Thread #612974
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「bang's new thread」 bang 2018/12/04 (火) 04:13 No. 612974
this is a new thread made by me, bang i hope you enjoy your time spent here
FormerRei@mobile 2018/12/04 (火) 04:20 No. 612977
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that's me! i'm bang! spent here
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is that a dab and a mic drop and an audible "bang"
Pretty much.
that's definitely me
Those are the only Bang caps I have. I've been keeping my eyes out though.
i appreciate your dedication it's important to always keep bang in your thoughts
>>612974 (OP) Hey everyone it's me Gay! Feels great to be here also while I'm Gay I am not in fact gay>>612987 Are you gay or Gay?
that's weird because i'm bang but i'm also gay
>>612987 lolurgay
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/12/04 (火) 04:56 No. 612990
FormerRei@mobile 2018/12/04 (火) 04:59 No. 612991
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I got this the other day. It's pretty kickass. Probably not going to leave the box for quite a while though.
is there a moon here
>>612987 wait a fucking second you're not bang if you' re gay
>>612990 the eternal question cawfee or gween tea?
gawfee cween tee
all women are queens gimme some queen tea
>>612992 hey what's up
>>612996 you'll have to pay the caw fee
anime >>612999 →
>>612997 i did my dota placements and now under my rank it says "29%" what does that mean?
Maybe 29% of the way from your current rank to the next one? I'll admit I don't really understand how the current MMR model works though, aside from the basic outline.
i thought that but it didn't seem to move after my most recent game maybe i need to relog or something
oh nevermind it did change maybe that it is
/moe/ the whole current internet obssession of mental health, self care, and depressed youtubers really makes me cringe but also I'm having issues with mental health and being a depressed youtuber
>>613007 oh that's your percent towards the next medal/rank so if it says archon 2 30%, you're 30% of the way towards progressing to archon 3, and so on each medal has, on average, about 160 points of mmr in between them, so about 8 more victories than losses to progress at each stage in the lower brackets it takes less to progress, sometimes just one or two wins
>>613029 so are you gonna show us your youtube channel
>>613032 I don't have one that's why I'm depressed
>>613034 So what would your channel be about
>>613037 Probably bullshit uninteresting travel blog
>>613029 self care is hard it's really hard when you dont have anyone else to help you care for yourself too
or rather anyone else to care for you maybe? im not sure
I don't even know how to care for myself at this point or rather, I don't know how to perform "self-care"
archon 5 huh that's not too bad i think i calibrated in at legend 1 which is just one rank higher at last calibration
You ever read something and think it says one thing but then go back and realize it said something completely different?
yeah all the time
>>613030 okay, makes sense i like the sound of it better than the shitty system other mobas use>>613047 yeah, i bet a friend who was archon 2 that i could place and hit legend 1 before him he took it for $20 now im archon 5 and he's archon 3
>>613049 isn't it kinda crazy? How many things have we read wrong, that we never ended up actually going back and reading correctly? Also, how many things have we seen incorrectly, heard incorrectly, and felt incorrectly?
>>613045 self-harm is a lot easier than self-care
me and my sister are getting drunk and playing overwatch family bonding
How cute. Who's the deeps.
im hanzo shes widow haha
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>>613063 im kind of envious i want to have fun times with my family or have a family like that
or have anyone like that
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>>613082 >>613079 its a lot of work to have a sister you have to feed her and play video games with her
>>613109 if you need a break for a while i can play games with her until you get back
/moe/ i'm making a horrible decision this wednesday and I am so excited
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>>613110 wow are you trying to rent my sister i already barely get to see her she's like a cat and sleeps 14 hours a day>>613111 why are you excited to make horrible decisions?
>>613112 i get to see my ex and i've been really missing her
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>>613113 if you miss her why is that a horrible decision?
>>613114 i should be moving on
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>>613115 yeah well we should all be doing a lot of things but it might still be fun right?
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>>613112 well maybe all three of us can eat foods and play video games then
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>>613117 okay that sounds really fun what do you want to play?
>take a shower >all 4 cats take turns shoving themselves into my face literally god damimt
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>>613118 bomberman mario golf mario tennis and uhhh then you two play D4 while i spectate on benzos
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>>613120 wait which mario golf i only played the one for the n64 if im getting my n64 out we gotta play some smash 64 and mario party 3 too
Kirara, the Cat 2018/12/04 (火) 11:31 No. 613122
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hi kirara
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>>613122 why the long face?
Kirara, the Cat 2018/12/04 (火) 11:32 No. 613125
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my head's gotta be long to fit in my gigantic genious brain
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that doesnt make sense im a jumbo dumbo and i got a normal size brain like everybody else!
i cant beieve the word is filling with merch inwant
whats merch inwant
Kirara, the Cat 2018/12/04 (火) 11:35 No. 613129
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>>613126 no way you're def a smarty party
>>613128 cute books and figures
>>613128 an euphemism for buttsex
>>613131 the world is tons butt it all makes sense im connecting the dots>>613130 how many figures do you own and whats your most recent cute book?>>613129 no im a dim jim
Kirara, the Cat 2018/12/04 (火) 11:45 No. 613133
maybe a feign brain
>>613132 definitely a 150 page or so book of ido’s 4komas because why not as for figures uh probably 15 ish?
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>>613134 dang that's more amiibos than i have what's ido's 4komas?
all boat related stuff it should be full color so it’ll look nice
why am i watching flight simulator rp videos
Kirara, the Cat 2018/12/04 (火) 12:09 No. 613138
this is silver duck coming in at 420 do you read me my left engine is out over
copy that silver duck go ahead and ignore all taxis and just land that baby directly into concourse A let's smoke it up copy?
Kirara, the Cat 2018/12/04 (火) 12:13 No. 613140
roger dodger im turning 69 degrees and redirecting into concourse A over and out
silver duck thank you and god bless you are now cleared to taxi onto the afterlife
Kirara, the Cat 2018/12/04 (火) 12:15 No. 613142
Kirara, the Cat 2018/12/04 (火) 12:24 No. 613144
Oh damn, they put Shaun of the Dead on Netflix
oh that’s something
Kirara, the Cat 2018/12/04 (火) 12:57 No. 613146
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A very good something
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/12/04 (火) 12:58 No. 613147
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Are you going to binge films again
Kirara, the Cat 2018/12/04 (火) 13:01 No. 613148
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No, I have work and stuff. I only have a few hours before I go in this morning.
