Beelzebub-jou Cooking with Emiya --Episode 10-12 Kishuku Gakkou no Juliet RErideD - Tokigoe no Derrida --Episode 10-12 Seishun Buta Yarou wa Bunny Girl Sora to Umi no Aida --Episode 8-10 Tonari no Kyuuketsuki-san Uchi no Maid ga Uzasugiru
There's a non-zero chance I won't be around tomorrow night, on account of having an exam at eight in the morning on Friday morning. I'll do my best but if I'm a no-show you have my explicit permission to watch whatever.
>>613876 I'll giev -give you a heads up. If you're free we could also tap out the second how for Kishuku. Show, even. >>613878 Okey dokes, providing Rika's good for it I'll let you know. >>613875 I dunno, Ctrl + F it in the list maybe? Kishuku Gakkou no Juliet.
Getting violent with the robot learning to be you is probably not smart.
Hearing them talk of Automata in Japanese always brings me to mind of the NieR kind.
The video recording of that Angelica lady's experiments differed from her experience of them. It was still looking like a robot at the time she went nutso on it.
The whole emotional subplot between the MC and his best friend's daughter is a little bit hmmmm at times.
>>613899 her brother is becoming a delinquent she has to shape up as an example
Shape up and ship out
break in so we can break out
>>613902 We'll be getting the final arc for Persona 5 later this month by the way. Well it'll be out in Japan I'm not sure when it'll get an English release but they might simulcast it through CrunchyRoll like the normal series.
>>613903 i hope so i don't want to wait ages to watch the greatest episodes
though i guess i already have
I haven't played Paris Odor 5 so I haven't! I'm excited to see how they rework the events to get the Good End.
i mean it's already been a while since p5 "ended" the scene right after where they left off is my favorite cutscene in the game haha
>>613907 it's a pretty grand plan and the way the story works means they don't have to redo anything so it'll be a smooth transition at this point you can either be on the bad end route or good end route and everything in the anime has happened right up to akechi walking out
Sakuta's been pretty tame this episode so far. Aside from the bit about bathing with the imouto in Mai's body.
>So tired you fall asleep while changing your kid's dipers Sounds accurate to parenting as I've heard it.
Having to pretend to be an idol is probably pretty bad.
Well it has a fair bit of overlap with her normal life as an actress celebrity already. Probably a little more physical work but odds are the imouto's body is tuned for that already anyway.
wonder who's next wonder if he'll get to spend some time with his girl for once
imouto route
Yeah probably the imouto. Either her or the loli-mode of his previous crush that showed up a couple arcs back. But probably the imouto because she's shown up in the OP after Mei's imouto.
>>613975 Yeah man that was the stinger at the end of the last episode or the one before it. Or at the least the head prefect from the Black Doggies has the same family name as Inuzuka. So maybe they're just cousins or something.