I'm gonna be watching my parents' dogs which are a sheltie and some Labrador cross thing for two weeks and then I'm watching a kelpie and a some sort of springer spaniel for another month
i heard they do that cause they like your stuff smelling like them or something i don't really understand how cat works now dog, on the other hand, is a good boy and does what it's told
I could see that being true, I think she's just collecting on an outstanding attention debt though. Plus in the cold middle of the night snuggled up to someone is the best place for her, bar maybe curled up by the heating vent.
Cat isn't too hard to grasp. They like being cared for and like. people, some are more personal where as some are happier just knowing you're there. They don't naturally see human beans as equivalents like dogs do though, so it can be more miss than hit to treat them like one. Some cats can be really dog-like though.
I tried to get a picture of the spaniel thing and all I got was a motion blur >>602184 I think it would too I haven't enough time around it to know though *spent enough the idea of a miniature lassie is an interesting one though >>602185 Our dogs ar pretty spoilt and get too sleep in our beds often the kelpie really loves climbing under the sheets and blankets, which is not a characteristic I've seen in a dog
naw that would be more difficult than just finding a beached turtle and saving it for the likes >>602195 wow my dog makes that exact noise too well sometimes she goes bawoo before the woo
that's the catchcry of house since every time someone comes to the door the spaniel will bark a bit both my brother in law and roomate talk in their sleep and you will occasionally here them go " woo woo woo" in their sleep
>>602211 i think i might have smoked like two or three a day when i started smoking i'm not sure how it got so bad but i'm also not sure if it really matters in the grand scheme of things
smoking is 20AUD a minimum I probably couldn't afford that
*a pack
I used to smoke a pack a week or 2. my rate of consumption has gone up insanely. It is also stupidly difficult to quit.
Fuck I'm going to be late. Ciao moe. time to explode my heart by running up hills.
laters try not to explode
>>602213 my cigarettes are only $3.60 a pack with the mobile coupons at least i'm only spending half of my arm instead of arm and leg
it's 8.69 a pack here in michigan that's american spirits, but i mean even marlboro or pyramids or some shit are like 7.50 at that point there's no reason to get the cheap shit if it was like $2.50 versus $5.50 like in missouri yeah
Uhhhhhh I got "Jewish" as a next word suggestion after "global". Some group of people is probably trying to game the predictive text stuff on android.
Kirara, the Cat
that's not good
did you hear that some white supremacist groups are marching on the philly jewish history museum next weekend?
>>602237 Yeah Right to peaceful assembly and all that
Although I expect a ton of them to get doxed and lose their jobs.
Kirara, the Cat
>>602238 they keep attacking and injuring jews at all of their recent gatherings despite that
>>602240 That's not peaceful assembly and then this should not have been approved.
Kirara, the Cat
it shouldn't have idk if it was approved or not but they say they're doing it jews keep getting arrested for white supremacist violence too yesterday, a white supremacist charged a group of jews in Arkansas and one of the jews that fought back got arrested for assault
>>602242 I don't really expect any better of cops in rural areas. There's a lot of police ties to white supremacists.
Kirara, the Cat
cops and klan go hand in hand as they say
Kirara, the Cat
meanwhile we can't do our vote recounts in florida because the president is inciting mobs who are preventing votes from being counted and they are trying to destroy votes that didn't get counted in the first place
>>602269 Maybe, but, and bear with me on this one. An old and grizzled Raichu who's the one this Pikachu learned all its stuff from. And probably a heap more of what not to do. And that one is voiced by Devito.
speaking of pokemon, that switch game that has a pikachu follow you Yellow style I wonder can you evolve it in it
Let's Go Pikachu and Eevee are pretty much adaptations of Yellow Version. Jesse and James and Meowth even show up in it like in the original. So I imagine the Pikachu in it won't be evolveable.
>>602300 my resting has been fluncting between 80-90 and just moving around it can go up to 110 I've asked some friends and they just think I'm being anxious
My boss told me that there are psychologists that do these camping things where a bunch of kids come live in the woods with you and a bunch of psychologists for a month and you treat them for whatever and you can make like 60k in a few months like that
Sure would be nice to make 60k in a few months. I could probably live the rest of the year off that.
why am I eating italian ices in the ... winter? is it winter yet?
