>>583348 it'll only feel good for the rest of your life
Kirara, M.S.
https://www.washingtonpost.com/amphtml/religion/2018/10/05/hairstylist-fired-roundhouse-kick-antiabortion-protesters-shoulder-toronto/?utm_term=.4c0062e402a4&__twitter_impression=true dumbass tried to kick someone's phone out of their hand and kicked them in the shoulder instead
>>583346 I'm no good at fighting annoyingly energetic dogs. Both it and Odagaron are consistently frustrating fights for me. Give me a big hulking wyvern any day of the week.
>>583350 but what if it's not and the next life is EVEN WORSE >>583351 i thought odo was the easiest new monster other than fat jaggy honestly i think that's mainly due to his strangely small hitboxes on his attacks though zinogre is more fun and more challenging imo
what if after you die you wake up and it's just a bunch of assholes laughing at you before they send you back into the simulation
I haven't been working as much and I don't have uni or something like that to take it's place so the weekend just sort of passes >>583367 hmm I'll give it a go
what good stuff is there to watch this season even
Jojo SSS Gridman Sora to Umi no Aida has an interesting premise Tsurune: Kazemai Koukou Kyuudou might be cool depending on how it's handled. New Godzilla movie Maybe Gundam NT depending on whether or not you liked Unicorn That one with the bookstore
There's a truck down the road with Mcree on the back That or it's just a cowboy with the words "high noon" >>583381 Oh yeah there's Jojo That's pretty hype
Any time I host a room, the dragon fight starts before we even get to move. It walks right up to the entire party at the starting position before it says START. Slaps everyone as soon as it has the chance. And we're all CURSED so we spend the first 30 seconds not building up any skills and unable to use them either.
>>583431 Remember when I said it costs 6k Eldwater to increase your coability? Well... after you increase it once, the cost to increase again doubles...
I don't know if it's because I'm doing a double jump (2% to 3% is 6k so 3% to 5% is 12k) or if this is just going to be a continuous thing but I'm sad.
Ahh, I should sleep soon. I'm not tired. I have to fix that. I gotta go in sorta early. Well not really but I won't have nap time in the beginning like usual. People are going to be so mad when they figure out my 'new position'.
It's not really a new position but remember a while back when I was talking about getting into the office and working there rather than on the tracks. Well, that's about to start now. I'm going to be an office person on the weekends because the usual people in the office have off.
Kirara, M.S.
18/20 people were in a limo i guess 2 were bystanders
>>583452 18 inside a limo even for a limo that is quite clown car levels
yeah, it's not going to be a happy thing for lots of other people though. We're currently going through an overtime freeze in our section. No one's getting OT in maintenance unless it's specifically in your section where you're currently designated, your name is on the sheet, and you've signed it in advance. Lots of people used to just call in for OT apparently. Or just show up in case they needed more people. but that's over for now.
But the Level II who's in the office on the weekend doesn't have much help and no one knows how to make Excel Sheets. He's going to talk to the General to get me on for Direct Report to the office. Direct Reports are 2 hours of overtime. and if it goes through, that's 4 hours OT every week for coming in at the same time that I usually do. (I don't have to show up 2 hours early. DR just means that I am to report to a specific location by a specific time and I am given "2 hours of travel time" to do so) The only thing I lose is nap time.
especially for the people whose lifestyle is adjusted to it. But of course, I, Koi, don't even do overtime.
Well, that's a lie. I used to do the 3hr OT that we had on Monday mornings but THAT'S FROZEN TOO. So now I'm going to get 4hr OT typing in numbers and making spreadsheets and answering phone calls. You know, like my life is meant to actually be.
And all because I ranted about bitcoin on that one 3hr OT shift I did with the supervisor pulling me in there. He wants to talk about stocks and dividends and getting enough money to middle finger everyone in the MTA and leave early.
I do not blame him.
i work a couple midnighs starting this week i actually look forward to it
okay so do any of you NERDS have familiarity with adhesives my mouse is bein a shit and one of the grips is coming off and it's getting that adhesive stuff everywhere how do i get that off wiping it down with a wet paper towel seems very fruitless
Well it would be kinda had to bullshit wait did origins have them?
and yeah that happens BEFORE origins for that matter don't it?
Kirara, M.S.
>>583505 yeah origins had them but it makes sense from a lore perspective the one in origins is the first one ever, handed down through generations it's the one that was used to kill Xerxes
in Od, you use part of the Spear of Leonidas instead which appears to be precursor tech
>>583507 How did they do with the MC is it two people like in london one or just one you can pick the gender of?
