Thread #610683
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Search [iqdb] (1018 KB, 1920x1080, [Chyuu-PAS] Shoujo☆Kageki Revu(…).jpg )
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/28 (水) 22:14 No. 610683
when you look at an old thread
Search [iqdb] (936 KB, 1281x719, Bana naisu.PNG )
FormerRei@mobile 2018/11/28 (水) 22:41 No. 610686
Kannagi !NEATO1nxtM
2018/11/28 (水) 23:04 No. 610687
FormerRei@mobile 2018/11/28 (水) 23:04 No. 610688
>>610687 Ooooooohhhhh
oh yeah pa: i forsake name tn
Search [iqdb] (1.4 MB, 3920x2204, DSC_0538.JPG )
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/28 (水) 23:08 No. 610691
>>610685 dai banana
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/28 (水) 23:10 No. 610692
Search [iqdb] (39 KB, 700x650, IMG_20181110_190033.jpg )
fly me to the star
Search [iqdb] (2.4 MB, 3920x2204, 15434467449981705062336.jpg )
>>610692 hai
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/28 (水) 23:14 No. 610694
Search [iqdb] (43 KB, 496x496, IMG_20181116_104427.jpg )
It's Wednesday.
Search [iqdb] (522 KB, 700x1010, 1539796343988.jpg )
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/28 (水) 23:19 No. 610697
Search [iqdb] (139 KB, 1048x1165, IMG_20181121_085531.jpg )
it's tomorrow already
Even if it were tomorrow already it still wouldn't be Friday.
Kannagi !NEATO1nxtM
2018/11/28 (水) 23:23 No. 610699
I have a group meeting tomorrow. I don't really feel up for it but I have to travel in and get this project work done I guess. I want to skip it but we're already behind on even starting the work on the presentation
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/28 (水) 23:25 No. 610700
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/28 (水) 23:25 No. 610701
>>610699 it will go great!
FormerRei@mobile 2018/11/28 (水) 23:27 No. 610702
>>610700 Kek
Search [iqdb] (1.6 MB, 3920x2204, DSC_0541.JPG )
damn eyes went derb
i wish there was actual snow i could do some confusing footprints
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/28 (水) 23:33 No. 610705
Search [iqdb] (4.6 MB, 3000x4000, 68694953_p0.png )
dear players You have a boss fight successfully made Hopefully we won't just hilariously steamroll it
who'd ever actually do the jump feet clap?
Kannagi !NEATO1nxtM
2018/11/28 (水) 23:40 No. 610707
Search [iqdb] (25 KB, 426x475, DtCjOvMXgAAwKmF.jpg )
>>610701 I hope it just deals with what we need to do and I can promptly go home. I had someone(s) fill my inbox on curiouscat with a lot of fucked up stuff. I deleted most of it but it is a bit out of nowhere. I'm literally no-one online, whats the point in targeting me.
telegram is weird
>>610706 Me
>>610709 no
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/28 (水) 23:56 No. 610711
Search [iqdb] (78 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Planet With - 0(…).jpg )
I got my new hard drives. Now I have 4 TB to fill up with crap.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/29 (木) 00:03 No. 610713
Search [iqdb] (234 KB, 1000x900, 77ce4b0144db9c86cad6786bc7503837.png )
congrats what kind of crap are you looking for
Search [iqdb] (107 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Asobi Asobase -(…).jpg )
I'll probably mostly fill it up with anime for now.
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/29 (木) 00:33 No. 610716
Search [iqdb] (69 KB, 589x900, IMG_20181128_064647.jpg )
Search [iqdb] (97 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Comic Girls - 0(…).jpg )
so how are we all doing today?
Search [iqdb] (522 KB, 700x1010, 1539796343988.jpg )
had karaoke night was fun
I'm alive. Unsure of whether that's good or not.
me thinks is good
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/29 (木) 00:43 No. 610721
Search [iqdb] (192 KB, 1050x1336, IMG_20181124_204840.jpg )
>>610717 I'm wonderful. How are you?
FormerRei@mobile 2018/11/29 (木) 00:51 No. 610722
>>610717 Not good I think I perforated my eardrum.
Search [iqdb] (101 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Asobi Asobase -(…).jpg )
>>610721 I'm doing okay. Why are you wonderful?>>610722 Be careful what you stick in there!
FormerRei@mobile 2018/11/29 (木) 00:54 No. 610724
>>610723 Yeah I know. I've been cleaning my ears for over a decade and hadn't perforated it once before. Well there's still a slight chance I misdiagnosed myself Anyways it's just really hard not to because I get really bad earwax.
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/29 (木) 00:56 No. 610725
Search [iqdb] (260 KB, 931x1328, IMG_20181124_082004.jpg )
>>610723 Do I need a reason?
FormerRei@mobile 2018/11/29 (木) 00:57 No. 610726
Fuck My ear hurts
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/29 (木) 00:58 No. 610727
Search [iqdb] (1.3 MB, 1000x1455, 69927517_p0.png )
I'm doing ok chilly grindblueing
FormerRei@mobile 2018/11/29 (木) 01:04 No. 610728
Holy shit who the fuck is setting of fireworks.
FormerRei@mobile 2018/11/29 (木) 01:05 No. 610729
>>610727 Wow
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/29 (木) 01:53 No. 610731
>>610730 yeah
Samu 🔥 !KW2DbpWwls
2018/11/29 (木) 03:26 No. 610732
$ tit show -bash: tit: command not found
FormerRei@mobile 2018/11/29 (木) 03:56 No. 610734
Fonda these nuts
Samu 🔥 !KW2DbpWwls
2018/11/29 (木) 03:57 No. 610735
im gonna try upgradin some shit hold butts
Samu 🔥 !KW2DbpWwls
2018/11/29 (木) 03:59 No. 610736
Samu 🔥 !KW2DbpWwls
2018/11/29 (木) 03:59 No. 610737
Search [iqdb] (153 KB, 1280x1363, zelda u.jpg )
Samu 🔥 !KW2DbpWwls
2018/11/29 (木) 03:59 No. 610738
uh oh
FormerRei@mobile 2018/11/29 (木) 04:01 No. 610739
Ruh ROH raggy
Samu 🔥 !KW2DbpWwls
2018/11/29 (木) 04:01 No. 610740
and again
Samu 🔥 !KW2DbpWwls
2018/11/29 (木) 04:01 No. 610741
thank you kanye
Samu 🔥 !KW2DbpWwls
2018/11/29 (木) 04:06 No. 610742
Search [iqdb] (71 KB, 571x700, goats-climb-camel.jpg )
Samu 🔥 !KW2DbpWwls
2018/11/29 (木) 04:06 No. 610743
yes it lives hopefully
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/29 (木) 04:10 No. 610745
Samu 🔥 !KW2DbpWwls
2018/11/29 (木) 04:13 No. 610746
uh oh i think youtube is broken>>>/watch?v=1roy4o4tqQM
Samu 🔥 !KW2DbpWwls
2018/11/29 (木) 04:13 No. 610747
confused nick young
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/29 (木) 04:21 No. 610748
>>610746 looks fine to me
Samu 🔥 !KW2DbpWwls
2018/11/29 (木) 04:22 No. 610749
that's a tweet anyway yea it seems to load try refreshing first in case tho
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/29 (木) 04:22 No. 610750
yeah your link seems fine even after a re freshu
Samu 🔥 !KW2DbpWwls
2018/11/29 (木) 04:27 No. 610751
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/29 (木) 04:27 No. 610752
Samu 🔥 !KW2DbpWwls
2018/11/29 (木) 04:27 No. 610753
hmm what to dooooo
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/29 (木) 04:28 No. 610754
what's the problemo
Samu 🔥 !KW2DbpWwls
2018/11/29 (木) 04:28 No. 610755
just testing the tweet, youtube, recaptcha stuff makin some minor changes haven't committed anything since march
Samu 🔥 !KW2DbpWwls
2018/11/29 (木) 04:29 No. 610756
oh it should trim the ?s=19 thing off tweets now
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/29 (木) 04:29 No. 610757
oh that's awesome naisu touch
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/29 (木) 04:29 No. 610758
Samu 🔥 !KW2DbpWwls
2018/11/29 (木) 04:31 No. 610759
there are a bunch of errors in the js console but stuff seems to work anyway?
>>610759 /moe/ crashed for me immediately after you posted this
Samu 🔥 !KW2DbpWwls
2018/11/29 (木) 04:32 No. 610761
were you holding your butt(s)?
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/29 (木) 04:32 No. 610762
Search [iqdb] (285 KB, 2048x2048, IMG_20181120_155517.jpg )
can we get a feature that word improves blue's accusations that im not a cat to say "you're the best cat"
FormerRei@mobile 2018/11/29 (木) 04:33 No. 610763
Can you fix the superscript code?
Samu 🔥 !KW2DbpWwls
2018/11/29 (木) 04:33 No. 610764
[x] working as intended>>610762 but he would have to enable the word filter first
can we get a bazinga button?
FormerRei@mobile 2018/11/29 (木) 04:33 No. 610766
>>610764 So not being able to use the caret character and not being able to have normal text after super script is working as intended?
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/29 (木) 04:33 No. 610767
>>610764 what if it's enabled by using the letter i
Samu 🔥 !KW2DbpWwls
2018/11/29 (木) 04:34 No. 610768
>>610766 yea i admit it's broke that it doesn't turn off but i don't know how that code works anymore lmao
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/29 (木) 04:34 No. 610769
That's So Doushio
can't you just
Samu 🔥 !KW2DbpWwls
2018/11/29 (木) 04:34 No. 610771
we just don't know
Samu 🔥 !KW2DbpWwls
2018/11/29 (木) 04:35 No. 610772
i need to do a rewrite someday this codebase is so goddamn old fashioned and not the way i would write it anymore rip
FormerRei@mobile 2018/11/29 (木) 04:35 No. 610773
>>610771 WTF?
yeah get owned rei
FormerRei@mobile 2018/11/29 (木) 04:35 No. 610775
test test test test Fuck Oh wait Spaces don't work properly in the superscript I had lke eight spaces in the second one *like
Samu 🔥 !KW2DbpWwls
2018/11/29 (木) 04:36 No. 610776
sir is there a problem because i oh no it's still broken rip
lo l
Samu 🔥 !KW2DbpWwls
2018/11/29 (木) 04:37 No. 610778
^_^ it is a mystery wub
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/29 (木) 04:37 No. 610779
Search [iqdb] (300 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_20181123_111216.jpg )
man shot by code
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/29 (木) 04:39 No. 610780
Search [iqdb] (73 KB, 500x770, IMG_20181117_101622.jpg )
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/29 (木) 04:41 No. 610781
time to sleep sheep
FormerRei@mobile 2018/11/29 (木) 04:41 No. 610782
>>610781 Night
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/29 (木) 04:41 No. 610783
FormerRei@mobile 2018/11/29 (木) 04:41 No. 610784
>>610772 Tell us when you start designing it. I have feature requests/design advice.
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/29 (木) 04:41 No. 610785
Search [iqdb] (70 KB, 700x700, IMG_20181106_164435.jpg )
This is Tendou Maya
position zero?!?!
