>>617127 I'm trying to make a bucket list of all the things I want to do before I leave Finland. So far I've got Ice skating, and jumping in a frozen lake and going right to the sauna >>617128 have you considered getting more energy?
btw if you havn't, you should buy bread cheese - leipäjuusto >>617129 when are you leaving anyhow?
I have to be out by the end of the year.
should have stayed for a year
could have experienced the joy of MUD EVERYWHERE that is spring
>>617136 err. Nah. I've played enough VNs to know how Energy Transfers usually go I'm not ready.
>>617140 all these ones are probably just post to look that way i think the real damascus is done in forge but idk
>>617135 neato. where would you go? >>617139 I'm easily impressed. I actually think that looks kind of baller
yeah it's cool if you're like 16 or if you want it in a collection behind glass i would feel like such a tool actually using it though it's like graphic tee shirts
>>617146 wow you're gonna ruin the whole holy grail war
>>617147 yeah I meant like more of a collectors item. you would look like a tool if you actually tried to pull it out or use it for anything practical. but it LOOKS cool. maybe I am 16.
>>617143 good question I'm not quite sure on the semantics right now so I really should work that out I want to visit some folks like my cousins in Lismore but I also kind of want to go the direction of the roadtrip I did when I was a wee lad, which was across nsw to sa, up to nt and down through qld iirc guess I'll see how it pans out
>>617139 it doesn't even look cool I'm really not big on that wavy pattern or the pointless spikes The grip looks kinda loose and flimsy
>>617153 Yeah I think it'd look better as just one colour
yeah that wavy pattern is the damascus i really don't like it
Kirara, the Cat
can you play against someone locally on smash with just one pair of joycons or do you need two pairs
>>617153 >>617152 the wavy lines are what gives it the Magic damage bonus. >>617151 should b gud
Yeah, you can use one Joycon to a player with Smash. It'll probably be a little clunky but there's enough buttons to a Joycon to map all the essential actions.
You can also locally hook up with additional controllers I think? At the least I know for certain you can local play with mulitple Switches. And considering Nintendo's long-standing history with couch play I'd imagine you can run multiple controllers to a single Switch for playing together.
nah i mean ive even used crunchyroll bc i couldnt torrent on satellite internet but i mean they dont even know how to find their own sources just, oh i watch crunchyroll and that's their whooooole thing
>>617134 should have just applied to a finnish uni
I think a lot of people aren't really familiar with niche sites to torrent stuff from. Like they might know what torrenting is, but for them it's like, something to get movies or music from. Maybe games too if they're of that interest. But to get anime you'd need to know one of the three or four good sites for anime torrenting, probably.
>>617164 i was just looking up tanto blades because i wanted to look at the kaiken tontos and see how much i'd have to save up but it's all this weird shit of westerners trying to make sikk edgy blades
yeah like i was standing there with him and i was showing him how to find releases with nibl and stuff and he just thought IRC looked scary he was like "what company made this"
>>617169 yeah idk why people want to bond over anime when they're like really entry level oh you like naruto everyone does it's not really special you can really bond over obscure stuff or just stuff people don't talk about
>>617168 become finnish lawyer and apply a job at the euro palriament and be part of the ELITE
>>617177 i dont even try man >what's somethin you liked kara no kyokai >i dont speak japanese ok >can you link me or somethin no just look up garden of sinners >ok neat i'll add it to my list it's great but idk if you'll like it or not >why's that well you dont know type moon already and it's a pretty fucked up show >lmao i watch goblin slayer dude how much worse can it be ok man have fun
>>617177 Conversely people that don't watch a lot try to ask me what I'm watching and I'm like ... uh, everything? Like we both don't want me to rattle off the twenty-odd shows I'm watching, it's not going to be productive for either of us.
>>617180 Language is hard. Goblin Slayer has some pretty "fucked up" stuff to it but yeah it's pretty incomparable to the worst of Kara no Kyoukai.
it's pretty goofy really cartoony too there's so much grit in knk i love it
What's the worst for me is when I get asked what my favourite anime of all time is. Like that's such a useless establisher of value.
A week or two ago after I had a hard time answering the question I got asked instead what the one anime I would pick if I could watch only it and no other anime would be. I chose The Tatami Galaxy because there's so much emotional value for me there but even that came with the caveat that eventually I'd get bored of watching it over and over again and quit anime if I wasn't allowed to watch anything else.
that's easy dude digimon
or beyblade
Kirara, the Cat
>>617181 yeah they won't even be able to parse it they might recognize the name of like one show since there's something pretty mainstream every season >>617180 and you usually can't recommend a show that was meaningful to you anyway because they usually interface with anime at such a shallow level that they'll just come back and say something offensive about it
I haven't watched all that much anime I'm still seasons behind on stuff well years to be precise
>>617191 what the fuck hahaha i did tell him to watch paranoia agent because he hadn't seen it and didnt know who satoshi kon was
he also mentioned haruhi as the only old show he liked >have you heard of haruhi suzumiya yeah im pretty good at math >huh
Kirara, the Cat
haha i don't think if haruhi as old
i dont really get how someone can not know type moon though like you can't even avoid that massive wall of products
00s animes aren't that old yet or atleast anything ariing during the "moe boom"
>>617195 2006 season one. Twelve years old now. There'll be kids soon discovering the world of anime wider than Shounen Jump that will have been born after it.
>>617204 I can't do "few episodes a day" thing it is marathon a seires or atleast good chunk of a series or nothing and it takes some mental twing to go off to do thatk ind of stuff
>>617204 Well yeah, you're not gonna keep up at that rate. We do like twenty-four episodes a week at the least usually. And there's still a lot of shows that just get tossed because they're not really of interest, or are annoying to keep up with.
Actually Kirara for that same reason I might have to fill you in on what happens tonight sooner than two weeks. When would you like me to text/discord you since you'll be sleeping with the fishes
Remember that there's some wishy-washy with the wishes depending on how well she can fulfill them and whatnot. I was planning on, similar to Gandora, making your digestive powers really good. So well that, given time, you could eat just about anything, and as a result you could eventually eat the world if you tried.
I thought you were going to say "what if Titania had wished to genocide all the humans" like you joked last week
>>617257 it's a broad summary i told him like shoujos and mentioned a few
Kirara, the Cat
>>617258 so titania could have just allowed herself to grow uncontrollably by eating absolutely everything and becoming exponentially bigger until she had eaten everything
>>617268 No, she wouldn't get to planet size, there wouldn't be enough oxygen in the atmosphere to respirate long before >>617272 While growing? While growing exponentially?
Kirara, the Cat
some fungi can go long periods of time without oxygen anyway
>>617263 she eats the planet and then keeps the atmosphere around
>>617297 no, amun created existence when he got bored and jacked off he had just been on little island in like an endless sea of nothingness until he jacked off and the world and other gods were born of his seed
>>617304 Egyptian mythology has so many continuity issues because they just constantly combine them
I love most the brief monotheism they had going on since they just DELETED it out of history and then like fucking 3500 years later some random archeologist founds the oNE surviving temple with mentions of that and everyone goes "wow what"
Kirara, the Cat
it was really only the pharaoh nobody else really went along with it that's why they killed that pharaoh lol
still he made it law, no one just followed it but it is still so fun the moment he died they all went "let's just pretend that never happened"
Kirara, the Cat
that dude is the biggest loser in Egyptian history probably
and if I recall right akhenaten? was his name, was followed by the boy king tut so that 10 or so year period he was in power was mostl ikely fully controlled by the priests and statesmen so makes it even easier for that brief "heresy" to be removed completely
... I've realized that two of my upcoming plot hooks involve more pieces of paper that are coming your way. Please don't scold me for reusing things incidentally.
still is fun to think that atenism was influenced by the other monitheistic religions of the series and if le biblé is to be believed with its year keeping, the timelines while not matching do somewaht align for the exodus from egypt and the purge of atenism
I really enjoy playing as him. He's slow to move but he can cover a lot of ground fast with his side-B. And even though his smash attacks are slow to start up they have a large area they hit so you can hit things pretty easily with them. I dunno how he'd play against human players though.
smash feels like a game you're only really supposed to play if you already know what you're doing
Koi, the Dragon
>10hours to explore the jungle jeez
>>617349 Weird, I thought he was in Melee. Guess that explains why he's in the Brawl section of characters on the selection screen though.
