
Thread #615923

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Bottom Identity
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Kirara, the Cat
it's a nyanderful world
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ready to bread out
Kirara, the Cat
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i can't believe how good that christmas special was
how did something as dumb as neo yokio end up being so amazing
i twas snowing really heavy earlier but
seems like it melted as it fell
Kirara, the Cat
did y'all see that weird thing in british parliament where some MP tried to pick up some weird gold mace and walk off with it while other MPs shouted "no" at him
British parliament is like a circus, I don't understand it at al
Iirc in South Korea the majority party locked te minority party out of the building and held a vote
Kirara, the Cat
here it is
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copy that
Kirara, the Cat
US congress has tried stuff like that too lol
disappointed it give him super powers
Kirara, the Cat
what's even the deal with it
why is there a mace
why did he try to take it what purpose did that have
why'd he get removed from the session for it
Found the video
The suggested vids
It's their equivalent of Bael maybe
Kirara, the Cat
hey /moe/ what side of the bed do you sleep on
It's a queen size bed I can't be picky
I forgot what the correct name is for its size
It's a single size
Middle sometimes
I need to make dinner
the floor or the couch or the right side
Kirara, the Cat
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I usually sleep on the side that's furthest from the door or closest to the window

Even when I'm not sharing the bed, I do
fish sleeps away from the windows
But even when I'm not in bed with her I tend to sleep on the same side
Kirara, the Cat
it's like the petting zoo escaped or something like that
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gah I feel like sit
>>615922 →
yeah i agree wholeheartedly
it really sucks for me since my default playstyle in fighting games is basically baiting into punish
an extra quarter second of input lag usually turns bait into giving the enemy free damage
it's kinda difficult for anyone though because adapting to lag is a skill you'll never use outside of online matchmaking
that's why most top level pros in the genre don't play lot online i suppose
it's wasted practice you could spend time on other skills
i sleep away from windows if possible in the center of the room
idk why though
I think basically without the mace, the parliament doesn't have its "power"
I mean it doesn't foc have any real value, but it being present there symbolises how the monarch has conceded all their powers to the parliament
or something
been a while since I read about such symbolics
I love to play real aggressive and just basically rush rush rsuh
so if I can't cancel, counter or precise time stop
I end up getting punished like hell against anyone who plays better than average
is not a good style, but I love the rush when you just zerg rush your opponent into a corner and then get all dat free damage in
but forexample in what i have played most online the naruto games
there just are some moves
that if you or your opponent lags
you cant' dodge
the window for dodding them is really small and even if you SPAM the dodge button
it doesn't register it
Last exam of the semester done.
Now I can address all the worries I've got that I threw under the carpet so to not worry about them during exams.
mister perkele san have you returned to dark souls
You know the Cleave feat, from DnD? Where you can use a single sword swing to cut through an enemy and damage another enemy next to him?
Similar features have been implemented in video games.
And now I would like a "Sweep" type of feature to become more popular in turn based tactical games with guns
Where you horizontally sweep your guy across multiple enemies while firing
speaking of cleave, it is quite broken in wc3
how it spreads the damage just ignores armour types and so on
A lot of stuff is
oh shit nvm my brain read that as Witcher 3
it is a rare ability in the base game so I guess they never bothered to change it
but basically, say you are attacking mook A, and all mooks have super high armour
so mook A takes 50 dmg, but all the mooks surrounding it take the full dmg
so say your dmg is 100 and mooks have 50% armour reduction
the mook A takes 50 and all the dudes around it take 100
ofc 100 raw divide by the cleave %
but basically if you had 60% cleave dmg
you'd do mroe damage to the adjucant targets
and not the main
because how the game handles the cleave and splash damage types
and especially the cleave ability

So there are amusingly some maps in wc3, say hero defense maps
with real high dmg and armour values
and real high cleave values
where you can see a hero pulverizing everything except the main target
becasue the main target takes just 1-5 dmg per hit
but the enemies around it take full dmg

I hope they fix these kinds of small issues to wc reforged
for example windwalk+channel spells
>invisible mass nuke
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they recvently did a huge meta-switching patch to the game
>critical strike ability no longer factors in item and additional bonus dmg
so basically if you hit 50
crit 3x
and have +20
you hit 150+20
instead of 50+20->210
made one of the strongest heroes in the game suddenly play completely differently
also in terms of rpg mechanics, it just don't make sense
anime >>615966 →
Layyy your hands onn meee
Whiiiile I'mm bleeding dry
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would be nice if I could mogra more often
It's a fun experience.
Though it slips my mind pretty often.
I'll usually forget between the last month and the next to keep in mind its starting time.
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I also don't know a lot of the songs so it kind of takes away from the experience a bit
I have been to live events where I didn't know any of the bands music and had a lot of fun so it doesn't ruin it completely
Part of the fun for me is trying to remember or research where I know a song from.
In the past I'd have times when I'm squinting at the video they project behind the DJs trying to see if I can pick out familiar details.
These days it's less of a game because they force the Twitch chat onto the stream feed so I see all the people talking about the music playing and usually someone's able to cite the song.
I recognised a few of the imas songs they played
can't remember which ones but I did recognise them
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you ever dabbled in xenoblade /moe/?
replays are sick
oh yeah I've seen some pretty good ones
it wasn't long before I saw the lewd ones too
the only way to stop a bad guy with a sword is a good guy with a sword
Kirara, the Cat
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hi kirara
Kirara, the Cat
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Samu !KW2DbpWwls
hey kirara
Kirara, the Cat
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can't help but everyone is so preoccupied with smashing bros that they're forgetting what's really important
smashing capitalism

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did i get to share the edginess with you because im really feeling it
Kirara, the Cat
feh got a book 3 opening and some news and whew
it’s filled with the kind of edge im a hige sucker for
Kirara, the Cat
if you habe nothing else to do

sharena is fuckong dead dude
Kirara, the Cat
i don't have the context for anything in that video
i mean you arent really supposed to it’s the next story arc
Kirara, the Cat
so i would probably have context if i did know anything about the last story arc
not really since there werent any loose ends aside from veronica is alive and so is loki

fjorm hasnt even appeared which isnhilarious because she ends the second book by having a deadly japanese cough
Kirara, the Cat
why are all the villains summonable heroes now
because while loki may or may not be lying and because there are flaws in the logic apparently all the heroes you summon get summoned after they die maybe?
this is second or thirdhand info since i didnt keep my loki around

and all the book 2 villains did in fact die for one reason or another no matter how silly
Kirara, the Cat

i hope the fire emblem switch is good
the warriors designs were really bad
fire emblem switch looked kinda ugly last i checked
Kirara, the Cat
i can't find the concept art
thats weird dude the night shift nurse here has been playing like back to back tom hanks
yo wtf
>>615923 (OP)
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I hope my breakout clears up soon
never had one this bad
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
this is pretty banger tbh
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this is fucking broken
1v1 me spirits on final destination
oh fuck it turns falcon punch into a OHKO
Koi, the Dragon
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I wish Inkling had a simple attack type to get buffed with
I don't know what actually works.
Koi, the Dragon
Does the roller count as a "weapon"? Does the gun? Or does it count as projectile? Is ink considered "Water" for "Water and Ice Attack +"?
Koi, the Dragon
oh I can test Saved Spirit Teams in Training Mode.
shit can you see if Richter's thrown weapons are items too?
is Corrins counter water type??
is corrin water/dragon? hard hitting questions
Koi, the Dragon
oh you can aim the angle of the Inkling Neutral
i didn't know you could refill your ink any time
Koi, the Dragon
did you know how?
oh you mean you thought it had to be empty? nah
Koi, the Dragon
Koi, the Dragon
oh wait I may be wrong
Koi, the Dragon
I'm wrong. ;__;
yeah i thought i had to run out to refill it haha
I'd just use the neutral special to empty the rest of the ink if I needed more
Koi, the Dragon
Ink does not count as Water/Ice
Samu 🔥 !KW2DbpWwls
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wanna smash?
what's the point of eating food
all it does is get stuvk in your teeths
You could drink soylent and be a soyboy.
Samu 🔥 !KW2DbpWwls
im flyin to californiaaaaaa today
for like 5 days
Koi, the Dragon
Inkling's Smash Attacks count as "Weapon" type
Koi, the Dragon
And so does the Forward/Back special
Koi, the Dragon
>Maybe Star Force Mega Man would be usefu-
Koi, the Dragon
Why isn't Model ZX "Weapon Attack+"
Transformation Duration is lame
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starting to feel like I might be able to get some fucking sleep soon
eat shit, wily
signed, viridi
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
boil em mash em smash em fuck em uuuuup
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
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i assembled a bento from this cute ass airport sushi fishroom
oh wow that's neat I've never seen a sushi rack where you assemble your plate yourself like that
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
yeah this was new to me too! it is a thing in japan