Kirara, the Cat 2018/12/04 (火) 13:03 No. 613149
oh, Blue Planet 2 in 4k is up too fish is gonna like that
Koi, the Dragon 2018/12/04 (火) 13:12 No. 613150
someone has to get us away from this hell of a plaet might as well be Blue
Kirara, the Cat 2018/12/04 (火) 13:13 No. 613151
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It's a nature documentary with Attenborough about the oceans!
we should really start producing that attenborough voice archive
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love this games community
Kirara, the Cat 2018/12/04 (火) 13:30 No. 613154
FormerRei@mobile 2018/12/04 (火) 14:30 No. 613155
FormerRei@mobile 2018/12/04 (火) 14:31 No. 613156>Still wearing thigh high boots
Kirara, the Cat 2018/12/04 (火) 14:37 No. 613157
thigh high boots are still fashionable
FormerRei@mobile 2018/12/04 (火) 14:38 No. 613158
No, that's not what I meant. It's funny because thigh high boots are a fetish.
Kirara, the Cat 2018/12/04 (火) 14:38 No. 613159
no i mean, why would the skeleton take them off they're still fashionable of course it's still wearing them
FormerRei@mobile 2018/12/04 (火) 14:39 No. 613160
>>613159 Someone could've stolen them Or they could've rotted
Kirara, the Cat 2018/12/04 (火) 16:01 No. 613161
Did you get a chance to check out the new Captain Marvel trailer Kirara
Kirara, the Cat 2018/12/04 (火) 16:03 No. 613163
It was pretty cool
chino overdose help im
call poison control right now ton
chinoverdose is often fatal
Kirara, the Cat 2018/12/04 (火) 17:18 No. 613167
i was just on hold with a probation officer and sort of dozing off and they finally answered and i just went "hi hi" and he was like "uhhh"
Gotta double down on it in that case.
Kirara, the Cat 2018/12/04 (火) 17:19 No. 613169
yaho p.o
What's the haps my man
Kirara, the Cat 2018/12/04 (火) 17:20 No. 613171
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me in the middle sensing danger
Kirara, the Cat 2018/12/04 (火) 17:26 No. 613172
wow the new doctor who just starts with the doctor breaking into some random house because she's curious have some decency, doctor
Kirara, the Cat 2018/12/04 (火) 17:27 No. 613173
Hang the dead show us the trailer MCU.>>613172 The thirteenth seems to have a real bad curiousity streak. She walks in on the hotel guy's hotel even though he's being standoffish about it too. And just snoops around a noble lady's bedroom in the last week's episode. There's the spaceship she runs around in like five minutes after waking up from an injury. And literally runs off with a cult's sacred object because she's worried about what its genetic make-up is.
Kirara, the Cat 2018/12/04 (火) 17:32 No. 613175
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She definitely has some boundary issues.
I've got to go out for a study session and I'm still kind of sickly and I'm not looking forward to the cold. How annoying.
Oh it's below freezing yeah this is gonna suck.
Kirara, the Cat 2018/12/04 (火) 17:36 No. 613178
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Someday I'll get that kind of cold. I can't wait. When I finally move to Wyoming or something, we can take bets on how long it takes for me to hate going outside.
Honestly that first winter'll be rough on you. It might not be enough to make you hate the cold but it'll definitely be a realization for you of "I didn't know it could be this cold for this long a time".
Kirara, the Cat 2018/12/04 (火) 17:41 No. 613180
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I'm excited to experience it.
At least there's also a good chance of Philly being a little chilly in January. Probably not mid-west cold like Wyoming but definitely weather you don't get in Florida.
>>613173 but is it a trailer or a trailer for a trailer
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Worst thing I can think about winter, is when instead of winter you have lamter
Kirara, the Cat 2018/12/04 (火) 17:46 No. 613184
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>>613181 Coldest I've ever been in is -7c. Was outside in it for about 4 hours but it wasn't too uncomfortable. But I was also on top of a mountain so // and it wasn't very windy.
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>>613184 coldest I have been is 1-2 degrees under finland's coldest ever temperature>>613185 >canned reindeer meat WHY?
Kirara, the Cat 2018/12/04 (火) 17:54 No. 613187
>>613186 How cold is that?
>>613187 close to -40
ive done -40 once worst by far ive done
>>613186 Something different
>>613189 once it goes under -30 breathing just gets damn hard
I can't remember the coldest I've been in but it wasn't -40 that's for sure. Probably around -25 on a mountaintop. It's still a damn cold experience though.
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going running in -20~ is quite pain or well any high physical activity
I think it's dropped to around -20 in the city here once or twice on recent winters. It's normally not so bad because we've got the lake effect and urbanisation to help keep us warm. But those nights at those temperatures were chiiiilly. At least weather that cold doesn't normally come with snowfall 'round here.
last really cold winter I can think of was 2011 few after that were cold, but since like... 2014 or 15 there hasn't been a proper winter
Global warming is a myth created by the Chinese.
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is been something like 1-2weeks of winter and then 1-2weeks of rain and warm and then 1-2weeks of winter and then reset back to nothing and that for 3 months and then spring finally rears its head
but prior to that winters from around 2007-2010 were shit as long as I remember, there has always been a bti of a 4-5 year cycle of shit winters and then "fuck there is a lot of snow andcold"
Kirara, the Cat 2018/12/04 (火) 18:13 No. 613199
>>613188 yikes
>>613199 the winter I served in the army had so cold temperatures, they ahd to cancel some drills and practices older folk were ofc "man these guys so wussy they can't handle little cold" but then again, I doubt THEY wanted to be out in that cold either just a simple health risk and saving a lot of money from not getting that winter attrition hell, even I became a "casualty" when i got pneumonia
>>613165 im freakin dead
Kirara, the Cat 2018/12/04 (火) 18:29 No. 613202
haha that reverse the polarity joke in the new episode
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do you all feel like you need
>>613202 were they confusing the polarity?
Kirara, the Cat 2018/12/04 (火) 18:36 No. 613206
>>613205 just a reference to the third doctor
>>613206 best nod to that is the>well reverse the polarity >nothing is happening >well thati s because you are reversing the polarity and i am reversing it back. we are confusing the polarity
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Wow fuck the law. I'll awoo
Kirara, the Cat 2018/12/04 (火) 18:41 No. 613211
awooooo we're wolves of london
I'm calling the cops.
Kirara, the Cat 2018/12/04 (火) 18:45 No. 613213
sk is watchin zombieland saga
I need to watch it. I downloaded it but forgot to watch it
Kirara, the Cat 2018/12/04 (火) 18:51 No. 613215
watch itttt it's so goood
>>613204 Sometimes I need to.
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so many things so little time
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the more I research and write about these EU copyright reforms the more upsetting it gets.
