>>614911 Cause Chrom will steal your girl. And if you're a girl, he'll make you his wife without even asking. Women are like the only thing Chrom is actually good at.
>>614918 Oh yeah he has that stockholme syndrome effect
>>614923 Oh, I guess it wouldn't work for me, then.
Koi, the Dragon
technically two but I'm holding one
Sam One of the /cards/ people said she made a pulp request with new cards earlier this year and that it never got merged (or whatever its called). She asked me to ask you to update it and include those new cards.
Blue I found a 2hu doujin with really good art. The style seems to be heavily influenced by Mike Mignola (Hellboy's creator). https://e-hentai.org/g/893190/479085e0f6/
Well I finally learned why the Riemann Zeta function can be defined by an infinite product involving the prime numbers. I always knew it was true, but I never really understood why.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>614957 It turns out to be really simple. Wanna link?
I hope you get.a good win ratio. Otherwise, let it torture you.
I I'm a long time unexperienced with Smash, and I was never really good to begin with. So I'm just banging myself against the hard difficulty World of Light gamemode.
It's been waaaay too long since I played Subspace to remember it clearly. Though I do remember some of the non-play-character boss fights being hellish. I don't think I played Subspace on a harder difficulty than the default though.
>>615043 i would say no but some of the optional spirits are damn tough it's like a really complicated event mode with rpg elements basically
Just spam your best skill and it'll b an easy payday
My nose is still kind of congested from this cold so I end up breathing through my mouth way too much when I sleep. It makes the inside of it literal sandpaper upon waking up. And gives me a crazy thirst. Even two hours after waking up now I'm still feeling really thirsty.
Pfft yeah right, you're the one that's been barely getting rest. It'll be a mercy upon yourself.
Well it's a shame then there ain't no rest for the wicked.
I dunno if you've been around much so maybe you've seen this already, or did anyway regardless. >>>/watch?v=O-28qkBb0H8 But you might get some kicks out of it.
I need to put some washing on and then might have a hot shower. I could do some work but I might just do something else. I was thinking of going out today but I don't really feel like leaving the house.
It was a bit weird. I don't know quite why but the idea of a group of people gathering around praising themselves for what they got right makes me think of corporate marketing. like it is just fake.
>>615104 Oh I saw that on netflix, I was thinking of watching it
it rained fucking melting ice balls sidewaya when i set out a feel good weather
TIme zones are fucking weird.
Just that I wasted my day enough that someone is telling me good morning when its night now. It was morning, like>>615085 close enough. like I woke up late but close enough.
Woomy GET Time to be a kid now a squid now
eat a squid
Koi, the Dragon
squid is fun
Koi, the Dragon
Charging ink is super important
Koi, the Dragon
Aw yess some of this ridiculously cheesy Sonic music.
Koi, the Dragon
I'm so glad that I got this lyn and now I got this Shaymin
Koi, the Dragon
These maps that zoom way too far out are really annoying on the handheld though. The hitboxes in Smash can be so fine that having tiny characters makes accuracy tough.
Oh yeah sam One of the /cards/ people asked me to tell you to merge the pull request (or whatever the git term is) she made in the spring with new cards.
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
do people still play /cards/?
Koi, the Dragon
Koi, the Dragon
done with this for todaty time to do literally anytrhing else
as someone who spends money willy nilly I can't be a good judge of what is and isn't worth money
It has a lot of single player content but ultimately it is a game for multiplayer I think. If you've played Smash in the past and really enjoy the fighting in it, maybe it's enough of a sell for only the single player content. The Spirits/World of Light mode really does tickle that collection autism drive in me; it's fun to go around seeing what cameo they'll pull out next. But I think eventually there is a ceiling of exhausting playing by yourself.
>>615168 A 90 huh? I guess that specific number will effect your grade in a certain way?
>>615169 Yeah but I wonder if it's worth 60 dollars...
>>615171 https://puu.sh/CeEdw/bc5b56567f.mp4 found some 2hu mods
>>615174 it'd be nice to have a career that doesn't drain me of all my life force for once i think i'd be happy there it's a blooming industry and kind of realistic now
>>615175 I need a 90 on the final to get an A in the class. If I get a 65 or more, I'll still get a B, though. So it's not that big of a deal but I'd like to get an A.
