
Thread #609957

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「i wanna make a thread」

so i did!
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Ehh. People are sitting in the office.
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I cant play pokemon comfortably around these people
have you guys ever gotten an email from someone
Yes, unfortunately.
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wanted to post this earlier but forgot haha
the company behind Marlboro etc got ordered to state something about additives designed to increase the effect of nicotine but they put it behind the cellophane
leave it to tobacco companies to turn a potential loss into a way to drive profit
the last time i got an actual email was a year or maybe more ago
i was never very prompt about replying through mail anyway but it was nice to talk to a few people and think about what i'm typing a bit for once
So is it impossible for the warning to be seen unless you buy the pack?
Cigarettes are kept entirely out of view of any customer in the store here so any kind of information on the packaging is only ever going to end up in the hands of those who buy them anyway.
yeah haha it's beneath the wrapping
i'm sure you can probably google it though
seems like a lot of states have that restriction but they're on display here
we can't sell anything higher than 14% ABV outside of a licensed liquor store or on-premise location though
and no liquor on sundays
texas laws are kind of weird
I remember they were that way in Philly too though.

I mean stores can't sell anything alcoholic here unless they're a licensed liquor store.
And al l the licensed liquor stores are owned by the province anyway.
Though I guess you can find some beers and wines at major grocery stores now.

The no liquor on Sundays thing is entirely stupid though.
Like, what, you think it's going to keep people from drinking on Sundays?
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it is weirdly puritanical
well yeah i guess that part of what i said was kind of obvious
but they're not state owned, they're locally operated and a goodly sum are therefore loose in regulation
they do tax a extra dollar and a couple quarters for various city related funds though.
you actually couldn't even buy liquor in my city limits until like 4 years ago i think, that's how far behind the laws are here, lots of cities are still dry around the state
texas is a pretty red state typically so it's not really unexpected if you're familiar with our rat race
the sunday thing is probably puritanical bullshit yeah
all the alcoholics here just buy a lot more and get super wasted on saturday instead. it doesn't prevent anything but it gives liquor stores a day off i guess?
generally i think it's a good idea to not drink before you work and most people work m-f but i'm against any kind of regulation that takes the choice away from you
if people want to do dumb stuff they ought to be granted the freedom to
Regardless of my opinion on a regulation I would rather it not be so stupidly workarounded like that one.
Prohibiting people from buying alcohol on Sunday is not going to stop anyone that really wants to drink on Sunday.
It'll barely even inconvenience them unless they're particularly forgetful or have poor impulse control.
It's just all too ridiculous.
I wish there was something I could snack on that was near-zero calorie.
That could be coupled well with tea or another mildly flavoured drink.
I get the urge to eat things late at night like this and there isn't really a good option.
>just gotta answer phones okay
>cant understand a word of what this person is saying
Phones are the worst.
I feel so bad.
The only thing I understood was him saying "you understand?"
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It might be partly symbolic.
>That could be coupled well with tea or another mildly flavoured drink
This basically disqualfies any kind of vegetable really.
I would say it's entirely symbolic.
Or at least near being so that it's pretty much pointless to frame any other way.
Which is in part why it doesn't belong in regulations.
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nothing better than a warm cuppa tea and a crisp head of fresh lettuce
As someone who is consistently difficult to understand on the phone, there is a good chance they felt kind of bad as well.
Aside from pretty much any other combination in the world.
>Oh I'm going to soak these dried green leaves in hot water until their flavour is dispersed into the liquid, and then drink it alongside some more green leaves!
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well look, mate
if there was a great tasting food
with zero calories
that you could eat anytime anywhere
Nobody would ever be fat
It doesn't even have to be great tasting though!
It really just has to be unoffensive when paired with tea.

Maybe something like a rice cracker.
Shame we don't have something like that.
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yeah but if you eat a whole head of lettuce you won't be thinking about rice crackers.
Yeah I'll be thinking "I was right this was a horrible idea from the beginning".
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Dragalia announced a girl named lucretia and displayed a photo with a girl on it.

Only for it to not be that character at all.
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In fact, hes a cute boy.
I'm sure that must be exciting for some.
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This is me promising /moe/

no more message board shitposting and youtube videos until I hit my daily word goal AND makeup for what I didn't do yesterday
Good luck.
you'll be back
they always come back
fuck he ain't coming back
godspeed brave warrior
some day I'll be able to forgo distractions for productivity too
I don't know if I ever will.
Distractions are my way of dealing with the ever-present anxiety of doing things.
Kirara, the Cat
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tbh the real distraction is productivity
it districts us from LIVING
productivity is part of living
but I would rather produce value for myself
producing value for someone else and being compensated with an arbitrary number unrelated to the effort involved is just not fun or satisfying
Kirara, the Cat
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Life isn't about living
Koi, the Time Cat
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feel so alive

for the very first time

haha its joke
I'm really wired this morning.
But I don't know how to turn this into actual productivity.
How annoying.
Are you Lain?
is joke
How is moe?
just woke up!
anybody have some INTENSE MONDAY PLANS
Sit in despair.
I can't focus on anything important and it's getting me agitated which in turn is making it harder and harder to focus on things.
And I can't stop this cascade.
oh no
Kirara, the Cat
on a dusty trail i saw a vapor light
making my bosses mad because I forgot my computer ID card
I am getting chicken fried rice.
I like it too much.
Chicken fried rice is kind of fun to make too.
Getting everything diced or shredded is a lot of work and really time-consuming for me though.
But it's a lot of fun to throw it all into the wok and let it get nice and hot.
That is true, I've made some before, dicing and chopping up all sorts of veg is fun in kind of methodical way.
and frying is so easy.
fried rice is gr8
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
im gonna take a flight back to ameriiiccaaa
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
woops meant to quote >>610014
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
it is time to become comfortable with the true nature of your affairs
Or I can kick my anxiety in the ass and throw it out of this house.
It's not like it's paying me rent or anything after all.
Kirara, the Cat
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show it who is boss
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
it is a ball of fear born of an outdated defense mechanism
eat it
Yeah, as soon as I find the Fork of Metaphor and Knife of Analogy.
Kirara, the Cat
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you've been having a lot of trouble lately
It hasn't really gotten much better.
Relatively better from this time last week to today, but I'm still horribly behind schedule and when not distracted I've pretty much had a perpetual garbage heap of anxiety and dread panic my head's been stuck in.
just do it
don't let your dreams be memes
Yeah but what is "it".
What is "do".
I don't have definitive nouns and actions to fill those slots so being told to just do things is entirely useless.
i dunno it's a choose your own adventure
I'm not exactly an expert on this
Kirara, the Cat
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The wilderness is calling
Out there everything you do's got purpose
You get the fruit of your labor
That's what it's all about
I'm not really receptive to your religious sermons about the wilderness at the best of times.
And this is particularly far from the best of times.
Kirara, the Cat
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Well, telling you to get therapy won't help either, will it?
At this point I have a hard time being convinced anything will help.
I'm so entrenched in this mentality that it continues to build its walls itself.
Anxiety is horrible.
I don't have a lot of coping strategies. I'm trying to make photography a distraction but it can be hard.
I hope you find something for you that helps you. I am trying avoid lapsing into shitty behaviors.
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Kirara, the Cat
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Learning coping strategies and behavioral therapy will probably go a long way.