>>617350 I think a fair number of fighting games are like that. They don't really give you much in the way of pre-playing information and you kind of have to either sound out what inputs do what or go look up the controls yourself. But the options are also kind of unintuitive too. There's so much customization you can do to even just fighting with friends but it's kind of buried in menus.
Koi, the Dragon
>>617352 Technically, Lucas was supposed to replace Ness. But they didn't and just kept Ness. For melee, that is. And then they were both in Brawl
Well I knew he -they were both in Brawl. But for some reason I seem to remember there being two psychic little shits in Melee. Admittedly I didn't play much of Melee.
>>617355 Mewtwo is a psychi shit but he isn't a little psychic shit. That's not what I had in mind when I was getting confused.
And this is why I hyped up the tips page. Because it's super useful. All the words are explained there. It's just not a fun place to go into.
Koi, the Dragon
Anyway, Special is B, Smash is A, I don't know what Tilt is but I think it's when you C-Stick
Koi, the Dragon
>What is C-Stick please
Grab is the fat shoulder button, shield is the smaller one. If you shield in mid-air you dodge, if you hold a direction at the same time you'll dodge that way.
>>617359 tilt is when you tilt the analog stick slowly or partially in a direction and hit A smash is when you tilt the stick quickly >>617364 uhh anyone that wants access to their characters neutral game
Koi, the Dragon
who DOES that
Koi, the Dragon
...is that a rathalos
Have you not seen the Rathalos yet?
Koi, the Dragon
Koi, the Dragon
not in WoL yet anyway
Yeah it's one of the key bosses you need to beat to unlock the last boss. It also shows up for some last fights in Classic.
Koi, the Dragon
yeah I figrured
Kirara, the Cat
some of these maps are crazy
Yeah, the range of maps goes from pretty ordinary to "where the fuck is my character".
Kirara, the Cat
yeah, some are so distracting haha
fish and i tried to fight each other but neither of us know what we're doing so we decided to try to figure it out with the wol stuff and there was this rabbid donk kong stage that was like disappearing as the fight went on and then it shot up into the sky
Kirara, the Cat
and now im being attacked by a metal gear while fighting something?
Koi, the Dragon
Metal Gear ROB
There's a metal gear that pops up on Snake's stage. I don't think it actually is a threat it's just there for aesthetic appeal.
Kirara, the Cat
yeah metal gear rex and metal gear ray showed up
metal rear gay
Roy has bell-bottom pants and it's kind of funny to me.
>>617382 yeah agreedo i like her gray pallette though
Koi, the Dragon
>>617386 It's a puzzle? I mean, I just ran into him a couple of times and now he's ready to fight so
I guess it's ambiguous. It felt kind of linear to me too but at first it kind of felt like one of those "approach it so it ends up running itself into a corner" kind of puzzles. But I wasn't so sure it was by the end of it honestly.
Koi, the Dragon
from the bottom when it's at the spot on the right? Maybe that's a thing I dunno I just know that the field was emptied before it could do any of those shenani gains
Koi, the Dragon
Koi, the Dragon
Koi, the Dragon
okay this is hard
Koi, the Dragon
but possible
Yeah the Rathalos fight is a pretty good challenge.
Koi, the Dragon
ah, halfway through the bar >>617395 doing it with no spirits I could finish this easy with them.
Koi, the Dragon
gotta get those REWARDS
I was playing on hard so fuck rewards I wanna win.
Kirara, the Cat
can't even figure out what's going on in a lot of stages haha
The Mob Smash take on the main theme this time around is so good man.
>>617399 Yeah, if it makes you feel better, I know I've literally ran myself off stages that I know I should be familiar with from previous games. Something about all the activity just makes my brain go "hah hah where am IIIIIIII". There's a reason competitive Smash mostly sticks to Battlefield or Final Destination maps. They're simple and don't have map hazards.
Kirara, the Cat
in this one stage it seems like we're winning and then we just randomly get thrown off the stage it's also got some giant particle cannon that keeps shooting at me haha it's so weird
That sounds like Meta Knight's ship stage I think. But there's a couple stages that have particle cannons probably.
Kirara, the Cat
it's got a bunch of snakes and dr mario and we keep getting it to like one snake and one dr mario and then bam
Yeah, a lot of the Spirits battles can be kind of a mess like that. There's so much to fight in them that you think you're winning but then the built up damage you've taken means the ones that are left just need to get one good hit on you to make you ricochet off the stage.
Kirara, the Cat
maybe we didn't figure out damage after all you start getting fucked up like that when you reach like 100%, right? so if we're at like 60% we should be fine?
Koi, the Dragon
60 is beware
The percent mark in all my years of Smash Bros. has been entirely arbitrary. The more damage you've taken, the further you'll fly and be disarmed by stunning attacks if a character has one. But if your character is a heavy character they'll sustain more damage before these effects begin to be an actual problem. Likewise the inverse is the case for lighter characters. Maybe there's some character like Mario that all this is balanced around but like I said, it's always felt arbitrary and wholly character-dependent rather than a consistent measurement. All you can really do is get a feel for when your character enters dangerous territory for sustaining damage -- which is also much harder to accurately gauge in Spirits mode because the stats given by Spirits will alter the "natural" numbers for these things, including the hitting power of the enemy characters you're fighting. I talked about this with Samu and Jan about how it feels like I'm getting KO'd in fights at percentage levels far lower than what should be KO range in Spirits fights. Of course there's also an alternate damage mode, Stamina battles, where you've got an HP counter rather than a damage percentage mark, which starts at a number and goes down as you take damage. That one's probably a lot easier to keep track of. Spirits fights will let you know before hand if you're going into a stamina battle, but they're also a bit less common than the standard damage percentage fights anyway.
So tl;dr, don't think, FEEL. It all seems more or less arbitrary.
100% is generally when a medium character can be killed with a medium character's smash i.e. mario can be killed by mario fsmash from center stage character weight and attack strength and charge level and directional influence (pointing the stick in a direction when you get hit and start flying) all affect whether or not the attack will launch far enough to KO so if you're playing someone heavy and get hit with a relatively weak attack at 180% or more you can still survive under the right conditions or you can die at 40% as jigglypuff when something hard hits you
>>617410 Of course this all goes out the window in Spirits/WoL mode and you get KO'd as Bowser at 40% because some shit Spirit has some kind of ridiculous damage buff.
Kirara, the Cat
this is ridiculously complicated
Yeah. It's really better to just not try to reason it out and try and feel when you're in the danger zone instead. But that also probably means losing a fair number of times.
Koi, the Dragon
Koi, the Dragon
It's probably better to play normal Smash Bros a little. OR YOU CAN JUST GO FUCK IT AND INKLING YOUR WAY THROUGH
>>617416 Funnily enough they're both voiced by the same English VA.