FormerRei@mobile 2018/11/29 (木) 04:42 No. 610787
Oooh I thought of another feature only I would use.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/29 (木) 04:42 No. 610788
Search [iqdb] (924 KB, 1000x1349, iesua3.png )
Reminder that Iesua is incredibly cute.
FormerRei@mobile 2018/11/29 (木) 04:42 No. 610789
But yeah a non client end JavaScript mode would be really nice. My current computer is too slow to run /moe/ in a browser or do much else so I've been using text browsers recently.
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/29 (木) 04:43 No. 610790
Search [iqdb] (125 KB, 1131x1131, IMG_20181108_102109.jpg )
Samu 🔥 !KW2DbpWwls
2018/11/29 (木) 04:44 No. 610791
your computer is too slow to run an eight year old jquery app damn
FormerRei@mobile 2018/11/29 (木) 04:44 No. 610792
>>610791 It's more like modern browsers are too bloated.
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/29 (木) 04:45 No. 610793
Search [iqdb] (260 KB, 931x1328, IMG_20181124_082004.jpg )
Samu 🔥 !KW2DbpWwls
2018/11/29 (木) 04:45 No. 610794
eh anyway what is a non client end javascript mode i can't parse that not that it's happening anyway i doubt the rewrite will happen as long as i have a jerb
FormerRei@mobile 2018/11/29 (木) 04:45 No. 610795
>>610794 Well it would be a non liveboard mode that allows posting without JavaScript because links and lynx don't support JavaScript.
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/29 (木) 04:46 No. 610796
Search [iqdb] (384 KB, 1280x1280, IMG_20181121_135724.jpg )
Samu 🔥 !KW2DbpWwls
2018/11/29 (木) 04:46 No. 610797
yea that's never happening
FormerRei@mobile 2018/11/29 (木) 04:47 No. 610798
>>610797 RIP
FormerRei@mobile 2018/11/29 (木) 04:47 No. 610799
If I ever learn JavaScript (and how to write actual software) I'll write it myself and make a pull request with it.
FormerRei@mobile 2018/11/29 (木) 04:50 No. 610801
Worst case scenario I pay my friend to do it.
what if sam made an additoon that every time i logged on the browswr would suck my dick and call me gay
Samu 🔥 !KW2DbpWwls
2018/11/29 (木) 04:52 No. 610803
>>610802 browser extension: every website is xhamster
Wow a catspiracy against me?
Samu 🔥 !KW2DbpWwls
2018/11/29 (木) 05:00 No. 610805
shit, our cover's blown activate plan delta
a collection agency is on me about an ambulance fee that i've straight up forgotten about for 2 years
Samu 🔥 !KW2DbpWwls
2018/11/29 (木) 05:25 No. 610808
oofers that's not cool you didn't get any mail from them before? hmm
anime >>610809 →
FormerRei@mobile 2018/11/29 (木) 05:55 No. 610821
Ruh ROH Madokami is down
FormerRei@mobile 2018/11/29 (木) 05:55 No. 610822
Oh it's up again
FormerRei@mobile 2018/11/29 (木) 05:57 No. 610823
>>610808 Nah, I did I got one letter about it 2 years ago, immediately after the incident another letter last year and then a letter about a week ago, but THIS time a collection agency has taken over for the state, and today they gave me a phone call about it It's totally on me for having not paid it thus far, but now happens to be a MORE inconvenient time for me than ever in the past 2 years
American health insurance sure is scary.
You just gotta learn to laugh about it
Or you could just, y'know. Have better options.
i can't i'm american
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>>610945 something about the pace of bobbing is making me picture the fresh prince opening
Search [iqdb] (2.6 MB, 2028x1433, 55398240_p0.png )
do you guys see
>>610946 In northwestern Saga, died and raised On the idol stage where I spent most of my days
>>610947 only with modern technological advancements in spectacles
Hows moe
im tired how are you
wow me too, I need to get ready in a bit. I feel crappy
'Tis the season for head colds and other sicknesses.
a season of love from viruses
From Virussia with love
I can't wait to go to my group meeting and hear two of my group member wildly adore anit-gun control stances and how the UK is unfair about gun control and freedom. *anti I mean debate is fine but starry eyed shit is annoying. If you fear government but still support government you are just weird. You don't want to challenge or uproot the source of your fear for something better but want to instead arm yourself while supporting conservative government. it weird. you are better off to me looking to reform government at the least rather than stopping at freedom to own guns.
We should just disintegrate all guns with atomization beams and free the world of gun culture
>>610957 what would the atomization beams be shot out of
>>610958 One of those classic dorky science fiction cones with a sphere on the tip and ribbed with rounded rings.>>610960 Could also call it the ray cone
oh yeah the triangle with rings the ray gun
I was imagining one far too large to be portable like that anyway. After all, it's totally ridiculous to imagine an atomization beam that could be fit in your pocket!
I better get dressed and make my way to the library we are meeting at.
>>610959 we need to take everyone's cones away then everyone will be safe
>>610961 probably only because the world agreed to slow down the nuclear arms racing
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/29 (木) 12:56 No. 610965
Search [iqdb] (332 KB, 1665x1440, IMG_20181129_075059.jpg )
where am i on this chart
Search [iqdb] (107 KB, 600x420, 1440382683708.jpg )
>>610957 a gun that fires guns
>>610965 please peak dumbass
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/29 (木) 12:58 No. 610968
ton is "how dare you assume i have dignity"
Search [iqdb] (35 KB, 512x512, 1440799269077.jpg )
what is even "bold of you to assume I have dignity" and "bold of you to assume I am straight" sounds like a line from a yuri rape doujin
>>610969 Me.
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/29 (木) 12:59 No. 610971
>>610969 what do you mean what is it
>>610965 idk but i'm probably how dare you believe i've reached peak
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/29 (木) 13:00 No. 610973
>>610972 dumbness gang
Search [iqdb] (227 KB, 500x750, 1443280079284.jpg )
don't think any of those fits me
I could make a case for "bold of you to assume peak" for myself.
Search [iqdb] (94 KB, 800x1131, 1446670618442.jpg )
my monitor is tsun and doesn't want to turn on
Search [iqdb] (1.0 MB, 888x1243, 1454982113729.png )
maybe should open it up someday and see if anything is wrong
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/29 (木) 13:07 No. 610979
Search [iqdb] (84 KB, 700x700, IMG_20181129_075423.jpg )
im the top star position zero mfers
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Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/29 (木) 13:20 No. 610981
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Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/29 (木) 13:37 No. 610983
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Dibs on Yella Fella Endeavour
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/29 (木) 13:40 No. 610986
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/29 (木) 13:41 No. 610987
the canvas bag they advertised is actually nylon lol
Search [iqdb] (358 KB, 3035x2149, 1458425727734.jpg )
76 seems to be a quite fun disaster
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/29 (木) 13:42 No. 610989
the class action and this are going to hit Bethesda hard
I'm hoping it maybe slaps their shit a bit and drives them to make good on their word and not be so obscenely lazy with their development in the future. Note that this is not an expectation of such, but it sure would be nice
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/29 (木) 13:45 No. 610991
Search [iqdb] (69 KB, 589x900, IMG_20181128_064647.jpg )
76 is amazingly bad apparently I bet they'll punish people for the money they lose, though
Search [iqdb] (528 KB, 583x800, f3021b527126437f209ea1e8d8f58623.png )
inb4 activbision or ea buys bethesda
Bethesda probably isn't looking to sell. Fallout 76 might be hot garbage but they still have immense commercial success of their previous games. On top of the other releases they put out from the other studios they own. There's also a number of high-potential releases in their pipeline right now that is likely going to keep investors from getting too wary of the brand
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/29 (木) 13:49 No. 610994
I hope they can Todd. Replacing him with someone competent would solve probably most of Bethesda's problem.
no one can fire the deceiver
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/29 (木) 13:51 No. 610996
Search [iqdb] (84 KB, 700x700, IMG_20181129_075423.jpg )
it'd be nice if someone who understood the fallout franchise was in charge of it
Search [iqdb] (♫, 40s, 5.7 MB, 512x288, 9bac9acdf7cfc6b3.mp4 )
>>610981 wtf.. is. wrong with.. this guy?
Search [iqdb] (♫, 23s, 3.4 MB, 854x480, d5fba837ee8a8d6e.mp4 )
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/29 (木) 14:01 No. 611000
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/29 (木) 14:02 No. 611001
jan have you played any of the spoder man DLC? i started the first one yesterday and it's pretty good black cat is the best
Search [iqdb] (♫, 16s, 5.0 MB, 1280x720, 88b99647e2483f5b.mp4 )
pet the cat
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/29 (木) 14:03 No. 611003
the cat is me
cat the cat
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/29 (木) 14:04 No. 611005
melw meow
Search [iqdb] (154 KB, 648x800, 4668518b3eebf314.jpg )
>>611001 oh no i forgot there was dlc unless it was there when i got the collectors edition thingy i prob don't have it
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/29 (木) 14:12 No. 611008
>>611007 it's new stuff 1 and 2 out of 3 are out now there's like 8 new suits but i only have one so far
>>611008 damn i should get on that i still haven't collected all the stuff in the game either
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/29 (木) 14:23 No. 611010
the first dlc lets you collect stolen paintings and get info about the first black cat and his relationship with felicia also it takes place after the main story so i am hoping we get some miles action at some point
Search [iqdb] (♫, 1m53s, 5.1 MB, 384x288, 7f176608c1dcd9de.mp4 )
>>611010 maybe the third dlc will be when miles is playable spider man
Search [iqdb] (166 KB, 960x1240, DqXU3oGWkAAM57H-orig.jpg )
>>611014 does a #d100 (9) hit you?
FormerRei@mobile 2018/11/29 (木) 14:33 No. 611014
>>611000 I do that
FormerRei@mobile 2018/11/29 (木) 14:35 No. 611015
>>611013 That wouldn't even hit me in real life. My AC is probably like 16 or something.
it was against your dignity
FormerRei@mobile 2018/11/29 (木) 14:36 No. 611017
Still misses
FormerRei@mobile 2018/11/29 (木) 14:36 No. 611018
Also Ohio
>>611015 damn dude you're only level 1?
FormerRei@mobile 2018/11/29 (木) 14:38 No. 611020
>>611019 Don't know why you would think that. I'm at least level 10.
Search [iqdb] (369 KB, 1200x3206, Jiguzagu_1034611628652748801.jpg )
>>611019 he put all his stats in autism
FormerRei@mobile 2018/11/29 (木) 14:40 No. 611023
>>611022 Not how that works either. I don't think you guts understand D&D. *guys
Search [iqdb] (354 KB, 600x750, 20769151_p7.jpg )
and my point proves itself
>>611023 when did i say anything about D&D
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/29 (木) 14:48 No. 611026
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/29 (木) 14:49 No. 611027
>>611012 all the dlc are parts of the same story spidey fightan the mafia
>>611026 Kyaaaaaaaa Kita koreeeeeeee
Oh gosh this looks so kakkoii
Oh shit 07th_Expansion actually recruited Witch Hunt onto their main staff for translation. That's really cool.
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/29 (木) 15:16 No. 611031
It's going to be awesome.
