There's actually a good case for it. So it might work. >>619978 Dance creators are suing Epic for making money off of their dances.
oh that I remember seeing that somewhere guess it makes sense
TN mentioned homage but this isnt that. Fortnite literally sells them in the cash shop. Thats a big difference between having it as something a player can do by default.
if you are selling something and asking for a price for it and that thing has been "invented by someone else" wsell.. yeah good luck on not getting fucked over
chrom is so good omg im in love >>620105 damn it sounded like it would be fun
Kirara, the Cat
>Voice actors David Hayter and Cam Clarke, who voice Solid and Liquid Snake respectively, performed a rendition Twas The Night Before Christmas with a particularly Metal Gear twist.
maybe i should get a job just interpreting dreams like a psychic or something
Kannagi !NEATO1nxtM
I had a weird dream. I dreamt that i was in class and I was talking with the teacher and when I went back to my desk someone had stolen my camera because i had it with me for some reason. the bag //camera bag was empty and I was so upset and kept telling myself how dumb I was to leave my camera bag on my desk. It felt so realistic. Like I woke up feeling like it was almost a memory
I've had toast and peanut butter for breakfast for like five days straight now. It's nice because it's easy but I'm starting to wish there was more variety.
>>620269 Nothing really breakfast-y, or something that can be made without a bit of prep work Or well, not much I guess. It's cold here so I'd rather have something hot so I haven't been getting at the cereal much.
We've got a lot of sweets leftover from the weekend's Christmas party though, hah hah. But when I've got an appetite for breakfast having sweets just doesn't quite cut it.
yeah 4chan is just Reddit+ now the actual channers are all just on adjacent sites now
I really like seeing someone post some new meme the shitty 15 year old /v/irgins came up with on /m/ and someone has to ask what it means because they've totally disconnected themselves from the rest of the site
4chan as it has become more normalised is all about being ironic I haven't really used 4chan very much. Scanlations and actually content threads are a lot of what I use now rather than discussion threads that tend to be shitty
It's shit but its actually been shit all along It's just different shit so people bitch about it getting worse because its not they way they remember it.
I still think post quality would improve if they used hiragana captchas.
Kirara, the Cat
because there would be only five posters
id still google translate to shitpost
>>620342 Yes population degrowth would massively improve 4chan Maybe not via the hiragana captcha, but as it stands the speed of posting on many boards makes quality a race to the bottom to make the fastest low level shitposts you can
Kirara, the Cat
add a 20 minute cooldown
just ban everyone who's posted on /tv/ and /v/ in the last month and I bet the quality would immensely improve on every other board
>hiragana captchas are you insane
Kirara, the Cat
ban everyone that's posted on 4chan in the last three years
I've been to a lot of imageboards with minimal users and they're not much better
4chan doesn't need to turn into desuchan I'm not suggesting it becomes one of those boards that gets one post a month I just think it needs to slow down a little
Kirara, the Cat
4chan culture is honestly so extraordinarily toxic now that there's probably no way to save it
give the idea to Musk or something he'll get behind it
I think permabanning everyone who posts on /pol/ and /r9k/ would fix a lot of problems with it.
Kirara, the Cat
the only good thing to come out of 4chan is /moe/
Kannagi !NEATO1nxtM
4chan had a lot of good manga threads but I like 4chan when it was less popular. Smaller boards not even as small as /moe/ are great.
>>620355 And /cards/ And /ak/ scans, and anonymous scans, and perplexitees, and secret s/a/nta, and /v/ the Musical, and a shit ton of stuff from /tg/, and lolcats, and the modern internet meme and /a/ sings and /v/ sings and /m/ sings and the 4chan cup and the original project chanology, ...
Kirara, the Cat
>>620356 yeah 4chan was good when it was still the scary internet boogieman you only found out about through word of mouth
oh well hiro will kill it soon hopefully
Kirara, the Cat
>>620359 yeah, it's time for it to let go it'll be a mercy killing
VLC used to have really bad internal decoders that would end up looking like Kirara's TV or worse. Its got better over time. but it was pretty bad for a long time.
>>620443 Ive considered buying a shell company. I need to do research to see if all I have to pay for is a PO box in Delaware or if I have to pay for other things too.
today feels like a fucking sauna
and I slept through quite a bit of it gonna fuck with my sleep schedule tonight
So I made a sort of dumb math joke earlier to my friend about something crazy and then realized that not only is it stupid and crazy but its totally possible and has mathematical meaning. And I figured out how tto do it.