also i self checkouted the box, there were no cashiers
overall human interaction was kept to a minimum
how urban
Japanese are truly so far beyond us mortals

can you explain why Doushio has support for batch image Twitter embedding but discord fucking don't
hey samu you got your switch at the airport and time to kill?
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
damn i wish
i’m already boarded but i do have my switch
maybe i’ll get free wifi somehow
play smash at 10,000 ft and 0.1 fps
oh shit it'll be smash chess we each get 30 seconds per move
tupw spent an hour fighting metal mega man instead of smashing bros in airports
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
guy across the aisle keeps cracking up silently clasping his hand across his mouth and laughing with the rest of his body instead for like 30 second spans on end
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
i want what he’s having
i want happiness too
8 metal mega men with 100hp vs 1 proud white male power fantasy barbarian and his holy water
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
aaahhh the projectiles they’re in my eyes not the lemonssss
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
i watched some tourney footage of inkling vs richter
goddamn richter’s projectile spam is oppressive
somehow the inkling juked everything and won, it took like 40 min
shine on you spamming diamond
the castlevastles are going to be hated and feared like Samus mains
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
literally raking off
i wonder how long this will last
it. keeps going???
try not to find out the world is flat though
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
oh no its gone
>tournament richter still living and spamming at 200%
what a time to be alive
how high is it on the richter scale?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
that is now how the richter scale works
richter scale works from 0 to fuckng beautiful
oh wait it was "sinfully beautiful"
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This big beautiful smile makes my day
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Man Pichu really is "I am Pikachu but faster, stronger".
The fact that it damages itself to attack is like, entirely irrelevant because as long as you land your hits you're still gonna be out-damaging people.
how does that even work
Because the percent damage you deal to yourself is peanuts compared to the damage Pichu is putting out.
Something that dishes out 5% damage to me will be like 30% or more if it connects.
Its damage output is already better than Pikachu's and because of it's small size it's faster as well.
but what if they just don't get hit
Well that's going to lose you the match regardless of who you're playing.
Not if they fall off.
god im tired
i was trying to get here and i typed ''
I doubt that domain exists.
and if it did, it would be cancer
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hello hello
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
good evening
hmm my flowers in a bottle finally withered
lasting a good month
Bowser's Classic mode congratulations photo is him abducting Mario away from Peach hmm,
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
i’m back baybee
ToN, have you read any of the Touhou literary works?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I said literary works , not manga.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
then no
You should read them they're good. Same with the other Touhou manga.
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Which Touhou manga have you read?
none of them
hey mariaaaaaa
You should read them. They're good.
Reimu even goes to the moon in one of them.
Kirara, the Cat
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Ri ri

Is sinner in blue good

I don't even know my 2hu lore I doubt it'd bother me


It's a wonderfully slow day at work
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How are we all doing tonight?
I'm all right.
Anticipating the month of nothing really to do with a bit of both unease and anticipation.
ssib was ok but you might get annoyed by moon princesses mopping the floor with multiple powerful touhous
im doijg ok
this is my last noght to work until monday so ive got a super long weekend
Yeah, every official Touhou manga is good.
Kirara, the Cat
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Not great
How are you?
oh no kirara what happened
just paper stuff youre working on?
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Not great, huh?
start with inaba of the inaba
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why that one
valid reason
is fucking hilarious
Kirara, the Cat
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I'm behind on all my work and barely finished half of what I planned on doing today because nobody at work would let me concentrate on my work. I got a bad grade on that exam I studied all weekend for and thought I did well on. Everyone at work kept talking about having kids, and then they were talking about other stressful school related stuff, and finally, I started getting such awful alcohol cravings that I had to leave work and go home so I could get some kratom otherwise I wouldn't have been able to sit through my DUI groups for today without getting horrible urges.
Today has been pretty rough.
But I'm home now.
How bad was the grade?
Didn't you say you'd get at least a B even with a bad grade?
If so then is it worth worrying over?
Kirara, the Cat
i studied very hard and did very poorly so it's upsetting
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Yeah, it's frustrating when you try hard but things don't go well.
Still, never failing is a sign that you aren't challenging yourself enough.
Life is tough.
Kirara, the Cat
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It's all really annoying.
It feels like no matter how hard I work, it doesn't really matter because things are rigged against me anyway.

When I finally met with the program chair today to ask what the "significant concerns" about me were that warranted me continuing to be under review for the next two semesters, she had no idea and had to spend like 5 minutes trying to find notes about it with her secretary. When she finally found them, she said it's important for me to "continue as I'm doing" and then said there were concerns about me regarding an issue in which a supervisor who didn't like me falsely accused me of an ethical violation, which means they have ethical concerns about me, which they really shouldn't.
And then she said something about how my current place of employment was considering firing me at the beginning of the semester? Which is demonstrably false because I talked to the CEO last week and she said I haven't had any serious issues and that she wanted me to continue working there.
The whole thing is ridiculous.
The program is literally high on painkillers all day every day and barely remembers anything that happens anymore. Most of us in the program think she had a stroke last year. She's seriously incompetent.

At the end of my meeting with her, she was like, "It's good you came to ask questions! It reflects very well on you! I'm going to make a note of this!"

It feels like some kind of sick joke.
Kirara, the Cat
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I wanted to relapse really badly today but I just don't have time for it.
There's no way I'll get everything done if I do.
Well in cynical optimism it's a good thing you're so busy then.
Please don't relapse.
Koi, the Dragon
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Two days left to this week...
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How much longer do you have left?
Kirara, the Cat
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For what?
Until my doctorate? This semester? Life?

I'll try not to.
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till you're done with the program.
Kirara, the Cat
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I'm in my third year, so assuming they don't kick me out, I have this year, next year, then I go away for a year-long internship, after which, I get my doctorate.
So like one and a half years until I no longer have to deal with these people, but two and a half years until I complete the program.
more like one day
hey kirara with the fact that youre busy in mind do you want me to count you out for this week’s session?
it is kind of just an interlude so you wouldnt miss
well you might miss something maybe but your work is kind of more important
Kirara, the Cat
i will probably be done with everything by Thursday afternoon except for 1.5 reports which i will have to do on Friday anyway
how does someone like that keep their job?
Kirara, the Cat
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She's one of the most renowned experts on trauma and mindfulness.
Even though she's clearly not very mindful herself.
people in high positions should be required to have some kind of mental condition testing
to see if they are actually still qualified to hold their positions
human brains tend to go derb as we age
ok cool
i just wanted to let you have the time free if you needed it
Kirara, the Cat
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Oh, I also agreed to proctor a final exam for a professor, but she sent me the tests so late, that I won't be able to print enough copies at school due to time constraints, so I'm probably going to have to go to a 24/7 copy shop to print these stupid exams.

Thanks. I'll let you know if I need it.

If you get rid of a high status professor just because they're incompetent, your program loses clout.
So you keep them for the optics and name recognition at the expense of the students because psy.d. programs are more competitive than med school so it's not like we can do anything about it.
Kirara, the Cat
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all i can really do is my best though
i can't let myself just self-destruct and throw it all away
j gotta start a family
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Yep, gotta do your best!
Kirara, the Cat
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I'm starting to put things together to make a case against them.
If they kick me out after all this, I'm going to threaten legal action.
They've treated me very poorly and have displayed a lot of bias against me, which appears to be discriminatory in nature.
Every person asked to leave the program in the last few years was a man, and our program is 99% women.
They've also made some antisemitic comments towards me.

I don't think it's an actual case of discrimination - I think they dislike me because they can't control me.
But if they want to fuck me, I'm going to make sure I hurt them badly when I go.
I swear Graham says "so fucking find some lights" in this week's Doctor Who.
That can't be the actual line but I can't hear it any other way.
man kirara’s going to become a family man someday
How is the new doctor who anyway
I haven't seen anything from the newest doctor

Go for the throat
a friend couple is preggo and getting married in a couple weeks too
im going to be that childless single friend pretty soon and all alone as they all make family friends
Yeah I know what that feels like.
I can't imagine how to get into relationships so it feels more and more like I'll be stuck alone. as others join up.

