now imagine lots of animu cells being sucked from their homes then violently tossed around in a centrifuge until the platelets are separated from tge rest
My landlord is coming over to inspect my place, I have just barely managed to clean everything.
lying down 90 minutes unmoving is quite tiring
I'm skipping a class because of how long the landlord took and I'm too stressed to run up hill to class when I'll probably only have 30 minutes of class left. I feel a bit guilty
>>591081 Our superintendent is coming over. It's a shakedown everywhere
man i've played dark souls for almost a thousand fuckin hours and yet the B button on the switch version being the confirm button is still tripping me up it's not any different from any other platform i've played it on but my brain just can't accept that B is
It's good but I couldn't really get into it when I started up remastered. I'm too spoiled now I suppose.
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
gambatte kannagi
what to do today i should put the new donk city theme on loop and walk around picking up coins
>>591091 there's a good chance i'll finish anor londo and remember how mundane the rest of the game is still but i'm having a lot of fun replaying it the switch port kinda sucks though
one thing is for sure though the pvp is still lame no animations backstabs that you're locked into don't make me feel good on either end
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
maybe i should get it for switch too never played it still
Man I hate taking the transit in the rush hour morning. Sometimes have to let two or three trains go past because they're packed to the doors. All the while someone on the platform reeks of vanilla because they forgot perfume is something
Listen, not having service in the train is for the best. All technology has brought us is obnoxious people with bluetooth speakers and bad taste in music.
thanks to global warming, a replica of the iceberg has been broken off of the ice cap and is also following the same route
Kirara, M.S.
i should get on the Titanic II and sabotage it it'll be the perfect story
>>591189 by sabotage it you mean make sure it arrives safely? they said it's taking the same route so i assume that means in the vertical direction too
Koi, the Dragon
you know what we should REALLY do on a replica of the Titanic?
kirara, why do stimul-ants like caffeine make me excitable and full of feeling but stimul-ants like cigarettes slow me down and remove feeling
Kirara, M.S.
nicotine doesn't really behave like a stimulant it has depressive effects and stimulating effects depending on the dosage kind of like kratom
they help me when my thoughts race but i like feelin stuff too that excited energy yknow
Kirara, M.S.
yeah i def dig caffeine doesn't do that for me ):
not too much for me either i think i attribute it to caffeine but it's probably just not having a cigarette or alcohol
Kirara, M.S.
caffeine did it for me if i had alcohol with it gunfires were my shit
tbh, i prolly said this before, the main reason i ever got into consuming alcohol was the CNS rebound when it wears off it's more stimulating than any stimulant ive had
Kirara, M.S.
yeah i dig
i wish i could take my wellbutrin but it'll make me lose my shit again
Kirara are you here? I can't remember the technical term for a specific type of bad evidence.l in science. Like the Err science and reasoning Like when you use stuff you've heard as evidence
>>591211 Anecdotal evidence Although I just found it on Wikipedia in the pseudoscience article
anecdotal evidence can sometimes be substantive
Kirara, M.S.
yeah i think people are too scared of it or too accepting of it it's usually either-or
i should look at all the waifus in dragalia and pick one to try to get maybw
i heard some anecdotal evidence once and it turned out to be true
Kirara, M.S.
>>591216 that's an anecdote so it can't be trusted at any level
did you ever have those kids in like elementary school who'd claim something and you'd be like "no way" or something and they'd be like "uh-huh i can prove it!" "how?" "because i saw it!"
Kirara, M.S.
that's basically what police work comes down to half the time
someone said their hickey is finally gone so i said ive got a new one that i can't cover up well so the kids in my substance abuse group will probably have fun with it later and she's like "yeah it was hard hiding it from my husband"
mailed to soros one of soros' employees opened it and luckily it didn't go off otherwise the person would be very dead
setup i wonder?
Kirara, M.S.
im guessing real false flag doesn't make sense and trump has been screaming about soros for two weeks now and there's been a lot of violence from some right wing groups lately
Kirara, M.S.
especially in NYC
Being pretty tired kind of messes with me in an almost senile way. I can get suddenly worried about not feeling my phone in my pocket - despite holding it, clearly iny field of view, in my hand.
>>591224 i akways wonder about the mail bomvers don't tgey realise even low level big wigs have people to sort their mail for them >>591235 then you will send young men to die
Getting hickies? I can usually hide them but I couldn't today.
