Meidoragon and KonoSuba are pretty resoundingly at the top of prediction threads for sales. It's a bit surprising since Meidoragon wasn't doing that hot at the start, I was starting to wonder if it might end up being another relative flop for KyoAni. Though it's also nice that Gabriel and Demi-chan are both also outselling the fujobait.
So halla-aho did line up to compete for true finn-party leadership. So in near future the politician called "The Master" by his followers might be our prime minister. Figure that out
>>56909 That sounds like a lot of trouble i wouldn't want to be around people that long
Me neither They want to have dinner like every night
I was stuck with the same ten or eleven people in Japan for like two weeks. We ate pretty much all our meals together. But I guess they were people I was really looking forwards to being with, hah hah.
>innthe comments of halla-ahos announcement video >thank you master, play shadilay
>>56913 you weren't working and doing your daily routine every day you were traveling that's different >>56912 just tell them to take their daughter out for dinner and that you plan to stay home and cook your favorite meal; dicks
I know I know. They're definitely not properly comparable situations.
I think I should probably cancel that order that'd be a super awkward situation for you
Welp it seems to change betwerm 1. Evening snack 2. Lesd informal /less formal evening meal than dinner 3. Main meal if eaten in evening 4. Practically synonym to dinner And it varies between every english speaking country and even eithin their regions
Comes from french/old germanic words for soup apparently I guess soup was an evening mealnoft
I'm only slightly lactose intolerant. I don't want to drink soy milk.
I understand I'd be a dairy milk person if I wasn't allergic to lactose When I was trying to gain weight I tried to do GOMAD (gallon of milk a day) and died instantly My friend told me to do GOSAD (gallon of soymilk a day) but I decline because it would be about 10x more expensive
I generally just buy a gallon of homo whole milk but sometimes i want no homo milk and it costs twice as much and only comes in half gallon i did gomad for a month and gained about 12 pounds which is about where i want to be, so i just do about half that now at $3 a gallon milk is super cheap for the nutrients you get
>>56947 have you tried goat milk? i hear it's a little easier on the system i personally think it's delicious too, but a lot of people don't
>STATIC is about 15 year old transgirl Vivian Soomin-Kim living in the afterIife following her death. There, she finds that it’s a world similar to the one she left,however,with a system that judges people based on their life-sending them to reincarnation or the eternal nothingness of the void. But what if she doesn’t fit into either of those choices? What is she doesn’t WANT to? what is this
Cadbury Minieggs are really good. These were already pretty cheap since I got them at an outlet store, but I wonder if visiting again after Easter will mean getting them for even cheaper.
rather than actual work today, I've been listed up for some sorta course I dunno what it's about though, really I think it's some sorta safety and efficiency thing?
I dunno how they expect me to give a rat's ass about efficiency at a workplace where first of all, I'm not paid even remotely related to my or anyone's performance
>the new healthcare bill spends 6 full pages detailing what's to be done if someone wins the lottery For real though? That's one person per week on a national basis, dude Tops That's 52 people, max, each year Out of 340 million
This shouldn't even be addressed with one sentence >>56979 Not it's US news It's your news
ba ba bang
>>56978 I still don't get it. That's not Norwegian news. >>56978 No there's a lot more lotteries than that
How many are there? Like an average year, how many total lottery winners can the US have?
every state has their own, there's national, and many different versions at a time running powerball is just the most well known and biggest
ba ba bang
Probably like a thousand or more
ba ba bang
With multiple winners each Of varying amounts I won 50 once
yeah, i've had a couple under 10 dollar wins not very significant and then ontop of that we have scratchoffs i think jan mentioned someone who came in and bought a scratchoff won like 50 thousand or something
ba ba bang
>>56980 Probably a few hundred thousand total winners of large amounts
I've never won a lottery. 'Course I've tried all of maybe three times.
It's pretty amazing that people wiill be unlikely to burn their money if you tell them you'll roll a die and give them double if you get a 1 But they're more than willing to put money into a lottery with a FAR worse cost:benefit ratio
i don't play regularly sometimes i'll buy a 10-er scratch off and scratch it off along side a partner because the excitement is fun if we win we just use it on dinner or something but yeah, that would be like one fluke thing every several months just on a whim, to be spontaneous never "oh it's payday, time to spend 100 bucks on the lotto"
ba ba bang
I bought scratchers a few years back, broke even, then quit.
I bought a single lottery ticket when I became of age for it. Haven't done it since. I'll rarely get scratchcards from family as a present when it comes time for them, but even that's only happen twice at most.
