I don't plan on getting it for a little while. I have too much to do. I might wait until I'm finished with my dissertation proposal to get any new games.
But I guess it'll depend on whether or not I decide to buy a game on a whim.
Yeah you've got Responsibilities that are more "important" than playing games! I'm just a low-level undergrad I can be a little slacky, hoh hoh hoh.
Also Darkest Dungeon and its DLC is on sale until later this week. Tony you should give this game a spin.
>>581676 Yeah, unfortunately. I played Origins with Fish, too, so she'd probably be disappointed if I played the new one without her. And Red Dead Redemption comes out this month, too!
I'm really excited for RDR. It's gonna get me all hyped up to visit Arizona and maybe New Mexico in December.
Well Rockstar's release on PC for RDR2 is still undetermined, I believe? So it's not something I can really care about yet. But for me The World Ends With You gets its English Switch release this month, so I'll have something to console myself with. I just hope I'll have put enough time into GU before that because I tend to have a hard time not hopping from big interest to big interest.
Sweet potato soup is really good. You add a bit of spice and it's a really fall-iconic meal too.
RDR2 is high priority for me. I'm terrified that it'll be bad or too glitchy or something. RDR is one of my favorite games. The OST, or at least, Dead Man's Gun, always makes me tear up. I got to watch Fish play RDR a few months ago, she really loved it. I want to show her the west this year.
There was also that song that triggers when you first cross into Mexico, which was a really neat bit of cinematic element in the game. It was a really solid game.
The cloud layer was really low today because of the weather
It's a really spooky look in the downtown core with all the skyscrapers vanishing off into the clouds. I want to see what it's like out a window from that high up.
What's with those "how many times can I visit your website" signs?
It's ads being run by a cannabis company that's looking to have roots in the ground as soon as the legalization drops. The bilboard cycles between questions like that and stuff like "Is Tweed (company name) a codename?" Basically trying to assauge curious new customers who might be intimidated by the long stigma of weed. They've bought out a couple ads in that part of the downtown core for a couple months now, which is probably one of the most expensive places to do so, so I'm a little surprised. But if you want to get your message out, there's probably not many other better places to do so.
Ugh, it sucks how everything gets super monetized like that. Rvrtyonr al /// Everyone always trying to be ready to make tons of money as soon as something like that happens.
Weed was already super monetized, now its just monetized legally.
Yeah. I'm a little worn out so my brain's not really working conversationally.
We did start on on de Beauvoir in my existentialism class today. My professor's a super-fan of her, even calling her her hero.
Her writing's so far the densest of the lot we've read so far. Camus was pretty light, prose-style almost, and Sartre was kind of more thick and essay-y. And now de Beauvoir is really heavy on these philisophical abstract concepts. It makes it a little difficult to process.
>>581695 Yeah, de Beauvoir can be pretty tough. She and Sartre were some wild motherfuckers, though. When you read her work, you can see why those two jived so well together. What with their orgies and marriage and all that.
Yeah, our professor's talked a bit about her and Sartre's history. It's kind of a romantic relationship they had. Well, like, obviously a deep and intense relationship. I mean more like the high level of things romantic than romance romantic.
She also, in a pursuit to find photos of her and Sartre laughing and being cheerful (to dissuade this notion that all philosophers are gloomy people) found pictures of the two of them with Che Guevera and Fidel Castro. Which isn't really surprising to me, but still kind of neat.
One of the most interesting things, though, is that a character in one of his stories is someone who basically came to philosophical conclusions about the human condition while in a prisoner of war camp during WWI.
And later, while in a concentration camp in WWII, he started writing his magnum opus, Being and Nothingness.
It's like poetry.
It also means if I ever get to know my current Prime Minister I'll be like two or three degress of relation away from knowing Sartre and de Beauvoir!
Papa Trudeau extended an olive branch to Cuba and became fairly good friends with Castro, who then spent a bit of time with the Trudeau family when Justin was an infant and young boy. There's even stupid conspiracy theories that Justin is actually the illigitimate son of Trudeau's wife and Castro.
