Thread #628495
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Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/09 (水) 11:16 No. 628495
the rain in space falls mainly on the place
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three hundred and fifty fucking milligrams seven cups of coffee two five hour energies how did they get away with it
what's that food in the background
also don't die from cawfee overdose
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/09 (水) 11:21 No. 628500
gween tea
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/09 (水) 11:30 No. 628502
my tweets are showing up on face book and reddit now according to what people are telling me it's so weird
weird I don't use Facebook enough to see anything like that
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/09 (水) 11:41 No. 628504
me neither idk why my tweets would be shared unless it was one of my tweets about how self-care is important
I've only seen tweets from some of the accounts that push out jokes that I follow
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/09 (水) 12:43 No. 628507 this is amazing
>>628498 7-Eleven pizza >>628499 you'd have to ingest around 9 grams of caffeine to die of caffeine poisoning though you'll probably go into cardiac arrest beforehand>>628509 yeah it's okay not the best around but it's like better than little Caesar's i guess
I've heard 7/11 make some alright pizza
drinking that garbage made me jittery as fuck would not recommend
I guess now you know
>>>/watch?v=UwoKEf1QggE wtf not available in my country>>>/watch?v=HzdjMLKKdgk
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>>628507 that's sick
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/09 (水) 13:10 No. 628514
can't wait for them to inherit the earth and hunt the few remaining humans down
can't wait to live in the wild with my supercanine bro
we are going to kill and eat so many people together
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time for work but i have no energy
>>62851 → whoosp>>628517 try this >>628497
FormerRei@mobile 2019/01/09 (水) 13:56 No. 628519
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FormerRei@mobile 2019/01/09 (水) 14:14 No. 628521
Which boat is that?
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/09 (水) 14:15 No. 628522
FormerRei@mobile 2019/01/09 (水) 14:15 No. 628523
Okay, I wasn't sure.
black rock shootah doke e tta no?
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/09 (水) 14:20 No. 628525
FormerRei@mobile 2019/01/09 (水) 14:21 No. 628526
>>628525 Cute
>>628521 >not recognizing rika’s wife immediately wow
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/09 (水) 14:28 No. 628528
FormerRei@mobile 2019/01/09 (水) 14:32 No. 628529
>>628528 I wonder how he got that nickname.
he had a crappy personality
FormerRei@mobile 2019/01/09 (水) 14:33 No. 628531
Got em
こい of Many Browsers 2019/01/09 (水) 14:45 No. 628532
time to collect some papers
dee dee mega doo doo butt
こい of Many Browsers 2019/01/09 (水) 14:48 No. 628534
oh god, the cat. THE CAT'S VOICE
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/09 (水) 14:48 No. 628535
>>628532 get them parchments you stoopid student
こい of Many Browsers 2019/01/09 (水) 14:49 No. 628536
こい of Many Browsers 2019/01/09 (水) 14:50 No. 628537
hardcore time lettuce-a-go
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Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/09 (水) 15:01 No. 628539
and you're left in the dust unless i stuck by ya
こい of Many Browsers 2019/01/09 (水) 15:02 No. 628540
And it's all in my head but she's touching his chest now
she takes off her dress now let me goooo
こい of Many Browsers 2019/01/09 (水) 15:09 No. 628542
I need to be level 40 to do Arena in this game wow
こい of Many Browsers 2019/01/09 (水) 15:13 No. 628543
>>628537 died on stage 1 nice
this ulcer sure is a pain>>628543 what are you playing?
こい of Many Browsers 2019/01/09 (水) 15:18 No. 628545
nine parchments
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/09 (水) 15:18 No. 628546
I want to go back to Philly
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/09 (水) 15:31 No. 628547
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/01/09 (水) 15:31 No. 628548
>>628547 yeah this is a good image
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/09 (水) 15:45 No. 628549
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/09 (水) 15:46 No. 628550
my colleagues think rook is cute
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/09 (水) 15:51 No. 628552
>>628551 he and blue are p cute
i wish i was
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Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/09 (水) 15:58 No. 628555
>>628554 this is freaky
that cat sure got fluffy
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こい of Many Browsers 2019/01/09 (水) 16:12 No. 628558
>let's unlock this thing that needs three ice skills >only have 3 ice skills and a fire beam >ice enemy with fire shield
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こい of Many Browsers 2019/01/09 (水) 16:38 No. 628560
>fire enemy with an ice shield ugh
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>>628559 what if that is a sign for flying cars?
Wonder how long it takes to fix a fault like this I'm stuck on mobile data in the meantime
net infra got nuked?
I think so doesn't take all that much to do so
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/09 (水) 18:19 No. 628567
each star's a pool of water
there ain't ixygen there
well un the core might be
>>628497 jesus fucking christ
FormerRei@mobile 2019/01/09 (水) 18:25 No. 628571
this ghetto conbini that sells kratom had a pretty wide selection and each bottle is from a different brand that I've never fucking heard of
not feeling too confident about this but here goes nothing
Don't get yourself poisoned.
hey the bottle said they were tested and stuff if you trust unsubstantiated claims from bottles of legally grey botanicals
plus i technically poison myself all the time intentionally for fun
>>628570 yeah don't try it
not only is it physically uncomfortable to take that much caffeine it also tastes like Satan is burning your tongue
satan doesn't burn your tongue, the heat does
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Saten burns your tongue
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Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/09 (水) 19:21 No. 628582
my 12:00 showed up 45 minutes late my 2:00 showed up so heavily intoxicated that he could barely stand and maxed out the alcohol swab i gave him>>628583 nah, bus
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Hope he didn't drive there
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btw did you know that no one has made a single saten x invisible eyebrown girl doujins whata crime
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>>628582 You must see interesting people all t he time. I am impressed someone heavily intoxicated even went to their appointments.
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/09 (水) 19:25 No. 628586
also that guy with a crush on me gave me like 500 cookies
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On days were nothing weird happens you must feel weird or like tension when is the strange thing going to happen.
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/09 (水) 19:27 No. 628588
if nothing weird happens, that's the weird thing tbh
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What did you do with 500 cookies? Thats a lot of calories. what an enemy
You toss the ones you don't eat in the first day into the freezer and they last as long as you care to keep eating them.
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/09 (水) 19:29 No. 628591
bring them home i guess that drunk dude was so fucked up he was drooling
Poor guy. That sounds kind of gross but better gross than damaging themselves more than they already are.
>>628589 feed them to the ducks
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/09 (水) 19:38 No. 628594
that kills ducks
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/01/09 (水) 19:40 No. 628595
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Feed cookies to ducks until the ducks stop dying from eating the cookies then breed those ducks
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That sounds like some best intentions pave the way to hell sort shit. you'll commit duck genocide.
Pave the way for invincible ducks that take over the ecosystem and butterfly effect their way into crashing civilization as we know it.
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/09 (水) 19:50 No. 628598
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what a productive day this was
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/01/09 (水) 19:51 No. 628599
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yeah same I made a new playable NPC and updated another one
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/01/09 (水) 19:52 No. 628600
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however I have yet to build the maps or any relevant encounters good thing there's tomorrow.
There's always tomorrow.
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>>628598 kirara how do i request a change in meds this is a dumb question but idk what to do
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/09 (水) 19:57 No. 628603
>>628602 usually you tell the doc you don't think what you have is working for you
without seeing them like i can call the place but it's not like i can talk to the doctor on the phone there would i just tell the reception people is there any way it could be put through today you probably dont know this if you dont know the place but maybe it's the same everywhere i dont know i'm actually factually socially retarded
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/09 (水) 19:59 No. 628605
idk but id probably call and ask if the doc can put in a prescription for whatever that's what i did when i needed meds i was already prescribed but couldn't get in for an appointment
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/01/09 (水) 19:59 No. 628606
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In my experience as that middle man, you call and we send a note to your physician. sometimes they'll change it and other times they'll want to see you depending on the physician and whatnot. As for it being done today we can never make any guarantees but we can try.
im afraid to call them
Would email be easier for you to do?
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i need to talk to someone
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/09 (水) 20:10 No. 628610
only way to do that is to call
can you do it for me
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/09 (水) 20:18 No. 628612
i dont have your number
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/09 (水) 20:29 No. 628614
you should is your number the same? i can text you
nvm i do
lmao i called them went through the automated system pressed the button to speak to someone got put on hold after 6 minutes of being on hold they just end the call
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/09 (水) 20:36 No. 628617
wow that's fucked up
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/09 (水) 20:46 No. 628618
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>>628617 it's always like this the people there are so mean too they're grumpy i guess because they're working as medical office clerical staff, whatever it's called they're all grumpy old ladies they dont care at all that they're supposed to be the interface for the mentally distressed to access their healthcare they're mean to me when i try to do it and it makes everything worse im trying to call about having severe anxiety and have people yell at me for not knowing what to do it's so fucking bad im honestly relieved they just didn't answer instead that way i don't have to feel that way and i can just not worry about getting a new prescription for something else
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/09 (水) 20:55 No. 628620
maybe you should call again even though it's scary
i dont know whether my judgment is sound in wanting to switch maybe i'll be happy not switching
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/09 (水) 21:02 No. 628622
what do you want to switch to
venlafaxine i think wellbutrin was going great but after talking with my mom on the phone and she brought up that bad thing i feel catatonic im taking benzos again two a day, sometimes four i can't cope im not eating feel morbid
i thought i might feel warm again with venlafaxine
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/09 (水) 21:16 No. 628625
why do you think venlafaxine will help
it made me feel kind of warm when i took it before i felt sociable im so anxious and terrified all the time these days i want to say so many things but i get choked up and freeze and feel like i'm being yelled at before i even say anything
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/09 (水) 21:25 No. 628627
maybe you should go through with making the call then
i am so fucking high
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/09 (水) 21:25 No. 628629
im so tired that I feel high but without the good parts
that sucks man did you try sleep or is it verboten
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/09 (水) 21:28 No. 628631
yeah i been sleeping but i barely slept last week so im still clearing out my sleep debt
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ive got another one of those 50% off things for marco's pizza it sounds like a good deal being able to get like 30 dollars of stuff for 15 dollars but if i can get to the grocery store i could get a lot more for 15 dollars i think
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/09 (水) 21:31 No. 628633
is that someplace you can get to
no but i can probably get to a family dollar and buy spam, chili, and a case of ramen and a bottle of ranch dressing that sounds like a meal
>>628631 oh k well keep it up and listen to it if you listen close you can heeaar the numbers
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/09 (水) 21:33 No. 628636
>>628635 i hear the numbers, man 52041>>628634 that doesn't sound like a meal
i didn't eat at work because that nasty fuckin drink but I'm feeling a might hunger here
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>>628635 >>628636 Oh that reminds me this happened pretty much right at the start of the Fate/Stay Night spin-off and I found it funny all episode long.
