I have special socks made of a more breathable fabric that only come in white. Other socks cause my feet to get irritated if I wear them long enough. Well, so do these but they take longer.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
ah yes rei socks
>>622128 same all my socks are black or mostly black aside some wool socks
I have a bunch of cool patterned socks.
Kirara, the Cat
i have a lot of different colors i have different ones for different outfits
i am currently wearing red hand knitted woolen socks
Fox socks, Tetris socks, wolf socks, space invader socks ...
Kirara, the Cat
i have argyle patterned socks and stuff professional stuff
Kirara, the Cat
i mostly wear solid black socks, though
You should get. cat socks.
My socks are mostly all beige, tan, or grey. Though I got a bunch of black socks recently too. There's a sock outlet near my house so it's easy to get a lot of decent socks for cheap.
I am running out of good winter socks and they are quite expensive
I actually expected ton to be a foot fan I'm a little shocked
Kirara, the Cat
>>622158 haha yeah it's in character for him but we already have foot people on /moe/ so it would be redundant if he were too so it's good that he subverts that trope
>>622159 yeah I think it adds a little more depth to hus character to subvert this one
>>622177 There's a character in a manga I'm reading with legs but no feet. It's fucking weird At first I thought it was an art mistake but its consistent throughout the series.
>>622185 Damn >>622202 Yeah that was pretty good I never found a way to illegally download episode 2 I might just buy it End Roll is still the best rpg maker game you've gotten me to play
Real talk though freakin' Vesperia rerelease with the japanese content in less than a month I can't believe this is real Y'all should consider hoping on that shit
Kirara, the Cat
>>622229 i wasn't thinking of fish, she's not a moe
An illustrator friend of mine got "scouted" by the dev team for Azur Lane. They met them at a convention and accepted their business card. Though they're not expecting anything to come of it. Would be neat though.
>>622366 reminds me of when the gps insisted there was a gas station one a route near nevada's deserts C O M P L E T E L Y devoid of any fucking thing. Shit actually said we should turn into some private property for dat gas. Google aint't hat good. Good times though. Miss you John Baby
>>622371 shit it's better than the Coles system gps I really should use my better judgement sometimes because it had me almost at the top of steep dirt road hill in a Mitsubishi Fuso trying to get to my delivery through private property to my delivery thought I was pretty close to rolling the truck that time
>>622400 I've been pretty hydrated all night. Don't have any tires to pump up though.
what's the most hydrated youve ever been /moe/
Probably back when I was a kid at the cottage and I'd hang out with friends in the middle of the lake for literally hours on end, just treading water for the most part.
>>622400 thx me did you remember to take it easy like i said i hope you're not too twisted anyways >>622406 idk probably when i ran that 5k and came in second everyone kept handing me fucking water and shit i appreciate the intent but damn nigga I don't need THAT much
>>622404 maybe like 2+Litres I m not actually very good at staying hydrated not good to overhydrate though that's how you die >>622408 yeah I was fine it was pretty underwhelming
well sad to hear it wasn't quite as much of a bash as you expected but it's probably for the better, ay. I didn't know you had to go home from the thing, though. I thought they were coming over?
how do you keep a show alive that matters a lot to you after it's fully done /moe/ do you just rewatch it a lot listen to the ost write fanfic what do you do
rewatch, listen to ost, talk about it, keep mementos from it
i guess wall pieces and other merchandise would help i wish i wasn't a poor piece of trash
was it KnK you watched recently also did you ever get your debit card sorted out
i got my replacement card yeah
oh that's good still really fucked up they did that
>>622413 screencaps are a cheap alternative as is webart
>>622411 It disseminates into the big abstract idea cloud that feels like is constantly festering in the back of my head. And every now and then an idea precipitates out of it and it's fun for me to look at that creative nugget and trace it back to the things I took it from.
finally home alone 2 >>622410 eh yeah you're it's probably for the best the furtherest we had to go was less than a hundred metres to the pub down the road then we had the few friends back for a bit wrapped up nicely imo
do you prefer anime girls with big tits or big cocks
you're right* >>622422 depends on the size of the clock it's rare for an artist to draw good ones too
>>622411 If it really matters to me a lot I'll rewatch it multiple times and listen to the OST sometimes I suppose. I've seen Ping Pong some 15 or so times total and n // no telling how many time I've played the soundtraxks of Ping Pong and Texhnollyze. Fan fiction isn't really my interest though.