>>602376 I don't really hate him that much. I actually like some of his stuff (HAWP), but he's overall knd of a shitty writer and a shitty person. Also he's a meme.
italian ice? that is some far travelling solid water
you know, if theyre gonna name him doc oc you'd think they'd give him bigger glasses they're just kind of normal commissioner gordon's got bigger, honkier glasses
>>602429 yeah im not saying regularity is weird but it makes it sound like people can't get through a couple days without crumbling apart or something i could understand someone like bang might be like that but i didn't think it was nearly as widespread through the populace i can't imagine having that kind of mental state that i couldn't function
>>602432 What if your boyfriend or husband was like, "sorry babe, no sex this month. it's no nut november." Wouldn't that be really weird and kind of gross?
>>602431 hahaha It's like that Seinfeld episode where they compete to see who can go longest without masturbating.
>>602435 I kinda doubt that guys with healthy sex lives are the ones doing this sort of thing. I imagine it's mostly guys looking to get that edge back from always being horny.
there's an episode where becomes a genius from it too where george
>>602437 I think it's guys with nothing to show for their lives that are desperately looking for something to be proud of, and the only thing they feel they can control in their life is their own body.
speaking of fasting 21 days, three weeks, without any alcohol at this point for anyone who was curious pretty easy
i thought i'd be gaining back some cognitive function and feeling generally healthier and stuff but i actually feel exactly the same, minus a little bit of GI upset and acid reflux that im not having anymore i feel like the effects are embellished quite a bit not that im gonna start back up or anything ive just started gaining back my taste for sweets and been enjoying blackberry juice quite a bit
which is probably what that community unironically believes >>602440 congratulations you're doing great
there was that matt damon movie about it too wasn't there that seemed so over the top haha maybe some people are actually like that though, physically shaking and trembling from lack of release i dont have anything against it but i feel like there's a lot of useful ways to stimulate yourself mentally that would make it not so dependent of a thing
fish: watch me ace this mission. im gonna extract this prisoner in minutes. >goes around, kills a few soldiers in her way fish: im doing so good, now to get the prisoner >prisoner was driven away while she was killing people and is now on the other side of the map
>>602447 i meant the movie where matt damon doesn't have sex or masturbate for a month he was like wobbling around and sweating and stuff and it like made the news because it was so crazy what he was doing so over the top haha
>>602452 The movie was about the guy trying to get over a bad breakup It was so bad he couldn't enjoy sex much anymore So he stopped doing sexual for about a month but none of his friends would believe him So it became this betting game: When will he give up and have sex or masturbate
it got so huge that people were putting money in and trying to find ways to make him have sex on certain days so that they could win the prize money In the end, he gets his current girlfriend to chain him to a bed on the last day but I think he actually I don't want to remember the rest.
hmm, it's hard to put my finger on. It's a better game but the first game was a more enjoyable experience, if that makes any sense? 2 has a lot more stuff but I enjoyed 1 more. My one gripe with 2 in terms of gameplay is that it usually has a turn limit on missions that is a bit oppressive.
Is the aiming system in xcom 2 better or worse all I remember is the alliums being right in your face and you'd get like a nothing chance of hitting them
>>602493 they put that turn limit in there to aid the intended game design because people were being super campy and taking the safest possible path to victory when the levels were designed for something more deliberate
i really am not supportive of that decsion though i can understand wanting the users to experience the vision of the developers, but at least have the option to turn off the time limits via a special mode or different difficulty although i think the optimal thing would be to have no turn limits by default, and then challenge the players to a turn-based version of the mission after it's completed normally even have histograms and stuff to make it seem competitive not 1v1 kind of competitive but having some metric to compare how you did against other players' first clear score and max score in terms of percentiles would be motivating enough to give that mode some appreciation i think oppressive is the right word you chose though, it really is
Yeah, the turn limits are designed to cut down on people camping. I liked the campy careful playstyle though. Another example where it's technically a better and more balanced game but a less enjoyable experience.
Only slightly less enjoyable though, it's still fun.
idk ive felt that way for three weeks sammy wait are you the sammy from my original timeline
>>602530 even though I knew you were joking I still googled Haruhi s3 :(
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
>>602536 oh no >>602537 i’m the video game sam! i’m the one that wins!
>>602539 https://boards.4chan.org/g/thread/68470825 Try to guess which ones are mine. I wrote six of them and they're all thematically similar. They're also all in one or two lines.