it's so peaceful right now in my backyard just birds chirping and leaves rustling and some kids playing in the distance no idea what the fuck they're saying
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Ever hd your landry machine take a half a metre walk while washing your clothes? cause mine just did that
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>>628637 yeah me too
>>628640 the fuck nah my washer is stable and sooner shuts itself off as the cylinder begins to go off balance than start wiggling away i guess
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>>628642 yeah the thing was around 50cm away from the spot it resides in I guess the 1000rpm with many towels and one heavy pair of pants caused it to start wobbling in the bath room I should check if the feet are properly aligned
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>>628643 that's pretty incredible man
yeah my first instinct was to see if something had broke along the way didn't see anything leaking or shit but guess I might as well do some basic maintenance check up on it tomorrow
he's like the brave little toaster but for washing machine
there are so many birds around for it being winter i guess they think it's pretty comfy here too
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/09 (水) 21:40 No. 628649
there's a really big fire a mile or two away from my house it looks like i don't see any info online about it though
pouring dark liquid into a dark mug in a dark room with maximum darkness and didn't pour over
I got 5kg weights thinking they were good weights since they were heavy for me. I found out recently that 8 to 10 kg are considered the minimum for good weight training. 5kg is already heavy for me
>>628649 awesome go find it and put it on YouTube maybe help them put it out though
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/09 (水) 21:41 No. 628653
i can't
why not?
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does this look like a good deal for that amount of stuff it seems really expensive i could go buy frozen veggies for a dollar and eggs for two dollars
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/09 (水) 21:41 No. 628656
because im not dumb enough
>>628651 is a good starter also the 8-10kg might be for men
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/09 (水) 21:42 No. 628658
>>628655 cheaper than it would be at Domino's or something but yeah way more expensive than cooking
>>628656 if we put our heads together we could definitely get dumb enough
an extra large pizza is like 16 inches it's like twice as much pizza as a 12" medium
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you'd have to eat 4+ litres of this rum raisin ice cream to consume just one shot of rum jesus
>>628660 is the 16 inch pizza more than twice as much as a 12 inch if yes get two twelve inch pizza
>>628661 because it is ice cream not liquor
mm, but it still sticks up lovely in the taste so I expected maybe 2% or something not barely 1%
FormerRei@mobile 2019/01/09 (水) 21:44 No. 628665
>>628662 No>>628666 Oh, I thought you meant pizza area.
>>628660 >>628662 i mean does it cost more than twice as much
>>628662 12" is 13.95 16" is 19.95 but i have 50% off coupon no limit so it'd be $7 vs $10 there is a $20 minimum purchase on the coupon though but no maximum
>>628665 yeah i realized there was something ambiguous there haha>>628667 save to get more optimized coupon redemption activations
keep the coupon for when you can afford to spend more money on pizza to gain more value from the single use activation of the coupon
>>628665 wasn't the meme 18 is more than 2x12?
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/09 (水) 21:47 No. 628672
>>628659 im too responsible now
>>628670 i can't spend any money on pizza i can't even go buy veggies and eggs
>>628672 wow fine I'll just go put it out myself let your state burn huh
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/09 (水) 21:55 No. 628675
>>628674 people whose job it is can handle it without me getting in the way yo
>>628675 I'm just going to walk to // up to them and ask if they need any help then watch from a safe distance
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/09 (水) 22:02 No. 628678
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i cant
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/09 (水) 22:03 No. 628680
you have to
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it makes me hate myself
>>628676 DORORO
FormerRei@mobile 2019/01/09 (水) 22:24 No. 628683
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>>628681 get on with it
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dead board dead game
I'm eating dinner right now! There was way too much grief involved in trying to make dinner tonight.
FormerRei@mobile 2019/01/09 (水) 23:18 No. 628687
>>628685 4U
Search [iqdb] (326 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Dororo - 01 [72(…).jpg )
>>628687 if u got game show me
FormerRei@mobile 2019/01/09 (水) 23:18 No. 628689
>>628688 >>/cards/
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/01/09 (水) 23:19 No. 628690
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that ain't no competitive game
FormerRei@mobile 2019/01/09 (水) 23:19 No. 628691
>>628690 For you
FormerRei@mobile 2019/01/09 (水) 23:20 No. 628692
You wanna play?
Search [iqdb] (335 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Dororo - 01 [72(…).jpg )
>>628690 any game with competition is competitive enough for me
>>628693 rps me
IF you have enough competitive spirit. anything is a competitive game.
Competitive despair
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/09 (水) 23:31 No. 628697
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me, a cat, with fish, a fish
Don't eat your wife.
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Prunes are actually really nice. I thought they'd be horrible.
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/09 (水) 23:34 No. 628700
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im gonna eat my wife
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/01/09 (水) 23:35 No. 628701
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fuckin' vore
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/09 (水) 23:37 No. 628702
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im a piscivore
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>>628700 good luck i ate these and they are worse than fuckin regular rice krispies treats when will the snack industry's obsession with bite sized candy fucking stop
Once people stop wanting to buy bite-sized candy I guess.
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/09 (水) 23:39 No. 628705
>>628703 my wife probably tastes better
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>>628704 nobody wants to fucking buy them they've been on display next to the coffee bar for three goddamn days me and one other old lady are the only people who have even TOUCHED THEM
>>628705 yeah you're probably right
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where my cards at
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Maybe I should make a standing desk. sitting for a long time hurts my legs.
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>>628709 nah just alternate between sitting normally and sitting like L from Death Note so you'll only hurt half as much in more places over time
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Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/09 (水) 23:44 No. 628712
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Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/01/09 (水) 23:45 No. 628713
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>>628709 i saw a mechanized sitting/standing desk in an office it looked neat
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>cat stream
how does augur of ebriecat work
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it summons lots of cats
do they extend like tencatles
no it is a stream of cats that bounce at you
can the cats pary
>prawn sammich more popular than ham sammich in UK what the heck
>>628722 they immobilize the enemy with sheer bulk
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/09 (水) 23:57 No. 628725
valk chron 4 is 50% off on switch
>>628723 prawn are tastier than ham, though
but you'd think ham would be cheaper and thus more popular
I like the art style in dororo going for a style of its own instead of copying the original
>>628725 oh nice i picked it up the last time it was on sale, fortunately it was also 50% off then
>they gave the same VA for the doctor who has voiced black jack in almosta all apperances noise
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i spent the last of my moneys on that delivery and got a big pizza i had one slice and started shivering and threw it back up this is awwwful
too greasy for a starving stomach? maybe try to ease it up with water or something
>>628727 looks like it is a lot cheaper its only 1.6 yuros >>628734 yeah they're comparing prepackaged sandwiches fucking britons calling these sarnies
>>628733 how is it that cheap is it like prepackaged thingie?
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/10 (木) 00:42 No. 628735
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>>628735 which would you hug?
hug me instead
I've had difficulty eating greasy food after not eating it for a while. my stomach reacts badly to too much grease.
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/10 (木) 00:46 No. 628739
>>628736 rook
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/10 (木) 00:50 No. 628740
oh no fish hasn't seen mob psycho
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Mayo psycho
egg mayo i
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/10 (木) 00:54 No. 628743
i will assign it to her for while i am at work i guess so we can watch S2
i havent either
what the fuck
is wrong with you two
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/10 (木) 00:59 No. 628747
fish wasn't a weeb when it was airing ton is just ton
>>628747 what a tragedy has she seen psycho pass ton have you seen psycho pass
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/10 (木) 01:00 No. 628749
>>628748 she has
>>628748 i have not but i think its at least downloaded so theres that but then again so is durarara season 1 i started that once when pan and i were still in high school pan will never let me live it down
haha you haven't even seen durarara the fuck nigga
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/10 (木) 01:04 No. 628752
im pretty sure fish has seen more anime than ton at this point
thats possible but ive also watched garbage that she may mever watch so theres that
why not just watch those good anime everyone always says they liked instead of garbage
because someimes garbage can taste really good like the kancolle movie for the first 40 minutes
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/10 (木) 01:05 No. 628756
i don't think that's true
yeah if you're fucking starving to death and haven't eaten in four days garbage might taste ok for the first few bites
what, youve never watched something bad and enjoyed it for being bad?
