That sounds like a difficult mission. Also, I've said it every time I posted it but I really like >>61616 (OP). a lot. It's pretty in a way that I don't know how to verbalize.
I want to download every single anime onto piles and piles of TB hard drives. and then in the future I'll store them all in a big circular library which just has wires everywhere.
>>61748 You're not supposed to post images of yourself on the Internet!
My neck and shoulders have been getting rapidly more and more sore. And my body temperature is starting to get a little ballistic. I think I am getting a little fluezy.
speaking of courts there was a really big issue lately because of the OXFORD COMMA i think it was maine or Massachusetts i dont remember but one comma meant the difference of a 10 million dollar lawsuit against the state
>>61770 A REAL friend would be willing to take the flak on my behalf.
>>61774 yeah, i can gather the articles if anyone wants to read them i just by default assume people arent as autistic as me in that respect though hold up i'll go find them i don't want to give a personal summary because i can't do it justice
>>61804 i've got some chicken breast and smashed potates and crackers i'd prefer chicken thigh personally but this is pretty good and a couple of beers because i'm me but this is my 3am snack what kind of person is eating chicken in their waking hours of the morning
>>61811 You're mind is just too unpure. I would never talk about breasts or thighs lewdly on moe! >>61810 What an economical way of thinking, no food goes to waste!
>>61824 it's surprisingly not snowy during the warm season and even in the cold season it depends where alaska is so big the western most part is less than 10 miles from the easternmost part of russia i really wan to drive through the whole thing see the warm mountains with the grassy texture, see the Siberian winter scene, stand on the westernmost coast and see russia it's so cool
my plan is to arrive at juneau and then drive the coast as much as possible, hitting wales and barrow and maybe some of the national reserves in the meantime
i probably could but i'd like to have windows i mean i could play things that i like but not all the things that i like in fact many of them i would not be able to
Wow definitely just pirate windows then
have any of you bought windows before how the hell does this work i buy it and download a file and then run the file? but i'm not ubuntu // but i'm on ubuntu, how will this file "just work" what do i dooooooooooooo
I dunno run the file see what happens?
i'm not gonna drop 119 plus tax if this shit isn't gonna work right away i gotta google some shit
>>61839 The way I've installed windows is that I downloaded an installer from microsoft, put it on a USB, and then installed windows 10 from the USB using the USB as a boot drive. It did want to format my hard drive.
>>61885 what nah this is a flash drive of ubuntu that i'm using to look through my old hard drives and browse the web because my new computer won't boot the install of Windows 7 that I have on those old hard drives
>>61904 i'm all washed up no one can shitpost like 2014 bang
>>61903 the visuals are disturbing but i can handle them i kind of have to curl up with my back against wall i don't know sense but it makes uh it's the hallucination of smell and sound it smells like death and i hear snarling all the visuals are easily blocked out but those other senses are too powerful even when i know theyre not real
>>61917 other than a lot of bad mental imagery, i'm not having real visual hallc though the mental imagery is pretty vivid smells and audial, yes but the biggest thing is my sensorium feels confused like moment to moment, i can't quite collect what i've just done i don't really remember starting this post but there's moment in my thought to continue it and colors themselves are paralyzing in their own right the yellow against the black feels like its own dimension if i'm conscious enough to recognize a broader spectrum, my vision is blurred around the sides, sometimes greying out massive parts if i let my visual imagination run rampant, i start seeing really gory imagery of animals, and some primal sense of fear of what kind of predator lay in the wake i have to keep my door locked and closed i'm certain this isn't healthy i'm actually quite scared
I get random non-existant olfactory hullicinations every so often. Like I can sometimes smell strawberries or something sweet or something like oil when there is clearly nothing that could cause that smell.
I do feel like I imagine the lights flickering, since no one else seems to notice the lights flickering. I don't do drugs since I am not social enough.
