>>>/watch?v=wsW3y7jzAsE skip to like 45 mins in the animations in this game are so goddamn good i am so hyped for it it's everything i wanted to see can't wait to play it 4 times per usual >>613828 i don't like the idea behind the buyable orbs and consumable arm attachments here's hoping you still end up with million of orbs anyways like the other games
just hoping it ain't going to be spoile by game industry greed
best thing about dmc4 was being able to bring ALL the styles dmc3 remake with that mechanic pls
>>613827 The Royal Guard? block pose is ridiculously funny to me. Dante just holds it so perfectly still.
>>613829 there's a mod for dmc3se pc version to add that >>613832 yeah it's not the greatest but the mod makes it a lot more fun too
>>613827 the issue isn't buyable orbs really, but will there be PREMIUM orbs and normal orbs
>>613831 dmc3 really had so many bosses that not doing trickster makes them damn annoying but having trickster makes your damage output so low... like Beowulf
>>613834 yeah it was more difficult but more fun to play swordmaster for me Royal guard was pretty fun too the style system as in 4 is an awesome mechanic Nioh did something similar and it's a lot of fun
>>613841 >>613842 i dont know what youre watching but do the pupils just sort of wiggle constantly
Yeah. It's not unlike some blind people I've seen before, maybe a bit more exaggerrated. I have a hard time with it in real life too though, unfortunately. But I guess they can't see my unease so maybe it's not so bad.
Something that i didnt know was urgent was pretty urgent and i left it on the table thinking "oh i'll give it to the guy when he comes in" but they are telling me i should have called and faxed it or told them to do it for him instead and i'm wondering where all this immediacy is coming from.
>>613847 oh interesting i got used to it but its interesting that that’s a sort of wuirk youre no good with and also interesting to see it implekented in media
Because lol these guys are far FAR from the types to do work for each other unless they have to.
>>613849 No good with isn't entirely accurate. It's more the constant moving means my attention is constantly drawn to them. And I don't like that.
there's a blind guy that comes to my store and walks around and gets his coffee and counts his change exactly i know hundreds of people that can see and can't even do that lol
you can stare into a blind person's soul as much as you want
>>613827 judging by how many orbs the guy on the stream got for an S rank on mission clear you won't need to buy orbs to get everything that said I wish they brought back proud souls
/moe/ i've been such a sad sack recently. I'm not like crushingly hopeless or anything, but just nothing is making me feel happiness. I feel so disconnected from everyone and everything. Even hanging out with close friends I don't feel like I'm connecting with them. I feel isolated
I'd really rather not be clinically depressed, I've heard SSRIs are awful to your body. Hopefully I can cry to someone sometime soon and suddenly fix everything in the span of a hour
just kidding i worked this morning and took a nap and woke up at like 7pm and played some video games that i like there that's all 3
>>613918 I'm a little sick, it sucks. I had to go out today for a bit for some clerical work but spent most of it relaxing. It's been a bit of an intense past month or two for me on a number of facets. I'm looking forward to being able to sleep forever.
i've had a very interesting day and yet i accomplished nothing real or substantial
Accomplishing things is a boring metric to rate your days to.
i had a very boring day but i got my necro's character sheet DPS up to 850k from 603k p r o g r e s s
Got to get those numbers perrrrfect.
>>613913 hi you dont play feh anymore but the next update is going to include a unique tome for robin
feh is feh
Smash is FEH
smash is fehking awesome
but it comes out on a day i have no time to play vidya
Friday's a busy day for me. I've got an exam at 08:00 in the morning and then another one I haven't looked at the time for yet. So I'm gonna be exhausted by the time I get home hah hah. Hopefully I can unwind over the next couple days with it.
have you ever thought about just not unwinding, but just staying wound up instead
not really
you can wind up these nuts
>>614017 Not really, but judging from the stress it puts on my body in several aspects I think I can judge it a bad idea.
yeah i think even my bones are wound up at this point maybe it's my tendons i can't tell but it fucking hurts like a b*tch
The exhaustion really does seep all the way down into my bones it feels like. I wouldn't say it hurts for me but it does make things hard.
