I think this might be the last aired episode for this series. I've seen chatter of an OVA to be released though.
last episode
Taim masine
Oh right he's really broken the timeline this time. Or maybe brought it back closer to normal.
Kagari has a point even if she shouldn't really know it. In the traditional world lines from Steins;Gate she never gets to meet Mayuri. If Suzuha gets to use the time machine to go back the world lines will probably drift back into the ones from then.
My understanding is that Steins;Gate 0 is a parallel Okarin to the one for the original VN. Or well, it ends up on a world line divergence which, after certain other details and Okarin falling into PTSD, means WWIII is an inevitability.
But at the same time, this Bad End of S;G 0 is critical for the actual Okabe of the original VN to get his shit together and save Kurisu. Since it's what triggers Mayuri to slap sense into him. And it's also where the video of this oji-san Okabe telling the actual Okabe how to "deceive the world" comes from.
Or something. Stuff that leans heavily on time travel inevitably gets complex and confusing.
I've got a feeling this older Okabe is using the time machine to go find where Suzuha and Mayuri crashlanded. Somehow.
Hah hah hah. Even grown up Okabe can't help but try so hard to look cool.
This vocalized take on this track is really good too.
pretty good series okay kyoto holmes okay lets tsart!
I saw chatter that the SciADV team (who made the VNs of Steins;Gate, Robotic;Notes, Chaos;Head, and others) are putting out a new VN soon too. I wonder if it'll get an adaptation any time soon.
that ending episode was pretty great I liked the vlocalized ost
Yeah it was a really nice take on it. And the call back to the original OP was a nice nostalgia trip too.
Also Boku no Hero Academia has been greenlit for a fourth anime series. I don't know when it'll air though.
>Looking at beautiful things will hone your eye >She lingers her gaze on Holmes
Oh my, a European greeting.
Grumpy old man.
I wonder who that might be, showing up to this party.