I enjoy gambling in games, cause the money in games doesn't ultimately matter But in real life I don't think I'd enjoy it much There's just not a lot of enjoyment for me in paying to hit the "generate" button on an RNG
It's now been nearly two days and the Kino no Tabi announcement is still stickied on /a/. I wonder if another mod is going to have to go and remove it before Kinomod lets it get taken down.
I did a roll and got: 5* Jaffar 4* Lachesis 4* Sheena 4* Roy and 4* Klein
I'm gonna do this roll and not get Jaffar
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
jaffar looks REALLY good
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>After combat, inflicts -7/-7 def/res on foe through its next action. If unit initiated combat, 7 damage to for after battle. has life and death and threaten speed also glimmer which adds 50% to damage dealt
>only one colorless orb
3* Niles
fuck it whatever Never gonna get what I want ever again
I'm gonna take an extended weekend until my brain is settled
i just spent the last 17 hours at work 17 hours doing manager things in a restaurant clocked out with 50 hours in 4 days? is that right? i'm a fucking madman i'm calling it now
Well I completed Nioh Only took 160 hours Now what do I do with my life
become my body double
Alright I'll work while you sleep and vice versa We'll be rolling in dough
Like wow If you reorganize who does what in a project to make everyone do about the same amount in terms of time consumption, the project finishes faster
Don't get me wrong, I am glad I was part of this rather than actually working today, but this wasn't necessary, and whoever first made the decision to hire someone to tell their employees this got fucking scammed, and so did everyone following that person
>Bunny the Killer Thing >A group of Finnish and British people become trapped in a cabin after a strange giant creature who appears to be half man and half rabbit and is after anything that resembles female genitals. what in nine hells=
It's too warm for snow so all of that 18" of snow is just like 4" at most and rain
I should shovel now before it gets icy now that I think about it
>>57080 How does northern american cities take on the icy weather sudden +10k or more people who slip and get injured? Or rather, the hospitals over there
Well we don't generally go to the ER when we slip and scrape a knee like you guys
usually bring in people for emergency shifts and also ambulances start taking people to secondary hospitals if they're full up it's quite common in major situations the hospitals all have to kind of work together to manage things and a lot of people who wouldn't normally be working have to work
>>57083 I am talking about hip injuries, broken bones and such older people afterall are brittle and even younger people can slip bad and break their neck, seen it happen
Welcome back to Witch or VEGAN? now looka these pictures and videos of these people and try to guess are they WITCH or VEGAN for the highest scorer, we have genuine LUIGI boards
Well maybe it would be fine if you didn't have such a NORMAL voice!
the voice recognition is pretty good Jan couldn't ok Google my phone But I doubt it's good enough to make that safe
TN !PcAPtAiNJo >U. Minnesota drops homecoming ‘King and Queen’ — replaces with genderless ‘Royals’ btw what are homecoming king and queen even?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
you vote for people you like I think
i never attended homecoming or proms i didn't particularly want to but they did seem fun kind of but a hassle
>>57128 tell them that's your work number, and that if they want to reach you they should use your other number and give them the number of your old boss
It's hard to misinterpret it when someone just straight up says you're unfunny and annoying.
Well it is pretty annoying when anything that gets said gets brushed off with a "oh you're just being tsundere" dismissal. So I don't think I'm unjustified in that.
>Do you play golf? >no >I do. Do you know why? >...White people love golf? >[starts pointing at himself and then me] I knew you'd get. White folks love golfing with a black man. It makes them look good. this guy literally cannot stop talking about race
It sounds like he didn't need the Crazy Train to go full Florida.
Is silly to go "you and me", most jews - especially in european states or in USA or canada - don't look different from the rest at all. Atleast that much and with usa being a melting pot or gatherin place of quite many ethnicities you can't really point out a jew, unless they have some kind of "jewish beard" or stuff that ACTUALLY are things
yeah but jews are actively discriminated against en masse blacks and jews are very similar in a lot of ways but generally don't get along
her dad is making dinner they have a massive kitchen I'm sitting awkwardly in the den while Fish and her mom talk about whatever This is a big house 5 bedrooms A balcony >>57167 They have a house here
they have a house overthere or they just rented a one?
Oh now I realised what bothers me I can see where his race comments come from, ut in the end that weird kind of survivalist "we swim in a sea of white" just to me, seems like shit that would just lead to more division and thus more problems.