The kids get so riled up about it. It's really silly. My boss was making fun of me for it, too. And my colleague made me explain what a hickey is to the group.
It's usually possessive girls that have a chance with me because I shut out romantic interests until one of them smashes my defenses like Fish or Teacup.
>>591255 do you pee in front of your doorway to let people know that it's your room too
well im not bashin it just seems like a really strange thing to me i get the marking but to actually give someone a hickey seems really bizarre and kinda gross
I've caught myself doing it without knowing lately so hickies have their merits. It's a lot harder to give someone a hickey without knowing what you're doing.
As someone who often finds themselves with a lot of hickeys, I think I'd prefer the more subtle alternative. I've got like ten of them. After like two days. Only one is visible when I'm dressed, though, which is good.
My younger sister is back in town because it's her reading week. And each time she comes back I'm given new reasons to consider how vile a human being she is. I'll be happy if I can avoid being around a table for dinner with her.
Kirara, M.S.
what did she do
I didn't wake up early enough to catch the context of the dialogue but she was talking with my mother and imouto down the hall in the dining room and brought up Kavanaugh and Ford. And went way past the isolated conclusions there to say we shouldn't believe the women in these situations if the only evidence is the woman's claim of assault. It was getting me pretty fucking mad just laying in bed hearing it.
Kirara, M.S.
yikes big yikes
I was listening to what she was saying about the specifics too and I'm fairly certain there's stuff she said that's patently false too. But I really don't want to engage her in argument because she's way too narcissistic to consider she could be wrong, and also because, to quote similar occasions in the past that I've tried, "I'm the one taking university classes on politics and history brother, you're not, so you're wrong and I'm right".
In the past too she's gotten my dad pretty riled up over some stuff she said regarding the Nazi occupation of Poland, which is a bit of a passion point for my father since his dad had to escape the country during that occupation.
>>591278 I don't really know. Before she went out of town for university she was pretty bland on stuff like this, or if she wasn't, she kept it quiet, but considering the narcissistic part of her has remained constant I assume the content is what has changed. My best guess is her last, maybe current?, boyfriend, a guy from the rural parts of the province (which shares a lot of common ground with rural parts of the States for context), got her onto this mindset and she may have echo chamber'd herself by picking up courses on these subjects in university. The rest of my family leans at the least towards Canadian liberal values so it's weird to see her getting so caught up in these kinds of talking points.
Kirara, M.S.
>>591280 people sure can easily be led down the wrong path
Only barely related but my mother made ribs tonight because she's home and its her favourite dinner meal and man. I am not really in the mood for this intensely tactile kind of eating today. Not that I'm big on ribs and similar meals to begin with but it's really not meshing with me tonight.
exploration of an idea and adherence to an idea aren't necessarily congruent sometimes you gotta be in the driver's seat of an idea for a while before you can understand its flaws
maybe im saying vacuous things that might be obvious and the natural concern is that there may end up a comfort zone where people get tired of exploring and just settle into the familiar there sure is a lot of context to things huh
Well context-wise you're also getting my viewpoint which is deep in my own bias and emotional ire. Compounded over the ... I dunno, maybe twenty years I've had to know her over. There's bound to be some stuff I'm omitting that might make it not as bad or understandable in some kind of sense. And I'm also trying to not get too much into the particulars of the context because I don't want to encourage a discussion down that route.
I'm just frustrated because I want to resist my urge to call her out on her shit and can't, so I'm venting here.
Or well I want to call her out on her shit and can't, and so am resisting the urge. I got mixed up in the middle of that sentence.
i think the first sentence works if you consider venting here a form of calling her out, just not in person like when you write someone a letter youre angry at but you dont actually send it
Yeah, I was considering something along the lines of that interpretation. But I also know I got disconnected and reconnectly mentally in the middle of that sentence so the ending is more likely a separate bit from the bit at the start.
an ex-cop i used to work with just called me and said he's starting a private investigation business and he wanted to see if i was interested in becoming a private investigator they'll pay for my licensure
>>591289 That seems kind of fun. When I was really young and reading detective novels I was a bit into that kind of career. I think the real life job is a little more dirty than the romanticized version that ends up in novels kids read though.