third rule of biking is wear some fucking sunscreen
I haven't worn sunscreen in like over a decade. Probably closer to two than not, really.
you can still get sunburn from snow and overcast weather one trip to Canberra I got burnt a bit on the exposed bit of my face
>>622411 show it to other people and watch it for the first time again vicariously
>>622427 Hah hah, yeah, that can happen. It's more I don't have to worry much about sunburn; it takes a good while for it to kick in for me. In the end it works out fine for me. I can't stand the feeling of creams on my skin
well Jindabyne to be exact
>>622428 hell no that's a terrible idea don't even mention important shows to people they might sully it
>>622431 If they sully it I can just call them a dumbass who doesn't get it
>>622425 Also waittaminute what's rules one and two then.
>>622431 One time this guy asked me what I was listening to at the grocery store and I told him Abington Boys School and he was like Awesome man what kind of anime do you like So I told him Darker than Black and he said he seen it So I said Texhnolyze
then next week he came back like "Bro that shit was so fucked up... I loved it" Man I miss
I tried to make today easier And all i did was fuck up.
Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. Externally bad fuck ups, or internal ones?
External Work fuck ups I tried to do my work at my quarters rather than the office. And it ended up in a bunch of discrepancies because of the foreman being in a place i wasnt expecting and the office trying to call but not being able to reach us. So people got sent out way too late. And a person who wasnt here has his on/off status as blank Im just upset because none of this usually happens
>>622443 that's not how you wear a hat what a dumbass
this week is so free ive got some work but it's cool work, not too much to stress about, no tournaments BUT im having fuckin panic attacks about having to call family for christmas ive been feeling good and any time i have contact with my family i immediately lose all self esteem and want to kill myself fucking holidays
>>622459 I'm not real sure even if it's not it's just another piece of metal to waste my time and energy on so what the fuck ever the best a computer can be to me is storage for memories and I've got all that shit backed up now it's running some diagnostics now still so we'll see it's the same computer I played crocodile chop for you on so it's got some memories attached to it and I'd rather it not die >>622460 sounds pretty stressful I've been feeling not very good but seeing other people in the holiday spirit lifts me a bit I guess maybe I'll kill myself for a new years resolution >>622462 yeah I bought it like a year and a half ago
Didn't you only get that laptop a couple years back too?
my phone was disconnected i didnt get it pay as you go sucks that happens with my sister and she thinks im intentionally ignoring her and she thinks im quiet and isolated because i dont like her or look down on her but it's actually because im terrified all the time of everything so she's really mean to me when im already terrified and i dunno what to do
>>622465 oh gatcha i said "yeah, me too I miss your touch"
>>622465 yeah seeing people message me from hours or days ago just compounds into nervous grind i try to reply quick but when i don't it gets really uncomfortable the longer it takes to reply
>>622502 that's a pretty good idea that could be a lot of fun show them what we really think about their shit
this dude is complaining about his satellite radio signal in his car not working when he goes under bridges or in tunnels and wants the company to fix it wtf
Kirara, the Cat
haha what the hell
like not a complaint call but a market research satisfaction "this is what you could do better" type thing i think some people are so spoiled by technology that they dont understand it
Kirara, the Cat
yeah i think so too they don't understand that there are limitations
it reminds me of my mom if anything isn't working, even the slightest inconsequential thing, even if her mood was good, it just instantly turns into melodrama about how everything is terrible and asking me to make things work that aren't even having problems my family has double-binded me into permanent depression man i can't handle it anymore ive gotten to the point i can't even act on important matters in real life because i feel like i have literally no option sorry that came outta nowhere
"those little left and right blinking lights, i dunno what they're called" kill me now
it's so distressing to have your family make their unsolvable problems your unsolvable problems, and leave you with no way to cope with your own problems, now burdened with theirs it's a terrible thing and it has seeped into my personality too, as i end up leaking all over my friends and they fade away, unwilling to deal with it as well i need to fix that about myself but i dont know how ive still got so much to cope with and everything's just getting worse
wish I knew how to fix shit
Kirara, the Cat
>>622509 that's exactly how my mom is too it's unbearable sometimes
she called me from a restaurant the other day to say they got her order wrong and i was like what do you want me to do and she started like screaming and crying about how it's my fault because i recommended the restaurant to her
i wouldn't have recommended it to you if i wasn't born, MOM
birth me into this shithole world and then blame me for not being successful enough to drag the whole family out of it that's unfair to do to your children i mean raising children on a farm to help care for the farm is one thing but this isn't even straight followthrough "oh well my dreams are too hard so i'll have kids that will do it for me instead"
Considering he debunked one of my original plans, I don't know if that's likely anymore
>>622529 Yo what was that anime with the bus driver who got angry and started going crazy talking about only having one egg with his lunch or something I think the people on the bus were on a suicide pact
he deleted it and tweeted it again with slightly different phrasing what does it mean what does it have to do with tokyo godfathers
these people have, for every line in this conversation, used self-quotation to express something instead of just saying it >If that were the case, I'd be like, "Hey, okay, I'm excited about that" i get doing it once in a while but it's every single sentence what even is the point
On the road to the cottage again. It'll be a white Christmas for me.
