Black Clover Cooking with Emiya Hanebado! Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi --Episode 25-26 Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight Tsukumogami Kashimasu --Episode 7-10
--Fall Anime 2018 Akanesasu Shoujo Double Decker! --Episode 1-2 Kaze ga Tsuyoku Fuiteiru RErideD - Tokigoe no Derrida --Episode 1-5 Seishun Buta Yarou wa Bunny Girl Senpai no Yume wo Mina Sora to Umi no Aida Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken
Time got the better of me and I had to write up tonight's list just now.
Also I won't be home the -this Saturday night because of Canadian Thanksgiving. So in the case that Rika's surprisingly home this weekend, feel free to watch whatever.
I don't really know what any of this new stuff is other than double decker.
Give me two normal recommendations and a comfy one.
Seishun buta yarou wa bunny girl senpai seems to be potentially good >>582171 oh yeah that too
I also want to watch Goblin slayer asap but its not out yet i think
Tensei Shitara is an isekai with a guy that gets reincarnated as a slime.
Akanesasu Shoujo is apparently Garo meets K-On! I don't totally know the veracity of this description though. Seems like they mean to say it's cute girls doing toku.
Kaze ga etc. is a sports show about running I think. It seems a little fujobait-y.
I have no clue what RErideD is about but it has one of my favourite creative minds, the guy who did the character designs for Serial Experiements Lain and the creative work behind Haibane Renmei, so I'm interested in watching it this season.
I have zero clue what Sora to Umi no Aida is about, hah hah
I know black clover is overall pretty bad and lots of people just shit on it, but it's the kind of thing that could be really, really good if it was a little less shounen and had a little more soul.
Sure. Honestly I'll grant it that it attempts to put a lot of detail into its world building. It just leans entirely on such inane and uninspired tropes in the process. The morality is way too thin and poorly developed.
There is a really good series under the surface screaming to get out. It just can't get past shounen tropes to get to the surface. I don't blame the author, I blame shounen jump.
Eh I don't know who to blame about it. The author might be doing it intentionally. The thing about these bland tropes is that they catch a lot of people. They're accessible so no one really needs to climb over a learning wall to understand what's going on. Like even the dungeon arc was really early on, early enough that it seems less likely to be editor meddling. Even the dungeons feel like they could have been lifted directly from Magi. It could also just be that Jump sensed a potential filler for the popularity void left behind by Naruto/Bleach and stepped in early to mould it into a bland-but-popular hit.
Without further information it's not really possible to know where the blame lies.
I'm going to assume that it's a sitaution where the editor pressure s the author to make it more shounen. There is no evidence to suggest that but it feels like that could be the case.
Oh I thought Yuno was going to be an ass but he turned it around.
The fact that Yuno hasn't gone full Sasuke is one of the positives for the series too. Though I'll hold out until the series ends before I'm convinced he's never going to.
The quality of the ED is always crazy better than the actual show, hah hah Even if the characters can be kind of off-model.
I got hopeful for a moment I guess, that the main character would be a girl turned into a slime. Instead it's just another guy about to get TRUCK'D I guess.
Oh it's KNIFE'd instead. The eyes in this show are familiar to me.
I think they're going to go "androgynous" with very obvious female leanings okay lets start!
Yeah, the face is pretty feminine, but the body, or at least the form we can see from the clothes, is definitely less indicative of sex.
There's also that isekai about someone being re-incarnated as a spider that's coming out at some point. It's a little more interesting than keeping a human form at least.
They're both pretty nonplussed about this experience.
I think something like that is already a pretty extreme situation.
This feels like 8man mixed with that one show that kyoani did where the girl with the boobs played uhhh what is that game where you go under the pole limbo?
Musaigen no Phantom World. Yeah, the lead heroine of that played limbo.
The MC feels a bit more like the dead-inside MC of that show with the point system school. Definitely less actually dead though. Hachiman was kind of a bitter jerk and this guy doesn't really have that.