>>610968 i was going to ask
god my monitor is still dead aaa
i got an update about my kizuna ai figure and was slightly excited but thwy were just warning me about bootlegs
turn on main monitor
Search [iqdb] (248 KB, 1061x1500, __dokugamine_riruka_bleach_dra(…).jpg )
hmmm might be reduced back to 1 monitor for a while how do people live like this
Search [iqdb] (571 KB, 1080x1080, __gouriki_ayame_real_life_draw(…).jpg )
send your energy to my monitor
Search [iqdb] (717 KB, 2544x3280, __hatsune_miku_vocaloid_drawn_(…).jpg )
i want my inches back
and all the solutions for it just påresume you don't have ANY monitor working but I do so I wanna just know is that monitor borken or is there some other issue is not a chord issue atleast
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/29 (木) 16:45 No. 611040
>>611032 was i right
Search [iqdb] (9.2 MB, 684x643, __cirno_daiyousei_and_hinanawi(…).gif )
>>611040 sounds good enough to me
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/29 (木) 17:13 No. 611043
>>611042 what's pan?
>>611043 i dont know please assume im straight it pretty good for him probably but for something more fun im not sure
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/29 (木) 17:50 No. 611045
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/29 (木) 17:52 No. 611046
Search [iqdb] (91 KB, 1024x576, IMG_-2jyedy.jpg )
girlfriends don't like it when a character you like does something and you just say "wife"
i would imagine
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/29 (木) 18:08 No. 611048
FormerRei@mobile 2018/11/29 (木) 18:16 No. 611049
>>611048 Kek Tentacle porn is over a hundred years old though.
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/29 (木) 18:38 No. 611050
>>611049 and what makes you think the vampire McAffee isn't?
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/29 (木) 19:20 No. 611052
FormerRei@mobile 2018/11/29 (木) 19:55 No. 611053
>>611052 Noice
FormerRei@mobile 2018/11/29 (木) 19:55 No. 611054
Also it's official I did perforate my eardrum.
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/29 (木) 19:57 No. 611055
Rest in peace
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/29 (木) 20:11 No. 611056
Search [iqdb] (214 KB, 1200x1600, IMG_20181129_074854.jpg )
Koi, the Time Cat 2018/11/29 (木) 20:21 No. 611057
Search [iqdb] (420 KB, 900x1164, 1543481768825.jpg )
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
2018/11/29 (木) 20:24 No. 611059
there’s a friend chicken place nearby called CLUCK-U
FormerRei@mobile 2018/11/29 (木) 20:25 No. 611060
>>611058 You're crab fab buddy.
>>611060 y-you too
Koi, the Time Cat 2018/11/29 (木) 21:01 No. 611062
>>611052 do you have time to be upset
>>611062 i do
Koi, the Time Cat 2018/11/29 (木) 21:09 No. 611064
Search [iqdb] (35 KB, 700x444, DtFOMFGVAAAbD1S.jpg )
This is more of a specific thing but I can find something for you to be upset about
oh no
Koi, the Time Cat 2018/11/29 (木) 21:12 No. 611066
Search [iqdb] (370 KB, 1392x1450, Jehrald - ”ホントに?” (65899657) .png )
I kinda want to draw. I should listen to that part of me
FormerRei@mobile 2018/11/29 (木) 21:15 No. 611067
>>611066 do it
Kannagi !NEATO1nxtM
2018/11/29 (木) 21:51 No. 611069
>>611066 I'd love to see your drawings!
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/29 (木) 22:52 No. 611070
Search [iqdb] (209 KB, 1200x1495, IMG_20181129_074620.jpg )
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/29 (木) 22:59 No. 611071
hi cat
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/29 (木) 23:02 No. 611072
Search [iqdb] (411 KB, 1000x1341, IMG_20181125_225031.png )
Howdy, pardner
Search [iqdb] (269 KB, 690x787, __cirno_touhou_drawn_by_dandy_(…).jpg )
eat a cat
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
2018/11/29 (木) 23:07 No. 611074
i’m outsidr twitter HQ where laura loomer handcuffed herself to the door
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/29 (木) 23:07 No. 611075
Search [iqdb] (629 KB, 1044x1482, 20181108_074831.jpg )
i heard she's threatening to urinate on herself that girl needs therapy, bad
Koi, the Time Cat 2018/11/29 (木) 23:09 No. 611076
>>611074 are you really
>>611074 who?
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
2018/11/29 (木) 23:10 No. 611078
nevermind she just got put in a squad car shows over folks
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/29 (木) 23:10 No. 611079
>>611077 a crypto-nazi who got banned from twitter for pushing white supremacist propaganda and encouraging violence>>611078 rip
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
2018/11/29 (木) 23:11 No. 611080
i saw it was happening on twitter and realized it was like 3 blocks away guess she got the attention she wanted
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/29 (木) 23:12 No. 611081
she's trending on twitter now yeah but everyone's just making fun of it poor grl
Koi, the Time Cat 2018/11/29 (木) 23:12 No. 611082
she had her own personal livestreamer so she was going to get it but she's still banned on Twitter so no, she's not getting what she wants
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
2018/11/29 (木) 23:13 No. 611083
well yea theres no way she ever gets unbanned now
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/29 (木) 23:13 No. 611084
why was she wearing that badge lol
Search [iqdb] (1003 KB, 999x999, 03fa9b9df5d0c83985d712853dd6954f.png )
a rather curious case that woman
hmm I guess my ff is too outdated to twitter
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/29 (木) 23:14 No. 611087
Search [iqdb] (33 KB, 1285x884, firefox_2018-11-30_01-14-27.png )
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
2018/11/29 (木) 23:14 No. 611089
>>611086 is the embedding broken for you?
>>611089 all of twit>>611088
Kannagi !NEATO1nxtM
2018/11/29 (木) 23:15 No. 611091
>>611087 what?
Koi, the Time Cat 2018/11/29 (木) 23:17 No. 611092
Search [iqdb] (308 KB, 1595x2048, DtJsVJFUwAAEZTI.jpg )
Don't ban me from /moe/, Sam, or I might handcuff myself to your workplace with my posts printed out.
Search [iqdb] (433 KB, 680x680, 1f3ed0fea7aa3aae36d516b89e27d949.jpg )
oh the cats are breeding
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
2018/11/29 (木) 23:20 No. 611094
>>611092 good luck im behind five blockchains
Koi, the Time Cat 2018/11/29 (木) 23:20 No. 611095
Search [iqdb] (952 KB, 700x979, さきp - ガラス (70194230) .png )
Excuse me while I prepare a really bad analogy connecting blocking me to slavery. YOU CAN'T BLOCK THESE CHAINS, SAM
Kannagi !NEATO1nxtM
2018/11/29 (木) 23:21 No. 611096
Search [iqdb] (162 KB, 1575x1050, 15778850_p0.jpg )
Wow. Can't block those chains
>>611095 come to me cover me hold me together we'll break these chains of love
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/29 (木) 23:23 No. 611099
Search [iqdb] (332 KB, 1665x1440, IMG_20181129_075059.jpg )
tag you're self, /moe/
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
2018/11/29 (木) 23:23 No. 611100
>>611095 i am in massive hitstun
Kannagi !NEATO1nxtM
2018/11/29 (木) 23:24 No. 611101
>>611099 How dare you assume I'm straight
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/29 (木) 23:24 No. 611102
Search [iqdb] (117 KB, 1005x794, 9f3404a82e58665faac088278d210952.jpg )
I feel like "How dare you assume I have dignity" and "Bold of you to assume I have dignity" are equally good.
Koi, the Time Cat 2018/11/29 (木) 23:25 No. 611103
Search [iqdb] (938 KB, 620x877, himaro* - つぐにゃん (68161451) .png )
"Please believe I've reached my peak of dumbass" in the streets "Bold of you to assume I've reached my peak of dumbass" in the sheets
Search [iqdb] (145 KB, 528x635, 3e53f5d680bc8368ece6cbd9016824db.jpg )
Please assume I have dignity sounds pathetic
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
2018/11/29 (木) 23:25 No. 611105
how dare you believe ive reached my peak of dumbass
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
2018/11/29 (木) 23:25 No. 611106
i can get waaay higher BOB DO SOME WEED
Search [iqdb] (846 KB, 1000x1000, 4dd0e242952cb1d7e67c36ed19089c7a.png )
there is no peak stupidity
Koi, the Time Cat 2018/11/29 (木) 23:26 No. 611108
Search [iqdb] (139 KB, 445x507, SMILE.PNG )
tonight is such a good night
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/29 (木) 23:27 No. 611109
>>611103 saaaame
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/29 (木) 23:28 No. 611111
that tonight's gonna be a good night
Search [iqdb] (128 KB, 1408x992, __alice_margatroid_ichigo_nazr(…).jpg )
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/29 (木) 23:28 No. 611113
Search [iqdb] (106 KB, 744x1053, 75b18c8dd5841610ca5965c8fa5a52f1.jpg )
I hope you're prepared to die
>>611106 burn it all down
Koi, the Time Cat 2018/11/29 (木) 23:31 No. 611115
Search [iqdb] (275 KB, 806x583, NICONICO.PNG )
Once again, I have read a Salafrog chapter over three times in a single day of release. Blessings upon me.
Search [iqdb] (194 KB, 877x1239, 1399518820266.jpg )
>>611099 bottom left
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/29 (木) 23:32 No. 611118
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/29 (木) 23:33 No. 611119
Search [iqdb] (357 KB, 924x1194, 47c11bc25b92a085a80b602abfda270d.png )
be sure to pop in soon, Kirara
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/29 (木) 23:33 No. 611120
speak of the devil
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/29 (木) 23:34 No. 611121
Search [iqdb] (209 KB, 1200x1495, IMG_20181129_074620.jpg )
I'm no devil.>>611116 Hello, Rika-chan.
Koi, the Time Cat 2018/11/29 (木) 23:34 No. 611122
Search [iqdb] (188 KB, 1280x2112, 19.jpg )
so you mean I can open a Halal cart in Japan and make good money?
>>611122 yeah why not
Search [iqdb] (567 KB, 799x775, __tenma_gabriel_white_gabriel_(…).png )
Have some sympathy for the devil
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/29 (木) 23:54 No. 611125
Koi, the Time Cat 2018/11/30 (金) 00:02 No. 611126
well, are you?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/30 (金) 00:03 No. 611127
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/30 (金) 00:04 No. 611128
Search [iqdb] (84 KB, 700x700, IMG_20181129_075423.jpg )
Why not?
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/30 (金) 00:05 No. 611129
ton is wearing two pairs of pants
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/30 (金) 00:05 No. 611130
no I'm wearing long johns and pants
Search [iqdb] (226 KB, 1280x1397, tabane.jpg )
wow why are you wearing two pairs of pants
Koi, the Time Cat 2018/11/30 (金) 00:12 No. 611132
Search [iqdb] (126 KB, 1336x1160, DtLyXLqUUAEG2WK.jpg )
what is wrong with two pairs of pants
Kannagi !NEATO1nxtM
2018/11/30 (金) 00:13 No. 611133
Backup pants
Search [iqdb] (63 KB, 1280x720, 1410556943943.jpg )
Some people aren't even wearing one and you think you should get two.