Is that the one that Fish was staying at before she moved in with you, or-okay.
No, that place was on the barrier islands And belonged to her grandmother >>57167 It's a weird philosophy to have but it's better than "down with whites!" or something I guess
Yeah a lot better But that down with the whites came from some other root etc.
Anyhow, I can understand and see the reason behind that kind of philosophy plus it is kinda amusing.
Also, I still find the whole "whites" iffy, we aren't a solitary block of people... or "we" hah The whole lack of "we", is why EU is failing in the first place. No european identity that can possibly shared continent wide
earlier he was like, "do you know what I love about your people?" and started talking about how jews have so much power because they "play the white man's game so well" and was saying American blacks need to learn from us It was really super uncomfortable I might have to tell him I really don't want to talk about race
That is just another misconception there prolly are way more normal people who identify as juews than the big and powerful minorities just stick out when they make it big in a certain ethnicity or ethnicity type dominated society Also, what about asians in the states, they earn the most money on average? I believe some kind of growing up policy that instills working hard and not giving up in some cultures etc is a big player too. And of course, people from wealthy backgrounds have better resources to build their life on so rich families tend to stay rich.
>>57176 Yeah but the ones with weird backgrounds, ties, hobbies or are of a minority group etc stick out. and that leads to discussion of all sorts, and all discussion tend to lead to negative views eventually in some. Add internet and idiots and you have the >JEEEEWS Come to think of it, no one really bothers about Free Masons anymore.
Even before Internet, idiots were really all you needed to kick up sparks. I mean look at the Nazis.
>>57178 true dat but that is a bit more complicated situation, though comparable to the situation in the states in terms of division in the society just add some revanchism, worst economical depression in modern times and a lot less educated and harder to research information for the masses...
>>57180 The real woes of the Internet for the situation is that it allows for near-instantaneous and easy community locating. At least in the 1930s-40s you needed a populist maniac to build a community for paranoid blame-seekers.
>>57182 Similiarly, you can now more easily crackdown on such things and disprove them and show how shitty their ways are. People in the end like to blame others, but to actually partake in their systematic oppression and then genocide? Nah.
Sure ease of movement and speed of information make it easier for communities of all sort to form, but it also makes it much easier for them to die out or fade into obscurity/echo chambers I mean, who cares if nazies sit in a room and shout sieg hail at each other? They ain't never gonna get any more members, except those that agree with all of their shit. The masses won't even know of it.
Maker? Hmm dnno about that, the pewds attempt didn't work for the media that well
The media isn't really what matters, Maker Studios is gonna end up dropping him for the same reason they dropped the pewdie Cause they think keeping them will reflect badly on the company and kill them
Even for pewds like the biggest monetary issues was because people the companies, like disney, heard of it from were people they trusted so if someone who works for a newspaper you think is trust worthy and prestigous, and has in the past worked for you and still has a relation with you says "X is bad" of course you'd most likely listen to them.
>>57193 Lot less limited though, since most i-celbs are self-employed
Yeah, that's fair, but the effect is something that shouldn't be taken lightly.
Yeah prettu much, though in a way icelbs have more influence even, since they also are theie own platform. Noneed to go on a tv show etc to get heard or spread a message
I finished the first arc in firis. This is one of the good ateliers
I'll check in on it when it goes on sale for PC. Though I guess I should probably play through the ones I've got for PS3, consider there's three I have.
There's a series of tracks on the Nier: Automata OST that are played in 3/4 time. I really, really like it whenever music uses that time.
>>57204 >Gurstelle and Oliveira distinguish a state which they call daytime parahypnagogia (DPH), the spontaneous intrusion of a flash image or dreamlike thought or insight into one's waking consciousness. DPH is typically encountered when one is "tired, bored, suffering from attention fatigue, and/or engaged in a passive activity." The exact nature of the waking dream may be forgotten even though the individual remembers having had such an experience.