Kirara, the Cat
my neighbor just started shouting outside my door "HEY NEIGHBOR!!" so i finally come out and he's like "do my shoes match my shirt? i don't wanna look whack"
>>622621 Hey! So it's tradition to see a movie on Christmas eve for Jews so we did that and fish guilted me into seeing spider man (i told her we were gonna see it) but omg that was the /// some of the most amazing animation i have ever seen in my life the entire thing belongs in a museum and we gotta watch it together hopefully with blue
Yeah, as long as you're good with a rewatch, I'd dig that. There ought to be a theatre in Philly that's airing it, eh.
>>622622 Sorry about disappearing the// yesterday, I kinda sorta passed out. Then overslept... Such is life.
>>622633 Why did she thought you needed those? What are they about?
I got pretty upset, honestly. She didn't even listen to my explanation. In short, they asked me to buy a pair of shoes for myself for Christmas, and they would give me the money. And I didn't do it, because I couldn't actually find shoes that I liked. "you are so lazy and useless, everybody else is working their butt off". I was like, dude, I was working today, on bloody Christmas Eve, what are you on about
>>622634 I don't know why. They're some outdoorsy magazines and NatGeo.
That's pretty unreasonable of her.
>>622635 She sounds like my father... He thinks I need things I don't actually need haha
I mean... I'm lazy and stuff, but I actually did check them out. But yeah, she really just started with this. Her grandson did a nice thing though. He gifted some pictures to his "girlfriend" and she teared up after getting it, it was only a video, but it was pretty adorable. The girl was going like "why" "how" "how did you do this". It was so nice to watch and listen to that for some reason.
I didn't get anything for Christmas. Did you get anything?
>>622637 Yep, if you can do it tomorrow, you can do it the day afterwards! Really though, the one thing upsets me whenever doesn't even listen to my legit explanation, I really hate that.
That's a shame... I got some aftershave stuff and the likes and some beer with a very nice glass. No socks or clothing
>>622638 Well, I mean more along the lines of laziness not being real and just something used to shame people who suffer from executive dysfunction.
Getting clothing is the best. I don't celebrate Christmas, though! I got Fish something for Christmas and she got me something for Chanukah. Because I'm Jewish and she's Christian.
>>622640 Holidays at the hospital are always crazy.
apparently dayturn on christmas eve was hell at work today lets hope night shift is different
with my sleep level i would like the sick people to not be sick tonight especially since im not exactly useful at night
>>622639 I am actually very lazy. Super lazy. But even then, when I do a thing, and still get called lazy, yep, that's gonna upset me!
Not with these people. You have to wear the clothing whenever you meet them, or they get upset. The amount of controlling is pretty bad, no wonder I dislike going there for events.
I know you are a world controlling Illuminati person! What did you get for her?
No, it's executive dysfunction. It's a very real symptom of a number of psychological and physiological ailments. The word lazy is used to shame people with those ailments who suffer from that very real symptom.
>>622645 Does it have anything to do with ... Of course it does.