>>617417 Yeah Inkling is a pretty good WoL choice. Getting the enemy coated in your ink makes them take more damage so it accelerates pretty well. The only real drawback is that Inkling is pretty light so in fights with someone with Hyper Armor or just a bazillion enemies it can be hard to get a good hit in.
Koi, the Dragon
wow It only took THE ENTIRE STORY MODE To find the Dojo that increases Offense
>>617414 It probably seems that way because, well, it is. Smash Bros. has had five iterations and nearly two decades to develop and deepen its mechanics. But it can also be played pretty straightforwardly on a surface level because that's how Nintendo sells its games. Blue's right that Spirits is a much more mechanically complex mode though, so it's probably a bit of deep water to jump into if you're not familiar with the game. We're all long-time Smash fans so we can talk about the game in its complexity and that's probably kind of a lot for someone more new, sorry.
Koi, the Dragon
There's also the fact that Spirits mode is a completely new thing that is 120% fanservice Because there's the regular fighting and then there's Fighting with modifiers. It's like playing one of those tabletop games that have numerous expansions before playing the base game by itself first.
>>617414 just hit the Y button to auto choose spirits until you get some broken team combos like some kind of mobage thats what i did
then when you have fist attack x4 you can just smash people with little mac for 70% damage per hit
Is there a co-op option for something like Classic Mode? That would probably be a better game mode to start off with while still giving you a fair bit of fighting variety. Plus one Classic session is enough time to get another character unlock.
Koi, the Dragon
Who are you using by the way? That's a good question Because there are all kinds of things to consider when playing a character and there are like 70+ in this one
Kirara, the Cat
marth right now we have kirby, marth, pac man, and mario for wol
>>617424 yeah you can play 2 player in classic mode
it's a really fun way to unlock the characters
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
PAN just hit for 148 damage
Koi, the Dragon
Koi, the Dragon
Koi, the Dragon
i'm gonna unlock a character and then be done with Smash tonight
Koi, the Dragon
akshlskajskfjk i really wish my sister would stop trying to talk to me about video games
whenever my dad watches me play video games I instantly do significantly worse :(
Destroyed Skyworld. That's the Kid Icarus track that sounds like it belongs in Automata. >>>/watch?v=HxKXcfShSmI
Oh man they've got Calamari Inkantation in the Splatoon series of music on Smash. And also Endolphin Surge.
Not that it's a bizarre situation or anything but I swear some of the people that worked on Splatoon music worked on Animal Crossing music. Some songs even have near-identical lead-ins.
ugkakkahfuhrkgjfys my sister is getting nice and comfortable living with me and our mom again i went to her room because she texted me asking if she could use my netflix account and there was a maaale in her room with her
Kirara, the Cat
>>617445 she wants Netflix and chill what's wrong with that
>>617452 yeah it's fucking amazing I'm so glad snake is back too that character is just memes I miss his old down smash where he planted C4 though only having 4 explosives isn't enough I want more
>>617460 the remote mine used to be accompanied by planted c4 via down smash that was tripped automatically and disappeared after about 30 seconds but was otherwise completely hidden in the ground until then so you could plant c4, remote mine stick the enemy, bait them into C4, detonate mine, and that killed
thats why snake was popular in brawl to combat the other bullshit in that game he can do it in PM too but nobody plays it anymore :(
Oh I see. Isabelle's planted Lloyd will trip automatically I think, but you can also activate it yourself. It's such a fun move of hers.
i dunno if it trips automatically but i definitely seem to blow it up with attacks all the time
Well there's a chance it triggers with attacks maybe. But I've had it go off without me activating it and it does its proper launch without immediately blowing up.
i guess it's probably both ' i know i have destroyed it as sword users without hurting myself and it just detonates in the ground and destroying it with non-disjointed hitboxes like DK's fists hurts you you can destroy it with projectiles as well if they have enough range to touch the ground or go through the ground (hadouken, belmont axe)
Kirara, the Cat
put chibi robo in smash
I wish. I think Chibi-Robo was an Assist Trophy in earlier games? I haven't seen him in Ultimate. Maybe just a normal collectable trophy though.
he was a regular trophy yeah
Kirara, the Cat
i hope they make a new chibi robo game
A proper one too, not like the 3DS ones. That first game was amazingly endearing.
I have a chibirobo t-shirt.
Kirara, the Cat
>>617471 yeah, the first one is one of my favorite gamecube games
fuck my gay force just got reloaded as in controller fighting force
>>617515 i generally dont keep up on type me stuff at all because there's just so much of it
uhh nothing gets fully done
>>617522 Yeah, I get that. I keep a little abreast of Type-Moon stuff but I totally checked out of Kara no Kyoukai after the epilogue. Kind of assumed they'd wrap up after that.
i generally don't keep up because there's just too much
oh that's the bitch my mom was talking about then haha how delusional
Kirara, the Cat
it's hilarious how she like puts all her stuff away and puts her hair up what's she think she's doing? lol
what a brave display trying to smack somebody that isn't even fighting back with one of those collapsible umbrellas that you can snap with your fingers
this fucker keeps complaining about all the anime i reluctantly suggested to him gee wonder why i dont like talking to other people about anime fuck normie shit
same reason i don't recommend people anime unless I know they have some kind of experienced taste talking to normies about anime and games is fucking painful
there's something weird goin on in my body and it really causes a lot of pain i wonder if ive herniated something
I guess I'm stuck in bed until this cat decides she's had enough of a nap.
poor you
Yeah really.
Kirara, the Cat
i can get $100 off my rent for January if i win a Christmas light contest
secretly replace the ball with a ball full of turkeys they release it and just hundreds of angry turkeys descend onto the people probably lots of dead ones too
>>617693 That immediantly reminds me of somewhere in my memory of clips I think I watched of turkeys being like the most powerful boss in a game and surviving fire. and something about people being pulled out their cars by turkeys... or soemthing.
I'm not sure I want to risk it seeing wild turkeys tur keys now the word looks weird dammit
Farcry 5's turkeys were demonspawn when the game first came out. They could tank a tonne of damage and yeah, not give a fuck when on fire. Dunno if they ever changed that.
Kirara, the Cat
turkeys are incredibly strong and incredibly stupid turkeys can legit kill people but they'll drown in a rain storm
>>617699 the feet are the only part that's a little much for me
>>617700 haha i know but it's so funny the real truth is that they'll stick their heads under your car tires like peacocks
yeah they're smart enough to see the quickest path to death and taking it i wish i could do that
Kirara, the Cat
turkeys do all this dumb shit but when death finally comes for them they desperately fight to survive, all like, "who could have seen these consequences coming?!" im like that too so i can relate
imagine being a regular wild turkey in the early americas just walking around and minding your business and then you run into one of these fuckers i'd be so terrified he's like six turkeys
How to stop being so tense and stressed when breaking bad habits
Kirara, the Cat
what kind of bad habits
>>617713 yeah i'd like to better understand my issues there may have been a time i'd be fishing for a diagnosis but now i realize how much more complex it is
I decided to practice drawing drawing is like realising the disconnect between whats in my head and what my hand is even capable able of reproducing.
It can be pretty frustrating, yeah. If it's something you want to improve on, practicing even simple shapes and improving your ability to draw lines and curves can help you build those skills. It is heeeellllaa boring though.
I ... havent drawn all year.
Well you've got seventeen days to remedy that.
Once this computer finishes failing to update in 3 hours. Maybe
Stacking boosts with Spirits can be ridiculously fun. I like that Spirits isn't really balanced at all, hah hah. Shame that it means it'll never see competitive play but the fun quotient is still amazing.
hey now i like grinding not working in a sweatshop
the only difference is that you'd get paid.
it's too impersonal if I'm doing it for the Chinese overlords and not just to pay for my sub >>617757 haha i make about that much in sub cost shekels i guess all i usually do is shark the auction house though
>>617756 at least you have a fallback plan if the economy goes to shit
Kannagi !NEATO1nxtM
>>617747 I can attain mastery at being shitty at drawing!