We're never going to make a better world through voting, but we can at least slow down the rate at which the world is destroyed. Harm reduction. I would appreciate it if you registered to vote and voted. Like, my life, and the lives of others, hang in the balance.
If I register to vote I would need to know about what I'm voting for. That means I would have to actually look into that, which isn't something I do or would enjoy doing. And if I don't look into it that means I'd be voting blindly or strictly off the opinions of others, which is also something I wouldn't enjoy doing.
Well, when I lose my rights, I won't enjoy that, and I'd like to see people doing the bare minimum to ensure things don't get that far. I have to do a lot of things I don't enjoy when I'm trying to do things that might protect my rights. And the rights of others.
LGBTQ+ folks are having their rights stripped away by the current administration. Trans people are having their passports taken away. Same-sex partners of diplomats are losing the ability to travel with their partners. Hispanic people are being imprisoned - some of them citizens. People are being threatened with having their citizenship revoked because the current administration is claiming people have been faking their birth certificate for 40+ years. Rules don't matter anymore.
And look at me. I'm Jewish. I'm always going to be the enemy. There are people calling for my death marching all the time and they actually go and hurt people, but they get protection. You probably can't understand what it's like to know that the world is falling apart and that nobody is going to protect me from it, but it's incredibly stressful. And things are only going to get worse.
So yes, having my rights taken from me is something I have to worry about.
>>581720 I don't really like having to dedicate so much time to organizing against this stuff. I mean, I'm the leader in a local political organization. Because people have to do things. We have to fight. I have to fight. Like, on Friday, people from the national organization and I are meeting to talk about medicare4all and Amendment 4 (a florida constitutional amendment which gives felons the right to vote). I have to dedicate serious amounts of time to this stuff while I'm in graduate school and working. I don't enjoy that.
The least you could do is vote.
Really though To be honest You should just vote for the Democrat.
>>581719 >but they get protection If you're referring to the fact that various opposition groups of any political stripe tend to get police """protection""" whenever they apply for a permit for a rally or whatever, then that's one thing.
But the folks at charlottsville have a few folks behind bars already. https://www.npr.org/2018/10/02/653814575/4-california-men-charged-with-rioting-at-last-years-rally-in-charlottesville-va
I'll need sources on the lgbtq+ passports, but I imagine that the current laws/systems would be uh, detrimental for those kinds of folks. Governments aren't fans of fluid identities to say the least.
there are a lot of credible reports online about it
>>581725 Thanks fam, reading now. >The activist and executive director of Gender Justice League needed to leave Seattle, she says, after a series of death threats posted on the anti-trans website Kiwi Farms Uh, whut. Kiwi farms is one of those aggrigate sites that comb forums to make artifical posts for ad money. It's weird they'd site that place of all things. >>581728 Huh, news to me. I only knew of them copying 8ch and the like.
>>581726 >that make artificial posts fir ad money No dude It's a site dedicated to monitoring and documenting the behavior of "exceptional individuals". And also current events.
Kirara, M.A.
>>581726 kiwifarms has forums and stuff a big community
Kiwifarms is pretty amazing. They're the people that monitor chris chan constantly.
>>581729 >chris chan Poor dude. I honestly pity the guy. :(
So, I read your stories, but they all seem to cite just two folks and even the aclu dude in the nbc story expressed some doubts...
Alrighty. Just wanted to get some more clarification from you is all. How're you doing anyway, Kirara?
Sam doesn't really like all of this political stuff on /moe/, so we should probably give it a break. I got carried away and ranted about it, sorry.
Oh yeah as part of a thing at my group therapy I'm teaching a bunch of people calculus. But I have to cover basic algebra too. All of this will be done in two hours.
>>581733 >teaching calculus and algebra in two hours Uhm. Good luck.
>>581734 I'm skipping a lot and just focusing on core concepts.
>>581735 >core concepts I'm still pretty skeptical. Then again, it depends on who all is in your group and the overall knowledge base they have in terms of mathematics.
>>581738 I'm going to teach them what a derivative is with out neccesarily teaching them hiw to compute it. And the same with integrals.
>>581740 Yeah, it's part of a thijg where each person in the group has to teach something to everyone else in the group.
