I'm really disappointed about the silence. I wanted her to praise me for a good job. I don't know why she wouldn't respond to me unless something happened to her or if I made her really mad.
I'm not really knowledgeable about care for long-term sickness, but maybe her treatment today drained her. She's still pretty sick, isn't she? Resting is important for getting better.
She's doing okay now. A lot better. If something was going to stop her from texting, she would have warned me. Maybe her dad is doing something. Maybe I have to fight him, after all.
Well it's good to hear she's doing a lot better. Sorry that I don't really have any idea of what might be going on. I'd say try and not let it swallow your mind too much, but as one chronic worrier to another, I know that can be a tall order.
i guess i was hoping for too much when i thought she'd be happy for me she wasn't even here for any of my struggle with all of this i was here with her when she got her master's
last night was pretty chaotic too I came home to gas stove running while everyone else was passed out a lot of smoke everywhere then my sister came and home and started yelling at my brother in law for something he did while he was drunk I'm gonna take a guess and say he drove home >>579861 it might be that he was just breathing heavy he was acting paranoid and worried that someone came inside >>579861 nah, we're just drunks around here the roommate is the only one with the connection to coke
>>579859 coke really just makes your breath smell bad so if he smelled really bad he was probably smoking something >>579860 haha what the fuck do you live in a crack house or something
I'd probably get pretty sick of it if my roommate was passing // well really if anybody was constantly going too hard and passing out and shit doing drugs is fun and all but you need to understand your limits
i never pass out like that and i drink pretty hard if i take a double benzo dose for anxiety i'll usually zonk out pretty quickly but never like in the middle of shit or dangerously
I used to black out drunk all the time when I was like 18-20. If I take any kind of painkiller I also either throw up or pass out or both pretty quickly too. I don't really drink anymore but after a few years I got better at pacing myself and stopped blacking out all the time.
me i guess alcohol never got me to blackout most of the times i ever drank i'd actually end up being awake forever afterwards like feel sleepy at 8:00pm, start drinking, suddenly it's 7:00am and won't sleep until m sober
yeah alcohol doesn't affect us all universally don't some asian people lack something in their liver that lets them digest alcohol quickly or somethin for that matter?
there are people who are naturally drunk or something auto something
>>579876 yeah it causes a flushing reaction in something like 65% of japanese and slightly less in SEA and china due to some missing homozygote or some shit i don't remember how to spell it tonight
my little sister has some allergy to alcohol that gives her a similar reaction as the alcohol flush one drink and her face is beet red and she's dizzy and such so she doesn't drink at all.
>>579892 i don't think so, they just released a second expansion thing and the game's getting some small praise after they've overhauled a lot of the systems >>579895 yeah it flopped out the door hard they've supposedly changed a lot since then but i didn't play it on launch
Guess bethesda or whoever owns and runs it, doesn't kneejerk react to small setbacks Wish square hadn't killed Nosgoth so early >game launches fully >startts to gain audience >month later is killed by square
>>579896 that one really confused me i played it a lot in beta and thought it was a really fun game i guess they expected it to print money off an old IP or something?
same and it really started to be good sure it had a lot of "pay to unlock" but the game gave you enough virtual currency to buyt hem out relatively quickly >>579897 Yeah I guess it would ahve been a success, but it wouldn't have never been a dota or an overwatch Legacy of Kain anyhow is a fringe series so not a lot of people know about it or rather played it Most just know of it as "that game with vampires and really complicated plot"
But the gameplay was solid the weapons with humans were fun, the roles really rubbed off of eachother and vampire playing was really fun I liked the mentalist one most going invis and using kagebunshin the flyer one was bit OP, though
i preferred playing as the vampires generally specifically the guy that could leap on people he was squishy but could delete people unlucky enough to stray a bit too far away from their team landing long distance leaps was really satisfying too
Humans was actually easier in terms of securing a match if your team knew even some basic stuff, you could get the match to a 25-30 lose giving your vampire round a lot of leeway
>>579900 yeahj that guy was 100% designed to punish people who strayed afar but he was a solid beginner for a team fight just tag one of the key people with the leap while everyone else attacks ironically the big tanky guy was shit at initiation in my opinion I mean sure he could rush them or jump at them but he didn't really have any disabling abilities so he quite likely got killed too
but damn I still love the fond memory of a round where our whole team played the invis guy with the cloning skill >invis with million clones constantly running around the humies going "WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON WHAT IS REAAAL" and we won like 30-1
the weirdest part was playing at US servers and how different they were from europe like everyone just did their thing and complicated team work very rarely happened while in european servers, there was much more planning and stalking and positioning around as a team
basically us gameplay was much quicker tempo with constant action usually while europe was kinda team fight, retreat or wipeout, buildup to another team fight, repeat
was just reminded of something a few years ago, we were watching some anime movie on /moe/ and there was this diver girl who wore a wetsuit and i really liked her and Sam was watching with us and he said "you definitely have a type" and thinking about that now it's kind of funny i wonder how he knew
we need to show them the wonder of cute girls and throwing the plot out the window
I feel like the story isn't that fascinating until later like the end of Ch 3 and 4 I've been skipping some parts but the character stories are alright. I like those
Kirara, M.A.