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/10 (木) 01:05 No. 628759
>>628757 >starving for days >hey man come eat this delicious food >no thanks ill just find something in the trash bin
like if you wanna watch some hilarious garbage the well known meme movies of the room and birdemic are some good shit
Search [iqdb] (195 KB, 331x323, smug australian.png )
>>628760 you are exactly the kind of motherfucker that has seen the room and not citizen kane
Search [iqdb] (177 KB, 1400x1400, DwVxxkgU8AAeh_l.jpeg )
I got a bit into the room but stopped at the /// a quarter way in I have not seen citizen kane no
>>628761 yes i am the mind of mothercuker who has seen the room and jot citizen kane
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/10 (木) 01:11 No. 628764
memeboys LEAVE
Search [iqdb] (43 KB, 500x375, kira.jpg )
holy shit am i a psychic or what
>>628762 birdemic is a hell of a drug and it even has a sequel
will have to put it down for a watching
just>>>/watch?v=LrxZblVUkMU its beautiful
Search [iqdb] (478 KB, 1920x1200, 1410448678437.jpg )
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/10 (木) 01:20 No. 628770
Search [iqdb] (418 KB, 2300x4000, IMG_20190108_172237.jpg )
FormerRei@mobile 2019/01/10 (木) 01:29 No. 628772
>>628771 That's actually not new though.
Search [iqdb] (158 KB, 1070x880, 447F75D5-3DCD-4BCD-9E95-E94C8FA5DA26.jpeg )
Search [iqdb] (1.7 MB, 1280x720, addam.png )
>>628771 neat
>>628768 how is this even funny literally blam this piece of crap
Search [iqdb] (138 KB, 475x492, Kuroko - cupping.jpg )
>>628776 you lack the high enough intelligence to understand...
Search [iqdb] (33 KB, 512x507, deeba.jpg )
>>628777 right then well might as well try to kill some more brain cells maybe eventually i'll understand this deep humor
>>628776 >>628777 you need a high iw to grasp the humor of something like birdenic also i just had a woman tell me one of her children was “worser” than the other one
Some kids just be that way.
sometimes you make a baby and that baby is aight but then the next one be worser
Or some times you just get a worser kid and then the next one turns out aight.
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/10 (木) 02:09 No. 628783
Search [iqdb] (30 KB, 380x408, IMG_20190108_081001.jpg )
i wanna make a babby
Search [iqdb] (430 KB, 595x841, Kuroko (2).jpg )
buy a baby making kit
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/10 (木) 02:10 No. 628785
Search [iqdb] (66 KB, 858x1212, IMG_20181219_075449.jpg )
apparently fish is mad at me a little because she was tryna get things goin with me yesterday and i fell asleep lol #tiredlife i don't even remember it
pouting fish
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/10 (木) 02:14 No. 628787
Search [iqdb] (87 KB, 498x498, 20181111_062452.jpg )
i can't help being tired im only human kinda awkward though
Search [iqdb] (372 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 11 [7(…).jpg )
>>628785 could be worse my dad fell asleep in the middle of it once
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/10 (木) 02:17 No. 628790
Search [iqdb] (589 KB, 2900x4095, IMG_20190109_202609.jpg )
im sure ill get there someday i gotta get my cat naps in speaking of which meow
Search [iqdb] (644 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Mitsuboshi Colo(…).jpg )
ta ta daddyrara
Search [iqdb] (75 KB, 639x728, spellcasting.png )
here i am just trying to find out if you can use lip balm for dry noses and then a fucking wizard strolls in
How terrifying. I wouldn't really want to have a magical solution to my dry nose.
Search [iqdb] (239 KB, 285x633, heard you were talkin shit lik(…).png )
Dr. Mohammed is gonna cast avada kadavra on your dryness
I don't think there's a spell strong enough in the world to kill my dryness.
>>628792 oh this is perfect, I was looking for someone who could restore womb
Cast level three Restore Womb
>>628792 >monica
Just Monika
Search [iqdb] (384 KB, 850x1200, IMG_20190109_021209.png )
OH yodo
Search [iqdb] (500 KB, 600x827, f343cf9731397db58c603e96d13b073d.jpg )
cheese monika
ohyodo dess
Search [iqdb] (121 KB, 700x1267, Kuroko (2).gif )
judgemento desu no
>>628776 like newgrounds "blam"?
>>628805 still haven't finished railgun what's wrong with me doc
Raildex isn't for everyone.
not even downloaded like I thought I had done guess I'm destined to not watch it
town of salem had a data leak never used it myself but I figured somewhere here has
i didnt watch the second bit of railgun
FormerRei@mobile 2019/01/10 (木) 05:15 No. 628812
Same Although for a really long time it was because there was no subbed full Blu-ray release.
>>628810 That might be a good thing to pass along to Moon, I'm pretty sure he played it regularly.
>>628812 weird to me that was thing that stopped you for ages 480p was the only thing I was able to download
FormerRei@mobile 2019/01/10 (木) 05:30 No. 628815
I didn't wa nt to watch tv rips.
I don't understand that mindset, sorry
FormerRei@mobile 2019/01/10 (木) 05:36 No. 628817
I used to be really into raildraildex and wanted to watch railgun s2 in really high quality.
Search [iqdb] (143 KB, 1060x1118, DwhnY_KXgAEjzKm.jpeg )
look it's a show about kirara
Yeah I'm hoping that one is comfy.
Search [iqdb] (86 KB, 627x615, 1354256451797.jpg )
>>628821 → anime
looks sufficiently comfy if comfy fodder is what you're looking for
hello rika
Search [iqdb] (91 KB, 1024x768, IMG_20190110_170540.jpg )
>>628833 >this isn't humanities
the internet's back on now back to our regularly scheduled programming
Welcome back
now I can go to without any consequences
Search [iqdb] (57 KB, 963x881, Dsx5ngbWwAASlRm[1].jpg )
Search [iqdb] (690 KB, 1337x754, How Cute.PNG )
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i love my boat wife
Search [iqdb] (142 KB, 850x1200, FF469850-B56D-4C9A-8E4E-174A016529F7.jpeg )
so much healing
Search [iqdb] (77 KB, 920x717, Dwin6WPVYAACUCf[1].jpg )
that is a good image
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Search [iqdb] (1.1 MB, 893x1467, ShoukoTemplate.png )
Search [iqdb] (134 KB, 1200x850, C4BD495D-773F-4869-9746-61FC614C10DB.jpeg )
>>628942 yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
oh no I activated tonbot3000
Search [iqdb] (36 KB, 406x813, 923E2EAC-E024-4C6B-AE23-CBFAB9BC18BB.jpeg )
you awakened my heart
You bep'd his button
Search [iqdb] (575 KB, 600x960, B910496A-4E56-4551-A3A0-F61459E096FE.jpeg )
I’m gonna freakin bep Im gonna bep so hard
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/10 (木) 11:00 No. 628949
Search [iqdb] (43 KB, 600x424, IMG_20190109_194211.jpg )
Search [iqdb] (216 KB, 1124x1189, 9C25E634-ADB0-4684-AAA2-7DC934E99EAC.jpeg )
good morning kirararararsrarararaaras
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/10 (木) 11:03 No. 628951
Search [iqdb] (133 KB, 1182x1430, IMG_20190108_003351.jpg )
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/10 (木) 11:15 No. 628952
i see theres a new shark teeth aidori
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/10 (木) 11:41 No. 628954
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/10 (木) 11:50 No. 628956
havent seen that either
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/10 (木) 11:57 No. 628958
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/10 (木) 12:01 No. 628960
Search [iqdb] (189 KB, 1000x1000, DwXihnAUwAEaOuG[1].jpg )
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Search [iqdb] (104 KB, 750x1000, IMG_20190109_083457.jpg )
Fr ens
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/10 (木) 12:27 No. 628964
Search [iqdb] (243 KB, 1920x1080, IMG_20190108_003714.jpg )
judgemento desu
>>628964 fuck em
Search [iqdb] (170 KB, 850x1097, 2B710AE2-36CE-4C12-9E72-01D00D6911B4.jpeg )
i love my boat wife
Search [iqdb] (119 KB, 779x1091, DFFnnXzUMAIZGEq[1].jpg )
why don't you MARRY her THEN
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/10 (木) 12:41 No. 628969
>>628968 I already did
Search [iqdb] (68 KB, 688x657, E6BA366D-C6A0-46A2-A51E-6E32B67E9503.jpeg )
one sheep two sheep ton’s time to sleep
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/10 (木) 12:48 No. 628972
it's 8am
>>628972 i just got off work
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/10 (木) 12:53 No. 628974
Search [iqdb] (156 KB, 486x800, 1546172288457.jpg )
it's mongolia time again
Search [iqdb] (161 KB, 1302x1842, DwjXrg9UcAEyi8B[1].jpg )
FormerRei@mobile 2019/01/10 (木) 14:07 No. 628977
こい of Many Browsers 2019/01/10 (木) 14:08 No. 628978
Search [iqdb] (761 KB, 917x980, fd79e578eade4a84148d8f5e1a1b0f(…).jpg )
japanese goblins
Search [iqdb] (1.2 MB, 1280x720, [Mazui]_To_Aru_Kagaku_no_Railg(…).png )
Search [iqdb] (1.1 MB, 1280x720, [Mazui]_To_Aru_Kagaku_no_Railg(…).png )
FormerRei@mobile 2019/01/10 (木) 14:32 No. 628981
>>628980 Best girl
こい of Many Browsers 2019/01/10 (木) 14:34 No. 628982
Search [iqdb] (109 KB, 700x922, c936d51090bba3e5b923ef16ff281b(…).jpg )
In Your Area
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/10 (木) 14:36 No. 628983
Search [iqdb] (69 KB, 1000x1350, IMG_20190110_085801.jpg )
Search [iqdb] (1012 KB, 1280x720, [Mazui]_To_Aru_Kagaku_no_Railg(…).png )
FormerRei@mobile 2019/01/10 (木) 14:45 No. 628985
>>628984 Yup, still best girl. Reminder that she did nothing wrong.