>>591291 it's not like im in a position to do it though
>>591293 yeah they mostly just spy on people to see if they're cheating
I remember listening to ... something where a private investigator recounted a story of a health insurance firm hired him to investigate if a women they were providing insurance for physical disability was actually requiring the assistance they were paying for. As is narratively expected, she didn't require the assistance, but I think towards the end of the investigation she clued in or discovered waht -what he was doing and called him out on it. And in his story he kind of just delivered it matter of factly, distanced from the emotional weight of it. I don't know if that's something I'd care to do now, hah hah.
I'm pretty sure health insurance companies also hire PIs to go through the recycle behind therapist's offices. My dad got denied for additional life insurance based on a copy of his therapist's notes they somehow acquired.
Kirara, M.S.
custody stuff, too
I think there's some good that can be brought to light through private investigation. But there's also a lot of petty or things of questionable morality that can be too. And by my understanding, when your livelihood is in that field, you don't always have the economic freedom to pick and choose only the things you consider doing good by investigating. That isn't really comfortable for me.
I'd probably be a better PI than I'm a therapist at least
But I don't think that's the path I want to go Fish says it's too dangerous, too
There's other fields and livelihoods that the fascination behind being a PI can be applied to too. Like I'm a little interested in investigative journalism, and that feels like to me a similar engagement. The subjects are just usually different, and the product is something more "me" than a report on whether someone's cheating or hiding something.
On Monday, we were talking about a sociological experiment where some kids were asked to label people in their classes as villains, and they found that as those kids grew up, they were more likely to need therapy. The kids labeled villains, that is. They didn't know they were the villains or anything, people just sort of instinctively knew something was up those certain kids.
And someone leaned over to me and said I was a villain. Everyone likes me, especially the person who said that, but it's kind of like, man, no matter how much good I do, no matter how many people I help, everyone can just tell that I'm bad. They know I'm capable of bad things, I guess. It's kind of funny.
My net went to crap right in the middle of updating Odyssey. Hopefully that doesn't corrupt anything.
It's neat how kids can be ridiculously in tune with things on a psychological level like that. Though more realistically they just picked up on that kid kicking squirrels at lunch or something.
It wasn't just sociopaths. It was people with depression and anxiety and whatever. Kids with trauma. Anyone who was off in a way that made others uncomfortable.
We're the villains
I figured as much. I left the or something as open because I'm stuck typing on my phone until my net reboots.
But the title of villain for kids like that feels like poor choice of word to encourage kids to use for that situation. Maybe accurate in the kid's mind, but still a poor choice.
I understand it, though. I feel like a villain most of the time.
I got to talk with the professor of my problem class today. As part of a lesson or something to encourage and understand structure, we were supposed to draw out mindmaps of the topics we're interested in looking into for our over-arching paper for the class. Now I have never, EVER gotten the concept of mindmap so I just did the next thing I feel similar, which was write out, kind of stream of consciousness, the thoughts I have about the concepts that interest me. Tight, packed writing because I prepare ahead for not losing space. But she saw that rejection of the mindmap and dense writing as a mental issue with structure and not having a firm grasp on it, and so I got talking with her about that. And since I was on my way to the department her office is in to drop off a paper for another class, I ended up swinging by her office to get more into my issues with the class and it's concept, and got to slide into how I haven't been able to properly interface with the classes' content well yet. I have another appointment with her at 12:30 tomorrow where I'll hopefully build something off of.
And I also checked out the therapy offices. They do have same-day appointment bookings, but you need to call at 09:00 to reserve your timeslot. Since it's either that or wait for the next reservable slot in the first week of November, I figure it'll be better to try for that. The same-day appointments are only in the afternoon anyway so if I'm fortunate it'll fit in neatly after my meeting with the professor.
That's awesome I'm proud of you for being proactive I know that stuff can be really anxiety provoking
I did get an unfortunate affirmation of my concerns from before though, that even if I drop the class this semester and take it in another, there's still the chance I'd be stuck with the same professor and not get one with a different array of content to work with. And as a student you don't really know what you're in for until you're signed up for the course and the first wave of information from the professor has come out. It's annoying being constrained like that for a required course for my program. The professor is really kind and understanding about the barrier of interest and how that affects motivation though. Almost to the point that I feel bad about not having the same fascination with the content as she does, hah hah. I guess it's important to try and have a rapport with your professors.
and the award for dumbest idiot of the day goes to me. At 12:00 in the morning. for going to sleep an hour before work without even meaning to and waking up 30 minutes after I'm supposed to be there
Yeah I know how that's easy to slip up in. Good luck with the aftermath.