It's been a lot of fun for me.
They've done away with a bit of the seriousness and long arc-plots that have been common of the series.
Though there's new returning characters too.
Whittaker's a great fit for the Doctor, bringing a joyous, eccentric energy to the role.
And the companions are a well-rounded set.
Kirara, the Cat
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yeah if they want to take me down they're coming with me
ill drag their names through the mud and threaten their accreditation
if i can make it easier for them to keep me in the program than to kick me out, that's probably what they'll do even if they hate me

ive always been one at heart
I kind of liked it when Doctor Who leaned a bit more towards seriousness with the silliness acting as occasional relief
I like the episodic stuff more than long arcs though so that's cool

I really liked the way Badwolf was handled way back. Where it was a long arc but it wqs only loosely woven in between episodes
And if you had a keen eye you would spot the badwolf connection before it got revealed

That's right just threaten them if you have to
Scorch the earth and salt their fields
i want to be a family but i dont know how
Well it's not wholly silly either, I just mean they don't have the whole grimness that I feel pervaded a lot of the latter bits of the Eleventh and was a lot Twelfth's series.
Some of the invidual stories in this series can be a little serious.
Kirara, the Cat
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i can probably get the program chair arrested if i need to too
i can report her for driving under the influence since she's always incredibly high
too high to be able to drive safely since she can barely walk sometimes
i really don't want to do anything like that though
i don't want to have to retaliate

it would be best for everyone if they just treated me like everyone else and stopped coming after me for no reason
fuck em up socrates
Kirara, the Cat
i just want to live a quiet life but i keep having to break the legs of people who wrong me?!
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nice vn lets get blue business to publish it

tiki is great appreciate tiki in all things
i look forward to sleeping in the morning
Kirara, the Cat
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no sleep till
da na
na naaaa
da na nana
na naaaa
Ain't no rest for the wicked
sometimes i dont feel okay, then i start rewatching kara no kyokai and i feel okay again
Kirara, the Cat
bunnies don't grow on trees
When I met last with the doctor from my university's medical centre, we were talking about depression and the methods for helping resolve its issues.
And among the methods she employs in tandem for helping is medication i.e., antidepressants.
I'm a little hesitant about taking them, especially when we last met and I was heading into exam week, hah hah.
But I've got very little to occupy myself with until the second week of January, and the doctor did say the initial stage of effects they'd have would take about a month.
I'm still anxious about taking them but I'm also getting to the point where I need something to help get over this.
It's not an easy thing to make a decision about, and I'm already a pretty indecisive person.
Kirara, the Cat
if you take them for a while and don't like them, there's nothing stopping you from discontinuing them
you might as well give it a try
prestige is truly worst concept ever
i could help you understand what to expect if you wanna talk about what kind they are
if you dont want to thats pretty understandable too
I wouldn't have anything against talking about it if I knew what kind they were.
The talks about trying them didn't get much further than "we can prescribe antidepressants, would this be something you're interested in?"
At the least I don't remember getting a name, but I'm also not known for the best memory.

Okay, that's a fair point.
i get you now
Ai no Uta's such a nice song.
Pikmin 4 some day.
I hope Pikemin 3 gets a switch port so more people can appreciate it
man i wish i could like see these seminars or somethin
there's a lot of them for some reason
imagine being restricted from accessing your own contributions by a paywall to the public lmao
The academic paywall overall seems to be a horribly inefficient and counter-productive thing.
in this case it's more a logistical paywall since it's presumably not a recorded seminar so you'd have to have access to the university to attend
it might be public access but there's still some limitations, day parking pass, etc
or it might just be for students and faculty

i honestly dont know why everything isn't just recorded nowadays and put up in a digital library
other than if it was freely available anywhere any time then people wouldnt go to it i guess
Well there's a value to in-person attendance.
You get to talk with the professor about things that concern you or aren't sufficiently explained for you in a record lecture.
I spent a lot of time talking with some of my professors after class this semester and it helped with a couple things.
Plus it gets me familiar with them, which has a number of advantages.

But yeah, there's a lot of students that would never show up for class if they could just watch recorded lectures.
>i honestly dont know why everything isn't just recorded nowadays and put up in a digital library
fucking this
even drive space isn't a limitn owadays
oh yeah symposia and seminars are so overtly social networking events that i could never stand going to them before
people are so gossipy and rude i cant stand it
i did a thing in palo alto a long time ago and everyone was really mean
never again thanks
It wasn't that bad for me.
I like listening to other people ask questions and get answers more than give them.
This one philosophy professor I had for Platonic philosophy, he had this ridiculously impressive knowledge repertoire.
No matter the question he seemed to be able to pull some anedoctal story from his time spent learning/in the field of physics, mathematics, literature, history, politics, etc.
It was impressive how wide-learned he was.
Has anyone tried Elder Scrolls Online?
the during is pretty cool, it's the pre- and post- that terrify me
i don't think anyone plays that
There's a Masayuki Endoh in the credits for Smash and the first time I caught his name I swore I'd seen Masaaki Endoh instead.
Which would have been magical.
how does it get to this point where no one questioned the design

They're so uncanny and human
I will not ignore those absolutely terrifying legs.
haha that's fucking hilarious
is there a shot of his whole body?
only the blurred one from the motion poster that got revealed a few days ago
You can't see his face or anything but it's very furry
He has these weird human like arms
Instead of the noodle arms from the games
Fuck they could have just dropped in his model from Generations and it would have looked better

what a mess
i can't wait
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Yeah I hope it's really edgy
Sonic teamed up with a cop
I wonder if we're gonna get anyone in universe seeing sonic and freaking out over how weird he looks

What if no one producing it really gives a shit so they're gonna play it up as much as possible for a giggle

Yeah why
How much effort went into this design?
There must have been multiple people doing concept art, team meetings where they would have formulated a plan, and hundreds of man hours spent modelling each individual bit of fur
Imagine being a talented 3D modeler and this is what you get ti work with

He has an extremely wide brand visibility
Most people know what a sonic is I'd wager
He may not be well liked, but he's well known.
why must this be a thing
can't believe sonic's a fuckin bougie
given the design they went with i feel like that's abit too self aware for them
is sonic even so big that it warrants a movie?
aside from the sonic rper people
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if i may take a moment to be a total shill

holy fucking shit the selection on playstation now is incredible, it's like they handpicked all of my childhood favorites
It's kind of funny to me that by now Captain Falcon is more of a Smash character than he is an F-Zero character.
the last fzero was in like 2003 right?
anime >>616275 →
2004, but only in Japan.
new F-zero fucking when
are you hype for akagi season 2
Just as hyped as I am for Kaiji season 3
Sixty-one characters unlocked.
I'm slowly getting there.
out of?
Seventy-something, I think.
smash has so many characters i forget some of them even exist
It's going to be like 80+ after all the Fighter's Pass and Piranha Plant characters drop too.
all these characters and still no waluigi
Personally I hope they never add him.
What would he do that Mario and Luigi don't already.
Even for Wario it took him getting Wario Ware to be worth adding.
he would be long range wario with a down and side b that are tennis and golf or something.
that is a good roster
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Don't burn bee moe.
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Oha Mersh
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How's the cold, unforgiving North treating you?
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I sure do miss natural light. .
Yeah, I know how that goes.
I get tired of the long, cold nights of winter.
is t hat anything like the light in her eyes?
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does it fuck up your sleep patterns?

I'm finding that any natural rhythm I may have once had is thrown way off
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that light will never fade
Though it regularly temporarily dims.