Kirara, M.S.
the one you don't choose is an antagonist
noice should actually drive a lot of conversations and stuff depending on choice, since greek was REALLY patriarchal society
Kirara, M.S.
>>583508 bayak cuts his finger off by accident the first time he uses the hidden blade haha
I never really understood the finger removal, though
Kirara, M.S.
because of the way the blade was situated, it actually cut off your own finger if you weren't careful the first assassin did it and became tradition after a while
I guess the wrist movement easily cut it there when you did the move required to trigger the blade
I would actually like to know how that Templar became the head of the assassin's in ac1
Kirara, M.S.
Perikles is in this he's great he gets called father of democracy and immediately asks you to rig a vote then you meet socrates who immediately starts lecturing you before you even start a conversation with him
also, in terms of political struggle and era, I would have situated an ancient greek game to take place during the wars of Philippus 2 and later alexander
Kirara, M.S.
a dude paid me to fuck his wife because he was too tired to deal with her also if i kill some legendary animals, one of the daughters of artemis will fuck me i think
>>583520 oh yeah ancient aliens or whatever shit those are a thing
man I still remember that pope fight that was so anticlimatic beat down of an old man and then you have that "Hi I am ancient greek god we used to own the world, some thing gonna destroy the earth and I am talking to your distant descendant who will be reliving your memories" even back then I was "really?"
Kirara, M.S.
zeus blessed me with an eagle
Jumping the shark so hard it ate a cosmonaut
that got launched into deep space during a failed soviet space flight
and then it collided with the Voyager, preventing it from becoming V-ger that IS how hard they jumped the shark there
Kirara, M.S.
im playing Kassandra as a strong but kind demigod who refuses to play by others rules "change out of your armor for this meeting and leave your weapons or you'll make athenians uncomfortable" "fuck you i will bring my sword"
still the gender choice should affect dialog if they had gone for accuracy, but I guess they threw that out of the window long ago also I guess it might be too much trouble
But imagine actually having quite distinctively different gameplay experiences, depending on the gender you picked
Kirara, M.S.
if you are a woman who kills people a lot of people people will be less inclined to mess with you
yeh but is juubisoft I expect them to deliver fun, though buggy gameplay, nit that good plots most of time Kinda like superhero movies, but as games
i am constantly preoccupied with thoughts about how people can live better lives while being crushed by poverty, how i can better serve my clients, how to succeed in a program which is rigged against me, fish, alcohol, and the oncoming destruction of the world which we will all bear witness to and cannot stop
I've had a bit on the side of my cheek that's been one of those "bite once and you keep biting it" things. But it's not stopped being a problem for several days now. It's starting to get on my nerves.
Kirara, M.S.
remove the cheek
That's not funny, my brother died that way.
Odyssey on Nightmare is pretty exhausting. Though really it just makes enemies damage sponges that hit like trucks. Which isn't really too bad since I like the encouragement to play stealthy, but it creates some frustrating situations, like when a bounty hunter is stuck spawning right on top of a quest objective.
>>583600 With some gear tailoring I can get my Assassin Damage up enough to properly assassinate any enemy at my level, bar the naturally stronger enemies like bounty hunters.
Kirara, M.S.
why would you even
Kirara, M.S.
stealth play wouldn't work with that because assassination is damage based so them being damage sponges means you can't one-shot them with assassination and have to fight lol
Ah that might get problematic. I'll see when I get there I guess. Difficulty is a cinch to change. I played through what I have of Origins on Nightmare as well I believe.
Azur lane has a neat expedition that gives you a lot of experience. So you can send some of your b oats to training class. It's note quite as tedious to level in azur lane as grinding in kancolle. Most of your grinding is farming for new boats and equipment.
>>583611 I'm not sure if it's censored or not. Is there a particular character you're wondering about? I haven't found any of the designs to be that more racy than kancolle so far.
In the JP version, a lot of characters had very prominent panties and one showed nipples in the non-damaged art. I don't remember the names, I stopped playing in January.
hmm, I'm not sure. The game doesn't appear to have damaged art and we are playing the JP version of the game, but I'm not sure if it had the JP art or CN art. The CN art is more censored because China.
I don't think I've seen too many pairs of panties but I can think of at least one ship with exposed panties.
I actually did not much care for the art in girls frontline, it was too tacticool and the girls just generally weren't all that cute. I like cute and fluffy and have a pretty high tolerance for lewd stuff. Not like I don't see panties pretty often anyway.
You typically want it to be brighter because that indicates that the bleeding is in your throat and not deeper in more important places. If you keep coughing it up you need to get checked out.
You can't afford to die, either. Funerals are really expensive. If you died, Fish would probably cover your funeral. It's cheaper for her too if you bum money off her to go to the hospital.