it's funny that they're reusing assets from granblue a little
I figured that would happen. You own it, might as well. I like how the flame dragon is friends with Cerberus from that other mobile game they have. the one with the puppy handpuppets
reading this is making me feel like i have brain fog i can't comprehend this
>>579973 it's all implications, i guess they're talking about something that can't be said. >>579972 it feels a bit like when my dad was talking about my graduation and i was like "yeah im happy" and he felt i was minimizing it
There comes a point where you just can't get all the endeavors solo because your team is too retarded to avoid giant aoes
i feel so crappy today that i skipped my plans and im just lying on the couch like a loser i lied to my friends and said i couldn't go because i got hurt because i didn't want to admit whatever psychological crisis im going through to them
Are you going to go visit fish?
Kirara, M.A.
no im just going to lie on ny coug couch
You should go see fish.
Or play with Laz. Or both.
Kirara, M.A.
im just going to lie on my couch i don't have the energy to play or go anywhere
Kirara, M.A.
fish might not even want to see me anyway she's being weird
>>>/watch?v=QWbMckU3AOQ oh wow I didn't expect them to make more of x-men and damn does it look BAD
yeah I am watching some top 15 upcoming movies thingie and I thought the Dark minds some "this isn't x-men mutants, but it is them" from 20th century fox would be the worst one int he bunch but... then that happened
I first thought it would be some new narnia movie and was actually looking forward
Oh yeah Sorry to bother you that was the film I was intending to use my now expired free film ticketo n a film that didn't air here
also what a new jungle book movie? didn't they just do this
Kirara, M.A.
it's in theaters now i believe stby they just got International theater distribution
it had a very limited showing during Love and Anarchy film festival, but my ticket wouldn't apply there
>how do we animate 2d images tripping over something? >just flip that baby 90 degrees and throw it to the corner This was more funny than it really should be to anyone
only thing I dislike about salad, is when you mix in something hard like cucumebr with too thick skin or god forbid nuts or something salad stuff is soft and easy to eat and then you ruin it with bits that you actually need to chomp on fucking heretics
>>580017 At that point you tell your body "shut the fuck up body I'm doing you a favour".
weird I forgot there was going to be a new lion king
I'm mildly curious about that. The original Lion King was one of those movies that was around when my ability to remember things as a kid first started coming around.
>>580050 ain't it weird how only pizza/kebaba shops can be trusted to deliver food despite there being tons of restaurants in the area that could deliver their food and profit of it
I can get liquor delivered from abroads to my doorstep, but not domestic
i cannot get liquor delivered unless I ask the pizza guy real nicely
Kirara, M.A.
i can just call this dude and be like man bring me some fuckin vodka and they will
"hey can you bring me food instead of vodka?"
buy a bottle of Jack and tell the delivery guy he can keep it if he gets you some quiznos
I could have liquor delivered here. But that's because the only people selling liquor are government stores so there's a single chain to do the logistics for. They're also going to deliver cannabis through the same means after it becomes fully legalized later this October.