It might, if I had good sleep patterns to begin with.
But maybe it could also attributed to me living in the North my whole life that it was always hard for me to build good ones.
there must be a single word for
you still have 2 hours of daylight
if memory serves, rovaniemi doesn't even actually bei n the kaamos zone
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it's always overcast though
even when its "daytime"
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Like I said
daylight from mid november to late january can be sometimes less than a "day"
when you count in the complete overcast
I'm enough south that the shrinking daylight isn't all that bad.
But overcast skies all day long aren't too uncommon either.
Some times I can go a few days without seeing the sun.
It's not something I enjoy; I like sunlight.
even here at luxury 5h days, according to forecasts next sunlight we'll see is...
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but yeah
few years ago, I think 2015?
we had total sunlight hours from november to january
uhh highest amount was something like 26h
with lowest being about 5h
of course, there is the good chunk of the country that goes without sun for about a month or two
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I thought I wouldn't really care
but it's affecting my mood/energy levels more than I expected it to
I bet
too much sun is way more annoying in my opinion, though
You don't know what you got 'till it's gone.
The human body lives its life in the sun, so going from that to very little sun is frankly abnormal.
If it's really a worry to you, see if you can get some vitamin D supplements to replace the D you're no longer getting from the sun.
A little D can go a long way for helping you steer clear of Seasonal Affective Disorder.
oh yeah that
vitamin-d or products with added vitamin-d like all milk sold ehre
are essential during this time of the year
vitamin D deficiency can make you feel like hell
if youre not already taking daily vitamin supplements, and drinking a bunch of blended up vegetables, youre behind on the times
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whoops I guess I'm in the stone age then
Vitamin D is the only one I take regularly.
Even during the warmer seasons, since I tend to be indoors a lot and figure I'm not getting a natural amount of sunlight in general anyway.
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give me the D
i want to fuck the sun
You don't fuck the sun the sun fucks you.
watch me, naysayer
just a fuckin dragonfly
Kirara, the Cat
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i get to sleep in two hours
good luck
Kirara, the Cat
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Kirara, the Cat
she's pretty cute
who is her artist
Kirara, the Cat
wait is there a light and a dark season now
light dark astra anima, but they only apply to arther raids
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aalso kozaki yusuke apparently
i didnt notice but for the mew girl that’s veronica’s tirbo ancient ancestor you can see through her legs to see her skeleton
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its spook
Kirara, the Cat
Are you sure that's not a reflection?
Kirara, the Cat
you know what would be really fun
a metal gear rising tabletop game
everyone can be some wild over the top edgy cyborg
Kirara, the Cat
going hand to hand with metal gears and shit
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nah its definitely er skeleton
Kirara, the Cat
blasting rules of nature liberally
Kirara, the Cat
oh yeah
Kirara, the Cat
how's she got boobs if she's a skeltal
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theres no ingame art for eir’s mom yet nut tou should see her
Kirara, the Cat
which one is eir's mom

that girl lit up in red looks cool
mom is the purple one
red is veronicas ancestor from above
Kirara, the Cat
oh red looks way better there than in the in-game art
did you watch the trailer when i posted it once or twice
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soeaking of moms btw
In dragalia
Im just so tired
yeah i noticed someone else wasnt happy about it
Kirara, the Cat
oh yeah you did
i cant believe sharena is gonna freakin die forever
speaking of dying forever i get to sleep
Koi, the Dragon
no it isn't
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it's finally relevant
as a long time fan of samus
dark samus is way better god damn he/she/it looks so badass all the time
and you don't have a gay ass roll that gets you killed every time
Yeah when I did them in succession for Classic mode I found Dark Samus way more enjoyable than Samus to play.
it never is, was or will be
yeah i'm not even really sure what the differences are but based solely on how the character feels and looks
10/10 remix better than the original

just wish it had a skin with metroid fusion colors that's my favorite scheme
kinda wish they had buffed samus in some way but i guess a strong samus would be really annoying to play around
it's already pretty frustrating getting walled out by missiles and beam grapple etc
but she's been like shit tier to mid tier in every game so far
From listening to some chatter on the game the pro scene already considers Samus pretty strong as is, I think?
Maybe that information is pre-Ultimate or something.
She feels pretty mobile and can recover pretty well at least.
Her attacks are wonky to land some times though.
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i'd really take the opinion of pros at this stage with much salt
they always have wild ideas when new characters or games are released and the hard stats and advanced tech hasn't been researched
the 'scene' in 4 even thought bayonetta would drop out of the #1 tier spot after her extreme nerf all around but she didn't move at all
they also thought roy would be top tier on release before people put him to use and found out he had serious drawbacks along with powerful combos and speed

from anecdotal first hand experience i do feel like she is stronger aside from having gimpy bomb jumps
i think her midair grapple attack might have taken a slight nerf but have no evidence to back it up just seems like it doesn't give me as much breathing room anymore
Koi, the Dragon
Ganondorf's fire kick pulls you in wtf
yeah it did that in 4 too haha
it's still a worthless move but it is a little faster now too
i guess if you are running doubles you can maybe team combo with a grab
Koi, the Dragon
I just have to beat one more Spirit Board fight without a spirit team
Koi, the Dragon
>Duck Hunt
Koi, the Dragon
much better
i don't understand duck hunt
maybe it's for people with bigger brains

he has like wii fit trainer tier hitboxes but an even more situational special kit i guess
Koi, the Dragon
oh god I almost failed it
I haven't tried Duck Hunt yet but playing against it is always a weird experience.
I can usually tell what a fighter is doing with its moves but for Duck Hunt it's like, "I guess it's throwing stuff at me?"
Koi, the Dragon
This wasn't worth it
but at least something opened
Koi, the Dragon
>Li'l Judd
aw yeah
cute cat collected
Koi, the Dragon
>Sun Salutation
You ought to praise it like you should.
Koi, the Dragon
this stage is so dumb
fire floor? four giant ass projectiles?
I mean, I guess I can spam Fox on it or something
Koi, the Dragon
have you gotten the chance to enjoy the pyra spirit fight?
that's some bullshit there
i don't remember what characters are there exactly but I do remember the whole stage is fucking lava so if you aren't immune to lava you are guaranteed to get owned
and the team strength is like, 14000 or something ridiculous
Koi, the Dragon
I did it once and I have completely forgotten what it was like
I just know that I got owned
Koi, the Dragon
i've played xenoblade for over 260 hours so i smashed that fight button instantly and was so sad when i realized it's impossible for me until i find something to make lava null
Koi, the Dragon
>Lava Floor
>Fire Bar
You don't have a lava floor immunity spirit?
I found one in WoL I think.
yeah i don't idk
i got like 4 that reduce lava damage but none to nullify it.
i'm like 2/3rds clear in WoL too so i don't know how i would have missed it
Koi, the Dragon
I do, but that's two whole fucking slots
Koi, the Dragon
Volcanion, Fire (Game and Watch) are immunity spirits
also Esna
Yeah, I died
Yeah, I got Esna pretty early on.
I'd pop her in whenever I had a fiery stage because to hell with only being allowed to use the three floating platforms.
Koi, the Dragon
fuck Palutena's stage
She should have died like 30 times I'm tired
Koi, the Dragon
>Oh nice another lege-
>THE FLooR iS LaVa
fuck this shit
Koi, the Dragon
I really should start using other characters.
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oh yeah guys you gotta try this if you have the same or similar spirits
it's fucking hilarious
you don't even need to change anything for most battles in WoL or the board because it is just THAT strong
if nintendo hadn't made it impossible to clip anything that isn't a normal smash replay i'd show it off but i can't
hopefully someone else will eventually experience the GLORY of 2.5x damage/launch power mac fists
Version 1.2.0 is coming within a week so maybe they'll activate video clipping in that update.
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for example i killed a 8kish shulk in ONE PUNCH
a fsmash that hyper armored through his dash and it wasn't even charged up entirely
it did like 75% fucking damage it's so busted
Koi, the Dragon
>let's enhance Groudo-
>Fire/Explosion Resist
Groudon's resistance saved my ass against hard mode Giga-Bowser, it's pretty great.