Fish used to be unable to step outside alone without having a panic attack. She couldn't even open the door without breaking down.
Therapy has done her a world of good and she's more-or-less self-sufficient although she still is working on her anxiety.

A lot of people feel like there's no hope for getting past their issues, but 99.99% of the time, there is.
It's hard and it's scary to change. It's easier to just sit around and be miserable.

I don't know about y'all, but that's not how I'd want to live.
What's the point of living if you're just going to let yourself be miserable because pursuing happiness is scary?

Anxiety, depression, PTSD, alcoholism, it's all hard to survive, and sometimes everything feels impossible, but it is possible.
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saatan tehdä jotain tyhmää
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Well this paper's not going to get handed in on time.
I'm so tired of always handing in papers late.
Or not at all.
Writing's supposed to be the thing I'm good at, so why is structured writing so hard.
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this is a pretty generic tip
but it works
for me at least.

Just fuckin' write word vomit
and worry about fixing it up and making it sound good later.

The hardest part is just giving concrete form to all the half-formed ideas floating around in your mind
and as soon as they exist on paper it's a lot easier to go back later and edit it to actually sound good.
This is probably gonna sound pessimistic or whatever, but I functionally can't do that.
Like I don't know how to just word vomit.
My brain's constantly chewing over the words as I'm writing or typing them, and I don't know how to turn that off.
That part about giving concrete form to the ideas in my mind?
I don't know how to do that.
write literally everything that comes to mind as if you're trying to explain it on the fly by talking.
not everyone can just write gonzo like that, though.
some people need structure to formulate words, others need words to formulate structure.

i personally can't get anything written down if I'm trying to think about how the writing other //ought to be laid out. Marsh's method works for me, since my biggest struggle comes from the first sentence.
I'm not really thinking about how the writnig ought to be either, really.
Not consciously at least.
Writing's such a natural activity for me that it all really happens without a lot of conscious thought for me.
It's easier when I'm trying to put together a story, kinda.
I try to write a good intro once I have that down I try to construct from there.
I don't really have much advice, I suck at writing.
I panic and end up with very little time to write my essays.

What I find a little helpful is doing a mind-map thing of everything I can think of that I should include.
so I can sort of checklist if my writing is actually mentioning the important stuff.

Writing in the first place is hard and maintaining concentration is a pain.
Kirara, the Cat
I just write everything that comes to mind as it comes to mind and never really look at it again, with a few exceptions.
I wouldn't be able to capture everything that comes to mind as I'm writing.
The topics would slip and slide all over the place.
Trying to stay on focus is really hard.
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I'm not really a perfectionist
most things are fine the way they are

but writing is different. All the words need to be right. in the right order. have the right nuance. have the right connotations.
But because of that, sometimes I won't make any progress at all. I'll freeze up, because I have the idea but I won't know exactly the right way to express it.

But that's why writing something, ANYTHING down is so important.
It keeps things moving. Allows progress to happen.

And then once it's all on the page go back a few days later and put it in its proper form.

But like
said, stream of consciousness writing is a good way to practice.
almost everything sucks the way it is but fixing it seems like a waste of time
Kirara, the Cat
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I'm pretty good at academic writing.
I only rarely have to fix my tone of voice in it.
I regret sending in my essay - my last one was kind of rushed.
I neglected to put a ref list for all references I did.
y’all are doomed on thirsday probably
What does Thursday have in store for me?
By that point I'll either have finished all my late papers of have failed them all.
Like I've been trying to say, I don't understand stream of consciousness writing.
I know it's a concept but I can't separate the automatic editing of the words from the writing process.
Kirara, the Cat
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What's your writing process?
i dont think you’re involved so rejoice
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talk to yourself and write a transcript
That's not a stream of consciousness that's a dialogue.

I don't really have a good way of describing it.
I write.
If it's fiction I've usually got a scene playing abstractly out in my head that I'm trying to convert into words.
With writing for papers, I have even less of a clue.
I guess I agonize over what my point even is then try to describe it?
Even that's not really accurate because often I'll just state observations that are kind of similar and then wrap them together.

That doesn't really feel right either.
I really don't know.
Writing's something that goes on in a different part of my head than the one that thinks too much about things.
It's a monologue, actually
Kirara, the Cat
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Well, this may be obvious, but you gotta figure out your own process if you want to learn how to use it effectively in novel situations.
Try writing something you want to write and observe your process as you do it.
Talent and instinct only gets you so far if you don't learn how to use it. You gotta figure out how you work before you can make yourself work.

What are your essays on that you're having trouble with, anyway?
I've got three papers at the moment. The one I'm currently spinning wheels on is due in two hours.
We need to relate someone or something to the concepts of Marshall McLuhan, mainly either his concepts of hot and cold media and/or people that have mastered their medium and have become influential because of that.
There's a secondary paper we can relate to that discusses documents as they exist socially, the way they influence and are influenced by social spheres, the kinds of ways social engagement can develop around documents, stuff like that.
I'm relating them to Harry Potter and its relevance to children's and youth literature and the way it helped develop "nerd communities", especially in the early days of the Internet.
What's particularly annoying is I was trying to get this paper done today so I'd at least have one of three final papers due in -on time.
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I'll write it for you if you buy me a $5 ecchi game on steam
You're not going to pump out two thousand words in two hours no matter how powerful your stream of consciousness writing is mate.
Kirara, the Cat
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Do you tend to procrastinate on this stuff?
I mean I probably procrastinate, intentionally or subconsciously or unintentionally on most things, but writing papers is probably notably more so.
Can you get an extension for any of your papers?
I fuckin could if I knew anything about Hot and Cold media theory.
Well then get yourself learned, son.

Probably not for the other two; they're already both several days late.
Not without some kind of sign off of actual health concern, and even then it's probably up to the discretion of the professor.
For this one, I'd not bank on it.
I already got a day-late forgiveness for a previous assignment and that makes me extra anxious about trying for a second favour.
Plus I ditched the class last week because I didn't have the previous state this paper was needed to be done in time for it.
Kirara, the Cat
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How're your grades?
Mid-seventies for two of the classes, low-nineties for another.
Of course this is based off of at most one or two actually graded assignments I've gotten back; the actually graded stuff in these classes is only like two or three assignments plus a final.
And it's weighted heavier the later in the semester it gets.
So I'll get dragged down a lot more by these things.
Of course this is entirely ignoring the one class I've all but completely given up for and are regretting not dropping when I still could without academic penalty.
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>RDR2 is on two discs
what the fuck
is this the goddamn ps2 era?
Kirara, the Cat
also takes about 2 hours to install the game from the disc

Will you pass?
Kirara, the Cat
btw it's 100gb
I don't know.
Can't really know until I've done the finals.
None of these papers are due more than 35-40% of my final mark so I could completely not do them and still maaaaybe pass.
But I wouldn't count on it.
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this guy is losing his shit over the printed word.