I really hate how mental illnesses became a stigma around the world. But it's Xmas, so no.
>>622650 It was beautiful and belongs in a museum! Some of the coolest animation I've ever seen.
It was nice that the characters like Spider-Gwen are the ones from the comics. Spider-Gwen is my favorite comic so it was wonderful to see her animated!
>>622651 You, too. We're watching Tokyo Godfathers right now.
I kinda wanna watch it now. I've been seeing clips of the animation everywhere it looks realyl well put together.
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
noir spiderman was nic cage??
Kirara, the Cat
spiderman noir is way edgier in the comics haha he kills people carries a gun and stuff but i really liked how they portrayed him
Kannagi !NEATO1nxtM
I only know about Spider-Gwen really for the alternative spidermans. that and the black spiderman as well. I haven't a clue about the others like noir and that
Kirara, the Cat
spider-UK has been really popular in the spider-verse stories lately i bet he'll be in the next one
OH yeah there is already a spin-off for this movie planned it's about Gwen and Silk and Spider-woman they had a big crossover that spanned like 30 issues in the comics
Kannagi !NEATO1nxtM
>Spider-UK is a British-based Spider-Man appearing in Marvel Comics What. He has a union jack on him as well. Does he have a british accent?
Kirara, the Cat
>>622661 yeah! he's like Captain Britain and spider man his costume is in the ps4 game
probably had a british accent but he's not in any non-comic medium
>>622670 Haha, something bad kind of happened there, so I was there to read what happened so I could get involved more properly, and I just happened to post a little while I was there.
>>622672 I'm assuming we are talking about the same place. Even then, it felt nice. I did ask something in regards of you, I guess. Vaguely in regards.
>>622686 the nurses arent really that cute and the girl that nurse wants to hook me up with isnt too cute now that ive gotten a look at her there are about two coworkers ive got some interest in but one is getting married
>>622690 what if i topd you okuu ascended waifu into something else entirely and now im married to a boat
You don't have to worry about posting on moe. I missed a lot of /moe/ while I was away for a long time so I feel a bit weird even still. but it is a nice place.
I don't really know what you are talking about like anyone who is sensitive to mention on /moe/ - I'm not going to guess because you obviously either want to keep it that way or there is no way /moe/s outside of know would know them.
>>622714 no i mean i figure my dude you can relax im not going to crap on you needing to get sentimental >>622713 what if you’re eating nuts that belong to someone else then its lewd you crazy naggi
>>622714 Yeah, I know he meant a lot to you. It's almost been four years.
>>622715 I've lost a very, very good friend 3 years ago. He commited suicide. You have all known him. He was the best thing even, the most precious thing to happen to the internet.
I'm sorry. I've known a few friends who commited suicide even last december, I was away from moe for a long time and didn't build strong bonds with a lot of people on here, I regret it because I briefly interacted with a few people who are now gone. I wish I could do something for you, losing people is horrible. I hate that I found out about a someone I liked I lot too late not that knowing earlier would have meant anything. I knew them for years
>>622718 Moe is pretty much the only people I talk to with any regularity. I've been using twitter more but I don't really like talking to people on there, I get anxious and boundary issues on that weird fucking site.
>>622723 For bringing it up? I don't know. I miss him. I just don't know. He was part of my life. I am aware today is about something else, but there is barely any day I don't remember him. That's what I'm sorry about I guess.
He gave so much to me. And you met him. What a honour it must have been, in retrospect. I'm so jealoous.
>>622721 Thank you, and my condoloences. It's just shit isn'ti i. They leave us here in the shadow world. They just go. I lost my mom due to cancer, and trhat was a thing but suicide is just different,
I'm sorry about this, I'm honestly I am. But I just remember them today. It really sucks. I loved them all.
>>622724 i dont really talk to people on twitter i just use it to look st and try to support artists and maybe throw a shitpost at a friend
You are allowed to express your grief about someone anytime. I bring up a lot of shitty stuff sometimes so you with a more valid reason is fine, you don't definately don't have to apologise on moe.