Yeah, I've seen talk about others that put together stupidly OP Spirits line-ups like that.
Ones that turn Captain Falcon into One-Punch Man as well.
the same spirit team makes falcon's regular falcon punch do 118% damage and OHKO almost anything
reverse FP does like 140ish and OHKOs anything

much harder to use and less efficient than mac though, mac's kit is literally only punches, every single move he has gets buffed by fist attack
and his insane range and speed and hyper armor on his smashes makes it incredibly easy to just explode everything in one or two hits

doing it with falcon takes some patience and repitition, and is damn near impossible on some of the higher leveled CPUs
Yeah that's fair.
Falcon Punches are fun to pull off but the AI is pretty smart at dodging them.
Except when they're coming in from an air recovery that seems to be something that makes them really stupid.
the CPUs seem really quick to dodge in neutral but don't use the air dodge much or in any really useful way
even level 9s never use it to recover but it improves your ability to live at high percent so much any time you get knocked at an upward angle
especially on characters with limited recovery or bad air speed like the belmonts dodging toward the stage when you're far and uppercutting lets you live at like 180+ if you're not quite KO'd

it's really easy to trap them into simple aerial strings like mario's utilt - uair - upb or ding dongs or meta knight bullshit
on the ground they're tough to hit with attacks that aren't fast i think
Koi, the Dragon
Koi, the Dragon
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swapped out Buzz Buzz for a stronger primary but this is how I'm roasting people now
I don't think I've found any trade-off attacks yet.
I really wanna pay Smash but none of my close friends have a switch.
Steal one
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Koi, the Dragon
I think I got one off of the Adventure mode and another off Spirit Board
I can't believe they included a scene where Sonic tortures a subject by slowly sticking his own hedhehog spines into him
Koi, the Dragon
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effortlessly beating Legends like it aint shit
or was it an Ace.
Whichever one Akuma is
Koi, the Dragon
Akuma was definitely a Legend and I definitely beat his ass with nonsense lol
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it looks fun
Man I'm super lethargic today.
How annoying.
I'm dead. I have essays to do
please give me the power to freeze time.
Koi, the Dragon
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I can give you power.
The power of voodoo?
Koi, the Dragon
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Are you calling me a babe?
Well, you remind me of the babe.
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maybe you could both give energy to each other
I saw my baby, crying hard as babe could cry
What could I do
My baby's love had gone
And left my baby blue
Well, that was fun.
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there were A LOT of things to do today
and I only did SOME
Wow are you me?
I went for a nap.
woke up as possibly an incarnation of death
I'm ded
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i bought new socks and sent an email to my mum.
I don't know where the other 14 hours went.
Koi, the Dragon
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ah, the one with the power
You are the best blue. you know that. the best.
Koi, the Dragon
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I try
Kirara, the Cat
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Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
hi rika
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hang on
let's analyse that
>kira minus ra is kira
enhance image... rearrange it...
My god
Kirara, the Cat
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we're cut from different ends of the same cloth

Except ones a CAT
Kirara, the Cat
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Rika's got a little cat in her!
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I could have gotten some sick overtime just now but MAN I do not want to work tonight
So I turned it down.
Koi, the Dragon
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overtime on days off sucks
extended hours before or after your shift is the best
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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yeah after last night's shift I would be off until Monday so I was really looking forward to being off.
I slept great too

Kirara, the Cat
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Koi, the Dragon
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I'm just trying to figure out which statement is safe to make because I'm sure after I make it, a summon will occur
Kirara, the Cat
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rika probably won't be here for 2-3 hours
you're probably safe
do we need to get it out
is the cat gonna be alright
Koi, the Dragon
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I should sleep.
I should not get food yet
even though I want food
Eat later.
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I ask of you, are you my Master?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
if only you knew
Koi, the Dragon
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Let us go.
We will commit various crimes and deal much damage.
In the world of dreams.
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Galactic Bishounens such as myself don't require rest

But ok lets go
Anyone hear about this?
Curse my generous heart.
I had the choice of finishing off the baked pasta with meat sauce that was really good for dinner tonight, or leaving it for my dad who wouldn't have much else for dinner options tonight and going with something else which is good and enjoyable, but not that baked pasta-enjoyable.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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>they called me a second time because they couldn't get anyone
>I agreed to it
I'm dumb
Yeah, pretty much.
You don't owe your employer your loyalty!
Kirara, the Cat
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wow i asked on twitter if cat liter would absorb blood and now everyone wants to know if im ok


that's so nice of you
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
they're going to pay me extra in addition to the overtime for this I think though
the way of the martyr is to suffer
somebody really fuckin hates zebras
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Don't die in your cat litter.
Kirara, the Cat
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I was just curious is all
Did you get a proper answer?
Kirara, the Cat
Oh that's interesting.
And something I regret asking after while eating dinner hah hah.
Kirara, the Cat
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oh yeah, tilde, are you gonna be philly?
Yeah I can go.
Did you ever nail down a specific arrival/leaving date?
Kirara, the Cat
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ill be there 2-6 but i know not everyone can be there all those days
I'm running low on money, I'm legitimately thinking of seeing if I can sell my photos. I don't know if anyone would buy them.
I had a look at a bunch of books about selling photos and they all kind of require money to start off, I have no idea. It'd be nice if I could get some money to cover bills and food on the side.
hower u?
Good days and bad days
Finland is cold
howr yew
you're in finland wtf
yeah i'm about the same
except the good days are few and far between and the bad days are really bad
And it's probably not Finland cold.

I can make that time span without issue I believe.
Looking at flights I'm not really conveniencing myself much by choosing other options either.
Do you know when you'll be landing on the second?
this is true
but as a texan, 40F weather is terrifying and i cannot handle it
Kirara, the Cat
40 sounds like a dream
it's 60 here today
it was 40 yesterday
but we only get one cold day every week right now
Kirara, the Cat
nah, i don't know yet
but i can arrive at pretty much whenever
im probably going to fly in in the morning
yeah I did an exchange program
it's almost over now though.

are you still working the same job or are you doing something else now?
Yeah, morning flights are what I'm looking at too.
The most ideal choice I'm seeing gets me landing at 10:04.
Second choice would have me landing at 08:39.
yeah there's a lot of hours during the holidays so i'm working there until the new year at least
i'll be driving this week maybe
do they pay you overtime?
Kirara, the Cat
10:00 is probably better
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hey /moe/ guess who hasn't been sedated in almost two weeks
that's right, me
How's it been for you?
it's really good and it's such a good feeling to know i haven't lost my passions
engaging those things again is super stimulating and immersive and im rewatching some shows im really connected with
and im generally pretty stable emotionally but i know that one particularly piercing worry or another can make me lose my shit
if i gotta deal with or think about family for instance
It is!
I guess you've got an earlier flight so -longer flight so you'd have to get a really early flight to arrive earlier than that, eh.
If you can't get a flight around that time I'm all right faffing about the airport for an hour or so.

Do you know when/if Jan or Blue can get in?
That sounds pretty exciting, yeah.
I can kind of imagine.
There's probably trade-offs to both situations, eh.
But it sounds like you really want this one to work for you.
I hope it continues to be good for you.
it can be hard in some ways though because ive been reliant on sedatives ever since asuka left us
so there's a lot of undealt with shit im now feeling
Kirara, the Cat
nope, im working on it
jan can prob come in on 2nd but it might be 3rd
im not sure what "this one" refers to though
it's not like im an addict and im cleaning up, i just havent taken my anxiety meds in a while or been otherwise sedated
sedation is a super useful tool and im sure it will be necessary when i lose my shit again
Oh yeah, sorry, that's not what I meant.
But it kind of sounds like you didn't want to be as reliant on them as you have been?
Correct me if that's not quite right.
hmm i think ive just been so connected that i haven't thought about them
like there's stuff i want to do
i'm looking for an open time to queue up the next episode of kara no kyoukai for this rewatch for instance
if anything was stressing me out, it's not something i need to sedate because i have other thinsg to focus on
good stuff.
i had a splash of bourbon last night but i didn't like it
i wasn't feeling the thing i want to feel, it made it go away
so i dont want that
Well it's an experience I'm a fair bit distanced to so it's hard for me to understand fully.
But if the situation is satisfying for you I'm glad for you.
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hello, hello
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
good american morning to you rika
thank you thank you
Kirara, the Cat
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Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I've got a lot to write for tomorrow I've realized.
good thing I'll have free time at work
oh moon and rika are here now that i look back at moe
it's like a good old get-together now
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How are we all doing today?
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im swell hower you
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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I'm fine but I need to nap
Kirara, the Cat
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I haven't died yet.
I had a little bit of good luck today, thanks to someone else's misfortune.
I'm almost free from this week.
The final boss is tomorrow.
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Ah, profiting off someone's misfortune!
That's a good strategy.
Kirara, the Cat
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Well, it's not usually my cup of tea.
But this week has been so ridiculous that I'll welcome anything I can get.
I'm so exhausted right now that I'm just sitting in my car outside my apartment.
I don't even want to get up.
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yeah, I'm tired too. I'd like to catch a break!
Kirara, the Cat
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Let's do a nice, relaxing vacation to Hawaii.

I got out of class 2 hours early tonight.
But I feel like I should do work if I suddenly have free time because I'm so busy.
But I'm also super tired.
I'm not going to do any work, but I don't know if I should sleep or relax.
Fish probably will want to hang out since I've been so busy.
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I have my winter break coming up.
I can't wait to get these essays out of the way and then just ... not lazy around.
I can try and be productive and do stuff, I feel like being lazy is tiring in of itself.
Kirara, the Cat
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I suddenly kind of want to slow dance.
Well go grab your gal and go for a spin!
Kirara, the Cat
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fish won't slow dance
out of curiosity, considering hawai is one of the biggest tourist spots in the world (and also unreasonably hot), is a relacing vacation there evem possible?
Kirara, the Cat
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hawaii has better weather than florida and florida and hawaii are basically the poster children of relaxing vacation
I think he's more concerned about the number of other tourists.

