>>609054 You get extra xp for catching stuff with your support trainer. It's fun to time your throws with someone.
Anybody here got experience running the pc98 Touhou games on GNU/Linux? I've run into some trouble and the advice that works for other people isn't working for me.
also does shield when not blocking give you any benefits?
Kirara, the Cat
>>609076 the teach is the lady that upgrades your flame Kellogg's sister
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
The pyromancy teachers are either the guy you save in the sewer or >>609078 who you can find in Blighttown around a pillar right of the bonfire, assuming your pyromancy flame is +10 or higher.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
The guy you save from the butcher in the sewer returns to firelink afterwards.
Wait why were you running around with 80k souls and 14 liquid humanity
>>609104 no that is just total amount I died went back to artorious or other place slipped off at that point and lost those souls because I just slip off fucking 2 metres from the clfif because fuck my game
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Do you mean total as in what you've lost throughout your playthrough or
3 times I have fallen off at that point 2 metres from the cliff
the onyl hardship in artorius is this he keeps hitting me despite me dodging it with the jump and lunge attak I time it 100% as I always do yet he hits me so... and then after that he always does the triple jump attak and kills me
I got all his moveset down I can bring him to about 5% hp but once that shit land son me dead
what can one do against a hit that hits you despite it not hitting you nothing bullshit fight
>learn to dodge his attacks well can't because some attacks just hoose to hit because shit game
>>609120 cause the hitbox errors I have are similiar to the jump errors that are Known to happen
basically what the game shows and what the game calculates don't match leading to weird slips down the cliffs or you getting hit despite being miles away from being hit
the game calculated you being "too near the ledge so fall" or "just at the hit range so hi" but the 60fps game had you be well in safe zone
I didn't have movement problems, and some of the hitboxes suck, but I don't think it was that bad. Not in PtD at least.
>>609126 Okay so >>609101 why am I not falling here but when I during fights with the 2 mobs heading down that slope do FALL DOWN HERE >>609112 Why did I get hit here?
I am beginning to love artorius if not just for the fact taht I only GET DAMAGED by his lunge and jump attack when I have dodged it and not the AoE effect just straight up "it hit you" but I was nowhere near him
it is just like that fucking Lava retard all over again I am nowhere near the attack, not even the AoE I get hit
oh all of my saves are like this good. >>609147 Only if the shield has a passive which the grass crest does
yeah but if I triangle it it still gives it
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
so shield only helps when blocking
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Are you asking if the shield only gives you defensive stats while blocking or are you asking if you get the buff while it's on your back
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhh Oh god it's the prepare to die again edition but with every enemy being a red phantom too jesus christ how horrifyign that's the worst thing ever
no I think worst thing ever is getting hit one out of four hits and you just don't know what you are doing wrong
you try to science it out and it doesn't help it just seems like a fucking AC roll >dodge roll >success >now do AC roll >uhh= >yeah >19 >well he hits 200 >so he hits me
>>609184 artorias is one of the few bosses that is actually difficult i think and it doesn't help he has splash damage that's hard to gauge the range on
and that annoying move where he whips around and throws abyss gunk on you that one gets me a lot
yeah it combos nastily with his triple jump I just got hit by him with his lunge and great leap attack despite dodging it
What in the actual fuck Splitting the site? That's fucking rtarded *retarded I hope someone tracks down gook moot and punches him He's had it coming fir *for a long time
to be fair, the site has to be hemorrhaging money, right he has to do something to make it more viable
>>609199 He lies about how much the bandwidth costs, he's most likely skimming a lot off. It was really suspicious when he started talking about the lack of money early on because moot set it up so they'd have enough to last a while.
Rei I thought you were better than redditors and shit like that
Kannagi !NEATO1nxtM
I could care less about the 4channel stuff. I just care about the boards I occasionally use. /a/,/jp/, /c/, /lgbt/ and anime wallpapers and they all various suck *variously suck >>609211 I get bored and lonely, so I join in conversations that talk about things I know or like. and download cute and/or fun pictures
I think it kinda sucks for some of the yellow boards that really didn't do anytying wrong. I imagine the yellow side of the site is gonna get phased out.
Kannagi !NEATO1nxtM
/b/ being removed would be nice. maybe /pol/ too >>609215 to shitter websites >>609216 Containment board argument sucks. just remove it and have mods remove the shitty posts
I think it was more or less targeting /pol/ rather than /b/.
