Thread #582481
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Banana Fish Cooking with Emiya Hanebado! Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi --Episode 25-26 Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight Tsukumogami Kashimasu --Episode 7-10 --Fall Anime 2018 Akanesasu Shoujo Bakumatsu Double Decker! --Episode 1-2 Kaze ga Tsuyoku Fuiteiru RErideD - Tokigoe no Derrida --Episode 2-5 Sora to Umi no Aida Zombieland Saga
>>582481 (OP) Beep boop Rika.
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siorry! I guess it's late too, sorry. not sure what we should do. let's drop tsuku sooooooooooooooooo double decker 1 zombieland kaze ga what's a comfy show?
Yeah it's just on the list I wasn't really keeping it around intentionally.>>582500 I dunno Kakuriyo I guess. Kaze ga etc. might // Sora to Umi etc. might be but I will stress again I know nothing about the show.
Oh it's a mobage-driven multimedia project. Looks kind of mecha-y. Probably not all too comfy then.
zombieland seems good
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okay double decker zombieland sora to umi kaze ga let's orange for double decker okay lets start!
this looks like a solid 6/10 show
If you say stuff like that this early on you'll never think anything but.
>>582510 i dunno i thought 3gatsu was really bad early on then i loved it
Sure, outliers exist. But generally forming conclusions like that before evidence will make you more inclined to ignore things that contradict your conclusion.
it is my anisense
More like a chuuni delusion.
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This always had a really good style.
Yeah the character design is really colourful.
It's dangerous to have hero delusions like that.
Constable Blueberry
this pipe guy seems pretty reliable even though he's stuck
It's easy to use your brain even if your leg is stuck.
this screaming purple guy is kind of funny
Betteran and Ruukii
hint of gay
Oh yeah no it's gonna be way more than hints before this is over. At least if they're following in the spirit of Tiger & Bunny.
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haha yeah it's a fujo franchies! zomebieland! okay lets start!
This one should probably be a little silly.
>2008 calendar Wow ten years ago.
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oh boy, a girl like this in a show with a name like zombieland geez wait until i stop typing please
Holy shit.
Is this like Korean Desk Car but with a female protagonist.
That was pretty metal of her for a moment. I guess it's still ineffective against a zombie though.
She's looking kind of blue herself now. I bet she's been a zombie all along and we've just seen what she thinks she's still alive.
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Yeah she's totally a zombie.
She's got a big scar on her forehead too, poor girl. Hah hah fat good that'll do.
>Ten years ago Okay wow. I guess we're back in 2018 now.
He wants to make zombie aidoru eh. They all look like they've lost their brain capacity aside from her though.
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I guess she's the only zombie that isn't an idiot.
>It's another regional aidoru show >Only the aidoru are zombies Well this is an unexpected development.
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Good use of kyouma's voice here.
Yeah, Mamoru Miyano as their ... manager? It's a good choice of a seiyuu.
Oh he's made sure they got made up to look like they're not dead.
Hah hah she's trying to headbang. Oh no it's contagious.
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I guess they're still retarded.
I've completely lost interest in this show
Death metal zombie aidoru not up your alley?
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O thonl ot err I think it's pretty funny.
Yeah it's pretty silly.
She just wanted to be a normal idol and now she's part of a death metal band.
I'm just holding off on a body part coming detached. I guess they held together though.
Oh more sentient zombies. Ah they're all sentient except for Tae-chan.
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I wonder if protagonist-chan was stupid for 10 years before waking up.
She doesn't look like she was decomposing in the ground, so maybe. I wonder if they'll be doing different genres of music each episode, since it seems like hip-hop next week.
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well that was pretty interesting. okay sora to umi okay lets tsart!
I don't have any real consideration for this one either way.
Kind of a spaz.
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Oh here we go, space fishing.
The main character for this show is kind of Honoka-poi.
I guess these are real or near-similar mechanics to how the mobage works.
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I'm guessing this retard is going to be really good at it.
Oh those are some big fish.
That one guy with the Izanami goddess is totally a lolicon.
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Yeah, they were kinda a moefag team over all okay kaze ga this looks interesting okay lets start!
Gay running
Unison Square Garden OP It's kind of reminscent of the ballroom show a bit. Well it's Production I.G. animating so that makes sense.
Kind of an endearing group of eccentrics.
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They look kinda similar to other characters from similar shows.
This guy's just been scheming this whole time to get a full track team.
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OST was good there.
Yeah. Not a very impressionable pilot, but I wouldn't say it was bad either.
I guess getting some of these tennants into running shape will be a battle.
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thanks for anime!
Yup, thanks.