>>581741 > >Yeah, it's part of a thijg where each person in the group has to teach something to everyone else in the group. Oh, those exercises are always fun.
>>581751 On my way home rn The job's pretty great honestly but school's a bit stressful since I don't have nearly as much time to study
It feels really refreshing to form positive relationships with people in person if I'm gonna be honest. I never talked to anyone at uni so I forgot what that's like
>>581757 No reason to other than class work. Well when I say "no reason to" I mean no goal oriented reason to I've never been that great at going out of my way to meet people or holding connections without concrete goals behind them At work you're stuck with the same people every day so you're forced to bond a bit
>>581759 It's the demeanour You've got a very friendly one I look like I'm always angry
>>581758 >I've never been that great at going out of my way to meet people or holding connections without concrete goals behind them Huh, I'm somewhat the exact opposite, though apparently I'm EXTREMELY approachable to a fault, so folks are always coming at me in public. I don't mind talking to folks and I like it quite a bit but there's a line I suppose. > >You've got a very friendly one Thanks, Maria! Guess all you have to do is smile more, eh?
>>581762 >go to farmer's market >checking out produce >farmer at the stand decides to give me a free watermelon for no real reason other than the fact he thought I had a friendly/approachable face.
>if I go to a bar alone, unless I bring a book or something, I'll ALWAYS get approached by folks, but even if I bring a book, half the time, folks will still approach me.
>just about every time I go to a record store, the clerk starts to chat me up (though that might just be due to the fact I'm a music nerd as well and I love talking about music, but that's beside the point)
>have had folks stop me in grocery stores to help them decide which soy sauce or whatever to buy.
>>581784 The fact you're wondering about such a thing means you're actively changing. Therefore, the mere act of thinking solidifies your persona. Give your brain the D, buddy.
Kirara, M.A.
come on that's not what i mean man
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
what changes would you want fron this brain surgery i have knives
Last night was really rough for me. I got wrapped up in some really swirly thoughts and couldn't calm down enough to sleep until I only had like two and a half hours of night yet. Left, even. Stress and anxiety really mess with me some times.
I've been looking for images of boys in aprons for about 20 or 30 minutes
>>581811 Wow yeah that sounds awful Not being able to sleep pisses me off
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
not being able to sleep or not being able to pee
>>581820 Not being able to sleep if you can't pee you can just go to sleep to wait it out
I've kind of come to the conclusion that I've got to stop trying to hard to -so hard to do things by other people's regulations. It never works for me and all it does is cause me to get trapped in obsessive perfectionism and cause way too much undue stress. So maybe it might cost me in grade but on the other hand it might help me avoid being driven crazy.
I've found I can sleep in most light levels, except when I've got like a lamp shining right at my face. If anything total darkness does kind of mess with me because I can't get a feel for the passing of time in that. I don't really like relying on the clock to know how much I've slept and that's my only resource if I don't have light in some degree.
>>581846 I can't stop one light from shining in through my window and I figure the blindfold is better than destroying property. I should probably get a mask, too. Maybe one of those comfy gel ones.
>>581832 The light bothers me so much. I love total darkness.
>>581847 >black curtains+taping the curtains so light doesn't shine through ezpz
Kirara, M.A.
that solution is more expensive than a blindfold or mask and more work
>>581850 Yeah, but a mask would be annoying to wear at night.
Kirara, M.A.
i've been sleeping with a blindfold on and it's been totally fine
Good for you, m8. I tend to need a lot of darkness for sleeping anyway. Any kind of blinking lights makes it nearly impossible for me to fall asleep.
even persistent light makes it hard for me to sleep
when teacup lived with me, she needed lights on or she couldn't sleep that was really difficult
I'm sure I probably sleep better if I've fallen asleep in dark, or darker lighting at least. But as far as falling asleep, light has pretty much no impact on how well I fall asleep. If I'm tired and nodding off, I'll slip away easily. If I'm anxious or still running pretty fast brain-wise, no amount of darkness is going to put me to sleep.