The modern internet would freak him the fuck out
Just wait until he gets to television.
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`this reads like one long acid trip
better than 200gb worth of downloads
Kirara, the Cat
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someone sent me this message lol
At this point I'm tempted just to slap an author's note on the end of this apologizing to the professor for handing in such a miserable piece that's like 34% of the length it's supposed to be.
At least then I'll get maybe 20% on it.
There's no guarantee I'll stop agonizing over it if I keep it around after all.
Kirara, the Cat
Is it digital submission?
Both physical and digital.
I'll need to bring in a hard copy tonight or deliver it to the professor at a later date.
The digital copy is the one that judges the late penalty though.
what's the penalty for being late?
usually it's only like 5-10% a day
just submit it late and do a good job at it
well, I say usually
I have no idea what it's like over there.
I'm pretty sure it'll be 5% a day for up to a week, after which it's a zero.
But that's besides the point because there is no guarantee I'll actually get it done if I try to submit it late to ensure a good job.
And honestly there's precedence that it'll just not get done in that situation.

On top of that I still also have two papers that are due for other classes which are already late.
I put off doing them instead of this one of the chance of actually handing in something on time. For the chance even.
They're also 3% lost a day so I'm suffering less for delaying them anyway.
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well I dunno, man.

Procastination's a bitch.
It's a big a big problem in my life in the past. In some ways it still is, although I've gotten better at managing it over the years.
It's definitely something you can teach yourself. There are a lot of good resources out there.

I remember one time I paid my younger brother $20 to sit across the table from me and to forcibly stop me from leaving before I finished my project.

There was this other time I remember in my first year of uni, walking around the park, in the rain, smoking cigarettes, and almost having a breakdown and punching trees because I couldn't get myself to write 500 words for an introduction to Communications class.

And it's not as though I'm perfect at it now
but the other week I handed in a 30 page legal essay, which I definitely couldn't have done a few years ago.
So.... it does get better.

Not that any of this helps your current situation all that much.
But don't give up
don't let it stress you out too much.
Put yourself in an environment that makes it easy to work and hard to slack off - like a library or something
and more than anything else, just get started. That's the #1 thing that all the so called experts say.

And also just keep everything in perspective. None of this will matter in a couple of years, so don't let it matter too much to you now.
It might not matter but ramifications will.
Perspective is dumb shit because small things you do or don't do -can- matter years down the line.
Especially with the ever-increasing pressure to either become self-sustainable or probably get thrown out and die of exposure because I can't do anything.
It's impossible to keep things in perspective when you can't not look at where things will be down the line.
If I could turn off the part of my head that is always warning me of how much little time I have left I would have a long time ago.

Man even just thinking along this line of thought is stressing me out.
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fair enough.
I'm not very good at saying the right thing to people in bad situations

but you know what I AM good at
essay writing.
it's the closest thing I have to a talent.

so... if there's anything I can help with
or you want another person to look at
hit me up
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No, sorry, I'm just tired
Like, tired of a lot of things, but also tired, tired.
It gets me snippy at pretty much everything.
wow, you seem get a lot of people like this in your life.
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The internet is definitely HOT
it's not like television where it's a one-way interaction and you absorb everything sent though.
There's the network of interactivity in which humans lose themselves, but it requires constant input.

Don't be sorry.

I'm tired too

which is why I'm going to bed.
Goodnight, /moe/.
Nighty Marsh!
Sleep well!
I did one of those ask me questions things on twitter, I got a lot of "why" and "you should stop" lol
Kirara, the Cat
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Yeah, I don't really get it.
I talk big, but I'm not worth much, lol
I have like charisma B or something

People told you to stop on Curious Cat?
You have charisma you can't turn off it seems!

Yeah. I wasn't expecting any response to be honest but instead of got a fair // negative responses.
having a curious cat was obvious breaching some people's bottom line lol
Kirara, the Cat
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Yeah, a lot of people seem to have crushes on me on Twitter.
One of them is this really annoying 16 year old that calls me their mentor.
She keeps saying inappropriate things to me.
Another girl keeps telling me I have really sexy legs and I make them horny.
It's so weird, all I can do is laugh.

That's so weird! I wonder who did it.
i have crushes on a lot of people tbh
that sounds really annoying
I've had a few people message me that they like me but its a bit unnerving, I doubt they are actually into me so much as into the idea of being into me.
Its a little upsetting, well I don't mean dramatically, just that some of my followers obvious don't like the idea or don't like me.
but eh.
A friend in a chat is saying her mother is threatening and blackmailing her and her grandma and I hate when parents do that.
Like i get that they hate their children but to make them feel bad about talking to their siblings makes me really upset.
Well in the continuing saga of being a miserable disaster, I got a lift to the subway station, only to realize I forgot my wallet.
Which has my transit card.
It's also raining.
Do you have any official diagnoses?
Of like anxiety or depression?
Kirara, the Cat
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Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Cause if you are diagnosed you can probably get academic accomodations.
Kirara, the Cat
accommodations for depression or anxiety
since when is that a thing
Since the ADA I'd think.
Kirara, the Cat
depression and anxiety are not considered disabilities
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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Zwei is in granblue's story now
damn what about bipolar type 2
i want those govt dolla
Kirara, the Cat
unfortunately no
Kirara, the Cat
maybe if you had psychotic and prolonged mania but still probably not
reminds me of when i left my wallet in the Philly hotel
that's like the only time I've ever forgotten to take it with me haha
usually I get paranoid ifI can't feel it in my pocket

