Is there ever a moment where you don't jump the gun to make a thread mid conversation
Oh well There goes my Friday night Time to figure out what to do with the gap in between I wouldn't mind if I went part time at least instead of casual
>>573048 → Doesn't Isacc use Earth based powers too? It'd explain why they prolonged the direct too. Showing off a fighter like that immediately after an earthquake would be a bit insensitive
Hah hah hah. Maybe it was a consideration but even if Issac's not being announced I'm pretty sure they would have delayed airing the Direct regardless.
Two LoL ads in a row Both made by YouTube animators/ drawers
>>573068 isaac might have earth powers but the only move he needs is judgment
>>573137 Sadly it isn't about safety I don't think If people lived in abandoned and unused property then those who sell property for rent would face a smaller demand and be able to charge less So here we are Protecting people from "tragedy" just sounds like a better spin than protecting property laws Because I think that's what it's really about Technically they're occupying property that belongs to someone else so the police have to move them Which is dumb since it's more inefficient and creates more hardship but there you go
There are demons in the water that will destroy you if you fight them but fighting them makes my weapon skills awaken so much easier... If only I knew I would have lost them after dying, I would have ran immediately.
This game makes you want to drag out fights so you can level your skills up and learn new ones. I could have easily ended the fight faster with the IGNITION FINALE skill but you break your weapon when you do that.
she's in the states ive only seen her once though before today
>>573166 >>573163 >>573162 >>573161 thank im gonna explode i want to do kratom to help me deal with the stress but i don't want to do it while not sober
>>573168 Like you're gonna explode your feelings all around her when you propose? Must be stressful yeah But you two seem to get along with and support each other so well that I bet she's probably just been waiting for you to ask so it'll all go swell
You're gonna tiger it. Like Tony. You're gonna do great.
>>573168 I'm rooting for you, that stress and anxiety is a lot to deal with, I wish I could find better coping methods - I can't smoke and drinking is expensive. talking therapy is a long way off.
It's fine. Nobody needs to say anything. I shouldn't have even mentioned that I was going to on /moe/. Then I wouldn't have put myself in a position where I have to disclose it.
>>573201 No. Man, fine. Why does this phone disappear entire words... But that's fine if you dont need any words. Just ask and I'm sure you'll get them. Do you want some near instant positivity though?
Final Fantasy VII, VIII, IX, the whole X series, and XII are also coming to Switch. As well as some silly pocket edition of XV that's the XV story but with silly stylized graphics/
cigarettes help manage my intrusive thought patterns so they're crucial for me i feel great if i don't smoke but eventually lose a biit of control of my own thoughtspace and that can be stressful
I've smoked so long as stress relief that now that I can't do it because it fucks up my medication, I feel like I have no stress control.
>>573278 Oh, really? I guess my advice was bad advice then. I'm surprised!
>>573274 If it was easy to get I'd get it, I haven't been able find physically, I could probably buy it online I guess. >>573272 I could do that, I'd like to be out of it for a couple of hours. s
Kenneth Branagh is doing another Poirot mystery adapted into a film, Death on the Nile. His Murder on the Orient Express was pretty solid, I would be down for seeing another adaptation.
I can't really help that. My girlfriend rejected me and now you're acting like you're going to fix it. That makes me feel incredibly inadequate. What kind of loser needs someone else to make their girlfriend agree to marry him?
League of ledge-ends It's where the devs drive their game off a cliff in the balance patches
Kirara 🚗
99 bottles
noventa y nueva botellas
>nueva pretend i'm not retarded
Is that really your desire?
my only desire is to eat delicious pancake
That's a much better desire.
i can't wait until you get to the part about akechi and his pancakes he's such a pancake slut
I wonder if they'll have time to throw in such frivalities. There's got to be only three episodes left tops, unless they're doing three cours, which feels way too long for what feels left of the game plot.
Oh good I can finally use that dusty amiibo I have
Also Animal Crossing for Switch coming out some time in 2019.
And there's a Luigi's Mansion 3 being developed for Switch too.
Going three bed. Night
>>573360 oh awesome >>573358 also awesome damn there are so many good nintendo games coming out where are the third party titles though
>>573352 also akechi loving pancakes isn't even a frivolity it's an integral part of his character and quite literally the reason why he gets busted
I think for the most part a lot of third parties are still skeptical about the Switch. Or are just cutting their losses and not developing for a platform that's not quite par with the other competitors.
The console is getting a toooonne of ports though, and those -and a number of those are from third parties. Squeenix is porting Final Fantasy VII, IX, and both X games. Along with the XII release that's been on PC for a while and some kooky pocket version of XV with silly, super-stylized graphics. And a remastered version of Crystal Chronicles.