There is a ridiculous amount of content to World of Light holy shit. It's almost kind of exhausting.
WoL needs more cutscenes and stylish moments
Like with Giga Bowser. Every Legend level spirit should have had some kind of "first-meeting" cinematic Or something. Theres not enough payout.
Yeah, I agree. It's exhausting because it's just one specific fight to the next without any real glue in between. But it's also very easy to put down and come back to later because of that.
>>620451 Thats why im really just asking for aesthetic stuff. It doesnt need to be an intricate story. Just make some fights really cool to approach
Like James McCloud entrusting you to save his son after you beat his stage. The street ighter part
Was good
Man fuck this MegaMan.exe Spirit fight.
there’s a lot of hellish fights in wol
Yeah and I've been playing on Hard so everything moves with machine perfection.
the only thing i didn't like about wol is that i didn't even fucking get Ike Chrom and Richter until the last stretch
Because I want a challenge. I've managed to beat everything I have on it aside from Galeem. That was the only fight I conceeded dropping down to normal on.
some of the legend foghts sre brutal enough. as is
Yeah but so am I. That double Final Smash skill is super good. I just need to live long enough to use it.
>>620464 Maybe it's like one of those "fries in milkshake" things that is way better in execution than concept but that doesn't sound very good at all.
>>620461 honestly i found normal pretty easy after acquiring 4 punch atk up i think pauline or w/e that one was took the most attempts all the rest of the game is ez to steamroll with good spirits spirits make balancing difficult i guess
Man the Ocarina of Time medley really tickles my nostalgia bone.
i hadnt eaten in a long time so it sounded good i guess
well actually if I think of it as a tart or similar whenever I think of pie I just think of meat pies since they're pretty tied down in our culture
you know what that actually doesn't look all that bad
Yeah I'm looking at it now, hah hah. I was imaginging something a little more literal when it came to "pie made with Twix". It's more of a "here's us making a pie out of Twix ingredients".
moon how do i carry myself in dota
Be the support.
i tried that and it wasn't helping the lane i wasnt supporting was getting too fed
lift up one leg at a time
>>620500 If you're convinced you need to be the carry to win your games and you can't rely on your team, you need to up your awareness game. Keep track of the enemy heroes on the map during the laning phase and avoid being risky when there's too many out of vision. Along with maintaining your farm, hah hah.
would any kind soul like to buy me a wheelchair for christmas at this rate i'll be completely lame by new years
>>620504 i dont really want to be the carry i dont like playing any of the carries that dont also make me feel scummy like slark
>>620506 Well then maybe something like Spirit Breaker or Tusk that moves around the map getting kills, taking the pressure off your team's other players. Or Lion and just finger everything when you get the chance. Ultimately you should just figure out what you have fun doing and just do that though. Get good while having fun and things will be best.
>>620507 I've done a lot of Lion but I get hard focused every game as him which while nice and i generally win as a result it's tilting af Spirit Breaker could be good I like playing him a lot 5-6 years ago
I did play some dota clones during my wc3 years,I think I usually went for heroes that were good at well hero killing something that had good damage capability even at low level
besides I was in the tides of blood faction
I googled something and the store I was standing in came up even though it wasn't related curious
FUCK I forgot I had washing on the line this the second time it's rained on the same load
At least it's getting super cleaned!
don't dry outside
>>620561 >rain water being clean near any large population centre kek
Yes TN I am aware.
I'm sure all that acid rain is doing wonders
Getting all those DEEP STAINS out of your clothes!
but wait those aren't stains that's my clothes' natural colors
it would still just be so weird >go knock on drillguy's door >holding a drill >SO THIS IS WHERE THE DRILPARTY AT EH >WELL I BROUGHT MY OWN CAN I JOIN!?