I've never had a really delusional episode just hypomania thankfully
that kind of attitude is really rare for me now too
>Under the ADA, retroactive withdrawal because of depression or other mental illness is considered a reasonable accommodation.
Bipolar just gives you fucked up insurance at least over here.
You got ADHD?
Kirara, the Cat
doesn't mean it happens
the chance of getting that through is slim
and tilde isn't covered by ADA anyw
yeah supposedly
That could probably get you accomodations
I'd imagine Canada is even better about it that te US.
I could be wrong though.
Kirara, the Cat
it's incredibly difficult to get a diagnosis of ADHD as an adult
from a real doctor, at least
you have to prove you've had the symptoms during childhood which is difficult
Expensive too.
The topic came up when I was talking with the doctor on Friday and it's not covered by OHIP and can run upwards of a thousand dollars
That's really hard to merit the gamble.
I know two adults who were diagnosed with adhd in the past year. It might be hard bt a the very least its worth looking into.
I had to give up on getting help through uni via asperger's claim because it requires that I take months going through assessments.
I can get help through other things but the claim centre is already closed ahead of "christmas"
Did some googling, psychiatrists can be covered by OHIP.
Kirara, the Cat
psychiatrists can't do the psychological evaluation that is necessary to diagnose ADHD ethically
Kirara, the Cat
or legally
they can diagnose without assessment but that's unethical
Anyways if he does have a diagnosis of bipolar he can get accomodations for that.
At the least I've been led to believe I could get accommodation for depression/anxiety from the faculty and staff.
A professor said she could excuse tardy assignments if the cause was certified mental health issues, and the doctor from the medical center seemed to imply I could get a late withdrawal without penalty.
Kirara, the Cat
jan is bipolar
he's not looking for accommodations at school
tilde is the one looking for help
Oh misattributed the posts
Kirara, the Cat
are you diagnosed yet
This is good
I think some of the questions the doctor asked me on Friday
were probing for ADHD and bipolar disorder.
I don't think the way I
Kirara, the Cat
i would diagnose you with depression and do some testing for ADHD, personally
Wow, you get asked a lot of unusual questions Kirara.
Kirara, the Cat
i attract strangeness
it's the power of crazy train
Kirara, the Cat
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Its amusing read going through the questions you get asked.
I've had some lewd DMs before but heck you get some pretty unashamed questions.

But you have a lot more of audience than I do on twitter, like your single retweet of my photos gave me like a crapton of likes and couple of followers.
Kirara, the Cat
Search [iqdb] (16 KB, 304x271, IMG_20181121_071446.jpg)
Yeah, I have over a thousand followers.
Koi, the Time Cat
They are also a cat.
As you can see from their avatar
Kirara, the Cat
wait when did you become a cat
Koi, the Time Cat
Search [iqdb] (266 KB, 1448x2048, DdKwEDtV0Acf3Jg.jpg)
>he didn't even notice
Kirara, the Cat
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You don't have a cat aura
You still seem like a dragon to me
Koi, the Time Cat
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You'd notice a dragon.
I'm the cat that takes your pen you were about to use and sits on it without you noticing.
Kirara, the Cat
this is pathetic
That suit looks like its struggling a bit
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Who in their right mind would want to have sex with a cat
Koi, the Time Cat
Search [iqdb] (140 KB, 1100x964, DsYBImsU4AAGPDv.jpg)
No one knew I became a cat. I am the stealthiest.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Wait when did you become a cat
I was messing around with filters on my phone and became a cat briefly.
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although i know dreams are boring stories to listen to, i still feel a burning desire to share it, so i'll do it online where it doesn't matter
a very cherished, old friend of mine appeared at my house and we hung normally for a bit, but then they started doing a bunch of weird things with their face. Like random mouth movements and squeezing of all the face muscles, very reminiscent of how druggies do crackheads do weird stuff with their faces. I noticed a rash on their leg so I went to go grab some ointment from my medicine cabinet but all my medicine at been replaced with stuff i didn't recognize. My friend then said they needed a hot shower so I went to show them my bathroom, but once we got in there i noticed it was a big, medeival bathes where instead of porcelain, everything was made of jade and gold. I went back into the hallway and noticed I was in some huge chinese castle, and I thought "oh god how have I never been in this part of my house" and I got really sad because I thought I must have been going crazy. Then I realized I was dreaming and got even more sad because I realized I was actually not seeing this dear friend, and I wouldn't be seeing them again any time soon.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
don't eat your hair
and then (surprize ending) i woke up
post cat filter selfies kthx
Search [iqdb] (62 KB, 1000x1000, neko.jpg)
I'll post my cat filter selfies only on twitter.
it took a few visits with a psych that was tough to find and then they referred me to a specialist who did some tests personally
after like two visits they prescribed Adderall IR the whole ordeal took like 5 weeks haha
getting branded with bipolar was twice as fast and allI did was recount the dumbest and most self destructive shit I'd done recently
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oh wow look at the time!
oh god not the twitter
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i think kumiko was the main inspiration for me to grow my hair out
i wanted fluffy hair
now i have fluffy hair
mission accomplished
>>610178 this shit freaks me out every time
Kannagi !NEATO1nxtM
Fluffy hair is fun.
me 2
glory to the fuwa
Kirara, the Cat
Search [iqdb] (303 KB, 774x871, 20181122_234455.jpg)
Yeah, bipolar is easy to get.
ADHD is def rarer and harder to add to your collection.
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
we flyin baybee
Kirara, the Cat
simple and clean
Bethesda is being sued in a class action suit for not offering refunds for Fallout 76.
Kirara, the Cat
Particularly because there are many customers who can't play the game because of glitches.
Well the suit hasn't been filed yet but there's a lawfirm looking for people to sign up for it.
They're accusing Bethesda of "deceptive trade practices"
Kirara, the Cat
it's crazy how they've already half-priced it
people are expecting it to go F2P because they won't get people playing otherwise
reception has been sooooo bad
More like F2NP
Free to not play
Because it's shit
Do you know how pvp works in it?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
could Todd be fired
That's the joke
PPrProbably not
He's their John Romero
Kirara, the Cat
i wish
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
at least skyrim is fun
Anyways the way PvP "works" is you shoot someone and it barely deals any damage unless they opt in to the pvp. They do tat by shooting you back dealing regular damage. If they don't opt in to the PvP if you shoot a gun until it breaks it still won't do enough damage to kill them.
But when the person opts in they can just VATS and shoot you in the head.
Kirara, the Cat
Some crazy lightning tonight.
could they at least kick him somewhere he has no influence
The actual only real viable pvp strategy is to build something really high, lure people up there, then delete the floor out from under them.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Somebody watched infernoplus' video recently huh
That's ridiculous
Like last week
Kirara, the Cat
multiplayer fallout is stupid anyway
Kirara, the Cat
death rides a horse
Kirara, the Cat
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
i’m on a plane and
it’s goin fast and
i got an oxygen mask
secure before assisting others young padawan
Kirara, the Cat
keep 'em flying
I was up like twenty six or seven hours over the weekend
And now have gone twenty six hours after that.
Please I just want to sleep.
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
oh no they only have water and coffee
what do i doooo
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
what do you think is the cause
Kirara, the Cat
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There was a guy next to me for most of my subway trip watching some J-drama about a naive newlywed wife and her maybe unfaithful husband I dunno
I hope he didn't mind me watching over his shoulder when I didn't have reception down in the tunnels
you can rent it at Redbox haha
that shit literally never happens to games
Wow I'm being flirted at.
Ara ara
Redbox has offered games for years though.
not on the day of release
they always put them up for rental a month or a few afterwards
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
* Flirt harder
Sam, you hear about the Bethesda thing?
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
yea i dont play their games tho
Neither do I
Excluding Doom
Anyways I'm excited to see them get sued for selling their glitch ridden bullshit
Part of the case against them is that they seem to have released it through their own platform instead of steam explicitly to deny refunds.
That's the law firm's theory anyhow.
Kannagi !NEATO1nxtM
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Nighty moe.
See you all tomorrow.
Hope you all have a nice day and night.
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
They're working on a case against intel for faulty spectre and meltdown patches.
someone convinced me to buy some good old malt liquor
he said it would get me to where I wanna go and I wanna find out where I wanna go
This manga I'm rereading is really good and even though I'm only halfway through it I fear finishing it.
Night /moe/
anime >>610236 →
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who here no sleep
no sleep til brooklyn babey
im staying up all nite
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that was a dark night with drk thoughts
but now actually both figuratively andl iterally a new day is dawning
and the sun is rising