>>609217 All the blue boards have been moved to 4channel.org. As an attempt to distance from the side of the site that advertisers didn't like too much.
I persoanlly think it has more to do with politics than porn.
/b/ and /pol/ is no big loss, but the downsides to all this is that yellow boards like /u/ that didn't really do anything wrong are going to fall to the wayside. And the moderation on the blue boards is going to be much more strict.
>>609214 >remove the shitty posts They already have their hands full
Kannagi !NEATO1nxtM
Wait /b/ is on the other side thats actually pretty nice separating the NSFW and shite to other side. I don't mind this
>>609222 I think that if /pol/ were deleted, it would literally spill all over the internet at this point. It was bad enough when /new/ was deleted and /pol/ has way more momentum right now than /new/ ever did.
My biggest issue with this is that I don't like change.
>>609223 /mlp/ >>609226 That makes them sound like some sort of terrorist group holding everyone else hostage I think the current spillover exists because it has a source to spill from. The source needs to be burned down. People go to /pol/ first before they spillover to other boards
>>609236 I disagree with your disagree. I think you're really overestimating how moderated "mainstream" places like twitter are. The people only flock there because they're given a space designated for it
if they get removed they will just go a bunch of different chans. some of them are even from polchans and post on 4chan at the same time. I don't think spillover is much of a concern.
/pol/ already spills itself all over the internet that's what they do If it dies on 4chan, they'll move to 8ch, and if it dies on 8ch, they'll move to megu- oh wait, that literally already happened
I would have guessed that at this point /pol/ is far too mainstream and above ground it's mostly edgel0rd teenagers who get a rush out of dropping race hate.
The people who are hardcore into it would all have found somewhere less well known
I'd guess. I'd assume that's the way these things usually work
>>609228 I kinda disagree. The board is the people, not the board. /pol/ is like it is because it's one of the only places for people to go with the internet being the way it is these days. It's so heavily policed these days.
You guys probably already know this but I just found out yesterday: the original artist who created pepe has started filing lawsuits against all the far right groups who have been making merchandise and stuff that uses his IP
Huh my 4chan app still works and I don't need to update it Cool
/pol/ was created as a pressure release valve because the whole site was becoming /pol/ anyway after /new/ was deleted. It's the people, the board doesn't particularly matter.
I think deleting it right now would be a particularly bad move for the 4chan staff, because they'd spill over to the blue boards. Slowly phasing it out like they're doing now is probably the way to do it.
>>609240 He's been doing that for a while I doubt it will work though
>>609245 Yeah, but that's not because of 4chan or the board. It's because of the internet as a whole and the fact that you're anonymous on 4chan. Those people can't post what they want to post on other sites, especially normie sites, because they'd be doxxed/banned/etc for having wrong opinions.
>>609251 It counts as parody in a lot of cases Yeah, I do don't know the exact term for this but he's lost control of the property Sort of like the wait no nvm
>>609258 Yeah, but /pol/ weaponized antisemitism in a revolutionary way and has spread it all over the place, especially now that they've started organizing using that Gab S // Gab site
It was probably inevitable, though. If not /pol/, it would have happened somewhere else.
Honestly I think some of these Pepe cases will have a good chance of making legal history This is one of the few meme related legal issues that are really going to court It's also a fair use thing too
>>609262 I never really understood how people can advocate for genocide and then claim that the free speech is a right based on principle. Surely the two ideas are inherently contradictory
>>609285 As in literally advocating genocide. "I support the mass murder of this race of people". You can't simultaneously support free speech as an absolute universal principle whilst simultaneously advocating the shutdown of freespeech for others via murdering them. Well you can but you'd be stupid to
>>609287 No I'm talking about the logical and ethical contradictions involved with holding these two stances simultaneously.
>>609284 Define "advocate for genocide" because depending how they word it its covered by free speech.
I wear glasses. when I take them off one of my eyes tends to drift to the side a little. It takes a little concentration not look like a doofus. I tend to look like a doofus
I've been really drowsy all evening. For most of the past week I've been sleeping around this time so I guess I'm really off kilter. At least it's so dark I'm pretty much sleeping at night.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>609318 You can have more of a spell by equipping more than one copy, but you can only get one copy of Great Chaos Fireball
>>609342 i slept for like 14 hours in the last day and a half and yet i woke up drowsy i want a time refund, God
Those lengthy sorts of sleeps never end up being actually refreshing, eh. After a certain point the more you sleep the groggier you are waking up.