>>602535 Stan Lee's death was the last lock left sealed on the door to the parallel timeline.
>>602538 i'm hoping anime maths will resuscitate kyoani
Well the somethingnth decade anniversary of Haruhi's publication house has the author writing a 150 or so page short story for the series. Finally getting him off his arse for the first time in ... five years? Eight? Who knows, maybe they'll get some other studio to adapt more if he ever gets back to writing proper novels.
>>602542 Season 3 is just Nagato giving a series of maths lectures
>>602544 I'd watch that but it would take forever to get subbed.
It'll be eight years since the last Haruhi novel next May. Tanigawa please at least finish the series I don't care if it's junk. Closure would be nice.
>>602540 uh i assume you did the trig/imaginary number ones
Samu 🔥 !KW2DbpWwls
oops dat was me >>602546 are there translations available for all the books? would be nice to see what happened
You could probably snoop around and find them. They've all been localized so it's probably easier to get official copies/rips.
i wonder if i could set up a patreon to make audiobooks i guess people get it cheaper from audible tho
There's also licensing costs involved in audiobooks. Nevermind cheaper from Audible, they probably have contracts with most major publishing houses to get the rights. Maybe niche publishers like Japanese localization might still be free though.
rather, reading to people i should have said not creating and distributing an audiobook from licensed content i'm allowed to read to people! i wonder if reading to people on a stream would be problematic though i imagine it's fine if i dont save the streams as vods patreon and stream donations to support the stream, not necessarily for the read content im sure twitch would still throw a fit anyway
Wow My dad set up an interview for my sister's friend at a company he does freelance for. They called her and asked her to come interview Friday at nine o clock. She replied (I don't get up that early" and then hung up.
>>602557 Well it's kind of a weird area. That's not really different from playing a VN or even something like a point-and-click adventure game on stream for the entertainment of people. And that flies fine. They also recently made a call saying streaming movies is fine as long as the VOD isn't recorded, so it feels like there's precedence you could argue on here too. I think even if there would be bumps along the way, it would be something you could do. Real challenge would be getting sustainable donations coming in, I figure it would be a bit of a niche, really.
i could provide analysis and critique and talk about hopes and predictions after each chapter that way it's genuine content
It would be a pretty comfy situation though. I'm a bit too much of a personal reader to get something like that, but I could imagine even a casual conversation community if the book's interesting enough would build a bit of a following around it. Encourage everyone to find somewhere comfy to sit or lounge, get themselves a warm drink, and just relax, listening to the text and critique.
>>602561 i'm actually quite astute at picking up accents and regional dialects and using them very fluidly it sounds silly to say it's a hobby but it's something i'm very stimulated by always was into mimicry as a child, but now that im a transcriber and i listen to mongolians, kenyans, portugese, new yorkers, all sorts of people all day long in excrutiating detail, it's just very fun for me
BUT i'm so isolated that i never get to utilize them and they kind of fall off so i get a little excited to think about opportunities to use them like use them thoroughly and not just some intermittent casual thing that doesnt matter reading aloud might be a really fun way to do that
star war the empar star bar
>>602563 ghanans have a kick-ass accent they always sound so jovial
man castlevastle is still the best one they knocked the format out of the park from say 1 day even
Castlevastle: Symphony of the Nimphony
>>602563 I'm a little envious; I can't hold a mimicry for long after hearing it. Unless I'm constantly using it, of course. That and there's certain regions of the world I can't get quick the right knack for the sounds and cadence of. I know there's some audiobook voicers that can put forth a crazy variety of vocal backgrounds when doing an audio book. And even when they don't they still tweak small bits here and there to produce different characters without drastically modifying their voice. It's a neat thing to be able to do.
there's listening to someone talk in an accent, and then there's transcribing it you gotta dig really deep in there and really develop intuition in order to figure out their flow and rhythm and attach meaning to very minute sounds, rhythms, flows the job can really be boring and grating sometimes but man when i do get new and interesting dialects it really feels great like that little kid in me that just loved learning and developing lexical reasoning and stuff comes back and i get to have that obsessive fun as an adult without someone yelling at me for being a dumb kid
Dialects and regional language quirks are really interesting. From a creative standpoint there's so much distinguishing utility in separating people of a world by ensuring they sound different if they come from different parts. It can be really hard to fix it into writing without the text starting to get hammy, cheesy, and/or disengaging to read. Which is why when it's done well it's such a treat to read, even just silently.