>>>/watch?v=hbvfJa4nMHY I forgot that along with the announcement for When They Cry 5 that 07th_Expansion was also going to announce a full anthology release of the Umineko games with an additional scenario. This gets me really excited I wonder what's in store for the ninth episode.
Yeah I wonder what they'd even do with that where would they shove it
Well Golden Sorceror Battler seems relevant to new material so maybe it's a non-canon gameboard he sets up trying to understand things. I'd b e hoping for some post-story content though personally.
I wonder if it'll come out with an English text option like I think When They Cry 5 will.
Oh hey, a Spirit from the Shovel Knight series.
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
All these Animal Crossing cameos in Smash are really making me want to pick up the game again. The music is just so comfy in it too. Maybe I should just hold out for the new one in 2019 though.
Who's the girl next door Living in the haun-ted mansion You better learn my name because it's A-sh-ley
they lacked that in warioware gold
What an insult to quality. That song itself is GOLD.
who’s next for DLC? minecraft stevia? sephiroth? michael jackson?
Probably the MC from Xenoblade 2.
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
it feels like third parties are on the menu judging by what reggie said
My darkhorse candidate would be Banjo-Kazooie though. That would be both a fan demand and a third-party.
I also wonder if they might have free DLC in mind for maybe lesser work like more Echo Fighters. I'm pretty sure they said all the Fighters Pass DLC are unique characters They introduced the Echo Fighter concept and then comparatively ... didn't do all that much with it.
isabelle’s fishing rod is cray but other than that im not sure what to do with her
Her AI on hard trounces me pretty well some times. Her take on the Gyroid as a move is neat too. I haven't experimented with her yet since I've been WoL with Woomy since I unlocked her.
>>615225 hello friend i remember playing killing floor with moon a loooooooooong time ago
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
what if they straight up put Genji or Tracer in smash
Kirara, the Cat
eva-01 in smash
Considering Diablo III's on Switch it could have been something they talked about during that process, hah hah. Would be interesting.
>>615230 Yeah they could do Tracer and then maybe put in an outfit for the Swordfighter Mii for Genji.
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
i guess Gwnji’s entire moveset is a generic smash bros fighter
I've heard the shop and town hall theme from Animal Crossing so much that even after years of not playing it I can whistle along right from the get-go. There's so much nostalgia music in Smash, man.
>Palutena gave him the nickname Pittoo No wonder Dark Pit is so angsty and angry all the time. Can you imagine being called Pttoo.
i am almost complete with WoL hopefully I can finish it off tonight
put me in smash coach im ready
no anno you still need to hone the fundamentals boy they'll eat you alive in the ring
Oh shit Gengar is a purple Donkey Kong.
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
study that blade, stud
>>615241 yeah haha the polar bear DK cracked me up too and the one that's just that boss from Yoshi's Island that you push off the stage
you know
what if I was actually a fuckn PRO SC2 PLAUYER
Some of the Spirit takes on the fighting characters are actually really ingenious. Like the costume choice and quirks/stage conditions are really well-done.
I think the art she has in Smash Ultimate has the stockings. Probably because Nintendo figures naked legs like that are a bit too sensual for an E-rated game. Camila from Fire Emblem has them too I think.
ah makes sense I had to look up the original to make sure I wasn't losing it
Smash really is an intense kind of crazy once you look at it closely.
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
my buddy is getting good at incineroar and that damn up B gets me every time unless i throw him off the ledge then he's fuxxed
I haven't seen a lot of Incineroar in WoL yet. Just maybe two or three times.
>>615265 that grab move that bounces you off the rope makes me lose track of my character haha i hate it >>615266 yeah he doesn't show up a lot DK is everywhere
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
>>615267 yeah but i shut that move down w projectile spam from yoink
People are already trying to figure out how to speedrun character unlocking, hah hah. I guess there are a lot this time around to get through.
>Girl from Hajimari no Mori >Game name: Hajimari no Mori I guess they needed some better way to distinguish her than just "Girl".
>>615266 Have you done the Incineroar Villager fight with the BULLSHIT SHERIFF
I might've tried it. At the least I remember a fight with a BULLSHIT sherrif that I banged my head against for a while before deciding to come back to it.