Medical Centre playing Michael Bublé Christmas songs
why are you in a medical centre?
I've been seeing them about what avenues I have for dealing with my mental health issues. Today we met to consider what medication might help with depression.
God I normally enjoy these >normal regular everyday loser gets sucked into a parallel fantasy world No matter how garbage they are. They're a guilty pleasure.
>>617765 I love reading isekai LNs. they just have weird premises. some of the MCs are just boring but some of them are just the right level of mary sue
>>617762 I see. Good luck with that. >>617764 wow you fuckin' weeb >>617766 hey sammers. >>617768 well this guy's the ultimate Mary Sue. that's what makes it hot garbage. He's got the powers of a god. literally do anything. where's the STRUGGLE where's the CHALLENGE
>>617770 Oh that one. I've never kept up the LN recently, Its one of like a million on my reading list which I haven't checked in a while save for Shin one https://shintranslations.com/the-new-gate-toc/
I'm mostly reading martial arts isekai chinese wuxia novels now.
I could be watching anime if my fucking internet was WORKING I bet it was that construction that knocked it out
Kannagi !NEATO1nxtM
>>617775 At this point, I don't even care if it doesn't make any human sense. I think my reading of pure garbage chinese translated novels has impacted my ability to even write proper sentences.
>>617776 would you like me to describe my anime as I'm watching it? >>617777 well you're a bigger person than I am.
well, s1 at least. I was put off s2 by the shitty artwork by my friend told me its still worth watching so i guess it's on the backlog. >>617782 please don't step on us.
>>617783 same although I haven't seen a second of s2 so I have no idea about the quality I would imagine it would decrease in quality but it doesn't have much room to since it already wasn't animated that well
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>the roll casket spirit stage has rockets constantly spawning THAT'S MEAN
>>617784 https://myanimelist.net/forum/?topicid=1583892&show=300 there's a comparison.
It's a damn shame. S1 was so good.
Having watched both I can say with certainty anyone saying a difference in animation between the two seasons makes even an ounce of difference is full of shit. KonoSuba is excellently KonoSuba in both seasons.
well yeah it was never the animation that made it good it was the humor
The art isn't what made it specially but I like having crisp, nice looking characters. But I only watch season two for about 10 minutes. That's why I'm willing to give it another chance and it's on the backlog.
Crisp, nice-looking characters Oh I forgot my arrow.
But seriously dude? In -either- of the KonoSuba seasons? The first season plays incredibly loose with the concept of "consistent character design" as well.
The funny thing is the upcoming? KonoSuba movie is actually no longer animated by DEEN but J.C.Staff. So maybe for once the anime will actually stay on character model for once.
oh that's right it was done by DEEN
>>617790 possibly. but that's now how I remember it.
I wonder had another studio done it would it have turned out better DEEN doesn't have a great track record from what I remember unless I'm thinking of another studio
They've had a lot of flukes and shitty shows. But occasionally they come out with a gem. In recent years all they seem to have done I think are really lazy remakes of shows or even more lazy new content, and then some adaptation of a fujobait VN/action game. Aside from KonoSuba I mean.
my brain has a hunger to watch azumanga daioh too bad I can't find the disc guess I'll put something else on for noise fodder
>>617803 Practice doing longer lines! I know it might be intimidating because it's easy for one to go wrong and mess up a larger part of the piece, but longer lines allow you to better understand what the limits of the shape feel like intuitively, rather than the piecemeal rationalization of looking at the smaller additive lines. Humans can be drawn only in a minimal number of lines once you understand how they go together correctly.
It also has the added bonus of making the overall piece look cleaner, which is nice.
you're right I shall put on some music maybe and clean
Kannagi !NEATO1nxtM
>>617813 Thats actually pretty good advice. my lines really messy and its hard to get fluidity with the short lines but my long lines just go all over the place which is why I get detail with the short lines.
Yeah, I'm the same way. I know this is true but long, unbroken lines can be so utterly frustrating to shape how I'm intending for them to be that it's easy to fall back into the accuracy-satisfying habit of using short, broken lines.
They'll survive somehow. Dow survived a class action from something by breaking up the company and then merging thoae companies with another big corporation. Or something like that Or maybe it wasn't dow Uhh fuck I can't remember the other giant chemical corp.
>>617825 they don't deserve to survive they deserve to burn
>>617828 >they don't deserve Diserving things is actually really complicated, but regardless of whether or not they deserve to survive they probably will.
It's a smashing good time. Playing it's also revived my interest in Animal Crossing again too, hah hah. I've been playing New Leaf off and on in the week since too.
I wonder how good or bad that Animal Crossing mario party clone is
Dunno, I've only ever played the actual game. I'm looking forward to the new one on Switch at some point next year though. New Leaf is nice but the 3DS is waaaaaaaay archaic.
I haven't touched my 3ds in ages well played it per se I' ve gone through maybe three of them due to my disposable income and from them randomly breaking
The last time I ever used my 3DS was for youtube when I didn't have a laptop or a phone
I remember doing something like that haha
One of my best friends broke his by closing a car door on it.
ouch my friend still has the small one that needs an amiibo reader I don't know how he does It >>617858 yeah I used it for moe at one point it'll allow uploads of some images >>617861 /magic/ and /tea/ very chill boards >>617860 i believe tano worked
>>617855 I was surprised to see that /moe/ ran on it
>>617879 I'll have to channel my friendship and good will from over here in Europe my guy
Kannagi !NEATO1nxtM
Oh thats a different person https://twitter.com/oguzatbas I thought it was this guy haha
I guess that's the uh oh I think that's thai thai chiitan
I thought it was hindu for a second I was going to say that's quite the brand for a silly mascot
>two for two (not comparable) (idiomatic, baseball) In baseball, meeting two out of two attempts at-bat. Specifically, it means the batter has reached base safely two out of two times. He's two for two tonight. (idiomatic) Successful at both of two efforts. there you go
it's a bit nice to have the weekend even though I am working soon today next week appears to be quite busy for me so I should take the liberty of having nothing to do for a bit
i don't know, im waiting for the doctor i hit my head i think? or my head got like moved around really fast at least we got /// a car came into our lane and the driver swerved to get out of the way but hit a guard rail fish has some cuts
oh dear that's not good you just can't catch a break
Kannagi !NEATO1nxtM
>>617909 please take care. I hope things go well at the hospital. Be safe Kirara.
>>617922 ill probably be okay if i rest a little you know how it is though you never really know how fucked up you got until you wake up in the morning
you can't walk at all? is it like pain or paralysis?
>>617934 heart attacks are not pleasant experiences and would suck to have in the middle of a pleasant experience >>617933 maybe that last one I don't know about the other three
Dying after setting a new world record in a videogame you like a lot.
>>617933 I'd like to say dying in battle too, but I just know I'd get taken out by a sniper or some bullshit from offscreen instead of doing something cool
What about dying while standing up during a wrestling match and your opponent surrenders thinking you're alive?
What does that mean? I don't know what you're talking about
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I've run into two people who listen to it. They just listen to a some person on the facebook and their voice is artificially high pitch and they just talk about things
is it better for a fart to be silent but smelly or loud but odorless
we were going out to celebrate a colleague and her boyfriend picked us up and we were all going to dinner i guess i forgot why we were out i think we talked about it at the hospital so i should have realized sooner not realized, remembered what the hell
Well even without a concussion I think I would have probably forgot something like that. Did you at least get the dinner or did you get into the accident before getting there?