maybe if i do some low-key stuff like some audiobooks in the public domain, a few narrations, some little things as kind of a portfolio, maybe i could get some amateur voice acting sutff to do not like as a salaried profession but just to partake in some meaningful projects like a fox in space, had you watched that with us? episode 2 should come out soon
there's something so gratifying about creating a character and personality and giving them an appropriate, unique voice not like cartoony voices but something with real depth and character
I've been listening to some podcast-y, interview-y stuff with professional voice actors and from what I understand salaried work is rare even for veterans in that industry. A lot of their work seems to either be phone in stuff or things that they can get really passionate about doing. I don't know if it's still common but back when anime dubbing was really taking off, the one writing the fully localized script was often one of the actual voice actors for the show. And I feel it must be hard to just phone it in when you're the one helming the project like that.
>>602574 i think it's a really neat thing, but i dont think i would want to do it i really wouldn't know how to do it i did closed captioning for a long time and that's pretty formulaic, except for captioning sound effects, because you specifically werent supposed to use [sounds of ____] or something, so you had to use words that describe the sound, not words conveying what's causing the sound
but audio description, how do you even know what's significant? do you say that the character moves to the shade and lays down in a hammock, is it important that they sigh and partially frown a lot of the scenebuilding elements you can't know without knowing the production process for the program for that reason i always assumed that audio description was done in-house during production i sometimes use audio descriptions just for fun though, especially on re-watches it also lets me put on something on netflix and listen to a show while im designing or playing mahjong or something that occupies my screen and my visual focus
the gig doesnt seem inherently gratifying to me though it's working with something fairly formless i'm really stimulated by the acoustics of language so i enjoy listening to the words in excruciating detail and synching up with the flow and transcribing i wouldnt even know where to begin an audio description
I only first saw that photo like last year or something. Apparently it's been infamous on the Internet for a long time now. I've wondered how I've missed it.
>>602576 that's fair enough,the idea of putting together an audio description does seem like an abstract task to take on
>>>/@randomsakuga/1062208478310227968 >>602578 I have seen it quite a few times but I don't find it notable enough to remember when I imagine you just might not be in the sphere of internet to see it >>602581 maybe if they do contract it out they do that sort of thing, but I guess it does make sense to keep it in house to keep the vision
>>602579 it'd be really easy if you have the screenplay in front of you you can basically just read it that's why i figure they do it in house, but they might not
>>602571 Oh the second episode of that is due out? I didn't catch the first with moe because of sync issues but I did watch it by myself I look forward to when the next is out
I'm trying to get this reading done for one of my classes later today so that I'm ready for at least one class today but I can't get out of my frantically panicking headspace for more than thirty seconds. I just keep reading the first few lines over and over.
in this specific case it feels extremely fucking good technically but i'll be left with the shame and disappointment and anger soon enough but yeah i get what you mean i am well used to this kind of thing though, you don't just use every day and then quit on a dime and never do it again at least i fucking can't if anybody knows how to i'd love to hear it though because for me it's a tiring and repetitive process before it finally sticks
maybe i need a vacation or something to reset my stress levels i don't really relieve stress well and have a history of being bad at that sort of shit
Yeah I run away from the stress and things that give me anxiety until the circumstances that cause them are over and I persist in going nowhere else. I don't know how to be any way else though.
Somewhere out there, there ought to be a guide on how to do all the impossible things in life. Put WikiHow to fucking shame.
>>602774 have you ever played civilization? you know when you're like halfway into the game and you're into it and you realize it's way too late but you just keep doing one turn because it's too engaging with how active everyone is now? really applies to any strategy game I guess.
the feeling is like that shit except it costs money and is really fucking bad for your heart and brain and pretty much everything
That's pretty much me with any game when I'm way too worried about real life things to be able to cope with them, hah hah. Even last night I couldn't sleep and played games until even that couldn't distract me from the panic. Now I haven't slept and there's two hours before class. Not that I can show my face to that class since I didn't get the work I needed done for it on account of being too anxious and playing games and other stuff instead. Which is to say, thanks for making it feel like my gaming coping addiction is in line with your habits, hah hah hah.
and you fucking KNEW you should have quit and played tomorrow instead when it was 11pm and now it's almost time to wake up and you struggle to decide if it's even worth it to take a nap at this point or if you're already too deep
I just want to blil // blip out of existence already. It's too much for me.