Though it's not always a bad exhaustion, there's a kind of satisfaction to burning myself out. I need to let the pressure off a bit every now and then though.
there's kind of a satisfaction to burning
>sit down at computer >cat comes over and digs her claws into my fucking foot why godc dammti
why won't my audio stop buzzing i've tried updating all sorts of drivers and changing settings and doing a factory reset I think it might be a hardware issue
but every few seconds there's a little buzzy jitter and it's really distracting when I'm watching chinese cartoons or listening to music
this is america so it's not just occupying the plant, it's fighting against the government so what you need is a militia of white people for starters. The darker the team, the faster they'll try to shut it down
Then you need the people who can actually use the equipment
>>614147 What if they used drones to transport the water, but some of the drones are carrying gasoline or something, so shooting them down is too dangerous.
you'd need good dropoff points if you just place the water anywhere, they'll try to secure it if you keep dropping it in the same spot or to the same group, it can become an issue for that area WHAT IF TREBUCHET
>>614191 I have an d it causes me extreme distress I'm apparently horribly weak to first person horror
oh man forget the original, you gotta do the multiplayer mod you play against the SCPs or as them thats what it's called i can't remember it's not at all spooks though it's a blast hold on ive got a video
i havent tried it since they added 096 i bet it's wild >>614199 haha i love that
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
you know I would never think to just jump through the plague doctor
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
they have 939 now too you can speak while on the enemy team to your opponents with it. I think
they're working on making 079 playable again
what happened that he wasnt
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
it wasn't fun, you just sort of booped from camera to camera awkwardly and it was very slow now you pull open a map of the place and can do things like close doors and well actually
i wonder if we could get all of /moe/ to play it together just one evening for old time's sake
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
that could be fun
I'd be interested in something like that. I'm vaguely familiar with the SCP world.
i dont know what it is, but everyone playing it always seems like they're having the most fun theyve ever had in their lives even if theyre just jumping around doing nothing there's so much immersion i guess i wonder if it's available for VR?? oh god that sounds great
i got really spooped last night i was outside at 2am having a cigarette and kept hearin some shit and got apprehensive that it was another potential intruder or, worse, a DOG so i had my hand on the doorknob in case a big scary dog came to bite my bum but then the doorknob gets sweaty and becomes unreliable and it ended up bein a big m*therfucking caribou it was kinda cool tho
Kirara, the Cat
glad it wasn't a dog
id probably die
Kirara, the CatSearch [iqdb](565 KB, 1222x1632, IMG_qfhs9l.jpg)Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
they're gonna be naked in every episode from now on
>For this chapter I'm going to have the male cast get high off of otter meat aphrodisiac and nearly-nakedly sumo wrestle each other >For the next chapter I'm going to have them fend off batndits during a hot springs retreat where they don't have a chance to get dressed before fighting breaks out
>international ice hockey federation ruled that henceforth tied up games aren't resolved with a penalty shot game, but as many extension rounds as possible ... here comes 6 hour hockey games
>>614246 I hear as many as 90k cops have been gathered to deal with the riots I bet soon the army will be called in
Kirara, the Cat
they have snipers positioned all over the place and say that anyone who tries to enter parliament is going to get shot
they better get guillotining soon or it'll be too late
>20 k-9 units were around for the main nazi protest haha cops and the city really didn't want to allow even IDEAS of violence this year worked damn well
well that was a waste of time and effort, considering how many scripts, pop ups, redirects and shit that required to get working
third of the music I have in my top is from my "reading playlist" i made when I was rereading wheel of time lol I guess i have defaulted to that many many times
>>614270 as for that answer because european countries wanted to have fun with israel back in the 60s so they were given honorary european title and allowed to participate I mean culturally speaking it basically is an european country pretty much
the bigger questions are why are countries like Azerbaidjan, georgia and shit partaking? They aren't even in the european cultural sphere
I am guessing it doesn't register all especially if i am playing a local version of the song on my desktop
0 songs from Beyond the Red Mrror... that is just impossible and there are some animu songs from playlist I made randomly in the summer and only listened during that week noway they got hat many play times then
and there are no songs from the hungary trip playlist especially the song we used as a basis to sing a congratulation song to my uncle I gave it prolly 30 listenings to get the melody right
would be fun to know total music time youtube your owns ongs etc
I have a bruise on an unfortunate place. I don't know how it got there, but it made it hard to get comfortable for sleeping last night. And I had to turn the heat on today because it's too cold to not wear pants, but pants are bothering me. Life sure is hard.