>>580088 ah the state doesn't control our booze maybe that's why
Kirara, M.A.
state doesn't control ours either idk maybe it's not legal to deliver alcohol
Yeah, if liquor wasn't distributed by the province I wouldn't be surprised if there were means of delivering it, at least here in the city. Where there's a demand, there's a potential business venture, after all. But having a single provider that's backed by the government probably makes setting up the delivery infrastructure easier.
lemme get a
double bacon gin with cheese extra pickles
i'll take a number 9 with extra fries and a number 23 large
that is quite a scary concept and kinda makes for an interesting scenario in some "fairy bar" >so what do you do for living >i dunno colect human teeth and give them money for them >cool cool >what about you? >I lay down landmines
maybe it's overwhelming stress bubbling over maybe that's why my alcohol cravings have been so bad and getting snubbed by fish was just the straw that broke the camel's back
>>580121 for the most part, yeah. I"ve been home all day and in my room for most of it. I gotta figure out which one of these I want >Queen of the Sands >Alluring Sniper >Maiden Protector
There's a lot of good Switch games on the horizon. And further off. I can't wait to go full comfy with Animal Crossing. Wonder if they'll try to get it out by next summer. Autumn 2019 is going to be the next generation of Pokemon games, so I feel they'll avoid pushing anything else out around then.
Kirara, M.A.
did you join the /moe/ family plan, tilde?
What's that?
Kirara, M.A.
>>580130 blue got a switch family plan going for us right now, we've got me, him, jan, and sam, i think? you can give him your email and he'll add you for the online service
Oh shit, yeah, I'd be down for that. >Up to eight Switch users That's a really good deal, wow.
I'm not too hot on Domino's up here. Plus there's a different chain I can just walk over to a nearby store to pick up pizza and save the money on delivery.
It's not weird, it's because Kirara is a friend of a friend we already have. But neither of us were. So it didn't go through you have "Everyone" switched off but since we're Kirara mutuals, we have a connection
>>580165 Oh I see. I bet I was mutuals with Jan with him so that's why it went through. That's a finicky little thing. I'll probably keep it on though.
I 've been encouraged to watch this documentary on Canadian comic book heroes and after the opening preface they've got this bit where they visit San Diego Comic-Con and film a bunch of the crowd there. So there's stuff like slave outfit Princess Leia cosplayers, guys going around topless, one bearded, hairy guy dressed up in a feminine Pikachu outfit, amongst others. And I can't help but feel it's all kind of distracting from the actual theme of the documentary, kind of.
>Canadians are a product of remote geography, our harsh climate, and our unspectacular history
>And while our real-life heroes tend to be bland, obscure, and dead, at least they're OUR heroes
You could probably make half a dozen sandwiches of much better quality for the same price as one from them.
Kirara, M.A.
yeah not really set to leave the house though
Yeah I hear you.
Kirara, M.A.
got some of that dominos chicken too it's shit
Someone ought to make arrangements with Publix to home deliver their fried chicken eh.
Kirara, M.A.
they actually do in some cities i think
ugh my stomach hurts now i gotta take some zofran
My stomach's been super gurgly for a month or two now. Not really enough to be concerning and it hasn't really ever hurt. But it's a little disconcerting to suddenly have it being like that when I'm laying in bed.
I told her I got my masters and she said "cool" And went back to basically ignoring me I'm getting fed up with it all I'm tired of how much stress this is
>>580238 I haven't been eating that excellently either. Though I usually get at least one decent, proper-ish meal a day. I've been calorie-sufficient, but in terms of nutrition, probably lacking.
My experience with other people doing the long-distance thing is that it can be pretty stressful, yeah. Though my most notable anecdote for it had other complications arise.
my weird keeps me from holding a vision of the future together
My weird spurs me towards inaction and passivity I guess. Doing Things requires for the most part so much emotional energy that it's easy to find "reasons" I don't actually want things or need them.
>>580260 Would this get lumped under that? This has been a common theme running in my head for as long as I can remember. After things got really shitty for me about five or so years back, yeah, it definitely got worse. But it feels like depressed only accentuated my anxious nature rather than defining it.
>>580261 Well I don't really know either. My understanding of mental condition is nearly non-existent at best so I can only really describe how it feels, not what it is.
>>580265 My opinion is that what it // how it feels is what it is. It sounds like a pretty miserable situation and like depressive symptoms. I can't diagnose you or anything, though.
Yeah, it's fine. Wouldn't really ask for a diagnosis off of posts on an imageboard anyway. Sounds pretty spot on with what it has felt like though. A pretty miserable situation is fairly spot on, hah hah.
It's kind of funny, that a lot of what I've done is either stuff that's minimal enough to not get overly anxious about, and then stuff that is want-able enough to override the worries over it. Stuff like travelling to meet with you guys or going to Japan. And then there's this huge threshold middle space of stuff I just ... don't do, because it's too intimidating, but not exciting enough either.