Took me like 20 tries It was awful
It was on a wario stage. And the sheriff just shoots bolts all game and theres some item that drops that pixks you up and pulls you out of the stage. I should go back and beat Jeff. I think i can manage now.
I think the sherrif one I struggled with was a Duck Hunt fight, so I guess I haven't found the OTHER bullshit sheriff yet.
>>615273 >>615274 yeah that one took me a good while too then a little laterI got a spirit that makes killing assist trophies easier and was like dammit
I don't get the auto-KO mechanic in WoL. It just seems so entirely arbitrary and randomly given.
When the camera zooms in when a hit connects and there's the KO baseball bat sound effect. The attack always sends you flying and almost certainly shoots you off the map boundaries.
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
>>615279 oh sure same as in regular matches it's when the game predicts a killing blow
how do i rematch if i lose to challengers ;_;
Uh, it's hidden in one of the menus you can choose from the main menu. Don't think it's in either Smash or Spirits.
>>615279 samu explained it but i wanna say that effect is so satisfying unless you get it off screen then it breaks
Sure it's satisfying when you yourself pull it off. It feels frustrating and wholly arbitrary when you've sustained what feels like minimal damage and you still get ker-ching'd off the map twenty seconds into the fight.
Night /moe/
>>615283 its supposed to be in games and more but it hasnt showed up
Oh no. Maybe you have to buy it or unlock it I guess. I saw a stream that had it available; didn't know it had a requisite.
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
>>615287 it shows up after a cooldown in the bottom right corner also, you have to unlock the feature in the first place, after 10 or so unlocks?
Man fuck this Great Fairy Zelda. The giant hitboxes are infuriating with an AI's ability to capitalize on the perfect timings.
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
>>615285 im gonna put that down to Spirit kerfluffery
gambling on matches online is a fun minigame tbh
>>615291 yeah tbh donkey kong can't normally ko from 30 with giant punch but on spirits he can don't do spirits kids
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
join M.A.S.S. today! Mothers Against Spirit Shenanigans
Have any of you done the Big Boss/Zero Suit Samus fight? Because ugh I spent almost all my spirit rematches on that. I got her to 0.8 and then she pulled out the spaceship.
Its a really fun stamina battle though. Just...really difficult.
I've seen it but not tried it. The team strength number was way too high compared to my best counter type so I didn't bother.
Get Lyn. And when she gets to 99, Upgrade and then get to 99 agaon She goes up to 12k or so And enough slots to fit in poison immunity
>>615301 yeah she has 10078 power maxed out her and Geno are the only two legends i got at 99 and they're the only ones above 10k i think i saw pyra but the lava floor destroyed me
yo, you can flat out murder people with Death Scythe They just... disappear
Koi, the Dragon
>Trace memory
Koi, the Dragon
>invisible isabelle
World of Light is really impressive because of all the weird little unique fights in it. They also let you approach them from a bunch of different ways, either just outright overpowering them with a better stat Spirit team, or choosing a team that's not as strong but counters their specific quirk better, a choice that usually will improve your rewards. Though all the super-hard Spirits fights seem to end up being the latter. I've also been playing on hard so the AI really punishes you with computer-perfect reactions. There was this one point I left WoL and got a new challenger for Ness and it must have been on normal at least because it was unbelievably easy compared to how aggressive and timing-specific the hard AI is.
Koi, the Dragon
I have no desire to play on hard so have fun
I want to fight something that knows how to use the characters to their maximal effectiveness. It's usually manageable for 1v1s or 1v2s as long as the Spirit quirks aren't too absurd. But once it gets up to three enemies or four enemies at a time some times it can get pretty ridiculous. I haven't been able to beat the yarn Yoshi Spirit because it's basically just the lot of them playing volleyball with my body until I inevitably fly off the stage.
Koi, the Dragon
fish what the hell
what did fish do
Fish gonna drag your ass down to hell
Koi, the Dragon
why is Fish trash in this game Kirara should complain
Koi, the Dragon
Koi, the Dragon
Koi, the Dragon
Hah hah hah hah I've had failed fights that ended like that before.