>>591331 The aftermath was already being dealt with while I searched for the book with the number to call when you want to call out sick. My dad just called me and said that they're just going to use one of my AVAs. I haven't used either of the ones from Lincoln Day or Labor Day so today's just a day off for me now... I was going to call out sick and just not get paid but at least not be AWOL. But now, I'm going to get paid to stay home and I didn't even call them.
Hold your gourd sons of gondor and rohan My brothers!
I see in your eyes the same hunger that would take the hart of me A day may come when the kitchens of men fail, when we forsake our veggies and break down all semblance of culinarism, but it is not this day.
An hour of fast food and kebab kiosks when the age of cooking comes crashing down But it is not this day!
This day we feast!
By all that you grow from this good earth, I bid you stand, Men of the Squash
>suddenly reminded of wc3 bnet days playing lotr maps >people started doing lotr speech quotes mid game >everyone would just stop and let them do their in-game re-enacting in peace before actually continuing playing the game man people were polite back then
>>591366 A logitech one. It seemed the most reputable they had.
>>591367 One for my phone and one for my tablet. My phone has one but it's seen better days. I pretty much just (accidentally) threw it on the concrete last week.
HOW IN HELL IS THERE A BIG MOTH a BIG MOSQUITO LIKE THING and a FLY in my house`? I havn't opened my window, with TRIPLE filtering layers for bugs/whatever and
they must fly from upper houses through the ventilation against updraft
>>591507 i can't be entertaining on /moe/ the only way i know how to be fun is to do drugs and stupid shit in real life
>>591505 yeah my wage is very high for a convenience store clerk but it still would only barely afford me a crappy tiny apartment and like 200 for food and everything else a month most people that i know in low level or labor jobs live with 1-3 other people to cut costs and afford utilities
>>591511 have a bunch of folks been comin in to buy lottos for the thing
yeah im splitting rent with one other rn and life is still hard some months i get a choice of heat or medication or food, but only one and some months it's none
>>591512 at an unbelievable pace yes we've been selling $3000-$5000 in lotto tickets a day and it's pissing me off i hope somebody wins it so this shit dies down
it's great for business though average gross per day is up like 20% people come in for lotto and buy food and drinks and snacks
mega millions is a fucking joke too you're better off playing the powerball at 200 million than mega millions at 2 billion they have 80 numbers instead of 60 so the chances fucking fall several orders of magnitude it's like one in 24 or something to even win four bucks
technically if you had $604,000,000 or so to blow and a dedicated machine to print the tickets you could buy every single permutation of numbers and come out with a 300 mil profit i think that's a pretty funny possibility
>>591519 no that's not right i dont think hm maybe yeah
>>591510 Yes you can be WE all have our innate potential as bokke or tsukkomi
>>591521 it is really truly true there's like 12 million possible combinations of the first five multiplied by the amount of numbers possible on the megaball it becomes 300.25m combinations at $2 each you don't need the $3 extra play option to win the grand prize so if it's over $600m cash value you could potentially guarantee a profit at the cost of the time and electricity and licensing fees for the lotto terminals the real question is how are you going to play 300 million combinations
If you donated your lifeblood atleast one fifth as usual as I did you'd know that'd exist
>>591538 i've only ever donated plasma once and it was to help a homeless alcoholic who couldn't get his booze money this month since his protein level was too low not too familiar with the effects of long term donation
and I didn't hit it there, I now noticed is a fucking mosquito bite RIGHT NEXT TO IT so I scratched it open
ahh damn mosquitos so glad it's finally cold enough here for those fuckers to die
>>591543 no mosquito can fly in the door has insulation window has triple preventive measures and you'd have to be a microbe to make it through the shit I have on my ventilation hole next to my fridge so only options are the main ventilation shaft in my kitchen and my secondary one in my bathroom
So from ONE OF THOSE I have gotten 2 mosquitoes 1 big mayfly kind of thing 1 moth and 1 thing that I don't know what it looks like, but it sounds like a fly
>>591544 maybe you could put a metal mesh over them if you own the property anyway
I don't and also that would be too much effort even if I did
i probably would if i was in the same situation but it is a lot of effort to keep mosquitos out yeah those bastards always make me welp up like some kind of allergic reaction when they bite
i like to talk as well but not when whatever or whoever i'm talking to doesn't respond or react. the whole purpose of talking is to have the listener feel or think about something, right? most pets that i've had react when you talk to them, but my cats don't give a fuck. maybe they're weird because they're feral.