Kannagi !NEATO1nxtM
2018/11/30 (金) 00:14 No. 611135
Pants unequality
Koi, the Time Cat 2018/11/30 (金) 00:14 No. 611136
Search [iqdb] (696 KB, 820x1158, e9d501343ea639186ac88b4b80ac23(…).png )
Someone has to make up for their lasciviousness. They're probably just slacking off in front of a computer with no pants
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/30 (金) 00:17 No. 611137
Search [iqdb] (214 KB, 1200x1600, IMG_20181129_074854.jpg )
I'm wearing sweatpants.
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/30 (金) 00:41 No. 611138
Search [iqdb] (1.1 MB, 1920x1080, [Chyuu-PAS] Shoujo☆Kageki Revu(…).jpg )
Koi, the Time Cat 2018/11/30 (金) 00:43 No. 611139
Koi, the Time Cat 2018/11/30 (金) 00:44 No. 611140
I need to catch up on Akanesasu actually I keep forgetting anime exists
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/30 (金) 00:44 No. 611141
Search [iqdb] (126 KB, 765x969, [Chyuu-PAS] Shoujo☆Kageki Revu(…).jpg )
Akanesasu isn't gay enough
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/30 (金) 01:28 No. 611142
Search [iqdb] (170 KB, 645x1017, [Chyuu-PAS] Shoujo☆Kageki Revu(…).jpg )
we need to undo daylight savings time
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/30 (金) 01:30 No. 611144
Search [iqdb] (961 KB, 1920x1080, [Chyuu-PAS] Shoujo☆Kageki Revu(…).jpg )
we need to remake ourselves
Can I get a soft reboot netflix adaption of myself
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/30 (金) 01:36 No. 611146
Search [iqdb] (152 KB, 589x979, [Chyuu-PAS] Shoujo☆Kageki Revu(…).jpg )
hit or miss i guess they never miss huh
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/30 (金) 01:37 No. 611148
Search [iqdb] (1.0 MB, 1920x1080, [Chyuu-PAS] Shoujo☆Kageki Revu(…).jpg )
I hate that song but it's catchy.
i love that song dude
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/30 (金) 01:52 No. 611150
Search [iqdb] (150 KB, 1007x1029, [Chyuu-PAS] Shoujo☆Kageki Revu(…).jpg )
you just want to skrrt and hit that dab
Koi, the Time Cat 2018/11/30 (金) 01:53 No. 611151
never heard of it don't link it to me because I won't click it
dem paaaaaaants skrrrt
Koi, the Time Cat 2018/11/30 (金) 01:53 No. 611153
two pants
you workin haaaaard you workin in dem pants
Search [iqdb] (3.8 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2018-11-29-19-58-02.png )
upppppdaaaate for winter
i lost my love nikki with my phone dying all those dresses, those jackets, those shoes, gone If only I linked it to Facebook
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/30 (金) 02:09 No. 611157
gone, like tears in the rain
>>611157 like earrings down the drain
Search [iqdb] (3.1 MB, 3968x2976, IMG_20181127_173115.jpg )
look at this doll I saw the other day
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/30 (金) 02:18 No. 611160
like tapeworms in the brain
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/30 (金) 02:49 No. 611162
Search [iqdb] (943 KB, 1920x1080, [Chyuu-PAS] Shoujo☆Kageki Revu(…).jpg )
>>611159 annabel 3
Search [iqdb] (846 KB, 1000x1000, 4dd0e242952cb1d7e67c36ed19089c7a.png )
another session where I did not teamkill anyone
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/30 (金) 02:55 No. 611165
congrats anno
Search [iqdb] (536 KB, 1200x1200, 1387426846897.png )
it will happen what with minimum roll of targets being 3
Koi, the Time Cat 2018/11/30 (金) 03:04 No. 611167
Search [iqdb] (1.2 MB, 1100x1100, DrKK7H9VAAAcoDr.png )
so now we sitting in the drop top
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/30 (金) 03:05 No. 611168
Search [iqdb] (173 KB, 792x624, 1387930193565.jpg )
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/30 (金) 03:08 No. 611170
Search [iqdb] (26 KB, 184x198, Jakimat - pizza.jpg )
omaewa already jailed
Koi, the Time Cat 2018/11/30 (金) 03:11 No. 611172
Search [iqdb] (916 KB, 1250x1500, DD - 白露 (71884150) .png )
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/30 (金) 03:11 No. 611173
Search [iqdb] (847 KB, 1920x1080, [Chyuu-PAS] Shoujo☆Kageki Revu(…).jpg )
I took a really nice nap today.
Koi, the Time Cat 2018/11/30 (金) 03:20 No. 611174
Search [iqdb] (255 KB, 1568x1671, DtLg1lUV4AMYY_h.jpg )
Yeah? I took your AUNT OUT ON A DATE
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/30 (金) 03:22 No. 611175
Search [iqdb] (866 KB, 1920x1080, [Chyuu-PAS] Shoujo☆Kageki Revu(…).jpg )
Oh, that's awesome! Did you get along well?
FormerRei@mobile 2018/11/30 (金) 03:22 No. 611176
Did anyone see Shrek Retold yet? It's really good.
Koi, the Time Cat 2018/11/30 (金) 03:24 No. 611177
Search [iqdb] (290 KB, 1799x2048, DtE80O1U8AE0whK.jpg )
>>611175 I'm sorry. that didn't actually happen
Shrek is a bum
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/30 (金) 03:25 No. 611179
Search [iqdb] (424 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Shoujo Kageki R(…).jpg )
>>611177 Of course not, you don't even know where she lives! I don't either, though, actually. I just know she lives above a laundromat.
Koi, the Time Cat 2018/11/30 (金) 03:26 No. 611180
Search [iqdb] (651 KB, 1295x1831, はせがわ@お仕事募集 - 鳩羽つぐ (67893383) .png )
oh that narrows it down considerably to about ... a whole fucking lot of places
Koi, the Time Cat 2018/11/30 (金) 03:27 No. 611181
Search [iqdb] (115 KB, 635x903, Dq_JCKnU0AAx6wO.jpg )
i'm gonnaI should buy some juice
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/30 (金) 03:27 No. 611182
Search [iqdb] (427 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Shoujo Kageki R(…).jpg )
>>611180 I'll give you her phone number. You can find out where she lives. You can meet her cats.
Koi, the Time Cat 2018/11/30 (金) 03:27 No. 611183
Search [iqdb] (147 KB, 1300x1816, Dsb1lRcU0AAstZ5.jpg )
super snooper koi on the kase Hmm, I didn't really do much tonight other than read
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/30 (金) 03:30 No. 611184
Search [iqdb] (881 KB, 1920x1080, [Chyuu-PAS] Shoujo☆Kageki Revu(…).jpg )
You don't have to snoop! Just ask her out like a normal person.
FormerRei@mobile 2018/11/30 (金) 03:30 No. 611185
>>611184 Shrek Retold is out>>>/watch?v=pM70TROZQsI I suggest you watch it now since there's a good chance it will be taken down. Also Chris-chan did a scene.
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/30 (金) 03:31 No. 611186
Search [iqdb] (665 KB, 1920x1080, [Chyuu-PAS] Shoujo☆Kageki Revu(…).jpg )
i will probably not watch shrek retold ever
FormerRei@mobile 2018/11/30 (金) 03:31 No. 611187
>>611186 Why not? It's pretty good.
I will probably let A LOT of movies go unwatched by me in my life
Koi, the Time Cat 2018/11/30 (金) 03:33 No. 611189
what is life but a bunch of movies that I will not care to watch
That really sums my life up It's great, because a close friend of mine is really into watching movies all the time and he's always giving me recommendations and telling me to come watch movies with him but I fucking hate sitting still for 2 hours
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/30 (金) 03:33 No. 611191
Search [iqdb] (125 KB, 767x975, [Chyuu-PAS] Shoujo☆Kageki Revu(…).jpg )
I just don't really care about Shrek and fish doesn't really either and 1.5 hours is a lot of time
FormerRei@mobile 2018/11/30 (金) 03:34 No. 611192
>>611191 I guess you'll just miss out then.
I'll probably let the greatest movies of all time go unwatched by me
I recommend Baby Driver and Hereditary If anyone's seen either I'd like to hear your thoughts on them
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/30 (金) 03:36 No. 611195
Search [iqdb] (960 KB, 1920x1080, [Chyuu-PAS] Shoujo☆Kageki Revu(…).jpg )
babby driver is good
Search [iqdb] (204 KB, 498x600, Mugi (33).jpg )
who has seen any of the "retold" movies...
>>611195 I agree. Little did you know, you've now given me an excuse to give my own unsolicited opinion on the movie Baby Driver is like an art film of action movies
FormerRei@mobile 2018/11/30 (金) 03:37 No. 611198
>>611196 I watched the RoboCop one It was pretty funny.
FormerRei@mobile 2018/11/30 (金) 03:37 No. 611199
Are there any others?
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/30 (金) 03:39 No. 611200
>>611197 yeah, that's pretty much how i feel about it
Red Dead Online is pretty trash Only fun thing is fistfighting other players And sometimes taking group pictures of // if you're lucky enough to find some people who will pose with you
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/30 (金) 03:46 No. 611202
>>611201 the character creator was really poorly implemented i only played like 30 minutes and quit because it was boring
yesssss my character is so FUCKING ugly holy SHIT
>>611202 It continues to be boring long afte 30 minutes
>>611201 >>611202 guess rock star's and whatever company runs gta5online second attempt at infinite money didn't work
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/30 (金) 03:48 No. 611206
>>611204 it's only the beta so maybe the final one will work but idk
I hope Rockstar implodes
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/30 (金) 03:50 No. 611208
just play spoder man instead
spoder man is bad 2
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/30 (金) 03:52 No. 611210
WHAT it's easily the best game of 2018 it's a fuckin masterpiece
i disagree
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/30 (金) 03:52 No. 611212
did you try getting some taste
how bout you try tasting this *unzips better taste than yours *
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/30 (金) 03:53 No. 611214
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/30 (金) 03:54 No. 611216
prepare to get doxxed
Search [iqdb] (112 KB, 500x700, Mugi (61).jpg )
if the game was good it wouldn't be exclusive
FormerRei@mobile 2018/11/30 (金) 03:57 No. 611218
>>611217 Check Mate Athiest
family making me want to die
>>611219 what are those FUCKS doing this time
guilt for being mentally unwell and how hard it is for them i stopped being a burden with my troubles to others what more do you want
Just stop being around them
I've guilted and been guilted for mental unwellness I have no real advice for you, but I feel you
kill them
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/30 (金) 04:24 No. 611226
Search [iqdb] (58 KB, 952x477, [Chyuu-PAS] Shoujo☆Kageki Revu(…).jpg )
>>611224 advice isnt the kind of help i need
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/30 (金) 05:08 No. 611228
Search [iqdb] (128 KB, 1069x1069, [Chyuu-PAS] Shoujo☆Kageki Revu(…).jpg )
sand coffin -
Search [iqdb] (105 KB, 870x720, Sako (44).png )
Desert burial
anime >>611231 →
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/30 (金) 05:32 No. 611233
Search [iqdb] (898 KB, 1920x1080, [Chyuu-PAS] Shoujo☆Kageki Revu(…).jpg )
the cartloons
>cat sits on keyboard and starts overwatch ok guess im not watching anime
Search [iqdb] (163 KB, 550x908, 1420864345302.jpg )
Don't let your cat make important decisions for you.
