Akanesasu Shoujo Banana Fish Black Clover Chuukan Kanriroku Tonegawa Conception Cooking with Emiya Irozuku Sekai no Ashita kara Kishuku Gakkou no Juliet --Episode 2-3 Ore ga Suki nan wa Imouto dakedo Imouto ja Nai --Episode 1-2 RErideD - Tokigoe no Derrida --Episode 4-7 Tsurune Uchi no Maid ga Uzasugiru!
Kaze ga Tsuyoku Fuiteiru Sword Art Online - Alicization Ulysses - Jeanne d'Arc to Renkin no Kishi
Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi
i guess I'm not working tonight so I'm here for anime
An excuse of needing to do the chores is a better excuse than the usual "I'm scarred by the hobby" Though there's probably an element of that too anyway.
The MC visually reminds me of the MC, or well, the first MC, from Durarara!!.
I don't quite get why they're not translating "kyudo". Sure there's probably some particulars that are different from archery but I don't think the overlap -think there's a lack of overlap.
this show is a pretty average kyoani effort feels like they literally just thought "free, but with kyudo" oh wait i have 3
Well my understanding is this was another one of the novels they publish through their publishing house. KyoAni publishes LNs and then picks up the ones they really like to make into anime. Violet Evergarden was that way, Chuunibyou was like one of the first if I remember correctly. Free might have been an anime original first? But by now there's so much multimedia around that project. But I think Tsurune was a novel the y picked up and it was popular, so, hey, why not?
alright i'm ready now
The jist here Jan is these two dorm factions hate the fuck out of each other but the guy here is crushing on the leader girl of the other. He rescued her from some assholes from his dorm and asked her out so now they're dating while pretending they still hate each other.
>>591462 It's a school split between two countries, one of which is ruled by nobility, that's the one the white dorm comes from. The other one is a more normal country and so the two factions hate each other because the whites see the black dorm as uncivilized scoundrels and the black dorm sees the white dorm as stuck up assholes.
>>591466 oh so it's a princess and the pauper style setup did they have to make the whites and blacks hate each other though
Oh he lost it.
This is the kind of thing that gets telephone game'd into a myth where rumour has it Persia once rowed her enemy out into the middle of the lake and dumped him overboard and left him to drown.
thiss is episode 3 right? >>591493 ok goodnight squiddles
Yeah we're up to date in this one.
i gots to sleep watch without me i shlal watch up catchn up
Okay this one Jan is that magic is real and this girl was super gloomy after her mother died and can't see colour anymore. So her grandmother used magic to send her back like forty or sixty years to help her cheer the fuck up.
Also when she got sent back in time she accidentally ended up in some boy's bedroom and everyone and their mother in this show caught her sneaking out his window so now they all think she's his girlfriend.
>Having someone bad at magic learn to levitate stuff by using a ceramic mug This is just a bad idea come on.
>>591494 uhh i'm not sure that's how colorblindness works
Yeah but what about MAGIC colourblindness?
>>591496 maybe ceramic is easy to levitate for some reason
Yeah I was thinking something along those lines. It's a very simple composition of just clay and paint. Maybe more natural things are easier to do magic with.
>this sounds hard >he's explaining the easiest part of getting a good photo
I kind of feel for the MC here. Some times people's "simple" requests can all seem like way too much.
Being magically colourblind must be difficult.
>>591513 being colorblind is already pretty difficult even if you're only R/G R/B or something it makes all sorts of things really hard from leisure activities to driving
Yeah. It's nice that games are starting to consider colourblindness into their design but there's a lot of media that can't really do that without sacrifice. And it's outright unsafe at times.
Oh boy young grandma is coming home.
that was a nice sshow thanks for anime guys i probably will watch irozuku and kyudo by myself next week
thanks for anime! sorry for being so quiet, was tired
Irozuku doesn't air on Tuesdays so it might come up at a good time for you. Unless you figure you won't be around at all. And Tsurune airs probably for Monday nights.
>>591528 well shit that works out fine then the only days i can't watch generally are tuesday and friday unless i have other obligations