>>614301 No, it's just like you to get a bruise there by doing nothing. even though you've been doing stuff that could bruise you there, it's like you to get one when you aren't doing that sort of thing.
>>614304 Well, if you pull one too hard it does kinda feel like the connective tissue in them snaps or gives or something. It's my understanding that doesn't feel very good.
>>614314 Oh, sorry. My aura of seeming to know more than I actually do is messing with your head here. Fish and I have never talked about anything that happens in the bedroom and I hope that it stays that way.
If Rika's hands are capable of applying 50 cubic meters of pressure in one direction and Chaska's genitals have a circumference of 15.5 mm and the wind direction is south-southwest will Chaska die
>>614352 Yeah, but these weirdos are obsessed with lewd things. They haven't been able to stop talking about dicks since I mentioned that bruise! ToN even rewarded us with a jade double dildo after a fight! These people aren't right, Rika.
the dick ripper
wow what do you mean these people jan and i have done no wrong
Kirara, I got a $14 magic card for free off of my friend. He was opening up his prize packs fom a tourney last weekend and I called dibs on it, he said okay and then started opening his packs and then got one. It's called Assassin's Trophy and is really good removal. Foil ones used to be like $90.
>>614370 Although this is only my second most profitable "do tis if you get this card" *this bet. The first one was during innistrad at a prerelease where he accepted the bet that if he opened up a sorin he wouod have to shit his pants.
>>614362 My cat loves to knead it, but she hasn't actually caused any noticeable damage to it.
Oh yeah, the kinokuniya also had a Toki (red crested ibis) nendo. My friend is tentatively getting tat for me fkr Christmas. *for
Funimation has dropped CrunchyRoll and partnered with Hulu for streaming their shows. I wonder if this'll be an issue for any of their series ripped by HorribleSubs. Probably not though.
Strictly observing genitalia wouldn't a lack of them mean a lack of sex. I've also been wondering how long one could continue to consider themself a guy gender-wise once their entire body has become a gelatinous ooze anyway.
It was kind of a sweet passing. Living for a very long time must be hard on a person.
Oh yeah when I was i the English light novel section. *in the At Kinokuniya I was getting really frustrated with their selection. It pisses me off The amount of garbage that's getting licensed.
>>614388 sounds like you have some qualms with capitalism
God I wish there were a shoebill nendo. >>614390 To be faie *fair I would also be mad if good light novels , err light novels I like became popular too. I need to differentiate between the two because I do understand that most of the light noveks I read aren't very good.
I just have a lot of mixed feelings about otaku culture becoming more and more mainstream. It makes me feel more camaraderie in the community, but at the same time makes me feel shitty because of the way the market capitalizes on it. And then also the years of being somewhat of l *of an outcast for interests in nerd subcultures.
>>614393 I always have Friday off but that's not the game in question
>>614395 Yeah I can tell because smash isn't free. Well technically it is because it leaked, but I'm pretty sure you didn't hack your switch. Anyways I already have a friend who is taking a half day tomorrow because of the new smash.