When people visualize a comfort zone they always visualize it as like, a square or a sealed shape like that. In reality though I feel it's more like that, two separate zones on totally opposing sides of a spectrum. Maybe that's just me though.
I've seen clips of professional tag in the past. Neat how they turned it competitive. The parkour-y aspect of the field is cool.
Kirara, M.A.
/moe/ tag competition when
Would have to get a bunch of us all together first.
Do you really have to? We could make it world wide tag
Oh that would be kind of neat, yeah. There would, ideally at least, need to be more intercontinental travel from a couple of us to make it last though.
>>580275 We'd need a ridiculous amount of money for it yeah Maybe limit it to one continent Might also need to input some sort of tracking so people don't just find a basement to hide inside of
Well you could institute some rurus. Like not being allowed to tag the previous or, previous n /moe/s tagged. Or like you can't tag someone who hasn't stepped over a country border since the last time they got tagged or something.
Maybe, have everyone be 'it' at the same time and they all have to target a specific person So you have to simultaneously go after your target while avoiding the person targeting you Which would force everyone to congest around a general area
>>580279 I think not being allowed to tag the last person tagged is good Otherwise it'd just stay in one spot forever
Well even with only disallowing the last person. The moment three of us get together it's just gonna constantly jump around in a circle until the whole thing gets stale. There isn't really a good n number though, which is why I started getting more technical with the second idea.
smuggling myself into a Syrian warzone Good luck tagging me now motherfuckers
>>580281 Yeah the country borders thing is a good idea Since it forces people to move around But wouldn't you just stay in one country so you could remain invincible?
>>580283 This is probably the best option Tagbacks are allowed, but they have a good period of time to get away
>>580283 Time restrictrictions would be good yeah. Twenty-four hours is still pretty short. Like imagine a road trip where we're tossing it back and forth, hah hah. Whoever's stuck with it at the end of the trip's gonna be carrying it for a while now.
>>580282 My opinion on the matter is the people less interested in travelling out of the country would be less interested in playing tag. A better prompt though would be something like moving from one country to another resets your "tag" permission. So like, if I go down to the States and tag Kirara, then go back home. Regardless of whether he comes to me or I go to him next, the next time we meet, I could get tagged again.
>>580300 Your mental horizons? Are you bisexual now or something?
I can't believe I'm going to be stuck with this miserable comic for the rest of the fucking semester. It's so dreadfully horrible and yet I need to pick it apart and find something in it worth building a research paper on. I almost wish I could just take it in a different semester and hopefully get a professor that's not ridiculously into WWII history and be able to build a project off of something more interesting. But I get the feeling chancing on that kind of luck would be a long shot at best.
>>580303 it’s a thought but i dont think it’s enough to actually be classified that way
like as a bit of insight, one of the things i like about afro is that he evokes the same feeling that astolfo does in which he is simultaneously cute and handsome in a really good balance >>580319 what a shame
Laidback night tonight. There isn't really much to watch either.
Samu 🔥 !KW2DbpWwls
laid back night playin OW thx 4 inviting me 2da family blue
i should probably code somethin but i get distracted mighty easy
We're all members of the Blue Familia on this blessed night.
I've been playing a heck-tonne of Monster Hunter on the Switch. There's so much content.
Samu 🔥 !KW2DbpWwls
neat i should... play monster hunter online maybe???
also i downloaded the edgy mode of macOS wooo
Monster Hunter is pretty fun. The one on the Switch is really dated in terms of graphics and gameplay in a sense. But they make up for that in having pretty much all the content in the game's fifteen year legacy in the single game. MonHun on PC/PS4/Xbox is much prettier and mechanically better but it's got literally a third of the content that the one on the Switch has to offer.