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and you don't even permanently live here
The UK will probably have to obey the copyright shit on online since most companies online that are big enough will obey the EU anyway.
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>>613219 I'm upset on behalf of my Eurofriends. >>613220 Didn't you hear? England RECLAIMED INDEPENDENCE by cutting ties with the unstoppable EU Juggernaut you're a SOVEREIGN STATE again!
>>613221 Truely you can just pretend that voting to leave the EU will make us independant of the rest of the world!
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God save the Queen
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God doesn't need to save the Queen, she has cashmoney
Kirara, the Cat 2018/12/04 (火) 19:40 No. 613225
guillotine the queen
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Guillotine the rich and aristocracy
no, no god attack the queen send big dogs after her to bite her bum
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>>613224 cashmoney that those thieves in Brussels are no longer getting
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>>613227 Sic god on the queen.>>613229 Maybe in spite they'll tax the queen. or give specifications on what type of queen you are allowed, since y'know the EU is apparently all about making inane rules apparently.
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>>613225 >>613226 >>613227 >>613228 I'll fight for the Commonwealth
>>613231 for Polish Lithuania!
>>613227 crazy dog!
Kirara, the Cat 2018/12/04 (火) 19:56 No. 613234
>>613231 bootlickerrrrr
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I have this persistent headache on my leftside of my head sharp and then goes , been a number of days that it has been lasting. Sucks. #
Hi Joe Moe
Joe schmoke
Time to turn autocorrect off
There Freeodm To spellel Impoprperly
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>>613234 rebel scum >>613236 If someone's RL name is Joe they'd be freaking out right now.
>>613240 Did you meet any nationalist in Finland? You've been fairly into the EU and stuff. don't // I'm eloquent when I'm not having headaches pls.
hi vlue
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>>613241 almost all the Finns I've met have been Uni students so they're all pretty pro-EU. It depends on who you talk to.
Kirara, the Cat 2018/12/04 (火) 20:08 No. 613244
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How do you mute responses to a tweet. I keep getting notifications for a tweet I responded too. aaaaa
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>>613243 universities are brainwashing facilities
unless they are technical unis
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>>613246 But we've always been at war with Eastasia
FormerRei@mobile 2018/12/04 (火) 20:15 No. 613249
You guys hear about the Thotaudit?
>>613248 *ocenia
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gotta pay your taxes
Kirara, the Cat 2018/12/04 (火) 20:20 No. 613253
>>613245 top arrow, mute this convention
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>>613253 Thanks.
Koi, the Dragon 2018/12/04 (火) 20:25 No. 613255
this photo
>>613255 wow.
me on the right
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the biggest problem is that all these people making decisions on how the internet should be shaped don't have a clue how it works.
The European Commission has an FAQ on their website about memes
>>613255 wow
>>613259 does it say "we don't liek them and will ban them"?
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>>613261 It says it's going to save them by forcing platforms to have an inbuilt appeal mechanism for human review so you can apply to have your meme unblocked after the mandatory content filter takes it down.
>>613262 ... we should nuke brussels and stratsbourg
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If the Ukraine keeps pissing off war ships maybe the Russkies will do it for us
>russia vs eu war >1st move is remove finland from the face of the earth >literally >everyone goes "uh what" >russia just chants "never again2
at this point france has surrendered and italy has switched sides
FormerRei@mobile 2018/12/04 (火) 22:01 No. 613267
do you post on moo or too first?
FormerRei@mobile 2018/12/04 (火) 22:17 No. 613269
>>613268 Too?
>russia vs eu war >i move directly into the mountains
unless russia could basically blitz it in few months,they'd lose sheer economic and population difference would be at that point be the key factor
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There was a bear on the streets of my city today.
Kannagi !NEATO1nxtM
2018/12/04 (火) 23:03 No. 613275
wow did the bear get you
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And a fox
>>613274 >>613276 makings of a disney movie
Kirara, the Cat 2018/12/04 (火) 23:10 No. 613278
y'all my clinic gave me a $100 Publix giftcard for the holidays omg
postin' in a thread?
>>613278 what is publix
FormerRei@mobile 2018/12/04 (火) 23:12 No. 613281
>>613280 Southern grocery store chaon *chain
Kirara, the Cat 2018/12/04 (火) 23:12 No. 613282
yeah grocery store
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pic related it's me
>>613282 i guess saves up on food cost or you can buy something specific with it
Kirara, the Cat 2018/12/04 (火) 23:14 No. 613285
$100 is sooooo much money to just randomly get im gonna buy us steak for dinner and save the rest for regular groceries
FormerRei@mobile 2018/12/04 (火) 23:14 No. 613286
>>613285 You should buy a $100 Amazon giftcard with i
FormerRei@mobile 2018/12/04 (火) 23:15 No. 613287
*with it
Kirara, the Cat 2018/12/04 (火) 23:15 No. 613288
you can't eat an Amazon gift card
FormerRei@mobile 2018/12/04 (火) 23:15 No. 613289
>>613288 Not with that attitude.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/12/04 (火) 23:15 No. 613290
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aw heck yeah good for you kirara
Kirara, the Cat 2018/12/04 (火) 23:17 No. 613291
maybe ill buy some cod or salmon instead of steak something fish will love
FormerRei@mobile 2018/12/04 (火) 23:17 No. 613292
>>613291 Nah Get steak
FormerRei@mobile 2018/12/04 (火) 23:18 No. 613293
>>613291 Oh she likes to eat fish more than steak? Go for it then
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/12/04 (火) 23:18 No. 613294
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Fish likes to eat fish and Charlotte likes to eat dragons it's not surprising really.
Kirara, the Cat 2018/12/04 (火) 23:18 No. 613295
fish is a fish lover alive dead raw cooked she loves it all
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/12/04 (火) 23:19 No. 613296
also kirara here this is really cute
FormerRei@mobile 2018/12/04 (火) 23:19 No. 613297
>>613295 Fermented?
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hello hello
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/12/04 (火) 23:19 No. 613299
ah yes it's rika time
Kirara, the Cat 2018/12/04 (火) 23:19 No. 613300
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>>613297 probably>>613298 Rika-chan, hello. How are you? I'm fantastic once again.
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>>613298 are you here to praise me?
FormerRei@mobile 2018/12/04 (火) 23:20 No. 613302
Kannagi !NEATO1nxtM
2018/12/04 (火) 23:20 No. 613303
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>>613275 no, he didn't I protected myself in oder to meet my friends from /moe/ and tell them about the wild bear I love you /moe/
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Kannagi !NEATO1nxtM
2018/12/04 (火) 23:22 No. 613306
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>>613304 It was more a joke because you were in orange for so long half finished. but you were just uploading an ACTUAL FUCKING PICTURE OF A BEAR WALKING ALONG THE STREET
Kirara, the Cat 2018/12/04 (火) 23:22 No. 613307
>>613304 thank you for survive 🙏
>>613283 damn Bang u lookin fly today
Kirara, the Cat 2018/12/04 (火) 23:23 No. 613309
bang again with the white vans damn bangiel
wait wtf happen bears!?!?