The art in general is really cute, from what I've seen. There's lots of nice little details too.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>57206 >inMedical Hypotheses 62(2):166-8 >Based on a series of self-reports of a previously undescribed and undocumented experiential event, we are postulating the existence of a newly identified state of consciousness, daytime parahypnagogia (DPH). >no published research on it >hypothesis published in 2004
>>57210 i don't think there's a rigid birthdate wouldn't know about in the MCU dates don't real in the marvel comics otherwise they'd have to admit that time exists and everyone would be old and dead
Well, he called Empire Strikes Back "really old", so we know it's not in the 90s or nothing
>>57223 then he wouldn't be spider-man peter parker's entire thing was him trying to balance school and superheroing i mean yeah eventually he became a marine biologist or whatever but his youth is what makes him peter parker
>>57226 they're difficult to work with directorially, it's just a bad idea to include kids as major roles you will be over-budget, past deadline, and your post production crew will have twice the workload to make it work and it'll still be shit
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>57228 adult peter probably would not have sold well
and there are already adult peter movies
I guess yeah I don't know how I feel about this! The actor they got is so good But he doesn't look as young as he should, at ALL
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>57229 also it fucks them up and they never develop into actual adults
>>57231 I think the Homecoming Spidey looks and sounds plenty young. There's al -a lot of mature-looking teenagers out there.
Incidentally, Elijah Wood, the person always mistaken for Radcliffe and vice versa, does a ton of experimental shit, too Except he fucking NAILS it every time >>57241 Lots of people apparently do
>>57232 that guy who played in even stevens turned out okay
Kid Anakin is definitely a nightmare case.
>>57239 Who on earth would confuse Elijah Wood for Daniel Radcliffe.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
can you imagine being schizophrenic, having a psychotic episode, and someone comes up to you and is like NOW THAT'S WHAT I CALL PODRACING >>57240 hahaha
>>57242 They're trying to steal your medichlorians
I think it really matters who the kid works with. I mean, you never hear of a kid who worked with Steven Spielberg ending up a basket case, right? (Movie trivia is not my forte so this might be horribly wrong.)
haley joel osmond SMOKED WEED one time though
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
did he die?
worse he golfs has been since seven years old, even participated in major tournaments
The horror.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
did he become happy gilmore
what the fuck kind of journal is this look at that header and that website
>>57254 >One of Jaspers's central tenets was that psychiatrists should diagnose symptoms of mental illness (particularly of psychosis) by their form rather than by their content. >Jaspers thought that psychiatrists could diagnose delusions in the same way. He argued that clinicians should not consider a belief delusional based on the content of the belief, but only based on the way in which a patient holds such a belief.
i know jaspers is old as fuck but this seems like a really meaningful idea why isn't it adhered to nowadays
time for sleeps
gonigh sk
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>57255 because everyone treated psychology like it didn't real so the APA decided that we aren't our own discipline, we need to be the medical field but for your head
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
form is too hard to define content is easy to make a list out of
got a list of symptoms? you meet four out of ten? ez you're diagnosed
>For example, in diagnosing a hallucination, it is more important to note that a person experiences visual phenomena when no sensory stimuli account for them, than to note what the patient sees. What the patient sees is the "content", but the discrepancy between visual perception and objective reality is the "form" here's what i left out it makes sense in terms of hallucinations, I think with delusions, i don't feel like that approach is respected at all
what was it, there was some lady who was diagnosed with paranoid delusions because she thought the CIA was stalking her and they actually were
my experience with psychiatrists is that they still judge pretty quickly based on what they think sounds ridiculous >>57262 it happens a lot in more common things too like "I'm anxious, I can't sleep and I worry about what my husband's doing when he's not at home. I think he might be cheating on me" that's flagged as paranoid behavior and delusions a lot
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
well it's not like a doctor can go and investigate whether the CIA is actually following someone it's so unlikely that it's a delusion probably 999/1000 times
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
oh i know man i got diagnosed with GAD and put on seroquil in middle school after my mother told a doctor i had a panic attack
I'm just trying to figure out whether it's possible to have hallucinations while also knowing that they're not real or not pseudohallucinations is the article i'm on and it looks like a lot of people are saying it's garbo >>57266 aka nonpsychotic hallucination is says
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
yeah that's totally possible
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
idk what a pseudohallucination is, i've never heard that term but people experiencing hallucinations very often recognize that they are hallucinations
it's so common that many treatments for schizophrenia involve teaching the schizophrenic to distinguish between reality and hallucination i've talked to schizophrenics before that have even expressed that experience to me it's totally possible
I've had the moments where I'm able to recognize that something's going on and kind of shake myself out of it, drink some water and pace around and realize what was going on but that's always accompanied by a shift in perceptual state (me calming myself down, taking a fast-acting benzo like lorazepam) the hallucinatory state is usually caught up in it
i'm wondering whether there's just hallucinations that the person can innately distinguish are not real i see this: but it seems very specific to physical brain damage
i don't think just saying "but know that they're not real" isn't enough to capture what i mean i mean just have a visual hallucination but without any aggravated state of perception that would lend itself to hallucinating if that makes sense
I get minor hallucinations sometimes. Most people have them.