Kirara, the Cat
nah, we didn't get to eat
Kirara, the Cat
which is ok bc i would have thrown it up anwlyw
Kirara, the Cat
not sure why autocorrect didn't get that
Does autocorrect work on /moe/ for you? My phone just refuses to autocorrect anything after the two initial words of a line.
Kirara, the Cat
yeah, it has for a long time there's a setting on /moe/ for auto correct idk i have it unchecked maybe that'll fix it for you
Kirara, the Cat
wait does autocorrect work on /moe/ im confusing myself maybe it doesn't, now that i think about it
By this point I'd probably be more bothered by turning it on than not, hah hah. It just means I've learned different typing strategies while I'm on my phone.
Kirara, the Cat
i think what i do is just use the predictive text instead because there's no autocorrect to finish my words i meab mean and correct them
Yeah, I'll use that a bit. Some times the predictive text eats the -eats a word here or there though. So instead of "yeah pretty much" it'll just be "yeah much".
did I remember it right yaii memorized the trip finally
I don't use any autocorrect, predictive or dictionary on my phone and have a keyboard layout for the phone keyboard
>>617932 getting Mercy killed by your soul mate as you lay dying from fatal poison
>>617968 how the hell do you keep getting in accidents?
Kirara, the Cat
what do you mean im not in accidents that often
i dunno man I've only been in one accident on the road ever i don't think you get in that many accidents though
you've had more concussions than every person I know combined
Kirara, the Cat
ive had three concessions in my entire life
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
were they good
oh well that must have been scary i've onl ever beeni n one car accident but I was so small back then I don't really remember it at all
Kirara, the Cat
concussions not concessions
I've never had a conclusion er concussion I've been to the ER twice though
Kirara, the Cat
>>617976 it was pretty frightening i will probably not remember it later though
the only thing I have going on is nearly getting fucked over by say trying to cross a road without watching about billion times once caused a van to smash into a tree weird thing that it happenedo n 1st grade and I every day walked past that tree for the next 6 years and always was like "yeah that damage was caused by me keke"
but never been to a hospital because of injury
Kirara, the Cat
fish makes me go to the doctor
Good of her to.
'deed better get yourself checked than have some surprising condition later
I wanted to recommend you try and lie down, but yeah, I thought that might be the case. Could anyone bring you some nausea medication? Would that even help with concussion-induced nausea?
Kirara, the Cat
unfortunately not
Kirara, the Cat
i do have some it just doesn't work for this ive tried before a few times
atleast is weekend or do you have work/school stuff going then?
Kirara, the Cat
the semester ends today luckily
thass good
Kirara, the Cat
wait today is saturday wtf the semester ended yesterday waif wait nevermind it's 12:40 it just became Saturday holy shit
>>618004 Yeah, it's a good thing you've got her to help this time around. It's also a good thing she didn't get too banged up as well. Broken glass damaged her dress, did she get cut up at all herself by it?
Kirara, the Cat
yeah she got cut up a little she's okay though
S'good to hear. Try and take it easy, the both of you.
>>618037 Oh, that's a shame. It's not fun when that happens.
I dunno. Not good. I've thrown up a few times. I can't balance very well. My eyes weren't focusing properly earlier but they seem okay now. Or better, at least.
I was watching Fish play Smash but all the movement was too disorienting.
>>618040 Yeah, it's been happening a good bit lately. There's a person in my life right now that on one hand I have a crush on but on the other hand we fight and bicker a bit too hard and I'm the one who feels the friction when that happens. I'm thinking about just deciding I'm done with all that.
From what Fish told me it sounded like you had a pretty moderate concussion. I'm glad you have Fish there to help take care of you.
>>618047 That sounds pretty frustrating! Are they into you at all? Could you two work it out if you talked about it?
I'm pretty lucky to have her.
I would have imagined all this time with /moe/ would have made you well-suited to handling people you're close with yet bicker and fight with all the time.
>>618049 I don't know if it's mutual or not. It feels like it's just a tsundere thing but the bickering gets pretty bad sometimes. It's frustrating because he gets dodgy and hostile when I try to talk about feelings. I'm quick to talk about feelings and ask about things that I don't understand and I never get to have that conversation because the other side is so hostile and guarded when I try to have these conversations.
We were talking casually about internal dialogue and that npc meme one night, and he said he doesn't have internal monologue. So I think it's probably about that. I didn't believe the NPC meme was real until that conversation, but that would explain how someone can be so hostile and closed off when trying to talk about internal states.
My internal dialogue is constant and goes faster than I can either type or talk so it's hard for me to understand what it would be like to not have internal dialogue.
>>618051 I think that you guys probably know by now that I'm typically a fun person and happy to banter but when people step over the line I get tender and sulky very quickly. It's something that happens to me a lot in a lot of different settings, I have a fun personality that people like to tease but eventually the teasing either happens too frequently or goes to far and I start feeling tender and back off. That's definitely happened between me and that person I was talking about. Now they think I'm too soft and remind me of that constantly.
>>618054 Oh, I think I get it. Yeah, there are a lot of people like that. I can't really imagine what it's like to be closed off from yourself like that. I think I would find it hard to go along with someone like that.
People who can't or won't talk about feelings and things like that seem like losers to me.
That's not really an indication of not having an internal process though. People's minds abstract thinking patterns differently. Just because they don't have an internal dialogue doesn't mean they don't have some way of conferring with themselves. They just abstract that in a different way. And maybe it's easy to get a little hostile and aggressive when it feels like you're being compared to an NPC because of that.
I have never once been like "you're an npc!" or something like that in an accusatory fashion. It's a thought I've kept to myself, and something I keep getting back to when thinking about why it's a strained relationship.
I don't have a good concept of what it would be like to think without internal dialogue. How do you analyze your own feelings without the words to describe them? How do you realize you've gone too far and hurt the other person's feelings? How do you think about the things other people are feeling?
I'm thinking about other people's thoughts and feelings constantly, and it seems as if he does not think about them at all.
And when I'm having a problem with someone, I try to sit them down and have an honest conversation about my intentions and feelings and try to resolve why we're having an issue. I can't do this without getting an extremely hostile and evasive person in this situation, so it's causing my er causing me a lot of problems.
Well I'm not saying you should keep along with it if it's a stressor for you. There's plenty of people to pursue.
It just sounded like the way it had been brought up might've had him link you talking about that dumb concept with his lack of internal narration. You can be a bit curt with your words after all.
I can't really answer your questions though because I've got a really heavy internal dialogue myself.
I met them last august, and was kind of oblivious to them until like august or so and then I caught some feelings. but despite my best efforts things haven't gone super well well that isn't really correct Things were going pretty well until a month or two ago and I thought I was on track to get the kill, but then he started getting really tsundere and starting teasing me way too hard and being mean.
>>618063 Nah, I never have mentioned the lack of internal dialogue. It's just a mental note I made and something I keep coming back to as an explanation as to why things aren't going so hot.
Not that I can identify. I was becoming more aggressive and lovey dovey, my theory is that I got too close and it caused him to start running away and getting hostile.
Could be, yeah. It seems like in modern dating and stuff both sexes are expected to treat the other side like shit sometimes to keep them wanting or whatever, and I've never been good at that kind thing.
>>618072 Well, it could be that he isn't just tsundere and doesn't like me or finds me annoying. As you know, I'm very high energy. I annoy people sometimes.
>>618074 Well, for what it's worth, I've never considered you to be annoying. If he's going to act like that, I think he's really going to miss out on someone worth knowing!