>>613300 buy some strömming
>>613308 i'm lookin fly everyday my good bitch
Search [iqdb] (75 KB, 850x446, __chen_touhou_drawn_by_guard_b(…).jpg )
>>613307 Thank you for the nice thoughts 🙏>>613306 Oh, i i thought you were worried about me :(
Kirara, the Cat 2018/12/04 (火) 23:24 No. 613314
>>613311 nah
>>613312 don't look fly at a funeral
the only funeral i hope to attend soon is my own
Search [iqdb] (269 KB, 690x787, __cirno_touhou_drawn_by_dandy_(…).jpg )
>>613314 bet it would be quite expensive to bootover there.
and you better fucking believe i'm gonna look flay as fuck fly even all 42 pieces of me
Search [iqdb] (163 KB, 600x600, 2b65b488e0af5e591a26f84bfbc3c21d.jpg )
but I'd go with salmon and ovencook it oven salmon done right is super tasty only thing that beats it is smoked
and ofc gravlax
Search [iqdb] (152 KB, 651x706, [HorribleSubs] Aho Girl - 12 [(…).jpg )
>>613300 Ypu You're fantastic again today?>>613301 nope!
Kirara, the Cat 2018/12/04 (火) 23:26 No. 613322
Search [iqdb] (96 KB, 301x402, 20181130_095513.jpg )
>>613321 My clinic gave me a $100 gift card! Fish won't be mad about me being fantastic this time. How are you?
Search [iqdb] (344 KB, 824x923, 1491026168987.jpg )
>>613321 don't be so stingy with your praise you stuck-up
why would you want to be praised or deserve some?
>>613318 each with their own tux?
Search [iqdb] (96 KB, 650x673, [HorribleSubs] Princess Princi(…).jpg )
>>613322 Oh, why'd they give you a gift card?>>613323 stuck up?
>>613325 Hello Maria how are you?
Search [iqdb] (85 KB, 824x614, 1491981229039.jpg )
>>613326 i was holding my tongue
Kirara, the Cat 2018/12/04 (火) 23:30 No. 613329
Search [iqdb] (411 KB, 1000x1341, IMG_20181125_225031.png )
>>613326 I don't know! For the holidays or something.
>>613327 annoyed by work
>>613325 that sounds expensive actually i'm probably going to be cremated and i hope i'm wearing jeans and a t-shirt
>>613330 Oh, hope it gets better for you. Thanks for replying.
Search [iqdb] (90 KB, 565x800, 01ad79ff6122df976a50f207020bf087.jpg )
now that is pathetic post up there
>>613332 you're welcome fam I really hate coming in late I hate our buses>>613331 Make it a really tacky shirt like one with a band logo or a anime shirt
Search [iqdb] (52 KB, 595x756, 111fea34282f1d82ba00e41f46b034b5.jpg )
>>613334 buy a car
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>>613333 What...?
Why are you being rude...?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/12/04 (火) 23:40 No. 613342
Search [iqdb] (121 KB, 1030x900, 44cf49dde3028407966e5e37c78e8391.jpg )
>>613335 I hate driving even more!
FormerRei@mobile 2018/12/04 (火) 23:40 No. 613344
>>613343 You can drive?
>>613344 not legally but yes
FormerRei@mobile 2018/12/04 (火) 23:40 No. 613346
>>613345 Wowme2
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/12/04 (火) 23:41 No. 613347
Search [iqdb] (1.3 MB, 850x1200, 333f3f33608228a9f0aeb30eeeb94e26.png )
git your permits/licenses you nerds
Search [iqdb] (97 KB, 452x709, [HorribleSubs] Tenshi no 3P! -(…).jpg )
FormerRei@mobile 2018/12/04 (火) 23:41 No. 613349
>>613347 I actually live in an area with public transit so its not really a priority.
Oh the weather outside is frightful
>>613349 this
i got my license back! but my car needs fixing...
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/12/04 (火) 23:42 No. 613353
so did I but I got one because it was way more convenient
Search [iqdb] (315 KB, 567x800, 0c75d687c8af83aa3ea197e9f6952406.png )
I got a permit cause it is so useful forexample being able to drive your own moving vans or renting a car whenever or being able to drive for living
Such rude anon...
FormerRei@mobile 2018/12/04 (火) 23:43 No. 613356
Oh yeah, i am old enough to rent a car and not be charged extra for being a young driver.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/12/04 (火) 23:44 No. 613357
Kirara, the Cat 2018/12/04 (火) 23:44 No. 613358
>>613352 that's awesome, man good luck with getting the car up and running
>>613352 hope you don't have any unfortunate shit this time around
>>613352 congrats
FormerRei@mobile 2018/12/04 (火) 23:50 No. 613361
>>613352 Noice
2nd damn
attempt yaii
i doubt this works yeah
I am surprised I had at some point generated 30 perkele trips
Kannagi !NEATO1nxtM
2018/12/05 (水) 00:06 No. 613367
Search [iqdb] (17 KB, 216x211, 56023.png )
I wasted time generating this.
damn the first time didn't work it was JOUPerkele
Search [iqdb] (1.9 MB, 2200x2000, 7c4a6a96ae0586f3d8af82e5b5c5387a.png )
I'll prolly gen something with neater case butn ot now
wow generating sure uses a lot of processing powa
FormerRei@mobile 2018/12/05 (水) 00:10 No. 613371
Use your gpu, its faster
FormerRei@mobile 2018/12/05 (水) 00:11 No. 613372
Wait, do you have amd or nvidia?
nvidia i dunno if this tripexloder knows how to use gpu
FormerRei@mobile 2018/12/05 (水) 00:13 No. 613374
Try this Using a gpu is like a thousand times faster than a cpu.
Kirara, the Cat 2018/12/05 (水) 00:18 No. 613375
That's a cool remake.
Naan bread is so delicious my gosh.
>would take 1,2 months at current speed to generate kek
>>613375 I like it
FormerRei@mobile 2018/12/05 (水) 00:22 No. 613380
>>613378 What's your hashrate?
don't ask I don't know
FormerRei@mobile 2018/12/05 (水) 00:23 No. 613382
Are you still using tripcode explorer or did you switch to meriken's?
tried meriken and it said "at this generation speed this code/we would take 1,2 months on average"
also i am not risking running my comp for days on no end with high capacity too many parts that are too old
FormerRei@mobile 2018/12/05 (水) 00:24 No. 613385
Wait, did you switch back to tripcode explorer?