Kirara, M.S.
laz was feral for most of his life but he'll come over if i talk to him
Maybe mine will become more responsive as they get older? Or maybe they need to be exposed to more humans and animals they aren't familiar with. They're really flighty when it comes to strangers.
someone is tweeting about some work we did on /sci/ like seven years ago ok
月 posted 28 minutes ago
holy shit what is this world
>The anonymously authored proof (which was recently reposted on a Fandom wiki) is currently the most elegant solution to part of a mathematical problem involving something called superpermutations.
hahaha am i even alive this is one of those goofy dreams isn't it
>But the 4chan episode does show that math can be accessible to anyone.
“This proof shows that you don’t need to be a professional mathematician to understand mathematics and advance the frontier of knowledge,”
this is so dismissive the question was posed by a mathematician and there were two mathematicians and a physicist casually discussing it every weekend it didn't show what the article claims at all because it was professionals i wonder if they just dont think real adult humans use 4chan
People really don't. Anyone who isn't really familiar with the amount of incredibly normal people who use 4chan just assume everyone from it is either a kid, some kind of filthy degenerate, anti-social loser, weeaboo, or some combination of them.
i wonder if the press is gonna try to identify and track down that individual for publicity that would really suck for that individual
>>591615 It's the verge, they're hardly journalists.
it's just so surreal
oh no they have found my old ragnarok online forums in their search this world can't be real
>>591626 I like a little bit of predictability! The unknown is just more exciting. I'm trying to keep things more predictable to keep Fish happy, you know!
moes moes
im trying to get a new 4x game to spend months playing haha
there's a big debate going on about whether, if faced with certain annihilation, the jews should move to israel to survive, even though israel is evil and stolen
and a lot of people seem to think the jews should just lie down and die because that's apparently a better alternative to living on stolen land???
it's really disturbing those hammer and sickle commies are all basically anti-Semitic
I found the reunion bit with Kassanda and Myrinne really, really well done. The emotional pay-off was spectacular. It was also really nice that she was still a really caring and passionate woman after the kind of terribleness that had happened to her. That whole story arc was just really heartwarming, in a game that can be downright depressing at times.
>>591657 Alternatively we could build the third temple in Miami.
>>591663 Well then I guess we'll just hve to go to Israel.
>Ancient Greece: >"We must seal up this place to protect it from the Greek world >Modern Times: >"Think Layla, think, there has to be a way to power up this place
Kirara, M.S.
>>591665 yeah like you'd think layla would go through with everything before just assuming she can get in
Math daddy's voice is great. I just want to listen to him do an audiobook or something.
Kirara, M.S.
yeah same
Kirara, M.S.
he's a bit of a deadbeat though
Oh yeah total asshole. When he was talking about being disappointed in Myrinne for failing to not get attached and stuff. He's kind of wrapped up in the santicity of his blood. Which would be more of a problem if well, his blood wasn't very pertinent.
Kirara, M.S.
do we really know for sure that his blood is special though i mean people with isu blood have eagle sense, yeah? Kassandra doesn't it might just be the staff that's keeping him alive
Yeah that's true. I was kind of considering that Kassandra's superhuman nature (I mean she seems to be considered a demigod) is in part due to Isu blood too. And I wouldn't be surprised if Atlantis has some kind of authentication system requiring Isu blood in it somewhere too. After all the Cult took Alexios instead of just killing him.
Kirara, M.S.
i think they have special blood but idk if it's isu the spear proves they have some kind of special genetic marker we'll have to see im only a little bit past where you are ive got the first artifact
haven't played in a few days because fish isn't really interested in it since she wasn't here since the start of the game
If I've got more time to play I'll probably be doing more of the semi-main quest stuff. Still have a raging passion to go a-murderin' all those Cultists for what they did to Phoibe. I'm close to spear level five anyway.
