Thread #602051
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Anima Yell! Double Decker! Cooking with Emiya --Episode 10-11 Goblin Slayer Irozuku Sekai Kishuku Gakkou no Juliet --Episode 5-6 Release the Spyce RErideD - Tokigoe no Derrida --Episode 5-10 SSSS.Gridman Sword Art Online - Alicization Tsurune Uchi no Maid ga Uzasugiru! --Episode 5-6 Ulysses - Jeanne d'Arc to Renkin no Kishi --Episode 2-6 Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi
We probably won't have Jan for tonight, but he said to watch whatever.
Beep boop
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okay tsurune goblin slayer gridman anima yell let's just do 4 tonight, we'll do 5 tomorrow
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so with that in mind tsurune! well maybe 5 starting tuesday we can catch up though for sure! I'll make an effort to be earlier tomorrow too. okay let's start!
Tonight's a better night for five for me, but I guess it would be rough for you. Not if you're consistently gone on Saturdays.
Oh it is the same guy. He just had a haircut.
The grumpy guy really fusses with everyone else in the club.
I guess the teacher and the coach'll thrash the boys.
There's a loto -lot of ritual to Japanese archery.
I guess we'll resume once Rika's actually paying attention.
well i'm home and ready to goblin slayer
Coolio. The next three shows are a good line-up for you too.
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i left a little early cause it was fucking slow
Well don't you worry; it's pretty slow here too.
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oh good we got Jan. I think we have all jan shows too. okay goblin slayer! okay lets start!
Yes, as I said above.
goblin sloblin
Well this episode is starting off strong.
it was all just a story
Looks like it might be based on true events though.
But all that's irrelevant in the face of goblins.
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man i love this OP
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makes goblin slaying so badass
Fantasy foodies. This town reminds me of one from Final Fantasy I.
Oh the Sword Maiden's finally coming into play.
Lizardman Sugita is pretty great.
The Dwarf gets how to explain things to Goblin Slayer's autistic mind.
Tsun tsun They're really starting to get up there in levels I guess. These goblin squads aren't really a threat anymore.
goblins are always a threat as long as they still live
Thie guitar that kicked in for the goblin pirates is pretty great.
>Please don't throw it >I'll do my best How hard is it to not throw a sword dude.
>>602107 he's got an itch to scratch
Hah hah hah Orukuborugu please.
Also sewer alligators.
>goblin slayer grabs priest >shaman grabs dwarf
Oh it's a dragon. It's a pretty alligator-y dragon. I guess that's to be expected of something from a swamp.
I think it would have been more exciting for a human or humanoid creature to be the one supporting the goblins. Instead of what looks like more of an ogre or something along those lines.
>>602113 it's the gaping dragon adolescent form
>>602114 its an elder goblin
Gee Jan, I don't know about you, but it sure would be nice to be watching shows with more than just the two of us, eh.
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Yeah sorry It's just tonight I'm a little distracted, I'll be better tomorrow! gridman !>>602119 I know I've been a bit bad lately but it will improve okay lets start!
That seems to be a more and more common concern of yours.
gridman sssshit
Kirara, the Cat 2018/11/12 (月) 06:30 No. 602122
Go back to sleep Kirara
stay awake kirara
stay up ALL NIGHT
Don't be mean dude he needs his beauty sleep.
Subtle, dude.
Yeah how does a tea ceremony club have a training camp.
Anti just wants to battoru.
Oh another new person.
Well this is different.
The sound right now is kind of trippy.
The suits squad is really looking over the Gridman Alliance.
Only took six episodes but I guess the main plot is kicking in.
So if he wasn't hiding things before he lost his memory, was he not Gridman before the amnesia?
what is this lol
I like this OST track.
Good on this guy for not selling out his friend because it would score points with the girl he's crushing on.
The bodyguard- Bodyguards are doing their job.
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>tfw your brain starts making thoughts for the first time
Kaiju seem to be kind of low-intelligence creatures. Maybe he's been spending too much time with a human brain.
She just keeps throwing her phone at him.
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anima yell! yeah i wond3er where ika is also tilde i'll be better tomorrow i have stuff going on tonight that won't be going on tomorrow okay lets start !
Anima yelling into a vacuum of no response>>602148 I'm sorry if I'm a little snippy but it's a pretty obvious bigger picture scale than just tomorrows and whatnot. Anime's progressively more and more frustrating for me to get engaged with. Like if I was to just disconnect entirely I could watch everything at a much better time and not get between three and four and a half hours of sleep a night. 80% of the time I'm just talking to myself in these threads anyway so there doesn't seem to be much to gain.
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i love this show its so CHAIR ika wake up i know gridman is hard to stay alert during i forgive you
hi sorry i zoned out
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>>602149 but youll miss my memes and quoting stuff that just happened
Transforming into your uniform in the middle of a chairleading performance just feels like opportunity for wardrobe malfunction.
Sicc sais
She's gonna become addicted to sutantsu
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>>602156 if she can even do one to begin with
Some times you've got to FIGHT with your butt.
I wonder if we'll ever see her otaku brother.
>>602160 maybe he'll be an idol or something
Oh yeah that might be true. He's still probably an otaku though, considering his tastes for uniforms.
This teacher still feels like she should be a lazy type from how she looks. She has more energy than I expected.
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>>602165 yeah her color scheme and stuff makes her seem like she would be really laid back i guess this is what they call 「GAP MOE 」
This show's already pretty innundated with MOE though.
Blue's smile when chairleading always feels a bit like a stepford smile.
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>>602169 that's what cheerleaders look like haha
Yeah it makes sense. All the other girls haven't been sullied yet though.
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pinku is always spaced out so she already got it
There's just nothing that can't destroy her optimism!
Er that can destroy it.
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>>602173 that and her head is full of chair
Chair and pom-poms.
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she never stops smiling!
If you keep smiling your face will freeze like that!
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if you work in retail they will condition it into you
I worked in retail and they couldn't condition shit into me.
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thanks for anime i'll be a bit bettertomorrow
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>>602181 i'll hold you to it>>602180 maybe canada needs to step up their brainwashing game i got distracted by discord haha
Maybe we need to StepMANIA