>>609343 You can get it but only if you go to another NG cycle after killing Gwyn, anyways. I've seen some guy with like 12 CSS.
W O W My body really can not handle me putting shitty shit foods in my stomach I'm sure it's always been this way and I haven't noticed until recently because I went on a healthy-eating binge and had no issues for a while and now I'm dying
Yeah, the human body is really quick to reject junk food once you turn off it and start eating predominantly healthy.
But I still have half of this big bowl of spicy ramen am I just supposed to throw it away now
Nah you just stomach through it. Sacrifice a bit of physical pain for that flavour.
Looks like my hands are tied 40% of all food produced in the states is thrown away and wasted, and I refuse to contribute to that
I sure hope you don't have any horrible nightmares tonight.
Good luck causing them Though I'm sure it's all a drug lack induced thing Stupid lack of medications
man idk
>>609432 It's okay I don't even know if I'm sleeping tonight.
Morning moe!
Oha you
Sleepy. How are you?
Probably the flipside, to be honest. Way too awake for how late it's gotten.
I know how that feels. I had shitty heart palpitations and anxiety that stopped me sleeping for nearly 2 days. Ive been using over the counter sleep aids to sleep. I hope you are okay.
I hope you are ok Both of you
I'll be all right. The thought is a comfort though.
Well that broke.
>>609441 Thank you. >>609442 I hate that I can't do more for you, especially with knowing how unwell i was when I couldn't sleep. I hope you can Get comfy. Take it every *easy.
I was clicking through some random youtube videos to kill time and there were a few runescape ones that came up since I'd been looking up skill guides an' stuff and there was one that was like "Top Unusual Account Builds" and there was a guy with 99 attack and 1/1 in every other combat stat and he was like "yeah. this was a grind. it probably took around 750 hours"
And that was a real wake up call. Imagine sinking that much time into something meaningless that isn't even fun for the sheer pleasure of hitting lots of 1's and no 0's
and then I realized how much time I'd spent playing the game in the last couple of months and how little I've gotten out of it. because it's not even just like playing vidya all day. because it's not even fun
So. I sold all the items, went to a free to play world and made some fuckin kid's day
Don't get too stressed about hours invested in things. You can do whatever you like, you don't have to be thinking about being productive or whatever. I think it is good to move from something that you don't want to do. Habit is hard to break and sometimes hard to justify
>>609454 Well, just make sure you don't get too itchy going cold turkey. It's good to realize it isn't a fun experience for you and act on that though.
>>609456 In most situations I actually find it easier to go cold turkey because once I have a taste of something I want MORE and MORE and MORE. so it's easier just to stop. >>609455 The only thing I'm upset about is a feeling that I've squandered my time overseas by letting my bad habits get the best of me. the hours themselves don't matter as much. I probably would have just wasted them doing something else.
I can understand the feeling of wanting more of shitty things. I find it harder to stop because my memory is so bad at remembering tramatic feelings. so I forget how much I dislike doing something and do it because it becomes habit or feels good for a short shitty time
>>609459 That can be one reason that it's good to have other people around to keep you accountable
>>609460 Totally. Having something to keep you accountable is good. I try to distract myself with things I'll enjoy. Picking up photography is a lot of fun. If it wasn't so cold i'd go out and do more.
Photography gets me out of the house too when otherwise I have no reason to ever leave the house outside of university which I just go and come home right away.
Really? I have a lot of learn. how to reduce blur, how to get lighting right. It is hard to adjust lighting over here compared to when I went over to new mexico where It was sunny everyday.
I should resize these... a bit bigger than I thought.
>>609464 my speaker has been doing this annoying buzzing thing every few seconds which kind of ruins the effect. I'm glad you're feeling liberated though! >>609467 yeah. nah. I'm not just trying to flatter it's actually really high quality.
>>609473 I had to do a clinical proficiency exam for my master's. It's like a thesis, I guess. I had to do testing and treatment with a client, then write up a treatment plan, case conceptualization, report, and then I had to defend my work in front of a panel of psychologists.
I'm reading a book on the internet from 1998 and it's amusing how outdated it is >there are currently over 200 million connected users and over 30 terabytes of Digital Data >it is unlike that television or movies will ever be widely distributed in digital form because of the inability to make a profit
>>609477 makes sense. Unless you wanted to go into academics or something That's the stuff you actually need to know.
