Thread #628821
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Boogiepop wa Warawanai --Episode 1-2 Doukyonin wa Hiza, Tokidoki, Atama no Ue Egao no Daika Cooking with Emiya Meiji Tokyo Renka Pastel Memories Tate Yuusha no Nariagari Watashi ni Tenshi ga Maiorita! Yakusoku no Neverland
New stuff for tonight, Doukyonin etc. is I think an SoL about a guy and his cat? Meiji Tokyo Renka looks like another one of those otome game adaptations with a reverse harem of boys. Yakusoku no Neverland is some Shounen Jump series, I don't actually know al l that much about it though.
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Anything you particularly want to watch?
Watashi ni Tenshi ga Maiorita I guess. Maybe Tate Yuusha if you've got spaces to kill. Boogiepop might be interesting. Tate Yuusha's the only thing on this list that I'm familiar with from before this season so I'm kind of lost too.
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okay boogiepop tate yuusha pastel memories maybe #5 watashi ni tenshi let's do with this
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so boogiepop okay lets start!
All the kids in this show have such lazy eyes.
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They're just bored with everyday life
Hearing some girl dressed up all funny calling herself Boogiepop must be some chuuni shit to deal with.
He's taking this smug chuuni all in stride pretty well though.
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I'm sure chuuni is good and common there.
this shows kinda dull
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After the cop was beaten up I was expecting things to go wild but they really didn't.
That was kind of something. It didn't really reveal much.
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We'll see! I think this one definitely needs the 3 ep rule tate yuushua okay lets start!
>I'm pretty sure a shield is more like armor than a weapon This guy doesn't get the FULL POTENTIAL of the dual shield build.
The summoned guys are a little assorted in age. Everyone's kind of shitting on him right off the bat.
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Getting called to save a country like this would probably be a pain in the butt.
Oh yeah this isekai is particularly gamey.
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Ah, another isekai with mmo mechanics.
The fact that the mechanics are from pretty much every RPG format they could come up with just goes to show how generic they are. Though that they're all from different Japans might go for that too.
Oh wait wow this episode is a double feature. I didn't notice the length until now, hah hah.
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ooh me either I guess there's mystery #5
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No noe likes shields but shields are actually pretty good.
At least his unpopularity turned into extra money. Holla holla get dolla
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I guess he isn't allowed to use weapons.
His shield gets yandere when he tries to take up anything that's not it.
The upgrade feature for his shield is a neat mechanic.
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Wow a big twist already.
Hiding money in his shield. How pragmatic.
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Wow he's having a tough time already. He should go join the zombies.
Okay yeah I was waiting for this to happen. I remember a bit of what I read from the manga adaptation for this series.
His smile and optimism: Gone for good
Or maybe he can just go and kill all three of them himself and then off himself to get back home.
Oh he threw away the few coins he'd saved. Should have kept his temper and held on to them.
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It seems like false rape accusations would be a big deal in this country since you get the death penalty for it.
Well they did say the kingdom's a matriarchy. I thought it was just a part of Myne's bullshit but maybe it's actually true.
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So is this going to be the story of the rage powered hero?
If I remember correctly it's not entirely all bad and suffering but there's plenty of it to go around. He really gets a rum hand in this other world. But he also really leans well into the shit people deal him.
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He befriended the monsters.
Skill trees!
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Oh he learned aero. I wonder if that means he has some offensive ability now.
Now he seems to never go anywhere with at least one of those things, hah hah.
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This seems like a trustworthy guy.
He's just a very apt salesman.
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Wow, well that's a pretty good solution.
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I guess he's going to buy himself a cute girl slave.
this was pretty long huh
Yeah welcome to the realization we had like thirty minutes back Ika. It was a double-length episode.
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This is good though, I like this.
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okay pastel memories! okay lets start!
I heard this was kind of like a low-budget Animegataris or something. But it's also a mobage adaptation? Maybe it's something like Last Period.
>>628887 i hope not that show was very average
Wow they made Akihabara boring.
>>628888 Nah man. Both Animegataris and Last Period were pretty enjoyable shows.
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This seems like it could be comfy.
>Curry is a drink! Says who.
That series looks like a parody of Rabbit House.
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Feels kinda like the bottom row cereal to gochiusa's top wrong cereal. But that can still be nice.
That's the second Mikakunin cameo there's been in this show too.
Akiba sure has declined.
This sure is a depressing timeline.
Oh okay.
That was kind of an unexpected development.
Hah hah the Gochiusa parody is pretty much a carbon copy of its setting.
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Yeah, feels like offbran gochiusa. okay watashi ni tenshi okay lets start!
This might be pretty gay. How nice.
this feels gay
Wow rude.
This girl is like a brunette Mashu.
... Is this the second season in a row with a woman in love with a girl way too young for her.
They both have been animated by Dogakobo too.
The age difference between these two probably isn't as crazy as the meido one last season though.
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This is pretty fluffy.
The watercolour-y backgrounds are kind of nice.
Wow this imouto is vicious.
No fashion sense whatsoever.
Super vicious!
The faces in this show are great.
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The dark haired girl is cute.
She's pretty weak-willed though!
What a terrifying human bean.
This mother knows what's up.
Geez this imouto has no filter whatsoever. She brutalizes anyone that crosses her path.
This feels like the kind of show Bang would love to hate.
Oh she does dress up in her own cosplay when she's home alone.
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This was a pretty good comfy show. with a dash of bullying.
This was Very Nice indeed.
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well thanks for anime!
Yup, thanks. Three shows in, four shows out. The list is steadily getting shorter.