Koi, the Dragon
SO MANY TIMES. I'M TIRED wait. what is this is this a phone? >Ness's Father >Legend ?????? oh oh no what the fuck
In Ness' game you never see his father, you only talk to him over the phone.
Koi, the Dragon
>Snake >Defeat the main fighter to win >The enemy is invisible
Oh hey it's the cheerleaders from the series that spawned Elite Beat Agents. It's a shame we didn't get any more games localized from that series.
Koi, the Dragon
bread cheese so good fucked up my trip
is this the part where you say perkele
bread cheese mm
no I say bread cheese MNM
I am going to eat the whole fucking 500g plate of it
It's kind of wild that she's fifty-five too. Like she's been training for this longer than any of us have been alive and she's still insecure over it.
There was a lot of bullshit in the past over the royal relationship in the Japanese royal family. Masako had a lot of stress from the group that controls the royal interaction, she couldn't visit her family or her friends because the "House" group thing whatever it is called considered them too common. and not fitting for her status.
She was constantly taught and criticised for ettique
>>615393 imagine being crown prince whathisface in england... guy will die before the queen dies
Blue, you around?
>>615394 Yeah that's pretty miserable. People should be free to be friends with whoever they want. Or well, considerations of "status" shouldn't be taken into account at the least.
>>615397 I can't imagine how miserable she was because Japanese society can be fucking cruel if you step out of line, you have to fulfil your position. she actually left public view for a very long time and her husband protected her and even told people to leave her alone - particularly the house group which was a bit of a shock to royal establishment. Her husband actually fucked with royal housing group because he because started ignoring them
>>615397 the swedes are prolly most lax about their royal family I mean one of the family married some gym trainer ofc she wasn't the heir apparent
I totally forgot up to now that you can use the right control stick to trigger directional A attacks in Smash. This makes some things way more easier, geez.
I remember some fighting games having the right stick is buttons thing in some games made combos actually easier
>>615398 The nail that sticks out gets hammered down, eh. It's a really lousy situation they've got over there some times.
>>615402 It is better overall that it was in the past, you used to hear about schoolteachers slamming iron gates on their students who were late to class, one kid got killed by a gate slammed on him when he tried to run into school. Schools still have weird reactions to deaths because they are all about saving face. LGBTQ+ representation in Japan is still pretty confined to comedy roles. Japan takes much longer to change with the times than a lot of other countries in a way its charming and other ways its kind fucking horrifying
>>615405 the age gap might be quite intense though
unless we arrange "accidents"
Oh shit Rathalos spotted. Time for some M O N H U N
>>615406 >students late to class >let's lock them out so they miss the whole class and have to waste time catching up instead of just missing a few minutes
sounds like a country worth leavig behind all your friends and family for
>>615410 I once attended a class where I was not present
Twitter fucking confuses me sometimes. I thought the whole tankie thing was a weird joke or meme. As far as I understand tankies are like people who support stalinism?
>>615415 Yeah They're the "Stalin did nothing wrong" people. I bet their community was started as a joke.
I've come across some weird twitter accounts were people call themselves tankies and are defending being them. fucking weird. like I'm pretty sure the name tankie was/is an insult for what they believe?
>>615423 naw I mean I was there but arrived 15m 21s late 21 seconds more than you re allowed to be late on the rulebook so despite sitting through that math class I wasn'tl isted as present
that teacher back in high school was amusing he played 100% by the book rules, but also applied same rules tohimself also he, instead of using provided math text books, made once himself that he used. *ones he was a quite anime teacher
random finnish facts terve a basic greeting, I guess best equilevant would be something like "howdy" means also health olen terve - i am healthy tervehtiä means to greet someone so in finnish act of greeting someone, is basically wishing them health
It's also pretty under the radar, hah hah hah. After all Metal Gear hasn't been on Nintendo platforms for a long time now. People that haven't branched out to other platforms probably wouldn't even understand it! It's a thing of beauty.
i almost can't believe it's real it's way too cruel it's way too funny i wonder if kojima is laughing
he really likes paz even after she's dead you can put Magical Girl Idol Paz stickers on your cardboard boxes when you hide in them in mgs5 she dies in ground zeroes
The instrumental of Snake Eater they've got in Smash is really good too. Aside from the Pokemon cameos in Spirits there's actually a super diverse selection of music they pull from to set the stage for that specific character. There is a LOT of aesthetic content crammed in to Smash that honestly doesn't need to be there. Super appreciate that it is though.