Everything we put on TV lately has marriage stuff and it's awkward There was that anime and then Daredevil had some marriage stuff Now Jessica Jones has some
>>591674 Yeah, I've been hunting them down I'm almost spear level 6
I can imagine that must be weird. Kind of like that joke of watching something with your parents and a sex scene comes on.
That's really a thing to brag about to Rosa Parks.
man ive got work due in like an hour and i can't focus at all my brain spinnin
I hate it when stuff like that happens. For me it's more I know I need to focus in on something but I'm worked up and my thoughts just seem to slide off the thing I need to be focusing on. Like there's no traction there whatsoever.
i gotta take my vyvanse to work or i can't focud focus
i did it today and i was super productive but then im always less reactive socially and i hate that
I was going to take a shower like an hour ago but I got caught up in an isekai novel series. I really hope it gets an anime. Although I'm sure once it does I'll wish it hadn't.
The plot is that when a hero gets summoned the two people next to him also get summoned and one of them is a magician because magic secretly exists on earth. But he has to keep the existence of magic a secret from his friends. But it'sit's pretty much like urban fantasy that becomes isekai. But the urban fantasy part is before it starts so its really in medias res. Oh also the fantasy world's magic is super simple compared to Earth's so the mc is OP
>>591685 i took my wellbutrin this morning for the first time in a long time i feel generally pretty good and not as emotionally crippled but today is really surreal so im not sure i notice that when im on wellbutrin, i dont really feel my damphs im sure it's having an impact but there's no cognizant distinction
i still think i'm probably not awake or something it's like those times you're having a terrible nightmare and then you wake up and you're like "oh, thank god it was a dream" and you feel warm and content in your own bed but just in reverse and i'll wake up in a moment and be back in my usual nightmare
Kirara, M.S.
yeah today must be pretty weird for you
i just mean mentally i drank a whole lot last night and expected to be really messed up but i woke up feeling really good and my mind hasn't been a minefield all day long i can feel safe in my own head for the first time in like a really long time, and i went to bad last night feeling really really in a bad place so i dunno
Samu 🔥 !KW2DbpWwls
>>591610 i don't know how to play but mayb e my hat does
Smart hat.
Samu 🔥 !KW2DbpWwls
oh no i gotta recharge my hat brbrbrb
>>591685 that generally feels like the trade-off you have to deal with i wonder how it feels to someone who isn't ADD do they feel like a robot too?
but I don't mind I don't mind at all I've got my telephone and television I don't miiiind at alll my prefab heart just falls apart when you depart agaain
Speaking of bed I don't like how cold it has been lately, but what I DO like is firing up my electric blanket before bed and climbing into a really warm bed when it's time to sleep.
Yeah, warm beds are pretty heavenly. But then it's also hard to drag yourself out from under the covers when the temperature outside.
I bought new sheets yesterday since something happened to our old sheets. They're pretty comfy.
>>591736 i would like that it's very cold right now my bed stays pretty cold too
I've got a bit of an inflamation on one of my fingers. Broke the skin trimming nails as usual and I didn't bother with a bandage longer than I probably should have. It's a little twingy under the skin around the cut too. I wish I didn't have such grief trimming my nails.
Kirara, M.S.
get a manicure
Maybe once I've got stable income or something along those lines.
Hm. Honestly probably nothing. Because I tend to swap shirt colours a lot shirt to shirt. And I don't want to pick a colour of nail that would clash with shirt colour. I already have enough work making sure I don't pick my beige-ish shirt with my beige-ish pants.
Sometimes Fish fixes up my nails a little bit With a clear coat I can't do color lol
Clear wouldn't be terrible I guess. The biggest issue is everything regarding polish has a really rank scent to my nose. I can't handle being around it for long.
Even being around it for the length of applying is too much! I've got two sisters, I'm pretty done with being in the vicinity of nail polish as long as I can help it.
>Simply being affectionate was the second biggest (64 percent) and making somebody feel appreciated rounded out the top three with 61 percent listing it as a turn on. hell yeah being appreciated is my fetish
Who would have thought, that people are erotically drawn to being felt appreciated.
>>591773 I don't think I'd enjoy it either. It's nice to have people touching my head and playing with my hair. But tugging it is a bit much.
>>591775 >Insecurity >Lack of confidence >But also being cocky
Being cheap is also kind of a low blow too. Not everyone is in the position that being not cheap is a good choice. But I guess it's probably all relative.