Because of the labor day weekend they can't pay me until tomorrow night for some reason I wish they worked it out better so I wasn't 400+ dollars out of picket // pocket for the week
He is a PAN-made deity after all. If you wanted a source of faith energy for him, I'd say anyone who believes in chance or luck, or actively tries to use those to their advantage, would be the best source of power for them. And since that's so broad he's easily autonomous.
Hey TN, I'm going to have to ask folks kind of individually I suppose but
Would you want to fight more enemies Because I've got an encounter set up that's already supposed to be tough this week but I was thinking I could have EVEN more dudes.
which is why "per se" if you just have tritium it doesn't glow you need the material that gets excited by the radiation and then glows
bang but this time he's better
yeah but that's like saying "we don't actually see anything we only see the rays of light that are reflected off of them" but that's what seeing things is
>>581965 no what you see is material that when excited glows it might gather that same energy from just say visible light but having small amount of constantly decaying radioactive material near it makes sure it always is excited so it glows
bang but this time he's better
but i'm saying that the effect you are describing is known as "radioactive glow" and so there is, in fact, such a thing
it is glow caused by radiation but the radiation or the radioactive material doesn't glow
there is a big difference there
bang but this time he's better
no there isn't really any difference at all except in the way you percieve the information
it is like saying plutonium glows but it doesn't glow because *** // plutonium gives a radioactive glow but it glows because it burns in contact with oxygen so it is just glowing because it is burning nothing to do with radiation or it being radioactive
https://www.nytimes.com/2018/10/03/us/presidential-alert-trump.html >At 2:18 p.m. Eastern on Wednesday, cellphones across the United States will emit the ominous ring of an emergency presidential alert.
It will be the first nationwide test of a wireless emergency alert system, designed to warn people of a dire threat, like a terror attack, pandemic or natural disaster. There is no opting out, which has already prompted a lawsuit.
speaking of tests either I am out of earshot of the air sirens, this place doesn't have them or they don't test them but man is it kinda weird to NOT have those tested every so and so
Hey, Kirara, do you like documentaries? I uploaded a somewhat rare 6 part series on capitalism I think you might like. https://mega.nz/#F!MJ8mQS6T!DlABkPAll1hRtca-yoNReA That's the link and here's a pastebin talking about the episodes. https://pastebin.com/DwCK8Ldb
It's pretty much a scathing critique of neo-liberalism and I reckon you'll get a kick out of it. Personally, I find some flaws with jumping straight to Adam Smith but it's a nice general overview of the past 300 years or so of economic development.
It's kind of that sort of insincere way some friends try to help others with their problems. I can't really speak for them but it seems like they're not approaching it from a psychologist mindset.
Still can't get Origins to run past the first load/splash screen. It boots up fine and from what I can see in task manager the process doesn't seem to be frozen. But it sits there for more than ten minutes without producing any visual changes.
Kirara, M.A.
that's really weird
Looking online it seems like a patch from a few months back or something might've broken it for a number of people. It also might be a GPU thing; I did notice my GPU hitting near-100% while the game was running. Updating my driver would be a good thing anyway if I want to play Odyssey so might as well give that a shot.
>I should conserve my co-op tickets for when the big raids start. >I'll start rooms instead of joining them. >no one joins >attempt to join room >immediate connection I think everyone has the same idea...
>>582032 But I want to talk to het her I want to talk to her more than I want to sleep.
I'm trying out making tikka masala for the first time. Figuring out new dishes is always kind of stressful. It also doesn't help to have to rush out by bike to the store to get something that didn't get picked up when the necessary bits were being bought, hah hah.
>>582043 Cooked up the sauce and chicken marinade myself, so I guess? It wasn't like a jar of masala sauce if that's what you're asking.
>>582045 >wasn't a jar of masala sauce Ah, I see. So you pretty much grabbed the different spices for the masala and assembled it yourself? That's always fun, though depending on where you get your spices, you'll have to watch your spending a bit. Ethnic markets are great for wholesale spices. Just toast the spices whole on a skillet for a few minutes and grind them up.
Halloween event right? I'm at attention.