We watched Taxi Driver (1976) last night and I was surprised at how relevant it is to the political climate of today. It showed very well the way right-wingers can radicalize into fascists. Travis was basically a prototypical alt-right fascist. Right down to his need to "clean the degenerate scum" from the streets of NYC.
That's another movie I've never seen. I think I've heard of it before at least.
The composer for Kyousougiga's OST is teaming up with Kajiura Yuki to produce the OST for a new Shounen Jump adaptation animated by ufotable. The creative qualities going into this are pretty exciting already.
Oh that one I think I saw it ages ago but don't remember much about it
>>609496 Kimetsu no Yaiba. I know pretty much nothing about it but it's one of Jump's bigger series at the moment. Or at the least one they're pushing for really strongly.
>Since ancient times, rumors have abounded of man-eating demons lurking in the woods. Because of this, the local townsfolk never venture outside at night. Legend has it that a demon slayer also roams the night, hunting down these bloodthirsty demons.
Ever since the death of his father, Tanjirou has taken it upon himself to support his mother and five siblings. Although their lives may be hardened by tragedy, they've found happiness. But that ephemeral warmth is shattered one day when Tanjirou finds his family slaughtered and the lone survivor, his sister Nezuko, turned into a demon. Adding to this sorrow, a demon hunter named Tomioka Giyuu arrived and was about to finish Nezuko off, but to his surprise she and Tanjiro started to protect each other. Seeing this oddity and Tanjiro's promising fighting skills, Giyuu decides to send them to his old mentor to be trained.
So begins Tanjiro's life as a demon hunter, bound on a quest to cure his sister and find the one who murdered his entire family. from manga ups
Still one of the weirdest mangas I have read is where a manga author gets isekai'd into his about to be axed manga that then ends abprubtly, like it was axed but it was pretty much written that way
a real mindfuck of a read in a way
Back home. I was feeling a little tired. It is a little gloomy out and starting to rain, I took a few pictures.
lol people aren't cheering for borders, they're cheering for anti-imperialism because that colonizer got btfo
>>609514 It is so dumb to read it as advocating zero tolerance deadly border force. It is so nice to see a group of people who have survived imperialism. >>609516 The people here were not untouched. The british did a lot of harm to them.
It is still incredible that there are several communities that have never had true contact with the outside world out there.
Kirara, the Cat
yeah, it's amazing the sentinelese actually have been contacted though The Brits came and kidnapped some of them and assaulted others sexually, which is why they're so hostile. The Indian government often checks on them after natural disasters.
A ship once wrecked on the island as well, and they've built tools out of the remains, too. I think the crew narrowly survived.
>>609517 yeah the british empire, australai to be specific had captains who illegally, but took a long while for the people to really react to it, kidnapped natives and forced on them contracts to work on plantation during late 19th century "Recruiters" they were called officially, they were offering jobs, but quite a number of them tricked or outright kindapped the natives into servie.
Doesn't really surprise, since shanghai-ing people into the fleet was STILL a common practice even over in europe. Really... just imagine it, having a late night stroll in the town, someone knocks you over and then you wake up onboard a ship
Amusingly a guy who ws shanghaied to a shitty colony fleet, jumped the ship, got ashore a head hunter island, joined their tribe as a headhunter and lived there like 8 years was one of the main actors of ending that practice.
another funny note that i didn't know, the swimming crawl ws taken from the pacific natives by such people who for one reason or another spent time living with them.
or was it from north amerians... or maybe both
Kirara, the Cat
It's a shame we don't know anything about Sentinelese culture but that's probably for the best.
It is just more of a cse of harsh punishment s in many cases hmm my C is acting up
I think it only appears brutal because of how divergent they are from what we know and understand. It is weird to think the world still uses words like "primitive" to describe cultures so different from their own.
I still am. It's probably been about twenty-five hours now.
Kannagi !NEATO1nxtM
When I was at the hospital my doctor told me to take it easy. I kinda pushed myself going out. I feel really sleepy now. I might have a hot bath or shower. I wish I had a patience to fill a bath.
>>609534 get into tub while as it fills I do that always
Kirara, the Cat
>>609531 Sometimes. For example, when we talk about primitive camping, it's only about having no amenities and surviving with your own tools and stuff.