It's a fine line between confidence and cockiness.
It's funny that the turn-ons are all pretty sexual, but the turn-offs are far from sexual. I guess that makes sense.
>>591774 >あんたは汚いです truly the greatest pickup method
>>591775 bad driver and being rude to waitstaff are big personal hygiene kind of depends going overboard can be bad too, but not completely disregard it there's some comfort in feeling like it's ok to be unkempt once in a while or to wear shoes on the carpet or to wear the same pants three days in a row then i dont feel like a loser when i do those things
Kirara, M.S.
poor taste in shoes can be pretty big
>>591782 Being rude to waitstaff is kind of a universal fuckwad move though. Like there isn't really ever a good situation to do that.
im gonna be done in by fucking 2000-era forums where you can't delete your account holy shit well see yall it's been a nice life
Kirara, M.S.
is it connected to your present internet identities?
what if my cringey posts end up on news media people have already been screenshotting it and putting it in with other discussion materials like news links lmao it's makin me cringe to even think about it already i can't delete anything so some fucker can go look at my profile and see old user feeds where i'd update my status with a :3 face
Kirara, M.S.
haha fuckin rip
ive never heard the phrase weaponized autism used more than today
the author of the article's pinned tweet is that she's starting as the new science writer for verge on this week she really spun it well, they got lucky to nab her
>>591773 The line between pleasure and pain blurs when you're extremely arounsed. This effect is stronger in women because of brains and stuff, I dunno.
the other day, yesterday in fact, during group with my kids, one of the kids said "so, what, you die sooner?" or something and without thinking i just fucking looked the kid in the eyes and said "we all die eventually" and he was just kind of like anxious about it i guess
i feel really bad about it
gotta learn about death one day unfortunately
It's about the only certainty that exists in life.
yeah but what I did was inappropriate and i should have done something to make sure they were ok after i said that death anxiety is at the core of a lot of psychopathology
Yeah, I can imagine. It's been a part of some of my anxiety issues lately. And once I start imagining the full scale of the rest of my life it's hard to turn away from that and focus on the immediate.
I have a weird fear of death, I also do stupid things a lot of the time. >>591843 Stay comfy! night Kirara
>>591842 I don't think I'm scared of death, but I get caught up in worrying about how much time I have left to do things. That ever shrinking big picture is what feels like the source of my anxiety.
>>591846 I can really understand that, I think my fear of death is mostly moments where I'm confronted with mortality, I freak out a lot. I guess also how your body can fail on and have problems without you knowing feels insidious.
>>591922 >>591924 Do every quest on // in Pehpka. I promise you won't regret it. The entire island is hilarious like that.
well, not island, but area
>>591925 Weak! I only slept 3 hours last night. And I'm great. I'm totally not bitter about it at all.
I already passed by the bone guy you found hilarious a bit back. Though I hadn't kicked off that quest yet so I just heard all the people saying how honourable it is to bribe him off.
Which Minotaur, hah hah. I found the labyrinth the presumably actually mythic one is in but it's still locked up. I headed east because there's a Cultist somewhere around Pehpka and he'll have the last shard I need to get spear level five. So I'll finally be able to spend all these ability points I have saved up.
>>591936 Selling trash 5* Wyrmprints Getting duplicate 5* units in 10-rolls I think I have pulled enough Dragon's Brethren to fully unbind one they're all gone now
Kirara, M.S.
jesus christ dude you're going insanely hard at this
damn i can't search facebook articles without an account i guess
i woke up at like 7 and i rolled over and put my arm around fish which woke her up and then instead of going back to sleep she did something that totally woke me up and then she fell back asleep so ive just been lying in bed for 2 hours now i only slept 3-4 hours but im too awake to sleep
If you've beaten the story, (ch 6) you can get those stone tablets from Onslaught missions. that red thing is from Master level Dragon missions the butterflies drop in one of the Onslaughts (Wind) and two of the Ruins the badge all the way to the right only drops in Dark Onslaught Master and the fourth thing is Twinkling Sand, which is event gated. >1.4 MILLION TRICKER TREATS
So far there have only been 7 Twinkling Sands provided by the game So people are only now reaching their Elemental 5* weapons. Since you need 1 to make a T2, and 2 to make a T3, you need seven in total (5 T2s + conversion)
Koi, the Dragon
>>591953 also wow this looked better as a thumbnail
My current problem is that no one runs Dark Onslaught, let alone at MASTER. It is by far THE WORST Onslaught to run >>591956 There are lots of end game people. I play with a big circle of end game people. I'm in like... four new discords now No one likes Dark Onslaught. It's the WORST PLUS no one even runs dark characters. The only 5* Dark we have is Nefaria but NO ONE LIKES BOWS Even with the new light units, it's difficult and rare to see anyone in queue for it.