>>628985 she did a lot wrong
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/10 (木) 15:01 No. 628987
we all did
>>628978 >>>/watch?v=_KRGqEzivTY
There's going to be a spiderman movie with Mysterio? Nice
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/10 (木) 15:02 No. 628990
yeah the next MCU one he's a good guy in it though
Search [iqdb] (41 KB, 1274x133, an anime math.png )
Search [iqdb] (1.1 MB, 1280x720, [Mazui]_To_Aru_Kagaku_no_Railg(…).png )
oh shit
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/10 (木) 15:59 No. 628994
Search [iqdb] (171 KB, 1301x1880, IMG_20181225_144713.jpg )
Search [iqdb] (1.1 MB, 893x1467, ShoukoTemplate.png )
>>628974 huh
Search [iqdb] (3.3 MB, 1920x1080, 1508697900229.png )
Boop Hows moe?
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/10 (木) 16:21 No. 628998
Search [iqdb] (69 KB, 1000x1350, IMG_20190110_085801.jpg )
Tired. How's Kannagi?
Search [iqdb] (213 KB, 320x568, 190.png )
Pretty good. Not long till uni starts up again. I've got modern history to look forward to next term. I was enjoying ancient history darn.
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/10 (木) 16:25 No. 629000
Search [iqdb] (81 KB, 761x754, IMG_20190105_001112.jpg )
My classes are starting three weeks early...
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/10 (木) 16:25 No. 629001
err late starting late
Search [iqdb] (104 KB, 800x790, 1496010754213.jpg )
I'm starting back on the 14th. I wish I had more of a holiday but I'm also looking forward to going to classes again
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/10 (木) 16:38 No. 629003
Search [iqdb] (79 KB, 700x700, IMG_20190110_085402.jpg )
I want a forever vacation.
my vacation starts next week wooooo
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/10 (木) 16:56 No. 629005
what will you do
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/01/10 (木) 16:57 No. 629006
Search [iqdb] (365 KB, 707x1000, 0ee944ab8a41ce09d3d3e7a61b5bb265.png )
I was reminded that Tales of Vesperia definitive comes out ehhhhhh tomorrow So hopefully that'll arrive at some point since someone else is buying it for me, and I'll consider doing that.
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/10 (木) 17:03 No. 629007
Search [iqdb] (208 KB, 942x1148, IMG_20181225_044017.jpg )
You should go somewhere.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/01/10 (木) 17:03 No. 629008
Search [iqdb] (96 KB, 721x1000, 3208eed872931d3f01bb388cfe759d83.jpg )
That is a thought Though if I went somewhere I'd prefer to have my treasured partner with me. Which isn't easy to have happen.
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/10 (木) 17:04 No. 629009
Search [iqdb] (37 KB, 236x236, 20190108_110744.jpg )
Traveling alone is a good experience. Out there on the road, nothing but your thoughts and the passing sights. You can learn a lot about yourself. You can gain a lot of exp!
yup be it by car, bike ,bice, foot or pt
i one day wanna buy a bike and just hit the road and go on as far and long as i can #bridge over bering
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/01/10 (木) 17:13 No. 629012
Search [iqdb] (195 KB, 1164x1164, 0073478a1700f36fda629d3762e391ed.jpg )
I'm getting hype for vesperia I really hope that not-Troy Baker can do a half-decent job at voicing the new Yuri lines. I reeeeeeeeeeally hope so. I'm pretty sure Patty's voice isn't going to be great.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/01/10 (木) 17:17 No. 629013
>>>/watch?v=EXt1aIxYanI I can't wait to spend 4 hours in the final dungeon again
Search [iqdb] (1.4 MB, 1280x720, [Mazui]_To_Aru_Kagaku_no_Railg(…).png )
Someone fucking stole my bin. goddammit
who steals a bin ffs
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/10 (木) 17:29 No. 629017
some Proud Boys kid murdered his brother with a sword because he believed his brother was a lizard
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/10 (木) 17:30 No. 629018
>“The defendant’s actions — jamming the tang end of a four-foot long sharpened metal-bladed sword-like instrument completely through the victim’s head and killing him — demonstrate the danger he poses,” prosecutor Scott O’Toole wrote in charging documents, according to the Times. >Buckey Wolfe called 911 on Sunday evening and admitted killing his brother, saying that “God told me he was a lizard” and telling the dispatcher, “Kill me, kill me, I can’t live in this reality,” according to court documents.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/01/10 (木) 17:36 No. 629019
Search [iqdb] (1.5 MB, 1630x2489, 1e94b86a31dd2c11064eb55f0a708bf3.jpg )
that ain't right
こい of Many Browsers 2019/01/10 (木) 17:46 No. 629020
Did he watch Bandersnatch? Serious question.
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/10 (木) 17:49 No. 629021
i wouldn't be surprised
FormerRei@mobile 2019/01/10 (木) 18:15 No. 629022
I have $6.66 in my checking account.
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/10 (木) 18:21 No. 629024
>>629022 evil
>>629022 hail stan
Search [iqdb] (2.4 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_20190106-141309.png )
i bet 666 wud be much more welcome sum, though
FormerRei@mobile 2019/01/10 (木) 18:25 No. 629027
>>629026 Yes
a millionaire industry magnates wife has been kidnapped in norway ransom of around 8 million dollaroos has been asked in bitcurrency
FormerRei@mobile 2019/01/10 (木) 18:30 No. 629029
>kidnapping millionaires >2019
>>629029 apparently it happened in halloween the cops just now leaked it to call forth witnesses
lel sweden is still without a government and prime minister
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/10 (木) 18:35 No. 629032
>>629029 all the cool kids just marry them these days
what if they already killed her its been like months
one last chancd for pm and then it is new elections in april hahaha none of the parties want to co-operate with sweden democrats
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/10 (木) 18:39 No. 629035
>>629033 probably did ransoms are supposed to be quick and easy
>>629035 yeah idk why the cops would wait this long without evidence to pursue them
FormerRei@mobile 2019/01/10 (木) 18:40 No. 629037
>>629032 I like to imagine I'll hit it off with one of fish's friends at the wedding and get married.
>>629035 in norway lol no
norway? noway
if what i read is right, they just lack few eyewitnesses who they have failed to identify and reach
ah makes more sense but also I would be extremely surprised if she wasn't already dead
nah that ain't how kidnappings work hete
also i bet it was some russian mafia
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/01/10 (木) 18:44 No. 629044
>>629037 is this something you think about often
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/10 (木) 18:45 No. 629045
>>629038 do people not kill hostages in norway
FormerRei@mobile 2019/01/10 (木) 18:46 No. 629046
>>629044 No, it's comes to mind as a passing thought when I think about going to kirara's wedding.
>tourist drivers having difficulties switching headlights on or using heating how?
>some drive on ski or motorski routes mistaking them for roads
FormerRei@mobile 2019/01/10 (木) 18:48 No. 629049
>>629047 If this is only a problem in your country then this sounds like a problem with vehicles in Finland.
>>629045 why would they kidnap a hostage if not for money0 if they kill them, chances of money go down if you kill em>>629051 theybrelease them and not kill here
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/10 (木) 18:48 No. 629051
7 months is too long there's no money coming you cut your losses and move on
FormerRei@mobile 2019/01/10 (木) 18:48 No. 629052
>>629050 Here they usually kill the hostage earlier than that. No live hostage = no good witness.
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/10 (木) 18:49 No. 629053
id kill a hostage as soon as i knew the ransom wasn't coming if i were the kind of person that would kidnap
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/01/10 (木) 18:49 No. 629054
Search [iqdb] (62 KB, 600x775, 210b6b0e0393851e489cbc5e7fc1be61.jpg )
>>629046 sou
>>629053 i'd send a finger
FormerRei@mobile 2019/01/10 (木) 18:49 No. 629056
>>629054 You probably have about the same odds of it happening to you as I do.
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/10 (木) 18:50 No. 629057
>>629055 too easy if i were doing that, id just go after people with kidnapping insurance like rich tourists
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/01/10 (木) 18:50 No. 629058
Search [iqdb] (234 KB, 1000x1000, e85149a6cc74c0dec717814d23dd6d17.png )
>>629056 I think I have one possible qualifier over you for getting hooked up at Kirara's wedding.
FormerRei@mobile 2019/01/10 (木) 18:51 No. 629059
>>629058 What?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/01/10 (木) 18:51 No. 629060
Search [iqdb] (840 KB, 1030x1104, 60262fe6386357f0b3ec15c0e0f1a899.png )
Hi mi tsu
FormerRei@mobile 2019/01/10 (木) 18:52 No. 629061
>>629060 For the record, I'm way less awkward in person than online.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/01/10 (木) 18:52 No. 629062
Search [iqdb] (149 KB, 689x1050, 002ba659be0de05b5ebc6d5c1f84f4e2.jpg )
Oh don't worry It's not really related to you being awkwared or anything.
FormerRei@mobile 2019/01/10 (木) 18:52 No. 629063
Oh yeah i forgot, you lost weight.
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/10 (木) 18:53 No. 629064
Search [iqdb] (1.1 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190110-205157.png )
Search [iqdb] (676 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190110-205242.png )
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/10 (木) 18:53 No. 629067
nobody is going to hook up with anyone at my wedding
FormerRei@mobile 2019/01/10 (木) 18:53 No. 629068
>>629067 Not with that attitude.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/01/10 (木) 18:53 No. 629069
Search [iqdb] (189 KB, 848x1041, 0f5dd53351cf2f6d159e49a50c79e632.jpg )
That's fine by me
>>629067 what about a'that aunt and blue?
>>629067 Yeah but who's gonna hook up your wedding.
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/10 (木) 18:54 No. 629072
>>629070 that's different, that's been in the works for years
FormerRei@mobile 2019/01/10 (木) 18:54 No. 629073
>>629067 What about ToN and pan?