Mama Koi
No body washes dishes in this FUCKING HOUSE
>>580350 Everybody It's the big D (SPACE DANDY) (SPACE DANDY)
I think I only have ten dollarydoos in my account I need to budget my stuff
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
i just spilled a beer all over the place at this point im like “well that happens sometimes”
i said hold up, wait a minute, somethin aint right
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
pocket sand!
anyone wanna watch a surgery
that sounds a bit too stimulating for me right now
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
body horror not my favorite genre
i don't find it disturbing or anything but I'm trying to force myself to relax here lost track of the time
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
Like a sturgeon
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
just call me jeff benzos
surgeries are very relaxing to me it's usually just watching along and listening to the voiceover of what they're finding and doing next and i get to learn
>>580403 imagine how many benzos he could buy with all that money
motherfucker tilde was right >>580405 there arent enough benzos in the world to satisfy jeff benzos
>>580398 there's a lot of non-invasive ones that are super clean to watch i've been on the hunt for a bladder prosthesis surgery though i can't find one
Do you like botfly removal videos Maybe I'm just some sort of weirdo, but I find there's something satisfying about watching invasive parasites getting removed
naw not particularly that's kinda gross to me though i'm fine with medical gore
>>580408 you are probably ssome sort of weirdo but i can kinda see where you're coming from there parasites scare me too much to enjoy sucha thing though
>>580412 I've done some truly retarded shit but Css has me beat never lost an entire week of my life to a drug induced haze I'm at least sober a few hours a day damn
i want some phenaz this sounds like a hell of a time
>>580419 that seems to happen a lot but I've never had the misfortune myself though the only time I was on them was for less than a week before I decided they weren't doing anything and downed the rest of the bottle at once like the fucking genius I am they still didn't do anything though
my sister complains about the foggy effect from time to time but still seems less depressive by far i guess it's all up to the person how well it works or something.
>>580420 i don't know how you mean but i can kinda say the same thing myself what's wrong in your neck of the woods?
>>580423 University starts tomorrow with induction week. I have made a bunch of last minute preparations but for most of the last week I've been out of it. So stupidly tired
>>580424 sounds hectic. I'd probably do the same thing myself with the last minute preparations though i wish i could say i was tired but I'm sadly not even though i ought to have been asleep a few hours ago. at this point I'd be glad to get a nap or something before work at least and crash tomorrow night i think I'm usually pretty responsible with how much sleep I get a day but sometimes switching shifts really gets me
>>580425 I'm kind recovering from *kind of. a week of shitty decisions.
O jp[e ypi get I hope you get some sleep. >>580426 Thanks, Its a bit tense. I have to get up early tomorrow to get to my college induction Hopefully I'll have the bus times down pat.
>>580427 I'm at The we // whoops I'm near the end of my week of shitty decisions I guess.
Last day of September, eh. Looking back it sure doesn't feel like it was only starting all that long ago. But I also remember feeling like some of the weeks had been the longest I'd experienced in a while.
Kirara, M.A.
please don't remind me the passage of time gives me anxiety
you either remember the 21st night of september or you wake up when september ends
I feel so much anxiety over the passage of time and that I'm gonna be so bad at university. Work was easier in a way since I could easily figure out what I needed to do and learn to do it well.
I don't currently have a lot of self-discipline
I don't really have good self-discipline either. It's already kind of biting me in the arse, hah hah.
Kirara, M.A.
i just worry about deadlines and stuff
I find it annoying how easy it is for me to get worried about something and then put it kinda away in my mind and try not think about it. Its a dumb way of dealing with things. I need to be more on top of things.
Yeah putting it metaphorically out of sight, out of mind is a really easy to reach for trick for compensating with stress. It's also really dangerous though, hah hah.
it's fish's fault i have any anxiety at all i was perfectly fine until i had anything to lose i could be living an exciting life in the forest right now without any of these worries if not for her
I think when I had pretty much nothing - I just shut myself in and didn't have much to keep me motivated. I guess It depends on your motivations. I like adventures but I'm usually broke.
>>580462 This is true. But it's a little mean to actually voice that sort of thing, don't you think? It implies you'd be better off without her.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
or at least that you feel that way
>>580460 Definately. I just know I've been using it as crutch to avoid anxiety. I'm not so sure of my capability of not getting high when stuff gets shitty at uni. I already made a terrible first time impression with my lecturers when I turned up to a coffee meet high. I turned up drank coffee, ate the food. barely communicated, got my timetable and left.
Well if it makes you feel better that's probably what I would have done while sober, hah hah. Communication is intimidating, if people don't talk to me, I rarely talk to others, until I get close to them.
>>580463 When you have nothing to lose, that's when the real adventures start. You don't have to care whether you live or die so you can do dangerous things and make bad decisions and go on exciting adventures!