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called one /my best friend to kvetch about it and that helped a lot too
weird that while having quite large circles for an introvert, I still only have one friend that i can really open my mind at
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But things are handled
and i think I gained new insight into myself too
and maybe finally I an actually start living and not just existing
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Think I might have gotten rid of some useless pride too
hopefully permanently
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Sometimes you just gotta fucking scream!
If you just let pressure build up forever you'll pop!

nice to hear you got something you wanted to say out.
I'm // I think most people only have few people they really want to say heartfelt things to.
I'm somewhat extroverted b ut only have two such persons I think I could tell anything.

unless you're a persona protagonist your list of confidants probably isn't very long
good luck with that
I'm still trying to figure it out myself
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had a thing I had to say to someone
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huh where is the like and repost button wtf samu??
how am i gonna let people know i like and subscribed to an image??
how did it go?
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well I said it we talked about ti and then talked about random things and then laid out loose plans to catch up for a beer or two the enxt time he shows up in the capital region
the sun is so beautiful
Search [iqdb] (313 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Yagate Kimi ni (…).jpg)
whoa, a reconnection deito?
its only beautiful when it's coming up
if you look at it when it's up in the sky it HURTS
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wew these flowers have been in that bottle for 3 weeks and they still look decent
during this time of year it raises up so that it colours the fir trees red/orange
especially beautiful if they have any snow on them
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this time here it's almost always cloudy so the sunrise isn't as good as it usually is
in the summer it's really amazing though
watching the sky transition from black to blue to purple to pink and then blazing sunshine is really nice
if it wasn't so damn hot i'd like the daylight a lot more

and wtf how did you keep a flower alive in a bottle for 3 weeks are you using time magic
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this is one of the few sunny days of thios month
always so overcast this time of the year
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yeah i wish there were more sunny winter days
that's kind of an oxymoron i guess
it's always really overcast and rainy from november-february here
oh i didn't really know haha
it only even gets below freezing here for like four or five weeks a year maybe
people today were saying "it's so cold! i'm freezing!"
and it was 50F/10C
actual winter days have lot sunlight though
once it is cold clouds don't form
god I havn't eaten anything today
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wow go eat

i lost a lot of weight since october
almost 15lbs haha
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i dropped 10kg last year and I think I will go for another 10
creme brules are great
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whoa thats a lot
i really don't need to be losing any weight though
i was at 62ish kg, now i'm around 55kg
which puts me in "literally dying" tier
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I have some alcohol weight I can lose
and intend to
both of those would be literally skeleton weight levels for me
even at 0% body fat I doubt I'd go much under 70
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it's literal skeleton weight for me too i'm 185cm
pretty much
i have very little fat and very little muscle
i've always found it kind of hard to eat and exercise enough to gain healthy weight
almost got there but then made mistakes i am a dumb ass
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you must have a real lean build too
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I am an iceage man
I easily amass mass, I am practically build like a block
my feet are like tree trunks
and everything I eat in excess turns into fat instantly
would be useful if I was a japanese high school girl, cause I'd ahve huge boobs then
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amusingly how easily you build fat and how much you can eat does tell from what kind of region your ancestors came from
ofc that isn't an excuse for getting fat and out of shape
just that it is easier for some to fall down that path
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i kinda want to know where my ancestors lived but also i don't want to pay money for that shit
all i really know is that one side of my family can be traced back to danish immigrants to the same state i live in some hundreds of years ago
i am basically a human spider
ah fuck my pizza is done
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I am 100% finnish so it means my people went to mongolia and then lived in siperia while heading west and further north for like 10k years
some of those companies SELL that gene data for medical companies
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I think next year will be a good one
I will just have to think and sort my thoughts this year
Hmm I might keep this letter as a memento of this night
also dafug
MAIL man this early?
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my pizza wasn't even DONE
maybe a few more minutes
well they probably have every other facet of my data so why not give them all of my genetic history too?
it is very temperamental i guess it's feeling sad so it doesn't want to try real hard at baking
god i hope next year doesn't even happen
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oven times are so random
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
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nothing romantic about it, though
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bro i love u let us cuddle
no homo tho.
ashe is a really great character lets play OW again sometime
i've been playing it a bit recently
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Wow. Awful.
Seconds are so fickle
Kirara, the Cat
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The admins are gone. I want to get out of this office.
I didnt bring my switch because I didn't think I'd have time to use it.
Fool that I am...
Kirara, the Cat
Search [iqdb] (87 KB, 498x498, 20181111_062452.jpg)
Read something
Kirara, the Cat
wonder at how many passus that site is at now
Kirara, the Cat
Search [iqdb] (285 KB, 2048x2048, IMG_20181120_155517.jpg)
How many passus are you at in your heart?
i'm at approximately 77.12 billion passus
and yet my heart still does not beat to the drum of humanity
Kirara, the Cat
Search [iqdb] (390 KB, 2896x4096, IMG_20181107_165330.jpg)
we must passu like none have passued before
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Kirara, the Cat
you're not a cat hiss
cats are fucking dumb and also weird as fuck
they're aight 10/10 pets
Man I crashed hard last night.
All those long days on little sleep really did me in.
Kirara, the Cat
Search [iqdb] (90 KB, 664x902, IMG_20181121_152427.jpg)
How many hours?
Ten hours give or take?