Maybe they'll consider serious development if those are well-received. And if not, well, there is a lot of small-scale/indie development for the Switch.
>>573366 Oh interesting. I wonder if the "new?" content would be par with other releases. Maybe I could consider replaying it on PC if that's the case.
>>573468 apparently this song is // was specially made originally as a challenging track for guitar hero or some other game of that vein watching the original song it seems a lot of the extra notes here are to emulate things like drums, cymbals, guitar chords and so on but the original song is also very high bpm it seems
Well even if there are extra notes there's still a kind of discernable beat there. I was counting four beats a second, so the BPM is probably either around that (240BPM), or some multiple of it, hah hah. I guess in Guitar Hero mindset, it would be the number of times you flick the flicker bit on the guitar per minute? It's probably not that hard to do it eight flicks a second but the stamina you'd need to do that for thirteen minutes mostly straight would be crazy. Nevermind the insane wear and tear it would suffer the guitar controller.
Either way I get that it's meant to be a testament to dexterous skill but man. The song's got some decent, nice-sounding composition to it but there's just way too much NOISE there that the nice components get kind of drowned out.
>>573471 yeah i couldn't possibly imagine doing this in one of those games i can't even handle 5 buttons on normal songs >>573472 yeah i really enjoyed the first five or six minutes though after that it gets a little cacophonous yeah i yeah
Music composition seems like fun. I played piano fairly consistently for like ten or so years but I was always just playing sheet music. Never tried fooling around and making something up myself all that much.
I'm defintely a little curious about doing something like digital music composition but it just seems so much muchness and I don't know how or where or what to start.
>>>/watch?v=qgzIj4oPITQ seems like this guy likes to make the visuals look interesting in his songs too t though it just sounds spooky by the end of this one >>573474 I wouldn't really know where to start either, it is the same as being unable to draw what's in your mind I think you have to learn the pencil i guess
>>573474 i do the latter but not the former im so bad with instruments digitally you just mess around until you get ideas
How do you "just mess around" though? Like what's the ordered steps to get to the point where you're messing around and not just frustrated because everything about the software is obtuse and built on the assumption that you understand what you're using. Or even before that how do you get to the point where you're using a software you don't understand and not stuck looking at all the options that are beyond abundant and nothing really seems to encourage inexperienced users that aren't in touch with digital music production spheres. >>573478 I feel if I only stuck to things that weren't fun or interesting to me, bar the necessity of survival I wouldn't do anything new. Or er, things that are. Everything is extremely intimidating to me and that easily outweighs any sense of fun or fascination I have with trying.
>>573475 That's a neat trick, using an oscilating wave of notes to create a sort of synth wave sound. It both sounds and looks visually interesting. Overall that song's a garbled mess though.
i just explore it one feature at a time it's always a learning curve if it's not fun or interesting i dont do it
I can't really just mess around or experiment with something when I've got zero experience with the thing. It always feels unproductive and unrewarding for me. Without understanding what I'm using, I feel like I just run around in hopeless circles. Maybe it's something that's applicable later, but I can't really use it as a solution to the initial sheer intimidation of having to come to understand something entirely new.
i dont really ever try to learn something on the basis of like a rigid learning thing like "oh im gonna learn how to do this, let me sit down and learn it and use it after ive learned it" i dont really like learn how a program works like you might in a class i usually just have something i want to do and i'll find the programs that let me do it and try to figure out how to do the single task i wanna do like just audio sampling or playing around in the waveform to make a clip i have of something sound distorted i'll spend like an hour or so doing something really simple and then, during my rest time from it or after a night's rest, have some new ideas built off of that and mess around some more
usually the tasks i wanna do are a lot more complicated to do than i imagine when i get the idea sometimes as im trying to figure out a program i'll find something out and get sidetracked with a new idea there's no real way to structure the utility of a program in a way that's comprehensive for learning stepwise it's pretty much application learning where you learn by using it to do something
or at least that's how i feel if i just had to read it comprehensively and try to understand the purposes of things, it would make no sense to me until i got to actually use them in the context of accomplishing a goal i'm that way about everything though. i can't learn card games or board games by a rulebook, i basically have to play a demo game of it and understand what the rules are in context
another thing other people do is just watch somebody do it there's a lot of digital producer video series and stuff behind paywalls but you could probably watch those videos that are just "how to make music that sounds like [artist]" and kind of get a gist really just a barrier to the unknown, and you can be guided through it or explore it yourself the latter is more fun to me but also more discouraging
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
time goes on and-I can't control miind keep on breathin mmmmmm
mmm whatcha saaaaay
ooooOOoh that you only mean whale
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
alexa play megalovania
>tell a guy i'll log back on to play with him after i take a break >forget for a couple hours >log back in >he logged out 4 minutes ago
I got accused of violating HIPAA by someone who really hates me. I didn't violate HIPAA, though. So I'm printing out all the HIPAA laws and highlighting them to give to the panel reviewing me today to show that I did not in fact violate HIPAA and the person accusing me didn't even look to see if I did before accusing me of doing so to the university. Plus she tried to manipulate me into admitting I violated HIPAA. But she's tried shit and has hated me for a long time, so I'm wise to her game.
