrifices have to be made sometimes to appease the List! I haven't watched any of the new shows yet except Pastel Memories 1. We probably won't continue with it.
Fish finished Mob s1, though, so I can start s2 soon.
I enjoyed the hook at the end of Pastel Memories. The episode was mostly kind of bland but then things got silly real fast. At the least I want to see what the response in episode two'll be like.
I thought Pastel Memories was actually kind of boring. Fish didn't like it either, she thought the hook was stupid and didn't like the character designs.
>>631849 I've been too busy to watch stuff. Last week, I used all my time to sleep, and this week, I'm overwhelmed with work! I'm hoping to get a chance this weekend.
I could have watched last night or tonight, I guess, but we did other stuff.
>>631861 Yeah, it's still pretty early. Hey, is it okay if I email you about something to get your take on it? It's sort of a weird situation and you're probably the only one I can think of that might have good insight.
>>631850 Yakusoku no Neverland, Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai, Kakegurui xx, and Kouya no Kotobuki Hikoutai all have potential to be interesting. And there's some good cute stuff like Endro and Watashi ni Tenshi ga Maiorita! as well. And a number of other stuff that might come to potential but probably need a few episodes to catch on.
>>631869 uhh the joke was if it has a manga or LN adaption I most likely know about it
but that aside airspace girls I might check it out now
It's by the director of GuP, and the attention to mechanical detail is pretty interesting. There's a lot of 3D CGI including the main female cast, which is kind of eh, but the CGI is also pretty well-done. What's weirder is show has a decent amount of 2D animation but it 's only reserved for extensively minor characters so far. The first episode had a pretty interesting pilot though.
but the loli mamoritai
that is just loli shit with "oh i am yuri not man"
Something's wrong with my left eye. It hurts and won't stop tearing up >>631889 Tried blinking
>>631888 tried blinking slash basic eyedrops if you haver btw do you have glasses?
>>631889 I have glasses but don't need them very often.
>>631887 it is going to be a recording, ya know...
>>631890 well then kepp your left eye closed and open and closed an dopen as in kept blinking while doing normal as you do with the most best glasses that you have you have uhh need glasses to see close?
Nope I only need them to drive or see movies or see a screen more than a certain distance away from me.
The first two lines are predominantly from the front, the -er. The first two lines are all from the front, the third is predominantly from the back with the exception of the burkini.
a few years ago, we were watching a movie on /moe/, i don't remember what it was but sam was watching with us and there was this girl who was a diver or something and i kept taking screenshots of her in her wetsuit and posting them and sam was like "you really have a type" or something it was way before i was with fish
work is gonna suck tomorrow three psych evals two of the clients are super stressful too last week one was 45 minutes late and the other arrived so heavily intoxicated they could barely speak
I didn't think much of it but I feel like I've been seeing at least 2 new maid images a day for a week or so] and it doesn't seem like a meme. it's just been happening
>>632114 I can only think of one place where traffic really stops here completely, outside of the city centre due to just high amount of traffic lights and even then it is because by regulation, you can't have cars stopping in a tunnel so they shut down the road every now and then to avoid that
lot of money and time has gone to keep the traffic always moving, even if at a snail pace here. but man just 10 years o so ago, you could go to one bridge and look at some car advancing maybe100metres in 20-40 mins
>>632114 Yeah she's got a pretty expectable response to something like that eh.
we need to build roads that can detect vehicles passing over them to calculate the most efficient traffic light behavior
but you knwo you have lot of cars in the land if you have 4+ lanes in one direction and no lights and it still JAMS
>>632118 Well, we have the technology for it. Some traffic lights actually do stuff a little like that. But it would be prohibitively expensive to add it to existing roads. Well actually maybe not.
>>632119 few seems weird to have that long lights on main roads here all main lifeline roads are practically luight free
>>632120 When I went to Atlanta there were 6 lane highways it was spooky because I needed to merge and there was tons of traffic
>>632121 we'll just have to build them in a new city only accessable to elon musk
>>632123 >driving on left most lane for speed >realize need to switch to right most lane to get off >there is maybe 500m untill exit >A LOT OF CARS IN THE WAY
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>632125 no like more lanes kept appearing tot he right
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
or rather there's also lanes where if you're in the rightmost it's turn only as well
thing I've noted, is that I have become a lot more patient and "smart" driver over the years and generally enjoy just driving at a steady pace, instead of trying to go for optimal or maximum speed etc
>>632124 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Induction_loop Read the part about vehicle detection.
my sister just yelled nico nico nii wtf
Kirara, the Cat
yesterday they shut down one of two highways that go north/south because of some really bad accident and people were like 3 hours late for work and stuff because it was impossible to go anywhere
>>632131 what happened to shut down a whole highway? did someone on the road get kill
Kirara, the Cat
it was bad but minimal a guy on a motorcycle got ripped apart but the collision was a small truck and the bike shutting down a major highway like that for sovl long is really bad, though
my tvs web browser is too bad to sync with moe or even load the front page of YouTube why do they put web browsers in tvs anyway
it's been stuff with fish keeping me up so late the past few nights just gotta not get carried away tonight and ill totally get to sleep at a reasonable hour
im too tired to make dinner though so idk what we'll do yet
Nope. I'll probably do it Friday morning. I don't have any responsibilities on Friday, so I don't have to worry about it being too late or not having time to activate my plan.
