Thread #579366
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All of one show aired since yesterday I believe. Beatless Cooking with Emiya Free! Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi --Episode 22-26 Tsukumogami Kashimasu --Episode 6-10 --Fall 2018 Double Decker! RErideD - Tokigoe no Derrida --Episode 1-4
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we're running out a bit aren't we beatless free tsuku 6 kakuyiro 22
Such is life with the end of the season upon us.
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okay beatless okay lets start!
Bee tress
Combat robo-meidos.
Man that was an almost romantic moment they had, relaxing on a hard piece of hovering meta. An then Methode had ot come and ruin it.
Hah hah Asimov's three Laws.
Snowdrop is sure persistent.
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Oh I guess that was her plan to get a soul.
>Like Astraia Totally didn't process that as Australia at first.
MC's friend really commiting to opposing him.
It's another Lacia.
Levelled up Snowdrop!
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High level snowdrop is weird. okay free! okay let sstart!
He sure likes his water.
The girls in this series are weird.
This is nice. I can definitely feel the vibe of anticipation going on. I get a similar feeling some times, like when travelling or going into something.
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This season has picked up with a lot of the old characters back.
Shame it's wrapping up, hah hah.
Oh he lost it.
The PV from last week acted like this was the last episode. But there's a bit of stuff they're hanging out here right at the end of the episode.
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I think this is the last episode and they're asking us to buy the source material.
Isn't Free an original project? I think the anime came first before all the other stuff that's now involved.
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I guess it probably is. I guess they're telling us to buy the next season.
Ah well there we go. Some new project coming along in 2020.
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okay tsuku 6 okay lets start!
Tsu ku mo ga mi
Oh right this guy's back again this episode.
This poor sap.
For someone so unsteady he sure's actually got a good slap.
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... nya ...
Hi Woah do you even watch anime anymore.
nya la lala nya la lala
i dont watch anime that stuffs for nerds
Well then this is the anime thread you dork.
oh my bad
This Ohana is pretty cute though.
Oh he's red-paper-clip-ing his way to profit.
Oh yeah, the ryo was the Japanese gold coin. That's a lot of gold.
Ransomers are always like that.
This poor sap.
Well they got his doodad back and they still also have the thirty ryo. That's a fairly decent amount of money.
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This one is very pleasant but a tad dull.
It's non-offensive in the kind of detrimental way.
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kakuryio 22! okay lets start!
I like these twins.
I like the op
nano is a great vocalist. I found in the past her songs were kind of goofy but they got better.
Yeah she's starting to get a bit deep in her cups.
Some youkai are such total creeps, hah hah.
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That breathy hi actually was kinda creepy.
I guess she'll have to go full magic user or get her Danna-sama to save her from this guy at some point.
He's kind of understandable. Immortality is probably the kind of thing that gets boring in the long run. Still a total creep though.
Hah hah he's still creeping up behind her.
Having a host of followers is probably a bit like being a parent.
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her clone is so weird
Oh no she got her mind stolen by sake.
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alcohol will do that thanks for anime!
Thanks. There ought to be a bit more that airs tomorrow.