Thread #613428
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Black Clover Chuukan Kanriroku Tonegawa Conception Cooking With Emiya --Episode 10-12 Kishuku Gakkou no Juliet RErideD - Tokigoe no Derrida --Episode 9-12 Sora to Umi no Aida --Episode 8-9 Tonari no Kyuuketsuki-san Uchi no Maid ga Uzasugiru --Episode 8-9
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black clover conception reride 9 chuukan maid
Ready when you are.
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black clover okay lets start
Kuro Kusoba
Their plan didn't win them much time against this guy.
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no way they killed him in the first quarter of the episode
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Oh, I guess here's gem boy's motivation to join the good guys.
Except his waifu is one of the Elite Four of the bad guys. Wouldn't it make more sense for him to go to her side.
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He's got to save her from being one of the bad guys.
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yeah see he needs to save her from the eyeball in her head
Asta having none of this shit.
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I guess Ika got his wish and crystal boy is gonna be part of the cast now.
It feels kind of cheap that Asta can be cured with magic even with his anti-magic powers.
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I mean it makes sense, he can still be hurt by magic. He just has an antimagic sword.
Yeah but from a balancing perspective it's all whack.
Search [iqdb] (98 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Idol Jihen - 02(…).jpg )
Oh wow she got saved quick maybe maybe the bad guys will re-enslave her she still has the red marks
I think the marks might just be part of the third eye activation.
i twas funny when asta smacked him
Oh well the PV showed the eye popping back in. Way to go with keeping things secret guys.
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haha shounen PV is so bad about that conception okay lets start!
What kind of atrocious lewdness will they show us this week.
Why a pizza shop though.
This pizza shop worker was awfully nonchalant about having a red panda suddenly fly into his oven.
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How long must this go on.
The whole "I'm wet" thing doesn't really work as well for gys.
Search [iqdb] (80 KB, 467x497, [HorribleSubs] Idol Jihen - 02(…).jpg )
fujo episode
What is this bit.
Oh we're getting meta now.
Oh no.
This fucking red panda.
Oh that would be the double twist. Itsuki being both the Visitor and the final maiden.
By now I'm trained to doubt everything this red panda says.
Wow, 3P between guys huh.
Well that was an episode long gag.
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Lots of episodes are like that. It was super gay! reride! okay lets start
rird e
Taimu reap
The old guy's gonna push himself to death by the time this show's over.
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MAybe on the last episode.
Yes, that would be "by the time this show's over".
The designs on these robots are pretty cool. Very sleek.
Oh I thought they were stealth bombing the four of them, hah hah. That would have been overkill.
Silly girl, this show's tagline is "Tokigoe no Derrida", not "Tokigoe no Mage". You can't taimu reap
Search [iqdb] (106 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs]_Hundred_-_12_[7(…).jpg )
okay chuukan okay lets start
Tony GARwa
Oh yeah both stories ended on cliffhangers last episode. Even though Tonegawa's foe is clearly Ebitani.
This guy is such a snake.
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yay, back to tonegawa
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wow, an unexpected villain!
Except the show literally hinted it last episode.
There's something incredibly wrong about an ojii-san like Tonegawa using chat lingo like warau.
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He's still wearing his sunglasses.
Wow they gave him a huge Wacom tablet. I'm envious.
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Maybe he'll get his job back. maiod maid okay lets start!
Maybe he'll be happy just staying as the Twitter rep. It seems to be the thing he's actually good at. Episode eight of this.
He sure has it rough as a side character.
Sixteen years between one child and the next is a lot of time without more kids.
The other maid has nice natural hair. She really doesn't need that wig.
She has the camera's viewscreen in front of her eyepatch eye. That's kind of impractical.
>Eating steak sauced with your own blood
Search [iqdb] (60 KB, 335x704, [HorribleSubs] BanG Dream! - 0(…).jpg )
Oh I guess she's going baco to just one maid soon.
Well she's not that rich I guess. They'll probably find a way to keep her around though.
>Live is hard Good going CrunchyRoll.
Well they immediately went to the logical accusation. And then right after set her up hah hah.
Kind of an anti-climatic resolution.
This episode's been kind of QUALITY.
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The series in general is a bit QUALITY. thanks for anime.
Yeah must be Dogakobo's off-team or something. San kyuu