FormerRei@mobile 2018/12/05 (水) 00:28 No. 613387
Okay, good. What are you trying to generate anyways?
Augh eating spicy food with an already runny nose I should have expected thiissssssss
FormerRei@mobile 2018/12/05 (水) 00:30 No. 613389
There's also an Nvidia optimized binary for it But I doubt it will speed it up enough
>>613387 a super long thing so...
FormerRei@mobile 2018/12/05 (水) 00:32 No. 613391
>>613390 Did you enable gpu mode?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/12/05 (水) 00:34 No. 613392
I want some melon bread
FormerRei@mobile 2018/12/05 (水) 00:34 No. 613393
>>613392 Get conchas they're basically the same thing.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/12/05 (水) 00:35 No. 613394
Search [iqdb] (3.0 MB, 2508x3541, 03287613c3f52362b31635157f2ada2d.jpg )
why would I settle for anything less than authentic melon bread
FormerRei@mobile 2018/12/05 (水) 00:37 No. 613395
Their only differences are the name and where they're sold.
FormerRei@mobile 2018/12/05 (水) 00:37 No. 613396
Wait actually There's a japanese bakery near me. If you pay me back I can buy some and ship it to you.
Kirara, the Cat 2018/12/05 (水) 00:40 No. 613397
Search [iqdb] (139 KB, 717x1012, IMG_20181030_055514.jpg )
>>613397 oh boy I hope that's my apartment she's breaking into
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/12/05 (水) 00:51 No. 613400
oh good old mayu
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
2018/12/05 (水) 01:27 No. 613401
Samu Samu, I want to say hi to you.
FormerRei@mobile 2018/12/05 (水) 01:50 No. 613402
Sup Notso
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
2018/12/05 (水) 01:51 No. 613403
>>613402 Killing time before the inevitable sleep. You?
Search [iqdb] (9.2 MB, 684x643, __cirno_daiyousei_and_hinanawi(…).gif )
Who even sleeps
FormerRei@mobile 2018/12/05 (水) 01:57 No. 613405
>>613403 Waiting for my dad to get home so we can go out for dinner. I'm also worrying about a friend of mine because someone he's been hanging out with recently is trying to get him to join a cult.
oh boy what kind of cult
FormerRei@mobile 2018/12/05 (水) 02:00 No. 613407
>>613406 The Nation of Islam Who is associated with the church of $cientology.
>>613407 yikes
Search [iqdb] (20 KB, 400x400, __buront_and_hinanawi_tenshi_f(…).jpg )
>>613407 rip
FormerRei@mobile 2018/12/05 (水) 02:17 No. 613410
>>613408 You familiar with their mythology at all? It's super wacky.
>>613410 nope
FormerRei@mobile 2018/12/05 (水) 02:27 No. 613412
you guys are taller than your mom, right?
FormerRei@mobile 2018/12/05 (水) 03:10 No. 613414
>>613413 YYeah
FormerRei@mobile 2018/12/05 (水) 03:12 No. 613415
FormerRei@mobile 2018/12/05 (水) 03:14 No. 613416
FormerRei@mobile 2018/12/05 (水) 03:15 No. 613417
>>613413 i'm taller than my parents but several inches shorter than my uncle guy is xbox
>>613417 >>613416 >>613415 also the lizards that hang out on my back porch during summer do this it's really cute
FormerRei@mobile 2018/12/05 (水) 03:31 No. 613420
>>613419 It's a mating display. Also the hot new Florida invasive reptile likes to eat eggs. Maybe they'll start eating burmese python eggs.
FormerRei@mobile 2018/12/05 (水) 03:32 No. 613421
Also real talk Reptiles should be banned as pets in Florida Or at least importing reptiles should be banned.
>>613420 ah i always figured they were just trying to posture to make themselves look bigger or something>>613421 what you got against lizards man
FormerRei@mobile 2018/12/05 (水) 03:53 No. 613423
>>613422 Nothing, but invasive species are a big problem in Florida.
you mean old people??
Search [iqdb] (254 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Beelzebub-jou n(…).jpg )
i thought old people were just migratory species they return to their home at the end of their lifespan like turtles
FormerRei@mobile 2018/12/05 (水) 05:17 No. 613426
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
2018/12/05 (水) 05:31 No. 613427
this spell you got on me it’s like magic
anime >>613428 →
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Kirara, the Cat 2018/12/05 (水) 11:27 No. 613510
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Koi, the Dragon 2018/12/05 (水) 12:47 No. 613511
Search [iqdb] (665 KB, 1145x1561, えぐ - 鳩羽つぐ (67991097) .png )
and we gon RIDE
good morning
Whats on the ToN agenda
make content for game relax cute boats and etc nap before work
Search [iqdb] (1016 KB, 879x1543, illust_69520949_20181205_085052.jpg )
Neat I too should make game content
my players are familiar with our i wait until the last minute to throw all my ideas together but i think they have some faith in me since i always come through
Search [iqdb] (343 KB, 600x646, illust_71862189_20181205_084837.jpg )
Sounds like 80% Of the planet
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/12/05 (水) 13:57 No. 613519
Search [iqdb] (161 KB, 848x1200, 0598da1666adac00581f3739c528cc5e.jpg )
I'm way cooler than 80% of the planet though
Koi, the Dragon 2018/12/05 (水) 14:06 No. 613520
Search [iqdb] (216 KB, 800x800, あく - 鳩羽つぐ (68003267) .png )
>>613519 so you're saying that 80% of the planet is hotter than you?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/12/05 (水) 14:08 No. 613521
Search [iqdb] (485 KB, 640x800, 05118c38b92082f31fcb4dfe84f50cea.jpg )
no way, I'm both of those!