the sensorium confuses many external elements time isn't just relative, but irreverent a ten second span can take forever and then, on a whim, a whole minute collapses together in gradually increasing movement i don't trust my visual senses for any temporal judgment audial cues are confusing, because i don't know if i've finished a song and it's stopped playing, or whether i hadn't been listened // listening to a song for minutes now my lexical reasoning i think is still mostly intact there's clarity when hallucinating, but when they pass i'm left with confusion i'm not on drugs
I'm without the mental resources to i can't find the word assimilate information right now
i just wanted to document my situation somewhere while i could i am not looking for answers it's more important that i have an outlet to articulate some expression so that it's relevant in the memory i'll be fine but when i'm not fine, i want to know as much as i can
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
fair enough
im stuck in time loops though, and every refresh feels like this is hitting me for the first time my thoughts are carrying forth from before though so i'm able to articulate this without thinking too much about it the immediate is more distressed about what is going on, why you posted that image, what you're saying, what i did to prompt it, questioning whether something's wrong at the moment, and feeling shock and confusion as i see that i've already made some posts but there's neural moment keeping the point of this foat float //post afloat, though i recognize it's becoming increasingly discombobulated i'd reiterate that i'm not on drugs or withdrawing in any sudden fashion now that hallucinations have passed i feel quite calm actually less fearful
you are psychologs so i hope you understand why i document it to you instead of just to a notepad to myself which ultimately breaks immersion
oh god i was acting crazy sorry moe it's super awkward but just ignore it
its 10am here. I have done as much as I can. I will try and have a quick nap before getting up again. >>61964 Yep >>61964 Today!
I generally have no idea if she is coming untill she arrives or texts. It usually a saturday or sunday and usually some time between 10am - 2pm. >>61965 -1 point for not knowing the wash basin is in the sink with all the plates in it!
>>61963 Have you been up all night? and your mom is visiting tomorrow? oh no kannagi do you want me to call her and tell her you're busy today and she couldn't come over? i'll tell her you've got a handsome fella visiting she'll probably leave you alone
>>61963 >Hi kannagi's mom >you don't have to worry, i'm here >i'm already washing kannagi's clothes in the laundry and taking all the dishes out of the wash tub and into the sink to hand-wash them >leave it to me, i've got it all under control
>>61963 when i said wash tub i meant the bathroom tub, because i figured you ran out of room in the wash basin
I can at least control the messiness before it encroaches on the domain of other rooms. I don't even have that many plates! >>61968 I have clean like crazy all the time on the weekend because of how obssessed with cleaniness my mom is. if you texted her that I was being messy, she lecture me forever.
>>62005 This is why celebrities shouldn't be consulted about anything important Their life is such that they are the ones in society with the least need to know how ANYTHING functions
It's not really that they're stupid, their life just hasn't required more of them than one or two things
I mean it's not that celebs specifically shouldn't be your goto people, but people following what random unknown people say isn't really a common enough thing to have an opinion on or talk about Oh, this seems perfectly reasonable and not at all a breakdown of protection from unreasonable searches
But since we have nationwide 4g anyhow, as long asyou have a windowside seat you can get decent coverage anywhere. The capital region is actually the worst, since mostu sers and most electrical interference everywhere. >>62071 >every phone company gives unlimited data here
I can get phone net but I don't have free data
Yeah I CAN get it I just use my phone so unbelievably little I save money using a prepaid thing
These train rides are the only time I'm ever more than like 10 minutes from a WiFi point I have access to
wait is that eastwood getting a jojo painting? that can't be legit
>>62076 Apparently it is of real Google it to confirm, I can't do anything big on my phone
that is kinda cool
>>62076 I can't remember the complete details, but Eastwood was modeled in an artbook Araki worked on. So I suppose the painting was a gift for the use of his body.
Moderately pissed off This is all fucking bullshit
Mx player plays everything at increased speed with high pitch so I can't watch anime The net is stage 19 cancer so I can't do anything or even FIX THIS ISSUE >>62109 >he thinks the net allows Google play HahahaHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Get VLC for Android
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
VLC works good trust
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
get VLC for your next trip
Also the train sucks overall I've been here an hour and a straight path has yet to last more than 25 seconds Turns though? Been in ONE LONG TURN FOR 5 MINUTES
famous people are still complete strangers to you why care that much about their living or dying especially if they were the sort who havn't really done anything in ages.
Because they have done things that still have resounding effects even in this modern day and age. And why does someone being a complete stranger mean you don't have to care about them dying? Dying fucking sucks man, it's kind of the end of the line. It shouldn't be hard to have sympathy for these people and the people they leave behind.
>>62124 It is one thing to be "well this guy died that is bad" and another to go "this guy died who I never have met AAA END OTF THE WOOORLD" also >>62126 YEah, sure it is sad that a person's life ends but life is just the beginning of your jorney. *journey
>>62126 I'm not particularly religious, so that doesn't really do anything for me.
Hurr durr all the weight of this backpack will be on one side Let's put wheels under it on that side so it will be physically incapable of standing up right while you get something
You would have absolutely no idea meeting me, but I'm an incredibly angry human being
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I kind of get that vibe.