Classic Mode is super cool too it seems when you play as ryu all of the fighters are customized to try and be street fighter character references
Kirara, the Cat
im still in a dream
snack eater
Snek eatr
our campaign didn't get a snake eater or worm eater rather
Kirara, the Cat
someday you'll go through the rain
bless the rains
bless the rains and bring the pains
Kirara, the Cat
don't touch me
oh yeah you guys get to level up during/after next session i dont plan on habing a combat so if you want to work on it while things for the first arc get wrapped up feel free
daaw but I like my rolls
Samu 🔥 !KW2DbpWwls
fite me tilde~
I'm still doing WoL!
Samu 🔥 !KW2DbpWwls
wol can wait! i have barely done any of wol and i have only unlocked like 25 characters
How do you even do fights like that anyway.
Samu 🔥 !KW2DbpWwls
online -> smash -> arena -> friends
smash your friends
Well give me a hot minute to finish this Spirit and I'll jump on.
Samu 🔥 !KW2DbpWwls
yay! i'll make an arena.
Samu 🔥 !KW2DbpWwls
3 stock no items battle field only lemme know if you want to play a different mode
Samu 🔥 !KW2DbpWwls
close one!
Yeah. I'm still kind of clunky with saving my ass in the air.
I'm only the third best smash player in my friend group. I used to be second but muh hands.
Wii Fit Trainer's scary. All those push-up crawls.
Samu 🔥 !KW2DbpWwls
she's got some crazy guns banned from smash
Samu 🔥 !KW2DbpWwls
Yeah I can't save myself for beans as Captain Falcon, hah hah.
Samu 🔥 !KW2DbpWwls
i feel like you might not be making full use of your double jump idk tho
Yeah, maybe. I use him a lot as a backup on WoL for fights that are too brawly for Inkling and I still can't save myself in the air there either all too well. I've always been better with characters with good up-B saves though.
Samu 🔥 !KW2DbpWwls
let's change the stage i'll make a new arena
Okey dokes.
set the stage draw the curtains
I'll be along in a mo' after my tea's done nuking.
Samu 🔥 !KW2DbpWwls
dammit where did the FE gladiator arena go is that in this version
It should be? I think they claimed the stages from all the previous games are in this one as well.
Samu 🔥 !KW2DbpWwls
found it
Samu 🔥 !KW2DbpWwls
arena created
Samu 🔥 !KW2DbpWwls
Yeah that's what that item does hah hah. Maybe if I'd taken less damage I could have broken free by spamming inputs.
How fitting.
Samu 🔥 !KW2DbpWwls
oh boy
Oh picking random doesn't even pick at the ready-up.
Geez Yoshi why do you get TWO final smashes.
Samu 🔥 !KW2DbpWwls
smash ball + smash meter is a bit much
Did that fight get all laggy for you in the middle?
Samu 🔥 !KW2DbpWwls
yup same
That might've been on me. My house Internet's not always the most reliable.
Samu 🔥 !KW2DbpWwls
i'm playin on wifi so it could be me too
Samu 🔥 !KW2DbpWwls
kirbs is 2 cute
The high-pitched Hadouken is great.
Samu 🔥 !KW2DbpWwls
this computer monitor i'm using has no sound rip
I just plug headphones straight into the Switch.
Samu 🔥 !KW2DbpWwls
Only took you the match to land it! Hah hah
Yellow fight go
Samu 🔥 !KW2DbpWwls
that bait on the the first stock tho
Isabelle's mine take on the Lloyds is so good.
Samu 🔥 !KW2DbpWwls
ok let's uh try removing the smash ball
Samu 🔥 !KW2DbpWwls
final smash meter is kinda cool but also pretty cheap
It's kind of a free Final Smash, yeah. If you're dominating the fight it can probably make things only more one-sided. 1
I've only got forty at the moment. WoL really isn't the most efficient way of unlocking them, espcially if you stay in it without going out to the main menu for extended periods of time. Hella fun though.