that is something that will happen the longer I live here cause at some point he will drillparty when I am so tired that I actually commit to these weird ideas or drunk
>>620622 our boy viper hitting the big leagues >>620624 Writer of "You'll cowards don't even smoke crack" and "Kill urself my man" if you've ever seen those album images
>>620498 it's a learning process i've found i dont mean learning the game, that's already a given your ability to survey the local social environment (your rough mmr range) and abuse the vulnerabilities that you see in other people's understanding of the game and lane objectives will push you up to a new area of other people who were also able to do that then you're gradually adjusting to that one extra step of competitive play that gives you the edge over the local group you could see other people do it and mimic their success, that's one option my brute force option has always been to apply one consistent kind of strategy until it stops working, until i get an understanding of why it's consistently not working, then either update it to match people who aren't so naive, or choose a new strategy that isn't as vulnerable that all sounds a little formless but it can be as easy as just spamming one hero, which i dont think is bad at all
i think grabbing an aggressive support that can do a lot of pressuring and has some scalability is good at the tier where your carries arent carrying dazzle's been changed since i did that, but he works really well because poison touch is such a good aggressive spell if you're not laning against someone who can dispel it or that has full-zero kill threat on dazzle, you can pretty much just run them down and kill them or force them away with a little practice you'll get really good at transitioning that lane win by milking it as hard as possible -- dropping a ward in the jungle when axe can't go to your lane anymore so you can kill him there, just full map presence and free early towers kind of stuff. in situations where you can't do that, you can get a midas with the cooldown reduction and slowly farm up some real items if you're succeeding, you'll get to a point where eventually people respect dazzle's skills and won't feed him for free or will have other answers hopefully this point merges with when your carr
carries are reliable so that you can actually support as intended and play around the carry ideally you'd want to be able to use poison touch as lane harass/pressure and then basically play in the backline and dropping grave every 8 seconds at max level with the cdr, if your cores can make use of it
im not sure if any of that is clear or helpful but it's a very granular experience of shifting from carrying-when-my-carries-cant to understanding when they can and how you're able to help them being a playmaker as a support is super strong in normal/high skill, and in some of VHS as well, but you will hopefully get to a point where you dont need to be the playmaker, and you should anticipate that and be ready to play more utility than kill potential
idk good luck i assume that was pan
yes this was pan i dont know maybe that's part of my problem being that i want to play utility but it's pretty much hopeless if i only get to help the one lane out of it roaming is probably my better bet for now since im in an mmr that still permabans riki
you're what like high 2k or around 3k? man i had a harder time climbing out of that area than when i was 5k before dropping down that low i had so much sense about trying to play right and just nobody capitalizing on anything and so i kept dropping that's what i meant about it always being a learning experience it's like anthropology, you gotta go study them and figure out how they work
i actually think witch doctor is the hidden gem around that area they dont respect maledict and you have potential for solo double kills on people caught out he can farm pretty well too, which is important in ranks where there's unused farm on the map. coconut a few camps and get arcanes and a blink or spirit vessel and just play selfishly, staying alive even if your teammates dont really fairly easy to snowball if you're more experienced than your opponents there, and good push with voodoo if you're on equal grounds
the legend bracket was an interesting climb because people had some idea about what they should be doing but never really tried to outplay anybody, just do things normal i spammed shadow shaman as pos 5 and just stacked camps, wrapped for kills, and pinged the camps a lot to encourage the carry to come farm them when the lane was pushed out those legend players are generally pretty happy as long as their gold is going up and they're not stopped from farming. the may not itemize right, but they probably won't be punished for it too often. reflecting on that time though, i really wasn't playing shadow shaman right, but it worked for that bracket. i picked visage 5 if the enemy got shaman so i could just blow him up. visage 5 doesn't work well much past legend bracket because he is easily harassed in lane , at least in safelane. he's ok as 4, and obviously still as mid
a useful climbing strategy for me is, if i drop like 150 or 200 after a loss streak, don't bother getting upset about it but use it as a bit of a freebie to redo that part of the climb under a different role. since im learning and climbing as a support, pushing that boundary as an offlaner is kind of sketchy. but if i've climbed that stretch already and know how people play, i can reclimb it pretty safely with an offlaner and use what ive // insight ive gained from the earlier climb to push the initiation harder and know exactly what i can get away with as a tidehunter in the offlane etc
im always looking for the opportunity to try something new, but i need to always keep one anchor of familiarity if im climbing in skill, then the hero is my anchor if im trying a different hero/role, then the skill bracket is my anchor