Koi, the Dragon 2018/12/05 (水) 14:10 No. 613522
Search [iqdb] (586 KB, 1478x1398, せな茶 - 鳩羽つぐ (68436524) .jpg )
you're going to catch a cold at this rate.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/12/05 (水) 14:14 No. 613523
Search [iqdb] (609 KB, 703x1000, 09de79c89d60deea889a2d94f889f3e5.png )
I might dude I'm freakin' cold right now How are you holding up
Koi, the Dragon 2018/12/05 (水) 14:16 No. 613524
Search [iqdb] (322 KB, 1864x1161, DteeWT9U4AAwfm1.jpg )
took a nice warm shower. should be fine about to heat up some leftover pholourie
a blue for all seasons
FormerRei@mobile 2018/12/05 (水) 14:28 No. 613526
Search [iqdb] (910 KB, 2192x3920, DSC_0545.JPG )
Koi, the Dragon 2018/12/05 (水) 15:06 No. 613528
Search [iqdb] (287 KB, 1638x2048, 初宮 - 鳩羽つぐ (69657683) .jpg )
>>613525 Koi season Isana season Tsugu season Abby season
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/12/05 (水) 15:08 No. 613529
Search [iqdb] (108 KB, 800x875, 054bd2504c0db844a25ee003bd34b0de.jpg )
surrender all your beps and no one gets hurt
Koi, the Dragon 2018/12/05 (水) 15:09 No. 613530
Search [iqdb] (1.2 MB, 1100x1100, DrKK7H9VAAAcoDr.png )
sorry, only have Hibikis
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/12/05 (水) 15:11 No. 613531
Search [iqdb] (50 KB, 600x600, 0b4b4d3f3a77417f7fb17a03101f161d.png )
then die kkkkkkkkkkkkkrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrspeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Koi, the Dragon 2018/12/05 (水) 15:15 No. 613532
Search [iqdb] (481 KB, 2048x1641, DoWVSJlUgAAM4Sm.jpg )
dying is so 2008 It's 2018, we perish now
Search [iqdb] (542 KB, 1600x1999, 7c8219dcdef5cd06.jpg )
i like annihilation more
Koi, the Dragon 2018/12/05 (水) 15:42 No. 613534
Search [iqdb] (1.0 MB, 733x980, a8f8761788cbe806c735e8656f2515(…).png )
look at this guy all the way out in 2038
Search [iqdb] (565 KB, 1150x1542, __original_drawn_by_kisetsu__6(…).jpg )
i am an anti-hipster
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
2018/12/05 (水) 15:45 No. 613536
>>613401 magic magic!
Shi ny shi ny
shi ne shi ne
A game I'm playing has this synth chime that sounds eerily like my phone's ringtone. Really threw me off/
FormerRei@mobile 2018/12/05 (水) 17:29 No. 613540
>>613535 Were you anti hipster before it was cool?
Search [iqdb] (50 KB, 1280x720, [SpoonSubs]_Sketchbook_full_co(…).jpg )
being anti-hipster is and never will be cool
i am anti subculture and anti counterculture jus b urself not a labeled drone
Search [iqdb] (99 KB, 719x342, SOBA.jpg )
i am pro SOBA
soba is pretty fucking deliciousmell I'm not even going to fix that suggestion my phone is a yurikuma now
Search [iqdb] (165 KB, 1920x1080, 0039.jpg )
kaos is pathetic moe
Kaos Kaos wanna Kaos
Search [iqdb] (273 KB, 1920x1080, screenshot0063.jpg )
>>613548 the best kind of moe.
exterminate khoas
>video unavailable IS THIS WHAT EUROPE HAS COME TO
moe i mixed viagra with alcohol and now i'm light headed
haha dumbass try eating that may help a little bit
>>613555 this.
>>613554 what.
Search [iqdb] (89 KB, 1280x720, [EveTaku] AKB0048 - 20 (1280x7(…).jpg )
does viagra give you some sort of rush that I'm not aware of? I thought it was just for GENTLEMAN PROBLEMS
well it gives you blood rushing to your dick it reduces blood pressure and dilates the blood vessels around your body>>613561 not as far as I'm aware
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/12/05 (水) 18:10 No. 613560
Search [iqdb] (50 KB, 600x600, 0b4b4d3f3a77417f7fb17a03101f161d.png )
why did you take a viagra why did you drink alcohol with it what were you thinking
>>613559 I mean rush like a high
Search [iqdb] (161 KB, 1920x1080, 0059.jpg )
Yeah. Exactly. That's what I thought so why would you take it if you didn't need it? and if you did need it, then you don't need to be asking moe because you already know exactly what you should do.
no idea we'll have to wait for anons exciting followup if I'm not retarded then I'm predicting he is trying to get down with his ex right about now
Koi, the Dragon 2018/12/05 (水) 18:14 No. 613564
Search [iqdb] (1.4 MB, 1000x1287, 211c660403948137e7647be16b5d31(…).png )
I see the Bad Idea Blues is in full swing
things are going to get STEAMY
>>613564 Do you really want it to be known as the swinging bib.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/12/05 (水) 18:15 No. 613567
good luck with your boner power
Search [iqdb] (208 KB, 889x1300, Dtp1AAaUcAE_TpU.jpeg )
Haha what the hell anno
>>613567 bone her? I don't even know her
>>613567 anno's dick right now:>>>/watch?v=wN34pZSLMv4
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/12/05 (水) 18:17 No. 613571
>>613568 hi bang
Koi, the Dragon 2018/12/05 (水) 18:17 No. 613572
Search [iqdb] (1.3 MB, 1159x1754, 210d943e606c51467c49270e6b89ae(…).jpg )
I've set the timer for four hours, by the way
FUN FACT: in the dodgy parts of Thailand they sold viagra after dark just at little stalls on the side of the curb the same way you'd buy a can of soda
>>613569 haven't we been through this? you don't have to know her
>>613573 sounds exciting and dangerous see any ladyboys like they say?
>>613575 he was one of the ladyboys
maybe I should have gone on that Thailand trip after all
SEA seems like a wonderful place to visit for sure
Search [iqdb] (719 KB, 1920x1423, Sakura - crossed.jpg )
let's invade sealand
Search [iqdb] (2.5 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_20170712_225433[1].jpg )
>>613579 hell yes I'll get the Fulton ready let's make them give back our past>>613580 man what the fuck they have matching outfits and stuff they look like random civilians in a rockstar game
the problem with family vacations are they not in fact vacations at all
Search [iqdb] (112 KB, 1920x1080, Sakura - cola pose.jpg )
>>613581 and not just invade them sink the whole damn base WE WILL BE ONE OF THE FEW PEOPLE WHO HAVE REMOVED A COUNTRY FROM THE FACE OF THE EARTH
Search [iqdb] (2.5 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_20170712_225414[1].jpg )
the guy in the green shirt is not enjoying himself.
>>613580 wow you found a harem I'm jelly
>>613584 he forgot his street Viagra
>>613563 i'm back i'm better now i posted that after i had already finished doing everything no, viagra does not give you a rush, i just have gentleman problems and she was already drunk so we thought it would make sense to even us out and i'm still young and stupid enough to be controlled entirely by the whim of pretty girls i'm trying to sleep with
Search [iqdb] (1.7 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_20170702_162624[1].jpg )
It's a hell of a place.