I can't recall ever having a hallucination. Or I guess being able to discern one is happening.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i don't think most is the right word but they're not uncommon
My brain playing tricks on me pretty much sticks to internalized stuff like paranoia. Or maybe I'm just plagued with hallucinations and I have no basis to ground myself on. Whoooo knows.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>57267 i'm not sure what you mean hallucinations don't require psychosis if that's what you mean
>>57272 that's not what i mean but the times when i have had them were those more intense physiological states with severely elevated heart rate, palpitations, and general confusion, time disorientation and such
having them while just calm and comfortable and going about my business as ordinary is really different
>>57275 He's trying to make you uncomfortable You gotta fight fire with fire As /moe/'s #1 pioneer scientist in the art of making people feel uncomfortable, my help is always just a post away
wow apparently germantown has its own dedicated restaurant delivery service for five dollars delivery fee i can have this service go pick up a go order from any restaurant in the area and deliver it to me, and not just shitty delivery restaurants i gotta try this out tomorrow when i get paid i've been craving barbecue for weeks
I may not spend orbs until a new pool is out. The only new unit I like the look of is the green archer girl.
I got Jaffar His voice is so weird He sounds like an idiot
Like literally someone who knows maybe 10 words
To be fair he
Having net issues?
>>57322 talks like someone who knows maybe ten words.
>>57323 Something like that, it seems. Things seem stable ones it starts rolling, but starting posts seems to take some time. And I'm too accustomed to being dropped that I hit refresh before they can connect properly.
Both times I've dropped, as I'm refreshing, the post connects.
It was also big banner on the play storefor like three weeks though too Probably lots of normies tried it out
Yeah, I know. That's definitely the reasonable and probable explanation. But where's the fun in that.
A reasonable and probable explaination for anything in my life is so rare that its unreasonable
I'll have to investigate though
Fish told them I'm a weeb Papa Fish told me he has been to Japan and bought a sword that an American took from a Jap during the surrender He has it in his study back home He doesn't like Japanese people though because apparently they were rude to him(?)
I guess he couldn't have settled for just a normal sword like I did.
Rich people, man
>>57348 It doesn't surprise me that they might've been rude to him. Or at least discourteous? Especially if he's this outgoing, cheerful kind of guy. Like imagine just going up to a Japanese person on the street in Japan and saying "now I know what you're thinking; yeah, I'm black. But I'm not a scary guy! C'mon man, show me around!" The poor Japanese person would be terrified.
fuck this cold weather second cockroach i've seen today i miss my centipedes i'm movin back north asap
>>57352 That's a hilarious picture Fish says he's never acted like this though Maybe he started doing drugs haha
>>57354 I'm still kind of figuring he's just a bit nervous for his daughter? I mean maybe Fish has dated plenty and it shouldn't be that uncomfortable for him. But I think it's not that weird for a dad to be a bit antsy in a situation like this.
>>57355 I don't really care this time. I'd care if I were outed to people in my real life, though. These people are probably never going to see me again when the two weeks is over.
>>57356 I dunno haha I've never really been in a situation like this He keeps trying to get all my attention It feels like managing a child actually He jumps from topic to topic too Maybe he's having a hypomanic bipolar episode.
I do enjoy seeing fish embarrassed by his behavior though
you know when you have a plastic water bottle and you get a dent in it and then you try to fix it but then you just end up making it worst that's the worst that's the worse that's the wurst
i think i spent almost all of it sleeping my brain feels a lot more stable but i feel like i still need longer maybe just toning down or pacing my workflow better will help hm
Sometimes I have a dream where I'm mad at someone for what they did in my dream.
I had dream last night where I was going around a small commercial town shopping and cafe-ing. And I lost my bag at a store or a cafe or somewhere, so I was desperately searching everywhere for it. But I woke up before I could find it again. I get dreams like this a lot and I hate them every time I get them.
I I can't really recognize when I'm dreaming and sometimes there's a period where I try and do something but it turns out whatever I want to do was linked to the dream and doesn't actually exist. That pisses me off.
It would be very anime. Fish told them you were a weeb, right? If she really does have FEH on her phone, maybe she will try to bond with you as a fellow weeb.
>>57578 I don't know, I haven't quizzed her on any plans she may have. I think any issues there will sort themselves out eventually though if she's patient.