By my secondary experience with hearing others talk about it, it's not hard to avoid other tourists.
You might have to give up beach experiences but Hawaii has a lot of other nature recreation that's probably more enjoyable anyway.
Kirara, the Cat
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you can go anywhere touristy and get away from the other tourists if you're interested in more than the surface level stuff

you can wait four hours to look at liberty bell in philly but who cares about that shit
Lets climb mountains and establish a fort on them.
Like people think of U MI DA when it comes to Hawaii but the archipelago has so much more to offer that most people don't bother with.
From what I've seen the island has gorgeous mountains and forested areas.
I'd much rather explore that than its beaches.
Kirara, the Cat
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we could also rent a big boat and go hang out in the ocean and sleep and read and relax
Taking a week or so to just sail around the waters surrounding Hawaii would be a nice experience too.
Really doing that anywhere with good climate and not liable to encounter pirates would be nice, really.
we go therr to be the pirates matey
Kirara, the Cat
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it would be cool to have an island retreat where people can go and just explore and like
make maps of it and stuff
get some real explorer experience
upgrade escape room to escape island
Kirara, the Cat
far cry
escape primate island
let's buy Tasmania
Kirara, the Cat
how many people would we need to take tasmania?
Kirara, the Cat
when ika shows up later for anime, y'all should tell them to watch Hero Mask
it's a studio perriot thing they made for netflix
it looks like something he would like
If we blitzkrieg it, probably not too many
They have around 500,00 people and 6 sets of barracks, a training camp, and an army reserve
Like Ika specifically or the lot-
Oh I totally parsed that last line poorly whoops.

Oh Xander Mobu has a role in it undubbed.
Mobus, even.
Kirara, the Cat
it looks so edgy haha
there's an edgy white haired guy
that's obsessed with the other main guy or something
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Type-Moon has a new anime animated by Troyca coming out soon.
Either next season or the next I think?
From the preview image it looks like it might have something to do with the Clocktower and take place in London.
Kirara, the Cat
that means waver
hopefully el melloi waver
Dark horse in the runnings this'll be Type-Moon's latest foray into trying to wean themselves off Fate dependency.
And it'll be some kind of setting that begins to distance itself from the Holy Grail War-esque plots of the Fate stories.
problem isn't taking
is holding
Tasmania probably isn't too difficult to defend
You have the Australian army to defend it from, but it isn't a bad location. Got some ocean between you and the mainland, and you have plenty of farm land
It's a somewhat big island though so I guess it'd be hard to stop the Australians from picking a landing point
and what about all the other non food supplies
presuming the island, which it is not, is food self-sufficient
>assuming the island, which it is not
Are you implying Tasmania is not an island
Tasmania is borderline self sufficient when it comes to energy
Not sure about metals though
You'd be pretty stuffed when it comes to production of modern goods since most of their factory produced stuff comes from China

Yeah they're responsible for 10% of Australias food exports
Kirara, the Cat
would anyone even want it back
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do you keep losing them or something
reminder that lost gains can never be regained
you can get more gains after losing gains but those gains would've been in addition to whatever gains you attain
ungained gains are lost forever
Money is like that too.
how do I retain these gains
do I have to exercise immediately or something
ahh I'm stuck in a loop
are any of you playing MTGA
Kirara, the Cat
im on the hunt im after you

ton has been
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I was a litttle bit yeah
I haven't in like two weeks though
you k know the concept of letting old people do hella drugs because fuck it they're old and they deserve the dopamin?
i wanna hear reviews from really, really old people doing cocaine and heroine and such. Part of me thinks it might remove them from dying in peace, in some way
It's Error
Do you mean hospice care?
*it's errr
They do it with cancer patients too.
And other patients with terminal illness.
DRUG drugs?
or like
DRUG drugs
oh fuck
i cant wait to get old and/or terminally ill
i was thinking
we should start calling presidential terms "reigns"
I just remembered a character from a manga that ate people's brains for the dopamine.
what about ages
the age of obama
the age of trump
the second obama age
for their second term
or, the second age of obama
has there ever been a case of a president serving one term, getting elected out of office, and then coming back for a later disconnected term
Maybe if Carter runs in 2020.
I wish i couod open my window and get a nice cool breeze without hearing cars.
girls’ frontline starts you with a lolibaba?
Ali Baba
Loli Ali Baba.
The real Prince Ali, marvelous he, but not as you know him.
prince loli
anime >>616674 →
ton ton ton
are you there
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look at this shit
Geez how did it comes -come to that.
You've got your huge army but still losing the health game.
thats a lot
i pklay
i play a control deck
and it's pretty rare i win games with more than 10 life unless they just give up when they see Thief of Sanity or something
which happens a lot...
i usually win games when i stabalize though, it's pretty rare any damage sneaks in after they're down to their last one or two cards
my gameplan is to get them to 1 or two cards by trading 1 or 2 for 1
and then i close it out slowly and painfully with thief of sanity or eldest reborn (using their own cards)

in this case, this guy was playing a lifegain + tokens deck
and he got some steady damage in for a few turns but then he didn't get any more damage in for the rest of the game
it was about 20 minutes from the last time he hit me to when he milled out
it must have been pretty awful on his side
this deck is honestly kind of sadistic but i am a control player through and through
i didn't end up getting the 9x4-4 angels until the last couple turns
he actually did a lot of work to kill himself, using the planeswalker's emblem and his enchantment to draw tons and tons of cards in the midgame
but my suite of counters and kills in hand was too much for him by then
now that i think about it, this dude gained like 80+ life this game
and i think i gained like 2
and he had lethal on board twice but i'm just too fucking good
Oh that's kind of neat.
Is it a deck you came up with on your own or did you get an idea for it from somewhere?

When I was playing in the closed beta I really only used the supplied decks because I've never really played Magic before.
The supplied Red/Black and Red/Green decks were really fun at that time.
Ramping with Green and getting some big hitters out was really satisfying for the aggressive kind of game player I tend to be.

The control decks were interesting but a bit much on understanding the feel of Magic for me just starting out.
By the time I got distracted and kinda dropped out of playing I was starting to understand some of the knack of conserving mana for emergency plays though.
I should get back into it at some point, Arena's a really well-done system.

There's so many new cards though it's kind of intimidating hah hah.
yes and no
i looked up some decklists and i was like "oh that looks cool" and then i looked at the pitiful amount of cards i had available and just kind of made do

i'm a pretty decent deckbuilder in standard
i was really good back in the day

my playstyle is kind of dependent on having database-brain
if that makes sense
it's why i tend towards control decks
the company that makes the game kind of hates control decks and usually warps the metagame to revolve around big midrange multicolored creatures
because that's how you make money
it's pretty cool that it's basically the current standard format but in a very accessible (but still with the depth available to the card game) format
i used the word format twice in that sentence with completely different meanings each time
i think the second one should've been "medium"
also why am i getting a burst of energy now that it's 30 minutes past my bedtime
this is awful i'm upset about it
Guess the thrill of the game's lit a fire in your soul!

One thing I really like about Arena is it's entirely accessible without spending a cent.
Sure you can accelerate your card gain and enter more drafts early on with spending money.
But everything in the game is within reach with the in-game currency.
Unless they've changed that from the closed beta but I don't believe they have.
Like you can even turn the gold into microtransaction currency if you get a good draft session and win enough games.
yeah it's definitely nice that you can play for free and earn things at a relatively nice rate
and the decks that they supply you with (one a day usually) are actually decently competitive (partially because everyone else is playing them too)

the one-time purchase 5 dollar beginner pack is definitely worth it though
and the price isn't super prohibitve
5 bucks for a draft once a week is very easily justified (esp when drafting at a LGS is usually 12-15)

the fact that you can't directly purchase/trade for cards and the fact that you can't resell them is pretty annoying though
eventually this format will phase out into the next set and then a lot of those virtual cards will be essentially worthless

at least with real cards you can offload during the later stages of the season, and some cards will retain value going forward

I don't think scarcity really works all that well in a digital environment though.
And without scarcity you're not really going to get a reasonable card economy.
I mean Valve tried it with Artifact and look how irrelevant that turned out.

