Thread #609352
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「Moving Frames at 23~ per second of east asian orig」
am i getting pranked?
Is this Ika and/or Jan?
jan here i didn't make the thread though
Well is -this- Ika?
Okey dokes.
Do you want to watch some stuff tonight?
I figure maybe Gridman and Goblin Slayer like the usual, eh.
ok if jan is here
Beep boop Joop
i'm here. had to finish a match in overwatch
I got goblin slayer and gridman at least.
That's probably the lot of it, unless there's a show one of you is really itching to watch.
all i can think of is ace attoreny to kill tikme
that's all for me that airs tonight i think.
never played nor watched any ace attorney
we could watch for fun
its nothing great anyway
like a 5/10
Yeah it's best claim to fame is probably how incredibly lame it is.
i think i'll pass on that offer
you guys want to watch goblins though?
Gimme a sec and we can get started.
okey doke
ready when you are
OP right off the bat.
this should be fun
All right, I'm good.
Starting with Goblin Slayer.
Okay, we're all orange.
Let's go!
I guess they're milking the suspense of Goblin Slayer being in negative HP for as long as they can.
Orukuborugu learned The Way of The Goblin Slayer from a bald Shredder huh.
A bald Shreldo Baggins really I guess.
Oh my.
Goblin Slayer is RIPPED.
She's really perky this morning huh.
seems like he's some kind of crazy guy as well
explains the sociopathic behavior
She's trying to scold the autism out of him.
if only it were so easy.
It's really funny seeing him just in casual clothes plus the helm.
Search [iqdb] (423 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Goblin Slayer -(…).jpg)
suddenly he has emiya shirou build
Oishii oishii aisu kuriimu
first ice cream headache in the world
Oh shit a Beholder.
This is a pretty big deal for a lower mid-level party like theirs.
one of the things that's cool about this show is how they always come up with some extravagant plan to deal with stuff
It's very appropriate of early-level D&D.
Having to be creative before you've got a bazillion spell slots and a shit-tonne of damage.
well, flour bombs aren't super creative but not something you usually see in anime
alright i'll be back in a couple mins
alright good to go
i got some beans
Ooookey dokes.
Let's start!
more like uh
I've been enjoying it.
it's not really that bad honestly just kind of bland
it's been getting better recently though
Being Anti is suffering.
Search [iqdb] (480 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] SSSS.Gridman - (…).jpg)
wait we're watching 8 right?
Yeah, episode eight.
Griddoman only knows battoru.
He's poor for advice on anything else.
are u americna
There's suddenly a lot more animation in their body movements.
Well it didn't last long though.
They outplayed her and now she's upset.
Search [iqdb] (265 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] SSSS.Gridman - (…).jpg)
she's basically always upset already though
Oh cool I was wondering when they'd all GATTAI together.
we voltron now
Literal golden god
Well these sure are some cosplays.
what are these costumes
this show has some interesting themes but the main content is so corny it's tough to take it seriously for me.
well thanks for anime fellas
i'm off to grind that vidya
Yup yup.
Don't work too hard, Jan.
all according to cake