Kirara, M.S.
that's because you reached endgame in a month and everyone else is still doing the story lmao
Kirara, M.S.
what's wrong with bows
ohio blows
Koi, the Dragon
>>591957 damage spreads too much, hard to control (which isn't a problem for me), the force strike takes too long to land and almost every AI unit is programmed to walk out of it before it falls so it doesn't even do damage half the time
It's the kind of thing that everyone complains about with bow and I'm just there with Nefaria shooting things like it's nothing so I'm gonna brag about it. the damage spread is kinda lame though.
Kirara, M.S.
What's the best weapon?
Koi, the Dragon
Depends on what you like but for range, that's wand, without question. melee really depends on how you like to play. Axe is slow but the force strike is absolutely wonderful. Blade covers a lot of ground and has pretty good range. I'm not a big fan of lance. I don't actually use any Sword units. Dagger is uh... >Ezelith '
a lot of people are really upset about the Rockstar games 100 hour weeks thing some employees spoke out and said they were coerced into doing it and although they were told it was their choice, they didn't feel like it was
a lot of people on left twitter want to boycott the game because of it
I have friends who have worked at different Rockstar locations. It's the same. One of my former roommates worked at an RS and was told that it's easy to replace workers with a new one off the street. >>591973 That's why it doesn't feel like a choice. Crunch being normal means "not choosing to crunch" puts you under the productivity scale.
And yes, while it happens with "like every AAA game", that just goes to show just how trash everything is
>>591970 That happens with like ever AAA game though Crunch time is a norm in that industry
>>591983 I was trying to get my class on time since the bus had broken down and I was super late. as I was walking, I just felt like everything crashed, I couldn't slow down my breathing and I got the most extreme feeling of tunnel vision. also so much paranoia.
>>592001 generally you're going to get paranoia the higher you go in terms of dosage with any strain if you're susceptible to that side effect I've mainly found very small doses to be helpful for anxiety, like one hit (~0.1g) anything much more than that may just heighten it if you're already feeling uneasy
though I've also smoked a lot more and not ended up paranoid, I think it depends on if you're in a situation that would cause anxiety otherwise somewhere around one third of a gram is the sweet spot for recreational use imo, but I honestly can't recommend smoking much if you're feeling hyper anxious
>>592016 You're right it doesn't make sense for an American school to treat each individual member of a class according to their strengths and weaknesses to help them grow into the best person they can be
so in the movie, eraserhead will be a cruel and strict asshole that doesn't give a fuck about who he's teaching
in other mobage news ypu can get uh this free tome flier woth a powerful tome effect
bakugo and kirishima will be dudebro jocks that shove the quirky shy deku into a locker and such to torment him
Koi, the Dragon
>>592019 >yall can be superheroes if you let me speak but i dont mind getting paid just to babysit
Kirara, M.S.
>>592019 hahaha they don't do that in japan either
>>592023 oh yeah good point it would be great to live in BNHA unless you and // end up like deku but without all night
Koi, the Dragon
ALSO this may just be me but there's no way you have ... // American All Might would be racist okay, that's out of the system now
Kirara, M.S.
yeah i dunno endeavor would be racist as HELL i think racists would love all might but he wouldn't be racist he probably wouldn't know how to use twitter or anything so people wouldn't know he's actually an anti-racisr like how racists love rage against the machine sometimes
i think endeavor is probably racist either way tbh
Koi, the Dragon
So, not racist but rather an ideal that racists imprint Oh, I wrote that backwards someone that they'd imprint their racist ideals on. like Taylor Swift
Kirara, M.S.
or like how in the captain america movie, red skull commented that cap was the perfect aryan or whatever
there's not enough white people in danger in America for all might to be racist and the #1 hero