>>622726 I don't really talk to people on it but I might just go back to retweeting and just posting stuff. I made some anxiety causing connections that I'd do better without so I thinking of winding down on replying to stuff. Although I see SK posting and its insane, so much freaking content
>>622725 I really know how you feel. I've had people I've spoken to just days before commit suicide and its difficult. really fucking hard to deal with. You don't have to be sorry. It is healthy to be able to talk. I have messages left hanging in IMs from people I was friends with, I got really fucked up logging into only skype messages You'll recover. You are a good person.
>>622731 just even the mere interaction with either of you and I get so much politics on my feed. It's pretty interesting how quickly I ended up interacting with anarcho people. >>622733 SK is just on twitter.
Wait what happened to sK?
Please don't tell me he did it
.ah ok.
God fucking damn it , I'm a mess right now. Thank you guys for being here I really appreaciate it.
SK doesn't post on /moe/ anymore. He's on Twitter, Discord, and Steam.
Kannagi !NEATO1nxtM
>>622733 No. don't worry. >>622733 I'm sorry I could help you out more. *couldn't Or even really help you out. I hope you feel better and have a lovely cuppa tea or something and take care of yourself.
I found out just a few days from christmas that a friend commited suicide, I know what you mean about memories coming to you, amongst the last things I interacted with Eku with was buying him warhammer total war. sucks.
It's just chrismas and I remembered my good friend. well one if then
Thank you. Thank you
>>622728 i dont really keep up with sk’s twitter which i imagine i wouldnt be super into due to his interests but i see him playing slay the spire and stuff on steam at least
Sorry about doing this to you all. I just missed my friend, and did this. Sorry. Sorry.
Kannagi !NEATO1nxtM
>>622738 Don't you fucking dare say that. you deserve to live. You don't need to apologise. You don't ever have to feel sorry about missing your friend and feeling grief.
If you ever need to vent you can post on moe or catch me anywhere if you want. I don't want you to feel lonely. I disappeared for a long time and avoided a lot of things and shutting my away really fucked with me. *myself.
I'm not upset about this conversation, I think it is healthy to be able to talk about people. and talk about things that hurt.
my sister is angry at me and being mean to me for not being mentally well my other sister really is helping me feel better because she's like me, whatever that means ive called the good sister but not the bad yet
I'm way too full of good food now. Christmas dinners are nice.
>>622763 WHy would I not eat the fish head? It's a fish head. It's fish meat. I can't see anything wrong other than the eyes or the brain which I can eat around
>>622774 Well do I have to eat all the rattlesnake? Because that means I have to eat rattle snake plus rattle snake head I'd pick the snake anyway because I haven't tried it yet
you could put her up on your wall
#d20 (16) There Maybe
nothing like a bladder reconstruction to start the christmas day off right
i cant believe my bladder is being reconstructed?
what does that actually mean thats a very confusing phrase
it's a bladder reconstruction they take part of the intestinal tract and repurpose the material to reconstruct the bladder would you like to watch it with me
that sounds neat actually but ill have to pass
i can't find it anyway ive been looking for so long for this video i was hoping i'd get a christmas surprise
did you know that when they do a kidney transplant, they dont actually remove the old kidney they just leave it in there and now you've got three kidneys
The food coma I had after dinner only knocked me out until 01:30 in the morning. It's now 04:10 and I'm starting to get a little bored, hah hah. Can't get back to sleep.
Turkey dinner, with mash, squash, veggie tables, the fixin's. >>622806 Hm, don't actually know. My mother grew it in her garden so it's not the usual butternut she gets from the store. But maybe it still is.
a fresh garden squash sounds delightful i haven't had acorn squash in a looong time
Well I dunno about fresh, hah hah. I'm at the cottage and everything up here is covered in a layer of snow. It was good though. I'm really fond of squash.
i am too. have you many things to do there at the cottage? i imagine all are aslumber at this hour
I'm not much one for most winter activities, but there's a lot of lovely central Ontario geography to explore in the winter here. I think my parents go out and cross-country ski fairly regularly. We're also on a lake and apparently there's a bit of ice down at the lakefront that's been cleared off to make a rough rink. I might go out and snap some photos once it gets light out today. I took some on the ride up here but there's only so much you can take from the car.
I've got my Switch and phone though, and a notebook if I feel like writing something, so it's not bad for me either.