>>582046 That's a bit more investment than I put in, hah hah. We keep pre-ground jars of a bunch of spices in our spice cabinet. My family's a pretty big fan of Indian and Thai curry-y foods so we probably have a decent selection compared to the average. It was fun cooking the sauce though, I haven't really ever done that much work for a sauce-y food.
I don't know if it's halloween clothes It says >You have qualified to receive an Online Jersey and Online Squidkid V Shoes for your character to wear They gave me 8 codes
>>582050 Hm, I should turn you onto this one brand of canned thai curry paste. For the money, it's some of the best curry I've had and the taste is similar to the best method of grinding whole herbs/spices with a mortar and pestle instead of blending it in a food processer. The pressing and grinding releases more oils and flavor compounds into the mixture and helps emulsify it better as well. https://www.amazon.com/4oz-Green-Yellow-Curry-Pastes/dp/B000QU3JM0/ref=sr_1_4_s_it?s=grocery&ie=UTF8&qid=1535142622&sr=1-4&keywords=curry+paste
Be a bit careful with the green curry though, it's fucking hot.
>>582051 Ah I see. I guess the Halloween event might not've started yet then. I saw some news about it getting announced, maybe it still needs a week or two to kick off.
Kirara, M.A.
bustin makes me feel good
Oh yeah, Kirara, did you hear about what Bezos did? Bezos' Decision To Raise Wages Is Largely A Machiavellian Distraction
If Walmart matches this it's bye bye mom&pop
>For the many low wage Amazon workers - both full time and temporary - set to receive a raise thanks to the just announced boost in minimum pay to $15/hour, the news is certainly a big plus. It should also be noted that had Amazon not been subject to intense scrutiny and criticism from the likes of Bernie Sanders and others, Jeff Bezos never would have responded with such an aggressive move. That said, if you think a little beyond the surface level about why he’s doing this now and what his real motives are, it becomes clear nobody should take this move at face value.
>The real tell here is Bezos’ immediate emphasis on raising the national minimum wage to $15 an hour under the law. Pushing for a forced across the board wage hike everyone knows Amazon can cope with better than current or potential competition, makes his company look good while likely harming other business models in the process.
>This is how Bezos rolls, he’s willing to take short-term losses to dominate a market. What sacrifice is a wage hike if he assumes everyone else will have to do it as well? He knows Amazon’s got the resources and capability to automate in a way others simply can’t. Bezos see this as a win-win if he can also get everyone to pay $15 an hour. He gets to look like a leader, while also positioning Amazon for even greater market dominance in the long-run. You really think Bezos is advocating for a national minimum wage increase because he’s suddenly a Bernie Sanders populist? Don’t be stupid.
>>582052 Hm, the only Canadian seller for those charges over fifty CAD for the set. Some of those American sellers do seem to ship up here but it's probably gonna end up being a bit more expensive for me. I'll keep them in mind though.
Kirara, M.A.
>>582055 yeah, it's all bullshit bezos is a bastard
>>582057 >a bastard Understatement of the fucking century, mah man. In my view, he's pretty much worse than any 20th century dictator or despot since he's essentially garnering control over everyone's metadata, but in a consumer sense.
The sauce for this turned out pretty good, but I think I could have done a better job with the chicken. >>582060 Regular Greek yoghurt, it's hard to find a decent plain yoghurt otherwise. I think the marinade was fine, maybe could have used a bit more with the amount of chicken I had. The bigger problem is that I think I left the chicken in the oven a bit too long, or at too hot a temperature. I was hoping the mixing it into the sauce would give it a bit more moisture but I don't think it fixed enough. But that's an easy thing to do better on next time.
>>582059 It looks a bit broken to me. I presume you just marinated the chicken with the yogurt? What kinda yogurt did you use?
Kirara, M.A.
>>582058 he'll make a good meal when we eat the rich
>>582062 Yeah, no shit. >>582061 >eat the rich DOTR mah man! Eating the rich doesn't really strike fear into the hearts of our enemies and besides, cannabalism is an absurdist capitalist venture!
the only ethical consumption under capitalism is the consumption of the rich
>>582064 Fam, we gotta eat, like, regular food, man. Didn't yo mamma tell you to eat yer veggies before you eat yer blood puddin'? >>582066 As in a literal river rat? Depends on which river we're talking about... I've been wanting to try guinea pigs and notso said they were pretty good. Heard squirrel's good too, so why not?