>>613588 there is a store in one shopping centre/bus station called Fast and Furry
>>613589 yikes. >>613587 you should have said it does I might have gone out to buy some
>>613590 well i gives you a boner that's almost as good also it makes you feel warm (due to the increased blood flow throughout that body, i believe) and just mix it with some alcohol, that'll get you real fucked up
>>613587 ah right on then glad to hear you didn't have any problems i think most people are easily controlled by pretty girls they're trying to sleep with though haha
wow lewd stuff bros
not even.
we are just discussing penises would you like to join?
boner pills aren't lewd at all
Search [iqdb] (824 KB, 1080x1080, 69307484_p0_master1200.jpg )
Y'all have gentlemanly problems. wwwww
I'll have you know that only happens when I've been in the nose bag thank you very much
Search [iqdb] (92 KB, 1280x720, [EveTaku] AKB0048 - 22 (1280x7(…).jpg )
Who needs penises when you can write about VAT exceptions for the Swedish postal service.
Search [iqdb] (1.8 MB, 1157x1637, 1541936188820.png )
remove penis
do swedish people even have penises?
No. that's a form of toxic masculinity.
toxic masculinity is a hell of a nickname for your member really
I just call mine "the patriarchy"
You call your dick that? wow.
Fire at will partriarchy!
Koi, the Dragon 2018/12/05 (水) 18:45 No. 613608
Search [iqdb] (561 KB, 1062x1518, 鬼针草 - 涂个地藏 (64583141) .jpg )
Go Go and seek help
i call mine by no name because nobody actually names their dick at least outside of jokes
Search [iqdb] (120 KB, 1920x1080, Sakura (21).jpg )
>>613609 I bet some do
>>613610 yeah probably some outliers out there
only the same type of people that name their car
i named my car it's "piece of shit fucking start" it doesn't respond to any other name
now youve got no choice but to name your penis the same thing
>>613613 now thats a real gentlemanly problem
Heck of a name.
>>613615 yeah i wish they made car Viagra
so it goes for 15 minutes and then suffers engine failure
Nitro is Viagra for cars
>>613618 nah it just doesn't start at all
Search [iqdb] (199 KB, 1000x1414, Dtq4prZUcAAPdvu.jpeg )
slept 9-1 now to take on this shift and crash like a motherfucker
godspeed brave warrior i finished an hour or so ago but now I'm distracted by internet instead of sleep fuck am I doing
Search [iqdb] (169 KB, 1920x1080, Sakura (28).jpg )
gslayer op is quite good and ed too
Search [iqdb] (1.6 MB, 1920x1080, mpc-hc64_2018-12-05_21-03-08.png )
It's all kind of Riddles In The Dark, isn't it.
Search [iqdb] (1.6 MB, 1920x1080, mpc-hc64_2018-12-05_21-03-37.png )
In goblin slayer, golumn has become a BADASS
or maybe that is Bilbo after holding on to the ring for 500 years
Yeah, it was Bilbo that asked the question in the book.
actually yeah that makes more sense
Bilbo became the dark lord
dildo baggins
dildo slaggins>>613624 yeah the op really left an impression the animation timing to the music is so great
Search [iqdb] (330 KB, 646x925, Sakura (53).jpg )
I really love how they took the d&d bad roll theme from the series and turned it into a damn good op
>>613632 >>613633
I need to catch up
>>613635 in finnish this is called "rhyme about the lord of wine" essentially loru sorbusten herrasta lord of the rings being taru sormusten herrasta - legend/myth of the lord of the rings
>>613635 >tim benzedrine any relation to jeff benzos?
>>613637 Yeah, the page has a lot of major language translations of the title's pun/
>Swedish: Härsken på ringen ("Angry at the Ring") was translated by Lena Karlin and published in 2003. The Swedes just went "we don't have a good pun here let's just make them mad".
>French: Lord of the Ringards ("Lord of the Has-beens") was issued in 2002. Where as the French have an even better pun than the original.
i don't mean to insult but, have yall watched the office? i would love to have Andy as a boss
Search [iqdb] (172 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Hand Shakers - (…).jpg )
>>613642 isn't he the most annoying one?
Search [iqdb] (161 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Goblin Slayer -(…).jpg )
also imagine actuall y holding a conver sation with this wo man I bet it wo uld get quite ann oying qui ckly
It's okay more time to eye her up
>>613646 do you l ike what you are looki ng at?
Yeah she's got a nice pair Of eyes And a huge Hat
Search [iqdb] (94 KB, 1920x1080, Sakura (75).jpg )
Come to think of it, I actually have a friend, who when drunk kinda starts to ... buffer his speech ... so there are ... ... long pauses ssometimes between words... mid... sentence makes it damn annoying and amusing both at once
Search [iqdb] (746 KB, 1920x1080, mpc-hc64_2018-12-05_21-34-02.jpg )
>>613644 yes
>>613649 That basically me stoned.
Search [iqdb] (114 KB, 1280x720, screenshot0046.jpg )
the world seems more dystopian lately maybe I've been reading too much news.
The world is a dystopia.
say it ain't so
Koi, the Dragon 2018/12/05 (水) 20:04 No. 613656
The world is a vampire
say it ain't so
Koi, the Dragon 2018/12/05 (水) 20:05 No. 613658
i will not go
Kirara, the Cat 2018/12/05 (水) 20:14 No. 613660
Kerry me home
FormerRei@mobile 2018/12/05 (水) 20:14 No. 613661
>>613656 that would actually be a quite good base for some fantasy setting the world itself feeds on the life on it
>>613662 are you gonna GO HARD for independence day?
dnno i did bit break my promise and acquire some vodka I am out eating with pops family during the day and if shit is already going down in the capital, I might stick around to see if any riots braek out
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it's always nice when something interesting happens!
Let them eat crepes
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let them eat Karjalanpiirakka
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I know I know I know
Koi, the Dragon 2018/12/05 (水) 20:28 No. 613669
>>613659 >>613660 You guys are fuck ups but you're also great thank you frends
Koi, the Dragon 2018/12/05 (水) 20:29 No. 613670
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>>613668 your sunshine will come back
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is it pola day
>>613667 that is a peasant food...
>nazies are marching on our streets on independence day that should be interesting
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hmm red one is "towards freedom/liberty" so some leftist thing I bet I think I will be still dining when that is going blue is "helsinki without nazies" orange is the usual "student march" and purple is the nazi parade 1930... I dunno if I wanna stick that late
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>>613673 It's good though.
oh wait towards freedom is also a nazi rally
or so says the finnish BBC and why would the BBC lie
I always forget how effective cough drops are for me when I've got a raspy throat. But man they get my nose tingly.
nope that too is legit nazirally found their homesite wow 2 far right shit
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>>613681 notice the time slots...