im really just rambling because it's down for maintenance at the moment if you don't even think about winning at all and just try to push your boundaries as far as possible every single game, you'll prolly feed a lot but you'll also have really sharp senses of boundary and probably win a lot i feed a lot trying to make plays, back then and still now too it sucks, but playing so safe that im not gaining any insight doesn't help me when i move to the next rank although the ranks are pretty arbitrary at this point because the spread is huge
2686 mmr it looks like yeah i'll probaby just have to try and contain myself to only playing a couple characters and learning when to pick which ones into what rip my big versatility though
oh yeah new ancient apparition is really good you could probably abuse people with him idk how your leadership skills are or anything but positive encouragement makes a lot of games so free that wouldn't be otherwise suggestability is so strong not "X is freefarming we need to stop it" or "we need to kill X" or "why havent we killed X" but just stroll towards a lane and just be like, "hey wanna go for this guy? let's go for it" and people just feel carefree about it instead of stressed worst case scenario he fucks off and isn't doing anything in the lane
sometimes preemptively asking a carry what they plan on buying next will make them more receptive to suggestions than once they're already planning on an item a couple players i have just can't avoid seeing a player's inventory and just losing it "wtf why would you buy this item pingpingping fking idiot you need X" i dont really get it confidence or not it's just detrimental
yeah i've liked the bit of AA i've played by randoming him in turbo i've liked silencer too but i feel like he's a bit of an out there pick my leadership, in dota at least, is probably really terrible since i wind up avoiding communcating with my team since all the games devolve into mid and carry blamegaming each other even when winning it's ridiculous
silencer has huge lane presence, but it's not always useful if your team doesn't realize it stuns are OP in lower brackets just for the psychological value; someone sees a stunned hero and they run at it
with the blamegaming mid/carry situation, i guess this isn't really a conscious decision but i kind of veer away from it altogether and diffuse the tension with another core like if it's sf and spectre flaming each other and complaining, i'll grab a smoke and a couple mangos and just smoke up to my offlaner's lane, maybe with the other support, and do some space-making things you find one player on the team who youre confident in (centaur is usually a good choice) and just opt to support them you can spin this as "Let's make space for our carry to farm, force some tps offlane" to kind of clarify the objective to the team but really it's "i can't help this guy im gonna go help the offlaner"
that makes sense, it's pretty much all i ever see in pre-game chat "NEED STUN HELLO SOME PICK STUN"
ditching my carry sounds like a pretty good idea honestly, i'll probably start working on that in the future getting back into the habit of stacking/pulling camps is something i should get back into too anyway im gonna go to bed it's pretty late/early now thanks for the help
>muted for 12 hours for calling for a straight genocide like a week ago oh fuck woe
Kirara, the Cat
yeah i can't even like tweets lol
imagine a future where they can punish you by making you unable to like anything the emotional like
Kirara, the Cat
so they just give you clinical depression
kirara will you buy me a wheelchair for christmas
Kirara, the Cat
if you find one that's like $100 ill get it for yoy are you having trouble walking again?
yeah i was stuck in bed basically since saturday i didnt eat anything i did now but it was scary im just kidding about the wheelchair i would seek coverage from medicaid next year or smth if i needed one
i wish i had the perk of sets
Kirara, the Cat
i got some codeine recently but eeeeh
is there a moe discord i can't remember
Kirara, the Cat
i think there was once
man this bone pain is getting insane if it's just pain i dont really care that much but i keep thinking there's something wrong like kidney stones or appendix issues or something and that worries me the worry hurts worse than the pain
yeah i was able to get up and go get food yesterday with the help of amphetamines but that's a little ridiculous im not really sure what's up but it seems to be mechanical and not pain-related feels like my bones are all fucked up but i guess it could just be tendonitis
>>620688 makes sense I wonder how many times I've heard a song I liked on tv or the radio or something and never found out the name >>620689 seems kind of like a slow burn
>>620709 due on Christmas? who is even gonna do anything with it on Christmas
fiscal quarter wrapping up and people stress i guess i need to slow down on work though until my mental state improves
kannagi what are the good type mes
>>620712 Type mes? oh I like // visual novels? I like F/SN, Tsukihime, Fate/Extra is supposedly good. I don't play it anymore but F/GO was fun.
I'm just listing what comes to mind. For the anime and films. I do like the Ufotable adaptations and particularly love the Garden of Sinners / Kara no Kyoukai
hm. I really enjoyed Mahoyo but it doesn't have a full or complete translation out I, at least when I last checked which was a while ago now. F/HA is good too and Kagetsu Tohya is a trip - it has a lot of routes.
Kirara, the Cat
fate/extra isn't a VN but yeah it's good
novel or otherwise ufotable is so good but seeing "an ufotable production" really triggers me every time
i love the little pre-film bits on knk with the stop motion though it's so cute
Kirara, the Cat
mahoyo is stalled at 70%
>>620717 It had a lot interest for a while and I think they just gave up. a lot of vn stuff has been stalled for a while.