>>57580 Sou ka na. I guess we'll see, then. Well it's fine if there are machinations. I just hope they are more sophisticated than this. I don't know if she can manipulate me the way she'd need to for a keikaku to work.
>You will never get taken through the Fish Ruse Cruise
>>57581 I think Fish is a smart girl, but I also think she's a hard worker type and not a master manipulator. I don't really expect her to be able to topple you witha masterful plan you didn't see coming. I think you will eventually lose to hard work, though. You're weak against women.
>>57585 It's my professional opinion that you're weak against women. You're the subtype that thinks he isn't but he is.
I think Fish would be capable of coupling up with you fairly well. It's presumptuous for me to tell you what you need, though! You're the one woh knows that best.
>subtype how complex is the class system in this game?
>>57589 You usually give in and give them what they want! Weren't you the plaything of women just a month ago, getting taken out shopping and dressed up?
>>57644 it's been gone forever for osme reason most roundtable stuff is nonexistent on youtube >>57645 if we spend that much on drugs we will die for sure
Anno this is a whole new world I didn't know about
Wikipedia does not have an article with this exact name. Please search for History of Benzedrine Reply in Wikipedia to check for alternative titles or spellings.
oh i copied the word reply
yeah it does weird thing
you fucking IDIOT gosh
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>57648 my grandpa had a used bennies inhaler idk where it is now but i want it
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
in a mood there we go
>>57670 You could probably make a case for it. This whole unit seems to be about finding bullshit loopholes to give the Feds control over almost every aspect of life.
>>57672 too late, I already remembered my purpose in life which is >>57673
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
why can't both happen you could become feat. rook AND drugs
Oblong table ft. LSD
wow so many new worlds are opening up to me tonight I can do ANYTHING and also drugs
Section 51(xxi) gives the National Government power over marriage. Clearly the original framers of the constitution intended that power to be extended to the defacto Yuri relationships between cute magical girls.
I made these granola bars and they're almost perfect but I put too much cardamom in
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
yeah well these cocoa rice krispies feel so good in my body
Section 51(vi) gives the government power over defense/military. Clearly this extends to cute girls defending against evil, and by association, the relationship between those magical girls.
Section 4 Article 20 gives the Texas Legislature the power to BLAZE IT
I forgot to tell you that I was going to be in Dallas tonight My friends and little brother and I saw The Japanese House at the Curtain Club in Deep Ellum
>>57701 I'm not really into party favors but I would have invited you, I just didn't think about it until today and then realized that it was too late and also I don't have the phone that had your number on it so i would've had to depend on finding you on /moe/
>>57704 yeah I saw him in the car too I haven't gotten any endings yet because I keep doing all the sidequests BUT I did the next story mission and now three of the sidequests aren't available to me anymore good thing I'll have to play this game five times to see everything
i did actually think of it once like a week ago but then you weren't on /moe/ when i thought of it and i forgot until today
>>57706 i didn't realize i was going through the main story so quickly when you start the second time you get to play as nines his hacking power is super stronk
>>57708 i don't know how MOBILE you are but Cashmere Cat and KRANE are coming to austin in april 13th and 15th i'm probably going to take my vacation time the next electronic festival i can afford, so if that's in DFW i'll let you know
>>57709 haha I've seen a bunch of gifs of him as HACKERMAN >>57710 jan my nigga you better go see cashmere cat
you can take remote control of a robot and then use it to hack other robots so you can command a legion of machines without alerting any of them
if i was already promoted i would pay for your hotel if you could fly out here rook unfortunately i am not jan you should go tho if you leave at the right time it's only like 3.5 hours
I couldn't think of anything else to say but this ride has become worth it >>57791 probably this is was at my local shopping centre but I never thought I see it there I guess I should have
>>57792 I love the Invasion day signs. My uni magazine wrote an article on w hyAnzac day was bad. It was shit and I hope they never find employment after graduation.
>altona gate victoria sasuga the melting.pot of politics
It's a shame, I was hoping someone here had published it. Maybe I should take up that role.
>>57793 What reasons can you even come up for that?
Actually I can think of few now that I think of it You could probably get a few wrong impressions from it.