Kirara, M.A.
LV, would you eat river rat
Kirara, M.A.
would you eat cloned human meat
>>582065 For the sake of the argument let's say it's the Tennessee River.
oh shit I need to make like two more maps for tomorrow
Kirara, M.A.
pee-chan found out im basically bi and she was like "now we can talk about our favorite things about dicks"
You were bi?
>>582079 The only winning move here is to just go DEEP left field. Make her feel so regretful about breaching the topic with you that she never does so again. If that's even possible.
Those Switch Online gear pieces are pretty good. Or maybe I just got lucky, don't know if they have specific skills they start with. But they still have a full four skill slots which is good regardless.
Oof. I always end up eating a lot when I make food myself.
Who's pee-chan again, kirara? She sounds familiar....
Kirara, M.A.
one of the girls in my cohort a colleague
>>582097 Right, that's what I thought, but what's with her moniker? Some pee fetish or something?
my poor dad who moved in with his wife's parents to take care of them got there and their house hasn't been cleaned in years and they're like, hoarders
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
that's got to be terrible
Kirara, M.A.
the lady who they were paying to clean for them was actually not cleaning and they didn't realize because they're basically blind
This weekend is going to be the ultimate test of whether i can keep my spaghetti in my pockets I'm going on a roadtrip with four strangers And they're all girls
Oh it seems I was wrong about the elemental weapons. They do provide a stat boost to people who share the same element. I dont know how much though. It might be based on altars
Oh I get it now. The altars are messing up my numbers.
...the altars AND the dragon was messing with my numbers. But yes, equipping a elemental weapon to a series //unit of the same increases its effectiveness by 50%
Oh no Somebody got him mid post Oh nvm
Well anyway, it doesnt help my might score but my 3* bow is stronger than my 4* due to this so I guess I'll keep using that. The extra ability on the 4* bow is useless to me anyway. It's a nice ability but i have never gotten a game changing benefit.
>afro’s gf’s boo cosplay i suppose it could be a matter of insecurity but i would be uncomfortable in his position habing her streaming herself wearing it tbh
Man I wish sam was around. I have a silly paper to show him.
Oh yeah ton might appreciate it too. Ton check this out Just read the abstract. >Parallel Computing by Xeroxing on Transparencies https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-3-540-88869-7_31
I meant to get my laundry dried while watching anime before bed but I forgot to get it moved to the drier. So I'm stuck up an hour later than I could have been or I don't have clean clothes for tomorrow.
But I grabbed the BDs for Yuru Camp so I've got something nice to pass the time with.
bang but this time he's better
i just saw virtual self i feel transcended
Make sure to not transcend too far. Could make it hard to find your way back.
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
that feel when this move is approaching and i'm tryna figure out how this is going to go down channelling that energy into basic "reddit nyc vs sf" googling
>>582268 I think I can kind of relate. There's a certain apprehension in a big move like that which is both exhilarating and scary. Hope it goes well for you.
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
oh no bang became one with the star god
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
ima follow him inflatesballoon
>>582270 thanks man i hope so too just booked a flight
time to set my gun to KILL
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
what are you gonna load it with
Can it really be true love if they didn't hijack a helicopter to break you from prison https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lucy_Dudko
>>582275 >returning to the city you broke out of like a month later imbeciles
Finally finished my morning induction for today. tomorrow I have to do a treasure hunt, so that we all are familiar with where the buildings are.
wow they're really making it into a big thing huh
I tried asking them what the codes meant since the codes are the where the buildings are but they don't understand them - the lectures that is. so they will physically show us where the buildings are. A bit of odd way to do it with a treasure hunt
>>582296 It's a cold bowl that you take into missions and if you take it enough times you get to keep it. The problem is that it does nothing if you don't put stuff into it. And people are trying to get away with putting nothing in it and joining your team with their big bowl of nothing
>>582337 ToN, I found a really funny paper printed in a serious journal. >Parallel Computing by Xeroxing on Transparencies https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-3-540-88869-7_31 Just read the summary.