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/10 (木) 18:54 No. 629074
>>629073 see >>629072
FormerRei@mobile 2019/01/10 (木) 18:54 No. 629075
Oh wow It really has been years.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/01/10 (木) 18:55 No. 629076
Search [iqdb] (1.2 MB, 1254x1254, 4a9a70255138fb929fde76e060f9c7d1.jpg )
PAN really is just a wonderful person
FormerRei@mobile 2019/01/10 (木) 18:55 No. 629077
He's kind if a dick. *of More than kind of actually.
>>629065 >>629066 you'd think these were common sense, da?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/01/10 (木) 18:55 No. 629079
Search [iqdb] (226 KB, 500x1000, b51475adff438757e50fe58f51d8a2dd.png )
Yes, he's a dick But he's my dick
Wow so it's that kinda relationship
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/10 (木) 18:56 No. 629081
how many /moe/s have you shared a bed with /moe/
also>1,35m must use safety seat lol wut never heard of tgat
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/01/10 (木) 18:56 No. 629083
Search [iqdb] (146 KB, 1067x1334, 851a1c2bf4a77ed45b1e877e0d4febd0.jpg )
>>629081 1
FormerRei@mobile 2019/01/10 (木) 18:56 No. 629084
>>629078 Not the engine preheater or the vest thing.
>>629081 0
FormerRei@mobile 2019/01/10 (木) 18:57 No. 629086
>>629081 1 I've shared a bed with myself.
>>629084 yeah, but those weren't the most common issures parking middle of a 100kmh road was...
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/10 (木) 18:57 No. 629088
Search [iqdb] (30 KB, 380x408, IMG_20190108_081001.jpg )
you are all like little children ive shared a bed with jan, rook, tilde, teacup, and fish although she doesn't really count
FormerRei@mobile 2019/01/10 (木) 18:57 No. 629089
>>629088 Slut
>>629081 3 i think
>>629088 but how many at once?
I've shared a hammock that was sweet
FormerRei@mobile 2019/01/10 (木) 18:58 No. 629093
>>629087 Were these tourists Chinese?
>>629093 yup
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/01/10 (木) 18:58 No. 629095
Search [iqdb] (183 KB, 700x1600, 23c5b969f4a22c819e4e93ced3a8a5cc.jpg )
PAN really is just the best.
FormerRei@mobile 2019/01/10 (木) 18:58 No. 629096
>>629094 That explains everything.
>>629096 no it doesn't chinese as far as i know also have a brain
FormerRei@mobile 2019/01/10 (木) 18:59 No. 629098
>>629097 Chinese tourists are infamous for not following local rules.
>>629098 it isn't a rule much more not being suicidal
FormerRei@mobile 2019/01/10 (木) 19:00 No. 629100
>>629099 * They are also known for lacking common sense.
>>629088 tfw I go to sleep on the very edge of the bed and wake to in the middle
woukd you park in tge middle of a high way
FormerRei@mobile 2019/01/10 (木) 19:00 No. 629103
>>629102 No
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/10 (木) 19:00 No. 629104
Search [iqdb] (69 KB, 1000x1350, IMG_20190110_085801.jpg )
>>629091 hmm well one time i slept while rook, sam, and jan were sitting on the bed so if that counts, i can add sam to my list and add them to all at once>>629105 i don't know what happened i just jolted awake like WHAT IF
that question still haunts my dreams
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/01/10 (木) 19:02 No. 629107
Search [iqdb] (1.9 MB, 2480x3508, 407dccd6958879c38c36a5e7cbaf8221.jpg )
oh I capped affection with springfield how lovely.>>629104 nice
>>629104 it was a disturbing wisdom if i suddenly thought that I'd have to ask my colleagues immediately too
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/10 (木) 19:03 No. 629109
>>629108 it must have come to me in a dream
>>629109 dreaming about keeping mister mime as a torture doll like that one girl from mahou shoujo site
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/10 (木) 19:04 No. 629111
what would happen if you broke mr mime's hands it's a good question
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/01/10 (木) 19:04 No. 629112
Search [iqdb] (181 KB, 1169x827, 9ee4f1f274a5bf0479e3d9bb9e21b54f.jpg )
I decided recently to try and keep a dream diary.
>>629111 there really is only one way to find out the scientific method morality be damned we as a species must know
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/10 (木) 19:05 No. 629114
>>629113 where will we get a mr mime
>>629114 France
>>629104 what is your biggest yaoiclub?
>>629112 Enjoy your yume nikki.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/01/10 (木) 19:07 No. 629118
Search [iqdb] (145 KB, 1264x1819, 9ccfc132fc17f843138192da76e80f07.jpg )
It's a good thing I'm too lazy to open the window to step out onto what balcony I have
>>629111 also mr mime contrary to the namespeaks like other pkmn do they just mime their psychic abilities so the question is like what would a blastoise do if you broke its cannons
こい of Many Browsers 2019/01/10 (木) 19:09 No. 629120
Search [iqdb] (1.2 MB, 2000x2824, 31a34a086d1d2279f1ba9498a405e1(…).jpg )
>>629088 not even a couch
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/10 (木) 19:10 No. 629121
Search [iqdb] (32 KB, 232x232, 20190108_110642.jpg )
lonely ole blue sleepin alone
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/01/10 (木) 19:10 No. 629122
not even a cooch
こい of Many Browsers 2019/01/10 (木) 19:11 No. 629123
Search [iqdb] (565 KB, 885x1250, 5e7205aeb0aa50e5c4b1cc9ea6badc(…).jpg )
Koi and the Castle Couch
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/01/10 (木) 19:11 No. 629124
I dedicate tonight's campaign map to blue
こい of Many Browsers 2019/01/10 (木) 19:12 No. 629125
Search [iqdb] (6.3 MB, 2000x3015, 577f7c161ed2494b2858d87d6d188f(…).png )
uh oh
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/10 (木) 19:12 No. 629126
>>629123 wow, those hips
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/01/10 (木) 19:12 No. 629127
>>629126 right?
Search [iqdb] (99 KB, 1600x900, bm-bandersnatch-still-10.jpg )
>>629118 >step out onto the balcony right then, which one of us will it be
>>629126 she got the daisy side special power hips
こい of Many Browsers 2019/01/10 (木) 19:16 No. 629130
Search [iqdb] (1.7 MB, 3630x5090, 8a37aa66785c87658d3851689ceae1(…).jpg )
epic thighs
Them hips don't lie
こい of Many Browsers 2019/01/10 (木) 19:17 No. 629132
epic games thighs
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/01/10 (木) 19:17 No. 629133
thighs save lives
are thighs dark meat
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/10 (木) 19:18 No. 629135
Search [iqdb] (89 KB, 1154x900, IMG_20190110_120106.jpg )
This is why I'm so cute.
こい of Many Browsers 2019/01/10 (木) 19:19 No. 629136
Search [iqdb] (1.2 MB, 2620x3634, 36c6de895f6ffc5e19fc3c2c51c7f8(…).png )
>shoulder touches you hey wanna come to my place we can turn on my Unreal Engine and we can play some Epic Games let's make some fun together
i am wearing 3/4 pieces women's clothing right now and I'm not sure how they got in my closet
except for the hoodie anyways I just bought that
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/10 (木) 19:22 No. 629139
Search [iqdb] (162 KB, 1200x1200, IMG_20190104_201737.jpg )
im wearing women's socks
women's clothing sure is soft i know personally as a man i would never want my clothing to be smooth as silk
>>629138 It's a good hoodie on you.
こい of Many Browsers 2019/01/10 (木) 19:23 No. 629142
Search [iqdb] (514 KB, 850x1200, 3d2bb7406d3330f60b00cc94f5dd94(…).jpg )
I'm wearing ... the flesh that a woman created, I guess.
btw everythinh becomes more ominously epic while listening to bloodborn ost
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/10 (木) 19:24 No. 629144
Search [iqdb] (213 KB, 951x1200, IMG_20190107_203634.jpg )
I wear whatever I want whenever I want.