With the help of Satan they killed Nidhoggr and now the game between two immortals is ended. Now they have to get their wishes granted for their victory and possibly might go to war with the Empire since they genocided the shroom people
None of our party is particularly good at magic. Soili might have some magic potential , and Titania can give off radiation, and Chaska can use ancient 'injun' prayers
But no vanilla magic.
Kirara, the Cat
two of us are just straight up HITS UNTIL YOU DIE HERE COME MY FISTS types one throws dirt one has a sword and a Stando
>>614463 that did let me chat with owl abnout some god stuff since there is some lore that ton and me cooked up and I wanted to make sure he had it right
I've been playing Frostpunk a bit recently, which is this city-builder game that takes place after a worldwide great freeze in Victorian-era England. There's a certain despair-inducing feel to the game as the cold sets in and everyone dies. But after about a month of in-game time this hellstorm comes and the temperature drops to ~-90C at the beginning, getting colder over the course of the week the storm blows through. And between the aesthetic elements of the game and the mechanical restrictions of gameplay the storm puts upon you, the game does an amazing job of making you feel absolutely hopeless. I have a lot of praise for how well that gets delivered.
>>614475 More like "what if the world entered its next Ice Age. The game starts at -20C and never returns to that after about four in-game days. In around the mid-game the temperature is in the -40-60C range.
i could ask my colleagues but that'll feel weird their close proximity to me makes me weary about letting them help me make big decisions outside of stuff like ring styles
I know very few people that are married in the first place. Guess I'm not quite at that age group where it's normal to be amongst them yet. One of my friends I've made at university is married though.
and don't try to movie magic it for example my stepfather proposed to my mother infront of a grocery store, while my mother was holding on to two grocery bags >>614497 oh you already popped it well you did ask about engagement rings a whle ago
yeah im trying to figure out timing to give her the // a ring now like can i count it as her christmas present or do i have to give her a christmas present and a ring if i intend to give her a ring soon >>614499 engagement
what ring?
I am feeling once again that customsare really different
ok mr santa claws teach me about gift giving on christmas and how it relates to giving of an engagement ring what is the protocol
what is the us christmas tradition on gift giving anyhow? your santa is fucking coca cola santa not actual Santa Claus
kill tim allen
>>614505 usually we give each other brightly colored boxes that are really pretty with some dumb bullshit inside and then get high and drunk
>>614513 so you proposed to her already? but didn't at the spot give her the ring
>>614513 I mean do you want to give her a Christmas present in of itself? Or would you rather not give a gift just for the holiday. The ring itself on Christmas would be a cute and adorable sentiment so regardless of whether you want to give her a "normal" present or not that's a fine thing to do. Giving her a normal gift on top of that wouldn't really be too much either, unless your gift is some kind of crazy emotionally extravagant gift, but I imagine there isn't really a chance of it overshadowing an engagement ring.
>>614513 put it in a long box and inside is a normal box and inside is a small box and inside is the ring box and inside is the engagement ring make her work for it
>>614519 and this is why engagement rings are cheap usually hear they can be w/e and wedding bands is the real deal
husband then wears the wedding band while wife wears wedding and engagement rings
for example my cousin and her husband got engaged when they were students so the engagement ring was just w/e they got married once my cousn had born her second child to her husband to be
I think the ring can pass off as the present imo
the wedding ceremony doubling also as babtising of the second kid
just give her a piece of tape stuck to itself
give her the ring and then yourself in wrapping
how the fuck is he gonna wrap himself
Kirara, the Cat
how you gonna explain wrappin a man
Kirara, the Cat
getting married is pretty stressful why do people do this
Koi, the Dragon
>Smash Bros skill tree oh boy time for some Salt and Sanctuary
seriously don't do anything fancy just once you have the ring give it to her as best as it feels natural to you and ignore all advices, unless it actually soudns solid
>>614554 they will find out eventually they'll ask fish about it and she'll tell them and they'll do that thing where they put there hand over their mouths and lean back and say ohohoho fish is dating a lower class swine! ohoho!