Spoilers if you were going to play the sacred stones btw
Anyone figure out what they're doing for Halloween yet?
I was originally just going to buy a devo hat and make my own coatume but theres an official devo costume (a la the video for whip it) that costs $8 more than the hat.
Kirara, M.S.
maybe snow white
http://officialdevomerchandise.bigcartel.com/product/devo-costume-whip-it-outfit-energy-dome >>583638 You sure you don't wnt to be Devo Like Me?
Oh nevermind, the energy dome that comes with the costume is a lightweight version.
oh, it's back i love how the fire alarm just starts beeping before the lights are back on when everything is tense and spooky as if im not going to jump out of my skin
#First world problems
That reminds me I need to check the batteries in my smoke detectors.
>>583682 It's just trying to help you free your skeleton from its skin prison.
they didn't fish at all they just beat up fish and shot them with lightning and hit them with swords??? in space? in pods?? with summoning apps????? what is this
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>summoning apps is this smt are you watching smt x blazblue x fishing simulator 2020
Kirara, M.A.
>It primarily consists of a smartphone game, released for Android and iOS on September 28, 2017. A Microsoft Windows version by DMM will be released in Q2 2018 ah
>tfw you do lot of random reading and finally go "okay so THAT is how that works" >and then can't even realise WHY you needed to know that worked as it works
>>583880 practically none of my friends have a cd/dvd drive attached to their computer anymore
>>583882 I can understand that most thing like drivers and whatnot are done through the internet I only use mine for ripping music cds and burning console games really >>583885 put him back in
>>583886 Pedophile from /a/ who got busted for CP. Posted on Twitter after an fbi search "dumb feds didn't even find my backup drive" Or maybe it was facebook.
>as part of his parole after release, he will not be allowed to own or frequent shops that sell porn of any type, must give all online account passwords to the US Department of Justice, and can only use one internet connected device, among other restrictions. According to kiwifarms those are part of his parole.
>>583901 wow I wouldn't even go on parole with those rules
also how do they even enforce the porn rule, the password rule or the internet connected device rule?
Kirara, M.A.
he has an ankle monitor that will broadcast his GPS constantly for the password rule and internet rule, if they find out he's violating either rule, he just goes back to prison
what if he connects his pc to the internet using the phone?
Kirara, M.A.
i don't know, i assume he will go to jail
anyhow the password rule is just... How do you enforce that
Kirara, M.A.
they have a list of his accounts already they just say "give us your passwords"
he can make new ones
Kirara, M.A.
okay but if he does, he's going back to jail, which is supposed to serve as an incentive not to
His internet is likely monitored. Also >After receiving an anonymous complaint about his posts, the FBI seized every shred of technology that MadThad owned. When questioned, MadThad replied that the posts about his cp collection were only a joke. However, the FBI wasn’t as stupid as he thought they were, and they found 300-350 child porn pictures and videos on his hard drive, in a folder labeled “don’t click”.
>>583913 yeah but how do they monitor it I just wonder
Kirara, M.A.
because they know what websites he's going to they're just going to monitor his internet they will probably periodically look at his surfing history
moreover, it is unlikely that he has an internet connected phone if you only have one internet device and you choose your phone, you're an absolute moron because you have data caps here
>>583928 Considering what dune spice does to you I can see the connection
Kirara, M.A.
>>583931 man that shit freaked me out and there were like simultaneously three or four other cannibal attacks in the same five week period i was ready for the world to end yo haha
Thad also did anime reviews which should still be on youtube.
>>583957 had to look it up seems like depending on stuff, too lazy to find out, psychologists that what you were right? are masters of psychology or philosophy here in terms of title
practically all teachers, middle school to high school are philosophy
Kirara, M.S.
i don't think you even need a masters to be a teacher here unless you're a high school teacher, maybe?
you need a masters to be a full time teacher or a "teacher by profession, part time teacher" on middle or high school level and elementary school has its own separate degree and education program entirely
the kujo jotaro was bit pulling it how did HIGASHIKATA JOSUKE even work?? but gio gio is just "okay the previous one didn't work, but this isn't helping"
Kirara, M.S.
well josuke's real last name is joestar same as jotaro
Holly cujo-joestar but I actually went and checked it out apparently the SUKE in josuke can be pronounced JOJO talk about stuffing it in, why notj ust have him take the JoJo moniker after he realises he is a joestar? didn't that happen in a very early chapter of it?