Oh no, I just got a text reminding me about that birthday party I said I'd go to which is tonight. I totally forgot. I guess I didn't really want to go anyway since it's at a bar.
>FPS oh wait, that's not FPS But still, no. The one time I played Unreal Tournament as an actual game was during Full Sail Level Design class. Two times, actually. Since I failed it the first time. So I guess that was smooth.
>>632180 2d games are a lot of fun Battle Network is the shit. >>632185 I have never played Minecraft. not even on someone else's device. The logic in my head went >If I ever really want to touch minecraft, I could just build something in Maya instead.
I liked a lot of RTSs and VNs.
Kirara, the Cat
>>632182 but didn't you specialize in something 3d?
>>632182 You're not missing much. Like it was cool eight years ago or whatever when it was just a mining and building thing. Combat and crafting ruined it.
I haven't played Minecraft before and I don't really want to. I don't enjoy those kind of games t all.
There's no choice in doing 3D. Your specialization is more towards characters, environments, lighting, or visual effects. And those LAST TWO were only for the Computer Animation degree. anyway, 3D wasn't something I was against learning. It's just that I've always had shit hardware. So if I was playing a game in 3D, it would have likely been on a console. Or Guild Wars Other than that, I was either too poor to buy it, uninterested, or didn't want to deal with it not being fast.
>>632189 that makes sense i didn't play any computer games until i was like 20 didn't even have a computer until i was like 17 or 18 lol i just had a console
wow. I've used a PC from childhood. I've // I didn't have a console till I was around 20 though. I never owned a console or handheld for a long time.
I'd been playing the original Guild Wars since briefly after launch. Probably like two weeks after it came out, I managed to get it. It wasn't a very taxing game and I played Ele/Ranger so I was in the back autotargeting enemies and sniping things. Having a shitty framerate didn't keep me from being mildly okay at it.
we were too poor to get a computer we had one that was legit from the 90s that we could type stuff on and print things out on but that was just about all it was good for my mom had a laptop when i was like 16 and it // and i wasn't allowed to use it but i found the password and used it at night and stuff i had an ipod touch in high school that i won and did most of my internet stuff on that throughout high school
My computer was a shitty thrown away computer from the university my dad was working at when I was younger. It had a big beige box with missing parts and a huge floppy drive. It could only run kids games on floppies. I didn't get a decent computer until 4 years ago. When I finished college I was still using a 200mhz pc.
Kirara, the Cat
i played Oregon trail in libraries as a kid i guess
Wait you finished college kannagi? Oh nvm, brits use the word differently.
>>632200 different thing in the UK. americans randomly change words to mean different things like the weirdos they are.
>>632201 Yeah but don't you guys now use our definitions for private school and public school?
I played browser games and oh lemmings and stuff in school.
>>632202 Public and private schools has a different meaning the US?
Public is a fee paying school for the posh toffs. and private schools >>632209 I haven't heard of that
My other British friend says that the definitions have been swapped to the American ones. Which by the way make more snse. *sense.
>>632208 Public schools in North America are typically open to anyone that lives in the district the school is located in. They're organized by state organizations and their employees are usually effectively government employees, though a tad removed. Private schools are typically gated through entrance fees and some times academic or performance requirements.
Yeah Here it means "publicly funded" cause its paid for by taxes.
Wait I was confused. public and private are the same. I don't think we have ever used private school for a public funded school. and public has pretty much always been posh schools
>>632214 Yeah, I know. The UK system is a bit different in taxonomy. Public schools in North America can range from being posh to absolutely ghetto, depending mostly on the type of families that send their kids to the school and where in a city the school's built. My high school (your college I believe) had a bit of a posh (read: spoiled) clientele, but the school itself was kind of average. My imouto's high school is really old and stately. It's a nice building.
In the States there's also charter schools, which are kind of a weird line between private and public and are generally not much more than scams to steal tax money and fees from families and serve what barely could be considered an education to their students.
Well actually now that I think of this I had a conversation about this with another brit
>>632216 We have high schools too. I'm too sure of what college in terms of us equvilent.
They're a huge scam Charter schools suck away money from real schools and have lower standers and usually pay their teachers less.
