Thread #578591
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Angolmois Black Clover Cooking with Emiya Free! Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi --Episode 22-26 Kyoto Holmes Ongaku Shoujo Overlord Tsukumogami Kashimasu --Episode 6-10 --Fall 2018 Double Decker! RErideD - Tokigoe no Derrida --Episode 1-4
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Yeah, sorry I'm late. Got caught up with something. angolmois overlord free ongaku shoujo
>tonegawa is over dang
>>578597 I guess it's on break between seasons? It's on charts for airing shows next season so I've been expecting it to continue. Last episode would have been a weird non-ending to close on too, really.
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a shame, it's one of the reasons tonight is usually so good okay angolmois looking forward to this one \okay lets start!
Time for erryone to be DEAD.
Oh now the sharks are talking to him.
What can a few Japanese do against such a horde.
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The Japanese did beat the mongols really badly in the end though. It led to some of the arrogance that carried them into WWII and got them busted up so badly.
Well it was kind of the "kamikaze" the typhoons that came twice and tore their way through the Mongolian fleet that saved Japan more than anything. The numbers the Mongols could have thrown at them would have overrun the Japanese, even if the cost in numbers would have been disproportionate.
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Yeah, that's kinda why they got so cocky. They thought they had divine protection! That won't save you from America though. I don't think that kid is going to be okay. acutally lots of people are dying
I did say it was time for erryone to be DEAD.
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Final episodes are dangerous.
Better to have the princess dead than in the hands of the Mongols.
Well the fate falls to women of the women in the end anyway.
Geez Jinzaburou.
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He chose a really good moment to activate his last flashback powerup.
Oh no.
Yeah it's a shame he has to cut the armor. But realistically there's no way he'd get back to dry land with it still on his back.
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He's going to kill a lot of mongols when he surfaces. And he's going to get saved by a whale.
He can still fight but all his friends are DEAAAAD
How samurai-poi.
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He cut that guy in half. That's hard to do with a katana.
Oh DIO shows up for the finale at last.
That's a little bit of a shame. The ogre of a man didn't even get to die on screen.
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
2018/09/26 (水) 05:14 No. 578623
i will destroy everything
Don't destroy things Samu rye.
I guess they're setting up the next chapter of this series. Would be kind of neat if the manga it adapts from has them chasing the Mongols off to the next island they're picking a fight with.
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Looks like he gets his princess waifu even though everybody else died.
With such a vague historical record like that, no wonder they developed it into such an interesting piece of historical fiction.
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That was a good series. okay overlord! okay lets start!
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
2018/09/26 (水) 05:21 No. 578629
dismisses a series just like that *snaps fingers*
Don't Snap
Honestly Ainz could probably decimate the kingdom's army with his strongest magic if he wanted to.
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Here's the part where Ainz gets scary.
Wow he's summoning some kind of Elder God.
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Looks like it was just some kind of mass death spell.
A mass death spell that summons some kind of Elder god.
Hah hah hah they're even bleating. Shub-Niggurath is also known as The Black Goat of the Forest with a Thousand Young.
He's scaring the shit out of everyone, enemy or ally.
Hah hah hah>I'm not a demon I'm undead! I guess it's good to be insistent on that.
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Wow, lucky climb!
Well this guy is trying his hardest I guess. He's not showing cowardice where most other men ran.
He really wants Stroganoff on his side.
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Stroganoff probably doesn't expect to win but he probably also doesn't realize how out of his league Ainz is. Like whatever image he has of him should probably be scaled up another twenty times.>>578649 I know but that's not my point.
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I think he's seen those shoggoth thingies and realizes he's way out of his depth, but honor and stuff. free! ikaaaaaaaaaaaaaa okay lets start!
Like I explicitly say he probably doesn't expect to win. My point is he probably still has an underexaggerated image of how hopeless this is for him.
Shi bu ya
Makoto's head is way too small for his body. Or vice versa.
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I noticed that too. okay ongaku shoujo! okay lets start!
on a
>While we're performing, keep flashing the audience >...count
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I'm glad she didn't sing twinkle twinkle little star.
She should have just stayed head of staff or something. Kind of departs from the whole image of the show to just throw this in.
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This show was really average. Thanks for anime!
I would say it's pretty below average.