The seiyuu for new characters in Index III are starting to come in. And that's kind of for the most part whatever news. But this guy is being voiced by Takehito Koyasu, who's particularly well-known for being the voice of DIO. And so, just try and imagine DIO's voice coming out of this face.
I'm pretty out of it still. I think. The internet makes it pretty easy to present how you please. I will awaiting uploading myself into a VR universe. Finally become anime
I could use some vegitabls >>580506 I don't think so I only played the PC version
Is that an N64-era RARE game.
Kirara, M.A.
shredded lettuce is my shit
We had some chopped lettuce on the counter a couple days back because it was burrito night. I don't really like adding it to a burrito since warm salad greens just feels weird to me. But later that evening I was passing by the kitchen and just grabbing handfuls, hah hah.
I need to take my bins out and get rid of old stuff out of the fridge. I also for some reason brought 1kg of potato salad today. well I like potato salad and it was cheap
I wonder if anime is considered "film" Not that I have any costumes to wear. >>580538 I might if I can find anything to wear. I don't really know a lot of characters I could easily make a costume for
>>580539 Yes? I guess thats a fair question just is an odd question to me. we imported a lot of american celebrations . We had halloween since I've been a kid
I thought Erik was weird in this game because his voice did not match his outfit but theres a very good reason for it and he's one of the better Dragalia characters.
>>580575 you don't need a holiday to wear a dress.
>dont go to steakhosue because i want to eat lighter >think breakfast >go to ihop >shit theres pancakes i want this was a mistake
Kirara, M.A.
Kirara, M.A.
i aint eatin their burgera i made the mustake of eating a leftover gas station burger for breakfast i think thats the real reason ive been feeling off this morning
yeah that sounds pretty oof
i mean it didnt taste bad but i imagine my body and mouth are disagreeing
sure, why not? it's not like either of them have real careers or anything what's to stop them from moving
Comfort in familiarity.
Kirara, M.A.
love is surely stronger than that
There are bigger issues than that involved, really I dont think either of us want anything romantic with the other beaides as discussed I prefer women for a couple other important things
Thougj if Pan were to surprise me I’d consider this more in depth
I’m sure you understand what I mean There is no one I love more than Pan though.
I’d consider it yeah I don’t expect him to though and it would be difficult even if he did Our status as eternal partners is already established regardless and is something I couldnt trade for anything
>>580621 yeah that’s what I’m worried about! There’s a nurse trying to match me with some girl she knows too and that’s also problematic
Tony and PAN are the kind of couple that become flatmates for like eight years until one of them (probably PAN) turns to the other and goes "hey, let's get married".
>>580623 No way, ToN has to make Pan realize he loves ToN first. After that, Pan will start initiating.
Opening myself to being vulnerable, compatibility issues, my hobbies versus a potential normie, etc
Kirara, M.A.
fish was basically a normie our only similarity was that we drank a lot now we have a lot more in common
Yeah people really underestimate how slippery a slope getting into otaku culture can be. There's just so much of it. Eventually something's gonna stick.
That is a thought... Hmm I’ll feel bad if one party turns the other down eventually regardless but I guess that’s the way things go no point worrying strictly about theory
I mean the real thing you ought to be worrying about in that situation is being a degenerate lolicon.
You just have to manage her expectations. Specifics like that don't come until way later. Get her invested in you before you tell her your dirty, little secret.
So that means you better pack up all your lolicon figs if you ever have her over early on.
Well, I've never actually dated, myself. I guess I've been on dates. But I never actually dated Fish or Teacup. Both relationships just moved really quickly after we'd been together a while.
You'll be fine. Nobody is going to think you're like that. You're not foolish enough to do something that will make that happen. You can definitely go on some dates. You'll be fine.
Jeanne is really good. If you use her and also get the crown Wyrmprint, it's a good setup.
I can't start playing it because it's not set to release in my country. And I don't really want to play Russian Roulette with Nintendo by getting an APK.
Valiant Crown Jeanne gives a Def buff, and Valiant Crown gives you a small atk buff whenever you get a def buff
>>580726 I got really lucky and pulled a 5* light character too so I get that sweet 40% hp boost on top of being able to transform into a giant woman
>>580730 yeah or just went really hard and focused on one character. well, you can't do that too easily since you need to bring up the rest of your team to make Might requirements but I've been pretty balanced with unit building and my Nefaria is at 47 now the others in the team are 34-36.