>If you care about free speech, help us to defend the deflamation action brought against the Q society by Mohammed ("el mouelhy" poorly crossed out in texta) of the privately owned Halal {"Certification Authority", ditto)" I wonder why their newspaper website is down as well
" means something like" doesn't come across all that confident so I'm not surprised
Grammatcally, you can only have 2 of the same vocal adjacent without a consonant to break it up So it isn't finnish, as our language rules don't allow it It can be slang, but that isn't finnish per se. Dindu is english is equally correct statement
Stöösni, could be finnish or stöö'ösni, but neither is a thing
Or technically stöö-öö-öö--öö-öösni could be a compound word, however we don~t have the following words in our language: stöö; öö; öösni.
>>57816 Well, all language other than controlled ones evolve through slang But it seems retarded to have that word in particular when stöösni would be shorter
Also stöösni just isn't finnish. It doesn't fit into it. If it was a word, it would be swedish. It spunds and tastes swedish Even in the weirdest slangs here, ö and ä are rarely used, especially adjancent. For example compare it to word sössöttää - to blabber without reason Its öä heavy, but "soft", while stöösni, is all heavy and hard, a rare thing in finnish, edpeciallyn in öä words
If it wasn't for the ö rather than an ø, it could work as a Norwegian word Though I dunno for what
take stim whole body feels heavy hungry as hell too tired to work
the onset of these shits are always the worst and it's just racetams i bet if i took cocaine i'd probably immediately fall asleep
The worst part is, even though i'm fucking starving, anything i eat would tear my stomach to shreds and i'd feel sick maybe like one hard boiled egg and a cracker that'd be it
>Hey, uncle Blue can you take me to Brooklyn >Where are you even going in Brooklyn? >Maybe a toy store? >I have to finish some things right now. I don't know if I can go to Brooklyn right now anyway >All you do is stay in your room and play video games and If this kid don't mind his FUCKIN BUSINESS
or womanspreading, \\\ that's... already a thing I guess, in a way
i prefer hagsplaining
regardless of any of that, that's p fucking childish to use that word in the fuckin senate if someone's not answering your question precisely or is being condescending, don't use an underhanded tactic in the senate to address it by the very nature of using an underhanded statement you're acknowledging being on a lower level to be talked down to if you're actually on an even level, just fuckin act like it and call the man out for deflection, avoiding the topic, oversimplifying a complicated situation, or whatever the initial discussion was about you're both senators. your gender doesn't matter. your attitude does though
>childish Well Yeah Those are the people who would use that term at all
But there are definitely situations in the world where it applies. It's a stupid word, but there's a lot of stupid words that get used for actual scenarios in the world. Moon's right, the Senate isn't a place or time for it. But that
There are times you'd be correct to say someone is a thieving nigger, too, but it's not something you say unless you're a fucking racist Or as a joke
probably, but i doubt the senate is one of them i love how her argument is "It's a word that's used, it is a word" yeah, it is NIGGER and CUNT are words that are used too if I were that dude that's straight up what i would have said and probably lost my place in the senate but it'd be worth it
You'd be correct to call an irishman a mick, too, wouldn't you? It's not incorrect And mick is certainly a word
the dude's playing it out too hard and also being childish just a simple "You're in the senate, please conduct yourself appropriately" would have shut her the hell up you can see all the other women around her getting agitated
>>57848 Are you receptive to the idea that your bias may be clouding your sensibility today or would I just be wasting my time.
OK how about this, because it's a fucking parallel to "mansplain" Jewing
To jew someone is to take more value from them than you give back It's an actively used word, nearly everyone will know what you're talking about if you say it
Is it at all reasonable to hear someone call out a jew for "jewing" them, and go "well, he's not wrong, he did pay more than that thing is worth" Like, on any fucking level?
im actually curious what she was asking him in the first place but i can't find it
Or is it just fine because it's specifically MEN being the target of a slur?
Should we then not use the word "hysterical" in conversation because it has its roots in believing that hysteria was an illness of the womb and therefore could only be something that happens in females?
What's this about roots? Hysterical is used about literally every human being acting hysterical
Mansplaining is used SPECIFICALLY and EXCLUSIVELY about when MEN explain something or try to answer something in a way that's apparently too male
>>57854 depends on the context if you said i was being hysterical at some point it'd possibly be inappropriate because i'm prone to hysteria episodes but i wouldn't be particularly offended by it
Internet please.
>>57857 but that only answers the first half of the question and ignores the actual focus, that comes in the latter half of the question.
here's something to occupy your time >>>/watch?v=696DSEIaF5g for kicks, open it up in youtube and look at the likes vs dislikes >>57858 I don't think the roots of it matters since language evolves with society mansplaining, for instance it's got its roots like RIGHT NOW and that's the main reason it's really relevant and stupid
It's fine, just make new slurs and use them, because eventually they'll just have bigoted ROOTS, so it's fine to be a bigot now!