I was awake for a moment around four this morning but that didn't last long.
It kind of feels like I needed it since I don't have the usual super grogginess I usually get from sleeping that long.
Kirara, the Cat
Search [iqdb] (411 KB, 1000x1341, IMG_20181125_225031.png)
Neat, you really needed it
I'm pretty hungry though.
Haven't had a bite to eat since breakfast about this time yesterday.
Though maybe I'm just misremembering things.
! ! !
Wow I never thought this was going to get made.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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oh hey that
Kirara, the Cat
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fry me to za sta
just squeeze more humanity
Kirara, the Cat
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Finally out of those hell tunnels.
ret me pray beyond za moon
It'll be my granddad's ninety-fifth birthday this December.
I always thought he was a bit younger than that.
>Isabella as a diamond dog
This whole bit was worth it for that one line.
The student cafe on campus at my university has live music every Friday.
I was there last week and they had this cute duet couple doing soft guitar and ukelele renditions of songs.
That was one they did and it was quite nice.
Maven Mobile
What's his mind like?
Honestly pretty good.
Though I don't see him much recently.
Last I saw he still remembers things well and can speak as well as any old bloke.
He might still be doing this I don't know but even five years back he'd be traveling pretty regularly.
Maven Mobile
That's good. Dementia's a bitch
Free five dollar voucher for on-campus coffee from my university.
Really isn't a lot in the grand scheme of things, but I'll take it.
dang he's as old as women's rights to vote in the us
if its anything like mine they charge you like 7 bucks for a coffee so you're still getting it about the price a coffee should cost after the coupon
Maven Mobile
I've looked at the prices before; they're not that bad.
Plus the voucher is also good for an on-campus Starbucks so at the least there's the standardized prices from it.
I could get a large coffee from pretty much anywhere with the voucher.
The real catch is it's only good for one purchase.
These two students have been sitting here blasting music from their cellphone for the past hour and a half.
This is an indoor commons area I can't imagine doing that.
It's so fucking obnoxious.
blast some even more disturbing shit or maybe just ask them to turn it down a little
The deal I was planning on buying on the playstation network said it was gonna last until the 27th of this month
i thought that included the 27th as part of how long it would last
oh no that sucks
what were you gonna buy?
Nier Automata
for some reason it's still at fucking $60 for a digital copy. it was down to $30 for the last couple days uwu
what in the fuck
i guess it wasn't such a bad idea to have preordered that one
that's weird but i mean i'd probably keep the launch price too fanbois will buy it
like me
they know that disgusting weebs like me (the only people who will buy it) will pay $60 anyways
daga kotowaru
i'll have you know i am not a disgusting weeb
i am a disgusting weeblord
above the peasantry
me on the other hand
a disgusting weebserf
must wait for the next sale
maybe one day you will become weebking and i will entrust you with my domain in your quest to reunite weebland
my PSN has P.T. on it so i guess if you wanna play that little demo you better get conquering
supposedly people try to sell consoles or accounts with that thing on it for a lot but i feel like nobody would actually buy it
People will buy anything that's a relatively limited commodity like that.
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
would if i couuuuld
i have my PC at work under my desk lol maybe i’ll be online some nights :’)
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Kirara, the Cat
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Just did a psych eval on the sweetest old lady
She's got felonies cause she steals so much shit from stores, usually vacuums
man i want to fight that in an eo game
Imagine turning a corner and you see that beeflord staring you down with her cow posse
Heyo moe!

I got on the wrong bus today and had to wait in the train for two buses to get back home.
That wasn't too fun but I had a hot shower and feeling better.

Do they just give her felonies without taking her circumstances into account, surely they can help her and others in better ways than just giving felonies.
I guess unless she like commited serious murders or whatnot.
When has the justice system ever been about helping people

That sounds notfun
Kirara, the Cat
Search [iqdb] (126 KB, 500x536, 20181124_095420.jpg)
Haha no ofc they just give her felonies

Sucks that you had a rough time
why did she steal so many vacuums
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Kirara, the Cat
she likes vacuums
How are you?
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Kirara, the Cat
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I feel the best I've felt in like a month.
How are you?
Similar to you in that regard, I still feel fairly dizzy all the time.
but I think shifting my thinking to be more positive helps the anxiety plus the kalms really do stop my anxiety.
I can feel the anxiety when its growing. I am really emotional recently

Plus photography is fun

I'm glad you are feeling better than you have through the month.
you wouldnt download a vacuum
The creator of SpongeBob Squarepants has passed away from ALS.
yeah i saw
freakin rip
laughs were had
Kirara, the Cat
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That's good news.
Just gotta put one foot in front of the other.
And soon you'll be walkin' cross the floor~
its snowing
its pretty
eat the snow
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Kirara, the Cat
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Koi, the Time Cat
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>cuddling with Eevee
Kirara, the Cat
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Kirara, the Cat
das böse ist immer und überall
some post script there
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hello hello
Herro Herro
Kirara, the Cat
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Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
hewwo hewwwo
Kannagi !NEATO1nxtM
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Heya Rika!
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hello, how are we today?
Kirara, the Cat
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It's the moment of truth.
In about 20 minutes, I'll learn whether I get to stay in grad school to get my doctorate.

If not, I'm getting liquor.
If yes, I'm getting something nice for dinner.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
It's cold and the streets are getting dangerous
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My mood fluctuates a lot.
I feel a bit like I'm easily between feeling shit and full of anxiety and feeling alright and positive.
I kinda forced positivity, like a thin veneer over anxiousness.

I hope you have a really nice dinner.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Search [iqdb] (234 KB, 1000x900, 77ce4b0144db9c86cad6786bc7503837.png)
don't get liquor onegai
Netflix is going tto hhhave Evangelion in the spring.
I fucking hate how popular anime has become.
Kirara, the Cat
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Nope, it's the deal.
If I'm out, I'm getting liquored up.
I hardly know her!
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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Yeah basically
For real though
Most of my hobbies have become mainstream now and it sucks.
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I have lapsed in judgement a lot so I don't feel particular quailfied but I hope you can avoid liquor but it is something to numb pain.
and I can appreciate that.
Hang in there friendo.
D&D and magic have been changed a lot to appeal to normalfags and I do not like the changes.
Also the indie music scene contains way more insufferable assholes than I previously thought was possible.
And my favorite music festival gets more crowded, more expensive and has more bands I don't want to see every year.
Kirara, the Cat
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these motherfuckers
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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Kannagi !NEATO1nxtM
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Did you find out?
Kirara, the Cat
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Well, I'm not drinking.
But these motherfuckers are trying to fuck with me still.
They're refusing to free me from their annoying chains
I'm still under review.
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Oh, is it a pinchy moment?
Kannagi !NEATO1nxtM
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That sucks,They are leaving you hanging.
Do you know when you'll find out at least?

I hate being "under review" without knowing what will happen.
Kirara, the Cat
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In six months.

No. Just finding out results.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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Your hell is unending
man imagine if eva was on toonami that would suck huh just imagine if eva was popular
Kirara, the Cat
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Death to tyrants
It was on Toonami once actually.
Maybe even twice.
yes that is the joke
Anwas aired in full on adult swim.
*and was
Kannagi !NEATO1nxtM
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I was going to do an essay tonight but that kinda went out the window.
I should go to bed.