This is pretty interesting. https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/yw4nnk/how-the-us-stopped-a-possible-solution-to-the-heroin-epidemic
>Between 1936 and 1953, the number of known drug addicts in Britain fell from 616 to 290, before rising again to 454 by 1960. this statistic really bothers me or at least the implications of it as an exacerbation
on both levels, actually as raw information it's just dismissive and more importantly, on a storytelling level, like this article kind of has, statistics are just horrible as storytelling devices with narrative intent objectively or subjectively it's a bad statistic to use
ok that's the end of my hyperstimulated babble for today
I was mainly intrigued by the lack of a black market.
yeah that was more of the point of the article, i get that i'm still of the opinion that the manufacturing of a black market for opioids by the governments is somewhat intentional as a countermeasure why traffic humans when you can traffic pharmaceuticals instead
I somehow managed to get the second endeavor mark for 28k. It was such a good run I thought it would be 2 people on your team but it's two people in the whole raid and I'm just like
I lost the third one but that was my fault. Really close to the end I lost my glass cannon and then my healer immediately after. But I got enough Silver Medals for the first Summon Ticket so GJ me! I wish mana was easier to come by. Why isn't that a farmable object in the castle
was winning the 16k one finally and i got DC'd from host
damn that sucks I used to get mad about that but then it happened to me at random like twice so I guess it's more a server thing than anything.
technician is to engineer as doctor is to ____?
ehh can't think of one. If you reversed it, I'd say physician is to doctor but can't think of something in the opposite direction
technicians are usually more specific to a certain thing. But doctor isn't very specific at all
doctor isn't, but any given doctor is same for technicians prob
True, but between technician and engineer, engineer is vague while technician is specific. Like an electrical engineer vs power line technician There are specific kinds of doctors but I can't think of a vaguer term to use in a similar encompassing set than "doctor" itself. That's why I think physician -> doctor works but doctor -> ?????
It's probably not available anywhere yet. Like, this event is the first time that Sunlight Ore is available and that's used for unbinding the 5* Dragons
that said, this event only gives three of them and you need 10 to do an unbind wwww
Kirara, M.A.
Not to mention you need 1600 Gold Emblems to even reach the third one. You can get gold in the 16k raid though so that's not too bad.
Kirara, M.A.
why the fuck is dragalia throwing me japanese push notifications
it's just another day there's murder in the air it drags me when i walk, i smell it everywhere it's just another day where people cling to light to drive the // away the fear that comes with every night
I nap a lot in the evening these days. But of course there's one day of the week that I'm in class during the space that I'm normally napping. Though it's Monday so I kind of reset a bit over the weekend. It's still not really a consistent sleeping schedule though.
Hell, the person behind The Witcher is kicking themselves in the face for not taking a percentage deal
Well really, he chose the lump sum because he was exceptionally dismissive of the potential of video games. And even in more recent times he's still acted like the games have done NOTHING for his books selling on an international level. What's really asinine is that he's actually suing CD Projeckt Red because Poland has a technicality rule about creative rights.
>>582424 Well to take his side on one thing. CDPR was relatively unknown before they took on the task of building a game out of his world. I can understand him having a hesitation towards their ability to deliver before that.
Yeah, he did but he's still a dumbass. It's not so much that I have sympathy for him but it's just BAD on a business level. Especially when you're looking at people who can clearly deliver.
I guess you're right on that one but this mistborn person doesn't have that defense right now and it would just make little sense to do so. Being culturally relevant without being compensated sucks.
Well Sanderson's certainly pretty well off regardless. He's a pretty popular author in the modern fantasy scene. I'm sure he wouldn't disagree to compensation but he's definitely not struggling to make ends meet either.
And unlike The Witcher's author he'd probably be really enthusiastic about being a creative input for games from his universe. For better or for worse, hah hah.
So the EX raid is pretty much the boss but without the pattern He just has access to every ability he possibly can utilize. I lost two units immediately.