I'm starting to wonder if my school hates men or Jews or something. Nobody else seems to get trouble I do when I do the things everyone else does. It's really frustrating, but I'm feeling fierce today, so I'll be okay.
>>573493 I thought it was because you're a loose cannon that doesn't adhere to conventions
Yeah, basically. She was trying to get me to work under the assumption that I had violated HIPAA. Like with her arguments. But I'm really paranoid about people doing that and I know she's already out to get me, so I was careful. I have documentation and stuff of what happened to show the panel today.
>>573497 what a hassle She sounds like an annoyance
She is. I'm not even at the clinic she runs anymore. I thought I was pretty much free from them. But I guess me getting away without her bringing me down doesn't sit right with her.
I have a lot of advantages in this fight, so I don't think I can possibly lose.
Despite my reputation as someone really unconventional, I also have a reputation as someone who readily admits their mistakes and addresses them professionally, and is responsive to feedback. So that leaves me room to defend myself pretty fiercely for stuff like this without looking like I'm just being defensive.
>>573500 I'm sure you'll win out, trip her up and be rid of her forever >defensive Does anyone else find this word kind of weird Why is it a bad thing to be defensive If someones accusing you of something why shouldn't you be defensive
>>573501 I doubt I'll ever be rid of her forever, but I can at least get her out of my life for a while, I'm sure.
Being defensive is bad because it's usually a denial of wrongdoing and taking everything as an attack on you. For example, the panel today isn't there to accuse me. I've already been accused. They're there to discuss the incident with me and investigate it. So if I go in there and excessively defend myself by trying to shut their voices down, I'm /// acting like they're attacking me, it's unproductive and looks really bad. Defensive is usually emotional and stuff, so people don't like that.
gonna have to waste extra money to order food delivery more for delivery, more for tip, more because it's a restaurant it'd be so simple just to go to the store and buy a whole bunch of produce, canned and frozen goods, and fresh staple foods for the same price as a single meal this way but i haven't eaten in two fucking days i cant get a ride to the store and everything is really terrible
nah fuck it i'm not paying 35 dollars i'll just not eat again man why is everything so hard
how do you guys feel about the paradox of wanting unconditional love, but also wanting to be loved for who you are
Kirara 🚗
i don't want unconditional love so i don't experience that probably less than 1% of the population is actually capable of such a thing
>>573572 thats fair but what do you think is going through the brain system and emotional system of people who do and how does one reconcile having such contradicting desires
Kirara 🚗
through thought distortions or by ignoring the contradiction, generally
alright but whats the good way
Kirara 🚗
what do you mean good way
>>573571 that doesnt seem paradoxical to me to love someone for who they are imo means to love the whole of the person and not to love what the person offers you which is right in line with unconditional love
>>573577 mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm i see what youre saying but i disagree my meme is when a ladyfriend of mine asks me "what do you love ABOUT me" and i can be like "i like X, Y, and Z about you"
what happens if she stops being X? or becomes less Y? do i stop loving her?
>>573571 what you're a very lovable person you're gonna have a very dry scalp
>>573578 loving something about a person and loving a person are very different things
Kirara 🚗
>>573578 if the person you loves ceases to exist, you can still love that person, but that doesn't mean you love the person who replaces them
great date topics >what do you love about me? >well you're not dead
do you guys ever use the super cute assortment of spoiler covers anymore
i ate i still don't have anything i've got some pork belly, fermented blueberries, herb chicken, tomato confit, summer squash, and some panko breaded jalapeno with peach jam on it as leftovers a lot of chicken but i still don't have anything that matters
>>573594 no just procuring a ride to the pharmacy and enough money to fill your scripts it's a win-win really because if you can't procure a ride or the money for your scripts then you'll also kill yourselves
it would be a 10/10 if spidey didn't pal around with so many cops and there wasn't a pro-surveillance theme this is one of the most fun games ive ever played
yeah basically but omg the story is so good and the gameplay is AMAZING >>573607 just moving around the city feels so fun finding collectables is fun because exploration is fun
imagine knowing who spidey is and actually trying to fight him
especially in the extended universe like Dood dood he fought with the avengers against another part of the avengers A tire iron isn't gonna save you here Just give up
I wish they could do venom justice ultimate spiderman was pretty fun I'd like to see a revamp
Does this game touch on that time Peter became a tarantula?
what the fuck It's definitely May in disguise or from a different timeline or something though IT'S LITERALLY HER CHARACTER MODEL, but like, character design in a cartoon
Kirara 🚗
in this game, may dies and miles becomes a spoider
>>573699 >>573700 Pimps and Ballers. That's who. Olives are great.