>>618075 Well, we're on the same wavelength! You're very good at open and candid conversation and that's something I value. I imagine you have a lot of internal monologue going on in there too.
I think I may have to cut this person off and just going back to the cordial acquanitance level. It hurts doing that to someone you have a crush on, and there's still chemistry there, but I don't like being mad and I don't like doing all the work.
>>618079 Yeah, my internal monologue is something that never really stops. There's just way too much going on inside and around me. I can't slow it down.
Maybe if you back off a little, he'll realize he messed up and try to open up a little.
I get trapped in my own head a bit too easily so it's easy to end up talking to myself. Even in fun social settings I tend to retreat there or just mix between it and listening to what's going on around me.
>>618080 I actually did back off a good bit recently. I backed off a good bit and was just distant, and then he was randomly mean to me so I started giving him the silent treatment. Let's see if I can remember, the cause of it was something like a really tense conversation over something mean he did, and it ended with me saying "yeah, we're cool" in a huffy way and ending the conversation.
So after a week or so of ignoring him i started feeling bad and when I went to talk to him about it, he got mad and defensive again and said how we er how he was tired of this kind of shit and I was the one who ended up apologizing. he was mad because I was ignoring him even though I told him we were cool.
When things were going well we had a really fun flirty dynamic going on and spent a ton of time together doing stuff or chatting. And we had a good high energy / low energy dynamic going on.
but eventually the teasing got too intense and turned into fighting! Well, he said he was still teasing but it was really harsh and it felt like fighting to me.
Yeah, so I think I'm going to have to do some emotional work and kill the crush and only show him public outside face Rika from here on out. And that's how I became a believe in the NPC meme.
>>618096 I thought you were in a relationship still
>>618101 now i don't know the situation as well as you do but what if and this is probably insane of me to suggest but what if you asked to speak to him and told him everything you feel, including what you detailed here
no no no don't do that it's not healthy he probably has his own reasons for being the way he is, and it probably includes the way others treated him in the past
I tried to talk about that already Bang and Rika's not listening.
>>618119 No way, we talked about it one time and he literally does not have internal dialogue. I think that's why he's so bad at thinking about other people and their feelings.
>not having so much internal dialogue that you self-destruct several times a day because of it
>>618126 Fuck Do you also constantly have hypothetical arguments happening in your head so you can be prepared for future arguments Do you also pretend you're providing commentary to an audience when playing games or doing basically anything
Oh hey also I have gone on two outings with people i met on the internet and both times they wanted to fuck me and i did not want that and now i'm really fucked up about it and it hurts Thanks for listening moe you're the best
>>618126 I had some problems with this as well. How do you plan out conversations with people without internal dialogue?
Especially when I have something important to say, I think really hard about what I'm going to say beforehand. I think that's an important part of saying sorry to someone.
I do that too but I think it's pretty normal I think a lot of people do that, because a few people I know/knew closely also struggled with that
A lot of people are completely cut off from their emotions, and that's sad, but it's not the job of a bf/gf to fix that
i'm definitely 190% emotions at every moment also I've cried at least once pretty much every single day for the last two weeks
oh yeah that's definitely nobody's responsibility i mean if someone wants to take it upon themselves to try then more power to them but it will probably not work and also it will be sad
Kirara do you have any opinions or thoughts on Sertraline as medication. I know that's a vague question but I'm fine with vague answers.
>>618138 it's pretty widely used the thing about SSRIs though is that they don't all work for everyone so sometimes you have to switch to new meds until you find one that works although you can get genetic testing done to find out which will work for you now
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Sertraline that's zoloft right
>>618140 Okay, that's more or less in line with what the doctor had to say about it. The two that came up during the appointment were Sertraline and Wellbutrin. Given the choice I decided to try Sertraline because i was a bit uncertain about the activating properties of the latter.
>>618143 Yeah, that sounds reasonable. When are you starting?
imagine thinking without words
>>618147 Tomorrow, I filled the prescription out earlier today and got it on my way home.
Kirara, the Cat
Neat. I hope it works for you.
Thanks, me too. I understand medication isn't a cure-all for mental issues but I'll take anything that can accelerate the process of getting a hold of it by now.
Kirara, the Cat
Medication and therapy together are the most effective treatment for depressive disorders
You know what's really crazy? after we hit the guard rail nobody stopped to make sure we were ok or anything and the people that ran us off the road just kept going
Wow what assholes. The ones that ran you off the road in particular. But it's also kind of asinine to ignore an accident if no one else has shown up to help.
wew did you catch their license?
I imagine he was more pre-occupied with being not dead.
hmm started thinking, I think there is a law here that states something along lines of "you have to see if you can aid people in distress" like in accidents and shit if there is no one helping them or no one has called for aid yet I dunno does it have any punishment for breaking it, but
Leaving the scene of an accident usually comes in "without injuries" and "with injuries" variants. Leaving when you caused an accident and people are injured is something you aren't supposed to do. Both are crimes but with injuries is worse. Did the truck make contact with you at all?
trucks are scary on the road I hate driving behind, alongside or with one behind me whenever just imagining the driver ghoing "hmm what if I just ram this guy for shits and gigles" or just faling asleep
Every thing's scary on the road. Even a smaller car could be pretty lethal if the driver ended up deciding they wanted to injure you without caring.
The worst are eighteen-wheeler-trucks though. When Kirara, Jan, and I were doing the road trip last year there was this corridor of highway in the Virginias where we were like constantly in this horde of eighteen-wheeler-trucks. And a bunch of them were being kind of asshole drivers too. It was a pretty worrying situation to be in.
yeah, but a smaller car means risk to the driver a truck can just blow you away and practically be unscathed
Well, leaving the scene of an accident with injuries is usually a felony, but I'm not sure what your duties are if you run them off the road and don't actually hit them.
Knowing Florida it's probably "lol have fun mate you're not obligated to do anything".
Have you, or at least her, gotten the knack of the Spirits mechanics yet?
Kirara, the Cat
i think she has she's been playing more than me
Have you two been only doing that, or have you tried stuff like Classic yet?
spirits is a fun gamemode the amount of sheer content in the game compared to the others is a little overwhelming though i set out to 100% it and i only just beat galeem like 25 or 30 hrs in and moved on to ANOTHER MAP
i really like how classic lets you play co-op now it's a lot of fun and the difficulty changing based on how well you do is a great mechanic, it feels good to style and/or destroy the enemies and get that "Nice Play!"
Kirara, the Cat
she's doing classic right now she really likes zero suit samus
Zero Suit Samus is pretty nice. Dark Samus is probably my favourite Samus option though.
>>618190 Wait WHAT. I thought Galeem was the last boss what the FUCK.
I don't even know if I can beat Galeem on hard the last time I tried it was just brutal. I think I need some better Spirit options.
Kirara, the Cat
i really liked daisy when i was playing earlier
>>618193 yeah that's what i fucking said too haha i beat him and was phew finally then boom boom crack here comes the lord of darkness
>>618195 I'm not big on Peach but Daisy is adorable and for some reason that makes her way more fun to play despite there being like no difference between the two of them.
>>618198 i think her daisy bomb has a bit more end lag and damage other than that i didn't notice any differences like Dark Samus it's mostly cosmetic with extremely minor changes >>618194 yeah that fight was really damn hard for only having regular boss health bar and no extra forms
>>618171 the worst situation here is being surrounded by eastern european truckers cause not only does that mean having all dem trucks but usually means that there is super heavy traffic and a jam ahead
how are you doing tonight /moe/ happy saturday morning or not happy too >>618207 still bad huh
>>618200 Yeah whatever differences are there are so minor they might as well be irrelevant. But Daisy's got that tomboy spunk and it makes her adorable. I think Dark Samus might move a little smoother than Samus because Dark Samus literally floats through the air rather than run.
