Beelzebub-jou Double Decker! Cooking with Emiya --Episode 10-12 Irozuku Sekai Kishuku Gakkou no Juliet Seishun Buta Yarou wa Bunny Girl Sora to Umi no Aida --Episode 8-10
an wait I'm not hone home watch without me watch bunny I want to watch that tdqy
Did you only just realize that you're not at home.
>>616684 Oh yeah Ika if you've got free time Kirara says you should check out Hero Mask on Netflix. It's an edgy anime series with a white-haired guy obsessed with the other guy in the series.
I'm not seeing Jan online, so I don't know where he is.
It took them seven episodes to go from being hapless doofs to actually doing what this series is supposed to be about. The pacing for a one-cour show feels a bit slow.
Usually MCs like this one are unflappable Pollyannas and are always cheerful even against their bitchiest of friends or aquaintances. It's kind of neat to see her get worked up with this other girl. Though it also doesn't really last long.
Oh this is a nightmare situation for me. Just getting dumped impromptu into dealing with a bunch of kids.
Well I can sympathize with being super-serious and not great with socializing like her. I'm not that bad though.
I've been looking into threads on this series on /a/ recently and apparently there's some crazy theorycrafting going on involving some stuff that gets brought up in the Tiger & Bunny movie I never watched. Like Tiger & Bunny is a world inside the shell of another world and that other world is this one. But that this is -this show also chronologically takes place before the time of Tiger & Bunny and people are expecting Kirill to have some big impact on the world that kicks off why Tiger & Bunny's world is the way it is. I just thought the threads for the franchises were just fujos fujo-ing but apparently it was so much more.
>idiot buzzcut the announcer for this show is hilarious
>>616735 It's true that it doesn't feel very connected to T&B
I think that weird quote that Kirill has butchered into his catchphrase is something that actually gets brought up word-for-word in the Tiger & Bunny movie. So when the full form of it dropped everyone went "Wait, WHAT".
>Three-cheese pizza on a two-year waiting list What an underwhelming pizza for such a demand.
Oh yeah this stuff is tied into that theory-crafting. Maybe I got things mixed up and it's the T&B world that's the world above.
If you were going to do a plot where one world was fake, it would make more sense for the T&B world to be like a TV show or a thing like the Truman show or something.
Well from what I understand fake isn't really accurate. There's like literally a world above this one.
>Of course, you all remember them, but just in case. Yeah no they totally expected everyone to forget them.
Z spends the whole episode plotting to get the Anthem-stopping devices of Seven-O only to get curbstomped in the last minute. Kind of a weird development.
I wonder if his first crush is invisible to the world or something. Though that would be kind of just retreading the Puberty Syndrome Mai had. Maybe it's more something like he alone can't acknowledge her existence. There's got to be a mystery there though.
>>616790 like every family restaurant serves some alcohol here at least >>616791 i dunno maybe japanese denny's is cool I know japanese 7-Eleven is amazing compared to US 7-Eleven
>>616791 For the experience more than anything I guess. It was all right. The food was pretty nice for the price.
tfw magnetic imouto >>616808 oh yeah, every 2 or 3 episodesish god dammit i downloaded irozuku wait i said wait fuck ok now
Maybe that's in part why she's so hyper-dependent on her onii-chan too. If you literally had no memories of what came before wouldn't you be pretty attached to the only person you know.
>>616811 Rika can't you read. I mean this is rhetorical I already know the answer.
yeah it only took 30 seconds to download i'm like maybe 10 seconds behind
What a terrible fate.
Hmmmm. I think I'd be happier with just the ones filled with only red bean paste. That stuff is really tasty by itself.
never had it but always been curious what it tasted like
It's a mild sweetness. Not really a sugary sweetness though; I'm having a hard time thinking of an accurate analogous sweet flavour. Being a bean paste it has the texture of, well, pasted beans, but on top of the bean flavour is an extra bit of sweetness.
>>616818 I can't recall if I've had a sweet potato that tastes like that, but maybe. Hm. I think there's kind of a tang along side the sweetness of sweet potato that isn't there in red bean paste. It's a very simple, subtle sweet flavour. Definitely tasty though, I wish it was easier to find outside of Japan without having to pay import prices.
like sweet potato?
i like mildly sweet or sweet and bitter things
Wow she's realizing how much she enjoys abusing him.
japanese dozo looks so professional >>616826 seals are fluffy
>Fluffy animals >Seals
Hah hah they finally get names.
>>616825 I'd consider seal hair more sleek than fluffy. Most aquatic mammals tend to be that way since it helps them be fluid swimmers better. Even the fluffiness of penguin chicks goes away with maturity into adulthood.
>>616840 Look at Mullin posing like he's a JoJo in the corner there. The full shot of his body even had him doing that kind of bishounen back-lean. It was kind of a funny image for him.