Now why would fish embarrass you?
and also since when did you care about fucking class?
Kirara, the Cat
she wouldn't embarrass me, i would embarrass her
well I guess she does considering your high class dinner
But m still top hint to you is "be natural" you are insane enough to think of soemthinf so fucking dope that it will make the snobs think "damn I wish I had that" even if they don't say it
just buy a ring with a nice box and give her the box It's foolproof and there's nothing embarrassing about it
If you were rich I'd say take her diving but you've hidden the ring box down where you're diving Or you go to the aquarium, you leave, then show up in the fish tank with the ring
it would be easy if i were rich people would just be like oh he's from the so-and-so family he's a good catch! id have nothing to prove but im a poor nobody so i have to prove myself as worthy of marrying her or ill just be viewed as the commoner who took down her family
You are a poor nobody who has gained a lot you have your effort and talent to market
any achievement a rich heir/ess would have done, is basically half of what you ahve done
keep THAT in mind when dealing with the shit bags of the high society and remember to point it out YOU are MASTER Kirara
You can keep it in mind all you want but it's wholly regardless here because they don't awknowledge that. As high esteem as he holds himself it's not going to change their opinion of him. If anything it could even make things worse.
>>614575 and if they bring your blood into question you are >jewish always a plus if ou ask me >ukrainian pure slavic damn strong shit >EUROPEAN need I say more
Kirara, the Cat
Americans don't like jews or slavs
>can trace back their genes
>>614583 you just need to market it right okay that is a hard difficulty market there but
it is there
uhm how good are you at self-deprecating humour on average?
Success in europe means basically 2 things >be able to take a joke >be able to be the joke get those two things down and you can handle all international relationships
>oh but those are easy aren't they perkele? are they?
well yeah maternally, i can trace back to the free territory of ukraine where my ancestors left after the soviets came in and started killing jews those folks fought against the tsar and the soviets
paternally, the farthest back i can trace to is the free irish state where i had an ancestor who i think was a freedom fighter
Koi, the Dragon
Koi, the Dragon
>Videos can not be taken of this software this is awful
Koi, the Dragon
wait no wasn't there a specific thing that allowed me to eh whatever. I'll figure that out later
>>614591 they don't know that fuck if you wanna go for the deep territory you can tell people that you are from a HIGH CLASS even NOBILITY ukrainian family
how can they disprove that?
Koi, the Dragon
>>614598 >my family left russia when the soviets came in and there
>my father left united kingdom when ireland became independent
You don't even need to lie to give a much embellished view of your ancestors just tell PART of the truth and leave rest of the imagination to the listener just choose your words wisely
I mean isn't that your fucking field of study? >>614616 yeah but that is the BEAUTY of it you are not people are just presuming you are something you are not
you aren't pretending anything
they are stupid and you are truthful the perfect situation
Kirara, the Cat
honestly they probably all hate me already fishdad has probably made me out to be some lowlife loser golddigger or something
well in that case you have two path future ahead of you essentially 1 is where you just don't give a shit and 2 is where you give a shit and use your natural charm to prove people wrong if you have the chance
either or
you might think "I can do both" but that is needless stress
Kirara, the Cat
no im obviously trying to do things in a way that will prove myself to them because i care about fish very much and want her to be happy
well once again and I am fucking nuking that dead horse just be you you have enough natural charisma and built up charm to do it less you think about it, the more successful you will be ofc it can't like fucking tiotal thoughtless shit, but I think you know what I mean
I guess Katamari is a no for tonight unless I can find a switch or a certain ps cors
I 'll be getting Katamari at a later date. Smash is out this weekend and that's more up my alley.
