Banana Fish Cooking with Emiya --Episode 10-12 RErideD - Tokigoe no Derrida --Episode 11-12 Sora to Umi no Aida --Episode 8-10 Uchi no Maid ga Uzasugiru Zombieland Saga
Taimu Reap This show dumpd four episodes out right off the bat but it seems to only be a normal season's length of twelve episodes? I haven't been seeing new episodes out since.
So the party member that ended up making the sacrifice was the AI car all along. That kind of came out of left field.
well we don't want jan to run out of time, ika can catch up lets start!
hello frauleins >>614489 i thought smash was coming out in 24 hours not now because I read AM as PM er 12 hours i can't let this opportunity pass me by i won't be able to play until like saturday night otherwise
i kinda prefer digital on the switch since the game cartridges are so small i'm afraid i'll lose them or they'll get chewed on i wonder if cats don't like the bitter thing they put on them? >>614515 i just gotta werk it sucks ika i am going to miss zombieland now
>>614514 Yeah, Friday release means good for playing at the stroke of midnight on Friday! I've got it being shipped out through Amazon, so hopefully I get it Friday afternoon. Though even if that's the case I'll probably not be playing until Saturday because I've got seven hours of finals exams on Friday that I'll be collapsing into bed after.
Ika probably went to play GranBlue while we were watching RErideD and forgot to pay attention to the time. That or DotA.
>>614514 Well cats don't have the same kind of tastebuds as people. So yeah, who knows. I'd get a lot more games in digital on the Switch if I had a better storage card. It would have to be a super large one for me to merit beginning digital purchases because I'd want one that would last until I'm done with the Switch. Because as annoying as it is to swap Switch cartridges, swapping memory cards is even worse.
Oh look it's another old man lusting over Ash. Though I guess this one -did- visit a gay bar so it's probably par the course for him.
oh look ash is killing people like he's a supersoldier again
300IQ escape
Ash's psychological state is really fucked up by now.
Dauwntauwn no kingu
This guy looks like he's regretting his choices FAST.
I am alive for next show
Wow Max you got yourself into hot water after the problem resolved.
Blanca always looks like a huge man with way too small a head. I think he's a bit that way actually but I also think he wears some really bulky clothes.
seriously though how badass do you have to be to wear a tanktop in snowy weather
then again they probably don't feel the weather being zombies
Yeah, as zombies the temperature isn't a big deal. And as long as they keep moving and sit by the fire every now and then they don't have to worry about the cold freezing their bodies.
Necroducer's being surprisingly serious all of a su