>>629139 i wonder do they even make women's sock in my size
>>629141 yeah i like it i also like that it was three dollars>>629144 same i just happened to have grabbed this my closet is full of all sorts of shit i don't even know man i need to get rid of the stuff i don't wear much i can't fit all my clothes in there anymore
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/01/10 (木) 19:25 No. 629147
Search [iqdb] (83 KB, 656x663, 1352084010310.jpg )
I can reach through time and retrieve various relics of the ancient world.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/01/10 (木) 19:26 No. 629148
Search [iqdb] (2 KB, 131x89, 1352762278915.png )
like so
hey wait i cropped that give it back thief
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/10 (木) 19:26 No. 629151
>>629147 k remember iM@TS i wonder what happened to them
こい of Many Browsers 2019/01/10 (木) 19:26 No. 629150
Search [iqdb] (459 KB, 850x1200, 9ebc3e355ab6507adbf7c908407e32(…).jpg )
some things don't change huh
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/01/10 (木) 19:27 No. 629152
>>629149 nah
>>629152 Jan will remember this
こい of Many Browsers 2019/01/10 (木) 19:27 No. 629154
>actually liking idolmaster he never existed
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/01/10 (木) 19:27 No. 629155
>>629151 Unending pain and suffering as well as creating a cult
>>629154 iM@TS is a spook
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/01/10 (木) 19:28 No. 629157
Search [iqdb] (801 KB, 1000x1391, 1354626671368.jpg )
I do have several of iM@TS' images
>>629151 the idolmattster lives in my kokoro
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/01/10 (木) 19:28 No. 629159
Search [iqdb] (80 KB, 683x342, 1354865329061.png )
Search [iqdb] (2 KB, 139x147, Swap.PNG )
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/01/10 (木) 19:29 No. 629161
Search [iqdb] (63 KB, 500x720, 1355251313866.jpg )
thanks sam
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/10 (木) 19:29 No. 629163
Search [iqdb] (894 KB, 1447x2039, 1423583456449.png )
only real OGs remember this
>>629163 this is a top tier teacup
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/01/10 (木) 19:29 No. 629165
wow I can't believe I'm real OG
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/01/10 (木) 19:30 No. 629166
Search [iqdb] (54 KB, 879x720, 1356828579910.jpg )
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/01/10 (木) 19:30 No. 629167
Search [iqdb] (35 KB, 526x520, 1357007201199.jpg )
こい of Many Browsers 2019/01/10 (木) 19:31 No. 629168
Search [iqdb] (3.5 MB, 1405x2000, f1e8e3eac26f85cb8779c8e3f4baf2(…).png )
the best posts on /moe/ never existed
>>629167 give me a clip soi can do some damage
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/01/10 (木) 19:33 No. 629170
Search [iqdb] (29 KB, 400x353, 1401523146274.jpg )
now here's some vintage stuff
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/10 (木) 19:34 No. 629171
Search [iqdb] (54 KB, 360x257, 154.png )
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/01/10 (木) 19:34 No. 629172
oh shit I still have the kirara-as-boo audio clips
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/10 (木) 19:35 No. 629173
rook was joking about that the other day post that shit
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/01/10 (木) 19:35 No. 629174
Search [iqdb] (396 KB, 480x800, 1404742329051.png )
oh shit ok give me a sec
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/01/10 (木) 19:36 No. 629175
1 2 3 and 4
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/10 (木) 19:37 No. 629176
all da mahkary
Search [iqdb] (213 KB, 1378x2039, 1504632413339.jpg )
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/10 (木) 19:39 No. 629178
haha god damn i forgot how funny those were old me knew what was up
Search [iqdb] (3.4 MB, 4160x3120, IMG_20190110_133835.jpg )
here in Texas we got the largest track crane in the fucking world yeehaw took 3 months to put it together
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/01/10 (木) 19:39 No. 629180
Search [iqdb] (41 KB, 480x640, 1409830188467.jpg )
kirara I believe this is yours
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/01/10 (木) 19:40 No. 629181
Search [iqdb] (37 KB, 784x291, 1412093992356.jpg )
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/10 (木) 19:40 No. 629182
>>629180 looks like a teacup to me
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/01/10 (木) 19:40 No. 629183
Search [iqdb] (2.0 MB, 396x240, 1411262390768.gif )
that would make sense.
>>629183 showing this to my dad while driving i hope i bounce
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/01/10 (木) 19:43 No. 629185
Search [iqdb] (16 KB, 376x60, 1415971929993.png )
こい of Many Browsers 2019/01/10 (木) 19:44 No. 629186
Search [iqdb] (1.4 MB, 1400x1480, 123a52498e7fb38147dc09cac9d2d7(…).png )
aaaaaaa there is family coming over soon I gotta clean I guess
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/01/10 (木) 19:44 No. 629187
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/10 (木) 19:44 No. 629188
>>629186 tell them to go to the airbnb
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/01/10 (木) 19:46 No. 629189
Search [iqdb] (151 KB, 491x176, 1421621583161.gif )
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/10 (木) 19:48 No. 629190
man, that was four years ago things sure have changed
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/01/10 (木) 19:48 No. 629191
Search [iqdb] (32 KB, 819x221, 1424459329700.jpg )
what is the context for this
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/01/10 (木) 19:50 No. 629192
Search [iqdb] (106 KB, 1746x768, 1427673957268.png )
Apparently the second Heaven's Feel movie has some of the H-content from the games in it. Which means Sakura's the only Fate heroine to actually get with Shirou in the animated adaptations.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/01/10 (木) 19:55 No. 629194
Search [iqdb] (202 KB, 560x640, 05703b66e22dc50fad25487474d79571.jpg )
gotta sell those senpai-loving titties
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/10 (木) 19:56 No. 629195
>>629193 it's probably super softcore
>>629195 I saw (albeit uncited) reports she rides Shirou in a scene, and masturbates in another.
こい of Many Browsers 2019/01/10 (木) 19:59 No. 629197
you know what I miss playing Catacomb Kids
こい of Many Browsers 2019/01/10 (木) 19:59 No. 629198
I'd have to reinstall Steam and shit.
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/10 (木) 20:03 No. 629199
>>629196 surprising i wonder if nasu has less control
>>629197 you know what i miss playing fucking parchments blowing myself up just doesn't feel as good
It's the Magicka experience. Much more fun when your disasterous actions cause harm to all your surrounding friends.
こい of Many Browsers 2019/01/10 (木) 20:07 No. 629202
same we should play online sometime but I have to clean my room I'm only here right now because I'm downloading the MP3 version of the FELT album and I want to listen as I cleanse this room for the first time in ... far too long
>>629201 the Magicka experience ended for me when rook and okuu and me started using QWERDSA i think that's the right combo fucking freezing wet lightning laser beam just don't get near the enemies or they'll explode and kill you instantly
こい of Many Browsers 2019/01/10 (木) 20:08 No. 629204
Also I'm off today and tomorrow so PARCHMENTS CAN TOTALLY HAPPEN WITHIN THE NEXT 48H
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/01/10 (木) 20:08 No. 629205
Search [iqdb] (339 KB, 700x569, 03b37362d6001b9d2ef2453b143feefe.png )
after 4:30 tomorrow I'm free until the monday after maybe I should actually play a video game with my good friends
>>629204 I'm off today but work pretty constantly following 10pm tomorrow
こい of Many Browsers 2019/01/10 (木) 20:10 No. 629207
I should also get that stream thing and that LAN thing I can hit up Best Buy
thai green curry is the best
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/01/10 (木) 20:25 No. 629209
Search [iqdb] (174 KB, 415x416, swird.png )
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/10 (木) 20:27 No. 629210
access flash
Kirara, you a There you are, hah>>629210 Do you have discord?
>>629201 too bad m2 isn't as good as 1st
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/10 (木) 20:29 No. 629213
>>629211 matts☆#0825
>>629213 Now I remember you actually shared it, oh well, sent.
>>629203 >freezing wet lightning lol wut steam and freeze cancel water and light cancel that is impossible combo
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/10 (木) 20:31 No. 629216
>>629214 not on rn but ill accept later this evening when i am
>>629216 No rush!
godnonly 2h of nap time
>>629216 Though it's funny that when I thought of you, you kinda just appeared. Also happy new year!
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/10 (木) 20:39 No. 629220
Search [iqdb] (69 KB, 1000x1350, IMG_20190110_085801.jpg )
hapii new yeah
Happi new nyaa
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/01/10 (木) 20:41 No. 629222
Search [iqdb] (691 KB, 808x822, 03b1a550db8c60fee588e4495f811778.png )
main map for tonight is functional I have 60% of an idea of the content for it now I need to craft potential enemies and we should be about as prepared as I am any other day
and then we all miss it
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/01/10 (木) 20:44 No. 629224
Search [iqdb] (2.4 MB, 2880x5120, 0a1fbdec682bcd0700f8b82f69b6b629.png )
do you mean not show up? I'll fight you
Search [iqdb] (3.4 MB, 4160x3120, 15471530674841977066446.jpg )
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/10 (木) 21:21 No. 629226
Search [iqdb] (43 KB, 600x424, IMG_20190109_194211.jpg )
No hug is worth two bucks.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/01/10 (木) 21:40 No. 629228
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/10 (木) 21:46 No. 629229
That's really disgusting. What an unpleasant person.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/01/10 (木) 21:47 No. 629230
Search [iqdb] (136 KB, 700x700, 017e8f4361c39ce84e0d7bcf4274e55e.jpg )
I like afro it's ok
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/01/10 (木) 21:49 No. 629231
Search [iqdb] (16 KB, 300x300, 0fed77c754eca947f2d1c50c9b3ad6d0.jpg )
I have heard previously that smash tournaments do in fact smell to high heaven as well
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/10 (木) 21:49 No. 629232
>>629230 definitely not ok people who speak like that are gross
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/10 (木) 21:54 No. 629233
This is one of those situations that chivalry is dead for a damn good reason.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/01/10 (木) 21:58 No. 629235
Search [iqdb] (2.4 MB, 2880x5120, 0a1fbdec682bcd0700f8b82f69b6b629.png )
I've always wanted to lock a woman in my car so that I can look like a gentlemen
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/10 (木) 22:25 No. 629236
all the little grannies wanna sip they tea
Whey tea grannies
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/01/10 (木) 23:01 No. 629239
sam e
Search [iqdb] (1.1 MB, 1280x1218, Asuka - glasses.png )
Search [iqdb] (92 KB, 1280x720, Asuka (9).jpg )
slave murai
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/10 (木) 23:33 No. 629243
Search [iqdb] (89 KB, 1154x900, IMG_20190110_120106.jpg )
what a night
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/01/10 (木) 23:33 No. 629244
Search [iqdb] (343 KB, 1488x2105, 27bb4e8f705aaeb9e879aa4b1b2c5ce1.jpg )
You mentioned things got hectic, what happened, if you're able to share
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/10 (木) 23:34 No. 629245
i will explain when i am home in ~20min
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/01/10 (木) 23:35 No. 629246
hai hai
>finally eat pan ****
ton 2019
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/11 (金) 00:08 No. 629249
got home and immediately cut my leg on something go me
Cut my leg into pieces
Search [iqdb] (857 KB, 1275x715, Dead Inside.PNG )
Search [iqdb] (245 KB, 750x750, 1370313264324.png )
hello hello
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/01/11 (金) 00:12 No. 629253
hello hello
Goodo evening
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/11 (金) 00:13 No. 629255
Search [iqdb] (69 KB, 1000x1350, IMG_20190110_085801.jpg )
I'll be on discord in a second. I just have to deal with this cut.>>629252 Long time no see.
Search [iqdb] (688 KB, 900x1216, 1373943981681.jpg )
How was the trip?