Kirara, the Cat
>On Tuesday, The New England Journal of Medicine tweeted the most recent addition to its photo series of the most visually arresting medical anomalies. The image is of a mysterious, branchlike structure that, posted elsewhere, would probably pass for a cherry-red chunk of some underground root system or a piece of bright reef coral. But this is no creature of the deep. It’s a completely intact, six-inch-wide clot of human blood in the exact shape of the right bronchial tree, one of the two key tubular networks that ferry air to and from the lungs. And it was coughed up in one piece. Jesus Christ
Yeah I saw that on the day it came out. Or got coughed out, hoh hoh hoh. Apparently the guy who coughed it up passed away not terribly long after.
>There’s a new Avengers (and X-Men, and Guardians of the Galaxy) game coming to the Switch, in the form of Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: Black Order. It’ll be out in 2019, and amazingly, is being developed by Team Ninja. holy shit
haa... >we have a series made famous by A company >let's use the same name when SOME OTHER COMPANY MAKES A GAME FOR US why? seriously why
Kirara, the Cat
team ninja is amazing
>>614702 team NINJA IS AMAZING but have you played any of the MUA games?
Kirara, the Cat
no, i only care because team ninja
>>614704 but that is the thing they aren't a game that team ninja has been doing
so either the game will be made by team ninja, that isn't something that isn't in their field or the game is made by team ninja, released as parto f a series that isn't really in team ninja's field
Kirara, the Cat
>>614705 so what they're doing it in a way that they do other games they're moving away from the traditional mua gameplay
>>614707 so imagine if dark souls 3 was a cover based shooter
it is a hyperbole but just imagine IT
Kirara, the Cat
that doesn't make a ny sense dark souls 3 honestly isn't that good anyway
play ball?
oh and add to the comparison dark souls 3 wasn't made by fromsoftware to drive the point in
>>>/@fruba_PR/1070633955253239808 The new Fruits Basket anime's gotten a PV. Hopefully this adapts the original manga to completion.
>>614716 this seems like a complete redo but I think I would love that a new take and complete take on that series
The original anime didn't adapt fully anyway. Like I'm fine with adaptations tweaking stuff from the original. But I much rather prefer complete stories than cuts off.
I never watched the anime but I never finished the manga my library ran out of volumes so I began reading ranma and rest is history
>>614718 yeah if they do like "we start of where last anime lef toff" no one will watch
but fruit basket story I think 24/6 episodes are enough
Well, twenty-three volumes of manga, so nearly a volume to an episode. Would probably be a bit of a tight adaptation.
really? wooooow okayl... I guess 60 episodes then
but the manga has been over for years now if they are doing an adaption now, it means they will DO THE WHOLE SERIES
Funimation reports that it will be a full adaptation, yeah. So really what matters is how many cours it's greenlit for. With a liberal cutting knife they could complete the show in two cours, but that would be disappointing.
I can hope
>>614725 any cours it has I think have already been greenlit
it isn't an ongoing thing or about finishing thing
>>614725 also here is the thing about animation vs manga sometimes an entire chapter can be condensed into 1 minute ofm oving pictures if not even less
Yeah, no, I know. Without a critical analysis of the original material though there isn't really an accurate way of estimating what the actual content translation ratio will be though. So you can only really guess with the usual stuff like "two weekly chapter's worth of content to a weekly episode".
I KNOW you know but it keeps getting someone like me off guard so OFT
You'll never actually play Splatoon so Inkling in Smash is about the closest you'll get. Also I wonder if they might ever add Octoling as an echo for Inkling. It would be pretty easy and natural.
How excite. I'm hoping Amazon ships my copy by this afternoon. They're normally pretty good at getting my deliveries here in the minimal predicted time.