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/30 (金) 05:37 No. 611236
Search [iqdb] (110 KB, 609x821, [Chyuu-PAS] Shoujo☆Kageki Revu(…).jpg )
I'm a cat, and you should let me make all kinds of decisions for you.
feline vult
Search [iqdb] (138 KB, 496x700, こうじ - あかつき.jpg )
Make the decision for tilde to show up to anime.
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/30 (金) 05:38 No. 611239
Search [iqdb] (139 KB, 919x1051, [Chyuu-PAS] Shoujo☆Kageki Revu(…).jpg )
Tilde is probably crashed, super sleeping.
Nah I'm awake. Came pretty close to though.
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/30 (金) 05:42 No. 611243
Search [iqdb] (117 KB, 575x1049, [Chyuu-PAS] Shoujo☆Kageki Revu(…).jpg )
My assessment was wrong? Impossible
Search [iqdb] (30 KB, 500x500, Sako (45).jpg )
Who even sleeps
Well I did say I came pretty close, so you weren't far off in your assessment, but yeah. I'm committed to hacking down this list of things to watch.
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/30 (金) 05:51 No. 611252
Search [iqdb] (158 KB, 901x1011, [Chyuu-PAS] Shoujo☆Kageki Revu(…).jpg )
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/30 (金) 05:55 No. 611255
Search [iqdb] (109 KB, 563x785, [Chyuu-PAS] Shoujo☆Kageki Revu(…).jpg )
My lungs still feel all fuzzy.
what did you do to your lungs?
Search [iqdb] (♫, 56s, 7.6 MB, 640x360, Rules+of+Sakura.mp4 )
Why isn't there a remaster of dirge of cerberus or just digital version of it for all platforms or just psn
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/30 (金) 05:58 No. 611261
Search [iqdb] (152 KB, 589x979, [Chyuu-PAS] Shoujo☆Kageki Revu(…).jpg )
>>611256 They're filled with shrapnel! And by shrapnel, I mean germs, probably. I'm fightan something off.
Search [iqdb] (♫, 17s, 3.7 MB, 1280x720, vampiregod.mp4 )
shrug it off with GUTS
>drop 20€ for a fucking 15 year old ps2 game that isn't even that good
god I wish I could play pirated ps2 games on ps3
well I could but... I dunno if I wanna go through all the effort required
Search [iqdb] (378 KB, 540x780, 0c11cedd6647993aea3f6320e656fc12.png )
ps2 copyright protection was pretty much just a clone of the region lock a copied or pirated game didn't have any region lock signature on it, for curious reasons, meaning it wouldn't accept it so if you had a way to bypass the region lock, you could play any pirated or copied ps2 game so on ps3, all you need to do is customize the software inside to not check the region lock to unlock all ps2 games for it but ofc that will drop you out of playstation network untill you do a total factory reset
Search [iqdb] (13 KB, 300x350, 7fc9dd249b472463ad0f58c648886c18.png )
ps3 piracy is ofc a thing too, but that basically requires a complete custom software nonetheless, kinda requirew ay more effort than it is worth
FormerRei@mobile 2018/11/30 (金) 06:06 No. 611274
>>611269 Playing pirated games on the ps2 slim is pretty easy. There's a tool called swap magic that makes it simple
>>611274 I know I however don't have a ps2
FormerRei@mobile 2018/11/30 (金) 06:09 No. 611277
Night>>611276 Just emulate it
you think dirge of cerberus EXISTS on the internet anymore?
FormerRei@mobile 2018/11/30 (金) 06:10 No. 611280
Ask LV, he might be able to find it on a private tracker.
>>611279 No way man a friend of mine from school had that game. It's totally a thing.
>>611281 on the interwebs nerd I have a copy of it I copied from my friend who bought it but alas can't play it
Well you asked about existing in the first place. It's probably in some ROM storage on the Internet. Those places have even more obscure games than a Final Fantasy VII spin-off.
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/30 (金) 06:18 No. 611291
Search [iqdb] (75 KB, 609x652, [Chyuu-PAS] Shoujo☆Kageki Revu(…).jpg )
Search [iqdb] (363 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Sora to Umi no (…).jpg )
>>611288 good luck finding those when you havn't pirated anything in aaaaages
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/30 (金) 06:23 No. 611295
Search [iqdb] (942 KB, 1920x1080, [Chyuu-PAS] Shoujo☆Kageki Revu(…).jpg )
Search [iqdb] (104 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Hataraku Saibou(…).jpg )
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/30 (金) 06:27 No. 611299
Search [iqdb] (68 KB, 587x814, [Chyuu-PAS] Shoujo☆Kageki Revu(…).jpg )
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/30 (金) 06:39 No. 611304
Search [iqdb] (158 KB, 901x1011, [Chyuu-PAS] Shoujo☆Kageki Revu(…).jpg )
How has that fishing anime turned out?
It's been watchable. I think if it wasn't good for you before it hasn't really done much improving.
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/30 (金) 06:41 No. 611308
Search [iqdb] (139 KB, 919x1051, [Chyuu-PAS] Shoujo☆Kageki Revu(…).jpg )
I thought that might be the case. I haven't told Fish it exists because I didn't want to have to watch it.
Hah hah hah. They don't even get to space fishing for like, seven or eight episodes. I wonder if she could sit through the SoL and training stuff to get to it.
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/30 (金) 06:43 No. 611311
Search [iqdb] (214 KB, 1200x1600, IMG_20181129_074854.jpg )
I have no doubt that she could, but I don't think I could sit through any of it!
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/30 (金) 06:46 No. 611313
You've got to prepare for every contingency! What if you've got some Very Thick bread!
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/30 (金) 06:48 No. 611315
Search [iqdb] (87 KB, 498x498, 20181111_062452.jpg )
Have you ever toasted bread over a fire?
Well, a barbeque, which is close. I've grilled sandwiches over a fire, or I guess more in the fire with pie irons.
Search [iqdb] (1008 KB, 997x2830, 1430425648586.jpg )
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/30 (金) 06:54 No. 611323
Search [iqdb] (84 KB, 700x700, IMG_20181129_075423.jpg )
Hello, Rika.>>611316 It's surprisingly nothing special, yeah?
Yeah, I'd say so too. More than that at least a toaster doesn't imbue the bread with smoke. Something like a propane stove is fine too. The pie iron sandwiches are really great though, I kind of miss those.
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/30 (金) 06:59 No. 611329
Search [iqdb] (186 KB, 1448x2048, IMG_20181124_200000.jpg )
>>611319 Did you died?>>611324 I haven't had a toaster in years. I've got a toaster oven, though. Works well enough.
Yeah if I had to pick one or the other I'd go for only the toaster oven. The speed of a toaster is nice though, I find the toaster oven is a bit slower to get things toasted.
>>611286 >>611294 i found an .iso on the filthy public trackers want a mega of it or something?
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/30 (金) 07:03 No. 611335
Search [iqdb] (86 KB, 850x1200, IMG_20181130_020144.jpg )
>>611330 I will probably need a new toaster oven soon enough. Mine's like eight years old.
god DAMN this pineapple is fucking S O U R B A N G A N G
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/30 (金) 07:09 No. 611343
Search [iqdb] (209 KB, 1200x1495, IMG_20181129_074620.jpg )
i have a pen i have a apple
pineapples aren't sour what da zog
>>611344 excuse me what yes they are I am retarded
>>611345 if they were sour i wouldn't put them on pizza
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/30 (金) 07:10 No. 611347
Search [iqdb] (88 KB, 921x895, IMG_20181129_073651.jpg )
im gonna break free right into the sun
>>611347 holy shit this is the highest form of gameplay twice as much hands twice as much buttons you can press at once fucking genius
>>611347 NO DONT DO IT
>>611348 even better it might be a nintendo switch (c) and one of them can use the TOUCH SCREEN while the other uses the buttons
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/30 (金) 07:11 No. 611352
Search [iqdb] (160 KB, 1000x1303, IMG_20181116_182409.jpg )
>>611348 tried it earlier, it's too hard to coordinate impossiburu task>>611349 IM DOIN IT
>>611351 or you can play a 2 player game while only using 1 chair there are so many possibilities play 4 player mario kart on the plane with 2 seats>>611352 it just has a high skill ceiling
Search [iqdb] (55 KB, 640x360, tabane2.jpg )
>>611329 I died a little.
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/30 (金) 07:12 No. 611357
Search [iqdb] (89 KB, 800x800, IMG_20181119_065903.jpg )
>>611354 It's totally impossible. I kept dropping it. It works for watching videos on a tablet or phone, though>>611355 Oh no. Get well soon.
>>611357 its not impossible ill show you let me hold it ill be your gunner you just drive the tank
Wow now my main dish is so plain and lackluster in comparison to that delicious pineapple woooowwww
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/30 (金) 07:15 No. 611363
Search [iqdb] (260 KB, 931x1328, IMG_20181124_082004.jpg )
>>611358 are you suggesting i couple with someone other than my usual partner
>>611363 if you even think you CAN
wow don't slut
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/30 (金) 07:16 No. 611367
Search [iqdb] (139 KB, 1048x1165, IMG_20181121_085531.jpg )
>>611365 i can't im already stretched out into fish's shape
just re-stretch to fit this new shape
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/30 (金) 07:18 No. 611371
Search [iqdb] (411 KB, 1000x1341, IMG_20181125_225031.png )
I can't, it's too late.
Search [iqdb] (77 KB, 645x566, smug loli.jpg )
>>611367 what kind of man are you if a mere fish can stretch you
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/30 (金) 07:19 No. 611376
Search [iqdb] (49 KB, 406x432, IMG_20180709_082207.jpg )
>>611373 bold of you to assume im a man
Search [iqdb] (187 KB, 700x1036, 20131111.png )
>>611376 you win this round, cat
Percent chance of the whole not-assuming-peoples-gender thing becoming an accepted thing sometime long in the future?
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/30 (金) 07:21 No. 611381
Search [iqdb] (568 KB, 2023x2866, IMG_20181124_064943.jpg )
>>611379 meow
>>611313 a proper rye bread needs 9 to toast
>>611388 what an awful sentence
>>611390 ur mum is
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/30 (金) 07:28 No. 611392
Search [iqdb] (106 KB, 750x738, IMG_20180606_074641.jpg )
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/30 (金) 07:29 No. 611393
Search [iqdb] (212 KB, 816x2048, IMG_20181110_062943.jpg )
nuclear bomb testers are so confident in themselves how do they know they're not gonna blow up half the world
Well if they do, it probably won't be their problem any more.
imagine having paid to see one blow up and then get cancer?
>>611396 I'm certain I'm already getting plenty of lung cancer from all this [radon] I'm living in
hot dog condom style
Search [iqdb] (570 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Zombieland Saga(…).jpg )
hot dog femdom style
Search [iqdb] (221 KB, 868x1024, 1543562301708.jpg )
damn that's good
Yeah. I like the attention to letterying.
Lettering even.