>>609536 Thats difficult for me because I have difficultity knowing if something to too hot for me. >>609533 I hope you can sleep soon. I felt so ill not being able to sleep.
>>609540 I have to run alternatively the hot and cold taps to figure out the temperature. I've burnt myself a few times running baths. I usually can't be bother with baths and use the shower
hmm I don't know if the manga has weird writing or the translation is just off talking about kimetsu no yaiba
the translation is already quite derb english
Kannagi !NEATO1nxtM
Do you read any Manga in Finnish?
no finnish translations usually are just bad it is an inherent issue of language and not the lack of skill in part of translators I do own all of DB in finnish and 6 vols of Nichijou those have damn good tls but usually if I see a finnish manga I give it a good look and just see real bad usage of language IT really boils down to the average translator just being a bad writer, and just translating so the result is just "eeeh" simply said many phrases that seem normal in english or japanese just become instant cringe in finnish, if you translate them as it is
Kannagi !NEATO1nxtM
>>609546 Oh thats interesting. Part of the reason I don't like some translations in English is because of poor writing or really poor translation. Yen Press is so hit and miss
>>609539 I'm aware. But there's too much making me wired up. Or was making me wired up I guess. Like most things it's easy to get desensitised after constant immersion. And now I'm so tired aaaaaaaahhhh
Also another problem is simply, that most translators write in written finnish when the characters clearly should be speaking in spoken finnish it just don't work Nobody aside from politicians and news anchors really speak in written finnish >>609547 this pops up in any animes I have bought, well movies ghibli official tls are just sometimes so wrong they are right, but miss basicalyl HALF the content
Kannagi !NEATO1nxtM
>>609548 I was really wired. I tried a lot of things to try and sleep. hot chocolate, showers, cdb oil, hot water bottle. The only thing that really worked was time to be honest. and i guess the kalms I took helped me lower my anxiety at not being able to sleep
I think I have started to say something amongst lines of "do one or the other, you can't do both" when something annoys me maybe I will havet hat written on my gravestone "You can't live and die at the same time"
>>609558 Yeah you can You die while you're alive. Once you're done dying you're no longer alive.
main character of kimetsu no yaiba is damn polite it is actually refreshing when the usual shounen character are either brash, super edgy or just hot headed and noisy
>>609643 I'm raining and pouring >>609644 I really like close ups of flowers and things. Macro lens are amazing. I want a better one >>609645 If you save up for one if you can - I really don't regret buying this camera. I am so happy I got one despite not having much money. >>609648 That sucks. I would never be able to buy a camera right now.
>>609658 and north looks like this this is from sweden, but applies
Kannagi !NEATO1nxtM
>>609659 I don't know. My mom hasn't got back to me really. I think there might be a good chance I probably won't be able to. Since I think she intends to come over here instead.
I was talking to my little sister yesterday, she apparently said she's possibly coming over in Feb. It feels like a shame. but I can't do much.
>>609661 Well, that's alright. I think where I want to go next summer will be really cool, so maybe you can tag along for that /moe/ trip. Although I'm getting pretty excited about the upcoming one!
>>609666 I'm jealous that you all are in the US. I wish I lived over there sometimes, I mean I like England but nearly all my friends are far away. Sucks.
>>609669 Well, maybe once I move out west for my internship and Jan moves in with us, maybe you can, too. We'll build some cabins in the forest! It'll be great. A tiny friendship commune. Y'all can help raise my kids.
>>609681 as a proper american dad you will need to own a glass container, like one of those "in case of fire break glass" with an axe or fire extinquisher, but with "in case of boy/girlfriend break glass" but it has a shtogun inside
btw you know that anxious feeling well of anxiousnes or of panicing about something or worrying about future
I think i have nearly killed that emotion too
weird how my mind works I wonder how badly I break when that emotion becomes too bottled up? since that is how my mind works now I kill everything untill something breaks
I am 98 chapters into kimetsu no yaiba I give it so far a solid 4/5 it is quite "generic" but in a fresh way kind of like marvel cinematic universe but in manga form
>>609714 also your life line is long but with weak branches though with several offshoots so yeah not tht bad but your fotrune is... well it isn't weak but depends on your choice
>>609716 like real motherfucking spider piano player hands
also that is dry skin use lotions
there is no glistening or grease to your hands not matter how you took that pic that should show up
go lotion your hands RN
>oh but that is a girly thing to do TN why do you hate health?
You're the only one putting those words in your mouth dude