Thread #631765
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Chou osoi. I'm not on a tight schedule tonight but I do want to get through the backlog!
3D Kanojo Real Girl Bermuda Triangle - Colorful Pastrale Black Clover Boogiepop wa Warawanai --Episode 2-3 Domestic na Kanojo Doukyonin wa Hiza, Tokidoki, Atama no Ue Egao no Daika Cooking with Emiya Girly Air Force Grimms Notes The Animation Mahou Shoujo Tokushen Asuka Pastel Memories W'z Watashi ni Tenshi ga Maiorita! Kakegurui xx
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worked late again today, haha.
That's what I told Kirara but he didn't believe me!
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well send up the ika signal let's see here black clover grimms notes bogiepop 2 maybe 4 watashi tenshi
yeah we're not watching 5 or at least not me
Ho hum
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opkay black clover! okay klets start!
Kuro Kusoba
oh no recap?
Up until like 19:45 it's all recap. Just these three sitting at the table with flashbacks to previous episode scenes.
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yeah this is totally a recap okay grimms notes let's start!
I think this is some mobage adaptation.>>631803 Ten hut Ika we're moving forward
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I tabbed through this one a bit and it seemed kinda average and subpar
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>>631815 so guaranteed trash
There's been some good mobage adaptations you curmudgeon.>>631821 GranBlue Last Period Uma Musume
name 3
ehh i guess i think last period was the only good one out of those or decent
You didn't even WATCH Uma Musume. I've got Jan to back me up it's actually a pretty good series.
Oh wait was this the mobage Yoko Taro worked on or something.
Eh can't really see anything on it, so probably not.
That's a real gun nerd.
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This one feels kinda like a miss at the moment. It needs a good hook.
Yeah it's kind of whatever.
Evil Red Riding Hood I had an English professor that really liked this fairy tale. There's al -a lot of kind of sinister stuff regarding Red's swallowing up by the wolf and how it changes her in the original story.
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I guess this is probably a gacha where you summon spirits and stuff?
Yeah, you probably gatcha these characters out of fairy tale, myth, and children's stories/
Kinda reminds me of that Madchen Marchen series from ... early last year? The one that had a hell in development and ended up unfinished. Though that one was all cute girls.
Eh yeah whatever. I'll keep the show in mind in case we run dry of stuff. This was a nice ED at least.
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Yeah, in the sense that both shows don't really have too strong a flavor. I guess we'll keep an eye on it yeah maybe it will heat up boogiepop ep 2 i believe okay lets start!
Boogiewoogie This one might pay off by the third episode. I'm not toooo sure though.
I do like this OP though.
Oh okay.
So he's one of those compared to the monster he's far more villainous. Though this monster is pretty monstrous anyway.
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I wasn't sure about the first ep of this but it's picking up a bit.
It helps that this is an ENTIRELY DIFFERENT TONE fromt -from the first episode, hah hah.
Well fucking RIP
>To find out if humans are genuinely kind or not I've got a sad story for you in that case, Echoes.
This show went from weird chuuni urban myth to weird sci-fi space horror.
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Well, the first episode was boring but it also dropped some hints that made me not want to give up on it. That's a welcome change. any suggestions on what to put in this next slot?
Kakegurui, W'z, or 3D Kanojo? The Kakegurui subs I was looking at are by a subgroup [Lv1 Translations]. At the least they're on Nyaa.
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oh kakegurui sounds good but let's 3D kanojo I forgot that was out 3d kanojo! okay lets start!
Rearu>>631909 Yeah.>>631909 Read three posts above yours.
3d did you see elon musk in the kakegurui shirt What subs for kakegurui?
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I like this OP
It's kind of a nice poppy sound, yeah.
Oh this is an unsurprising development, hah hah.
>Rejects the guy when he asks her out >Falls for him in woman's clothing
He even put away the cat ears last episode only for the girls to put them back on him for this outfit.
I love how these two interact. They've got such a good hatelationship.
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Maid cafe is a good idea.
Tattsun cleans up pretty nice like this. That hair he's got makes him pretty handsome.
Oh right Tsuttsun. I never remember that right.
Well look here. He can be nice when he wants to be.
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time for bitchy girl stuff
Beauty pageants always seem to be a wasp's nest.
She's a demon.
Oh hah hah hah. Man this is good.
>When you're the one that has to vote on whether your girlfriend wins the pageant or not
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>>631936 Seems fine to me.
Yeah but he didn't even give her the votes.
This girl has a lot of the same insecurity problems that the MC had at first.
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What a good friend.
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watashi tenshi okay lets start!
WataTen What a Ten>>631959 You're allowed to say things are good Ika it's not against the LAW
wata this show was pretty good last week or pretty decent
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I enjoyed the bullying and the fluff last week.
The faces are so good in this show.
This little shit knows exactly what she's here for.
Samu 🔥 !KW2DbpWwls
2019/01/16 (水) 07:41 No. 631963
bully my AMYGDALA
Wow Samu I didn't take you for an M.
This little girl is pretty smug.
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Yeah, I like how smug the blonde is.
Looks like she's met her match though!
Samu 🔥 !KW2DbpWwls
2019/01/16 (水) 07:44 No. 631968
im the smaug of smug i hoard it in my chambers
Samu 🔥 !KW2DbpWwls
2019/01/16 (水) 07:45 No. 631969
>>631964 what did you take me for
I guess nothing, honestly. I expected nothing so I'm always surprised!
Samu 🔥 !KW2DbpWwls
2019/01/16 (水) 07:47 No. 631971
DO YOU TAKE ME FOR A FOOOOL i cast galactic brain zooooooop
Make sure to properly eat your brains.
Oh here comes Noa's ploy.
Samu 🔥 !KW2DbpWwls
2019/01/16 (水) 07:49 No. 631974
chanto braino tabete suru yoooo
This is totally the kind of trouble a bunch of ten year old kids will get into if left unattended.
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Yeah. there's gopnna be trouble
Samu 🔥 !KW2DbpWwls
2019/01/16 (水) 07:51 No. 631979
oh shit did the lord of the flies get an adaptation
No but the Lady of the Lolis did.
Oh no.
Samu 🔥 !KW2DbpWwls
2019/01/16 (水) 07:55 No. 631984
the lady of the lolis has the tiniest kingdom of infinite schoolyards in suburban chicago it is a land untouched by the tribulations of modern life
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It's always funny when characters are humming or singing the OP
She's really quite something.
Oh shit Hina with the smooth moves.
Samu 🔥 !KW2DbpWwls
2019/01/16 (水) 07:59 No. 631991
wario gets his own light novel series
Oh I like EDs with little focuses like this.
Samu 🔥 !KW2DbpWwls
2019/01/16 (水) 08:00 No. 631993
spider punch! spider kick! spider kiiiiisssss?
Spider uncomfortably close physical interaction!
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thanks for anime!
Yup yup, thanks.
Samu 🔥 !KW2DbpWwls
2019/01/16 (水) 08:04 No. 631999
no physical interaction too close our hurtboxes are intersecting kyaaaa>>631998 nice jobbu