>>611441 with tech like that you could typeset manga>but I don't want to typeset manga I want to make MEMES
Koi, the Time Cat 2018/11/30 (金) 11:28 No. 611444
>New Raid Music alright this is my SHIT
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/11/30 (金) 11:31 No. 611445
im feeling that feel
Are you feeling it Mr. Krabs?
im feeling pain
I'd really like to talk to aska right now
me too
im an idiot he would understand
Search [iqdb] (241 KB, 503x602, heiyin47.png )
man FUCK
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/30 (金) 14:24 No. 611454
Search [iqdb] (214 KB, 1200x1600, IMG_20181129_074854.jpg )
FormerRei@mobile 2018/11/30 (金) 14:27 No. 611455
Search [iqdb] (855 KB, 640x360, me.gif )
i love having things heading my way by mail
Well it's a hundred words shy of the minimum. And like a week late. And most of it was punched out in three hours this morning. But I finally got one of the papers off my pile.
This guy in a wheelchair just took the escalator up from one platform in this station to another. That's pretty fucking impressive to me.
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/30 (金) 15:35 No. 611460
Search [iqdb] (1.1 MB, 1500x2095, 20181130_095528.jpg )
Obviously "anon" is supposed to be read as "anon", but would it be overtly gay and lame to read it as your real name in your head?
Overtly gay and lame don't really go together.
What about covertly gay and lam
Covert gays are pretty neato too. Just embrace your gay anon.
I've done gay things and found out I didn't like it making me the LEAST gay person on /moe/
You just gotta find the gay things you do like.
oohhh you mean like MEN
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/30 (金) 15:52 No. 611468
Search [iqdb] (186 KB, 1448x2048, IMG_20181124_200000.jpg )
Gay is good
Gay is the best.
no stop
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/30 (金) 15:58 No. 611471
Search [iqdb] (89 KB, 800x800, IMG_20181119_065903.jpg )
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/30 (金) 16:03 No. 611473
Search [iqdb] (432 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Shoujo Kageki R(…).jpg )
I'm SO gay for my girlfriend
The GAYest kind of gay
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/30 (金) 16:10 No. 611475
Search [iqdb] (209 KB, 1200x1495, IMG_20181129_074620.jpg )
Can't stop my gay
Search [iqdb] (101 KB, 1000x1000, DscNVhPV4AAHlM-.jpg )
Why would you ever want to stop your gay.
why would you ever have 30 pigs
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/30 (金) 16:13 No. 611479
Search [iqdb] (193 KB, 1000x1000, IMG_20181115_203027.jpg )
>>611477 I never would.
Search [iqdb] (66 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg )
seeing my family was a really big mistake i just wanted to come here to see my psychiatrist things are really bad now
Search [iqdb] (346 KB, 680x600, 1297522587940.jpg )
>>611480 Hang in there moon.
yeah i'll do at least half of that
Whats going on with family? I
They're being most uncool
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/30 (金) 16:33 No. 611485
Search [iqdb] (229 KB, 1080x1350, IMG_20181130_112624.jpg )
Search [iqdb] (218 KB, 483x582, [Kyouju] GA Geijutsuka Art Des(…).jpg )
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/30 (金) 16:55 No. 611487
Search [iqdb] (117 KB, 345x346, [Kyouju] GA Geijutsuka Art Des(…).jpg )
I doubt she will stay there for long
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/30 (金) 17:02 No. 611489
she already got arrested yesterday so yeah
haha would have been nice if it had been turned into endurance contest and she'd have caved in like in a day
also from fish to fanfares I am bit annoyed I can't macro alt+tab to my mouse
in the first "gaming" logitech mouses that had a DEFAULT button for it but nowdays noooooo
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/30 (金) 17:04 No. 611493
where's your name, anyway
not using it
FormerRei@mobile 2018/11/30 (金) 17:09 No. 611495
>>611492 Mouses?
>>611495 would you really use "computer mice" nerd?
FormerRei@mobile 2018/11/30 (金) 17:11 No. 611497
>>611496 Not all at once. I don't play EVE.
yeah people do actually
oh shit
mouse devices
Search [iqdb] (200 KB, 1920x1080, screenshot0022.jpg )
I allow the weaker aspects of my character to dictate my behavior and that makes me feel like less of a person.
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/30 (金) 17:59 No. 611502
it makes you more of a person
Koi, the Time Cat 2018/11/30 (金) 18:02 No. 611503
Search [iqdb] (1.8 MB, 1800x1800, たくなま - ただただ尊い (67868931) .jpg )
time to stop being a person
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/30 (金) 18:03 No. 611504
Search [iqdb] (74 KB, 750x724, IMG_20181130_113601.jpg )
Koi, the Time Cat 2018/11/30 (金) 18:07 No. 611505
Search [iqdb] (952 KB, 700x979, さきp - ガラス (70194230) .png )
The new Dragalia event has nice music
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/30 (金) 18:12 No. 611506
almost as nice as you, motherfucker
Koi, the Dragon 2018/11/30 (金) 18:15 No. 611507
Search [iqdb] (1.4 MB, 1920x1280, ネオンテトラ - アビゲイルちゃんがなんか励ましてくれた ((…).jpg )
Koi, the Dragon 2018/11/30 (金) 18:38 No. 611508
Search [iqdb] (495 KB, 1518x1075, めりーべ - カラス (67029659) .jpg )
>double gold dragon AW YEAH FIVE STAR>wyrmprint ...THERE ARE GOOD WYRMPRINTS THIS BANNER>it's the lame event print from last banner ;__;
Search [iqdb] (855 KB, 640x360, me.gif )
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/30 (金) 18:43 No. 611510
>>611508 i never get 5* anything my luck is so bad there
Koi, the Dragon 2018/11/30 (金) 18:43 No. 611511
Search [iqdb] (952 KB, 700x979, さきp - ガラス (70194230) .png )
my luck was good at the start. Or at least it seemed good looking back, the prints, dragons, and characters I got at the start were pretty lame. I just had high quantities of 5* It got better after a while but I don't think I've been particularly happy with rolls since Halloween. yeah, my rolls after halloween have all sucked. The only ones I've gotten after H.Eli is Vida, Rodrigo, Amane, Pietro, and Pia. I DID get Maribelle and Xander but that was from the Premium 10-summon that you can only get with the money currency Those were good rolls but they were also highly likely.
Koi, the Dragon 2018/11/30 (金) 18:48 No. 611512
I guess Agni was also one of the good rolls but it came too late to actually be useful. Here's to hoping another wind event boss comes soon.
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/30 (金) 18:52 No. 611513
i just log in, roll bad, get discouraged, and quit haha
FormerRei@mobile 2018/11/30 (金) 18:52 No. 611514
Wow Free press is dead in Canada.
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/30 (金) 18:54 No. 611515
free press has never existed
Koi, the Dragon 2018/11/30 (金) 18:54 No. 611516
Search [iqdb] (990 KB, 720x1080, 鬼针草 - 万圣节快乐 (71446794) .jpg )
I don't know how much I'll play once I finish Althemia, honestly. Having the strongest Alty is pretty much my goal and I'm pretty close.
FormerRei@mobile 2018/11/30 (金) 18:55 No. 611517
>>611515 Fine "Really Free but not truly Free press is dead in Canada". Their supreme court forced a journalist to turn over notes from interviews he did with a terrorist who is now dead. Apparently they need to build a case against him.
okay so why can't you manual aim with crossbows?
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/30 (金) 19:09 No. 611520
>>611517 doesn't surprise me, sounds like about what i would expect
okay I think i actually found the worst level in dark souls the whole demon ruins+lost izalith and how the boss is it is just lazy
Search [iqdb] (682 KB, 1920x1080, 20181130211954_1.jpg )
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/30 (金) 19:46 No. 611523
having fun with RNG queen?
meh just died twice to slipping off randomly and then slapped her to death just kinda meh fight kinda fun idea, like many things in this area, but the end product was just half-assed lazy
Search [iqdb] (291 KB, 787x720, [Kyouju] GA Geijutsuka Art Des(…).jpg )
it is clear they tried to make another blighttown but with lava but there was no effort spent
Search [iqdb] (178 KB, 568x720, [Kyouju] GA Geijutsuka Art Des(…).jpg )
also i amusingly got fire pillared AFTER killing the boss
Search [iqdb] (233 KB, 591x671, [Kyouju] GA Geijutsuka Art Des(…).jpg )
also all of the enemies were just meh>copy pasted cuntdemons >big guys that aren't hard, but are bunched up so that you need to fight 2 or 3 at a time or on a ledge with limited mobility >stone gargoyle demons that are 0 challenge, but still take 4 hits to kill seriously even the low corpse, broken sword hollows are worse opponents than those, and those guys usually take just 1-2 hits and then there were the rock worms and the tentacle towers, who both were 0 hardship, max effort foes, with a bullshit attack that eats your durability out of nowhere imagine being there with a crystal weapon...
Search [iqdb] (200 KB, 686x720, [Kyouju] GA Geijutsuka Art Des(…).jpg )
But I kinda expected more from a Lord Soul boss
Search [iqdb] (110 KB, 1280x720, [Kyouju] GA Geijutsuka Art Des(…).jpg )
So hmm continue in the dlc world post artorius head towards ghost town head into the giant tomb, which is damn bullshit place hmm yeah I think that is all of my options oh wait crystal dragon cunt
congrats on defeating the least fun boss in the game
naw that title still belongs to mooncunt and lavaretard
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/30 (金) 20:15 No. 611532
Search [iqdb] (2.8 MB, 3024x4032, 20181130_150716.jpg )
why isn't there a cute cat boss in das?
>>611534 dark souls 2
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/30 (金) 20:30 No. 611536
Search [iqdb] (74 KB, 750x724, IMG_20181130_113601.jpg )
dark souls 4
Search [iqdb] (73 KB, 1280x720, [Kyouju] GA Geijutsuka Art Des(…).jpg )
A boss where the true hitbox is a damn cute cat that has been helpful and pettable for the entire past two areas to you and you have to kill that cute normal cat to kil the boss
I had a long nap. sleepy
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/30 (金) 20:59 No. 611539
Search [iqdb] (96 KB, 301x402, 20181130_095513.jpg )
Koi, the Dragon 2018/11/30 (金) 21:00 No. 611540
>>611538 ...shouldn't you be the opposite?
i want to sleep
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/30 (金) 21:04 No. 611542
Search [iqdb] (411 KB, 1000x1341, IMG_20181125_225031.png )
sweepy sheepy
>>611540 Sleep always makes me sleepy. Its the way of the universe.>>611539 Me!
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/30 (金) 21:07 No. 611544
Search [iqdb] (229 KB, 1080x1350, IMG_20181130_112624.jpg )
send help in yhe form of cute
Search [iqdb] (1.8 MB, 1157x1637, 1541936188820.png )
>>611545 ur cute.
y-you too
Search [iqdb] (1.2 MB, 1900x745, 66128617_p0.png )
>>611547 Thanks!