It was a lot of fun! Philly during the winter isn't much different from here during it, but I imagine that would be an experience for the rest from further south.
>>629255 got random wound?
>>629249 how do you even randomly cut yourself
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/11 (金) 00:20 No. 629260
Search [iqdb] (83 KB, 639x1005, IMG_20190108_120403.jpg )
Ugh, now I'm having internet issues.>>629259 It doesn't seem that weird to me. I was moving quickly and ran into something sharp.>>629256 It was a lot of fun. I got to meet Samurai this time which was cool.
Search [iqdb] (82 KB, 1280x720, [Mezashite] Aikatsu! - 18 [720(…).jpg )
Oh, you met Samurai this time? sounds like a nice trip
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/11 (金) 00:24 No. 629262
Search [iqdb] (158 KB, 994x1400, IMG_20190107_204212.jpg )
>>629261 Yeah This time, we had Jan, Blue, Tilde, Rook, Sam, and me. It was nice! I took a picture of Saku's grave if you're interested, although I suspect you're not
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/11 (金) 00:28 No. 629263
my internet is resetting, ton just an fyi
Search [iqdb] (904 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Dororo - 01 [72(…).jpg )
>>629261 i 3 stocked samurai i am the STRONGEST SMASH all moes bow before me and my tilt attack stick
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/01/11 (金) 00:28 No. 629265
Search [iqdb] (86 KB, 710x723, 17f750b69b6f2d8cb87ad42c079cd87b.jpg )
>>629263 k
>>629264 You're definitely the STRONGEST SMASH amongst /moe/s. How does it feel to be at the top?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/01/11 (金) 00:30 No. 629267
Search [iqdb] (497 KB, 704x769, 1353287b5bba411cd913b176cd9cb7e8.png )
don't forget to smash that mother fuckin' like button
Search [iqdb] (345 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Dororo - 01 [72(…).jpg )
>>629266 it feels like i'm at the top of this pyramid and can't make the distance between this peak and the base of the one above me maybe ika can beat me he was pretty good at melee
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/01/11 (金) 00:31 No. 629269
help I'm peaking
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/01/11 (金) 00:36 No. 629270
do your best kirara
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
2019/01/11 (金) 00:44 No. 629271
>>629264 lies! lies and slander i proclaim
FormerRei@mobile 2019/01/11 (金) 00:45 No. 629272
>>629228 There's a fucking PAX south? Man that's bogus Why no Pax Midwest?
FormerRei@mobile 2019/01/11 (金) 00:45 No. 629273
Also Tadaimasu
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
2019/01/11 (金) 00:46 No. 629274
cuphead and celeste next on AGDQ aw shit
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/11 (金) 00:47 No. 629275
ooh i got a big bump where i hurt myself too and my internet is still not working this night is a MESS
Search [iqdb] (266 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Yagate Kimi ni (…).jpg )
>>629271 a reverse 3 stock is still a 3 stock brother
Search [iqdb] (297 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Tsurune - 11 [7(…).jpg )
>>629275 none of our choices are mattering there's only one thing left to do
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/11 (金) 00:49 No. 629278
>>629277 murder...
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
2019/01/11 (金) 00:51 No. 629279
time to get cupped
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
2019/01/11 (金) 00:52 No. 629280
>>629262 it was a pleasure to meet everyone disney world when.
>>629276 god the art still looooks weird
FormerRei@mobile 2019/01/11 (金) 00:56 No. 629282
At the Kinokuniya There was a guy with a neckbeard, a fedora, an ill fitting XL Rick and Morty t-shirt and a dirty hoodie.
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/11 (金) 00:59 No. 629283
>>629280 wow a disney deito gonna take selfies with mickey
FormerRei@mobile 2019/01/11 (金) 01:00 No. 629284
Oh yeah, the official English version of Thicc Elf is out. The title is so cringey.
So Jesus and Mickey are interchangible for your selfie game, eh.
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/11 (金) 01:02 No. 629286
Search [iqdb] (30 KB, 380x408, IMG_20190108_081001.jpg )
That's right, but don't tell my wife!
Not that I intend to, but why?
Search [iqdb] (418 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Dororo - 01 [72(…).jpg )
im gonna tell her fuck da rules
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/11 (金) 01:04 No. 629289
>>629287 she might not be happy to hear mickey and jesus are equal
Oh yeah she's a bit religious ain't she. I'm surrounded by you nutjobs.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/01/11 (金) 01:04 No. 629291
Kirara's internet is freaking dead
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/11 (金) 01:06 No. 629292
>>629290 rude, she's not a nutjob
FormerRei@mobile 2019/01/11 (金) 01:06 No. 629293
I assume she wants to raise your kids Christian?
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/11 (金) 01:06 No. 629294
>>629293 why do you assume that
FormerRei@mobile 2019/01/11 (金) 01:07 No. 629295
>>629294 Well, I meant to ask it as a question but accidentally typed it that way.
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/11 (金) 01:08 No. 629296
well we don't have any kids so i dunno how we'll raise them
FormerRei@mobile 2019/01/11 (金) 01:08 No. 629297
Not yet anyways.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/01/11 (金) 01:09 No. 629298
Search [iqdb] (53 KB, 700x990, 2ab13e0eb9d4dd27207595ad6457c9c5.jpg )
Be sure to raise half of your children one way and half the other way so that they can be very confused.
Search [iqdb] (114 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Island - 06 [72(…).jpg )
sometimes you have a kid and then the next one be worser
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/11 (金) 01:11 No. 629300
i don't want to talk about my kids
Search [iqdb] (334 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Yagate Kimi ni (…).jpg )
what a coincidence me neither i want to talk about this fucking tabletop game
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/01/11 (金) 01:12 No. 629302
Search [iqdb] (365 KB, 707x1000, 0ee944ab8a41ce09d3d3e7a61b5bb265.png )
Mine was not serious so don't worry about anything.
>>629298 raise your kids to feud
FormerRei@mobile 2019/01/11 (金) 01:15 No. 629304
Search [iqdb] (92 KB, 1280x720, Asuka (9).jpg )
hype for 2 month pause
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/11 (金) 01:27 No. 629306
Search [iqdb] (69 KB, 1000x1350, IMG_20190110_085801.jpg )
idk what to tell you
Search [iqdb] (324 KB, 693x720, Asuka (107).jpg )
Well dunno what can one do about shitty webs
Search [iqdb] (322 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Dororo - 01 [72(…).jpg )
>>629306 tell me im pretty
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/11 (金) 01:29 No. 629309
Search [iqdb] (190 KB, 403x627, Asuka (165).jpg )
vafor dororo was great can't believe it is her debut
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/11 (金) 01:29 No. 629311
this is super fucked up
Search [iqdb] (353 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Dororo - 01 [72(…).jpg )
>>629310 dororo was pretty good>>629309 oh no im crying
>>629311 damn what the fuck
FormerRei@mobile 2019/01/11 (金) 01:31 No. 629314
>>629311 What the fuck
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/11 (金) 01:32 No. 629315
idols got it so hard being idol is suffering
Search [iqdb] (258 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Dororo - 01 [72(…).jpg )
>be idol >idol squad comember hires guys to sexually harass you >report it to police >cops don't care >agency tells you to apologize to the public >hired molestors sit in front row as you bow and apologize life is hard
>>629315 it's so fucked up
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god look at that surround took some manuevering to get to this position but I am just piece meal peppering these posh greeks into ground beef
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and that was that
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hmm how do you even counter horse archers you can just have lots of heavy infantry with shields and just wait while being peppered or you can use archers, but the problem is that a horse archer unit can easily rout an archer unit cav beats infantry without spears almsot always if they get a good charge afterall especially guys with only bows
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jesus... how many armies does this guy have
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damn I think I might have gotten them into the most shitty position they could almost be I wonder if the skirmish AI can be trusted to retreat and surround>trusting TW unit AI yeah
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
2019/01/11 (金) 02:20 No. 629324
TGH killin it as usual in Celeste
Search [iqdb] (469 KB, 1920x1080, 20190111042519_1.jpg )
HAHA complete surround complete it is a fucking circus of death
Search [iqdb] (1.8 MB, 1920x1080, 230410_20190110202506_1.png )
i swear to god every game i get in people are just afk until the last rounds
>>629326 how fun is warframe what kinda game is it even?
>>629327 it's an extremely grindy shooter but the variety of enemy types and map types and amount of missions to clear makes it somewhat interesting also has melee combat and stuff and tons of shit to unlock which pads out the playtime quite a bit if you don't just pay to get what you want but even then whaling won't finish the missions or endgame nightmare stuff for you it just cuts out the time it takes to farm mats there's also okay pvp and space missions all in all the coop is more fun but endgame is based around gamebreaking builds and it's repetitive
also it changes like every year so you can drop it and pick it up and it's almost like you are playing the sequel
compared to the closed beta i got into in 2013 this is like warframe 3 by now
I heard it was kind of clunky early on and the grind was way more apparent than the gameplay. But it seems they've really managed to re-invent the game in more recent years.
>>629328 what kinda specs it needs
It runs on the Nintendo Switch that should give you a good idea of how potato-y it can run on.
what do you even do in it the screenshots don't give much info
Instance-based missions that usually involve a kill objective or retrieval thing, with other quirks to elaborate the mission. Within the instance you kind of run-and-gun or go in with a melee weapon to go at the enemies with. Movement is fast and very fluid so you can really get into a speedy rhythm if you want to. There's also some kind of plot involved but I'm far enough removed from the game to have no clue what it's about.
FormerRei@mobile 2019/01/11 (金) 03:53 No. 629336
Yeah but you get autobanned for saying the word trap in the chat. Or just get banned for no good reason. According to my friend anyways
why would you gfet banned for star wars references? Is warframe owned by disney?
