Thread #632325
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Bermuda Triangle - Colorful Pastrale Boogiepop wa Warawanai Domestic na Kanojo Doukyonin wa Hiza, Tokidoki, Atama no Ue --Episode 1-2 Egao no Daika Cooking with Emiya Girly Air Force Mahou Shoujo Tokushen Asuka Meiji Tokyo Renka Pastel Memories Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari W'z Kakegurui xx
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boogiepop 3 tate yuushi meiji pastel memories let's go with this
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so boogiepop>>632332 we'll see what kinda time we make I need to be a little strict about bed time tonight okay lets start!
No fifth?
i am here as well
Hi Jan if you get Boogiepop three fast you won't miss much.
i started right after you guys did
Oh cool goodo jobbu
i was just a little too slow
Oh Chuunipop is back.
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does this kid ever stop smug
Not really. He's a good bit of a monster.
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he's a pan
Oh shit.
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wow shit is getting real again
I hope she's not dead she was kinda cool. But most people don't really handle getting their throat slit that well.
oh no
>When the monster from space you're dating says she'll take the form of the girl you were previously crushing on
Oh, shit.
Ah, good, she lives. Might want to wear a scarf for a while though.
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>>632350 nah it'll just magically get better
Oh here we're back at the start of episode one.
Ended up being an interesting first arc.
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I think that passes the 3 ep rule oaky tate yuusha! I'm looking forward to this one yeah ep2 let's start!
Shieldbro's life is suffering.>>632356 Yeah. Premise is a guy gets isekai'd into a world where he's one of the four legendary heroes summoned to fight off some great evil. Except he gets the role of the shield hero, which carries with it a stigma of being an absolutely useless role to be put into. Despite this he keeps positive and even manages to get a cute girl to party with him and help him gain experience since the isekai is pretty much a "trapped in a video game" world that he isekai'd into. But after a few days of adventuring together one night the girl sets him up with a false attempt at rape charge and he gets dragged before the king and stripped of everything but his shield and clothes. So he becomes the ultimate edgelord losing faith in everything around him and sets out to be the shield hero without all the pomp and fanfare the other heroes are getting.
ep 2?>>632355 okey doke i'm ready>>632355 >n'wahs disrespecting our man goofy
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>finally a slave more pathetic than i am
It was only one episode ago he was so cheerful and such a gentleman to women. Look at how far he's fallen!
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He'll become a gentleman eventually.
Hah hah hah. He's still walking around with these things clinging to him,.
Punished Naofumi is great.
everybody is thinking some pretty bad things in this pub
To be fair after the set-up he dealt with from before news got around everywhere that he'd tried to assault a previous party member of his.
this will be a wholesome episode i hope
It's unsurprising that a hero that gets shit on by everyone would be sympathetic to the humanlike races that also get shit on by everyone.
He's such a good dad.
>My companion might scream at night though He sure doesn't exactly do his reputation any favours though.
>>632365 Wholesome episode, eh.
village of loot
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That girl has a lot of issues. wow those are strong monsters htey found
I thought this was a coal mine.
>>632372 You'd probably too if your parents died in front of you.
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wow his shield is super utilitarian
Yeah, he gets some pretty neat functions with it.
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He also seems to not really give a shit about being bitten by monsters.
He mentioned it in the first episode. His guess was that as the Shield Hero he's more resistant to pain than a normal person.
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Well duh, it's his job. You have to be ready to get your shit kicked in on the regular.
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He's training his raccoon loli to be really strong. I like this show a lot.
shield hero only needs one special move deploy loli
Shielddad is healing kind of well himself.
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a story about a jaded misanthrope becoming the dad hero is fine too
ood ep g
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A loli racoon girl goes a long way to cheering you up. okay meiji oaky lets start!
The sax at the start of this OP is still quite nice.
meiji texas ranger
meiji ep 1 was not so bad average ish
It wasn't as bad as I was expecting but also kind of ... heugh. The guys are a little ridiculous, but that's kind of par the course for an otome game.
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Cute bedhead.
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>if we linger here any longer the cops might come
She doesn't really act proper for a Meiji-era Japanese lady.
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It feels like they produce the same show for girls almost ever season and this is that season's show.
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yeah but the coloring in this one is nice at least
They're all otomege adaptations. Probably, at least. Some of them are kind of fun though.
This fucker's really gung ho about marrying her.