Koi, the Dragon 2018/11/30 (金) 21:39 No. 611549
Search [iqdb] (1.8 MB, 1240x1754, fu-ta - アビーちゃん (69910292) .jpg )
>>611545 kay
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/30 (金) 21:41 No. 611550
Search [iqdb] (214 KB, 1200x1600, IMG_20181129_074854.jpg )
Search [iqdb] (156 KB, 889x1300, 1410783055497.jpg )
Koi, the Dragon 2018/11/30 (金) 21:46 No. 611552
Search [iqdb] (3.5 MB, 2150x3035, 摩訶乃ムッチ - アビビビビビビ (67957091) .jpg )
oh right, online trainings uehhh
Search [iqdb] (10 KB, 126x126, Satorin.jpg )
atleast you don't need to move your arse.
Search [iqdb] (110 KB, 873x1200, jmeg6vwbequ11.jpg )
I might have to do an online course for counselling. I'm a bit skeptical of how useful it'll be.
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/30 (金) 21:51 No. 611555
Search [iqdb] (411 KB, 1000x1341, IMG_20181125_225031.png )
Marvel's Daredevil on Netflix got cancelled. All that remains now is Jessica Jones. But that'll probably get cancelled after S3.
Search [iqdb] (855 KB, 640x360, me.gif )
need evac send help
>>611551 this is a good image
Search [iqdb] (57 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Zombieland Saga(…).jpg )
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/30 (金) 22:09 No. 611559
Search [iqdb] (96 KB, 301x402, 20181130_095513.jpg )
Hello, Rika-chan. It's Friday.
Search [iqdb] (108 KB, 332x228, 13829602226.png )
hirika p
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/30 (金) 22:27 No. 611562
Kannagi !NEATO1nxtM
2018/11/30 (金) 22:27 No. 611563
I have a random rash on my right wrist, weird.
>>611562 ppppp
Search [iqdb] (2.6 MB, 2028x1433, 55398240_p0.png )
it's making more sense the longer i think about it what they are saying is probably true it's not just them everybody feels that way about me and im just too stupid to recognize it
Kannagi !NEATO1nxtM
2018/11/30 (金) 22:46 No. 611566
My rash seems to be going now but I certainly feel a bit unwell. I think my chinese might have had a bad reaction with me. >>611565 Are you alright moon? Sorry I suck at talking , if you ever want to vent you can catch me on steam or wherever.
nothing to say sorry about i did not realize what a burden friends and family members feel of someone with mental illness i didn't realize i was hurting others by not being normal enough i should be the one who is sorry
Kannagi !NEATO1nxtM
2018/11/30 (金) 22:51 No. 611568
>>611567 I don't think you ever have to say sorry for not being normal enough or suffering from anything. I like talking to you, I am sorry because for the same thing I guess though, I'm not normal enough to comfort people naturally. I've hurt people for not being "normal", I lost a friend for telling them who I am. You shouldn't be so hard on yourself.
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/30 (金) 22:52 No. 611569
Search [iqdb] (126 KB, 500x536, 20181124_095420.jpg )
>>611565 what are they saying
lots of things that make me feel like there's something wrong with me and feel bad about myself this is why i left in the first place but i have a breakdown and have to travel back there to see my psychiatrist and they feel like that's a good and appropriate time to barrage me with how selfish im being for trying not // i just can't sacrifice anything more than i already am for them and i dont ask for anything, don't rely on them for help, because theyve never been there to help when i did need it but im still supposed to just take the abuse and still keep a close relationship but only when it's convenient to them this isn't what i needed right now i needed help ive needed help for weeks and i dunno what to do i should probably not be doing this particular thing thats just more negative vibes and annoyance to everyone and it's gonna keep pushing people away until i lose everyone
Kannagi !NEATO1nxtM
2018/11/30 (金) 23:00 No. 611571
>>611570 You can always post here and vent, I don't think it is annoyance to anyone. I can't speak for everyone but I don't think you'll lose any of your moe friends. The next time I'm over to the US and if it's not trouble for you, I'd like to visit you and hang out!
Search [iqdb] (94 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Jashin-chan Dro(…).jpg )
hello hello
don't think anyone minds a rant or a vent
Kannagi !NEATO1nxtM
2018/11/30 (金) 23:06 No. 611574
I get scared of venting and feel terrible when I'm just negative, there are times where I am having panic attacks and I just try to deal with it even though I'm terrified and want to post something to talk to someone. and when I // with substance abuse and I feel ashamed.
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/30 (金) 23:07 No. 611575
Search [iqdb] (139 KB, 1048x1165, IMG_20181121_085531.jpg )
I agree that it's okay to vent here Wish there was something I could do for you, moon>>611572 Hello, Rika.
Search [iqdb] (94 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Jashin-chan Dro(…).jpg )
How are we doing today?
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/30 (金) 23:12 No. 611577
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>>611576 Sick, but doing alright. How are you?
Search [iqdb] (92 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Asobi Asobase -(…).jpg )
I'm doing well. I was feeling sick a little earlier too but I'm fine now.
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/30 (金) 23:17 No. 611579
Search [iqdb] (16 KB, 304x271, IMG_20181121_071446.jpg )
My fuzzy lungs have me coughing now. I think I got it from a girl at work. But it's not that bad. My immune system is finally working again after destroying it with the stress of four years ago and alcoholism.
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Maybe one day you can become bakaimmune to all disease
>>611575 thanks
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>>611579 fuzzy lungs?
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/30 (金) 23:57 No. 611583
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>>611582 Yeah, my lungs have felt fuzzy all week. They're not literally fuzzy.
Search [iqdb] (149 KB, 850x1187, 1424608547383.jpg )
It's good that they're not actually fuzzy, you'd be in big trouble!
Kirara, the Cat 2018/12/01 (土) 00:32 No. 611585
Search [iqdb] (411 KB, 1000x1341, IMG_20181125_225031.png )
>>611584 I'd probably be in for a pretty unpleasant time! I've been trying to take it easy. Naps, fluids, the whole nine yards.
Search [iqdb] (19 KB, 520x440, 450806fe692435f71440e389c6be1233.jpg )
fuzzy lungs seems like a pretty nasty disease
Kirara, the Cat 2018/12/01 (土) 01:04 No. 611587
Search [iqdb] (285 KB, 2048x2048, IMG_20181120_155517.jpg )
Sounds fungal. Like the kind of fungus that turns you into a zombie.
naw I mean like literal fur bodyhair growing in your lungs imagine that A real fantasy plague there
Kannagi !NEATO1nxtM
2018/12/01 (土) 01:08 No. 611589
Search [iqdb] (261 KB, 870x1060, 1363953797995.jpg )
It makes me think of fuzzy cells that happens with certain things like overhydration
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maybe if I ever pick up another debuff ability, I will make it that "fuzzy lungs"
>>611589 oh yeah check out this fun talent that I will pick up eventually SAGITTARIUS If you do not take a move action, add +1 to your attack. This improves to +2 at 5th level and +3 at 8th level. Champion Feat: You also gain the bonus to AC. Epic Feat: You also gain the bonus to MD and PD.
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ever eaten a mars bar?
Kannagi !NEATO1nxtM
2018/12/01 (土) 02:05 No. 611594
Search [iqdb] (4.1 MB, 2000x2418, 69996011_p0.png )
have you ever eaten a deep fried mars bar?
Kirara, the Cat 2018/12/01 (土) 02:06 No. 611595
Search [iqdb] (338 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Tensei Shitara (…).jpg )
I've never eaten.
>>611594 I wonder how gross thati s
Kannagi !NEATO1nxtM
2018/12/01 (土) 02:07 No. 611597
>>611596 gross. you don't need to wonder
FormerRei@mobile 2018/12/01 (土) 02:08 No. 611598
>>611594 I've seen deep fried snickers bars at food stands. I saw one with deep fried oreos too, but they were like $7. Fuck that
Kannagi !NEATO1nxtM
2018/12/01 (土) 02:09 No. 611599
You should try a parmo
Kirara, the Cat 2018/12/01 (土) 02:09 No. 611600
Search [iqdb] (410 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Tensei Shitara (…).jpg )
You can get anything deep fried.
Kannagi !NEATO1nxtM
2018/12/01 (土) 02:10 No. 611601
Search [iqdb] (395 KB, 600x919, 69988779_p0_master1200.jpg )
Deep fried love?
Kirara, the Cat 2018/12/01 (土) 02:11 No. 611602
Search [iqdb] (49 KB, 364x542, [HorribleSubs] Tensei Shitara (…).jpg )
Give me your love and I'll deep fry it
Kannagi !NEATO1nxtM
2018/12/01 (土) 02:14 No. 611603
Search [iqdb] (1.1 MB, 800x1200, 70004894_p0.png )
Wow thank you. Deep fried crisy love
Kirara, the Cat 2018/12/01 (土) 02:16 No. 611604
Search [iqdb] (81 KB, 542x582, [HorribleSubs] Tensei Shitara (…).jpg )
You can count on me.
>>611597 naw this is one of those you need to try it
FormerRei@mobile 2018/12/01 (土) 02:18 No. 611606
So I finished reading a really good shonen manga and it ended with the mc marrying a girl who fell in love with him when she was a child because he saved her life. But he married her when she was 16
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and mc is how old? 40?
Search [iqdb] (145 KB, 1280x960, [Kira-Fansub] Kidou Tenshi Ang(…).jpg )
>>611606 who are we to doubt true love? but that sounds like some serious projecting
FormerRei@mobile 2018/12/01 (土) 02:21 No. 611609
>>611607 Like 24
FormerRei@mobile 2018/12/01 (土) 02:21 No. 611610
>>611608 Projecting?
Kirara, the Cat 2018/12/01 (土) 02:22 No. 611611
Search [iqdb] (70 KB, 421x678, [HorribleSubs] Tensei Shitara (…).jpg )
As in, the author wants to marry a kid
how awkward must it be really>they decide to marry when the younger turns 16 >at the time they are 8 and 16 quite icky
FormerRei@mobile 2018/12/01 (土) 02:26 No. 611613
That's not when they decide to marry. Well, half her character was her constantly asking him to marry her. Although he always said "no i can't marry you, you're a yukionna"
Oh you are speaking about Hell teacher
which means it also is a double whammy of student-teacher
FormerRei@mobile 2018/12/01 (土) 02:31 No. 611616
>>611615 Nah He teaches fifth grade, she's 16. She goes to a highschool for youkai.
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oh that was how it was well been years since I last read nube
FormerRei@mobile 2018/12/01 (土) 02:38 No. 611618
>>611617 II'm surprised you read it, less than half has been translated. I thought you only read finished series? Oh wait nvm Thinking of someone else
Search [iqdb] (108 KB, 960x1280, [Kira-Fansub] Kidou Tenshi Ang(…).jpg )
I am fundamentally broken as a human being and the only people I have to tell about it are on a realtime javascript anime messageboard.
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>>611618 it was years ago and was actively translated back then
Kannagi !NEATO1nxtM
2018/12/01 (土) 02:45 No. 611621
>>611619 Hey its me
FormerRei@mobile 2018/12/01 (土) 02:46 No. 611622
>>611620 It's getting actively translated again.
