Thread #584180
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To Aru Majutusu no Index III Akanesasu Shoujo --Episode 1-2 Anima Yell! Banana Fish Double Decker --Episode 2-3 Cooking with Emiya Golden Kamuy Kishuku Gakkou no Juliet RErideD - Tokigoe no Derrida --Episode 2-5 SSS.Gridman Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken Yagate Kimi ni Naru --Are we watching these? Ace Attorney Season Two Bakumatsu Hinomaru Sumo Sword Art Online - Alicization Ulysses - Jeanne d'Arc to Renkin no Kishi --Summer 2018 Hanebado! Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight
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hi hi nice, Ika is here. okay let's seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee anyone have any specific requests?
Golden Kamuy and/or Index, I guess.
I liked that rrainbow show yesterday
Yeah it was really pretty. I hope they don't go too hard on the P.A. Works melodrama. Their shows are really nice when they temper that a bit.
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index golden kamui tensai slime anima yell
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so index okay lets start!
It's still kind of surreal to have this all happening again.>>584191 No clue, I know an arc like that happens but my sense of progression of stuff is entirely absent.
is this the war aDC arc
Man a city of 2.3 million people doesn't really feel all that impressive really.
This is some ten-year-old animation too. How weird.
lame tthos shows openings were decent
There was some kind of really fanciful animation in that OP.
>Academy City's science is amazing >It's just a hairdryer
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It's weird seeing new Index.
Hah hah what is this argument.
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It's been so long it's hard to remember some of these people.
Yeah. I remember the blonde-haired guy was a secret agent but I can't remember which faction he was agenting for.
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Isn't he a double agent? I think he's an agent from the church who ended up siding with academy city.
And here's the most of the Railgun girls. Man Kuroko's power is still enviable as ever.
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RIP Saten poo girl doesn't appear in index poor
Even Uiharu I think is more of an acended character than anything. If I remember correctly she first appeared in Railgun and then came in for Index.
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Uiharu does appear in Index but isn't really anything other than Kuroko's junior. Last time I followed Index, Saten had never apepared in it.
Yeah, she's only been in Railgun.
He really does have miserable luck.
Oh it's this girl again. I remember her being completely irrelevant.
It makes sense for her to be so but Index really doesn't have a social filter.
Oh no.
Hah she's still trying that trick.
She's getting jealous over her mom, eh.
Hah hah hah Touma.
If this old lady was more interested in Touma than Index, that probably makes her a bit of the science faction? But yeah, it seems like they're playing her as part of this Catholic protest. Oh she's on the city's directorial board.
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Touma keeps getting into trouble.
He really does have Z-Rank Luck, after all.
What the hell man.
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Yeah I remember him being that kinda guy.
Well this breaks the heart of the teacher.
Well things sure are kicking off fast.
Oh I've seen the LN illustration page of them airdropping. I thought there was a third person in the illustration though.
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Yeah, Touma is in a lot of trouble fast. okay golden kamui okay lets start!
Back to Cooking What You Forage with a subplot of going around collecting human skins.
>There are only two seasons to the Ainu: Summer and Winter Yeah that sounds pretty accurate to around here too.
I wonder if his mother is also a piece of taxidermy.
Oh he's got a LOT of taxidermy people.
Yeah as expected. Lieutenant Headplate isn't the kind of person to judge a man for that. He's still probably going to kill this man before it's all over though.
Oh what the fuck Lt. Headplate.
I didn't expect this development.
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are those teeth eyeholes that's not right
I don't think this man is right in the slightest.
Oh what the fuck.
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They certainly started season two off to a crazy start.
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This is messed up.
This is starting to grow larger than just Hokkaido. How interesting.
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I like always running away-kun.
He's a good scoundrel.
I imagine Nopperabou- Yeah I figured he had to look normal when Asripa knew him. I wonder what happened to him to make his face end up all disfigured like it is when he's in the prison.
The taxidermy guy's become a bit of a tantruming artist.
What a nice name, "boner". This show has some pretty good humour to it.
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what a name
I feel like "a very dangerous man" rather disqualifies Shiraishi, The fortune probably means the Ainu guy.
Oh maybe it's all just a plot of Lt. Headplate.
I guess no MAN WITH A MISSION OP this season.
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okay tensai slime! I liked this first ep of this okay lets start!
The skill-learning thing is kind of silly but a slime power-creeping to fight much stronger monsters is a fun concept.
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The slime just offered to eat him and he accepted.
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This dragon is a pretty nice guy. I wonder why he got imprisoned in the first place.
>>584252 Maybe being stuck in a rainbow ball for centuries mellowed him out a bit.
Getting a name levelled the slime up, eh.
That condensed down a lot. Is Rimuru just going to not let the dragon out now?
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I think that the idea is that the dragon tries to break out while rimuru analyzes the prison in his stomach.
Yeah, that's what they said. But the narration sets it up like Veldora just up and vanishes. If the dragon was trying to break out, how long does that take?
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I guess they can't sense him. It left me with the impression that the world thought he disappeared. I guess it's going to take awhile.
Yeah, that's the other route I figure. I guess them breaking the sealing field will be a plot development at some point then.
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Looks like he can take the form of things that he's eaten.
I wonder how long the time will take to eat a cute girl then.
As kind of a liquid couldn't Rimuru just slip through the cracks.
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I'm wondering when he'll get a human form too.
What a useful skill.
Goblins for the slaughter!
Got to get a knack for that I guess.
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I guess this is one of those settings where goblins aren't completely evil.
They're kind of just low-level mooks trying to survive in a dangerous world.
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Pretty fun episode. I'm eager to see how he gets his human form.
good secon d episode too
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okay anima yell! ijay okay lets starT !
I think this is Dogakobo's bi-yearly Manga Time Kirara adaptation.
artsyle is okay i have low expectations for this
Guess she needs to make her own Chair-bu.
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I think this will be cute and fun.
This ex-chairleading girl probably HAETS CHAIRLEADING now.
I'm not going to get tired of this chair pun anytime soon.
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She really isn't good at talking.
>Cheer is already in my past Don't worry girl I totally know how this feels.
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This girl has the cheer auts really bad. She saw it like once and now she's berserk.
To be fair even the hates cheerleading girl is kind of a bit of a cheer-obsessed person. She just satisfies her cravings elsewise.
Oh no.
It seems like she got traumatized by all the petty girl politics that comes with being in a chererleading group.
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This reminds me a lot of cheer fruits.
Bumpy jump
I have a pretty bad habit of tapping my foot too. I don't ever ding my knee though.
I'd kind of like one of these shows that have a friend that turns down the offer to join a club to actually not join the club before long.
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Yeah, I think this will be a lot like cheer fruits. It's not bad.