>>614746 i did some grind for a couple hours now I'm cruising through WoL ringing off the top with Mario's stupid up air up b combo
>getting ass kicked by 9k strength Sonic >eventually on one attempt he just kills himself lol to bad Nintendo isn't letting me take videos for some reason
Koi, the Dragon
12K Jeff has three Octolings Who all have boosted projectiles and the stage rains GUNS
>Reedus explained. "Michael Rooker happened to be in the little roped off area and this lady came up." This is when everything went haywire. "She put her arm around me, we were posing for a picture, and she kinda turned into a werewolf," Reedus explained. "She looked up in the sky and started to shake and then her teeth came and clomped down on my chest. She was tackled. She didn't break skin but there were teeth marks there. Right through my clothes. She got tackled, got brought out, and as she came outside, she said, 'What happened?' They said, 'Ma'am, I think you bit Norman.' She was like, 'What? No, I didn't!' They were, 'Do you wanna press charges?' I'm like, 'No, she's a nice lady, she just had a moment.' They can get pretty wild. She kind of turned into a werewolf. She shook and the whole thing."
what the fuck someone bit norman reedus
One exam down, one to go. I hope I still have a left hand after this.
>>614772 Is this a new story, or an old one? 'Cause I'm positive I've heard it before.
you can cheese every stamina battle by gimping with inkling just lure them offstage and use the up special to push them away after ledge trumping i just beat a 13.4k zero suit samus with THE BOSS as a spirit in 5 seconds haha
also I hope just for the shit of it they keep the "everyone runs inside cloud" thing despite not having any limitations like old rpgs hadf or characterso n screen
My Amazon copy of Smash hasn't reported shipping yet and I'm downtown anyway so I'm gonna check EB Games in case they still have copies. What do you figure the odds are?
Kirara, the Cat
That's a funny joke.
Smash get!
I should probably cancel that Amazon copy before it ships now.
Kirara, the Cat
In my experience, they'll probably still send it. It can take up to two days to cancel a pre-ordered game and sometimes they just don't grant it and they'll send the game anyway. That's happened to me twice.
Do they still charge the price of the game?
Kirara, the Cat
Feuhh. I guess I'll keep an eye out. Maybe I can get a return
Maybe if the game goes scarce, you can resell the extra copy, if they send it.
Yeah I considered that. But if EB Games has copies this long after midnight release I can't imagine it's that scarce. I could probably find someone to sell it to for like fifty bucks for a bit of recomp though. Well maybe closer to sixty or seventy; games get expensive after taxes.
Nintendo games and products do. They're the only ones, though.
Well any physical game can technically go scarce. NoA has a pretty bad track record with games they're not certain are gonna be a blow-out sell, yeah. I remember going to like three EB Games and a
i remember when Tales of Vesperia was kind of hard to find in like 2013 or 2014 there were only 4 copies available across all the gamestops in Austin and neighboring cities and they were like 35$ used for a 5+ year old game at the time
I slept in because I was ill last night but now I feel like I've drank an energy drink or something. I don't usually feel so awake when I want to feel relaxed
Your body's kicked its healing juju into o-overdrive. Over-overdrive
just found out the walking dead is on like season 10 and that show started when i was in high school it makes me feel so old
Yeah well how many seasons is Supernatural on now. I remember when season four of that show was concurrent, back in high school. I never watched The Walking Dead.
>>614849 i guess it's like a revolving door apparently there's a second walking dead series now too and sometimes they throw characters between the two series
Kirara, the Cat
heather heyer's murderer was just found guilty of first degree murder
he was really bad at arguing he was just scared like he intentionally claimed he had a bunch of calls in prison where he freaked out at his mom and called heather "the enemy" i hope that bastard rots
>>614855 They used his prison phone calls as evidence? That's kind of scummy
if you tell your mom in public that you intentionally killed someone and you know that's being monitored and that it will be used against you, that's just how it goes
If he wete talking with his lawyer over the phone wouldn't that be inadmissible evidence?
Kirara, the Cat
talking with lawyer is protected talking with mommy is not
Well, hes a dumbass for saying it over the phone.
Kirara, the Cat
he's also a dumbass for trying to kill a ton of people
Kirara, the Cat
and he's also a nazi
Kirara, the Cat
(he also made phone calls to prominent white supremacists while in prison lol)