Thread #612999
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anime! sorry I'm late
Yeah chou osoi. Have you heard from Ika?
Akanesasu Shoujo Cooking With Emiya --Episode 10-12 Golden Kamuy Irozuku Sekai Kishuku Gakkou no Juliet RErideD - Tokigoe no Derrida --Episode 9-12 Sora to Umi no Aida --Episode 8-9 Tensei Slime Shitara Datta Ken Tonari no Kyuuketsuki-san Uchi no Maid ga Uzasugiru --Episode 8-9
Search [iqdb] (143 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Kobayashi-san C(…).jpg )
Yeah, sorry for being late. I was talking with someone. It was related to the saturday night disaster, one of my friendships is messed up right now. I haven't heard back from Ika yet. I don't think he'll be with us tonight. Let's do 4 since we don't have ika well actually technically 5 akanesasu cooking with emiya 10-11 golden kamui slime does that sound good?
Hi Ika?
got a new computer it it dorsnt wkr work needed to put back oold one was hard
Search [iqdb] (108 KB, 575x626, [HorribleSubs] Kobayashi-san C(…).jpg )
wow ika welcome back I was worried you'd be gone for awhile new list for ika akanesasu golden kamui irozuku slime reverse irozuku and slime let's do 4 cause iwas late
Okey dokes.
Search [iqdb] (110 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Idol Jihen - 02(…).jpg )
akanesasu okay lets start!
Search [iqdb] (128 KB, 659x695, [HorribleSubs] BanG Dream! - 0(…).jpg )
Everything is fully.
Fire even.
They kind of threw a spanner in the works at us. They were checking off the side girls getting their cassette toku but they -then they got to Yuu and everything went to hell.
Search [iqdb] (63 KB, 462x652, [HorribleSubs] Idol Jihen - 12(…).jpg )
Her other self is kinda off the wall right now.
She's telling him this as much for him as for herself.
They're getting pretty catty about this.
Search [iqdb] (121 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] BanG Dream! - 0(…).jpg )
ah, here we go tumbling down
And once one is off isolated by herself the King of Twlight can pick them off!
Oh well I didn't see this coming.
can we iro next
Search [iqdb] (60 KB, 335x704, [HorribleSubs] BanG Dream! - 0(…).jpg )
sure irozuku ikaaaaaaaa okay lets start!
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The character designer for this show has teamed up with the mangaka of Masamune-kun no Revenge to do a yuri manga. It has some pretty cute girls.>"Hey can we do show I want next instead" >Proceeds to go radio silent for eight minutes
hi sorry
No don't go down this roooouuuute
>>613033 i believe in him
What do you believe in who? 'Cause as it stands orange-sempai is gunning hard for Hitomi.
>>613028 neat
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Rongu haeru
Search [iqdb] (131 KB, 1280x720, [GJM] Urara Meirochou - 06 [30(…).jpg )
This does have cute character designs.
Look at this fucker tryna be all gentlemanly.>>613043 Yeah, they remind me a bit of a couple other artists I really like. I followed them on Twitter and they post a bunch of art work from the series they're working on.
I told you it was coming man. I felt it in my BONES.
It's okay Squid your ship's not sunk yet.
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Doesn't feel right ot date someone from the past.
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golden kamui! okay lets start!
Golden Homoy
On the trail of anothe skin. It feels like we've had a bit of a detour from collecting them.
When he started talking about soft muscle I thought he'd be massaging Shiraishi. Sugimoto's muscle isn't what I'd expect to be sof Oh no.
Well this is a predicament.
Search [iqdb] (111 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] BanG Dream! - 0(…).jpg )
Lots of naked males lately.
Nice mushroom.
Well that's kind of weird but also endearing.
Aw they had a nice scene going on there. Now Shinsengumi dude's come to ruin it. Chinpo sensei!
Search [iqdb] (83 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Kono Subarashii(…).jpg )
when the entire cast spends the episode naked
I'm not sure I'd take being compared to Hijikata as much of a compliment. The guy's a bit of a monster.
Search [iqdb] (110 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Chain Chronicle(…).jpg )
Overpowered slime! okay lets start!
Suraimu>>613081 The pink one is chou kawaii.
slime\ the ogres are so cool
I guess taste of even generic barbeque will be delicious when you've had no sense of taste for who knows how long as a slime.
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I had a feeling he'd tame the ogres this episode.
Compartively six names to the onis is a pretty small deal compared to armies of goblins he's named.
Search [iqdb] (96 KB, 781x664, [HorribleSubs] Idol Jihen - 01(…).jpg )
I guess naming them was hard after all.
Guess there's a higher cost for higher level mobs.
Oh she went from cute to super chute.
Cute even. I'm really tired tonight.
>He looks a lot younger now I'll say he looks younger, but really it's marginal.
Romansu grey
Oh lizardmen. Maybe we'll see that one lizardman from the OP soon.
Search [iqdb] (121 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] BanG Dream! - 0(…).jpg )
Even if he named them, 7 vs that many orcs is a big fight.
Or maybe it's Ooku road.
Oh this lizardman comes pre-named.
Search [iqdb] (117 KB, 510x717, [HorribleSubs] Minami Kamakura(…).jpg )
I guess the green haired guy is the ninja.
Rika that hair is blue.
But yes he's pretty ninja-poi.
Unnamed lizardmen seem kind of dumb. But in that kind of cutesy dumb way dogs are.
Search [iqdb] (103 KB, 591x612, [HorribleSubs] BanG Dream! - 0(…).jpg )
The named one doesn't seem that smart either. Starting a coup with an army of 200,000 bearing down on them doesn't seem that smart.
Well he's got the brain to wait until after the orcs have been chased off. Also these lizardmen ride dinosaur-y creatures. I wonder how closely they're related biologically.
Well Rimuru's full ED part has arrived now that the oni have shown up. Though maybe they'll add more with a season two ED.
Search [iqdb] (80 KB, 467x497, [HorribleSubs] Idol Jihen - 02(…).jpg )
well thanks for anime! and yeah I wonder what the next season will bring
I feel like they might not tap out the OP at least. There's a lot of teaser scenes in it that there's not much chance of being covered in the remaining episodes of this season.
Also thanks for amine.
i hope that lizard dies a painful death