>>602778 i used to want to blip out a lot but I eventually realized being nothing is probably worse than being garbage at least garbage can be turned into compost
now i just want this existence to be better but i'm too, not even lazy honestly I think I work pretty hard i'm too convinced with this nihilistic outlook nothing will matter in the end so I don't do much that isn't instant gratification even though that will leave me soon enough and then i'll be left with all the things that frustrate me still in the same place
i really need to pick a productive hobby back up again i need something to look forward to and want in my life as it is i only look forward to meeting up with /moe/ and i don't really put forth any effort to do so when i want i just hope it happens the rest of my life is just the same shit every day every week for like 3 years now
I want to do more of my creative things but I get overwhelmed by the rest of the stress in my life that I can't focus on those either. Or maybe I just can't focus in general and that's stressful in of itself. There's so many stresses, stressors, and anxieties in my life that I don't know which is caused by which and whom is feeding whom. Honestly it's probably one huge Ouroboros at this point. All I know is it's getting harder and harder to breathe.
I used to find creative efforts like my old comic a stress reliever and really fun. Reading comments and stuff from my fans (i could count on both hands) was a kind of enjoyment I haven't gotten in at least 10 years. Nowadays I don't produce anything, even stuff only I will read or write, other than posts on liveboards. I don't know why I fell out of interest with that kind of thing, honestly. I got fed up with it eventually and decided it was too repetitive I guess.
i wish i could still do math like i used to i really enjoy it but it doesnt pay the bills i wish i were better connected so i could live the erdos lifestyle and live out of a suitcase, traveling to colleagues' houses for a few months and helping them with their math endeavors
how do you make money with math anyways? aside from the obvious teaching route. Do you spend all your time and money trying to solve specific or niche problems that haven't been completed and sell the formula? what does somebody with a math degree do?
math to me has always been simply to get some kind of result I wanted to know, I don't know the philosophy or advanced stuff like trig and beyond at all since I've never had to use them. the most advanced stuff i've done is calculus while working on a game engine that never got finished so explain it for an idiot please
>>602785 lots of ways really i probably wouldn't want to do applied mathematics though, modeling strategic objectives or obstacles etc and finding key drivers towards reaching the objectives for a company or investment firm or bank or whatever financial analysts are where the more well-paid jobs are i'd be fine living a humble life if i got to just do math and knew that i'd be taken care of, at least as far as being able to get -some- healthcare and eat enough
>>602785 in my case since i dont have a graduate degree in mathematics, i'd really be looking at building a portfolio, so to speak, of some worthwhile publications if ive got enough impressive things on there then the degree is not very important and i could start looking for some opportunities to market myself with existing companies or to seek funding for the development of a concept, possibly surveying market utility or where it could be helpful and useful, which is a pretty worthwhile investment for organizations or companies who are able to leverage such a development
or i could gain some following for some non-market utility i provide by gathering interest in new things im working on and when youve got a following or youre pioneering a novel field of research, there are lucrative opportunities just from being the expert on it
It's decisively worse. The setting in the serialization is super fucked up. There are at least three levels of taboo in there. ignoring the obvious one, you still have a society that takes beastkin children, indoctrinates them as servants for rich households and trains them to be maids.
>>602802 fox in space should have a second episode soon their patreon is really boomin it's at like 2800 a month in donations i want to live off a patreon like that and just do what i love doing but yeah new thing soon we gotta watch it
do you guys ever think about genetically engineered cat girls and the nightmare fuel that comes from all the ways it went wrong during development that could be a pretty terrifying suspense/thriller
>>602805 yeah, I felt really weird about it. >chapter one: Hi, I serve a lady who is really cool and laidback and life is pretty nice here. I'm so glad to be here. >chapter two: By the way, before I was here, I was in a shelter school that takes in beastkin girls and we all learn how to be helpful to our future masters here. Hopefully someone picks me. All my friends are being taken and I'm a slow piece of trash.
>>602801 i really would like to stop too i made it 13 days
i shouldn't have thought if i did it now it would be any different than before i'm so damn weak willed it's embarrassing it's not like i don't know better sorry moon i'll make it up to you eventually
Are they being taken from their birth parents? Are the birth parents beastkin too? Or is this some kind of... KEYMAN level of plot line. >>602814 indigenous tribes right? yeah. I remember hearing about that.