At least for someone like me who doesn't really intend to spend money on something like this game, the fact that the cards just get phased out isn't a big deal. All I end up losing is the time spent.
at least in artifact you can trade cards though
like if you want to make a competitive deck it's as simple as paying the flat amount that it costs you to get the cards you need
in MTG it's the same in real life, but in MTG Arena you have to slowly build up your cards through RNG packs, whether paid for or earned
it's got pros and cons to it in its own way
for instance my wannabe control deck works as a functioning deck because i'm not up against powerful tournament-worthy decklists
and by the time it gets there, i'll be high enough in matchmaking that i'll be against similar power levels

but it's frustrating because i'd rather just skip to that part
bang has to sleep now
it is time
thar be a storm brewin
goodnight bang
There's already one here.
Snow's coming down a fair bit.
it was raining oh so slightly when i stepped out back few hours ago
the smell and light noise was refreshing
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that's a good feeling.
The view of snow falling from indoors is a nice experience.
But then you remember you've got to shovel it and drive through it and walk through it.
it's definitely a day for it 30c and overcast
I wish it was 30C.
Instead it's around freezing.
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that's where I'm at right now
Hah hah hah.
I always tell people that don't ever or rarely see snow that you think it's a beautiful thing until it's not just something you're seeing but having to live through.
Snow is a miserable experience!
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getting baked alive by the sun isn't all that great either
there's a medium between that's probably really nice

i'd like to suffer a blizzard for once though so i can say i've seen it
yeah you probably wouldn't want to live in 80-100 weather all the time either
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cold and wet when I'm inside
warm and tropical whenever I have to go outdoors

is that too much to ask?
Yeah, kind of.
Those are pretty far as you can go with climate polarization.
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i only have to suffer that for six months a year
the rest is nice and cool and sometimes rainy and cold
yeah i wish it was sunny every time i was going to go outside and dusk whenever i'm indoors
did you touch him
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the uncomfortable tension between me and my roommate is palpable.
on the rare occasion we interact it's friendly and civil, and we both kind of ask questions to force small talk
but he obviously just feels so uneasy and awkward. and then that makes me feel uneasy and awkward. So they're not very pleasant interactions.

which is a shame because he seems like a friendly, normal guy and I feel like we could have been friends if things had worked out differently.
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
thank u next (next)
thank u. ext
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
reject his awkward vibe dont let it tilt u
it's pouring now
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get up in his face like you got something to say?
maybe it'll make him confess
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It's probably like 40% Finnish culture
20% just personalities
and 40% him still having the shits with me for all those times I cooked spaghetti at 2 o'clock in the morning
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why are you boiling noodles at 2am
because I don't have a microwave.
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just eat the noodles RAW
I'm not an animal
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We're all animals
should have woken him up with a flashlight and spooked his ass
well that was a nice storm
poured enough to cool down a bit but fizzled away nicely and wasn't too abrasive
probably spooked him when he crossed the road and ran into a lamppost
Japan chooses 災 as kanji of the year
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well shit
theresa survived the No Confidence vote
i was sure they were going to kick her
Did you see the encryption bill they passed over here?
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I am angry and sad.
what did they do?
did the gubmit take yur freedoms
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We have Parliamentary Sovereignty
if the State wills it, there is no freedom. .
they want to put backdoors in all sorts of encryption for "investigating terrorism" reason
essentially making it worthless
well they have put the bill forward they just need to implement it
we need to take them down
yes mandating there be a way to unencrypt encrypted data makes a lot of sense.
what if the hackers could just pay them to get the backdoor
more funds for the state
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You are now on the Watchlist.

Mr. ASIO man, please note that I do not agree with this person's sentiment.
I will continue to be a happy and productive citizen.
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it's a bit of a loophole
because they're not forcing companies to offer services with backdoor access
but they are forcing them to create one upon request.
ASIO man watch this
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labor opposed it right until the time to vote came where the y all unanimously supported it bar two members
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I think there's a good chance other, bigger governments pressured Australia into it.
So that it can be used as a weakpoint in global surveillance.

like how the NSA used to sent information on American citizens to Britain because then they didn't need a warrant to spy on their own citizens.
and then Britain would send the analysis back.

but that's just a theory.
yeah but fuck labor.
I think there's an election coming up?
I don't entirely pay attention because they fucked up my vote three years in a row
it's not until May
well I know who I'm not voting for
just gotta figure out who I am by that time
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
i’m so fuckin grateful for my ex
is that what bitter people say?
Australian Sex party
is that because you have a cosplay girlfriend now?
sell me on their policies
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Oh. They've done some rebranding. It's the "Reason Party" now.
That's a shame. The name was like 50% of the draw.

But still, they're a party that stands for moderate centralist policies with a streak of libertarianism
.anti-censorship. pro-personal freedoms and human rights

But also big in favor of government safety nets that protect people from falling too far.

They're a small party so i guess they can afford to be a bit idealistic.

But not that any of this matters to you since they're not in NSW.
nsw needs an f in it
fair enough
how far is too far to fall
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is it just my imagination or do i spy an SC
they are waxing the hallway
can't leave my appartment for now
grind your boot heel into the fresh wax
I just did 3 essays in a single sitting because my time management sucks and I clearly hate myself.
Kirara, the Cat
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im lying in bed even though i have to be somewhere in 1 hour
because this week has exhausted me
i need to eat and shower
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Maybe you need to be more honest in bed?
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there's an SS here?? what
fuck that shit
just take an 8 hour nap now
I hate having to get out of bed and rush off to somewhere in a limited span of time.
it feels so fucked up on my body. barely having time to sort my head out and getting ready, getting on a bus and then running to my classes.
Kirara, the Cat
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ill get kicked out of school lol
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fuck university let's get drunk and eat chicken tenders
Kirara, the Cat
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i can't drink!
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What are tenders?
tender chicken?
also on the topic of meaning of words. I keep seing LRT
what does that mean?
I don't even
last retweet when you want to talk aout the last thing you retweeted
Kirara, the Cat
lrt = last retweet
hardly know her
light rail transport
like those trams you see that run through streets
Yeah I saw that and was confused, >>616926
this makes a lot more sense. Thanks!
i don't know shit about twitter
this is great i love these images
I don't know that much about twitter, I thought LRT was something to do with roleplay like LARP. or something.
I just use twitter - I discover features all the time
yeah i know you showed me a bunch one time
the number is false
its lego replacement therapy
the amount of memes i've lost to hdd failure is the true tragedy
hey in the new sonic movie do you think sonic will take off his shoes
hey kirara you know what lrt is whats rkgk or whatever
sonic doesn't have shoes his feet just look like that
he's really insecure about it
At the end of the movie they will reveal Sonichu.
you burn something new everyday
thanks boss
they dont call me ol' cumboots for nothin
Kirara, the Cat
he has to, he doesn't wear socks
that's gotta get uncomfortable
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how come we naturally have saltwater but not pepperwater
makes no sense
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I know it is in good hands now :3
sonic to robuttnik:
I hope they cast Vin Diesel
the fats and the furries
Kirara, the Cat
let sonic say fuck
Kirara, the Cat
the poster looks like a game informer cover
what are those things called that are in between a knife and a sword
the japanese ones
like shiki uses
we call those daggers moon
shirtswords too
Kirara, the Cat
Tanto is what shiki uses I believe.
Yeah, Shiki uses a Tanto.
but there was the keyword iapanese in that post
neat thanks
i used to have a bunch of wooden ones
and wooden swords
i had to let go of them though...
If you are talking about Tohno Shiki, he uses a switchblade.
because apparently switchblades are family heirlooms.
no ryougi shiki
I wonder how old switchblades are. I've always considered them fairly modern.
my dota team has some normie fucks on it
they tried to open up and talk about animes they like and stuff
and asked me what i like
they showed me their MAL and stuff
i just suggested arakawa under the bridge to them because it's easy and palatable and im not talkin to normie shitters
and dude's just like "this looks old"
Kirara, the Cat
they've been around since the early 1800s
Looking up about them apparently stilettos were part of their history, those things look so fancy and fucking terrifying how they just pop out and early ones had not the greatest safety damn.
Kirara, the Cat
>this looks old
wtf does that mean
he won't watch anything with old animation lmao
if it's outdated it must suck
every sonic online be like
Wow, they suck.
Kirara, the Cat
that doesn't make sense

