Thread #622301
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Samu 🔥 !KW2DbpWwls
2018/12/24 (月) 04:57 No. 622303
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is this anime?
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Yeah, it's anime! oh nice we have hats
give me a minute I'm doing the pre Christmas ritual
Oh this is a lot earlier than expected. One sec.
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Alright brothers I'm about as lucid as you can expect from me this time of year What kind of dumb ass cartoons are we gonna watch
Anima Yell! Double Decker! Cooking with Emiya --Episode 10-12 Irozuku Sekai Kishuku Gakkou no Juliet Index Tonari no Kyuuketsuki Tsurune Uchi no Maid Ulysses
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I sent out the Ika signal. Index Tsurune Ulysses Irozuku Anima Yell I think Jan watches all these.
Double Decker and Juliet instead of Index and Ulysses I think.
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okay double decker index juliet irozuku anima yell
daburu>>622313 let's save juliet for him. we can do ulysses instead
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Do we have Ika tonight? oh he can't okay well I guess we will press on with out him okay let's start!
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I'm surprised they never brought the robot girl back.
Well their doctor guy did find her core. But it was trashed, so who knows if they'll be able to bring her back.
That was a good trick they played.
Oh shit it's the Blue Hulk.
Wow this was a good keikaku.
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when the final boss turns into the monster of the week
Because of the ambiguousness of b/v and r/l in Japanese Kirill's last name sounds like it should be Bluebell or something.
;_; Poor Derrick's bus.
>The theme song will crossfade in Kirill please.
Oh no Doug.
Hah hah hah of course. Doug has some absurd death flag armor.
>>622333 he wants to go out like a baller but he's just a buster iktf
Now Zabel isn't even dead either. Hah hah hah. This episode's been kind of meta.
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>>622336 The Santa hat's a kind of perfect fit for that thumbnail.
What the fuck Travis.
His secretary kind of pronounces his name Twavis.
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We never really did find out about the link between this and T&B did we? At least the robot girl lived.
Nope. Hopefully they've got more to come or something. This has been fun either way so I'd like more.
>He's the weakest of the 144 super soldiers we have Oh no.
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That was a fun end. okay index okay lets start!
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gomen I had to go mutilate myself ready for indexu>>622343 oh gosh that one looks great with the hat
Ready sorry.
>Smartvery That witch carrier airship is pretty cool though.
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That random witch looks a lot like Misaka.
The old Queen is pretty fun.
Aw Index is back in her nun habit. What a shame.
>>622349 yeah sux for real I really am not a big fano // fan of the nun shit
It doesn't even have the protective enchantments anymore thanks to Touma. Oh I remember this woman.
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More really strong church guys
Looks like he's getting a terrain bonus.
Oh more Acqua. Though it seems he's known better as his original name in his home country.
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time for a high power level showdown.
Hah hah. Touma's pretty hardcore when it comes to it.
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pink nun is best girl
That is a very Rika-poi solution to the problem.
Funny that the subs called the truck a lorry. Regionally appropriate, but still funny.
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ulysses can't see it under the hat ulysses ep 11, right? okay lets start!
Yeah. Guess there'll be one more episode of this too.
okey doke ulyssee
I wonder if she's stuck looking all grown up now. Or if she'll shrink back to being a little girl once free of the helmet.
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I dunno but things are getting freaky. This is not what I learned in history class.
Oh we get another shot of the burn-y Jeanne of the future.
Hah hah hah.
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wow what kind of helmet is that
This death metal OST is still pretty ridiculous.
Those were totally spaceships just now.
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Here's some reverse time travel.
imma be honest this show is bad
It's not great. But it's been corny fun. Better earlier on when there was a lot more action though.
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>>622377 well the ending was kind of bad yeah.
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irozuku okay lets start!
alrightyo color blind niggas
Culture festivals in anime are my J A M
I wonder if that ends up being her granddad. Kohaku's got to marry someone after all.
These two are too shy to save their lives.
Oh shit she's not depressed anymore.
Ah. Well I was wondering if they'd do a playing ED while the show wrapped up. But instead it's thirteen episodes long. How pleasant.
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anima yell! okay lets start!
anime char \
She bored her to sleep with her lectures.
Anxiety bros!
Kohane is a precious little spaz.
This reunion has gone over much better than I expected it would.
There's been a lot of good expressions this episode.
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Lots of characters appeared this episode.
They dropped all these other high school chair teams on us in the last episode. Hah hah hah. Come to think of it we never did see Hizume's onii-chan. What a mystery character.
Well that was fun. Turned out better than expected.
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I know a anime its called boku no pico