Kirara, the Cat
it sounds like they're being kidnapped from their original culture and given to people as slaves that's what happened to a lot of Native Americans their kids were given away to whites so they could become civilized They're doing that right now with undocumented immigrants, too giving away their kids to white parents
Interspecies relationships are also not allowed. There's also kidnappings and stuff happening too. Anyway, suffice to say, I did not need all of that in my cute ON/LL yuri manga But I guess I probably should have stopped right when I got there because now my emotions are being punished with emotional cliffhangers.
>>602812 you are reading way too much into it the author isn't the type to wrote heavy stiff and prolly just threw some random setting together to kustify their mainstick of onee-loli yuri
It's already heavy without me reading too deep into it. I'm sure she didn't care too much about the underlying setting as anything more than a driver for what happens but that's just one of those things to wonder about
the master manga is imo one of their more boring works also, i don't generally read onee-loli mangas it is just lolicon shit
https://dynasty-scans.com/chapters/white_lily_and_spring_aster#1 give this a read and you'll see what i mean hachi just likes weird social settings without giving any actual thought to them
yeah but I'm not going to worry too much about worldbuilding in a one-shot with a school setting. Those are practically isolated worlds. The other one is a serialized work in a town with a government and laws and things that are actually happening behind the scenes because of those laws. So I'm gonna think about it and ask questions
Huh The guy who I was going to scanlate a manga with released a chapter without asking me to help. I'm okay with this.
that sucks
Well I only offered to help because I wanted to read it. So him going back to doing it by himself is still good because it means new chapters.
>>602837 get the premium degree package from ubisoft academy
I already know that. There's only two chapters left so it's close to being done. I don't expect her to take on the beastkin slave trade. I'm just acknowledging that there were some very bright and shining red flags out of the gate.
>>602845 how long did it actually take him to reply
>>602850 i doubt hachi thinks of it as slave trade
>>602852 The internet is filled with people who will gladly tell me that slavery wasn't all that bad anyway because they were fed and housed for free. The opinions of others aren't really that important to my own analysis.
Kirara, the Cat
not thinking about something as slave trade doesn't make them any less slaves
I mean, how many authors and creators put stuff out that's actually disturbing to different groups of people and they're just completely ignorant to those viewpoints before they set out to making it? Happens all the time. I wouldn't be surprised if she thought the school thing was okay.
>They're all cute girls so it's wholesome and fine!
im starting to feel a little emotionally claustrophobic people i care about are suffering and there's nothing i can do to help them im suffering and can't help myself that feeling of impending doom is back and it's getting harder to make anything happen
Motr than anything right now I want sleep. I got out of bed at like one or two in the afternoon yesterday and couldn't really sleep last night. There's like five or six hours before I can crash in my bed though.
What does restful, quality sleep feel like again. I can't really remember.
>>602870 I saw that last night. The artist does work for Ubisoft so it's not like he's a nobody, but it's cool to see him getting rewarded for those designs.
>>602870 i wonder will they go with animesizes or pokedex sizes in the movie cause charizard a midget gyarados a tiny
Another neat thing about Detective Pikachu is that the writer for it, Nicole Perlman, was the one writing the script for GotG before James Gunn came onboard for it. He probably still was a heavy influence on the end product but Perlman was working on the script for two years. So I figure the comedy between the two movies might be a little similar.
the cgi is still kinda bad
Not really.
Kirara, the Cat
yeah it seems fine even if it creeps me out
Also Detective Pikachu is in canon with the Pokémon anime. The Jigglypuff in thr the trailer is the same one that stole a marker from Ash and uses it to tantrum-scribble on the faces of people it puts to sleep.
https://www.pdfdocument.com/ look at this image you'll know which image im talking aboot
I should get an eight dollar pair of earbuds again. It would be nice to be able to listen to music while I'm out and about again. Though I dunno if my phone battery is good for that these days.
i miss that warmth and pleasing feeling it gives i can't get that with kratom, or only for a few minutes as it's kicking in you can't really nod off kratom
ritalin used to give me that warm euphoric feeling in my chest too, with only a baby dose adderall feels terrible the whole way through in comparison i wonder if i can switch back
I made an appointment with uni counselling, I've had a lot of anxiety so // well I had a panic attack in lesson and my academic advisor made me make an appointment. I feel pretty apprehensive about it.