>>62152 It has literally nothing to do with legality
well here public wifis usually just ban torrenting and such sites and nothing else
don't forgot to make your light pool for xeno daiblo
I want Julia but we can't always get what we want.
>>62178 i was building one but i thought about it and i dont think a lb1-2 light pool with help that much since theres no damage taken reduction and i dont have any Light SSRs >>62179 :(
the new event starts 4 hours earlier than reset time if enough people beat it in the early time then we get 5k feathers and 5 orbs both modes or something
Teleporting Ninian is so much fun. Everywhere she needs to be
I'm only at 3060 this time. Eldigan is too frail against most Advanced teams. He gets 2x by mages and falls apart all the time. So I either go Intermediate with him or Advanced without him.
The next Starter Support comes out tomorrow so that's another six orbs. I can five roll then.
I like your main character! Kamui >>62210 I am still a noob compared to people who play it often.
wow i feel like such a noob who is my main character even your profile is so decked out compared to my shitty little file ive got a five star merric and that's about the only useful thing
Can you screenshot how I look to you? I don't remember how to do it in the game
>Trying to finish leveling Eldigan to 40 >Fighting a mage >gets it down to 2 >lol Escape Route >Lucina kills everyone instead
i think my sheena has taken two damage in the entirety of all the battles
ay there we go 20 ...huh, interesting >Even if the character is the same, Heroes with different illustrations and epithets are considered to be different Heroes. As such, you cannot use them in Merge Allies.
So, there will be multiple versions of different characters.
>>62249 well generally don't kids who end up bad, most likely be still bad as adults so kids doing crime most likely are going to reoffend, as adults at the very least.
>>62284 I only slept two hours last night due to the game and my bad life decisions, so I took a nap around noon. It turned into almost a full sleep, 4.5 hours.
>>62299 Can't I just make them ignore the whole juden thing and stick with the stuff that matters The islam gang is bad enough, I think we don't really need the juden as enemies with this kinda beast nearby
Hitler needed the Jews because otherwise there were just commies But we've got commies and islam, so we should be good
>>62303 you say interesting etc when you think it might be good or something you like and you say good, funny, amusing etc. when you have "consumed" it and can actually make that statement based on experience
yeah lol they said that something already declared unconstitutional was still unconstitutional and he's like BUT I CHANGED THE WORDING REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
>>62307 what the hell is the 9th circuit? Sounds like some illuminati shit, for real
What I don't understand about the whole travel ban is what point dos it drive if the people can't come for 90 days from those countries, and they actually want to come over and do a terror attack? What stops them from you know coming over on the 91st day?
If you want to change the vetting methods for people coming over from countries that are either hot warzones, unstable or have produced jihadists in the past, maybe just you know change the vetting methods Why do a ban that already has been like 60 days in courts and planning, and say if it hd been allowed to go as it originally was passed would soon be OVER So basically, why bother with this whole ban and why not just do the main goal, "we need to make a temporary halt to re-examine our vetting and improve it", so why not then go "okay this ain't gonna fly, so let's just re-examine the vetting" To me it sounds like, you never intend to or face the fact that the vetting is either a)unchangable or b) good enough already. And the whole travel ban is just a propaganda move to "I did what I promised" and "Hey look at this shit while I do something crooky/&shady in the meanwhile"
>>62309 Secret circle of magus of USA >>62308 That is such a fitting way to sum it up. It also made me laugh So absurd but true
Suicide squad might've been well "okay" but post-BvS fallout... it was just turned all weird I mean, if I am not mistaken, midproduction they fired good amount of their creative team and hired the company that did the second wacky trailer to reshoot and rewrite good amount of the script and all dat shit >>62325 Legend was decent if you have the original ending and not the studio meddled I actually liked irobot but welp
Also holy shit the movie looks dated From the trailer
It feels like a parody
It really looks like something released alongside The Matrix By different guys, but that exact same time period It's what The Matrix did, but the effects and visuals are just not The Matrix
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
yeah it does
The name changes make no sense to me. Makoto Kusanagi is not a particularly difficult name to say.
The author doesn't like the name Mira. they are still using it though!
Apparently this is the clip for the name I don’t think it was just a Japanese story. Ghost in the Shell was a very international story…” ah wrong copy pasta
>>>/watch?v=i4we5kJsFZ4 >>62352 Not that ghost in the shell is an international story anyway it is primary focused on a reconstructed neo Japan , a massive super power china and ruined russia. It predominately an Asian story if anything
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
gits is going to get a ton of shit for the whitewashing
Wait they changed the origin story about her prosthetic body? why shes had a prosthetic body since she was a child that is supposed to be why she is so good at using her prosthetic limbs.