That maid is extremely happy with her task.
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she's training for the finals
Meiji-era fashion is pretty nice too.
She's got a real thing for MEAT.
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she's getting really into it huh
Oh no.
That's quite the encounter story.
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>>632409 they all look the same tbh
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She looks a lot like the otome protagonist from last season.
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generic otome gril is a cute template though
Guess we're getting into the spiritual side of things now.
Wow, rude.
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>tfw you draw yourself a friend since you don't have any >it just leaves the painting and you
Does that maid do nothing but clean floors at all times of day.
>>632414 she's training for the finals
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I can do 5 if we really really hurry. Opinions?
Kakegurui. Maybe the Mahou Shoujo show but I don't know how good it is.
anything goes for me
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Jan if you're looking to get it you're looking on Nyaa for the [Lv1 Translations] episode one.
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kakegurui play ;ets start!
cake guru
Oh yeah you're gonna want to change the subs to English probably. There is an English sub option. Play -> Subtitle -> S:ass
Er Play -> Subtitle Track -> S:ass
play ass
Not quite my thing but you do you.
Oh yeah JUNNA does this OP. How nice.
this is the best OP I've seen so far
It's a pretty nice OP.
lipsyncing and surreal imagery timed to the music ten outta ten babey - dunkey
not a huge fan
These two adrenaline junkies.
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Yeah, I enjoyed the OP
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ah well xdcc can't keep up with this though so just let me know when you guys finish up
Eh. Do you know how much longer you've got on the download?
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Long enough that if I were to go with it I wouldn't finish in time to watch the last show. It can't be helped, the only bot it was available on only goes at 300kbs and it's a 1g 1080 video just a worst case scenario
Yeah I'm a little annoyed with how there's only a 1080p option.>>632440 We usually watch in 720p so filesizes don't get this large. A whole gigabyte isn't that uncommon for anime episodes.
wow it really is 1gb wtf
>>632438 I mean I know you're generally not the kind to do stuff like this but maybe pre-download stuff that you know for certain you're gonna want to watch.
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Kakegurui caught me off guard because I wasn't expecting to watch it tonight and was waiting for a better version.
Well you can always delete the previous downloads if a better one comes out. Or are you under a data limit? I can't remember the state of things.
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I really didn't want to download the 1 GB. my ISP has been yelling at me a lot about data lately. I think I'm going to have to upgrade my plan.
Ah all right. Well it probably won't be as sudden an occurence in the future.
This girl is exhausting.
>Bluffing by trying to act brave This new girl really doesn't get Yumeko and the nutjob.
>>632447 you forgot to includ mibari
Midari IS the nutjob dude. Yumeko is a little weird but Midari gets off on the thrill of actual pain.
The faces in this show are so good. Also this is another show animated by MAPPA. They've been cranking out like two or three shows a season for like three seasons now.
Search [iqdb] (618 KB, 1920x1080, [Lv1 Translations] Kakegurui 2(…).jpg )
the reactions can get a little twisted
Yeah those are the best part.
Oh they brought back the first OP.
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ready for the next thing? pastel memories yeah
Four minutes. Do you have time for that?
She's got a LOT of relatives, man.
Okay we can probably be orange for it now.
paste mammals
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pastel memories lpoay lets start!
The hook at the end of the first episode sure was something. That entire episode was kind of bland right up until it.
Oh it's not-Cocoa. Though she's, uh, a bit off.
Poor not-Chino.
Thin books is a subtle way of referencing the kind of books people tend to get at Comiket and other events. They're all often pretty thin, after all.
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Being that clumsy is tough.
>>632466 You ever tripped into a river or canal then?
All the eel-people kind of just stop worrying about the impending danger once they become eel-people.
>>632469 they're just not eeling it
>>632470 Wow okay. Nice.
>This only happens in manga, doesn't it? Where do you think you are, lady.
Wow she actually Team Rocket'd off.
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it feels so weird to see these characters in a different art style
it's like watching indian spider man
Yeah it's kind of funny how off-model they are.
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it looks like they're all "drawn from memory" versions of themselves
The fact that this show is kind of QUALITY doesn't help either.
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Yeah, it's really QUALITY in some places.
Well this is an ED.
wew lands
lads as well
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okay thanks for anime!
RIP Rika
time to travel the octopath to sleep
Octosleep traveller
psycho-path traveler