I feel like I've made a big deal out of nothing. The panic feeling just comes out of nowhere and then vanishes when its done and I feel normal again, I feel like when I have the appointment they'll expect something and I won't be . eh.
Hows moes?
waiting for bus >>602897 just repeating what other people have said here"just tell them what is the issue"
is it just me or does every scanlation group now beg für money in their credits
I'm on disaster mitigation today. Everything is going wrong at work and I'm fixing all the problems. A client came an hour late for an eval because their car broke down and they walked, so I handled that for them. Then there were all these scheduling conflicts because someone made some mistakes so I had to get someone started on mental health testing because their clinician was with another client. But I feel powerful today, so I'm doing well.
How are you, Kannagi?
>>602902 You are powerful! I'm glad you are doing well.
I had a panic attack during a class in the morning and had to sit with my lecturer and they helped me set up a counselling application for an appointment. I feel a bit panicked about it still. I feel like my panic attacks come out of nowhere and settle down and then it feels like nothing even happened and now I feel like I've blown things out of proportion. I'm a bit nervous that the appointment will cause me more work and tire me out whereas if I tried to just work through it I would have been better off. I don't know.
>>602903 Counseling will probably be good for you. It might be a pain, but you have a lot of anxiety, and seeing someone about it might help you get it under control.
>>602905 If you came to me for an eval, I'd recommend treatment for you. You do need help!
>>602897 From my very recent experience with counseling, they know what to ask, and understand you might not be going into the session in full-flying anxiety, in order to gauge how pervasive the problem may be You don't need to go into the session with a grocery list of what's dragging you down, but maybe ensure your memory is in order so you can respond to their questions.
So... Remember when you went all "give us money or we burn your colony"
is shame that you can't completely eradicate cities in this
>>602926 the problem is the very core of how pokemon are designed they are clearly "cartoons" so when you turn that and try to make them "realistic" well... unless you are going for horror or something, it just always looks weird and odd
Fuck The Touhou wiki is down
the good one?
touhouwiki.net Is there another? I don't count the Wikia one cause its hot garbage.
Fun fact about red hat, they were just bought by IBM a company whom is exempted from the requirement of not doing evil with a software whose license requires everyone else to not do evil with.
My stepfather works for them and boy are they overworking everyoen while making the teams smaller and smaller ie. now about 3 people are supposed to do what was originally 8 people's workload
I like how I am fighting in Florida, about where Miami would nowadays be and there are ancient ruins of european origin there
I have a feeling IBM might end up getting rid of everything but their supercomputers division within the next decade.
All this being said, I would totally take a job at IBM. They're a historically significant company and having worked there would look great on my resume.
Yeah I got somewhere between four and five this afternoon. But sleeping forever is still pretty appealing. For now I'm able to untense after my weekly Day of Stress though.
it's always never enough
I'll probably get some more tonight though. It probably sounds like it's bothering me more than it actually is.
do nursing women have to alternate which side they feed with
>uise autoresolve on 1 unit general, literally just the general who ran away bravely >kills 300 dudes ... the autoresolve sure makes the battle results ANIME
is there new stuff for- oh it's a undertale spinoff that makes sense
Well it's made by the same guy too. I've played a bit of it, it's a neat tweak on the Undertale mechanics.
i'm a little surprised actually i thought it'd be colder it's more consistently cold up here but it's not getting as cold st louis would get into the negatives and stay there for a week at a time im lookinng at michigan average lows and it looks like january is the lowest average at 21 im sure there's still some cold days where it gets into negatives
Yeah, that's true. Missouri's a bit further towards the plains and things get coooolllld out there. Winter's always a bit of a late onset 'round here thanks to the Great Lakes. But it also sticks around a fair bit longer.
January/early February is definitely the low point for temperatures though.
st louis weather is wacky we got cold currents and warm currents all flooding in from the rockies northwest, plains southwest, appalachians east, the tropical storm tails from the southeast, and lies along the mississipi river there were weeks in march this year where it was 30 degrees in the morning and 75 degrees by evening with humidity
Yeah I remember the summers always being really hot and the winters really cold.
