Double Decker! Cooking With Emiya --Episode 10-11 Golden Kamuy Irozuku Sekai Kishuku Gakkou no Juliet --Episode 5-6 Release the Spyce RErideD - Tokigoe no Derrida --Episode 5-10 Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken Uchi no Maid ga Uzasugiru! --Episode 5-6 Ulysses - Jeanne d'Arc to Renkin no Kishi --Episode 2-6
Lucky for him he slept through France getting her ass beat all the way through most of the Hundred Years War. And woke up just in time to see them win.
Waifu-ing Jeanne in her historical setting is always a disaster in the making.
Mon morrency
He lived seventy years only to have a dumb loli almost kill him.
Oh was it only seven years. I thought the subs in the previous episode said seventy. That's far less impressive.
This loli Jeanne is pretty dumb.
So what, is he just cursed now with perpetually drooling elixir.
Geez louise.
Well, RIP Jeanne's dead. Guess France loses the war.
Well that's a kind of romantic I guess.
my body is burning up
Oh she's got a fang now.
That's not really all that much time at all.
I guess we'll see the first of his grown-up friends next episode.
It's weird that they're looking at this stuff in the bath.
Well this evil organization is a little weird.
They've recruited this evil kung fu loli as their secret base janitor now.
Supa pa pappa pa
This transfer spy seems like the kind that would be bad at being inconspicuous. But I guess she's a trained spy for a reason. That all got thrown out the window thanks to ponytail though I guess.
That blonde glasses girl looks straight out of YY.
Wow what an angry vagrant.
It would be kind of funny if them being friends was actually entirely just glasses misunderstanding the relationship. But it looks like they've montage'd into being actual friends. Guess that means there's HEARTBREAK in store.
this girl looks badass with the hat in her regular outfit she just looks like a punk >>602681 i thought root was not canon anymore since they adapted the actual sequel or something idk root sucked though
Root wasn't really a sequel. It follow the time span of the later bit of the first manga but with a different story. But yeah it's probably not canon since the re anime runs with the first manga's continuity.
>>602685 i get the feeling the average academic level of this school is pretty low or maybe it's just all the people they;ve shown so far are the vapid ones
Talk about yandere. Her hair seems to have gotten 80% of her drug-induced super powers.
Aw hell yes. She literally became the high school queen bee.
>>602697 oh yeah you're right that's a good formula it feels like the show's moving along while each character's getting their fleshing out
kekkai sensen did similar things with its pacing too so you got an overarching plot advancement with each character's subplots until they all came together
this show does things well on pacing too, it never slows down enough to stop the hype train but still has recesses inbetween crazy shit and buildup to the crazy shit i don't think there's a single boring episode of it
>>602698 They run these great, goofy action scenes alongside the moments of relaxing outdoorsman cooking and Ainu lifestyle. Plus the overarching plot is a great adventure-romance story. It's a lot of fun.
I love the little pseudo-families that pop up in this series. They're all so endearing.
>>602705 yeah the relaxed parts are really great i'd like to go camping in a taiga like that some day but i'd have to get a lot more experience with the extremes before it's reasonable
maybe i should get my passport so i can visit the frozen wasteland in america's hat
the ainu history is pretty interesting too since i know very little about them i've only really seen a documentary on the decline of ainu people after like the 60s
Passports are good for like ten years so as far as a cost-effective investment goes, it's pretty cheap. Might as well have one on hand just in case.
well if I even need a passport anyways the last time i looked into it a state ID and social security was enough to cross the border but that was in like 2010
i should have gotten my passport a long time ago bu // but i'm a lazy piece of shit that don't do anything until someone asks it
>I'm surviving, even if I need to cook and eat you Well I wonder if you spoke too soon.
>>602718 i'm getting more and more convinced sugimoto just has maxed out dex his reaction speed is so unreal he can dodge out of hte way of a bomb
I'd say it's got to be both DEX and CON. He's taken a lot of straight hits to the body and kept trucking on after all. And he evidently doesn't have any points in actually fighting, considering he's not that great with a gun. His best qualities is that he doesn't fucking die, hah hah.
Lt. Headplate probably isn't the best person to be regalling with such an emotional story like that. What a good story though.
This dork thinks he's being all elegant giving her a new name but he's just dropping a single syllable off her old name. >>602736 I mean the bird warrior did imply he was the Maou or something so yeah, probably.
he's totally the last boss
This monster reminds me of the fire starter from Pokemon X/Y.
It's also probably dead shortly.
... Oh.
Well that was an unexpected early casualty.
This girl could be a proper main character in her own right.