>>632221 Ah, my mistake. College can be really weird from region to region. Here in Canada it's pretty much exclusively used for schools not doing academia but rather exist more to give post-secondary students a specific trade, such as IT, nursing, or applicatative engineering. There's no college for (exceptions apply) students under eighteen here.
here all schools are practically public and follow a regulated curriculum set by the board of education. ofc local headmasters and teachers follow it on their own terms and ofc school budgets change, I mean can't expect a 800 student school and 80 student school to be on same terms Dunno how grade averages work, though as some schools are harder to get into, especially in high school level
here it is 7-12 in lower primary school "ala-aste" literally lower grade 13-15 in higher primary school "yläaste" lit. higher grade, basically middle school and then your basic education is done high school or vocational education is then 16-19 and /this level is called "secondary education" and with that done, you can then apply for a university or higher vocational/technical education lasting 3 years for basic, 2 years for masters or equilevant and technically on paper 3 years for doctor on passing into any higher education, you are given 7 years of "education time" and within that time you are expected to finish your education and if you go past that, they will start going "hey you gonna graduate soon" and also will eventually lose your student status, losing your student benefits and other perks it grants however, rarely does a school outright kick you out, unless you basically do something like 0 points for a whole year
I have never heard of lower school, I've heard of middle schools, but not upper schools. they are posh southern's school system. up north we use infants, juniors, secondary and college.
>>632228 Here it would be, reception through year five, is elementary school, year six through year eight is middle school (though some times you get big schools that merge these two sections together). And then year nine through year twelve is high school/secondary school. As far as I know these two are just interchangible. My school's name called it a secondary school but everyone even the faculty referred to it as a high school. Grade thirteen is all but extinct in North America and has been for a long while now.
Here's another article about how terrible charter schools are. http://www.nprillinois.org/post/feedback-noble-charter-schools-story-hit-nerve
>>632235 school in last case being university or equilevant
>>632236 it isn't upper school it is just "basic (education) school, lower/upper grade"
there are private schools in finland too, but they are rare as our basic education is in general at HIGHER level than what most private schools can offer
high schools are practically all public too, and so are most vocational schools
at university level, well all "universities" are public, but vocational schools are around 50/50 between private or public facilities ofc all educational facilities get some amount of state money or support as education is valued here.
private unis/equilevant have been popping here, that instead of basically requiring you to go through testing or looking at your high school grades/finalexam, and just go "pay us 20k flat or over 5 years and we will teach you shit"
>>632245 No I'm just starting my five year BA degree programme.
>>632246 So you don't have a BA, you're in a BA program.
I meant my BA was longer than most BAs.
My BSc is probably going to take me five years.
I think average graduation time here for a master's program is around 6 the state really wants to do somethign to hammer it down to flat 5 good luck with that I say
So I have three more to go after I go back to school.
I know a person who has been in uni for 15 years now still not done with his engineer diploma
Fuck gen eds though Why the fuck do I have to take English and history classes *so many English and History classes While English majors barely have to take math and science classes.
>>632252 There's a guy in a Swedish novel that does that until he's like in his sixties/seventies or something. I get that it's probably unrealistic but it's a good spiff off the concept.
It's fucking bullshit and costs so much money.
>>632255 yeah there was a movie or tv show about that too heard it was good
When I go back to school I'm going to try and see >>632259 I'm continuing this post >>632253
>>632256 if you don't really do anything except just attend enough to keep you enrolled, it doesn't cost basically anything ofc you aren't returning the investment on you at all
Anyways when I go back to school I'm going to see if I can "test" out of English classes by writing some literary analyses and having discussions with English profs.
>>632255 also it is not entirelyunrealistic For example my uncle graduated when he was 52 after having paused his master's for something like 26 years
>>632263 Yeah I get that. In the novel though it was more the guy would study in a program until he was pretty much right on the edge of completion, then drop the program and swap. Rinse and repeat until he was an old man. There probably isn't a precedence for that but I imagine after a while the system would just boot you out.
And there is a concept of "ikuinen teekkari" eternal technical engineer as the otaniemi school for science and technology has REALLY long graduate times I think 7 to 8 years on average dor *for a master's or equilevant I think of all of the friends I have enrolled thereo nly like 2 have graduated and it has been 9 years
I don't think you can perpetually be a student here. you get kicked out quite easily if you don't acheive enough credits to graduate. plus you rack up a huge debt if you just kept getting student loans for years
ARGGH I want to go back to school so badly.
>>632264 nowadays yeas there is a limit to this kind of stuff but just few years back it was possible here
You wouldn't get the student benefits after some level ofc, but there is basically nothing stopping you from not finishing your education, applying for another program, passing in through just good grades or testing and then starting all over ofc at some point someone would grab you, sit you down and go "hey dude wtf" "finishyour shit" "you can keep learning new shit, but atleast FINISH YOUR SHIT or they expire"
I wonder if I coukd finish my bachelor's degree in Germany for cheap.
