Thread #620472
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Akanesasu Shoujo Beelzebub-jou Cooking with Emiya --Episode 10-12 Irozuku Sekai Kishuku Gakkou no Juliet Seishun Buta Yarou wa Bunny Girl Sempai Sora to Umi no Aida
Yes hello is this the Krusty Krab?
No this is anime
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hello I put up the Ika signal
As did I.
>tokyo ghoul re 23
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akan bunny iruzuku beelz
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wow you guys watched yagate?
We're getting a bit short on shows at long last. If you want to watch it tonight I'll rewatch it with you.
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i just didn't realize you did until now i'm ready with akanesanan tilde i am shittering on hard in ng+ right now you just need to get a bunch of atk up and legend spirits i guess
We watched it last night, that's why.
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akan okay lets start!
Reaaaady>>620489 I'm not really having a huge struggle with most of Hard really. Mainly Legend Spirits and the boss fights, and the Spirit fights that have me up against a lot of enemies at once. All it takes is one good hit and I become a volleyball until I've taken too much damage. Every now and then I'll find one or other exception but generally, it's not too frustrating.>Ten Minutes Later >>620495 I'll just see if I can fetch him.
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IKA>>620493 well want to play smash while we wait?
>>620495 Ground Control to Major Jan
RIP both Asukas
I wonder how long until Loliasuke comes to regret this. Oh that was fast.
So much for no emotions.
I wonder if there'll be an answer for what happened to her brother. Or if it wasn't actually a supernatural event and the poor guy just got abducted by vile human beans.
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She ended up being a noncombatant the whole season long.
Oh this Yuu isn't wearing her glasses anymore. I wonder if that's a new image thing or if the animators just forgot about them.
Hah hah they're talking to this one as if they know her in this world.
What. Wow.
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Kind of an odd last ep for a transforming battle anime.
I think there's a mobage for this franchise in the works or out or something. So I guess they couldn't resolve any of the big overarching plots. It was kind of a soft ending.
this show was pretty weird tbh
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Now she's just a chuuni yelling on the beach.
Well she gets her cassette tape by the end of it. I guess the miso thief thing means Seriousuka is still alive somewhere.
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bunny! did you send ika a wake up call? okay lets start!
Wascally wabbit>Ten Minutes Later >>620527 Muscle memory's a hard habit, eh. It's been like fifteen minutes now. If we'd been on time we could have done two shows by now instead of oranging for the second.>>620523 I don't want to babysit him. He's a grown adult, he can look at a clock and realize it's been forty minutes since we started Akanesasu.
rabbit rabbit i literally fought 3 matches of smash while my post was open i'm gaining and losing so much gsp every match wtf
i accidentally did that thing again
>>620523 hi
>>620527 Beep boop
I guess this exlpains -explains a bit why she talks a bit formal-y.
Man their whole family got messed up by Kaede losing her memories.
There's going to be a movie some time next year for the next arc for this series. Handling this girl's arc. Hopefully it gets released on hard copy and subbed before too long.
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but what kind of person will she be if she gets her memory back?
Yeah. From how he was talking she seems like a totally different person before her amnesia.
The fact that she doesn't really know Sakuta might also be why she's such a brocon for him.
I wonder if her calling herself Kaede is a thing of nature or if she does it because she feels like a stranger in her situation.
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Probably mostly because it's moe.
Oh he took her to the zoo anyway.
>Onii-chan really is an onii-chan
Her way of talking is really weird. I guess that's what they're doing with the translation too. It's all stiff.
He wasn't kidding when he said the way she talked was totally different. Even her voice has a different affect to it.
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Yeah I think I like the new one better.
She seems to have a bit of his smugness in this state. And her referring to herself in the third person was a part of the other Kaede too. This one refers to herself like a normal person.
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okay iruzuku okay lets start!
Reaaaady>>620554 ! ! ! And now we wait five minutes anyway because Rika's AFK.
ready to wait
The faculty are well-aware how worriesome an enthusiastic Kohaku is.
Wow London has a whole institute devoted to time and space MAGIC.
And bamf. She's gone.
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magis magic is dangerous
Kohaku is a really good grandma even as a young girl. She really dotes on her granddaughter.
Everyone in this series is so gosh darn nice.
>>620562 it makes me want to get sent back in the past to a better time
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She's gotta go back eventually.
Back to the future
Oh we're getting the full ED this episode. I fucking love Yanagi Nagi.
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okay beelz gonna get fluffy okay lets start!
MO FO MO FU The fluffiest time of the week has finally arrived!
ass her majesty wills it
Montu burancu
Don doku zuku Don duku yay
She's a really high level of damedame moe.
enter to my body damedame
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This guy /fa/s.
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It's really kinda odd they're demons. You don't think of them as demons.
They're not really demonic, hah hah. S C B SAATI NAIN
Beelzebub wearing this Alice-style dress is pretty 10/10.
Oh I don't think that was juice.
>>620587 alice dresses are 10/10
If she was sober she'd be dying right now.
drunk squeaker
Gorira gaaru
They're both a little helpless, huh.
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>tfw no drunk belphegor gauntlet
Azazel could probably swing her around with ease too.
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It's alraedy pretty late. thanks for anime!
We burnt a lot of time, and you were kind of slow to show tonight. Such is life. Thanks for amine.
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yeah thanks i'm gonna watch yagate now