I love turkey! My mother tends to make the kids their favourite meal for their birthdays, so precedence has it that we have turkey for Christmas dinner. But this year my brother and I are going home later on Christmas Day so we'd miss it if we had it then. So we moved it forward to yesterday.
>>622814 I concede to your poi Poi does fine. Merry Christmas m8
tilde has a brother??? what >>622816 want to watch a video with me?
>>622817 Sure, depends how long it is. >>622815 You can only eat turkey if you best them in hans to hans combat Hope you a lovely meal. I have pizza.
>>622817 Oldest of four! Goes me, brother, sister, imouto.
i knew you had two sisters but i did not know about the brother
>>622818 I overcome all turkeys with my expert proficiency with Hans Solo.
The meal was very good, but also very filling. It's now eight hours after and I still feel stuffed.
>>622820 Oh a movie? I don't think think i have time now, i gotta get over to my little sisters house when i come back late i might be able to thoufh, sorry.
>>622823 that sounds so cozy and satisfying >>622824 it's not a movie, it's a cystectomy with intracorporeal diversion and neobladder placement they are reconstructing someone's bladder using the intestinal tract tissue ive been looking for this video for literally two years! im so excited
>>622823 Timezones are weird. Im glad you had lots of lovely food. >>622826 Uh, I, That sounds interesting but also 3 hours of surgery is likely to be veey unappetising. I mean for Christmas pizza. >>622828 That would be cool. Lets build a moe mansion
Someday I'd like to host a bunch of /moe/s up here. Not a lot of you live near me, the closest are Ika (I think?) and kinda now Moon. Cottage country up here is really nice in any season.
>>622829 Yeah, kinda, but even New York City is south enough that the geography is pretty different. Plus it's a decent drive from even NYC to Toronto and I'm now two and a half hours further north. Up here the Canadian Shield is really apparent and the bazillion small lakes makes for a really unique part of the world. Lots of rock, water, and evergreen trees. It's all really hilly too. I do love the way it looks up here, even when everything is under a blanket of white.
Oh it's a little chilly outside. Too bad my phone camera is too weak for nighttime photography. There's actually a lot of natural light outside right now, but my phone can't see shit. This star was hella bright in the night sky and it's the only thing my camera could pick up.
Kirara, the Cat
it's 13c here merry christman
Says it's -15c here. Didn't really feel that cold though.
I think I heard an owl hoot at me when I stepped out too.
I'm really hungry. But I can't make breakfast yet.
I need to use the washroom but the one in this cottage is situated between two occupied bedrooms and I don't want to make that much noise if I can help it.
wow you really neglected your stealth stat huh
My stealth stat is pretty good! The toilet however is a noisy piece of technology at 05:15.
my laptop is not working because of one of these little black chips looks like sucks man
if only you had watched this video with me you'd know how to make a prosthetic bladder and you wouldn't be in this situation
>>622869 Ain't it annoying how one small thing can literally make or break a computer. I guess that means you either need to pay for repair or replace? Would the laptop still be under warranty?
>>622871 it's not under warranty but I think I can just order the same model of DIMM RAM from a Chinese sweatshop or something faulty ram is thankfully cheap and easy to replace but I have to get the proper model and speed since it's a Dell hopefully i can just buy that
use Fulton to grab enemies and carry them towards upper blast line
Kirara, the Cat
New York (CNN) A surgery center is warning more than 3,000 patients that they may have been exposed to bloodborne pathogens if they had a procedure at its ambulatory in Saddle Brook, New Jersey, between January and September 2018.
An investigation from the New Jersey Department of Health found that employees at the HealthPlus Surgery Center were not following sterilization procedures, and medical instruments were not being cleaned properly, potentially exposing patients to diseases transmitted through blood including hepatitis B, hepatitis C and HIV.
kaz: joker. it's time for bed. ocelot: calm down, kaz. joker is a growing boy. he has every right to go out at night. let's stay up late. kaz: [smashes joker's tv] GAAAH fine
Oh whoops I totally posted that image in the wrong thread. I wonder if Samu's dupe detector works for photos too. >>622922 You mean the floating red speck? I think there might've been a dust mote on my lens catching the light.
what is that red glow and blue clouds?
>>622921 no i mean sun andsky last sawthose a month+ ago