>>618210 I'm okay. A little uneasy but in a decent state at the moment.
i now have insurance for my vehicle i now have almost no money left in my bank account boy i sure love america
Kirara, the Cat
>>618210 yeah fish said she thinks i was unconscious for like 30 seconds after i hit my head
Geez man that puts things in a bit worse of a perspective. Going unconscious from a head injury can be pretty bad.
damn spiderverse got a glowing review from cr1tikal i wonder if it really is that amazing he usually picks a lotta nits
oh yeah that mass spiderman animated movie might be fun
never actually watched marvel's animated stuff don't usually seem that good, especially when compared to animated DC
This one isn't done by Marvel though. It's a project by Sony. They hold the rights to Spider-Man still.
>>618221 I wanted to suggest seeing it during the Philly trip but that's a while to wait to see it. And it would be like two hours of the precious days we all have together so I dunno if it's a great idea. I want to see the movie though.
Hey moon would you be interested in minefield mahjong The 17 steps one
>>618224 I'd be up for going then but I'm not real sure what day's i'll be available probably only wednesday to friday noonish
Yeah that's more or less what I was worried about. A movie is a fair bit of time to sit down for when all you've got is three or so days.
watching a movie with your buddies is great though
It really is. I haven't watched more than nightly anime in a long time.
>>618227 i havent read that tpart idk how it works
>>618232 If you're interested, there's a breakdown of the rules here: https://pwmarcz.pl/minefield/ It's a two player variation where both players start in tenpai after constructing a hand, then take turns discarding the tiles they didn't incorporate into their hand, with the goal being to ron off of the other before each player has made 17 discards It's a lot simpler than regular mahjong but some interesting strategies in the manga so it might be fun irl
Palutena has nice legs.
>>618233 i think i'd wanna read that volume before playing just for strategy spoilers yknow might make it less fun to read
i seem to wake up at the same time a lot of people leave i wonder if it's connected i dont think anybody would tell me if it was
You come around about when anime wraps up. On a regular day I'd be going to bed shortly after that. /moe/'s just not really active in the wee hours of the morning that much lately.
even the smallest stimulations have a feeling it's really overwhelming how many there are and you have to feel it because it's there but you have to pretend like you dont and people will shame you and resent you otherwise so you just want to turn them off take some anxiety meds, sedate things a bit, cancel the stimulations that provoke feelings then the shame and worthless feelings are gone but still there's nobody there they still don't want you even if you don't have what you were shamed for there's just an awful lot of feelings more than a dozen even
you know about quantum superposition in physics? that's really not rooted in physics, it's just an applied case of more general system dynamics it's part of interchange between two contained systems the packet has to be encoded, transmitted, decoded it's the same with feelings too we become stimulated and it generates these virtual particles in our system if we want to get rid of it we have to pack it into a container shell and communicate it to the outside world until it's received, it's still just in superposition inside of you without form when you become shamed from your feelings and stimulations and you have no means to communicate them, you have to learn their flow within you, because they aren't leaving you start to become in superposition yourself as you become a collection of these unobserved feelings and sometimes even externalizing them won't do it, because nobody's able to decode this awkward package that has so many layers of encryption on it, built from years of isolation and a whole lifetime of shame they may accomodate your motions and positioning but still not transduce your virtual feelings and those situations feel a little discouraging
that's not necessarily an end goal though sometimes those things existing in superposition can incubate inside of the feeling soup inside of you and take the form of more complex particles than the simple ones observed in lower energy states if every gluon was just parsed as soon as it could exist then you wouldn't have the complex interactions that cause quarks to have the properties they do and we wouldn't have a composite world like we do now built around complex structures there is a lot you can incubate those feelings into, but if nobody's there when it's ready to hatch, that's an awfully lonely existence
i know it sounds ignorant but i wish i could just force someone to care
Well I don't really know quantum superposition, and glancing over what Wikipedia has to say it doesn't really seem to fit the usage here. But your metaphor kind of took on a life of it's own so I kind of get what you're saying regardless, I think.
it's not a metaphor i meant it very literally wave collapse is at the heart of quantum states and it's not just for particles in physics all structures are bound by it, including those without physicality, like concepts and thoughts though i'd argue those do have physicality but that's nitpicking
Well then your anecdote took on a life of its own. It's not entirely disimilar to the social phenomenon of filters and biases though it does add on an additional complexity and what feels a bit like an organic development of feelings post-conception. I don't think I have answers to how to resolve the complexities that brings about though.
i guess it's eggnog for breakfast because i have no food and cannot walk unspiked of course i dont know whose idea it was to spike a milk-and-egg beverage
Any cocktail made with an egg just seems way too weird for me. Just give me something with liquor and some fruit juice, sugars, or soda. I fucking love non-alcoholic eggnog though that's great stuff.
i wanted to drink last night so i went and bought some high potency drink from the petrol station but i only had like two sips after opening it i guess it's sitting here warm now
I haven't had anything to drink in months, aside from like a single shot mixed drink when I was sitting in on a friend and classmates do some work on a group project of theirs. There hasn't really been much reason to as of late.
you know what distressed me most? when i stopped drinking, there was no cognitive difference i had less acid reflux but other than that everything was still the same i looked up stuff and everyone talked about how everything became good once they quit, and they started having improved cognitive function and plenty of other things dont get me wrong i like not drinking just fine but it didnt actually solve any problems or make anything better it was a pointless distraction from whatever the issue is with me im actually a little envious now of people whose lives have enough in them that alcohol could somehow ruin that that must be nice to have things in the first place to lose
There could be other factors involving themselves in your situation though. Though I don't really know what the common case is for heavy long-term alcoholics and what precedence is here. But feeling like you've got nothing to lose in the first place is kind of a sketchy affirmation to dance around.
it's pretty easy to think X is holding you back when you're wanting to make changes in your life like i wanted to say i was doing poor because of alcohol and that'd be a super easy explanation but i knew even then it wasn't true i tried to affirm that it wasn't the case, but then it just looks like addict behavior when you're like "oh i dont have a problem, alcohol's not the problem" if anything i just wanted to stop so people couldn't say it was the problem by people i actually just mean my own anxieties around perception externally because there are no people involved enough to think or care about my status or habits so i did quit and it was fairly disappointing. almost no change but i was savin a lil money so i was happy about that
if anything it was super depressing to be coming up on 30 days w/o and not having anyone to feel good about it with anyone would have just thought "wtf 30 days what's special about that" or other shaming because it sounds like you had a problem if you say you stopped drinking or quit smoking there's just nothing a person can do to try and improve their life without other humans making them feel bad for doing it
It's not always easy to just be happy for other people's personal successes.
none of my worldviews or concepts of information systems is particularly unique i don't think it's even clever expressed this way i'm not sure if people will pick it up and move it forward without me or not it's on the cusp of the social psyche anyway so it will be very apparent within the next decade or less anyway the mathematics of mapping macroscale systems is really complicated and indirect though and im not sure if anyone would think it up because it's so arbitrary
i know this doesn't really concern anyone and i spam these thoughts all day long but you all are the closest people i have and the articulation of a concept necessarily requires encoding it, like i mentioned before so these little posts are my virtual particles, the non-real composition of formless thoughts into discrete, transmittable objects i gotta articulate it somehow just for my own processes i dont particularly expect anything of it it's just a scratchpad but a particularly emotion-driven one i could see this as potentially vulnerable though what if i post something useful and some mathematician stumbles across it in seven years and steals it haha i guess that would never happen
In that case I would take /moe/ being still online in seven years as a blessing. Since it would mean some people are still hanging around for it. I can't imagine Samu keeping this place alive if it ends up drying out.