>>603003 Yeah, winter was weird earlier this year here too. There was this repeat of winter retreating only to return in force after like half a week. It was like one of those arguments where someone turns to leave only to take five steps and then spin on their heel, going "AND ONE MORE THING". Only repeated like six or seven times.
or a "You know, for what it's worth..." or "While we're here already"
It's only just starting to dip into the negatives here and I'm already anticipating winter being over. More than anything I hate that pretty much the entire educational cycle in North America happens over the cold season. Winter really saps at my will to exist and it's hard to juggle work on top of that.
the cold is so bad for my bones though i wish i could just be in california or something middle of december you can go rollerblading down newport beach in running shorts and a t shirt
i really wish i lived somewhere like that, either newport beach or central park in nyc you know, those places where theres dozens of folks just sitting at those little chess tables at the park all day long mingling i'd go there and take shogi, scrabble, or chess and just welcome people to come play
>>603011 Southern California is a bit too desert-y, even a coastal part like that. I've visted the greater LA area and I can't imagine it's quite for me. Could probably come to like it after a while though, and regardless of all that I'm envious of the warmth. For me even just something like somewhere in British Columbia would be nice for me. Doesn't really get cold but it's still green and mountain-y around there. >>603014 I'd probably set up in Vancouver or another urban spot like that but that whole province is charming to me. Plus having the mountains at such a short distance would be delightful.
i need to figure out how to transition myself to a new income stream so i can hopefully afford to move somewhere cool god i owe so much money to the irs and to student loans though it saps any motivation to make anything more than bare necessity since i can't save up or anything
>>603022 Yeah money is a huge stressor for me hoping to do anything in the future. And I don't even really have debts. Living in cities can be really expensive, especially places like Toronto or Vancouver. I'm fortunate my folks put up with me and haven't kicked me out so far but that's not something I can rely on forever.
group housing is becoming a lot more popular in cities i also prefer that style because there's a bit of a buffer and a little support albeit not a lot because everyone needs to be responsible, but a little bit but it's cheaper and less lonely
Yeah, I can imagine. I don't really have the social connections for something like that yet Though I guess some times people put out calls for interested prospects.
it's not always requiring social connections people put listings up for it just like any other apartment listing sometimes it's actually easier to not be friends with your housemates even, just an agreed living arrangement to save on expensive cost of living my current roommate is a friend, and because of that i hold my tongue on things that i wouldn't otherwise and he gets away with being an irresponsible roommate but yeah it's nice always having a friend around
im actually a little afraid of living alone at this point, after that scary time when i couldn't walk for a few days if something happens and i can't even get to a phone to call someone for help or somethin ya know or having to spend money on an uber every time i go grocery shopping i would like being in the city just so you can more easily do shopping without a vehicle though
It's kind of the opposite for me; someone I'm a little more socially distanced from I'm much more likely to withold on saying things too. Where as I will be upfront with friends. I guess if you live together for a while those lines all blur over time though.
And I'm also more fortunate, that I'm physically healthy enough to not be worried about stuff like that I guess. But being on my own and having a wave of anxiety is a little scary. I've lived with anywhere between three to five other people for so long though that I crave having somewhere I can be wholly alone though. Though it would probably get lonely before too long.
>wake up >no cigarettes left in the box >there's one unlit cigarette sitting in the ash tray thanks coked out Jan
>>603029 Did he also set you out a warm damp towel and a cup of hot coffee?
>>603028 i am actually pretty physically healthy but i just sometimes can't walk or stand up i can still go for runs even but it's just something wrong with something i dont even know what the way i always talk about not being able to get up and stuff probably makes it sound like i'm morbidly obese
Oh yeah no I don't imagine you obese in the slightest. I get that there's other affections that can interrupt the ability to walk and other muscle activity. Physically healthy probably wasn't the best term for it but you get what I was getting at I figure.
yeah i guess i'll find out if stopping alcohol helps my bones out or whether it's a different problem im sure the amount of thiamine it consumes probably worsened any natural condition i might have
Don't work too hard.
https://www.polygon.com/platform/amp/2018/11/13/18093346/diablo-3-nintendo-switch-update-menu-icon now this is the shocking Diablo reveal I've been waiting for
Well that new icon does look considerably better. Guess Blizzard's been getting out-of-touch in general with the Diablo franchise, hoh hoh hoh.