>>573702 Ever since I started playing that cancerous clicker game again steam has been suggesting me all this weeb shit. But this one was free so I downloaded it because why the hell not. and it was actually really fun. I just finished. Eternal Senia
you know why they have such a hard time marketing this stuff? well one of the reasons
everyone who's good at the game is an autistic neckbeard with terrible social skills and everyone who's beautiful and photogenic and articulate doesn't know jack about the game
of course once in a while you get somebody with both but they're the exception
>>573740 it's a trap. >>573744 it's a pretty important topic. >>573743 he's still achieved more than most of his detractors even if it's all going to shit
>>573746 sarcasm don't you ever get bored of larping as a 4channer
>>573751 SpaceX engineers achieved something what did he achieve
Kirara 🚗
his engineers regularly talk shit about how elon makes working more difficult and he wastes tons of resources and refuses to actually do things that are helpful unless he thinks they look cool
>>573753 His engineers wouldn't have had a chance to do what they did without him.
Kirara 🚗
>>573755 at least seven other companies would have hired them
>>573756 I'm talking about the freedom to design and build rockets without being a government contractor.
Kirara 🚗
they have that at other businesses and spaceX is a government contractor
>>573758 They're also a government contractor. Not all of their stuff is government contract.
Kirara 🚗
same goes for any company they could have been hired at
Also PayPal
Well PayPal as w know iy ,it
Kirara 🚗
oh yeah paypal the company he helped found and was removed from leadership from
I dunno, man. I don't really care. I don't follow it closely. I just watched him on Rogan and he came across as a very intelligent thinker.
Maybe I just like the idea of there being a genius engineer out there, running his own company, answering to nobody. the myth might be better than the man. It usually is.
Kirara 🚗
he's mot a genius engineer, most of his successful designs were from his employees he's barely even an engineer and his entire fortune is founded on apartheid money he's a really sick dude he also crushes unionization efforts, enlists his girlfriend into harassing his employees, and calls literal heroes pedophiles for no reason he gets mad and starts headbutting cars on the production line he's incredibly unstable also he's being investigated for a lot of fraud now because he makes stupid tweets trying to get back at people playing wth tesla stock in the market
why do things take so long to make in this game I can't imagine actually being an alchemist >bye everyone, I'm going to hole up in my house for a day >doing what >making two sheets of cloth over the next 24 hours
>>573837 Atelier? I always assumed alchemy days were as much about laying around and eating sweets and petty slice of life scenes too trivial to include as they were alchemy. You know how good teenage girls actually are at working.
Whenever she does alchemy in a cutscene she just throws the crap in and it pops out a few seconds later.
>>573837 it seems in the anime to be more like 10 mins of work wait
>>573850 That's not what I mean. I'm getting emotional in response to specific things. Not the rejection specifically. Although I'm kind of mad about that today.
To the uh none of you that are still playing it FEH is finally getting a non-Tiki red dragon and it's Garon?
hammer and nails with all of your fortune
...There's been a mission to kill a Sunny Plant since the game started and it just expired on me. I thought I'd find SUNNY plants during the day but no, it finally came out at NIGHT
>>573853 Everything is fine. She just has trouble understanding herself because autism. You guys still like each other as much as you did and you're both still fretting in your own little ways like you always do.
>>573860 Well, Azur Lane is nice in that you can just farm drops like you could in kancolle. Having to spend orbs for every single hero is a bit much. and I'm tired of not getting shit I burned 300 orbs on the CYL banner and got nothing.
I started the Neptunia vs Sega Hard Girls game and there's a timer on literally everything that ticks down with every thing you do and I don't understand how they correlate overall since I need to explore each area it seems but each area has the same timer???
That sort of thing just applies an uncomfortable pressure.
I played because the strategy was useful and fun. Now it's just use the right units because only 6 or so units won't get oneshot by insane enemies and btw you can't oneshot those enemies
>>573862 >>573875 yeah i still never got grima probably like 600 orbs used accross three different 8% banners but that's not even the bullshit the content is just so unappealing now i haven't felt any inclination to sign in
my roommate really wanted me to go to a japanese arcade with him today but i was like without food or sleep for two days i couldn't i think he got his feelings hurt but i can't, man