Kirara, the Cat 2018/12/01 (土) 02:46 No. 611623
Search [iqdb] (45 KB, 258x527, [HorribleSubs] Tensei Shitara (…).jpg )
humans are all broken some of them just hide it better than others being broken is part of being human we're all fucked up in our own fucked up ways saying the only place you have to talk about it is an anime imageboard is really self-deprecating though why does it matter how you communicate with your friends we're your friends whether it's in person, through irc, or an imageboard and there's nothing pathetic about talking to your friends about your troubles and problems
Kannagi !NEATO1nxtM
2018/12/01 (土) 02:49 No. 611624
Search [iqdb] (17 KB, 210x210, 2342782722258.jpg )
Moe are my only real friends. I don't care that I talk to you all online on a realtime imageboard even though that is kinda neato.
Kirara, the Cat 2018/12/01 (土) 02:58 No. 611625
Search [iqdb] (52 KB, 432x603, [HorribleSubs] SSSS.Gridman - (…).jpg )
I think it's a wonderful thing that we've all been able to meet and become friends and care for each other.
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life would be a lot more dull without moo
Kannagi !NEATO1nxtM
2018/12/01 (土) 03:08 No. 611627
Search [iqdb] (33 KB, 285x315, 1447488818044.gif )
My life would be a really shithole without moe and it was a shithole for a while when I had no outlet or people to talk to
Kirara, the Cat 2018/12/01 (土) 03:12 No. 611628
>>611628 extra special
Kannagi !NEATO1nxtM
2018/12/01 (土) 03:35 No. 611630
Search [iqdb] (2.1 MB, 1000x1000, 24590767_p0.jpg )
I just realised it like 3:30am wow
i asked my buddy today about how he's been, after talking about how i' ve had a rough month. He said he's actually been pretty good, and i felt weird about that. Now with some reflection I realize I felt kinda even more alone in my suffering. There's a big stigma against the natural response that people have to listening to friends talk about their problems , where they tell that friend about their own problems. But I think that stigma is really stupid and I could use some company in my unhappiness
Kirara, the Cat 2018/12/01 (土) 03:36 No. 611632
Search [iqdb] (369 KB, 1280x720, [Asenshi-GJM-PAS] SSSS.GRIDMAN(…).jpg )
>>611630 It's late for me, too. I've usually signed off like two hours ago.
i took a nap
Kannagi !NEATO1nxtM
2018/12/01 (土) 03:39 No. 611634
Search [iqdb] (299 KB, 800x727, 30436955_p0.jpg )
>>611632 We're rebels!>>611633 I took a huge nap which probably why I'm still awake now that I think about it,
Kannagi !NEATO1nxtM
2018/12/01 (土) 03:40 No. 611635
>>611631 I get you. It does feel like it is hard to talk to people about negative feelings without feeling like you putting them down or making things awkward. Moe is pretty much the only place I can really feel comfortable like that, IRL people can be painful because you have to deal with all these barriers and thinking of what stigmatised and shit.
Kirara, the Cat 2018/12/01 (土) 03:40 No. 611636
Search [iqdb] (434 KB, 1280x720, [Asenshi-GJM-PAS] SSSS.GRIDMAN(…).jpg )
>>611634 Oh, for sure. I woke up late this morning, which is probably why. I slept late because I'm getting sick.>>611631 Misery does love company.
>>611635 yeah I think IRL there's specfic times and places for certain subjects. Where i can jump on /moe/ and start being sad whenever, regardless of what is being discussed.
>>611637 Whereas*
Kannagi !NEATO1nxtM
2018/12/01 (土) 03:45 No. 611639
Search [iqdb] (1.6 MB, 390x520, this is fine.gif )
>>611637 Yeah, you can't share very easily. I don't have any IRL friends anymore but I haven't lost much really. I feel more natural around people who can express sadness and feel what I've felt than people who are endlessly positive, in fact they feel fake to me and invoke some envy too.
>>611639 Yessssss I am very strongly resonating with that statement about endlessly positive people. I have one friend who I serious gave one opinion to, to which he replied "oh man, fuck yeah! that's super dope, i agree" and a week later I give him the exact opposite opinion, and he replies "fuck yeah, man! I totally agree, that's really dope" obviously i'm exaggerating his replies but you get the idea
moreover, i have another friend who is really funny and cool, and really easy to talk to and be around, but somehow I feel a certain disconnect in terms of closeness with him because we've never been through SOME SHIT together, or spilled our hearts out to each other about anything.
Kannagi !NEATO1nxtM
2018/12/01 (土) 03:54 No. 611642
Search [iqdb] (70 KB, 604x790, 1486502102089.jpg )
>>611640 I feel you. I have basically one friend outside of moe who I used to go to school with, they are endlessly with this mask on and if I frame any argument they will take the opposite side, even if i switch the argument a week later or whatever they will be arguing against what they previously for. or if I get really into something they will just go "why are you so angry" Fuck. I don't understand why people accuse me of being angry online. I dissociate a lot, I think I can find easier to talk about myself when I'm feeling not like I'm me. This is hard to describe without sounding stupid. whatever.
Kirara, the Cat 2018/12/01 (土) 03:58 No. 611643
Search [iqdb] (103 KB, 709x720, [HorribleSubs] SSSS.Gridman - (…).jpg )
society discourages people from actually interfacing with each other there's so much social alienation it's unreal everyone just wants to hide behind a mask because they never learned how to be themselves out of fear of being ostracized it's very sad
Kannagi !NEATO1nxtM
2018/12/01 (土) 04:01 No. 611644
Search [iqdb] (1.1 MB, 1000x858, 69989484_p0.png )
>>611643 Society really is lonely. Social anxiety and loneliness really is what made substance abuse attractive to me. it can be really fucked up and sad when I'm feeling really empathetic and it doesn't feel like I can access people or interface with them in anyway.
meanwhile, my otaku imageboard is very warm and cozy
Kirara, the Cat 2018/12/01 (土) 04:04 No. 611646
Search [iqdb] (104 KB, 713x720, [HorribleSubs] SSSS.Gridman - (…).jpg )
>>611644 You can blame the modern state for the social alienation. It's good that we can be together and connect with each other like this.
Kannagi !NEATO1nxtM
2018/12/01 (土) 04:06 No. 611647
Search [iqdb] (118 KB, 873x894, 1308026088581.jpg )
>>611645 We're awesome friendos>>611646 I'm happy that I found everyone on here. I'm getting into twitter which can be fun but twitter is a lot colder than moe.
connect four connect
Kirara, the Cat 2018/12/01 (土) 04:07 No. 611649
Search [iqdb] (69 KB, 589x900, IMG_20181128_064647.jpg )
You just have to meet the right people on Twitter. There's lots of friendly folks. /moe/ is still the best, though.
Kannagi !NEATO1nxtM
2018/12/01 (土) 04:08 No. 611650
Search [iqdb] (12 KB, 200x242, 1308439404749.jpg )
It is weird analysing myself or even just thinking to myself if I'm not really positive, I just feel like I should be positive and end sounding positive. I'm a little tired and a little high. Without a computer or internet I'd probably just be staring at my ceiling for hours like I used to.
i'd definitely just be playing video games for hours
Kannagi !NEATO1nxtM
2018/12/01 (土) 04:12 No. 611652
Search [iqdb] (131 KB, 555x378, 1438576064432.png )
I used to play video games a lot but for some reason I lost enthusiasm for it really.
Kannagi !NEATO1nxtM
2018/12/01 (土) 04:13 No. 611653
Search [iqdb] (112 KB, 1100x1500, hifumin.jpg )
Which is pretty much true for anime now.
Kirara, the Cat 2018/12/01 (土) 04:13 No. 611654
Search [iqdb] (368 KB, 1920x1080, IMG_20180812_173105.jpg )
Someday we'll go live authentically in the forests!
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/12/01 (土) 04:15 No. 611655
Search [iqdb] (202 KB, 560x640, 05703b66e22dc50fad25487474d79571.jpg )
don't get eaten
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oh no that's terrible i kind of saw it coming though yeah, it's no surprise i never got too close to them because i didn't want to deal with that
Kirara, the Cat 2018/12/01 (土) 04:17 No. 611657
Search [iqdb] (96 KB, 666x1061, IMG_20181122_084203.jpg )
>>611655 Getting eaten is authentic as it gets!
>>611650 sometimes staring att he ceiling is nice, though
Kannagi !NEATO1nxtM
2018/12/01 (土) 04:31 No. 611659
Search [iqdb] (308 KB, 616x872, 1321870830312.jpg )
>>611658 It is when I'm not stupidly anxious
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/12/01 (土) 04:33 No. 611660
Search [iqdb] (136 KB, 700x700, 017e8f4361c39ce84e0d7bcf4274e55e.jpg )
Activate your sleep buttons
who even sleeps
>>611660 negative ton we will proceed to be awake sleep is not authorized at this moment, please withhold or i will be filing formal complaint to administration
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/12/01 (土) 04:43 No. 611663
Search [iqdb] (2.3 MB, 1447x2046, 19cd1af425d0ba9d3f2114bd1bc94309.jpg )
Tell them they can authorize DEEZ NUTS
Kannagi !NEATO1nxtM
2018/12/01 (土) 04:45 No. 611664
Search [iqdb] (102 KB, 445x445, 1321872084292.jpg )
If I could sleep
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FormerRei@mobile 2018/12/01 (土) 05:01 No. 611666
George H W Bush died.
Search [iqdb] (9.2 MB, 684x643, __cirno_daiyousei_and_hinanawi(…).gif )
oh yeah he was still alive
Kannagi !NEATO1nxtM
2018/12/01 (土) 05:08 No. 611668
Search [iqdb] (81 KB, 1321x1920, 1522085384374.jpg )
Kinda weird that he was president when I was born.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/12/01 (土) 05:17 No. 611669
FormerRei@mobile 2018/12/01 (土) 05:21 No. 611670
Going bed Night
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/12/01 (土) 05:21 No. 611671
enjoy slep
anime >>611672 →
>>611668 imagine if he had been still president when you turned 20 something
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I guess Carter managed to live longer than him.
wonder how media will treat his death the living fossile whatwas his face mccain? dying was an amusing media tale
Kannagi !NEATO1nxtM
2018/12/01 (土) 05:34 No. 611677
Search [iqdb] (131 KB, 402x511, 1309167140438.jpg )
I'm going to try and sleep. Nighty moe Sweet dreams
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/12/01 (土) 05:35 No. 611678
Search [iqdb] (25 KB, 235x306, 1393437330429.jpg )
>>611677 b bye kannagi!
Search [iqdb] (805 KB, 900x900, __hinanawi_tenshi_and_yakumo_y(…).jpg )
when going on *out to eat for dinner, do you skip breakfast, eat lightly or eat normally?
are you guys here to praise me
No I've come to braise you
Search [iqdb] (405 KB, 1248x702, fMB9Hod.png )
you braise me up
>>611689 that saliva looks way too nice for this to be an edit
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i want kumiko to go about her daily business as normal
I hope Kumako has a good hibernation this winter
it took me a long time to realize what you said there
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I'm glad we got there in the end
>>611686 eat big breakfast and light/no lunch i have no reasoning for this
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it took literal days but i finally have a dog(?) this game really is like a fucking second job
congrats jam
what geimu
warframe for the switch i've been addicted to it they're trying to send me to warframe anonymous
>>611701 → >>611701 → >>611701 →