Iron Fist got shit because it didn't complete the rainbow, that's completely different
>>62365 yeah we need to be so deep level whitwasher that we need to cast a white character as asian and then call it whitewashing when we don't do that >>62368 No Iron Fist was always white
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>62366 no, iron fist got shit because an asian character became a rich white guy
Iron Fist was a kid of two millionaires who went hiking in himalayas or somewhere got killed tragically and the kid got picked up by magical chinese who taught him kung-fu but he was still an outcast because >only white in magical tibetland and then he killed a dragon with his barefists and got superpowers came back and kicked ass
Always White
>Iron Fist (Daniel "Danny" Rand) Asian Super Hero "Daniel Rand"
Ah, I feel like if I watched this GiTs movie I would cough up blood.
And he will ressurrect if they can poop out enough movies to actually pull Justice league all hope lies on wonderwoman movie, but you know #girlpower will pull it through
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
it'll never happen WW will fail DC will always fail
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>62428 Nevermind he was killed by something stupid and original for the movie, I was stupid to assume that DC would have >>62436 yeah that's what I meant , they called it "Doomsday" but it wasn't really Doomsday
Wait ...Batman usually waits until you're about to do something doesn't he?
he's not generally a guy to show up while you're just out and about with no criminal intent? >>62448 I don't like this Batman is supposed to be something else I thought
I was never big into Batman, but I always saw him as an active defense person
28 million total budget and nearly 900 in box office... P-A movies made way too much money
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>62446 ??? no batman shows up while you're hanging out and shoots you now
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>62446 batman loves guns and fires them regularly (in the DC movies)
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
comic batman hates guns and generally refuses to use them and yeah doesn't want to go after people that aren't commiting crime
movie batman is different he'll blow up a city to get a criminal
>>62455 Well maybe actually add a joker story to it as a prequel like crowbar beating or something or hell something completely different but some "we can't be sexist so let's have a batgirl batman romance prequel"
My DM ran a short mini campaign based on Suicide Squad, the comics though. This was well before the movie was even in production. It was really stupid, but my character was the only one who survived so that was cool.
Any of you guys see Lego Batman? I might go see it, it certainly looks better than any of the recent live action DC movies. >>62479 The Lego Movie was decent, I'm a bit hesitant to call it good but it was vertainly above average.
I might watch that
>lego anything
Lego Movie was fairly decent yeah I'd say it was actually good
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
wow really?
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>62481 Yeah, my biggest issue is that there was a scene that I personally thought should have been done completely differently and that in my opinion would have made the movie a lot better as a whole. The soundtrack is also really good, most of it was composed by Mark Mothersbaugh (the main guy from Devo).
Yeah it's actually a pretty good movie It's a kid's movie, sure, but it's not bad like one
How the fuck do they control the enchantress when she can teleport like this?
>>62483 I just don't really want to see a movie that is so "buy our shit" in your face >>62491 have you seen all the lego movie products that came out about the same time as the movie? yeah not at all "dad dad dad mom mom om buy me the lego movie thing"
>>62490 It's not heavy handed with that at all, really
No, just seen The Lego Movie
merchandising is fine when it doesn't affect the art
>>62509 Not Floop! I know I made it confusing because I posted an image with both Reisen and Reisen II. >>62511 Oh no! Not the pillar foxes! >oh no Damn it, I'm even saying that!
>>62517 is a machine though and in new doom that is actually hell's plot >lure mortals to open portals to hell, because hell is also infinite source of energy
The music is about 15 times as loud as it should be
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>62524 So he can go into the water, it would be metahuman rights abuse if he didn't have access to it. >>62527 super clean water is bad for animals that actually live in water
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
amphibians die if they aren't water
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
he doesn't like clean water please be reasonable
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
why are you discriminating
Because he is by his very existence a danger
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
that's what people said about the jews
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
A magic monster with a drill for a hand TTGL went crazy
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>62533 Have you seen Tetsuo?
Nope Should I?
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>62535 I dunno, I haven't seen it, I just know that at some point on of the main characters' dick gets turned into a drill and also its a cult classic.
The succubus brother's drill hand is cool, I gotta say
Peh, croc gets brought in on a forklift
The jokes are pretty predictable
>the man who can climb anything really? is that really his most interesting trait?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
there's also a guy whose super power is throwing a boomerang man
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
This movie however I would recommend. It has one of my favorite contemporary Japanese actors in it, I think he was also in Thor.