Akanesasu Shoujo Beelzebub-jou Conception Cooking with Emiya --Episode 10-11 Release the Spyce RErideD - Tokigoe no Derrida --Episode 8-12 Seishun Buta Yarou wa Bunny Girl Sora to Umi no Aida --Episode 7-9 Sword Art Online - Alicization Uchi no Maid ga Uzasugiru Ulysses
I was looking at some of the stuff coming up next season earlier today. Mob Psycho's second season, along with Kakegurui's, is airing next season. And Bang Dream's apparently got a second season coming out too. Persona 5 will be getting its true end OVA special in December as well, so we'll finally get conclusion on that.
>A hitman will never change their style I'm sure some would, given the need to.
Ah well they're also kind of sisters too. What a showbiz family.
Sakuta really has it rough though. First immediately after he started dating Mai he had to pretend date the kouhai. Then her agency put them on a dating ban during summer break. And now Mai is stuck in another girl's body.
i don't like it so i don't let them in my room i can't manage to sleep on my back anyways though
they make good leg warmers when i'm at the computer though makes me feel like an austin powers villain
I sleep really nicely on my back, so it's fine. When I sleep on my side though I tend to bend my knees or curl up a bit. And my cat likes to sleep in those spaces too. On the occasion she's wanted to sleep in my bed when I've been on my stomach she's also slept on top of me like that too. Which isn't too comfortable, hah hah.
Hah hah Sakuta. He's going all out with the lechery this episode.
I guess this is a plot device to keep her tsundere even though he already completed the route.
Well I don't know if I'd call her character tsundere anyway. She wasn't really tsuntsun, more... Well I can't remember but there's another __dere for someone who's flirty and witty but gets all deredere when pressed.
That one purple-haired girl from GJ-Bu was the same way.
He keeps bringing new girls over, hah hah. Though sure it's technically the same girl as before.
thanks for watching dont forget to like and subscribe and smash that bell to get notifications >>610938 i'm not sure if i would want to drink fluffy coffee that sounds kind of scary
>>610940 Well just get something a little extravagant with whipped cream. That's kind of mofu mofu.
>>610942 oh yeah good point whipped cream is great on hot chocolate but I've only had on coffee a couple times