Okay I guess this was a waste of time. Could have let me know earlier.
It's a waste of time because you refuse to even consider the possibility that bigotry isn't a good thing, even when applied to men
It's a waste of time because you refuse to even consider the possibility that it encapsulates a problem that does exist in the world, towards only women.
It's a problem that exists for both sexes, and has nothing to do with being male
And what, men are never explained shit as though they're retarded? Like what exactly are you even saying?
>>57863 I've been accused at times of, i dont know if it'd be called mansplaining or not, but explaining a situation to someone and they've felt that i was condescending because i sounded like i was talking to a 10-year old in the way i explained it but the reality was that i only understood the situation about as well as a 10-year old so that was the best i could do they mistook my ignorance for condescending attitude and i think that happens a lot
and a lot of times i'll start explaining something and people are like "you don't need to explain that, it's obvious" and i'm like well shit, it wasn't obvious to me
I also think it's important to note that the people who actually use a term like "mansplaining" are part of a demographic that isn't exactly the brightest lightbulb in the drawer
Like, hypothesis here Maybe they're experiencing mansplaining so much because they're really fucking dense, and talk about their problems to men
Like if someone's bitching about their net not working and I know how to fix it, am I "mansplaining" by interrupting and going "Oh actually you just need to turn on DHCP, just log onto the router..."
I dunno man, that seems a bit too specific to me Lacks the vagueness that lets you say it's a male thing
Unsolicited advice comes from all sorts of people, to all sorts of people About everything
And, for that matter, clearly not what the word means in the context of that video Because she's, you know Not in a place where "unsolicited advice" is a thing that can happen, because by her very presence, she is soliciting not only advice, but criticism and everything in between Because government is about problem solving
>>57873 >go into work >boss is a man >explains how your job works >file a harassment suit for mansplaining
>>57877 it was a senate hearing from australia some years ago where a senator asked a senator a question and when he tried to answer it, she accused him of mansplaining and no one knew what it meant
I think it carries about as much meaning as "kike" It's not a rigid concept, it's just a general disdain for someone for something that's part of who they are
Like you wouldn't tolerate "blacksplain" as a retort whenever some black guy talks about issues in black communities with cops "this guy got shot and people are upse-" "shut up, stop BLACKSPLAINING"
The only thing preventing me from adding a nigger at the end there is that there's no equivalent for "male"
I guess there's "cismale", but that's still not exactly a slur any more than any other identifier You can say "man" in a way that's meant as a slur, too, but it's not really
I just thought the clip was interesting I don't think I'm willing to engage in this sort of discussion in this much breadth it's a little intense
It's a fun clip
>>57859 Wow The part where the dude tries to clarify what the word she's using means, and she tries to use it as an example of mansplaining. That was just clarification for his own sake. I'm triggered
That's used mainly about white people from what I've seen, though at the same time, most people who I'd even see it used about would be white, so there's that >>57896 Like any time someone in "the media" brings up the ol' race thing again, they're called race baiters Same with politicians
I dunno, maybe it's more frequently used about black people, but I wouldn't know
my cat keeps chuffing at me and i dont know what she wants i'm trying to work and she's being very aggressive about it almost knocking over my computer with her face rubbing it all over it
But is it varied? Cats sometimes nag forever until they get something different than they're used to
it's her favorite dry, purina naturals she will not eat anything else won't eat friskies won't eat canned cat food won't eat tuna won't eat raw beef there is ONE canned cat food she liked, but calling it cat food is misleading. it's basically cat food that's so nice it has whole shrimps in it and chunks of tuna with cranberries it's like a human meal she loves that shit, but even then she'll only take two or three bites and then saunter off to sleep
Cats can be a pain in the ass sometimes And they're never interested in clarifying what they want They meow and meow, and when you get up from your chair they just take off and go do something random
Just constantly meowsplaining
fucking I WISH there's no splaining just meowing i need someone to meowsplain this shit to me it's not even meowing just constant chuffing you know, that loud curly trill sound they do walks right up to me and does it while walking up to me, leans her head in and chuffs really loudly, and then even more loudly i can't even hear the audio i'm transcribing over it sometimes SHES DOING IT AGAIN
八十八 zero results for barksplain
we found our niche market moe let's be internet famous
I thought you meant treebark for a second and I had no idea what the fuck