>>615544 all I'm missing is the other character I've been extremely hyped to try after Richter, that being Chrom, as well as Ken and another thatI forget at the moment I guess they must not be that interesting
I've been banging my head against Giga-Bowser. It's really annoying. Too much tankiness.
Richter is every bit as fucking awesome as I imagined and then some btw He has so many options to engage in neutral and fight based on the enemies strength if the specials weren't so risky and easy to punish I'd probably say he's too strong definitely gonna be a character for people with bigger brains and faster fingers than me to master though I'll probably stick with Ike since he got some nice buffs too >>615546 I'm not sure I've seen that one, hmm other than classic mode anyway
Richter? I hardly know her!
all I want is Isabella -a
I got her pretty early on in WoL.
Hell yeah gottem. Just needed to retool my Spirit line-up a little bit.
Samu 🔥 !KW2DbpWwls
yo jan and or tilde let's fighto
I gotta be ready to start anime, sorry. It'll be happening whenever Rika remembers it's time.
how good is the online i herad it has some issues
It seems as good as your Internet is. I didn't have any issues playing against Samu until issues did start happening, which were definitely noticeable. And shortly after they started my Internet went out entirely so I assume it was part and parcel with those usual issues I deal with my Internet. If you have a stable connection I don't think you'll have a bad time with it.
>>615574 incoming had to kill mewtwo 2 characters left bois
The gang's almost all here
hackervoice im in
Samu 🔥 !KW2DbpWwls
get in da ring
ohh that's how you select characters this whole setup is kinda weird
It's a little unintuitive but it's also kind of nice once you get the grasp of it. Makes it a little more immersive than just picking characters and running fights.
>>615584 My Switch is already in sleep hah hah. I can't get the audio feed from the Switch or the monitor I play it on to cooperate with a feed-in into my PC so I can only have my headphones playing Switch audio or PC audio.
Samu 🔥 !KW2DbpWwls
it's kinda overkill for a 1:1
Samu 🔥 !KW2DbpWwls
feel free to spectate tilde!
Samu 🔥 !KW2DbpWwls
im sweaty
fuck i kiled myself haha the delay takes a bit to get used to
Samu 🔥 !KW2DbpWwls
lmao niiiice
at least i have the ez spike for when i fail the real one
im so bad at neutral fug
Samu 🔥 !KW2DbpWwls
>walk off stages
Samu 🔥 !KW2DbpWwls
get some variety
one sec gotta use the little smash brothers room
okey doke man every time i do the directional dash i yearn to fuckin wavedash i hate that they didn't approve of that quirk
Samu 🔥 !KW2DbpWwls
i hear uh wavelanding is back?
yeah kinda it's really difficult to pull off compared to melee because of how the game shifts your character a bit in the opposite direction of where you're going to go with the directional air dash and isn't quite as useful because it both cannot be used when landing on the stage (only works on passthrough platforms i.e. battlefield and clones) and doesn't give you as much distance as it did in melee since all characters have quite a bit more traction on the ground since brawl and especially 4 you can do it by dashing at like a 30 degree angle towards the platform right before your character's hitbox would have the bottom lined up with the platform, aim more forward than towards the platform it might take some practice to even accomplish and it isn't really too useful on most stages dash dancing being back and easy is really awesome and useful and easy to do though
oh god lol i inched off the edge just barely
>>615619 it's nbd i don't mind them honestly it gets exciting in th // the corner
the only stages i don't like are the scrolling ones like mushroomy kingdom and uh pac land i think
Samu 🔥 !KW2DbpWwls
lol sorry for the walk off stages i should refine this selection
There's that one from I think Melee that has you start on a flying Mario ship and transfer into a platforming stage reminscent of Super Mario 64.
oh god i keep doin it >stun gun has priority over richter dair >tilt whip has priority over stun gun ????
Samu 🔥 !KW2DbpWwls
Samu 🔥 !KW2DbpWwls
lmao fuck
spaghetti all around
i think i can do like 1 or 2 more before they send summons for anime
i keep thinking i'm facing the other way and do the meteor haha
I make that error a lot myself. It's hard some times to keep track of where you're facing.
