Akanesasu Shoujo Anima Yell! Banana Fish Double Decker --Episode 2-3 Cooking with Emiya Goblin Slayer Irozuku Sekai no Ashita Kara Kishuku Gakkou no Juliet Release the Spyce RErideD - Tokigoe no Derrida --Episode 2-5 SSS.Gridman Tonari no Kyuuketsuki-san Yagate Kimi ni Naru
--Are we watching these? To Aru Majutusu no Index III Ace Attorney Season Two Bakumatsu Hinomaru Sumo Sword Art Online - Alicization Ulysses - Jeanne d'Arc to Renkin no Kishi
--Summer 2018 Hanebado! Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight
I should note the watching these? part of the list doesn't mean I'm not interested in watching -- I'd very much like to watch Index III. I just don't know if it's something you two are up to date on
Index is definitely a watch. I don't recognize some of the others. I think we're all up to date on Ace Attorney. I don't know what Bakumatsu or Hinomaru are.
They're not all sequels. I threw some stuff in there that seemed kind of bland or high chance of being not good. Bakumatsu is some DEEN adaptation of a fujobait VN I think. Hinomaru Sumo is about sumo wrestling. The Ulysses show is some action show about a grimdark loli Jeanne d'Arc or something.
We do really need to watch a full set tonight if we're not going to do five or more like all next week. There's a lot building up and I don't really want to cut a lot of the stuff that's not in the middle list.
goblin slayer release the spyce irozuku tonari no kyuuketsuki
that look good?
I saw some review of Goblin Slayer, I don't know if they were being intentionally stupid or not, but they called it a "native isekai" show. As if the fantasy genre was inherently isekai.
okay im at 3 minutes and ready to resume sorry about that okay let's start!
No problemo. It's my reading week this week so I have a bit of leeway with times as far as things go. I just need to be awake before 13:00 to make a lunch date.
This is going to end in tears.
I think this priestess is voiced by Chino's seiyuu.
Ah nope I got it wrong. She kind of hasn't done many main roles but she's got a similar fuzz to her voice.
nah, didn't seem to help very annoying why did my internet shit itself right at anime time it wasn't doing this before
Yeah that's pretty frustrating. At least Irozuku was on the list for today. I guess we could also do Kakuriyo but that would be the last episode of it without Ika.
I was playing a game right before I got on for anime and it wasn't doing this. It started right as I started downloading anime.
Well there's a lot of reasons things can go wrong with connectivity. The timing's got to be super frustrating though, yeah.
The character designs for this series remind me of a multi-work doujinshi series. Which coincidentally involves a somewhat similar plot thread to what this series opens with. I can't find any actual connection though, so maybe it's all a coincidence.
The designs are somewhere between cute and elegant.
>What does he mean "cash"? How far in the future does she come from that cash isn't even a phrase she unders-
Oh I guess there was no ground there, hah hah.
She really expects everything to work through technology.
The colouring is super P.A. Works though. They've got a particular saturation range they use for their people colours that doesn't change across different character designers.
She's only just arrived in 2018 and she's already causing trouble.
I think I'm the same way, really. I don't think I could deal well if I went back to not having a cellphone.
I figure you could probably operate most of the world from, I'unno, thirty years back? Forty? Actually that might get a little complicated. I guess it could be twenty five years.
Oh her mom isn't even home.
>Time magic is irreversible Man her grandmother kind of threw her a rum hand.
Also if that woman is her grandmother's grandmother.
Yeah sixty years backwards. That's a long time to time travel.
This poor guy. The MC hid so well that he legitimately will have no clue what people are talking about.
Oh I guess they'll have their fateful meeting soon now that he has her jewelery.
can one of you list what's been watched at the ed end thanks