Oh dear The line is backed up because someone was hit by a train not far from where I live
>>582460 let's steal a nobel prize and melt it and sell the raw materials
They're made of gold. A nobel prize medal is worth more than its weight in gold you know.
Although if you were to steal one, steal Obama's. I can't think of a less deserving recipient than him. Well Watson and Crick sort of but like Even though they stole that woman's data they still did do some science.
You keep saying that and I keep not believing you.
Kirara, M.A.
he instituted policies that inordinately targeted black people and criminalized blackness i don't know why it's hard to believe
To be fair, most presidents have done that. So by that logic blacks would dislike most presidents. Anyways the reference to him as being "the first black president" is because of his origins, how he got into power and how it was taken away. >>582476 Carter was too pure for politics, he was just too good of a person.
Kirara, M.A.
well yeah except for carter
>>582466 yeah but it's more difficult to sell a nobel prize than it is to sell some gold
>>582477 It's also harder to steal a nobel prize than to steal some gold.
I ate a lot earlier. And I also napped earlier. I guess I'm neither in particular, hah hah.
You don't want to eat anything before sleeping?
I ate way too much today. I had a big slice of pizza, two pop tarts, 3 hostess cupcakes, one chocolate twinky, a coke, a bunch of glasses of water, a bottle of Calpis and a large serving of beef using Oh and a popsicle.
>>582491 If you're gonna lose either way, might as well go with the more enjoyable option! 'Course could just have a decent breakfast tomorrow morning if you've got the time.
>>582493 You never wake up at night with bad heartburn?
So I took my sleeping medicine an hour ago but I'm not tired. I'm kind of worried.
>>582497 Around forty minutes. I'm afraid taking a shower right after taking it negated it somehow by waking me up. I also know I probably shouldn't be on my phone but usually I just get tired and thats when I say "going to bed, night".
Hrrm This is interesting. https://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2018/10/agents-of-automation/568795/
When I woke up this morning, I had a text from a professor telling me she needed me to do a ton of work today. I could have just ignored it, but I'm trying to play by the rules a little more than usual. It meant I couldn't see Fish today which was pretty disappointing.
Yeah, Mandalorians are cool and not touched on enough in existing media. Well, existing canon media.
Maybe he'll be like a space cowboy
Especially after they wiped the extended universe from true canon, there's almost nothing but the bits from the prequels and some minor details about them still kicking around. Plenty space to work with.
Man. Fish basically missed two seasons of anime. Well, like one and a half When I think about it like that, it seems like an impossible amount of time.
It's a good four or five or so months. That's a long time to be gone, especially with how she was radio silent for a good chunk of it.
>>582582 yeah it's probably not going to be normal for a long time though since she has to do physical therapy and stuff or whatever im hoping they hire the physical therapist to come over here
>JoJo part five episode one airing in ten hours Good chance that means it'll be subbed for tomorrow night. How exciting.
>>582583 Yeah, I can imagine the therapy will be a lengthy process. Hopefully it can be accomodated for the two of you. That would be nice.
>>582588 i can invent a lot of things more annoying by many people including me and including ou but you being happy about fish returning to normal yeah
>>582590 Everyone's trying to get in on the movie adaptations recently, huh. Maybe they're trying to make the Smash Bros. Cinematic Universe.
on he other hand man getting some proper soy sauce is nice >normal imported soy sauce >need to spend FUCKTN to get any taste aside from SALTY >good soy sauce >need to spend few ML to get TOO MUCH taste and they COST the same
only problem is the store locations
and that the small time store selling this shit has so varying stock
spiderman is "hämähäkkimies" hämähäkki is spider häkki means cage btw why the word is as it is no idea, I have no idea and I can't find any reason why it is as it is
Batman - lepakkomies, that ISN'T used by anyone batman is batman in finnish
spiderman is spiderman or hämähäkkimies/hämis or an equilevant shortehing
Superman is "Teräsmies" Man of steel, or literally Steel Man the original translation coming from the comic "Super man - man of steel" super coming from greece anyhow and being already in finnish, but being known to just highly educated so... "teräsmies" made more sense
I actually as a kid thought superman and "man of steel" ment two different things