Anima Yell! Double Decker! Cooking with Emiya --Episode 10-11 Goblin Slayer Kishuku Gakkou no Juliet Release the Spyce RErideD - Tokigoe no Derrida --Episode 8-12 Sora to Umi no Aida --Episode 7-8 SSSS.Gridman Sword Art Online To aru Majutsu no Index Tonari no Kyuuketsuki-san Tsurune Uchi no Maid ga Uzasugiru Ulysses
index tsurune gridman goblin slayer tonari / anima yell if jan
Also in case it's hard to find Index is through GJM, as HorribleSubs seems to still be delayed.
Also, Jan, Ika and I did watch Goblins Slayer and Gridman last night. Sorry meant to mention that at the get-go but it slipped my mind. I'd personally be all right with watching them again as usual but we can go with your discretion here.
Some times my MPC forgets it's set to be always on top. But the option is still enabled so I have to activate the macro twice for it to register. It's kind of a low-key nuisance.
Gosh. I wonder if it's potential power abuse if it's a teacher inviting a coach rather than a student.
Wow I didn't know the band teacher from Hibike also coached archery.
my schedule might become more regular soon and i might be able to enjoy anime with /moe/ on a regular basis again i hope so i miss it and i miss you guys
Oh that would be pretty exciting. More people watching along is always nice. Have you been keeping up with anything this season?
Nevermind his powers this guy really has the forgiveness of a saint too. They all went on the attack against him and he's still going "yeah you can still comply with my deadline".
oh, I see. I guess I did miss it. double decker instead
yeah we'll have jan okay lets start!
How about Release the Spyce, we've been watching Double Decker with Oh wait he'll be incoming soon. >>609883 Yup yup.
>>609883 Even non-fiber's not that bad these days. Relatively at least. I'm more bugged by connection issues which I've been getting al -a lot lately. It seems every couple days I need to restart my modem because it's no longer delivering Internet.
lemme dl give it like 30 sec it's ep 10 right? okay more like 15 sec i'm re ady
man i never want to suffer any kind of internet that isn't fiber it's so convenient for the lazy forgetful shitheads like me
Apparently this show is actually set in the past compared to Tiger & Bunny. Something like several decades earlier. It makes me wonder what changes and makes all these people with super powers start showing up.
this show might actually be in my top 3 this season top 5 at least it's been really fun so far
i like it more than tiger and bunny for sure
also what other shows are we watching
quad post bois >>609882 yeah i had 100/10 mbit broadband before and it was still fast enough but i had to download anime ahead of time or one at a time while watching the first couple episodes now i don't even bother until i get the list haha and i can uninstall and reinstall games on a whim to save space on my harddrives
the wifi is still not so good but i at least don't get dropped every 15 minutes when i'm on the other side of my relatively small house and the speed is almost as good as my wired connection used to be
Probably Juliet and Anima Yell!. Anima Yell! for sure but I don't know for certain what Rika'll want in spot four. But Juliet's about the only thing that'll qualify I think.
we could do tsurune maybe but we can also just do that tomorrow or the day after i don't actually have to even go in until 2AM my time on tuesday/wednesday morning now thanks to the dumb assholes at McLane wholesale
We should be seeing more of those twins from last week this episode.
we got juliet but where's romeo?
oh we're finally caught up after idk a month
>>609914 Yeah. We're getting close to being caught up with nearly everything. More so with shows you watch, hah hah. At this rate we're gonna have to start something new just to keep having shows available.
They've got some pretty inventive ways of meeting in secret.
i'm too self concious to try it out and don't even know how to go about it outside of school groups anyway though
It seems like good fitness at the very least. Constantly moving in rhythm like that must be good cardio.
i like to jump around and get hyped and tricks seem awesome and i have a permanent dumb ass cheek to cheek smile pretty much too bad i'm not a cute high school gril
She's really gung ho about supporting her best friend.