I try my hardest to parse the stuff you write even if I don't feel I can provide comprehension or any value. I understand that's neither a purpose to the writing nor really even remotely assistance. But in lieu of being able to adequately understand it, it's the least I can do personally. Some times it gets a bit much for me and reminds me of trying to understand Marshall McLuhan and his way of expressing how he sees the world. There's a level of complexity there that I just can't interface well with.
i haven't taken it, but ssri in general are (imo) the wrong ones for me they are really potent at quelling depression but not the consequences of depression it's like you just feel immersed and pretty good even when you're in a bad spot, and i think that reinforced some behaviors that led to me not caring how far i fell down i think ssris would work well for people with stable support systems and finances and who are generally more extroverted i can tell you that you'd probably feel a lot more immersed in your hobbies and interests though
i was on venlafaxine though and it's a different breed i was thinking about going back on it actually when i visited my doctor, but i was in a different frame of mind when i was at the appointment and didn't mention it you also have to work extra hard to keep up your hygiene because it makes you not care about that so much for some people anyway
i am someone with a bias against ssri though based entirely on my own experience so i wouldn't weight this too heavily i also was not on them long and i was really annoying to people when i was on them too supposedly jan or marsh might have some better insights for you
i like wellbutrin because it synergizes with my tense, wound-up personality okay it also is easier to focus with SNRIs imo i dont think i did any maths while on ssri's and didn't really do anything lost a lot of progress and even threw away a lot of stuff that was important to me SNRIs come with a heightened anxiety component, but it also helps with anxiety in a way too because it's a complex thing it also helps quell some of my naturally-occuring dissociation and gd i also remember SSRIs made peeing a chore with inconsistent stream and lots of leakage pretty gross but worth mentioning had to start packing an extra pair of pants in my bag in case
Hm, duly noted. The doctor I was seeing about medication did offer both Sertraline and Wellbutrin, but I was a little more hesitant about the Wellbutrin because of its activating properties. I guess I'll see if Sertraline helps noticeably for me first before I make further choices at least. I'd like to be able to tackle hobbies of mine that don't have the instant reward cycle of gaming. My motivation to do much else hasn't been great as of late.
>>618264 Yeah, that came up when we were talking about the medication.
That's all some pretty good information on it, thanks.
the black box warning comes from wellbutrin being prescribed as a smoking cessation agent btw
this is an extremely broad generalization also but just a personal experience between venlafaxine and wellbutrin, and sertraline is diff than venlafaxine as an ssri
but both ssri and snri helped me enjoy things more and feel more connected with the world, but in very different ways ssri was very lazy instant gratification enjoyment for me and snri was investment in things i really love anime and manga for instance for ssri i'd probably watch just all day long, and just whatever really. i queued up dbz and watched the whole way through it in about a week i think, all 300 whatever episodes. i'd also read way more manga than usual and just kidn of enjoy exploring and finding things and probing whatever i could for whatever enjoyment it had to offer. that's something im normally way too anxious to do
snri, i'd watch anime and be extremely invested in a show. i'd watch cross ange or kino or kara no kyokai and really sap each episode for all it's worth and be so emotionally invested in the cultivation of the world and the themes and characters, feel so connected, crying a lot in anime just because im very invested in it i play a lot of mahjong with the focus on improving my game, studying higher skill matches, and really immersed in the competition of a match rather than just something to do to pass some time. i'd read dorohedoro.
im not sure if those concepts are discrete enough in your view and experience but they're totally different ways to approach enjoyment and there's possibly a lot of factors there besides the medication, but that was my experience and difference between the two i do miss the venlafaxine though and think it might possibly save my life
I can see how they'd be different experiences pretty clearly. But yeah, I'll have to see how things change for me once I've been on it for a bit. I'll keep what you've described in mind and try to compare how it fares for me. For the immediate picture if I can get some assistance in self-motivating me to do things I think I might be happy with that. Going forward I guess I can consider more focused options. The doctor also talked about Wellbutrin as an assistance for dealing with ADHD and while I don't have a diagnosis the lack of focus I feel often does feel in line with a lot of the symptoms I've heard attributed to it. But I guess with how the brain works that's not always a clear picture. Ultimately the doctor left the option of changing to Wellbutrin open so if Sertraline isn't doing it for me I still have that avenue.
>>618266 both is an option also i think? i had the option of doing both, but two 100+ dollar scripts per month wasn't going to happen im not sure how that would have worked out, probably okay
also you can't drink on wellbutrin so there's that a cider would probably be fine but don't, you know, go drinking or anything they share a liver enzyme for metabolism so i // it makes things really not good
Well I wouldn't be missing out on much in that situation anyway. If anything it would probably be a benefit overall.
Is a script for an SSRI really over a hundred dollars down there? I have some decent partial insurance from my university covering 80% of the drug cost, but even after that it was ~5.00 CAD, so a normal script would have been about twenty-five bucks? Well I guess it depends on how much you're getting though.
my insurance costs 400 dollars a month and i have to have it and my scripts are still 100 dollars after insurance i can use coupons and get them for 20 dollars though it's so ridiculous if it wasn't for this kind of shit i probably wouldnt be depressed in the first place
yeah no shit and i can't afford my taxes ive been making like 800 a month for the past six months and rent is already 400 and it's super cheap rent too somehow im supposed to pay 40% tax and afford rent, food, 150/month insurance (after tax credits) and 100 bucks for scripts and i'll probs go to jail for not paying taxes but you can't put a dead person in jail
Death is just another prison in the end though.
i was thinking about how if i fell into a coma i'd want to stay on life support because a coma is the place for me i'd be so happy there but i realized nobody would pay to keep me alive anyway and i dont think hospitals just do that for free
independent contractor have to pay all of the fico tax myself which is usually half covered by the employer single, no dependents oh i forgot to add in student loan repayments to those bills they want like 700 a month at this point it's insane i have no way to pay that and haven't paid any payments yet
hi moon >>618300 awake I finished GRIS I don't know what happened. The game is pretty but the story is up in the air. It's about Death, I guess. It's weird. There are achievements/challenges in the game but they're all hidden. five of them are "You started this level" but I've beaten the game and only gotten two of them which is ?????????????????
>>618304 Woke up not long ago, Its been so cold that I've had to keep the heating on and I'm just sneezing everywhere. How are yous? >>618305 I might check it out but I'm trying to save money til feb when I get my next student loan part in. you should draw! I'm going to do more drawing today
>>618308 Thats really kind but I have a lot of games I haven't finished. I would rather you spent your money on something nice for yourself! >>618307 Take care moon, I hope you are able to rest up and relax.
I'm using a really outdated driver because non of the more uptodate ones work this one has its issues but atleast it works >>618310 Rest well. have some soup or something and relax.
my roommate is putting something in the microwave for me very kind first food ive had in over two days
Kirara, the Cat
that's awesome i hope it's good
it's a burrito frozen burrito it's not awful it's food at least
how are you doing kirara
Kirara, the Cat
i feel like my eyes have retreated into my skull they feel like they're in a different place, im not sure how to explain it mu body isn't as sore as i expected though >>618321 cold pockets
ive been thinking a lot this morning and last night my phone is currently out of battery but it's right here im wondering what would happen if i had lived alone i have nobody to check up on me, nobody with a key i could just be paralyzed and i'd wither up and die without any options
>>618337 Would you live out in rural bushland? I'll try to find you a nice, lonely sheep shearer. You could settle down in a small country house in outback NSW >>618339 well that's not what I was looking for but cheers. I appreciate it.