Thread #61631
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what are you guys watching?
rewrite demi-chan 3gatsu urarara chain cronicle if jan shows trinity 7 movie never
If you want to do the Trinity 7 movie that's fine by me.
no today is too full
Then why do you even suggest iiiit.
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i dont really care about trinity7 i think the people who liked it the most were dash and i actually dont remember who else liked it
It was a bit of a Dutch series.
oh dash and dutch
>>61635 I'm going to sit out tonight, sorry.
oh we'll probably save CC for you at least maybe nto rewrite
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Let's start with youjo senki. okay lets start
>>61646 That's okay.
Okay I'm caught up this time.
ok wait i deleted it
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okay trying again>>61653 feel free! okay everyone is orange lets start
Oh I didn't realise you guys were watching youjo I am watching it right now. but I don't minds watching it with ya
>>61650 How do you keep doing this.>>61658 Yeah, I fall victim to habitual post closing a lot.
>>61653 ok yay
I'll orange up. Its been always fun watching with moe
Shit I am too used to alt-sing my posts>>61655 It is just a natural reaction, I have hand always hovering over the shortcuts
God sure loves to play war. That guy is messed up by kami-sama
being x is kinda lame
Sonzai Eks is feels kind of unhinged. I kind of feel the MCs feelings about them now
I love the moments when anime uses technical war terms in Japanese.
If you treat him as a being with human nature he kind of comes off as a fedorist or something.
>>61666 He feels like an egoistical being.
Those moustaches are great
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Protagonist-chan's attempts to stay out of harms way have really backfired badly.
I think Protag is just too much of a hard worker, they could clearly be bad at their job and be considered useless or even unfit for war. s/he has to do their job to the best of their ability which clearly is doing the worst for them
It feels like they are pulling off a risky plan
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I'm sure things won't go as smoothly as planned.
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I get the feeling that guy will pop up and attack them unawares from behind as they focus on ending the eastern front
i bet evil eyepatchman will shoot mc and she'll fall into a cliffhanger
It felt like for a while they didn't have advanced things like tanks in lieu of magic
Well that is kind of a theory of technological advancement. That it wouldn't happen if there was some other mechanic that was available to use.
Here it comes.>>61675 That cliff hanger feels likely now!
A taste of her own medicine!
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At least that dead guy got a slice of life segment about him. rewrite?
wait 3 minutes
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rewrite okay let's start
ok rip jan
Oh no he's gone evil.
he kinda has no choice
Geez fucking louise.
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he got triple crossed
They're having a lot of fun showing the harem as children.
he probably feels bad for betraying them
Holy fuck.
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kotarou noo dont say things you dont mean
gaaeeeee bolg
This is the everyone fucking dies arc, eh.
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I guess we'll see what happens soon.
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3gatsu now okay let's start
This is getting a second series apparently.
i heard
Oh now that he's in a new year there's new classmates. I wonder if that means new recurring characters.
Transparency is best!
One of my friends really digs natto. I took one look at it while I was in Japan and figured I was good for passing on it.
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Shogi and science club?
Seems like a bit of a hands-on chemistry/biology club.
Being a loner in school is rough.
Aw shit Bump of Chicken returns.
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feels kinda like a finale
This airs in the noitaminA block I think. So two sets of eleven episodes is the full airing.
But like I mentioned earlier, it seems like its gotten confirmed for another series.
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Oh I thought they'd mention it at the end of the episode.
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urara>>61784 we've watched a lot already so I thought we could save demi-chan for jan okay lets start
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are we doing both urara and demichan or just one ok
They're really bad at this without Chiyo.
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yandere walls
RIP Doll-chan.
Oh this Black Rabbit is kind of cute.
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>my special divining talent is being eaten
Search [iqdb] (72 KB, 1280x720, [GJM] Urara Meirochou - 06 [30(…).jpg )
Did Kon just block that metal washing pan with a bucket?
chiya has a stand now
Pft. The way she bashed through the wall was pretty good.
They still need to get past the last boss Oniee-chan.
Chiya's divination power feels way more mystical than the others.
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They should celebrate after getting to the goal.
Wasting tiiiimeeee
Fanservice episode for the finale.
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okay, thanks for anime!