If you want a VN I really enjoyed moon or anyone. G-Senjou no Maou is so fucking good, I love the music / BGM in it too.
>>620723 i guess the Good Guy With A Gun isn't expected to help
Kirara, the Cat
>A Florida lawyer representing 15 Marjory Stoneman Douglas High students says he is "exploring all of our options" after a federal judge ruled that law enforcement and school officials had no legal duty to protect students during a Valentine's Day rampage at the school that left 17 people dead. >"The critical question the court analyzes is whether defendants had a constitutional duty to protect plaintiffs from the actions of Cruz," Bloom wrote. But she determined that "for such a duty to exist on the part of defendants, plaintiffs would have to be considered to be in custody.” cops only have to protect you if you're in custody
Kannagi !NEATO1nxtM
>>620725 It has been raining hard constantly in the last 2 weeks.
i have an image i stole from you kirara and its the one with the pokemon sun moon protagonist and lillie and theyve got the imgay shirts and its really good i like it a lot
I would like to lose weight until my inner idol becomes an outer idol.
Same desu senpai
Kirara, the Cat
are the faces of public figures public domain
Define "face" Do you mean their likeness?
I think it isn't public domain but would be covered under fair use. Cause they are public figures.
Kannagi !NEATO1nxtM
Anything recorded I think is first copyright of the recorder or owner of the recording and then after a while it falls into public domain. so recordings of public spaces with public figures would make their faces public domain
>>620773 It would make those images public domain, not their likeness. Also it takes a super long time for stuff to fall into public domain. And it increases every so often. Basically Disney lobbies a shit ton everytime Mickey Mouse would fall into public domain untill the laws get changed. At the rate we're going nothing made by anyone who died after Walt Disney will ever fall into public domain.
Although IIRC public domain laws in the UK are even worse, I think Charles Dickens novels are still copyrighted over there.
Kannagi !NEATO1nxtM
>>620775 Charles dickens is public domain. I don't think our laws are as bad as the US ones
>>620796 Does it make sense to take SSRIs as you're going to sleep? I was aware they could potentially make me drowsy during the day, but it's actually started to have a bit of an effect on my sleeping schedule. So I'm wondering if they have long-enough effects to take before going to bed.
Kirara, the Cat
>>620797 You can take them whenever. After a while of being on them, they're basically in your system 24/7 as long as you keep taking them, so any time is fine as long as it works for you.
Cool cool, thanks.
Kirara, the Cat
Have you noticed any effect yet? You've been on them for, what, one and a half weeks now? My head's a little weird still, I can't remember
This would be the sixth day, if I didn't sleep straight through the day, hah hah. I'll resume later on tonight with the new time.
I'm not sure if I'm noticing any particular effects yet. But I'm also still on the half-dose I'm supposed to take for the first week so maybe that is in part why?
Kirara, the Cat
Well, most SSRIs take about two weeks before the effects really become noticable, so I'm not surprised if it's only been a few days
Yeah, I've been keeping that in mind with my expectations as well. The doctor said even the full effects could take up to a month to be apparent. So I'm just on wait, pretty much.
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
Juul bought by Big Tobacco for like 12 billion what the actual SELLOUTS!
Twelve billion is a loooot of money man. That's like, twelve billions.
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
company now worth 38 billion by getting teens addicted to nicotine well i bet the founders will sleep comfortably on their billion dollar piles of cash
Kirara, the Cat
juul is an e cig company or something, right?
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
they are the most popular e cig by far yeah they claimed to be here to disrupt big tobacco? well maybe im making that up anyway something something dark knight quote
Kirara, the Cat
die a hero or live and become the villain
>>620806 Thirty-eight billions dollars buys you the comfiests beds and mattresses and the best drugs to forget about your hollow conscience.
Well I know how it feels. I slept like seven hours through the day and feel like I could go back for more still.
Kirara, the Cat
Yeah. I kind of want to just go to sleep.
>Legend Spirit Mewtwo just runs itself off the stage and the fight ends in fifteen seconds I mean it's a little disappointing but I didn't feel I was gonna win that one anyway.
I think I just confused it with an Inkling bomb. The AI can get a bit weird some times trying to dodge stuff and will run itself off ledges some times.
Seeing the Donkey Kong 64 models after all this time, they're really hella ugly. Man.
Kirara, the Cat
does anyone have that image of the dude in symphogeah running on water with all that shit floating behind him looking wacky as hell
Man fuck that Tiny Kong fight. Attacking things that spend the whole fight running and dodging is annoying.