Is it commonplace for people to have their eyes open just before they sleep? I'm talking just laying down with your eyes open until you drift off to sleep
>>584016 well yeah if I am watching or reading something that basically happens eyes open, drift, close, sleep instant but I never do that if i am actively trying to sleep
>>584016 If I'm laying in bed trying to get to sleep I try and keep my eyes shut. I get too distracted by anything I can see otherwise. When I'm sufficiently sleepy though I can nod off between tired blinks and head nods though.
I nowadays if I can't fall asleep always start to listen to something just something to draw my mind more and more into untill I fall asleep has resulted in sometimes getting basically "press wounds" on my ears from the puds
>>584024 yeah I'm side or rarely stomach sleeper O I'm to restless to sleep on my back
>Midwife complaining about Athenian soldiers that confiscated her medicine >Ask her "So you want me to get your medicine back from them?" >"No, all Athenians must die"
Wew second last chapter of Dorohedoro just got translated I was back in high school when I first stumbled unto doro can't imagine being someone who picked it up in ch1 in japan fucking 18 years ago some "fast" pace
I wonder what next, Berserk goes on a regular schedule too? D.Gray-man finally finishes off too in a satisfying manner tying off the BILLION plot threads
>>584036 i watched jojo.. i don't know much what the other shows are about so i just gonna wait and read /a/ or something until i find something interesting
>>584091 well that guy has 4 year of game/weeb/other stuff banjo covers see if you find anything interesting I think banjo bad apple, banjo hill and banjo note L are already quite good finds
https://mangadex.org/title/22955/nettaigyo-wa-yuki-ni-kogareru They talk about how one is a Salamander and the other is a Frog all the time. because of some short story. That was the hook. The connection. So salafrog
And then when the final chapters are out THE SCANLATOR LITERALLY DIES, targic as that was, and then it takes like 2 years for anyone to pick the series up
i had two refills left on my benzo script but apparently they only last six months before you need a new script and i just had to reschedule my six month appointment oh
I'll tell you this right now. Double A horn girl is a character that was only just introduced. That said https://mangadex.org/title/20716/kumika-no-mikaku
oh the cute alien eats food the romance guy in it is 100% dull which kinda makes it "why does the alien like him", but then again >japanese romance leads
yeah here 0,5l bottles cost same or MORE than 1,5-2l bottles I guess it is just packaging costs
convenience costs the soda is basically free to produce anyway most people on the road are just gonna buy a smaller bottle because that's all they want
>>584135 it's not packaging, the price is similar per volume from the vendor it's just as moon says people are willing to get ripped off for convenience and that's what gas stations rely on basically
if you think about rain and rain has a chance of occuring, it will always occure
Today was nice for me. Got to meet up and talk with friends for four or so hours. Though I felt kind of untalkative so it was a lot of them chatting on about people and shows and me just listening on. It's nice to just listen though.
I shocked myself earlier while unplugging something from a surge protector and I've been feeling really jumpy since. And kind of out of it. I've just felt disoriented, I guess. I had two instances of a sense that things weren't real today, too.
>>584145 Yeah, I didn't go into cardiac arrest, so I'm probably fine. >>584143 It's nice to just be with friends.
>>584151 yeah true except for the time i was suddenly assailed with this weird fear that if i stepped out of the office i was in, i would be the only one left in the building and i would be unable to leave because the exits would only lead to hallways that weren't there before i suddenly just got this silent hill feeling
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I swallowed 15 whole cocaines
>>584150 I can actually guess what happened w For that If your zipper gets stuck and you pull your jacket over your head it can get caught on your hair or something. So then you can't pull te jacket off or down again.
>In a fresh video shared by LegacyKillaHD, it’s been revealed that Croatian magazine Gameplay confirmed in its recent Red Dead Redemption 2 preview that NPCs dialogue will change if the player is playing without the mini-map. With the map off, NPCs will give players directions, routes and various other information regarding the surrounding areas. wow
Hah hah hah. How reckless do you even have to be to get told off for? Here they pretty much dismiss you as long as you're not, y'know, riding red lights right in front of them.
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
well i did that like i always do but also apparently i got dangerously close to a car who then beeped at me very unusual
Maybe they're finally cracking down on YOUR KIND of VIOLENT CRIME.
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
i'm watchin Maniac
what is this goofy shit why is jonah hill bein srs
Maybe he got tired of always being the silly role.
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
well he's playin the depressed former comedian now and trying to be a dapper gentleman also which is questionable
The ones I've seen tend to try and act as a polite and kind gentleman. And usually employ some kind of not-quite-hitting-the-mark comedy, like talking about how hard it is to as intelligent as they are in this world. I'unno maybe I'm getting a different vibe from the sparse description than what he seems like in real life.
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
yea he's more of a depressed loser in this role than a like frothing delusional incel