Nighty Moes!
Sweet dreams
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
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Kirara, the Cat
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Anyway, I'm not relapsing tonight.
I guess the new deal is that we'll see in 6 months m

oh lawd he comin
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
oh already posted above
you are not a crook!
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They kicked it down the line, huh?
Kirara, the Cat
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I guess so.
I made a deal with myself that I'd drink if the news was bad.
So I guess we'll see what happens in July.
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I'm glad the news wasn't bad.
Kirara, the Cat
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I was low-key hoping it'd be bad.
But I'm glad it wasn't.
Maybe next time.
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
Good evening, /moe/
How goes all the things?
did lv tell you about te band pop will eat itself already or no?
*the band
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
>did LV tell you about this band that you knew about before he did?
Oh so no then.
I didn't know if you knew them or not but when i linked him some stuff he said he thought you'd like them.
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
Well, it just so happened that the lead singer was at Trent Reznor's Night of Nothing, which was recorded, and they did a rendition of one of PEWI's songs.
And years later, I managed to unknowingly get a copy of one of their albums.
So, he's late to the party, which is pretty normal.
Kirara, the Cat
fry me to the staa
Kirara, the Cat
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Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
The best I can do is fry you to a crisp, and even then only piece by piece.
Kirara, the Cat
you free first week of January?
like 2-6 or 3-6
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
That's a really good question, it depends on how much work is still coming in.
Basically, now that we're in "peak season" I can't ask for time off.
And I don't know when that ends.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I'm free the third week of January
Kirara, the Cat
what about any days 2-6
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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I'm off the 31 and 1st but I think I'm in at least most of the rest of those days excluding weekend.
Kirara, the Cat
we doin philly then
let me know if you can/want to come at all
no road trip this time though

oh no
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
Oh, I'm interested, just assume my answer is no for now though.
My ability to do anything is probably sealed until after some of the larger holidays that people buy things for.

Though I'm pretty sure I'll be making a run at some point to see a friend that moved.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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I took another week off in August next year
I still have a third week to pick for vacation assuming it's free
I was thinking sometime in May
any suggestions
Kirara, the Cat
if you ask me tomorrow, i can check when my summer is

gotcha gotcha
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
Sour gummies are some of the best candy.
Kirara, the Cat
it's gonna be 37 degrees tonight
im so excited
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
It's snowing here, not that it's sticking to the ground.
I'm annoyed, it makes smoke breaks suck.
Kirara, the Cat
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well if y'all will excuse me
im gonna go celebrate tonight's small victory and warm up a little
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
get warm
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
have yourself a barely responsible but still responsible amount of fun
Sup samurai
Do anything cool today?
And he was never heard from again.
anime >>610437 →
what do you guys think of the phrase "you only like what i can do for you"
yes it was said to me
like c'mon i'm not gonna be over here like "man i really enjoy how you're a shitty person and piss me off all the time"
I'd have a hard time parsing it.
So what you like, is only the things this person can do, for you?
It's a really messy thing to say.
Anchi mahou
Messy statement that depends on the circumstances
But it sounds sorta manipulative to me. Like they're trying to get you to excuse their behaviour. "oh you only like what I can do for you" puts the blame back on you for not appreciating the shitty parts of them
big patterna patterns* of manipulation with this person

luckily i'm just moaning about memories, i no longer FUCKS with this person
I knew someone like that once. It pisses me off.
You're done with them though, no need to worry anymore
we should bond over things that our someones did that pissed us off
a very peculiar thing is starting to reach the public conscious and get called out for what it really is
It is when someone does something bad, and when you confront them about it they're all like "i'm sorry i'm such a shitty awful person i fucking hate myself so much, i should just die" in attempt to guilt YOU into feeling bad for their shitty behavior
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man I love acknowledging faults and making no effort to fix them
it looks like my thread got deleted
That's kind of questionable.
maybe it just got auto-purged for sitting there so long
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>you only like what I can do for you
that's true with every social interaction in a way

what's the alternative - you only like useless people who make you feel like shit?
Well it doesn't cover concepts like liking what people can do for themselves that does not have a single benefit to you.
I like it when other people improve themselves, even though that doesn't do anything for me, for example.
but for you to care whether they better themselves or not, you must care at least a little bit about the person
and if you care about the person, that means they do SOMETHING for you,
even if it's something as simple as being friendly and you enjoying the interaction
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Not that I want to be cynical.
I don't think being self-serving has to be exploitative in any way
it's just an acknowledgement that helping other people/seeing the good in others makes you feel good as well and there's nothing wrong with that.
It's not as though it cheapens anything about it. .
I don't really evaluate people relative to me on what they do for me though.
There -will- be people I do that for, but it's not a broad concept applicative to most people.
Perhaps there's an argument for a concept like that being applied universally on a subconscious level, but I don't think that scope is within the limits of the accusation here.
Consciously, I think it is a good thing for people to better themselves, even if there is no perceivable way that it does anything for me.
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Self Interest has a lot of different connotations, depending on who's talking.
It's easy to talk past each other and mean different things.

What exactly DID you do?
No clue, that wasn't me.
No, I just mean in general
that's stupid
it's normal to like people who can do things you want
that includes their behavior
friendship is born out of being capable of things you like
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You know what's easier than trying?

Not trying.
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Then again, I could always just lie in bed and drink beer all day.
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But that would make tomorrow worse.
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But I want to.
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But I won't.
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But I REALLY want to.
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But I know it will make things worse in the long run and the best way to stop feeling like shit isn't by retreating and giving into temptation, but is instead found in pursuing meaningful goals.
But I still want to.
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do it anakin
No. Never.
Or I'll be exactly back where I was four years ago.
but on the other hand... it would be so good. so relaxing. take the edge off. Make me happy.
And of course, it would just be this one last time
you know - before i stopped and really got my shit together
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It's the 28th of the month.. You can't quit something on the last couple days of a month
that doesn't make any sense.
Logically I would need to wait until the 1st of December
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But I also said the same thing in October.
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i'm just kidding don't fall back into your old degeneracy
>just one more
it's never just one more
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You're right
I can never go back to that.
It's a dull, senseless, miserable way to go through life.
I can't let it.
I won't let it.
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But maybe I could start tomorrow
It's after 12pm
the day's pretty much a write-off
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Koi time
Morning Blue.
Here's a present for you.
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
koi rises in the east as sam sets in the west
take my torch
DLC WHEN... not like I have it.
Kirara, the Cat
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Kirara, the Cat
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hell yeah
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How terrible
Kirara, the Cat
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It's awesome.
It's going to be 90 again in less than a week, though.
Kirara, the Cat
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Apparently Red Dead Online is basically just you trying to do quests while gangs of other players run around and kill you.
The only time you're not vulnerable to this is if you raise a white flag at your camp and just sit there, doing nothing.
And other players can just sit there and wait for you to leave.
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will you block /moe/ in Europe after these copyright reforms pass?
You might be liable.
Not really.
But one day, maybe. If things keep going in this direction.
Kirara, the Cat
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>our automated filter system has detected that this image is the creative property of NETFLIX ANIME PRODUCTIONS US. Please remove it from the platform.
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I mean, the reforms are almost entirely just to piss off Google.
German publishers want a piece of that juicy ad revenue.