FormerRei@mobile 2019/01/11 (金) 03:58 No. 629338
Dunno I've just heard that the chat mods are total assholes
>>629336 theres bots that ban you for saying all sorts of words but you only get banned from the general chats so it doesnt really matter usually for like a few hours or a day
and its on a per channel basis so just don't say "nigger" or "gay" or even "trap" and "press F" or you'll get popped by the robot overlords
FormerRei@mobile 2019/01/11 (金) 04:00 No. 629341
I won't complain about the first one but those last three are ridiculous.
Search [iqdb] (2.1 MB, 1920x1080, 230410_20181220042850_1.png )
>>629334 you run around and shoot dudes a potato computer with like a 750ti and 2.5ghz dual core could run it if you have played games from like 2014 on your computer you can probably get 60fps my 1050ti and 3.4ghz quad core can max it out at 144fps it's not a very demanding game compared to some other games i think, monster hunter world and DS3 run slower for me
lel I took a walled city with 100% cavalry army epic fleet men disembarked defending the city vs scythian ranged pokey boys
but fucking proves my point further light cav beats light infantry
though heavy inf beats heavy cav
>>629342 680 gtx LOL
Wow that poor cat got TRICKED. I hope it got its treat afterwards anyway.
Search [iqdb] (634 KB, 1920x1080, 20190111061926_1.jpg )
spawned a female family member dunno why she is fucking olive skinned we are SCYTHIANS ohw ell
seein a lot of sharks these days
Search [iqdb] (358 KB, 1325x2048, zeldabutshescuteasfuck.jpg )
for ToN
sam fucking lightning kicked me TWICE
>>629351 Why "but"? Zelda's always cute as fuck yo.>>629352 You gotta watch the waifus man.
>>629353 yeah well this one's especially cute
FormerRei@mobile 2019/01/11 (金) 04:35 No. 629355
>>629340 really "pressF"? that sure is something
anime >>629357 →
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who you?
guess it don't matter
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>>628497 Those are rookie numbers when will my heart finally say fuck it?
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no dont
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>>629433 real men have scars in their heart
my heart is full of 800+ mg of caffeine on a daily basis
Search [iqdb] (107 KB, 857x1200, __yin_darker_than_black_drawn_(…).jpg )
why not just do amphetamine at that point
why not just go out to a mom-and-pop ice cream parlor for homemade ice cream and take a paddleboat ride for two at that point on a cool breezy day
Search [iqdb] (313 KB, 926x1000, __kousaka_kyousuke_ore_no_imou(…).jpg )
>>629441 My god, why have I not thought of this before
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>>629442 sounds fun i could go for ice cream>>629445 probably because you're fucking your brain up with caffeine
Search [iqdb] (96 KB, 300x300, smug.png )
I fuck my brain up with psychedelics, not caffeine
Search [iqdb] (1.2 MB, 1500x2122, __yin_darker_than_black_drawn_(…).jpg )
a few psychs probably won't ruin your brain but 800mg of poison a day is a bit much
caffeine nicotine and propylene
Search [iqdb] (56 KB, 500x700, __hei_darker_than_black_drawn_(…).jpg )
my name is vape fill i sell propylene glycol and propylene glycol accessories
i wish there were propylene vapes i'd use that
Search [iqdb] (450 KB, 1240x1754, __yin_darker_than_black_drawn_(…).jpg )
what if you vape a bunch of propylene and then eat a match
You probably shouldn't eat matches. They're probably edible but that doesn't entirely make it okay.
Search [iqdb] (1.6 MB, 1962x2255, __yin_darker_than_black_drawn_(…).jpg )
eating the match is really the part you have a problem with
It seems like the bit that an ordinary person might swallow. The rest is pretty way out in terms of ridiculousness.
eating matches isn't really uncommon, especially kids they're really salty so it's kind of stimulating baking soda as well i still love using baking soda to brush my teeth>>629463 i think you'd be fine
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Search [iqdb] (857 KB, 1275x715, Dead Inside.PNG )
>>629475 🤔 something feels strange about this picture
it's like pixel art or something
other than the filter the person used it's just an ordinary picture
>>629477 feels like it could be a bitmap
ice cream flavors not your favorite, but what's the best youve had diff than favorite because it might not be go-to but a specialty one youve had at a gourmet ice cream place or something
I don't think I really have anything special. Not really adventurous with my choices in ice cream. I can't really name one that's the best I've had.
i feel like if i ask favorite im gonna get like vanilla bean strawberry mint chocolate butter pecan but when you actually go to those ice cream parlors there's like a hundred different types pistachio, peanut butter, cotton candy, bubblegum you know if not best then what are some good ice cream flavors
the espresso i got at the ice cream place in philly was good it had coffee beans in it
Search [iqdb] (28 KB, 400x400, 1546565955478.jpg )
i havent really had ice cream a little bit when i was a child sorbet only a few times when older ive got so much work to do i think im gonna try to get some ice cream on a rare whim after im done as something to look forward to i'll have to see if i have enough loose change to afford one and then go buy ice cream in loose change like white trash but thats okay i bet ice cream tastes better when you can't afford it
I had jaffa once that was nice butterscotch might be good idk
Search [iqdb] (243 KB, 2027x1521, IMG_20190109_161710.jpg )
or I would go bubblegum but that might be too sweet for you
what is a jaffa
oh wait that's aussie brand thing dunno if you guys have an equivalent but I doubt they'd have it an ice cream flavour if you do
what is it like
caramelly and chocolately I guess
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oh it's a fanservice episode
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Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/11 (金) 11:54 No. 629497
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Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/11 (金) 12:08 No. 629499
kojima likes bandersnatch what does this mean for death stranding
Ask what It means for death stranding 2
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/11 (金) 12:32 No. 629501
kojima is gonna kill someone ;_;
nice who
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/11 (金) 13:26 No. 629503
it could be anyone
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/11 (金) 13:26 No. 629504
but probably norman reedus
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/11 (金) 13:26 No. 629505
or del toro
chuu chuu
Search [iqdb] (1.5 MB, 1280x720, [Mazui]_To_Aru_Kagaku_no_Railg(…).png )
FormerRei@mobile 2019/01/11 (金) 14:16 No. 629508
oh thats convenient
FormerRei@mobile 2019/01/11 (金) 14:46 No. 629510
>>629509 Holy Fug
FormerRei@mobile 2019/01/11 (金) 14:46 No. 629511
Did the sukeban guys end up escaping from Venezuela?
not sure
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/11 (金) 15:05 No. 629513
Search [iqdb] (100 KB, 639x654, IMG_20190111_082832.jpg )
oh yeah i need to do that rerun good to see youre having fun
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/11 (金) 15:16 No. 629515
that's not mine
wiw ive been tricked
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/11 (金) 15:47 No. 629517
you played yourself
こい of Many Browsers 2019/01/11 (金) 15:52 No. 629518
>>629518 congratulations
>>629518 it sucks to have to take cold baths but isn't that a little overboard you dont need that many
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/11 (金) 17:09 No. 629521
all the hat but no cowboy
put me in the shame cube coach I'm ready
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/11 (金) 17:14 No. 629523
Search [iqdb] (264 KB, 1079x1019, Screenshot_20190111-121240_Ama(…).jpg )
ive never purchased anything remotely similar to these wtf amazon
>>629521 Nice santa emoji
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/11 (金) 17:29 No. 629525
if you look at the top post here on Twitter, it has a seto kaiba emoji
>>629523 buy them abyway
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/11 (金) 17:30 No. 629527
>>629526 they're not really something id use
theyre for lazarus
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/11 (金) 17:33 No. 629529
he already has ears
yes but double the ears = double the hearing power
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/11 (金) 17:36 No. 629531
no way
I have made my greatest contribution to 2019's internet. Cant wait for next year
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/11 (金) 17:43 No. 629533
oh damn that was really good
Originally thought my dad built it in or something but it's some plastic thing that happens to fit perfectly in our cabinet.
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/11 (金) 17:50 No. 629535
koi your voice is so soothing
>>629530 honestly orin from 2hu has 2 pairs of ears. maybe she wears those
I was going to ask how excited you were to have more anime to watch Bue, but I see you already saw the news today.
こい of Many Browsers 2019/01/11 (金) 18:32 No. 629539
Search [iqdb] (763 KB, 793x793, 2018-12-12 06.13.51.png )
>How are you going to find the way into your girl's heart when you can't even find the garlic? >Can't relate~ I can't stop laughing at my own joke.
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/11 (金) 18:40 No. 629540
now you just gotta find your way into a girl's heart
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/11 (金) 18:43 No. 629541
Search [iqdb] (215 KB, 1800x1800, IMG_20190111_134253.jpg )
こい of Many Browsers 2019/01/11 (金) 18:46 No. 629542
>>629538 the best
こい of Many Browsers 2019/01/11 (金) 18:46 No. 629543
Search [iqdb] (330 KB, 600x835, 2018-12-05 08.30.46.jpg )
I don't know how to make this computer go faster. Everything will just forever be slow forever.
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/11 (金) 18:47 No. 629544
Did you try painting it red?
こい of Many Browsers 2019/01/11 (金) 18:48 No. 629545
oh I guess it's just Tweetdeck slowing everything down
こい of Many Browsers 2019/01/11 (金) 18:50 No. 629546
With the desktop tower not being on the table I can fit my laptop, two monitors, and my tablet on here.
こい of Many Browsers 2019/01/11 (金) 18:51 No. 629547
I should move the Switch over. Then I'll have everything.
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/11 (金) 18:57 No. 629548
sounds like you're really *switch*ing it up
Kirara, the Cat 2019/01/11 (金) 18:57 No. 629549
>>629546 One of the best arguments for moving away from tower-based PCs.
build a mountain pc
>>629552 → >>629552 → >>629552 →