>>632271 biting on your tongue with those chompers would urt
>>632272 I plan on going to munich anyways. Actually why Bavaria in particular? I mean munich is in Bavaria so I would be, but why do you recommend it?
bavarians are basically the "jolly fun loving germans" and then all northereners, as in non bavarians are the MACHINE EINS ZWEI DREI prussians
Are there a lot of refugees in Bavaria?
I think also, I can't remember and I am not going to look it up, but it is the northern cities, hamburg, berlin etc that have gotten most of the newcomers it was köln and shit that got the "big new years party" event afterall
but ofc, bavaria is catholic too, so they are bit more religious than your average western europeans for that matter. doubt that is an issue, though good amount of my info is outdated havn't been in contact with any bavarians in ages, and none of my kin have travelled there in a while but I have never heard a bad thing about bavaria
Good, I'd rather not lve in an area with refugees. Not really that comfortable around people ffrfrofrom a country where Judaism is illegal.
heh remembered one party that had some german exchange students attending and sow e all switched to english and kept speaking it as the night went past and then at some point I just went "hey, I think there are NO foreigners any more present and hasn't been for a good hour or so" and then everyone is just "oh" and we switch back to funnish that happens more oft than you'd think
>look at this hideous creature >hunchbag played by chris hemworth
the hunchad of notre dame
But man I would lvoe if they actually go for the original adaption and not their movie adaption >quasimodo dies of starvation besides corpse of esmeralda in her grave >quasimodo was born to gypsies, but they switcharood him and esmeralda from a rich family >frollo rapes and then has esmeralda killed edgy gruesome story
hmm a choir where you have the members wear color coded scarves/ties depending on their role light for high notes, dark for low >>632313 game of thrones
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>632311 this is nagging at me so would you remind me the source for that.
>>632317 yeah it just happens to be on my desk i dont actually roll them
>>632319 Spin dice aren't for rolling. They're bad for that too, because it doesn't have the the normal die arrangement your die roll is much more dependent on the die orientation in your hand as you roll it.
i know what its for i dont use the spin die nor the dice
roll the die
#d20+4 (8 + 4 = 12)
But thats exactly why you roll with them >kaiji.jpg
It's getting pretty cold at night here again. My hands, nose, and shins always get cold once the weather gets like this. There's not much I can do to help it.
The philosophy class I'm taking this semester started off the class with a short story by Philip K. Dick, We Can Remember It For You Wholesale. It was a fun kick off to the class. The professor is also a pretty young guy, a fairly recent grad of his PhD program.
whew almost thought I lost my computer Guess I can't mix these 8GB sticks with the 16s I'll need to get another set of 16s and just hit 64GB, I guess.
that can come later though 32GB RAM is fine
Thats alotta RAM
You can never have enough RAM.
Allow me to indulge you on a PHILLY TRIP FLASHBACK: >Blue, do you want to keep your AUX cable? >Nah, when am I even going to need it? TODAY: >Hm, so the HD60S requires an HDMI... got it... USB for power... comes with it... oh and a... Audio cable? UGHHHHHHH
And the one that I have right now is trash
Hah hah hah oh no. Talk about poetic irony.
why the fuck does it come with everything BUT an aux cable
uhhhhh oh right my comiket order was in ohio earlier today though they expected delivery to be today maybe I'll get them tomorrow
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
still better than the last order where it clearly got lost for a couple days
wait hold on this static isn't even coming from the switch it's coming from SOMETHING ELSE WHAT
The Switch has some weird bugginess with aux cables. I just plug my headphones straight into my Switch when I'm playing it, even when it's docked and playing on one of my monitors.
it's the TV itself
Are you haunted?
about to try something extra stupid
>>632528 That short story is very good. Sounds like you have a good professor.
>>632552 Yeah, pretty much. I don't think there's a good solution to the problem.
This really sucks.
Like, for WHATEVER REASON ELGATO DECIDED The HDMI doesn't transfer audio only video so you have to plug in the aux and it's THE AUX ITSELF that is causing problems because using the AUX at the same time as an HDMI causes interference
people are making it sound like it works without using the aux into the Switch and I'm just not getting audio at all in that case
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>632556 oh it's an elgato yeah those can be a bitch mine is an elgato and while it transfers sound it sometimes just doesn't work
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I thought you were having trouble putting your computer together
nah pc is fine it's just getting sound from the switch
totally did not mean to upload this i forgot i had hit browse and thought i was looking at my phone's gallery and was like "wtf is this image" glaf // glad it wasn't anything bad