Samu 🔥 !KW2DbpWwls
yea me too better call ryu
Samu 🔥 !KW2DbpWwls
wow pure spaghet
trap marth is gr8
Samu 🔥 !KW2DbpWwls
ill play normie marth ah
ok one more i htink oh marf vs lucina is cool lets do it
Samu 🔥 !KW2DbpWwls
>simultaneous counter is this anime
Samu 🔥 !KW2DbpWwls
time for a rematch?
Samu 🔥 !KW2DbpWwls
oh it looks like they're ready
yeah gotta go thanks for the games
>>615650 One match-up Samu and I had, had the both of us pick Captain Falcon without realizing what we'd done, hah hah.
mm caramellised onions, bacon and friend noodles greasy btui tasty
>>615787 that ending music sounds fucking Ghibli or rather Joe Hisashi
MonHun has historically had some pretty good wanderlust music. Joe Hisashi's style tends to be that way too.
wow no dlc no micro transactions no lootboxes andm onhun is making money
>>615791 I think he inspired quite many considering how long he has been at it by now
MonHun exists in some weird anomaly space where Capcom literally lets the dev team do whatever they want and don't meddle with things too much on a bureaucratic, money-making level. The series is beyond popular in Japan already so I guess they're maybe too scared to mess up what's probably their crown jewel now that they've fucked up Street Fighter.
I wish all game devs existed there
>>615794 doesn't stop them from seemingly having microts and dlc on release and whatnot in DMC
gaming industry is a weird place, where the company big wigs just somehow think it is okay to treat their customers like dirt and expect them to like you and keep buying your shit even APPLE isn't getting away with that shit so easily now. or Elongated Musk
I guess them being giant corporations, the only people they need to actually please to keep afloat ae the shareholders.
>>615796 I don't think you understand. DMC might be popular but it is most certainly not MonHun popular. Monster Hunter is a game that moves consoles in Japan. At the height of the PSP's lifespan in Japan 75% of owners had at least one Monster Hunter game on the device.
I need a wok pan
>>615799 Is funny how much jap corps usually only care about their home market but then again a nation of 140 million...
Koi, the Dragon
>>615798 Years of psychology studies on user fulfillment and reward systems have brought them to that point. You dont actually have to like them to keep buying their shit. That's how far it is.
Gonna be a long two years living next to construction
Ample time for another two-year project to start up in the meanwhile.
they can't start up a project if I plant bones on their land
The moment they open one street they close another (for construction(
There's only two seasons in this world, after all. Winter, and construction. And these days they don't even stop for winter anyway.
In a sort-of tangential continuation of the tumblr saga of late, deviantArt apparently has in its legalese a clause that gives them free license with anything posted on their site. So they can literally sell your art to someone, say Hot Topic, without paying you a cent or even informing you of doing so. And so the number of sites people can choose to post their art to grows narrower and narrower. >>>/@risingmo0n/1072001109160419328 I'd recommend just reading the stuff in the Twitter thread and avoiding the tumblr blog if you're on PC.
>>615845 Sounds like people are gonna move to pixiv then.
It's kind of a nuclear button really though. That situation above had dA comment on it and said they didn't sell the art, and never have. If it comes down to a dispute over who owns the art on dA and they whip out that clause and win the legal battle they might as well begin selling off the site's assets immediately afterwards. Because no one's going to want to use a service like that.
Kirara, the Cat
yeah the internet is pretty much over as a way to share things at least even as a way of communicating, it's being ransacked like facebook is banning people for talking about anything even tangentially related to sex which includes statements of sexuality (e.g. imgay) and people are suspecting twitter may do the same soon the net neutrality stuff, EU's stuff, and FOSTA/SESTA have completely gutted the mainstream internet in less than a year
pretty soon we're all going to be back on IRC which will be the only safe place to communicate
Bring back decentralisation
One of the articles I might have to do an essay on for tonight's exam is this sneering, whinging take on how sequelitis is inherently a bad thing and we should feel bad for enjoying sequels and comic book-esque takes on fictional media. And I really hope I don't get it in the random selection of the two because my essay needs to be an analysis, not a critique, and I don't know how well I can get over how insufferably whiny it comes across as.
>Didn’t endings used to mean something? They imbued everything that came before them with significance, and then they gave us the space to reflect on it all. More than that: They made us feel alive. The story ended, but we did not. Geez I consider myself a pretty pretentious person when it comes to literary values but this person takes the fucking cake home.