There have been specific reassurances that it won't affect small platforms or do anything to stifle creativity and free speech.

But even so
It's not a good thing to make this technology industry standard. Particularly with all its flaws
and any step to increased Web restrictions and internet monitoring is a step in the wrong direction.
Kirara, the Cat
How's your day going marsh?
how is the rovacold treating you?
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It's not so bad.
I have all my mountaineering stuff with me from when I went to Russia so I've got plenty of warm clothing. And you just get used to wearing two jackets, gloves and hat every time you go outside. And everywhere inside is warmly heated.
I like cold weather - a lot more than hot.
's alright.
a lot of procrastination but I haven't gone out and done anything I'll regret later so that's a good thing.
How's yours?
>two jackets
is barely hoodie weather yet
He's from the land down under.
He's not used to weather like this.
Mine's okay
It's barely started thougb.
fuck off, cunt. it's below zero outside.
FYI I wear flipflops at 0°C.
damn warm
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there's only one real jacket. the other is a sweater/hoodie type thing.

and it IS cold.
I'm jealous.
you haven't wasted 8 hours like I have.
it is actually close to -10 countrywide
with a lot of air moisturre making any wind a damn biting one
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I also said that the cold's not that bad
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I didn't realize I was around such HARD HARDY ARCTIC MANLY MEN who would give me a hard time over wearing a 3rd layer of clothing
the filter wouöd prevent uploading in the first place
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fuckin oath it would
Call your MEP today and tell them to strike down the reforms in January
only reason i use a thicker coat is to wear less underneath
like tshirt+coat
that isn't how eurocracy wprks
haa 1h 20m to waste before shit begins
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give it to me
I'm fantastic at wasting time.
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are you trying to tell me that the EU government institutions aren't perfectly democratic?
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implyibg that is hate speech
500€ gib
Kirara, the Cat
fly me to the star
fly the star to me
beetlegeuse beetlegeuse beetlegeuse
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This star has been flagged as infringement under the Single Digital Market Directive.
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atleast no social credit system in eu
Fly me into the sun
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Rigid social conformity is how China will take over the world
civ5 cultural victory
no need to take over the world when every nation will be ruled by your social credit system
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Joke's on them
I already have zero social credit
Kirara, the Cat
Koi, the Time Cat
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koishi sure is popular
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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Yeah it sure is a shame she's in such high demand.
I'm not too fond of curiouscat thing, I'm just being spammed unpleasant stuff.
go figure
replace the shi into another and she becomes love god
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Koi, the Time Cat
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Just have to draw my own
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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I'm reminded of the phrase "Is that a boob or a cat"
Kirara, the Cat
oh fly me to za star
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Despite everything, we still hit today's word count

We'll chalk this one up as a W
and hope for a better day tomorrow
Kirara, the Cat
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
are they ok
Kirara, the Cat
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
what happened
prob fell into the deep fryer
Kirara, the Cat
The Burger Philosopher King.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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Yes teeth lightly grazing your penis isn't fun
Kirara, the Cat
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Vaginas are much smaller than a mouth

Oh, you just ain't been with the right girls if that's what you think
Definitely true.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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The sensation isn't strictly painful as much as it's unpleasant and ruins things.
Here I was about to say "But I don't want to use certain words" and here you go making a masterpiece.
Shark teeth are cute but not fellatifunctional
Kirara, the Cat
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I'm sure you'll understand someday.
I think that's really up to interpretation
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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I don't think I'll be requesting any phallice chewing anytime soon
Kirara, the Cat
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Fellatio is pretty difficult, you know.
It takes skill.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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Yes I'm aware.
Kirara, the Cat
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Have you tried it?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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No I've not tried to perform it on someone.
Kannagi !NEATO1nxtM
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Kirara, the Cat
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Try practicing with PAN, then.
You'll get the hang of it soon enough.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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If PAN comes and tells me he wants one, sure.
Kirara, the Cat
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I'll make sure he knows you said so
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>try to tell your friend to suck your dick metaphorically
>he actually sucks your dick
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
haha whoops
Search [iqdb] (381 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Tokyo Ghoul re (…).jpg)
i'm starting to remember why i stopped playing warframe
fun game, but you have to play for 20 to 30 hours to get the stuff to make a new weapon
then making it takes a literal day before you can use it and then you have to level it up for another 5 hours before you can equip good mods on that shit and use it

game would be a lot better if it wasn't F2P with pay to not grind model

then again it also probably wouldn't still be popular and receiving updates and shit
Yeah, the grind seems to have been the most common complaint I heard about Warframe.
I think they made it a lot more palatable over the years though.
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i'm not sure on the details if anything changed in terms of what you need but it does seem like it's a bit more possible to deal with now
there's a lot of mission types that weren't in the game when i played years ago and tons of new weapons and warframes
seems like you get more materials from random enemies in normal missions too, though the quantity is still low and getting the blueprints to make stuff still costs enormous amounts of credits
but there are new missions and the defense maps give an alright amount of mats

i guess if you want to enjoy it you really have to put getting new toys in the back of your mind and just kill stuff
Search [iqdb] (466 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Golden Kamuy - (…).jpg)
honestly though even if you never even finish unlocking any optional gear or anything
it's still ten times more fun and way less repetitive than any other game i can think of in the same niche like destiny
if you want a coop multiplayer shooter i can recommend it heartily
or even if you just want to play by yourself but the later and optional missions can become pretty difficult solo
Kirara, the Cat
my doctor just called and told me some big news
he said "this is tendou maya"
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Kirara, the Cat
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Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Tender mayonaise
How to become TENDOU MAYA
Kirara, the Cat
step 1
be gay
step 2
be powerful
step 3
say "this is tendou maya" whenever you win at anything and pose
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
who is tendo maya
Ur mum
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Kirara, the Cat
see >>610664
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Yes I can see her but who is she what is her profession and her hobbies
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
spoonfeed me mother fucker
Kirara, the Cat
stage girl, singer, dancer, swordmaster
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
all at once?
Kirara, the Cat
Search [iqdb] (957 KB, 1920x1080, [Chyuu-PAS] Shoujo☆Kageki Revu(…).jpg)
she fights, sings, dances, all at once
on stage
so she can reach the top of the tower and pluck the star and find eternal happiness as the TOPPU STAR
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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Your party will probably be climbing a tower soon enough.
Kirara, the Cat
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i'm going to pluck the star
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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I can't believe you're all going to get killed by a space worm
Kirara, the Cat
Search [iqdb] (770 KB, 1920x1080, [Chyuu-PAS] Shoujo☆Kageki Revu(…).jpg)
i'm going to eat the space worm and absorb its powers using the laser arm i got from that one boss
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
oh yeah I need to design that for you.

And TN's been clamoring for two additional alchemy elements since months ago
Kirara, the Cat
>>610683 →
>>610683 →
>>610683 →