BUt I bet many from the blue rally and orange rally will go and harass the purple rally and vice versa some early bird attenders of the purple march might go harass the blue and organe
aw that's bullshit you've gotta have all marches meet in the middle so they can all scrap it out s
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>>613684 We don't like clashing protests/rallies so we don't let them even rally at the same time officially
there's some stuff happening at the rovaniemi town center but I think it's just like a military parade >>613685 how dull
Why so many rallys on the same day?
Koi, the Dragon 2018/12/05 (水) 20:43 No. 613688
independence day is a great time to have a march
When americans fly from their homes and become independent .
Kirara, the Cat 2018/12/05 (水) 20:52 No. 613690
>>613669 🙏
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I doubt I will be doing any live reporting though not something I am interested in besides, sometimes you might get held by the cops if a protest turns sour, just for being in the wrong place
but then you could be the one posting minecraft memes on twitter
don't even have twitter
then you're a shit journalist
who'd want to be a blue checkmark anyhow
FormerRei@mobile 2018/12/05 (水) 21:15 No. 613696
There's a blue check mark only dating site. Honestly that's the only good reason I can think of to get verified on Twitter at this point in my life.
I wonder how much "nice guy" material that has...
soon soon we will see who is the eater and thje eaten
Search [iqdb] (289 KB, 597x804, Sakura (169).jpg )
and then next 10 sessions is soili dissecting a planet sized worm
Koi, the Dragon 2018/12/05 (水) 21:19 No. 613700
>>613696 if you don't value a check for anything else, I don't see why you'd value one for that
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>go inside worm >these guys surround you
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>>613696 why
FormerRei@mobile 2018/12/05 (水) 21:21 No. 613704
>>613700 >>613703 It would make vapid people think I'm way more interesting than they would otherwise believe. Well Really I'm not that interested, its just the only reason I could see myself getting one anytime soon.
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The world is a weird fucking place.
>>613701 thanks
Koi, the Dragon 2018/12/05 (水) 21:23 No. 613707
Search [iqdb] (823 KB, 777x1087, みるくぱんだ@冬コミQ-07b - アビー。2 (71503240) .png )
"Being interesting" on twitter is too low a bar. and on a blue check only dating site, your claim to interestingness is already normalized with everyone else available
instead of dating with weirdly specific blue checkmark parameters you just just get high
imagine if blue check mark, ment you were blue approved
FormerRei@mobile 2018/12/05 (水) 21:26 No. 613710
>>613708 I'm straight edge so no thank you.
Koi, the Dragon 2018/12/05 (水) 21:29 No. 613711
Search [iqdb] (728 KB, 967x986, ぷりりん - アビーちゃんまとめ (70249997) 2ページ.jpg )
>>613711 Curator of twitter
Koi, the Dragon 2018/12/05 (水) 21:30 No. 613713
Search [iqdb] (1.1 MB, 1075x1768, まふゆ@3日目東Z-26a - アビー (69950901) .png )
>>613711 yeah right
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>>613713 Oh heck.
>>613710 sucks to be u
FormerRei@mobile 2018/12/05 (水) 21:34 No. 613717
>>613716 I'm already on enough drugs, I don't need any for recreation.
>>613713 What's your method for cute rating?
Koi, the Dragon 2018/12/05 (水) 21:36 No. 613719
Search [iqdb] (989 KB, 717x1012, 凍咲しいな - おでこあわせ (71017163) .png )
secret I'm going to sleep bye
FormerRei@mobile 2018/12/05 (水) 21:37 No. 613720
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/12/05 (水) 21:38 No. 613721
>>613719 awwww night
>>613719 nighty! sweet dreams!
FormerRei@mobile 2018/12/05 (水) 22:25 No. 613723
Kirara, the Cat 2018/12/05 (水) 22:59 No. 613724
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check this shit out
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also>9 dex
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hello hello
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hullo hullo
and ofc as EXPECTED of square enix the game froze when you alt tabbed
FormerRei@mobile 2018/12/05 (水) 23:11 No. 613730
Herro Herro
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/12/05 (水) 23:14 No. 613731
oh my god... I still remember some of the hit point amounts of the first mooks eventhough it has been what... billion years
Some weird details like that you never really forget.
Kirara, the Cat 2018/12/05 (水) 23:22 No. 613734
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wow so i guess being a soldier gives you 5 extra stats cloud has 102 stats at lvl 7 and barret 97
Padoru padoru
hmm I always found it funny, how there was that one npc girl who gets her leck stuck and after you pull her free, she books it off and then RIDES THE ELEVATOR BEFORE YOU just a tiny lil detail, but accidentally kinda paints her as a bitch
>>613725 chinese at 144p looks like a ruined qr code
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oh yeah just recalled the ff7 society uses literal SOULS to fuel their factories
>how about a drink? >give me something hard ... I amchildish
Dead Cells has some good music to it.
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is still weird how you play about 2/3rds of the game with the MC being completely mind fucked and doesn't even know about it
also... how does ether heal /restore your mana...
whomever posted blink182 lyrics I am holding you responsible
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home stretch here we come
Smash soon. I'm pretty excited.
>>613746 for what?
i ordered smash today
I did that a couple days back. It'll be nice to unwind after my double exams on Friday.
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fly you fools
why isn't that a slogan of some british air company?
how gors dark souls
hmm been thinking is the cloud's inner voice that he talks with at times his ACTUAL self that is buried under his fake self? or is that the fake self?
What constitutes a fake and actual self anyway, if both produce measurable action upon the world.
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well the other is his actual persona and the other is a persona his fucked up mind from several years of brainwashing and experimentation popped up
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how to make inner voice shut up trying to think
Kirara, the Cat 2018/12/06 (木) 01:48 No. 613759
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>>613757 for some reason I feel like I remember him not talking to himself in his head after the wheelchair debacle so maybe it was his original persona when he is conversing in his thoughts
>>613761 that is what I think too since that persona brings up stuff that is clearly from cloud's memories only and it is the persona that is suppressed by the copy-zack-cloud hybrid thing
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Kirara, the Cat 2018/12/06 (木) 02:25 No. 613764
Search [iqdb] (361 KB, 1280x720, [Asenshi-GJM-PAS] SSSS.GRIDMAN(…).jpg )
Kirara, the Cat 2018/12/06 (木) 02:44 No. 613766
>>613765 → >>613765 → >>613765 →