Chio-chan no Tsuugakurou Cooking with Emiya Free! Grand Blue Happy Sugar Life Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi --Episode 22-26 Kyoto Holmes Ongaku Shoujo Satsuriku no Tenshi Tsukumogami Kashimasu --Episode 6-10
Her aunt's already expecting this to all end in disaster.
Taiyou also won't be able to get the apartment she's at with Shio from work though. At best he'll get the aunt's place probably. Which'll probably be VERY BAD for someone with his problems.
Her aunt's probably pretty normal to anything she can't fuck.
They're honestly both children. She's not really old enough to be an adult, even if she is a bit older.
I dunno if I'd say a bit, I'd give Satou a good six or eight years on Shio. Which is probably close to double in age.
But yeah, Satou's probably not really an adult, as her aunt was quite gleeful to hold in her face. Still, she's done some Pretty Bad things throughout the series.
>>578225 Yes, I think that Satou is going to pay for her crimes. The narrative practically demands it at this point. okay lets start!
Well we're rapidly approaching the fire we see in the first episode of the series. I think that scene was pretty suggestive of an attempted double-suicide at least.
Geez fucking louise Rachel what did you do to those two.
Also this show's apparently sixteen episodes long, we aren't quite at the finale yet. I don't know how the episodes that would be airing out of season would be delivered though. Maybe they've still got airing slots in October for them.
16 eps, huh? I was thinking it would make pretty good narrative sense for this to be Rachel's floor, to turn the narrative on the head and make it Zach's story instead of Rachel's story, and end on episode 12-13.
Well I saw it on /a/ so take it with a grain of salt but I guess we'll see.
Hah hah hah. This freak is still causing problems.
What kind of house is this.
What kind of house is this!
If this is the kind of house Rachel was living in maybe what she did to those two wasn't all too disproportionate.
I guess not being able to clear your mask of water is pretty dangerous under water. Especially since he can't swim, that might make him panic pretty bad.
Except not really he totally deserves all retribution he gets.
cakey is fun pretty much all of the characters are good
Yeah these characters are all really fun. You should give the manga a spin after the season ends Squid. It'll probably not get a season two any time so-
Oh a different style of ED. I think the guy's karaoke is better though.
Hm, I was expecting this show to be twelve episodes, but this doesn't really seem like a finale-y episode. Maybe the second half of it will be more wrap-up.
I guess she's going to fall for Manana's plot before long though.
How terrifying.
Oh no the worst possible person has appeared.
Chio is hilariously superhuman when she needs to be.
Oh no.
What are these previews.
Oh this is a good ED bit.
Oh gosh.
Making up a blooper reel was a clever idea. I wonder if they'll do more, the manga for this series is wrapping up soon or so. If there's a finished original material they might be able to.