I'm looking forward to that Switch Fitness Boxing game. It looks really fun.
I spilt a bit of freshly-made tea on my foot aaaaugh. At least I had a sock on, but man. Water straight from the kettle is hot.
>>620834 There's a bunch of exciting games on the Switch docket for me. Animal Crossing some time next year, new generation of Pokemon in the autumn, Fire Emblem at some point. Maybe even news on Metroid Prime 4. How fun.
Kirara, the Cat
Pikmin, too.
Yeah, news on that would be great too.
At this point I'd be happy to also hear of a Pikmin 3 port since I never had a chance to play that one.
Right now, some older guy she's sleeping with bought her some expensive lingerie and she's trying to find a // an excuse for how she got it.
I don't really understand why she's sleeping around because she always talks about how much she loves her husband, but I also don't really want to ask or get too involved
Yeah that does sound pretty annoying to deal with.
>>620849 Yeah, something came up and now my presence is required tomorrow morning. I get Monday and Tuesday off, and was planning on taking Wednesday off. I may take Thursday now too since my plans to take tomorrow off were trashed.
There will be a family gathering but it will be awkward because my brother has continued to slide downhill and has turned into a caricature that literally cannot go for five minutes without moral signaling about transsexualism.
I'm hoping to be granted permission to attend Christmas at Fish's parents'.
I'll be at the cottage for a night or two around Christmas. It'll be kind of annoying but also kind of nice. My friends from high school are talking about doing a Boxing Day potluck too.
which uses the sample better /moe/ this query involves listening to two tracks so dw if your busy
Kirara, the Cat
i forgot how good the first cross ange ED was
Mattis resigned
Kirara, the Cat
I started laughing right before coco died did not look good the death is way more gruesome in the BDs
Woah really. Maybe I should give it a rewatch.
Kirara, the Cat
yeah there's like vague entrails and stuff haha
Kirara, the Cat
but man when all the blood was pouring out of her i was laughing like a maniac so many good memories
Kirara, the Cat
i remember watching on voice chat with everything and ange said "do you get embarrassed if a bug looks at you naked" and saku and jan and rook and i were all like "that's so how many breads!"
Hah hah They've got very similar feels, don't they.
Saku never watched the last episode, though. What a shame.
I think I've hit the end of WoL so I'm going around doing clean-up on the stuff I missed before. Having skills and high-level Spirits really helps, man. And Ganondorf. He helps a lot too.
Kirara, the Cat
We haven't really been playing much. I'm looking forward to getting back into it, though.
I'm feeling some intense feeling But I can't tell what it is This is really weird
i am fucking dying /moe/ my friend is just so fucking bad with money to the point where i'm really considering not being their friend anymore because i'm not gonna be over here trying to support their stupid ass in a situation they put themself in endlessly
Can't you remain their friend without bailing their stupid ass out of the situation?
man i wanna call my family for the holidays and all but i also can't constant double binding and all i just eternally feel stuck and now i can't even communicate with people
i just heard someone say "aren't we glad it's TGIF" haha
Kirara, the Cat
kono bakemono!
cross ange is so good
yeah im really glad i watched it i had that yellow sulawesi paired really well with it im out now tho
Kirara, the Cat
you made a lot of people uncomfortable so you're being executed
i noticed commie subbed "give me a magazine" as "give me a clip" and i couldn't stop laughing truly 2010-2015 was the golden age of fansubbing
dude that's so old who would watch anime from back then
Kirara, the Cat
i once watched an anime from 2008 that's like one of the first animes
what's this anime stuff you guys keep talking about
I think they mean amines, they're a class of chemical compounds that include amino acids.
sounds like stuff for nerds
Kirara, the Cat
>>621041 anime is stuff like the bible everyone loves it and it's all real
>>621040 the animation must have been so bad how could you stand it
that dude that was askin me about stuff i told him i like shoujo/josei stuff he wanted examples so i told him kimi ni todoke and he's like "i watched two episodes of that show it was so boring"
>>621044 do you start holy wars and stuff over it maybe this anime isn't all bad
Kirara, the Cat
>>621045 yeah i mean they didn't invent good animation until like 2017 >>621046 yeah sometimes i have over 300 confirmed kills thanks to animes
i saw one from like 2014 about some girls fighting with living suits or something but it was really just a booby show anime i forget what it was called but man people said it was good and the animation is terrible lmao can't believe this used to be considered good animation