Thread #611231
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Akanesasu Shoujo Banana Fish Cooking with Emiya --Episode 10-11 RErideD - Tokigoe no Derrida --Episode 9-12 Sora to Umi no Aida --Episode 7-9 Sword Art Online - Alicization Uchi no Maid ga Uzasugiru Ulysses Zombieland Saga
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akan banana sora fishing 7 ulysses zombieland
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akan oka lets start!
akanenanabanana fo fana
Oh I kind of had a feeling Ero-Yuu would be the body she lands in. This is a bit different from what I'd -I was expecting though.
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This is a really weird show when you think about it. It was not at all what I was expecting.
Well that's a little unpleasant. Oh spooky kid in raincoat.
its probably the second worst show we're watching to me
Oh no the nickname made it back to her home dimension.
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and the bad guy was a little kid or something
Now there's a proper hydra involved.
>>611263 I mean it's probably their otouto possessed by the big bad.
And well there goes their way home.
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lets do sora fish next
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sorry, my internet exploded. I had to fix it. okay sora umi okay lets start!
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at least the character designs are good though it's kind of quality i don't remember if i've watched any of this or not
Episode seven of this.>>611283 It's kind of trite. Cute girls want to do space fishing but suffer both their own incompetence and mild misogyny from the male fishermen. But it's really just SoL in the end.
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Sorry, was having internet issues again lets start!>>611283 >>611284 >>611285 ' I hope they will be stopped now.
the characters look like generic SoL for sure
>wearing a button up shirt to the beach ???
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You can button it down fast.
They're finally going to space. Only took them seven episodes but they're finally SPESS FISHING
This // These fish don't look terrible appetizing.
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This is a weird concept for a game.
I'm surprised it got greenlit for an anime.
This thing's an anglerfish with a Beholder on its dongle.
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banana okay lets start
Bana nana nana nan
bananananan ba na nanana na na nana nanana na
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Ask is a crazy killer.
ash too
You can't live long in his line of work without being a little vicious.
Gae kurabu
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>this was your idea now grab my ass
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ash sure seems to know everything about everybody
He was pretty integrated into Dino's affairs before this all went to hell. Guess that means knowing who's who of New Yawk
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>>611326 honestly was ash ever not in hell
Yeah, fair. Things took a particular shade of miserable once Arthur started getting tetchy though.
Well as usual things go from problematic to worse.
Oh Max gets to see his wife again. How nice.
Mineraru hotto watta
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This seems like a slow pace setting episode, not much has gone down this time.
that's because ash is finally going to fucking die in the next episode
You say slow pace setting episode but they've stil l killed like five or six people this episode.
it's almost all been exposition aside from those half dozen dead nobodies feels like it just started like the first half of the episode was the whole episode i'm guessing the next episode is gonna be great
Rinkkusu kun
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ulysses which ep are we on? okay lets start!
Most recent.>>611356 He'll just keep living until he dies.
ash gets caught again
>>611353 >ash gets caught >OH NO HES GONNA DIE THIS IS IT >he lives the wheel of fate is turning
this weapong feels fate-y
>>611359 well its basically the same thing as that one loser's spear right?
I wonder if Escalibor Oh shit. I remember bitching about this last episode. So they did have it right, that the healing power of Excalibur was from its scabbard, not the actual sword.
>>611360 i think so
ulysses - jeanne d'ead
Well if they choose to retain at least some historical accuracy we all know this ends in fire.
The rocks are aliiiiveeee
with the sound of music
i gotta be honest that symbol only makes me think of naruto
It's a bit different but yeah, I can see where you're getting that from.
These faeries are kind of like the ones from Jinrui wa Suitashimashita. Though not quite as cynical.
Ha wa wa
just burn the tree down
what is she gonna do just burn to death while the knights kill you
haha they're fuckin doing it
Yeah but it was all a feint! Astaroth turned into a Zelda fairy by getting shot by the arrow.
Mon morrancy
oh no how i s she alive
She's pretty immortal. Even stabbing her heart can't kill her.
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I'm surprised they didn't wait until next ep to save her.
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zombie! okay lets start!
saga saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ga
also i dont htink i can aniem tomorrow
Got a party to go to?
ika and rika both got boyfriends
How lucky of them.
imagine having to hide being a fujo weeb from your SO how horrivel
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I guess bike racing is how she died.
pretty badass way to go i respect it
I wonder how accurate that pie chart is.
Hah hah hah. These girls aren't nearly as imposing as they're trying to be.
Time for them to get a taste of a REAL delinquent. I guess that's her old gang?
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now korosuke that's a real gang name
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This seems like it will be a wacky episode.
there's a lot of ehh this episode
You need to have a proper "EHH" when you're a delinquent.
It's only been ten years since Well wait no that's only Sakura. If Saki was conquering Kyushu at the turn of the century it could have been decades.
Aidoru katsu Aikatsu!
Hah hah hah. That hairstyle.
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wow that is some hair
I have a hard time imagining her scooter could ever compare to a proper motorcycle.
Oh this is problematic. Unlike Lily I can't imagine Saki's old nakama not recognizing her.
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captain for a day
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Wow, she just did it again.
Okaa-san PUNCH
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>when you die and it's so awesome you gotta do it again
Wow Saki at the front for once. Where did this crowd and tent come from. These are some cool outfits for this song though.
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thanks for anime!
Mhm, thanks.
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i'm not sure if saki or corn flakes are the best zombidols
They're both pretty great. But the best zombie is Densetsu Aidoru Yamada Tae.
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she's the only one who became a serious zombie but they're breaking her let yamada eat brains
She was almost coherently vocal this episode.
the final episode will be yamada's maybe