Kirara, the Cat
>>615855 probably a bad idea it'd be incredibly repressive although i guess it'd stop the flow of fake news and misinformation hmm
Yeah, kind of. This analysis is more of a "what is the author trying to say and what mechanics are they using to convey it?" Of which maybe I can make a point of saying the venom is laid on a bit too thick, but I can't really critique the subject matter of the article. As my professor likes to put it, the article's subject is not your subject, the article is your subject.
Kirara, the Cat
oh, i see i don't think ive ever had an assignment like that
It's the final for a class on writing analytically. We've done similar stuff to this previously in the class - really, this is just an in-class take on what our mid-semester paper was. By looking at the mechanics and choice of word to prove points, you're supposed to build the understanding on how to write with purpose like that yourself. Which is how I've understood the intention of the class and its assignments so far.
they arent going to steal my anime titties off my twitteer feed are they
Kirara, the Cat
it is possible considering sexual content online is being cracked down on
>>615858 repressive? I just want to bring back individual communities instead of having everything centered around 5 different social media giants
>>615865 Yeah but don't you worry about the possibility of having a few centralised sites fall under the control of fascists too As it stands you're at the mercy of the judgement of those who run this handful of sites
Kirara, the Cat
repressive in that it limits information sharing considerably which is extremely beneficial for fascist leaders and other totalitarian abusive leaders arab spring for example would have been impossible without twitter
>>615863 the fiends dont they understand that suppressing the anime titty only makes people more horny
Kirara, the Cat
>>615866 they don't care, the religious right only cares about controlling women's bodies
I broke the good plunger and accidentally bought a new plunger of the wrong type so the toilet is still clogged.
Kirara, the Cat
>>615864 most of the people running these sites are sympathetic to fascists already but there haven't been any crackdowns on information sharing even if there were, it would still be possible to use them to communicate information and coordinate with others most people aren't fascists so these sites can't shut information sharing out and continue to make a profit basically, doing so would be suicide
laws forcing them to crack down on information sharing would have the same effect, of killing the site and de-centralizing things
already forcing th big sites to admit they are publishers and not public platrofms would damage them quite highly
ofc that would never happen
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I can't believe Sharena is FUCKING dead
... Well i guess the connect is happening because im being bombarded by "edgy"
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
it just started and it accelerated very very quickly
You cant kill Sharena because thats where the fans are
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
pretty sure she just got not-decapitated.
dafug is sharena
do you guys ever have the thought, "what if im actually mentally retarded and everybody notices but me"
yeah but in reverse What if I'm retarded and everyone notices except me
Kirara, the Cat
im super exhausted after today and some salvation army person outside of the store asked me for donations and i just said "sorry im gay" without thinking
Time for Going 2 work 5hours early woo
>>615879 wait no that's the same thing >>615878 Yeah I think that a lot I don't think you're dumb or anything though I think, from my limited sample, that people think higher of your intelligence than you think of it. You've always been able to talk about things that I wouldn't be able to comprehend. That is to say that I think you're smart
>article blaming delay in smash online when connected to someone with bad internet on Nintendo ??? i should become a gaming "journalist" they seem to let anybody do this shit
>>615915 it's literally not Nintendo's fault there's a lot wrong with smash ultimate online for sure like random game modes and confusing lobby system and no ranked for some dumbass reason yet again even though fucking MARIO KART has global rankings but every fighting game does this to compensate for lag
the only way to compensate for p2p lag is either buffering actions from client and comparing game tick count to server tick count and letting whoever has the lower tick number get priority as in any fps game that is shitty and feels unfair in fighting games though so they use the other method of adding delay to sync client ticks up
the whole method behind these two models is more complicated but basically there isn't another option here
>they cant restock the thing i wanted ultimate despair
Kirara, the Cat
lmao neo yokio is nuts i can't believe how funny it is maybe it's because im so exhausted but im laughing like a madman
>>615917 lag is a fucker though especially in games that rely on strict timings some games I have played, practically have some play styles ruled out, if your opponent doesn't have a decent connection can't time those counters and dodges precisely, if what you see and what actually happens isn't one and the same