Thread #629357
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Boogiepop wa Warawanai Doukyonin wa Hiza, Tokidoki, Atama no Ue Egao no Daika Cooking with Emiya Girly Air Force Go-toubun no Hanayome Meiji Tokyo Renka Yakusoku no Neverland Only two things newly aired for tonight. Go-toubun is some harem romcom featuring quintuplets. Girly Air Force looks ... really lame, but who knows, might be good. It's about girls ... in an air force?
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What is dimension high school?
Some half-live action, half isekai anime series. I think it focuses on a bunch of bishounen? I didn't put it on because the half-live action part turned me off, but if you want to try it. Though that reminds me, Bang Dream has a second season running this season, is that something you'd be interested in?
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Nah, I don't have a lot of interest in live action either.
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okay let's see here and yeah tilde I'm interested in bang dream meiji tokyo yakusou no neverland egao no daika go-tobun
It miiiight be a full 3D CGI series though. Not completely certain but at the least it has a lot of 3D CGI in it.
There's two episodes of it out already by the way.
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meiji tokyo!>>629365 a little less interested then okay lets start!
I certainly don't have high hopes for this but let's roll.
This looks like it could be an -a kind of story from the same world as that adaptation with the evil books.
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Looks like Ika's kind of show
Wow an edgy female MC. How uncommon.
Geez that is a LOT of roast beef.
Oh no her phone is dead. She's actually going to have to talk to people now!
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She probably got spirited away.
Yeah, looks like it. Spirited away by some westaboo magician.
Shunso romanized as Syunso is weird to me. I guess it's like Shaoran/Syaoran though.
Any guy that calls you a little squirrel should really be sending you alarm bells.
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I guess liking roast beef is one of her quirks.
So far it's what seems to be her only real quirk. I guess she's kind of anti-social and can see spirits too though. But those seem to pale against the roasuto beefu obsession.
meat lover
What are these guys.
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More ghost stuff I guess.
The OST for this series is kind of swinging.
this guys a POWER type
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okay yakusou okay lets start!
Nebarand Oh this is a noitaminA show. That's kind of unexpected of a Shounen Jump adaptation. I wonder if it'll be eleven episodes still.>>629391 Eh I dunno about that. Hyped up by who?
this might be the most hyped show thsi season maybe i dont know anything about it though>>629390 MARK MY WORDS
>>629391 That doesn't answer my question maaaan.
WHY ARE oops why are the adults so creepy
Oh woah is this an UVERworld OP.
I dont like the artsyle that much they look like they have downs a bit maybe it'll grow on me
From the pages I've seen from the manga that's accurate at least. They all looked kind of derpy in that too.
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We'll see if this lives up to the supposed hype.
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What time are we at? Stuff broke. ty
5:15 5:20 5:25
Wow this guy is conniving.
i like sasuke-kun
This little girl is going to the farm up state!
Oh she didn't even make it to the farm up state.
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Oh looks like shit just got real.
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Looks like she'll make it to the farm after all.
Well she was well dead before that point. More like going to the soup kitchen.
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Interesting, we'll see. egao okay lets start!
wasnt bad egao
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This one seems a good bit more lighthearted.
Yeah, sure. Just wait until everyone starts fucking dying.
Good job sticking the landing.
>I have turned twelve years old twelve
She seems more an aidoru than a princess.
Wow, how realistic. Being the crown princess of a country sure is an exhausting job.
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I guess this is one of those games are really really important kinds of shows.
Gaming is serious business!
Wow she wants to depose the monarchy.
Well that didn't last long against her sheer positivity.
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game anime like this is always kinda the same.
this kind of sucks i like the chara designs but this robot fighjt is so boring
It's kind of whatever. Neither particularly good nor bad. If it's just all robot games that's really particularly whatever though.
this is probably on the likely-to-be-dropped list
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hmm yeah pretty ehhh okay go-tobouin okay lets start!
This is apparently one of the big popular romcoms out at the moment.
go-tobo gotobo oh this one thisone looks fun
This guy is an expert on maximizing food to cost.
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And it looks like she isn't.
Well if you've got the money to burn might as well enjoy your lunch!
This is a real Rika-poi imouto.
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Is she?
As in she's a lot like Rika from Higurashi.
I guess she's number one of the quintuplets. Voiced by Kana Hana too. This one looks kind of mischevious.
We've got an Ichika (1) and an Itsuki (5) so far. I guess all the girls are going to have number names. What uncreative parents.
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He's meeting a whole lot of girls really fast.
All of the sisters seem to be kind of baka-poi.
KABEDON'D Wow this guy.
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That was one apology.
Oh here's Yotsuba (4).
And Miku (3) and Nino (2). That's the whole set.
What exhausting siblings. At least one of them is decent to him.
Well she's mostly Rika-poi. That weird bit of hair is a bit much though.
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Yeah, that hair is WEIRD
His imouto's got them all under her spell though.
I wonder when the Hanayome part of this series comes around. I thought there'd be some weird kind of marriage proposition.
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So they're all idiots. haha is the twist here that you can't tell which one it is because they're all sisters haha
Yeah pretty much. Though really they've got different enough hair colour and styles that it seems a bit far-fetched. But at the same time those things change with age and interest.
Search [iqdb] (110 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Goblin Slayer -(…).jpg )
I like that, that's pretty funny. This is an interesting enough show. thanks for anime! but you are right judging from the end card it can't really be any of them but two of them based on hair color
Yeah but they might've changed it around or just aged out of it by the time they marry. My brother had blonde hair as a teen but by the time he was in his twenties it was a dark brown.
fun show