lmao oh no
he's a freshman psychology student too lmao
i wanna shit on him so hard
gundam zz has better animation than maybe 60 or 70% of currently airing anime tbh
it looks low resolution but the actual experience is better
>2010 is too old.
That is such a weird aging system they have.
I guess, it is weird to me because I consider 2010 not that long ago even though it is 8 years ago.
yeah another teammate was talking about anxiety and stuff and i suggested he try out valerian root if he doesnt wanna seek further help
and this dude's just like "that doesn't do anything it's just placebo effect"
not only does he mistake clinical significance for biological action, but also he doesnt understand what placebos actually are
Valerian Root is super useful. I take the Kalms pills around all the time just in case.
im glad to hear that
it would have been cool if you found out about it sooner though
my bad i should have informed you about it
Kirara, the Cat
what is he, like 18?
not sure really
he's doing premed courses but just switched to psych i guess
he's about to fail freshman chemistry because the math is too hard lmao
Kirara, the Cat
even i can do stoichiometry and i got a c in college algebra
I DID look for it, there wasn't anything called valerian root in stores. I didn't even buy this packet of Kalms. My sister got them for me,
yeah i had to email her and ask her to get some for you
I even looked in america for it because the supermarket there have these weird herbal aisles, filled with all sorts of bottles.
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just go to walgreens or something
they have melatonin and valerian root there they help me sleep
i also buy my gummy vitamins and cigarettes and alcohol sometimes a the same time
walgreens is great
it's in the pharmacy section not the alternative medicine aisle
that's for homeopathy and other nonsense
I was looking for Melatonin too actually, I guess it would make sense to look in a pharmacy in the future for stuff like that.
it's so funny to me that kids will act like they're already experts in a field when theyve only decided to major in it and are still freshman year even
Kirara, the Cat
His home is Trash. he probably has to pay rent for that trash can.
Kirara, the Cat
yeah lol
i was a little like that too i guess
im sure i was too
everybody prolly was
Kirara, the Cat
now im like "lmao i don't know anything"
and i know that nobody knows what they're doing ever
i sure as hell don't
yeah but oscar has a fucking swimming pool down there
he's some kind of trash wizard he who controls the trash controls the world
he even has his own kingdom no joke see Elmo in Grouchland
i'm pretty sure i didn't know anything then and still don't know anything now
well, you know what they say
Kirara, the Cat
yeah true
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ive been saying that a lot lately whenever people recount an event or say something mildly interesting
i just dont follow it up with anything
>this news site just pops up a notification saying "hey you're using an adblocker plz turn off"
>it doesn't even futilely try to stop me from just dismissing it
>just lets me keep viewing without trying to hide the article behind javascript i can disable
you know what
Kirara, the Cat
on monday this client in my dui group that i hate was talking about how she didn't do anything wrong even though she was driving drunk and going into bike lanes and i looked at her and i said "you made him a steak. just accept it." and she gave me this wild look and then looked around like she wasn't sure if she was losing her mind or not and then she finally shut up
I've had sites just close their tab on telling me I have adblocker.
i wish i could make somebody a steak
you could probably make someone a lot of steaks there's plenty of meat
Kirara, the Cat
i actually had a dream about that client last night

i was driving and she was following me or something and at a red light she got out and she had a shotgun staff or something and started accusing me of doing something to her sister and i opened my car door into her and she fell down and i took her staff and said she was expelled from group and she started crying and saying that's not fair
make-a me-a steak
can anyone buy me a tanto for christmas so i can make someone a steak
i will buy you a tanto but you have to promise to use it only on beefsteak
cows arent someone
dammit stop making him a steak
can anybody buy me a zatoichi for winter solstice so i can stab myself
do you mean the wakizashi
Search [iqdb] (66 KB, 1000x1000, il_fullxfull.1661204104_r3hu.jpg)
i mean this
do you kean the chaos emeralds
Kirara, the Cat
can someone buy me
yeah, sure
These are fun, I didn't think these sort of political interview things were so informal in how they address questions. I was expecting it to be stuffy with loads of papers and lawyers and being forced to define their questions in specific language.
im gonna be honest the longer im sober the better i feel and more stabby i get
Search [iqdb] (239 KB, 285x633, heard you were talkin shit lik(…).png)
this is fucking painful
i just want to put those dying dogs out of their misery
just stab me then you'll feel good and less stabby
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it would be meaningless to stab you
it doesn't work like that
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it would mean a lot to me if you stabbed me
there was a time when cleaving someone in twain was a valuable skill that would help your brethren
but now people just think it's weird
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your honor i'd like to make the assertation that cleaving someone in twain is a valuable skill my client was simply excercising his freedom to pursue happiness by honing
Kirara, the Cat
it's still valuable
yeah but we're too distanced from why
it's not about function or result
Cut me into pieces
make me into kebab
become kebab
suffocation, no grilling
one of my hairs made it damn near a foot into my esophagus before I noticed and pulled it out that felt so fucking weird
Kirara, the Cat
you don't have an esophagus
my bad i mean my sarcophagus
yoi wouldnt eat a breadsophagus
Tomb of breads.
watch me, naysayer
i will drink the corpse juice and gain ultimate power.
I will burn my bread
everybody's gotta burn sometime
Kirara, the Cat
remember the sarcophagus juice
Kirara, the Cat
i can't believe that was three years ago
The comments are great
Kirara, the Cat
would you drink the juice?
this dude is like "have you watched steins gate"
im just like, "have you played it?"
"no it's an anime, have you heard of it"
how am i supposed to live like this
no fucking way
Kirara, the Cat
october was 3 years ago
imbibe the cursed elixir
i dont even know her
Kirara, the Cat
ask him if he's watched his're mom
Kirara, the Cat
shit dude the crusaders are coming to be persecuted at us
they dont call me ol' cumboots for nothin
winter is cumming
Kirara, the Cat
iku iku
Kirara, the Cat
gotta go proctor a final exam in a few minutes
these kids almost never cheat
i won't stop them if they do unless it's super obvious
i don't even care
have fun
There is van near where I live that has INFO wars on it and in Japanese on the side 二十四
wow you're a proctologist
have fun
Just follow the proctols
Kirara, the Cat
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a professor emailed me yesterday to remind me and someone else that we're meeting from 11-3 today
and she's like
"can some remind me what we're going to work on??"
can dogs eat
cat dogs eaten
Its cat eat dog world
Koi, the Dragon
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a nekoishinu sekai
>i recommend adding a cup of crushed potato chips to the rice crispy treats
you fucking what
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Kirara, the Cat
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blue what is your philly plan
Koi, the Dragon
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Thinking of 3-6
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thinking of 9-5
as a way to make a livin
what even
Kirara, the Cat
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ok cool
Kirara, the Cat
Those guys are amazing.
oh hi yo
Kirara, the Cat
Kirara, the Cat
that dude is a hero
god bless that jury
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
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Kirara, the Cat
you're a quid now
ain't the full quid
Any of you guys like this?
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
i ain’t shilling
if only I could understand old timey currency
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
if you did you’d be sixpence... wait for it—
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
... sixpence none the richer
there she goes
there she goes again
Kirara, the Cat
Search [iqdb] (62 KB, 549x637, IMG_20181211_172551.jpg)
im on the hunt, im after you
hungry like the wulf
I own a sixpence. It is pretty neato.
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
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Samu !KW2DbpWwls
is that a squid i see
How are you samu?
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
hey hey!
i’m good im visiting cali this week

mostly playing smash
how are you?
I'm envious of your ability to travel around, are you going to surf the waves? I think thats what people do in cali. right
How much have you unlocked in smash?

I'm good, just woke up from a nap after finishing the last of my essays. Today is the first day of my uni winter break so that is a lot less stress.
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
it’s a work trip!
i’m just working and hanging out this week. i dont surf, there are some surfers around but not as many as in say San Diego
(i’m in SF for work)
i unlocked all the characters in smash, but havent done much of the campaign yet.
good to hear you’re taking it easy
Good jobbu on finishing your esssys.
dark all around
Search [iqdb] (973 KB, 720x1200, DuOYp1tVAAAtyRN.png)
whoops I forgot to sleep
Justice never sleeps
justice gun morphing
no wait that's not right
who even sleeps

>portal knight 65% off
>click it
>has nothing to do with portals and knights
I am dissappointed
nothing to do with portal or shovel knight either
that too
looks kind of garbo
not that I've made better
it looks minecraft
and not in the good way
god my oven smells
food. shelter. medical care. education
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